What was your first SMT game?

What was your first SMT game?
Persona counts

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Persona is alright, but I want to make entry into real SMT. Which is the best entry point?

I rented nocturne when I was in HS.


Everything else is too weird.

Y’all are weird.

P4. Then PQ. Surprised I kept with the series after those two.. Don't care for em at all.

Now I've played P3, P5,Q2 and SMT4 and SMT4A.

Thinking about picking up Nocturne too

Strange Journey, Devil Survivor is a close second.

Revelations: The Demon Slayer when I was 5, still have the cart at the end of the game


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Who is the one who does the talking? The skull or the snake?

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4 or 4a. 4a is better gameplay and difficulty wise, but you'd need to play 4 to completely understand it since 4a takes place about 3 quarters of the way through 4.

SMTIV during a 3DS sale.

I agree with the other user. Play IV. It's good.

digital devil saga. had no idea what i was doing but made it to the tower before drooping it. came back years later and finished it.


Base p3 and not fes or portable?

In this order, these are the megaten games I've played:
>Persona 5
>Persona 3 FES
>SMT Nocturne
>SMT Raidou
>Persona 4 (PS2 version)
>Persona (PSP version)

What should I play next?

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Devil Survivor

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Nocturne, I ragequit after getting btfo by matador. Went on to beat IV, Soul Hackers, SJR IV:A, then came back to nocturne

Strange Journey Redux

>playing 3 and 4 after 5
That musta felt rough

When SJ got announced and I saw it was like Etrian Odyssey I knew I had to try to get into the series so I started with Devil Survivor.

Now I cannot escape my hunger.

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Are the dungeons more interactive/compelling than Persona because I just finished that today and dungeon crawling in that game is so boring, especially with an encounter rate that high?

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Raidou 1

Persona 4
Still my favorite persona after completing the others.

If you're burned out on dungeons/random encounters you could play Devil Survivor 1.

P3 with the controllable party mod probably saved my experience plus the atmosphere in that game might be better P5 even if P5's overall style is more cohesive.

P4 was alright. I probably would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't been spoiled on three major plot points; also, I think I've outgrown the slice of life elements in Persona games.

Christ, that looks pretty complex.

I'll check it out.

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which SMT is goat?

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Revelations: Persona. 1997. I'm straight!

SMT2 or Soul Hackers

SMT IV was my first. Beat it over like 3 years because I took 2 very long breaks. First break was getting walled by medusa, didn't really have trouble with minotaur despite the memes, but having two bosses back to back like that triggered me pretty hard. Took another long break not too long after getting into tokyo. Then after like a year I decided I was just going to use a neutral route guide and force myself to finish the game. It was honestly fun as fuck despite how I dragged my heels at the beginning, I'd play it again.

Played and finished P5 at release, liked it a lot.

Played P3 shortly after finishing P5. I liked the "feel" way more than P5 but holy shit was Tartarus complete ass. I don't see how anyone could think P3 is better than P5 as an overall experience. P5's dungeons weren't the greatest thing ever but were perfectly serviceable, Tartarus was a complete chore and detracted from everything good P3 did. Dropped the game for like 6 months midway through and then forced myself to finish. I died like 40 minutes into the final boss at like the last phase and almost pulled a DSP-tier rage quit, but I ultimately just went back to grind 10 levels and beat him second try. If I ever play this game again, I'm just going to play on easy mode so that I can steam roll the stupid tartarus shit and focus on the actual good parts of the game.

Played P4, dropped it probably a year ago at Rise's dungeon. Not as bad as tartarus, but the dungeon crawling is still bland/terrible enough to not make me want to pick the game back up.

Played Strange Journey, enjoyed it, but dropped it at the neutral route Judge Zelenin fight, just getting tired of grinding. And to the people who would say >grinding in an SMT game, she's like 20 levels above me so yeah, I'd need to do some grinding.

Played SJ: Redux and dropped it at the Ouroboros fight.

Played Nocturne and didn't make it very far, but enjoyed the atmosphere very much.

Thank you for reading my blog post.

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It gets to be a little cancerous later in the game, but they build you up to it well enough.

>SMT IV was my first. Beat it over like 3 years

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I wanted to like Soul Hackers so bad, the music and feel are amazing, but I just can't into old SMT games that have shit like MAG, the difficulty is oppressive for a pleb like me. It really sucks because I love the feel of the series overall but usually drop the games at the first difficulty spike.

This. Didnt know FES existed until a year later

The trick to MAG is party management. Nemissa, the MC and the Zoma can basically wreck everything if you build them right so you only need to summon demons for boss fights or at the beginning of new areas

Yeah I've seen that article before. In an SMT thread a few months ago several anons said the same thing too, that SMT IV was there first but they dropped it an picked it back over a really long period of time.

Nocturne. Nothing's lived up to it since.

Nocturne a couple years back because I saw it was a weird RPG with Dante in it

>"dude, you gotta play this game, it's like a JRPG but it's hard as fuck!"
And for middle school me it was hard as fuck and I loved every minute.

That's a good question. I always wondered if the Loa is the skull, the snake or both.

Huh now I have a sudden urge of restarting devil survivor overclocked on the 3ds

It legit took me like 4 months just to beat YHVH'S Universe in 4A

Either P2 or P5

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i quit 4A at YHVH's universe, is it worth it to continue?

YHVH is a really good fight that's hard as dick and actually balanced around having a full team of level 99 high tier demons
The dungeon itself was one of the most miserable experiences I've ever had

Same but I was a little older. It was a very easy game after the first hour or so.that's IS, not P2

>during a 3DS sale
>he didnt hack his 3ds

Nocturne just recently. About to continue Soul Hackers in a minute and thanks to user who recommended to play it after Nocturne a few days ago it's pretty fun so far

Devil survivor

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>P1 psp remake
>P2 IS psp remake
Just downloaded citra yesterday, along with Devil Survivor 1 & 2 and Soul Hackers. Going to get started on them after I'm done FE Awakening.

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Persona 4, technically Pereona 4 Arena, played it at a fighting game tourney and the music got stuck in my head. Picked up Persona 4 purely for the music.

They pathetic as well boy. Glad you bonded.

how nigga?

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nocturne or p3

DeSu is best tho

haha fuck lawfags

Persona 3

Im at the garbage level of Strange Journey and I am starting to get bored. Is the 3DS version any better?

I played Persona 3 FES first, then Nocturne, then IV and DeSu 1. What do I play next?

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P3fes, then wrapped around and played everything besides SMT2 and the Raidou games. I'll get around fo SMT2 eventually.

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I then went to play 3 not long after.

Devil Children on GBA.

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