i bought a switch and i fucking hate it. DOOM sucks, mario kart 8 is for casuals, smash bros gets boring quick due to being so barebones, xenoblade chronicles 2 has the worst character designs in all of history and now looks like cringe weeb shit, rocket league gets boring fast, super mario maker 2 is full of literal liquid shit, yoshi is for babies, kirby is for babies (sakurai pls make a proper game), multiplats are all 4-7 years old and run like garbage, almost every game is 60$, not even getting persona 5....the list goes on and on. i can't even sell the system and the games i bought because i fell for the digital meme
I bought a switch and i fucking hate it. DOOM sucks, mario kart 8 is for casuals...
Other urls found in this thread:
I know the switch truly is a terrible console.
If you REALLY love smash you're ok but even then the online is terrible because the netcode sucks and the console doesn't even come with an ethernet port.
user, you're telling us that you spent over $500 and still kept buying games for a system you disliked from the start?
I'm no expert, but seems like you have more problems than poor taste in video games.
And artwork.
I only need to look at your image to know you have abominably shit taste
Congrats, you fell for the port machine meme. Sell it quick or prepare yourself for endless shitty first party titles and even more ports.
>xenoblade chronicles 2 has the worst character designs in all of history
I know this is a bait thread already, but here's a (you) just for this part
Still waiting on the inevitable revisions.
Shitty artist desu, his fats look like inflation and he draws diaper art now
you played zelda and odyssey? aka the two good games.
His colouring style is what really kills it, everything looks sterile and shitty
>Buying digital games on the only console that still has PROPER physical releases
You deserve it.
I’m waiting until the second more powerful model is out and fully hackable with a GameCube emulator., which is probably 5 years from now at the very least
>says it's bait when rex and pyra exist
should've bought a PS4. at least it has fun games at discounted/lower prices
is it possible to sell a switch with digital games to someone for more than the retail price of just the switch itself
Your opinion is invalid
The only reason to own a switch is for mario and zelda.
its the same fucking shovelware ass trash you played on your wii u, or wii, or gamecube, or n64. 2d mario, 3d mario, zelda, smash, mario kart, pokemon. either you want more of this garbage for 40 years or nintendo isnt for you.
Saxxon tier artist desu. Might as well post some robot-001 whilst you’re at it.
Prove that you have good taste in games, post your game library for your PS4.
i never had one. the last console i owned before my switch was a ps3
>tfw always loved completely disproportionate tits and ass
>tfw enjoy Axel's content
>tfw always wanted to be Zelda in OPs pic
>but even bigger
prove it, user. post some
Then sell it and move on.
Wow user I wonder what games you would consider fun then
Post your steam library then.
This desu.
im a more shitty artist than he is and even I fucking know that an ass like that wouldn't fucking WORK.
god i wish i could be better, just for the sole purpose of leading people away from "popular" art like his...
Post your favorite videogame and your favorite inflation/hyper artist.
>tfw enjoy axel’s content
Opinion discarded
I mean I don't have anything you wouldn't have seen before. I wish he did more that was way way bigger too.
>in 2D
Anyone who does this is a complete asshole.
Rest of the picture is a big smudgey mess pretending to be rendered anyway, but screw this in particular.
>They are still relying on bing bing wahoo shit to redeem a entire console
How are n*ntenoids even a thing. Do they enjoy getting assraped by yellow kikes?
You know you can have an opinion on something, but unless you're qualified to have an opinion on something then that opinion is useless. For example, if Applebee's is your favorite restaurant, you are unqualified to have an opinion on food. If Nickelback is your favorite metal band you are unqualified to have an opinion on music. And if you don't have good taste in games, you are not qualified to have an opinion on games. So post your fucking Steam collection.
You seen like a retard who didn't research anything about the console beforehand. I don't really know what you were expecting, considering the library of the 3DS and Vita by comparison.
Plus, why wouldn't you just hack and pirate?
fucking heavenly
because it looks real and thats yummy. try porking a fat chick sometime in life. its way better than a bony skeleton
i don't have a gaming pc
imagine the smell....
If this is gonna turn into a fat / ass thread, I can start posting after I run some errands. Keep it bumped.
Axel is a gateway drug for people who got into expansion in the fucking mid-late '00s to early '10s. Nowadays he puts out maybe 3 good images a year, maybe 4, and that's a very small percentage of his output.
He hasn't topped Whale of a Tail.
You're one to talk. That Zelda has good proportions but the way it's drawn makes it look terrible. I know a girl at my work that has this body type and I think she's hot as fuck, but this image manages to take that exact figure and ruin it. Good job. At least Axel's simplicity pays off like 5% of the time.
So you don't play video games but you think you're opinion matters.
Seriously, kill yourself.
I just bought a PS4 and wtf bros, you said Bloodborne was good. Shit is like a slideshow, how the fuck is this game so well recieved?
Too bad scribbles doesn’t draw/post here anymore
Pic unrelated
kek you're so fucking autistic
You could get a PS4 Pro and use boost mode, and that would boost the frame-rate to like 45 fps.
These are the people who criticize the Switch.
Give me half an hour or so. And more like this, please.
Hoping for some giantess bros itt
where's a good place for zelda hentai
Fun is a problematic word when describing interactive media
Hit me up with some good artists
I’d fucking love more BotW Zelda ass art. Fat, balloons, hyper. Just please, give me any content of BotW Zelda with a crazy huge ass
I liked Axel's old work, but don't like his inflation stuff and his recent tendency to draw diapers.
Can someone please just post some LiveForTheFunk? If this is gonna be an ass appreciation thread, can we actually get some the good stuff?
God I wish that was me
>Waited patiently for the Wii U to get enough games to justify getting it for Splatoon
>Splatoon ends, Switch launches with Splatoon 2
>Have been waiting patiently for the Switch to get enough games to justify getting Splatoon 2
>Paid online, Splatoon 2 currently ending, probably either a new console or a spec bump console incoming
Did I grow out of Nintendo or did Nintendo grow out of me?
More like this. Doesn’t even need to be Zelda.
What are you looking for my man? Ass, weight gain, or simple-but-sexy artstyle? That's what appealed to me about Axel so I know artists that cover one or more of those. If you want inflation, BE content, or any of the weird shit Axel's done then I've got nothing for you.
Made for tummy fucks
More please. And more ridiculous. I’m very tired and about to sleep and I want to dream of her ridiculous, disproportionate, gigantic ass shoved at me
Splatoon is a big IP for Nintendo. Might as well wait for Splat 3 and get your Switch when it launches. Should have enough games by then, especially since there's a good amount dropping in the next calendar year.
Too crumpled.
I hate ass shapes like that
You waited for nothing, then missed out on something.
Nintendo may have made you hesitant, but he who hesitates doesn't get to play active games before they stop getting updated.
I didn’t want to jack off today, user.
I'm looking for BE but will settle for simple but sexy
Those heels should've snapped.
>Should have enough games by then
The Switch has been out since 2017 and I had to look that up because it feels like it's been out forever, and it still has one fucking game I give a shit about, that being Splatoon 2. One game. That's as many games at the PS4 has right this second. If Nintendo can't even churn out more than one game in two years worth considering, then I'm not going to hold my breath for one by next calendar year.
You truly sound like a joyless person. You can't sell the console because your parents would yell at you.
>xenoblade chronicles 2 has the worst character designs in all of history
What a fucking faggot.
"I bought a switch and 9 games and played them all" when you make these threads, do you think you'd actually come across not retarded?
So the only game of this generation that you liked is Bloodborne. You don't even like video games, yet you think people care about your opinion.
Fatter Zelda bellies, please.
This desu
Fatter bellies period
Xenoblade has okay character designs, the outfits are absolutely awful though
I absolutely adore this one. I want to be her sear cushion so badly.
>wanting to ruin zelda body
You disgust me
Alright, here's some artists that don't have particularly complex art styles but draw big ass & titty (from large to hyper) so they can help get me where I need to go if I'm the mood for it (note that some of these guys have done furshit but it's not their primary output), but oyur mileage may vary:
>Agawa Ryo
>SpindlesX (good luck getting to his good shit though, his Patreon is a lot harder to leak than most)
I probably missed some but there's good medium-to-high detail artists out there too. Just lurk through tags of things you like on various sites and deal with the fact that 80-90% of it is shit or not actually what you're looking for.
I haven't picked up a PS4 for the same reason that I haven't picked up a Switch. Maybe if companies made video games worth a damn I'd consider buying some consoles to play some video games. As it stands I just buy shit from earlier this decade on steam sales and emulate.
Really doesn't matter if we're talking about Sony's subsidiaries or Nintendo's: would it kill these fucks to make a game that does suck farts out of my asshole?
Sounds like OP doesn't enjoy good things.
I want to spank
>not wanting more of her to grab
That artist is a literal jew
This is a good list I agree with it
cute fat feet
I know he filters hit way around yiff, and there's a specific piece of his that I want.
So OP you bought a system without doing any research into it? Sounds like not my problem it's not like the switch just came out you had plenty of evidence to tell you if you would like it or not
pyra's cute tho
Most artists are. I’ve learned to separate creators from their work.
kys footfag
More please. More big BotW Zelda. I need to see her oversized ass in those tight pants. Comically huge
It's so tiresome
It really does hurt. He's one of the best at basically everything he does and the dripfeed is way slower than most of the other artists I care about.
Well it’s hard when he locks all of his art behind patreon
>no theycallhimcake
I'm honestly surprised
Is this a general fat thread? Or does it half to be Zelda? Because I have some good fats, but almost none of them are of her.
Just start hormone replacement therapy and once the E kicks in start eating nonstop. Score new hips and tits and thighs. Anyone can be a fat girl if they try hard and believe in themselves.
I can just wait for someone to dump it elsewhere, plus there’s plenty of free shit to enjoy instead
Be careful as it is likely a janitor is monitoring this thread
Based. Fat only makes footjobs better.
Go ahead, this thread is just low-quality whining anyway.
Just as long as it’s not TADshit
fuck patreon
and fuck payniggers
Give me a couple minutes, and I’ll be in. Not home at the moment.
I like TAD but fuck I hate that his shit has been getting slobbier and slobbier recently. Like come the fuck on I love how he does fatty faces but I’m tired of slob.
The only fat belly Zelda should be pregnant Zelda.
Based, I always use yiff party
It’s not though. People can find different things fun but OP is already dangerously close to simply having shit taste, which is why I said I wondered what he actually found fun.
He's struck more as "cute" than "sexy". Jinu is the same but he draws nudes and sex so it balances out. Granted his OC is nice and has that rare Big Tiddy Dullahan thing.
What does it feel like to put your dick in a vagina? Like a warm wet tenga?
>artist you like isn't popular enough to get their shit upload on yiffparty
You're both good people.
Wasn't there another site though
I would use it but unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work for me anymore. Would uninstalling and reinstalling my browser fix that.
I hear that more artists are going the Spindles route and using workarounds for it these days. Haven't checked on there in a while, though.
Do I look like I run the website?
>Patreon exists for a game
>The build is publicly available for free, Patrons just get exclusive art
>Only care about the game so other people are paying for a fun game that happens to have my fetish in it while I play it for free
God Lazorchef is actually triple S-tier I can't get enough of his stuff
Thanks, you, too. Sorry for the typo. I was top eager to express my desire for her to sit on me.
I had a fat ex. She used to sit on my face. It’s a shame I had to move.
>proper physical releases.
Like a manual, Small art book, posters, or even a mini guide book? Oh fucking wait. Those are all things most fucking physical copies never contain.
All you get is the fucking cartridge laced with poison to prevent nigs from eating it. So it's either you get the digital release and enjoy that...plastic box with a cover on it or you go for digital and get no fucking value what so ever.
I bought Senran Kagura Burst Renewal the other day and that shit had a manual in it. And not one of those flimsy 7-page pamphlets. No, an actual fucking manual. I don't think I've seen one of those since Tatsunoko vs. Capcom.
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 (at least the PS3 release) has a big fat manual.
Never understood how people can buy a switch/60 dollar games then hate it, it’s current year read into these things before charging in headfirst.
>when she gets so fat the pudge on her feet outgrows her shoes
niche fetish ahoy
Agreed. It's not that hard to inform yourself in this day and age.
Was it the switch version you bought senpai?
I know a couple of modern titles I get from the shop have manuals in them. They only give me the steam code and not a cd but hey at least it has a manual.
Yeah I think that might been the era when I stopped seeing manuals all together. UMVC3 is what MVC3 should of been on release and is fucking beautiful to say the least.
God I wish that was me.
Back from my errands. Took a little bit longer than I wanted.
Is this a general fat thread, or are we sticking to Zelda?
i dont know but post more
>UMVC3 is what MVC3 should of been on release and is fucking beautiful to say the least.
My fucking man. People complained about how quickly it came but it fixed almost every issue with Vanilla and gave us content Capcom would've sold to us for $60+ instead of the $40 disc Ultimate was. One good thing to come out of that big-ass 2011 Tsunami.
Damn I love that game. I'm so glad Ultimate Alliance 3 has retained some of the great voice cast from that early 2010s Marvel 3/EMH era. I'll never accept a Hulk voice other than Fred Tatasciore.
PS4. Yeah, yeah, censored and all but it was $30 and I have Reflexions for Switch so I don't actually care. Also, Burst Renewal isn't even on Switch. But I mean the physical thing, that new manual smell can't be captured with digital.
Sure thing, user.
Keep posting, yourself.
why the fuck would you buy games like doom and rocket league for the switch???
>she will never crush you with her thighs
doom with gyro aim is pretty fun
I have my own problems with Ultimate alliance 3 but the fact that there making it kinda makes me have hope for it. It's probably a timed exclusive too so i'll be able to play it probably later. I hope it's modable.
1 and 2 are kind of modable and the nigs already added alot of character content to it but man 3 would open up new doors if they gave the nigs some dev kits.
Yeah i'd buy it on physical if it came with a manual but hey atleast I have access to a manual. I need to start downloading my digital manuals asap and keep them in a folder like I used to.
Also did reflexions switch copy come with a manual? Just curious.
Crash Team Racing is really fun, if you want to get beyond casual.
Stuff like that makes me diamonds. I actually had a big girl do it to me once. I think that's the event that made me a fatfag.
How much would you want to be fed?
>If Nintendo can't even churn out more than one game in two years worth considering
They have, you just have absolutely abysmal taste in video games.
She wasn't too rough about it, right?
ryan gosling.tiff
What do you mean, exactly?
Recent artists I’ve been into lately are thicker wasp, rounder softer, and cozy nakovich, maybe I’m just a sucker for huge guts. Cozy really knows how to make a massive girl look soft
Damn I love cozy too
How long did the girl sit on your face for?
He's a legend
I had to struggle to breathe, but I managed to stay down there for a couple minutes. Did it a couple times, actually. I highly recommend. It was the hardest I've ever been.
Reporting, Chief.
Alright Yea Forums its time for you to list your favorite fat/thicc/expansion artists
>Lucy Fuchs
I want to know who drew the art you posted instead.
I want to get into fatfaggotry. These threads have always interested me, but I've never "done the deed" to one of them. I think that changes tonight. Give me some good artists and provide your most nut-worthy example.
right here senpai
>that spoiler
Is artist user in this thread? The one who was doing his final projects?
There are a few lists about your post. Refer to these posts.
Jeetdoh,Lazer Chef, Pewbutt, Kawaiidebu, anastimafillia,
>bamboo ale
>cozy nakovich
>royal oppai
>shoclu sometimes
>better with salt especially
Really all consoles are terrible, quit whining, go out, join a gym, get laid.
Also my favorite
>DOOM is great
>MK has always been for casuals, idk why you thought this one wouldn't be. It's fun to play with girls who come over, although I guess that doesn't happen much with you
>Smash has always been kind of boring if you don't have friends to play with you
>XC2 still has a good story and great gameplay even if you don't like the art style
>rocket league sucks ass. No getting around that
>I'm having fun playing friends' levels on Mario Maker, make a thread for posting your levels and see if somebody posts a good one
>yoshi and kirby have always been for babies. Why are you surprised?
Bonus round, OP: Why did you spend hundreds of dollars on digital games for a system if you weren't sure you were going to love them?
Conner hagerman out
Not even him but this is up there for one of the most pathetic posts I've seen on this site
This is alright, I guess.
I actually really like this one.
Any artists that do a lot of booty-focused stuff? I know Trinity Fate does.
I’ll try this...NohBuddy?
Eishi’s too old for Spongebob and he’s the only other one there that I know browses Yea Forums
>sweetness admirer
>artist draws good sequences
>later half devolves into character growing giant
That shit kills me. I adore WG sequences but 9 times out of 10 they go too far even though they're frequently amazing for like 75% of it.
I love growth with weight gain but it’s not an excuse for bad anatomy
>growing giant
But user GTS growth is top tier
Why is there so little fat giantess?
I miss him so bad. Now who's going to fill that niche of cartoonish fat art?
post the comic that sums up every skullgirls thread on thursday
Which artist did this? More?
Berg is a giantess chad first and everything else last.
I figure I should post this Discord server link for those Yea Forums-browsing fatfags looking for a place to crash:
Feel free to mute the channels you don’t like; there’s not many.
Dude that discord sucks
Do you have more fat Peach?
Is this what you're looking for?
Why is fat and giantess so based?
More to play with; gentle dominance.
Yes, because it sums up this thread and I didn't have it myself. I'll save it for later, thanks. You're alright
The sequence is kino for about 4 pages in until she starts looking like Mario from that one episode of super show
Im thinking of maybe getting koikatsu at some point is that game good for making bbw anime tiddies or am i fucked outta luck on that?
It's amazing how this is so on-point even after all these years.
What's the name for this sequence, or the sauce?
I don’t think those girl-making games are any good for bigger girls.
>buying things they hate for the sole purpose to complain about the thing
I hate retard millenials like this one so goddamn much.
Is that one of Keji's more recent sketches?
>gentle dominance
Better with Salt
Kip's a nostalgic favorite of mine ever since I first got the fetish in my teen years, but most of their art is on patreon these days
I remember fatposting on this first Skullgirls thread when webmanon made his appearance. Was quite the thread.
I see, well thanks for letting me know.
>tfw posted a monthly exclusive pic publicly on another chan
>That artist goes on the paid content thread there and begs for art packs
>Bitches on his DA when his shit is uploaded
oy vey
Which chan?
Why isnt there more fat AA girls god dammit
And more DR girls
sauce me up bro
I’m guessing you are talking about bbwchan.
Too taboo
God I love eishiban, he draws the best fat lolis
It’s buried somewhere on berggies patreon, which you can find hereyiff.party
discord autism tier list
a tier
Everyone but Patchy
Pure autism
There's an user that I regularly help jack off by posting fats tailored specifically to his tastes. Haven't seem him post in over a week, though. I hope he's alright.
Have you considered doing that with other anons?
Just sell it, your account with your games and stop whining
Aaaand that’s all I’ll post of this
Post good sequences.
There's quite a few if you look in the right places
You onow what? Fuck it. Fuck all nintendo players. Thats right fuck you all this is a sony board now go fuck off somewhere else.
Aren't you in the ERP thread on /trash/ as that ava? Didn't know you liked fat stuff.
>webmanon drives away fatposters from the Skullgirls threads
>they die almost immediately now
>any that do try to get off the ground they get deleted anyway since the mods assume it's spam
Fucker got exactly what he deserved, and it is nothing short of glorious.
Definitely! I have around three anons that I've helped on several occasions. I have personalized folders for each of them. One of them likes girls ranging from thick to fat, but not obese. One of them likes stockings, fishnets, and leggings. The other guy likes mostly boobs.
That wasn't me. Pretty based, though.
So was webmanon ever confirmed to be a falseflag?
>but not obese.
This sequence peaked from Weeks 2-4. Even Week 4 is above my usual, just something about it worked well for me.
I'm not that old!
considering how obnoxious fatfags are, probably
Do you think I could be one of those anons?
I would like to be one of those anons as well
It's JayKuma
Bruh jaykuma is the most hit or miss fat artist ever
He doesn't mind it, so long as it's booty-focused and not belly-focused. Pic related.
I don't see why not! I don't use Discord, though, so it only goes down if I happen to recognize the user's typing style in a thread. For certain anons, that's not very frequent. The user I mentioned is really easy to identify, though - I've probably drained his cock seven or so times.
why do fatfag degenerates ruin everything
sauce me sempai, oki zero doesn't bring anything up
I'll make sure to interact with you whenever I see you then. Do you think it's too late to start teasing me in this thread? I'm not sure how the teasing starts whenever you're here.
>bamboo ale
Why does Saxxon feel the need to write entire novels for each picture, and write them completely out of character?
I think it's their fetish.
You're saying that like there aren't a fucking thousand other worse things out there
>console war fags
>twitter screencap fags
>borderline off-topic bait fags
>eceleb fags
Fatposters are a literal drop in the ocean of piss.
I'm completely okay with derailing bad threads with fetish porn. That way the mods actually have to delete bad threads
That's fine, user. Just make sure I can tell who you are.
The way it usually plays out is the user joins a thread and says his usual comment that I can identify. I'll ask if he's the usual user, and if he is, then I start giving him the posts. I don't really ERP, though, outside of some
More Lena
>That way the mods actually have to delete bad threads
imagine thinking the mods do anything
I've been in the mood for weight gain, obese girls, tight pants, vore, large butts and other fetishes I might be forgetting.
I think that redefines bottom heavy, sir.
im doing just fine, my butt supplier. just been very busy since last time
>buys system he doesn’t want
>buys game he doesn’t want
>buys another game he doesn’t want
>buys another game he doesn’t want
>buys another game he doesn’t want
>buys another game he doesn’t want
>buys another game he doesn’t want
>is now $600 in the hole
Do you want to know how we know you’re lying?
Vore is kinda outside of my usual skillset, so I doubt I'd be able to help you with that. Big butts, though? THAT I can do.
You had me worried, user.
It isn't that much of an issue. I wonder how you feel about obese girls and the other fetishes I mention. Also, I'm not a furry.
You know what... Yea Forums‘s alright
i would do the deed but i cant at the moment, got some stuff to do. thanks for the concern
stay in your shitty server
Mostly big girls with bigger asses in tight pants? That's pretty usual stuff. The other user also likes that.
Just don't scare me like that next time... That was a pretty long break.
I'll have those along with large, flabby bellies then.
different user that wanted to be one of yours
that gif is mega hot. Basically im into BE and ass expansion, hourglass, girls bursting out of their clothes and what not. Ill use the term thicc and hourglasspilled, to get your attention in future threads
i got a 3 day for last time but it was worth it, hopefully next time ill be less busy
Also, images with angles like the one in would be greatly appreciated too.
What are the right places
Getting lots of replies. Yea Forums is horny tonight...
Sounds good, user.
Thicc is too common. Hourglasspilled will work. I'll see if I can find some stuff for you.
Well, time for me to post this bad girl
I haven't seen too much of Trinityfate's art recently. I wonder how it's like now. Also, I posted this.
I'm not the biggest fatfag myself, so I don't really look TF up that much. I just like helping anons out.
What ever happened to the Wii Fii trainer?
bbwchan has a Danganronpa thread open whenever I go, but I'm not sure how active it is.
Kipteitei has quite a few AA and DR girls among their patreon content too if you can find it on yiffparty.
>feeding sequence comic
>feeder gets fatter as well
That image isn't quite to my tastes. I prefer girls fatter than her.
The artist is KipTeiTei. I'll gladly post more of their stuff if this thread demands it
i ended up going back into the archives and did it a few times more to our last encounter, thats how much fun i had. also, beryl is fucking sexy.
Honestly, I'd go bigger, but I just really like the artist's style. It's cute.
I don't wanna demand, but I'd be down for more.
I'm flattered.
hourglass/ass expansion stuff is pretty based. thanks for posting new Trinity stuff, now I gotta beat my fucking dick tonight
Post as much of his art as you want then. Are you the user who likes to please other anons or are you a different one? I'm getting confused.
I'm the pleaser. I'm just not familiar with the artist.
I'm glad you like it. Have fun!
Oh. You can post other large bellies and butts you have. I'm not picky when it comes to artists.
It's getting pretty late... I think I'm gonna stop for now. It's been fun talking, though!
yes please, im also a fan of hourglass/ass expansion like the other user so more of that stuff would be cool too
user, we've been doing this long enough that I pretty much knew you'd be into that.
Only time I've ever cared for feet. Getting so fat that even one's hands and feet get plump sets my WG fetish into overdrive, feels like a point of no redemption or something.
I remember Trinity also did a sequence where the girl shrinks and gets fatter/expands. did he ever do anything quite like that again I just need to beat my dick to autistic pseudo-hyper shit again
I'm not familiar with it. Lots of my stuff is getting deleted, it seems, so I'm gonna cool it.
Dunno why this thread just hasn't up and 404'd, though.
Alright. I'll look forward to talking to you whenever I see you. You might have more images I'll like the next time I see you too.
I should add that I do spend the vast majority of my time on this board discussing video games, and I only really do this if the mood hits me. Me and the other user just coincidentally run into each other a lot.
I've had discussions like this with anons that I've never seen post again, so who knows?
you know me too well, take care user.
What are your guys' thoughts on sirmasterdufel?
I'm always and forever a Peachfag but I'd fatten all 3 of them.
Gotta be Peach
If it wasn't mostly MLP, I could dig it.
In that case, I'll mention that I tend to visit Yea Forums sporadically. Expect me to be more active in fat threads like this.
I gotchu.
I enjoyed XBC2 but barring a few exceptions like Niah, it is pretty fucking loaded with garbage designs. 90% of the blades look fucking terrible and like they don't even belong in the same world thanks to allowing guest designs with no ground rules to reign them in and yes, that includes everyone's favorite titty monster rabbit. Her design was shit too.
Rest of the game was good though. Just horrible designs.
I'd probably buy the game for titty rabbit if it weren't for the furry hands and feet. I fucking love ice bitches in my vidya.
How's 0pik-0ort?
Video games?
>mods delete the pictures but not the thread itself
Imagine unironically buying a switch knowing you hate Nintendo games. What a retard lmao
Peach. She would be the most to eat entire cakes. She has a cute personality too.
Someone should edit this so she has a large belly instead of a large chest.
Im glad i opened this thread
time to save some shit
This has been a soft, comfy thread.
Jannies are here, pack it up boys.
That pic is some 75 million sales behind. EVERYTHING about PS4-tan should be larger by now.
I'd normally say Rosa since she's total tall and a total MILF which I'm super into, but somethin' about an energetic, sporty fatty who's still totally into roughhousing despite the size makes me diamonds.
Do people legit find this hot?
It's fucking disgusting.
For hands and feet aren't her problem, though those high heel dew claws are equally as retarded as they are horrifying. The problem is that her proportions look like they were drawn by some horny 14 year old on deviant art. She's all legs and tits with no balance of hips, waist, and height. She has Pamela Lee Anderson tier tits and it's just ugly.
Why can't we just have a nice T n' A thread? Why does it have to be morbidly obese T n' A?
a bloo bloo bloo he's a jew jew jew because he doesn't draw for freeeeee
PS4-tan time is over
I want this sequence in gif form.
Because that's the best kind.
There are TnA threads that get made everyday and go up to bump limit while us fatfags have our threads sporadically made and frequently deleted. Try checking the catalog more often.
I personally prefer what you posted, but you should have expected some big stuff with OP's picture. I don't have any on me at the moment, but respect for ebony.
He may be a massive chode but his art is still pretty good.
No, he was just an autist that got pissed because someone posted fat art on his Sunday Skullgirls thread.
Video games are for losers and should only be used as a little distraction on weekends if you have nothing to do outside or something to improve yourself.
>rocket league gets boring fast
Try playing the game for more than 10 minutes, you zoomer fucking shit.
peachy butt
thank god someone with taste
At least post Rouge or Coco next time.
I will jack off to this image
Here you go senpai, in the future try reverse image searching
This shit is making me diamonds and I've never even looked at stuff like this before, I need to find more
I literally exercised for the first time in 2 years because of this thread
is there a full comic?
i sent it to you, look at your private messages
Why is May a good predator?
Does anyone even remember what the OP post was about anymore?
can you post the artist here
>liking big girls
>not liking the biggest girls
Consider offing all of yourselves
Another victim of the sickness. The only cure is thickness.
We gotta get uninterrupted fat threads going like this more often.
>could just put in a birth date to view mature content
>now you need to sign in again
Whyyyyyy the fuck did they do this
They had it for so long and just regress out of the blue? Come the fuck on
Just found this out today too.
Looks like I need to make a new dA throwaway.
>You bitch.
OP is a faggot.
This, only pc is eternal
Thread is dying down now.
Cheers, you beautiful fatfags.
Bookmarklet for viewing filtered DA pics
>click bookmark star
>click more
>for URL enter the code in link
>save bookmark
>while on the filtered page click the three dots in the upper right
>hover over bookmarks
>click the bookmark you just added
The pics won't be the highest quality sadly, but it's better than helping out DA's analytics after making a decision you don't like
Here's one more for ya'll.
Have a good night!
Who cares, post more fat chicks.
>old playstation ports
>gaia online
oh nononono...NO!!!!
Watch out. Grown up nintendo manbabies argueing yoshi and kirby are for adults because they played them incoming
They may as well just not even bothered since keeping it up would've made the thread hit bump limit faster.
I want a hard confirmation on this shit.
>decide to go to sleep
>see this thread
>reside in it for the next three hours
>curse my sleep schedule once again
curse you, fat threads
happen earlier next time
Same, except I don't plan on going to sleep sooner than a couple hours from now. I'll just be up at 5 or 6 instead of 3 AM because of this shit.
wh-what's the source on this?
For fats? Miramiraclerun is bretty Gus. Also Better With Salt
Late but present. Hoping this sequel will give us more giant best Zelda.
i love fat zelda!
Probably a guy with a girl avatar. Either way I love his stuff so it doesn't matter.
I want to believe so badly, though. Like, if I could cash in one time where it was a guaranteed thing this is where I'd use it.
I want to dry hump fat Zelda's butt!
Reverse image search is failing me
That's what I was implying. There's something about seeing her act predatory that's arousing to me.
Check this 2
Xenoblade 2 and Pokémon are opposites. One has questionable designs but is really engaging as a game and has ambition. The other has a consistently beloved aesthetic but has no ambition and it shows in just about every facet of the game.
I'm enjoying Crash Team Racing and Smash, but that's about it.
Many thanks
Soo... Fat bellies, yeah?
Please don’t make me jack off again.
Does Crash Team Racing feel good to play on the Switch? I'm considering buying it.
Yeah I feel the same way. There’s a lot of great art of her for that kind of thing and she’s fun to ERP as.
Here you go user
Sounds good to me.
I’m not usually into this kinda thing but I need MORE for some reason
I ERP as well.
>biggest girl gets deleted
Jannies are not okay
I guess that means we gotta go even bigger now!
If there’s anyone whose art could get someone more into this kind of stuff it’ll be this guy, especially with his May art.
Very nice, user. It’s always fun getting to write out this degenerate stuff about vidya characters snacking on tasty anons.
I think it's too late to do that in this thread now. I want to know where you got the image you posted too.
but how can you beat a girl the size of a several city blocks?
Gimme dat Potato elf. Flower's good too.
I’m probably asking too much, but I would greatly appreciate more
I can tell you're mobileposting from your filenames, but just out of curiosity, did you not even get a Warning from your deleted post?
Yeah cute, now answer.
Keep posting more of something while I’m still hard
Careful user. You’re gonna end up with a vore fetish if you keep this up.
>Starts as a derail into big ass thread
>Quick transitions to fat asses
>Then just bellyposters and obesity
>Now Vore & ERP complete with discord shilling
>Some fuck is posting loli scat
>All while there's overtones of anons getting off on posting things that get other anons off
This is why we can't have nice things. I actually like weight gain and some lower-level fats, but I feel like nobody else with this fetish, on Yea Forums or otherwise, has any fucking restraint. Not even shame, none of us have shame, just a boundary. Couldn't this thread have stayed mostly about Zelda having a big butt?
The ones that do have restraint mind getting banned too much.
>Couldn't this thread have stayed mostly about Zelda having a big butt?
No because there's already so many fucking threads like that