Tobi is cute, CUTE!
Now if only the weapons didn't looked like shit.
What went so fucking right?
Tobi is the biggest wasted potential in world
List of problems with Monster Hunter World:
>Inb4 "b-but nintendo..."
>Healing while running; dodging while drinking, sharpening, eating; moving while shooting
>Traps are placed almost instantly
>Weapons in general are more mobile and stronger, think adept + brave movesets from XX combined
>Overall DPS for weapons was raised up to G rank levels in a High Rank game
>Mounting can activate after only 1 hit, guarantees a mount or two every hunt
>Environment recovers health, puts the monster to sleep, paralyzes it, damage, etc., almost never benefiting the monster
>You have access to your full box even during hunts
>The temporal mantle automatically dodges any attacks that would launch you the same way adept did but without player input
>Other mantles can give things like a full health bar
>Monsters have been given more generous weakspots, like Diablos with a 40 MV in its horns for blunt weapons, as well as a new 45/63/40 weakspot on its head
>THE CHANGES ABOVE AREN'T INHERENTLY NEGATIVE AND WOULD BE FINE WERE THE GAME DESIGNED IN A DIFFERENT WAY, however, the monsters themselves are slower and less aggressive when compared to old gens, they rarely string moves together and have slow and predictable attacks in general, Pink Rathian is a good example
>To add challenge added tempered monsters, who are just like regular monsters (slow as ever) with inflated damage, that's it, it's difficult to even notice the difference for most monsters
>And then there's Arch Tempered monsters, which have demonstrated that Capcom, when tasked to make existing monsters more difficult, instead of making them more aggressive or faster, will instead double down on their shitty gimmicks (Vaal), raise their damage do simply absurd levels (Kirin) give it one badly designed move (Nerg) and/or make them spam AoE attacks (Xeno). These are badly designed monsters made just for challenge’s sake, not a proper way to address the difficulty complaint.
And yet he's better than most of Worlds new monsters
>Everything has an element it is weak to, good raw weakspots are always good elemental weakspots
>Though you might have trouble finding an elemental weapon worth using, considering the game leans too heavily on fire element monsters, resulting in a boring roster of 34 monsters, of which most are tutorials (Great Jagras), gimmicks (Zorah, Behemoth, Kulve), irrelevant (Dodogama) or straight up garbage (Lunastra, Vaal)
>It can't be overstated how awful Zorah is, it might surprise you that it was the monster the team worked the hardest on, requiring a separate division just for it
>Lavasioth was changed from a fun fight to a half assed attempt at giving it the Agnaktor gimmick but without anything that make both it or Lavasioth great
>And Behemoth specifically is a fucking disgrace and a representation of everything wrong with World. AoE spam, annoying gimmicks, inflated damage, tremors, awful design, you name it. It's attempts to imitate the gameplay styles of MMOs failed completely simply because Monster Hunter wasn't designed to be an MMO
>Extreme Behemoth is everything just mentioned above except 2x worse, much like the ATs, it’s challenge for challenge's sake without the thought needed to make it fun to being with
>Leshen is the exact same as Behemoth except somehow worse, this time it doesn't even attempt to be like a MH monster
>And Kulve is a massive waste of potential. What could’ve been a fun and challenging fight against a huge monster similar to Ukanlos ended up being a gimmicky mess that could take you from 20 to 50 minutes of attacking a barely moving damage sponge just to reach its true phase, where the fight actually begins, and you don’t even get to kill it in the end
>The rewards for killing it are weapons barely any better from the ones in the game already, and are in no way a replacement for the relic system in 4U, but they also happen to be the best weapons in the game
>it's a timed event monster as well
>Xeno is yet another damage sponge final boss
>Their attempt to fix it with the AT resulted in a damage sponge that spams so much AoE that it looks like it would fit right in a frontier game
>Chasing down the monster takes a lot longer than in previous games, it’s not a matter of just going into the loading zone, now you need to follow it through the entire map as it makes its way unnaturally to another zone, you can throw pods into the monster to stop it, but this results in you fighting it in basically a corridor
>3 monsters per area means monsters encounters are much more common, turf wars take you away from hunts, basically a cutscene that triggers in the middle of the hunt, and are always very unnatural and robotic, Bazelgeuse is specifically designed to interrupt you, forcing you to waste your time throwing dung pods and waiting, it gets old very fast
>Most of the weapons in the game are reskins of the bone and iron weapon models, with monster parts glued on it, only a few of them become original models later
>New skill system removes negative skills and makes so you can both fit in a ton of skills, contributing to the power creep and that using full sets almost never worth using, making the classic “fashion vs optimal armor” battle even more one sided
>No gunner armor. Alpha and beta armor are not replacements to the old gunner / blademaster dynamic because both usually have the same skills on them and look almost the same
>They went for a generic orchestral soundtrack that fails to match the quality of the older tracks, this includes the music for past monsters, which was changed for the worse
>Pre order bonuses and day 1 DLC
>Event related emotes and stickers cost money as well
>Event quests only available only during a certain timeframe. This means essential, end game gear, are going to be locked behind a time frame, like the gamma armor from ATs
>Guild and village quests were merged, worsening multiplayer and lowering the amount of quests
>He even came to the monsters only thread
>The lobby system is awful, it's so bad that it needs a list for itself, but I don't think that's necessary, as everyone who has played the game can see for themselves
>Playing the story missions with other people requires you to see the cutscene first, then send an SoS signal and only then having people join
>Only way to reliably play with randoms is to use the SoS system, which means you will be fighting with people you know nothing about who will leave as soon as the monster is dead
>SoS system doesn’t work though, most of the time you search a quest, you don't find anything, implying that there is no one fighting that monster, however, if you try to search for it again immediately, you might end up finding open quests that you should have found on your first search. You can also end up finding a set of quests the first time you search, search again and find a different set of quests. The game never shows you all quests at once, it makes finding quests for less common monsters and specific investigation needlessly complicated. The system is broken, and it still hasn't been fixed
>They killed all sense of comradery the older games had thanks to the many changes to the way multiplayer works, people don't talk, don't interact and aren't even visible to your outside of the quests most of the time
>No way to play offline without turning off the internet
>Loading is much longer than before, with quests needing two different loading screens
>You can't pause the game
>Armor fusion removed, new system limits the player on what sets they can wear based on event quests that may go away at any time
>Only 1 palico, no different classes
>Seasonal events are a joke, their armors are not worth using, the emotes cost money, the changes to the hall are superficial and the event quests are mostly worthless
>Item sets are hidden behind a number of menus, radial menu is tied to the item set loadouts, can’t see what monster parts you have from the box itself
Where is Khezu Capcom?
>Deluxe kit necessary for new armor set
>Pre order necessary to obtain Yukumo layered set
>This confirms that the awful layered system still hasn't been replaced by a proper armor fusion, and the timed event quests are back
>Banbaro doesn’t do much outside of charging at the player and hitting its head on the ground. Continues the World tradition of annoying tremors that combo into hits.
>Beotodus is Jyuratodus reskin with snow instead of mud and a few new moves. Easy, as expected
>The monsters above use the same animations in their turf war as the Barroth vs Jyuratodus one
>Nargacuga has been neutered, tail is now a weakspot, does little damage, cannot keep up with the powercreep of World, dead within 5 minutes. It felt like an early game monster similar to Tobi
>Tigrex now has awful hitboxes, likely intentional, as a way of adding artificial difficulty to an already easy fight. It has been slowed down tremendously and its roar only does damage when its enraged. In the demo, it was given inflated damage values, a sign of things to come.
>Velkhana looks like yet another reuse of the Kushala skeleton
>The weapon models still look like bone and iron metals with monster parts glued to them. The iconic Nargacuga IG has been replaced by a generic iron model, all the weapons in the demo are bone and iron reskins
>It’s obvious that they kept the same "shitty movie soundtrack" mentality for the expansion. Narga's music is awful, as expected, and so is Tigrex’s
>New hunter actions makes the hunter even more overpowered. You can now activate a mount from a slinger shot, something every single weapon can do now, and there are new moves for every weapon. This follows the same design philosophy of world, making the hunter overpowered and the monsters a joke so braindead people can still beat the game
>Palico skill that revives you and gives a free cart, on top of felyne insurance
Feel free to add to the list
In trash in where he belongs, in favor of based giganox being in iceborne
I have a question for World, is SnS worth it in HR?
I'm fine with the pisspoor damages because it had great status infliction bonus, but in HR it seems that the monsters rightfully so have way higher resistance to them, and I'm not interested in just a little elemental damage bonus, more status.
Is it gonna get better or should I just switch to something else?
That shit is adorable
That's a talon, you dumb ape, not a paw.
Yes status SnS is good
SnS has low numbers, but you can stick to monsters which makes the dps really good.
SnS is top tier in this game
You call those paws?
THESE are real paws.
Don't worry we're getting a brand new spooky wyvern soon.
Keep going with Status.
But spamming directional is still good for elemental damage.
Will be even better with the true combo in Iceborn.
I see, it's just me being bad then, I'll keep working at it, thanks for the help Anons.
I feel like this Nerg is about to bust out a villain song at the climax of a kid's movie
I was saying paws is what made Nergi so fucking right.
My bad then.
Disufiroa in Iceborne!
I wounder if they'll start recycling the more interesting monsters from frontier into mainline
God I love cute monsters.
They already are
Spicy Diablos when
I can see that people are starting to ignore this incredibly strange pasta you're trying to take time out of your day every day to spam in every MHW thread but some of what you think is a 'problem' is ridiculous, but sure, I'll bite once.
>Healing while running, dodging while drinking.
So you want to be rooted to the spot while you try to heal when you've aggroed a monster you're hunting? Being able to cancel into a dodge from drinking something is bad? I would imagine being locked into an animation while you can be hit or carted would piss anyone off.
I'm not going to pick apart your entire post so what do you gain from copy-pasting it every chance you get?
Wait, is that a screenshot or a statue?
Look dude. That guy has received this exact rebuttal 1000 times, he doesn't care. All he cares about now is posting it on every MH thread to "win".
C'mon, dude...
>tfw no nerg bf
Not a screenshot, but I don't know its origin.
When is he coming back?
I'm just a little confused. That piece of wood to the right is clearly fake. So is the whole thing a huge statue setup?
Don't care. Pasta/10.
>that thumbnail
Retarded people like you who can't even interpret the points before making a complete fool out of yourself are the reason why the list is worth posting. This exact same post has been made many times in the past and every single time it has been refuted.
This is Zinogre, he's the next monster to be confirmed for Iceborne.
Say something nice about him!
>just like pottery
Man, fuck that ahatanaga or whatever. Also, the katana is fucking trash. I'm going back to the bow.
>implying it wasn't on purpose
Go back to the line you flea circus!
Post more lizard peets
I'm going to fucking murderlize him
De です su
Do you seriously, geniunely, honestly, literally, truly believe HE isn't next?
Katana busted man, and do you only like the bow?
>Already said I'm not picking apart your giant essay about why you think world is bad
I'm a lurker around here, barely comment anything so I got curious why someone like you could possibly fathom constantly making a negative post about a game a lot of people like despite some changes, but sure guy, whatever you say, keep posting this in every thread as if it makes a difference.
Yeah. I tried other weapons but the bow is the only one that does it for me.
I wonder if anyone has linked these to Capcom, wonder what the chances are of Tsujimoto seeing these.
he's gonna be announced after Zinogre
There fucking chibi shits are the worst thing that ever happened to the world POST BIG HOT SCALY MONSTERS FUCK
Don't let anyone else keep you from having fun.
Bow got a slight nerf in iceborne I believe, but i don't think it was too drastic. Those 'monster hunter math guys' on youtube figured it out. Been using bow more myself, its fun.
landing a dragon piercer is satisfying af
What a fag
>Chibi shits
You mean like this?
As long as they're both male
Not that user, but being able to spam heal does make it easier. Which I'm guessing is his argument.
Yeah the range weapons in world are actually super fun.
Want to know why he does it? Because people like (You) keep responding. He probably doesn't believe 1/3 of his points, but the debatable ones give more replies
Learn how to read, retard
>all those people talking shit in the comments
I don't get it, I think it looks great.
I figured it was bait, but its just so ridiculous I couldn't help but reply to it at least once this time I guess. I see that people are starting to ignore it these days though.
Colorless garbage, looks like shit, as always
nice talons
>I would imagine being locked into an animation while you can be hit or carted would piss anyone off.
So the game should just have DMC style canceling?
what did they mean by this?
I like it, male armor is cooler but I've always liked the Rathian metal plate skirt and the G rank headpiece looks better
he’s in
This is what retarded Worldfags believe in, yes
Sounds dope.
t. Dual Blade user
>that video of a dude jizzing inside a statue of this dragon's mouth
p sure that was grigori (who is better than rathalos anyways)
good taste
Honestly don't know much about MH, but I know that dude has multiple videos of him cumming on statues of dragons.
Fuck, I don't think I've seen that video in like 5 years.
Better times.
Stop posting this creature.
Where the FUCK is Gore?
If the flagship meme is real then i predict gore is in considering him and nerg have basically the same skeleton
Cutiefly/Ribombee is unironically my favourite Gen 7 Pokémon. That nigga was a god damn rape train despite his size.
I wish Alasurth drew more often. Also I couldn't tell if there was a genital slit so I put a black bar over it.
ryukemo on xtube.
tokimitsu also has some good videos on there too.
You only made it lewder.
For my money, it’s gotta be Elzelion.
hhhhrrrrng dragon pussy colonel
i've started playing this game recently and I got a question: do weapons that you buy later on in the game have different combos and skillsets or are they just recolors of the previous ones?
Some do
All weapons of the same type share all their moves. It’s only stats and elements that change.
That's a male.
That depends on what weapon you're using. Some are the same, some are a little different. Ones further along the tree are always stronger of course (though they're not all good).
I've only ever played MHFU, how does this game compare to it? is it worth $30?
in the end, cloaca is cloaca
just gonna
leave this here
god I wish that were me
oh well, that kinda sucks but the game has been pretty fun so far
It's incredibly safe to heal now, especially when you use max potions to skip the animation. Healing shouldn't be as safe as it is in world.
You have around 12 different weapon types don't worry you wont run out of stuff to try
God I would use the meowstress as a fucking cock sock instead of hunting, it's not even a joke at this point
>mfw literally no game exists that blends anthropomorphic character designs with a semi-realistic artstyle
I fought him in PSO2 during the event, still not sure why he's an elder if it's just a zinogre reskin. and in classic mhfg he has a few 1hit moves
original halo trilogy?
sort of...
WHERE did you get this picture of my wife?
Bring Lagi back Capcom you fucking hacks
Is that Stories game any good?
Getting that shithead to spawn twice in a free field level was a nightmare.
Bring back swimming while you're at it
Sucks they removed him entirely from the files, no more easy doombreak II fodder
I barely saw him right up till he was removed, but damn he used to spawn nearly every field map for quite awhile.
>no Shaggy in Iceborne
What's the fucking point?
Easy but it's decent enough if you're into collecting every monster. I think Red Khezu was my most used and carried me to the final boss. Dude's a champ in there
What's the most huggable monster?
Paolumu or maybe a Tzi-Tzi cause they chill as fuck
I want to hug a fluffy Barioth!
He's gonna make it to Iceborne, r-right?
On PC, how much can I mod? Can I enable those fucking timed quests?
Yeah, check nexus
can't play multi with them though
>theyll never be back
>Gen puts jaggis in but not G.Jaggi
>World already has its own raptor species
Jaggi bros....
Why does it look smug
Villain songs are always in the first act and you know that.
I thought g.jaggi would be in world for sure, hes one of the most realistic looking monsters
>implying implications
So is this thing canon or not?
New Iceborne trailer fucking when
MH has always had flexing to heal. This makes healing a very distinct combat decision because it leaves you vulnerable for a decent bit of time. You basically use "your turn" to heal instead of attack. World changed it so that you can cancel things such as healing and sharpening making it less risky. However, what this copypasta faggot fails to mention is that you will in fact lose your healing item if you cancel out of the animation and therefore get a very small heal, effectively wasting your potion. Therefore, if you heal too carelessly and are constantly canceling the animation then you'll quickly run out of consumables. Of course, you can now go back to camp to restock but it's just going to further drag the hunt on. Furthermore, if you stand still during the entire animation and don't' move at all, the healed health will regenerate faster. There is still incentive to heal at opportune times like in old MH but they did in fact make it a little more lenient. That being said, the whole pace of the game is much faster now so this change isn't as casual as World-haters make it out to be. It's still more forgiving at the end of the day but good players will still be rewarded for not playing like shit. Of course, getting rid of the flex did take always some of that old MH charm.
yeah but fatty more than likely destroyed it