I'm a graphic designer for Valve, Apple and a few smaller game/marketing companies. But mainly Valve as I'm constantly traveling out of state for them.
It's coming.
I'm a graphic designer for Valve, Apple and a few smaller game/marketing companies. But mainly Valve as I'm constantly traveling out of state for them.
It's coming.
Proof or GTFO
lmao this kind of threads are as old as hl ep 2
fuck off
>my dad works at nintendo
I hope it's not because it sure gonna be fucking considering the current state of volvo
Its too late no one gives a shit anymore
And the Dreamcast 2 is coming and Nintendo is developing a virtual reality computer.
it's VR exclusive, right?
>it's coming
In the form of project borealis.
If Valve were smart they'd contract them.
at this time of the day?
>tfw a random user wrote a better and more fulfilling story then epistle 3
Anyways, we know it's not just cause thats not how Valve works, and it's both a good and a bad thing.
As we're seeing, devs only want to work on what they wanna work on, on a daily basis too. However, as we've seen, since the Dota 2 team is the largest at Valve for some god forsaken reason, we ONLY get Dota 2 games, and since theres no real quality control to this shit besides devs doing things they love, we get shit like Underlords and Artifact, which are super shit.
We also know that from Valve, theres A LOT of new interns and workers there, people who genuinely think for some reason, it's funny to put Half-Life and Portal easter eggs into CS:GO and who think BR is a valuable mode for CS.
Plus, we now know that because of Artifact the new devs unironically think that if they put Valve's name on it, it'll sell. Meaning that they might not even be putting their heart and soul into their games like they've done with many games before, and are slowly attempting to turn Valve into a company that releases shitty games because their fucking retards who are growing up playing shit like Last of Us instead of the god tier 90's and mid 2000's games.
tl;dr, Valve is changing for the worst and needs to win back the publics trust, or lose it for steam.
no this doesnt mean people will go to Epic, it just means people will stop buying their games if they continue to be dog shit which will scare Valve away from making more games.
forgot pic
>HL3 announced
>Big updates to Gordon Freeman announced at E3
>Gordon Freeman is now a black woman
Im digging those swanky new grav gun functions. Ring a ding!
give a release window or GTFO
We already knew, and you add essentially nothing with this post. They haven't even been trying to stop the flow of Source 2 engine update borne 'leaks'.
yes, it is a VR game. specifically what has been continuously leaked is 'HLVR' related strings. they've already confirmed that their 2019 'flagship VR game' will play on any PC VR hardware (like any game built using SteamVR), but obviously will be best experienced with their recently released knuckles controllers.
so you think HLVR is HL3? I thought that the """"leaks"""" that it was a 7 hour war game sounded retarded
Late summer/early fall 2020
screenshot me if you want to
hlvr isn't hl3 it's a hl2 prequel
>Reset Button Ending
How is this better?
what makes you so sure about that?
You guys better deliver Ricochet 2.
I'm fucking tired of waiting for it.
yeah i agree with this guy, its definitely gonna be fucking
the ending implies Gordon gets his own world where the black mesa incident never occurred via the Gman showing gratitude towards him. It's infinitely better then the "Gordon gets teleported out but the world may or may not still be fucked and everyone may or may not be dead" ending that Laidlaw gave us. After a decade, Gordon deserves a happy ending.
Riochet 2 will be one of the 3 VR games gaben is working on
>Ricochet 2
>Gordon gets put in an alternate timeline where the Combine never invade
>he becomes the eccentric grandpa who swears he saved the world from an alien empire
What happened to the switch RTS you guys were making
>he calls it HL3 just because of how long it's taking so surely that means Valve is making a full blown sequel
>HL3 announced
>it's VR exclusive
i sure hope it isn't politically correct/pozzed
I doubt it. That VR meme fad has passed
I’d be shocked if it’s not. Gabe has repeatedly said that he wanted Valve games to push the tech envelope. Half Life 2 last did this with its reactive and responsive environments. VR is the next stage in game tech and Valve has to sell the headsets somehow. Need a title too good to resist. The sheer cost of the headset alone would compensate for the smaller market
>my nintendo works at dad
Moron. VR is the next stage in video game tech. You sound like the guys back in the 90s who didn’t think touch-pad tech would ever be mainstream
I think it's going to suck. There's no way it could live up to HL2's stature. It's been too long. Even gabe admitted it couldn't live up to the hype. I think it has mostly to do with the structure of 3 part stories. Empire strikes back was the best mostly because of the unresolved nature as well.
it's not interactive enough. Directly plugging your brain into the game, okay, but all this clunky vr shit is shit tier.
Are there really no games or movies where part 3 was better than part 2?
It’s more interactive than using a peripheral like a keyboard and staring at a 24 inch monitor
Plugging in your brain is a sci fi machination for now.
The closest we can get as of today is VR
the Star Wars prequels
and possibly the sequels
not off the top of my mind
The only 'source' for it being 'A HL2 prequel where you play as Alyx' are 'anonymous sources' for VNN and UploadVR. Neither exactly reliable, or known for their journalistic integrity. Even if it is true, that could absolutely still be HL3. HL3 could be almost anything, or rather, it could start in almost any conceivable way. Whatever the case, HLVR is for all intents and purposes 'the next half-life', whether they use the infamous number or not.
There's some people who think they'll come back with a spinoff to mediate expectations, but that doesn't sound like Valve at all. Valve isn't known for making small, low-risk plays. I don't think Black Mesa finally getting Xen mere months before 'HLVR' can possibly be a coincidence, either. Quite high likelihood of a promo ARG in that.
It's a guy wearing normal clothing and holding a baseball bat. He isn't dressed up like an anime girl in a maid outfit
What the fuck is that Darwin over there's problem?
everything other than the OG sucked though, basically.
Bit cheesy but fair enough. Better than the "real" ending.
all that valve halflife vr shit was coming out in the context of when 'steambox' was going ot be a big thing and while VR still hadn't completely flopped.
arguably MGS, definitely LoZ and lots of other older games where the second entry was very experimental and the third a return to form.
that wouldn't be the case here as HL2 is definitely better than HL1. Also 'wrapping up loose ends' is always a tiresome thing to endure.
>arguably MGS
they are so different that I wouldn't call one better than the other. I prefer mgs2 because of the setting/arcadey gameplay but someone else might prefer the more methodical gameplay of 3 and whatnot
it's still leaking with every new Source 2 tools update (showing it to be under constant work, as would be expected for a game announced to release within a few months). VR is the farthest thing from a flop, get your head out the tortanic faggot fart cloud. Gen 2 just released and both of the two major direct competitors immediately sold out for months. The only flop happening in VR is gabens belly flop into his newest pool of money.
DMC is the obvious one.
dark souls as well
boomers, user
i didn't say that vr wouldn't be an option, but the idea that everyone who wants to play the new halflife is going to have to buy 1000 dollars worth of peripherals is insane, and no buyers remorse on your part can change that.
Not really games driven by a narrative like half Life tho
who cares?
So gordon is alyx?
Never ever
not him, but while he is right (VR hasn't flopped) there's no way i'm paying 1000 dollars to play a new half life game, fuck that. if they give the option to play it without VR as well then i'll see if it's good and if so buy. if it's VR only though, i'm not even thinking about buying.
Just don't die in the next 5 years or so ;)
Half Life is a dead franchise. Even if Valve revives it, there's no interest in it anymore. Half Life 3 is a punchline just as "Duke Nukem Forever" became a punchline.
Even if Valve was working on HL3, the Half-Life franchise has always seen itself as a testbed for new tech. HL1 had scripted events and first-person storytelling. HL2 featured physics-based gameplay and puzzles. HL3? VR is constantly mentioned but how many people own VR sets? How many people would be willing to buy VR sets just for a franchise that hasn't been updated for 15+ years?
In the end, the success of Steam killed HL. It is dead. Valve can revive it but the expectations would be so high, at this point, that it would be impossible to overcome. Anything short of a miracle would be a disappointment.
I'm much more interested in what would have been F-STOP than I am in HL3. Make that instead.
oh i guess not
>How many people would be spurred to get off the fence and buy in to VR by HL3?
Fixed. Valve is a VR company now. With their own VR hardware. How can you people continue deluding yourselves that it's not happening?
>I'm much more interested in what would have been F-STOP than I am in HL3. Make that instead.
It was essentially Museum of Simulation Technology / 'Superliminal', ie. forced perspective scale tricks. there is an ancient buggy demo you can find if you look for it. the name change is very recent, seems to be nearing release finally (had a Steam page for the past couple years but can't find it now, probably in the process of being re-listed with the new name?).
That was decent.
I'd be fine with this
Yeah my dad works for nintendo too and he says I have to give you this (you)
>it's a make love to Alyx level
I will genuinely care until the day it arrives or until I die.
Pathetic I know but the feeling won't leave me.
>there's no interest in it anymore
It's never happening.
Epistle 3 by Laidlow is the end of the franchise. Deal with it.
Oh, and fuck you.
>yfw Valve are purposefully ignoring it until the old generation of boomer shooter gamers is replaced by the new generation zoomer battle royale gamers who don't give a fuck about Half Life so Valve can bury the franchise and focus on milking DOTA/CSGO for all eternity
Yeah, I heard of that but I'm not convinced that there's a 1:1 with F-STOP & Superliminal. For instance, it's still not clear as to what the mannequins were really used for in terms of the gameplay (was it a sizing mechanism to keep items for getting too large / small? To block the player from getting certain items? Prevent the placement of certain items?).
I suppose that, at some point, we'll get the real story about F-STOP. Until then, it's just a modern-day Polybius.
VR has been around for how long and it still hasn't penetrated the mass market. But a dead franchise that hasn't had any significant entries in over 15 years is going to change all of that? Sure.
Aladdin 3 is straight to video kino
>Pathetic I know but the feeling won't leave me.
It's not pathetic at all if you truly want it
I just hate the the fake 'hype' that surrounds it
Alyx is the pivotal character. It would make sense for her to be the main protagonist while Gordon is along for the ride at the end.
VR is in a somewhat strange place, I'm not sure what to think of it for HL3. You can most certainly simply add VR on top of a good shooter with no particular care for special mechanics and have a very fun, arguably completely superior result (like Doom, Quake or Serious Sam).
That being said, I cannot see Valve simply tossing it on top like that. They're way too deep in and way too enthusiastic about high-end, high-quality VR to simply add it like an afterthought. If they make a game with VR support, VR is going deep into the game's design and you can expect shit like finger tracking for their Index controllers and a lot of interaction options plus appropriate game mechanics. If you take a game like this and make it play with a mouse/keyboard it's going to be lackluster at best. You can make a game which runs both in VR and in 'flat', but it's going to be very hard to make it fully adapted to both.
Basically, if HL3 supports VR I would expect it to be a lesser experience when played flat. That's why their VR game may not be HL3, but just some sort of spinoff or sequel made specifically for VR with no flat support.
>1000 dollars
You can find VR kits for less $400. This retarded
>I'm not paying $1000 for VR!!!
shit is like consolefags going
>lol PC gaming costs $5000
if they are going to contract some modders or indie devs it will be the Black Mesa guys
so they can make remakes of Blue Shift and Opposing Force
the world will stop if it ever comes
>so they can make remakes of Blue Shift and Opposing Force
thought it was stucked in development hell
that one and Guard Duty went through several dev teams
Assuming HL VR ever comes out, what do you think the reception will be? I'm thinking 65%, people will bemoan that its not HL3 or Episode 3 and it'll feel dated compared to other VR titles.
depends if its exclusive on vr
For arguments sake lets say VR is an entry point unless fans find a way to bring demake levels/concepts as an HL2 mod
There's no way it will feel dated as long as Valve doesn't do something absolutely retarded. If they make HLVR it will almost certainly be at the forefront of VR interaction and mechanics, probably with Boneworks being the only competition it has at the same tier.
Responding to your VR comments, that makes way more sense to me.
>VR has been around for how long and it still hasn't penetrated the mass market.
But the thing is it has, and you're just being a clown getting your market analysis from Yea Forums tortanic shitposters. There hasn't been a single one of these current 'gen' VR HMDs that's been anything but a resounding commercial success (maybe the original Lenovo WMR HMD, the clear 'loser' of that four-war race for a niche of a niche). PSVR, Vive, and Rift have all sold multiple millions of units. Steam reports a consistent million+ active VR users. Stop listening to Yea Forums for your market analysis.
Portal 3 > Left 4 Dead 3 > power gap > Half Life 3
of course we don't know all the details, but the core f-stop mechanic itself, the one that got the whole office excited and had gaben declare the micro-games experiment a resounding success, is essentially confirmed to have been that same forced-perspective scale manipulation trick. the mannequin androids were a feature of Old Aperture in general, they also have a few cameos in Portal 2 paintings/signage.
I'd buy anything to play HL3. A fucking VR headset and a compatible PC. Snap buy.
After that I'd fuck around in waifu/ p0rn gaimes and then the VR headset would collect dust and I'd have a powerful 4chin machine.
nah mate, Half-Life 3 > Left4Dead 3 > Team Fortress 3 > Ricochet 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Portal 3
Portal is done as a franchise. The 'Aperture' aesthetic and branding is definitely not going away any time soon, but unlike with Half-Life there really will probably never be a "Portal 3", and probably never another "Portal" branded game of any kind. The Portal Gun is going to end up just one more part of the Half-Life arsenal.
Final Fantasy
Dragon Quest
Might and Magic
Heroes of Might and Magic
Metal Slug
The King of Fighters
I'd be kind of surprised to see a portal gun in a HL game used as a core mechanic. It's extremely powerful and disruptive of level design to give to the player unless absolutely everything is designed around it (like Portal) or it is so highly restricted that it becomes unusable for everything except level sections intended for it anyway.
It actually seems to be doing well so far.
looks pretty good to me