How do we fix the stealth genre?
How do we fix the stealth genre?
Haunting Ground 2.
it needs fixing?
Stealth rape mechanics.
X-ray vision.
good AI
good level design
actually developing new ones wouldn't be a bad start.
The only stealth game on pc that I haven't played yet is Aragami, at least that I can think of
add stealth spells like silent fireball or silent summon demon
By making all future stealth games a multiplayer live service
i was shitposting but as i typed this i remembered nu-hitman exists and now i want to die
literally this
more social stealth and less metal gear solid stealth
take away 3pp. limit saves.
And yet the Hitman games are still the best stealth games made in a long time. It’s a small drawback really.
Remove guns.
Just because they are the only thing out there, it doesn't mean they're actually good by any fucking stretch of the imagination, you obnoxious fanboy.
The two Styx games are far better than any nuHitman episodic garbage could ever hope to be.
Fuck off already with that dated, milked to death franchise.
The last two Hitman games are great
new splinter cell
Uncomfortable truths:
Blacklist is not the same, but as good as Chaos Theory.
Use the FOX Engine in a game with more than 12 minutes of production put into level design.
Someone post THAT webm
The Elizabeth one.
Just finished this again. Great game but god does it get annoying sometimes.
Also not enough climbing in that game seriously, very underused mechanic.
This, based and redpilled
I wouldn't say that's true but when playing the correct way, it's almost as good.
>reused levels and those awful boss battles
Styx was alright but the new Hitman games are genuinely great
literally my top fetish
And Metal Gear Online 3.
>subtle buttcrack
kys you utter retard
It doesn't run very well on PS4. I've had several crashes, so I never got around to finishing it. I'm not sure what you're in for with the PC version. If they fuck up on a console, it's probably worse on PC.
You might want to start by making games where you can't just shoot the shit out of everyone if you do get spotted.
Her ass is really stealthy.
it's already been fixed
something modern devs cant figure it out, also we had too many stealth gameslike 4 years ago, you have to do it in AA games now and launch at 2020 so people forget about the good old ones
Hitman's fanboys go APESHIT if you dare to criticise their golden game. It's quite pathetic really.
Literally unable to accept that the new games have significant flaws.
Yes the fuckaround simulator where you play the same level fifty times to see all the cool animations and unlock some worthless shit sure is a great stealth game. Definitely not easy as fuck and designed for completionist autists or anything.
>Yes the fuckaround simulator where you play the same level fifty times
that's been the idea since the first game in the series, it's an acquired taste.
umm that sounds pretty elitist, you know? Like what if there's a transdisabled clubfoot retard from the Himalaya's who can't figure it out?
So it's barely even a game. More of a sandbox for doing lolsoepic stuff. I understand that you've acquired a taste for dogshit but that doesn't make it palatable.
Get rid of the gadgets
Just drop me into an enemy base with nothing but a pistol
>They will never release an HD standalone version of MGO2