Coco is cute! CUTE!!!
Crash Team Racing
Other urls found in this thread:
And funny.
But Tiny and Dingodile will always be the cutest
N. Tropy is cute and funny!
>getting embarrassed by dancing
Yikes & bluepilled.
He's a bitch
Hey, if you don't like it just don't use it lmao
Brace for Amiposting
Watch your fucking mouth
>get first by 10 seconds
>score says im in first
>get the results screen
>big norm is in first
I'm still fucking pissed that the latest patch removed speedghosts while leaving every other exploit intact
what are the secrets to going very fast?
How does it even look like a watermelon?
Yes, I know, niggers and all that, but it's not even gree and red with black spots.
If that guy is a shit poster he’s doing a damn fine job.
Hold down X, except for when you're defying the laws of physics.
You just stay right where you are okay?
Does anyone have an explanation for how the blue fire becomes even faster? There seems to be two tiers for it, but I don't know how exactly it works. Here I fly much higher up on the second lap, when I've been boosting for a while
You also notice it on Deep Sea Driving, at the section where you're going on those narrow platforms with turbo pads, sometimes you'll drive on the ground but other times you're going so fast that you can just jump from one pad to the next without hitting the ground
I think it refers to her clothes, which have the same colors as a watermelon.
pigtails isabella is the best.
Reminder that Pura is a pure boi and NOT FOR LEWD!
I'm so bad at this game
>play this online
>get stomped by smelly neckbeard virgins who play childrens kart racers 24/7
no thanks, i'd rather play a good game
powerslide, brake, build meter, execute. might not be in the right order, but you gotta slide.
Is there any reason why they would remove those, I just don't understand
Lmao, didn't even think about it that way until he pointed it out. People will find any excuse to call something racist.
>that artist that ships coco and humanoid pura
This is what black people have to put up with in 2019. A furry wearing a t-shirt designed with the motif and symbol of their oppression, the watermelon.
git gud
bye shitter
i want to protect pura and make sure he lives a normal life
Boost 90% of the time
>play online
>get into second place on second lap
>midway through, about to get into first and pull away
>ass raped by 4 projectiles in quick succession.
if you aint first, you last.
oof yikes not a good look
perfect slide boosts
Blue fire doesn't stack. Each map has different blue fire pads and I think there's at least 3 tiers.
You can find the slowest blue fire in n. gin labs and the fastest in tiny temple.
You can easily tell the difference if you go to deep sea driving and compare the speed that each pad gives you.
That second jump you made was just timed better, you didn't have more speed.
Fuck off cracker.
That is actually kinda weird.
have sex
Apparently, removing fun physics that add depth to the game is more important than fixing the obvious thunder struck and lap glitch that breaks online and leaderboards.
Its cute. Gives her some personality as a goofy nerd.
maybe it should have been a shirt with some fbi stats...
a sticker set
13 or 50
furry Cindy
her hair is supposed to be red going bu the icon but its not, and the other colours are off too
>as a 7year old i used to not like the trophy girls because when i told my older sister's 18 year old friend i loved her she laughed at me and she looks like ami
>as an adult of 24 im getting the same angry feeling
what the heck how do i delete this?
Alright, so hear me out guys I have a crazy idea: what if "Baby Coco" is just regular Coco on a diaper?
sure, tell your mom i'll be there in 10 minutes
Are the grand prix items all limited, meaning i have to grind them within 3 weeks or I won't get them at all?
If so fuck this game big time
>finally get into a lobby I can dominate
>But daily bonus wears of and get bored
At least I got loads of coins today
It may be higher skill cap then mk, but not by much. It’s more about learning the tracks and when to drift. Which does not take that long. Get fucking good man
please no
Fuck that. Gimme toddler Coco.
Whats wrong with her face in the top pic
>wanting to fix one of the only things that helps grinding for coins offline go even a little bit faster
How about you go fuck yourself? if they raise the coins to 150 minimum per track then they can fix it, until then people like me fucking need it.
How the fuck do you avoid orbs when you're not first because I swear to god if I get hit into another pit by one I'm gonna lose it
So far every online game goes like this
>Someone insanely good shoots out to a comfortable lead and by the 2nd lap is so far ahead no one can catch up
>2nd - 5th place fuck each other up with missiles and bombs further increasing the 1st place gap from everyone else
>6th - 8th place are 5 years olds who don't know how to play and just spam orbs and clocks
Zem's a nigger...
They'll be added to the shop later
The only things that won't are the champion kart and the decal for this grand prix
>bothering with pedoera
just let them die
>muh coins
How about you fucking git gud and stop crying
Then it would be a skin instead of a character
surely I can't be the only one looking forward to the baby characters, I will totally use Coco, probably Cortex and maybe Tropy
After the event is over everything can be bought later in the pit stop
This. Saving up for some things I like.
Elaborate how "getting good" will suddenly boost not only coin acquisition but the speed I gain it offline? I can't wait to hear this.
I am going to main baby coco
>little brother is playing online as tiny
>some pura is driving in reverse with the aku aku mask
>little brother ends up in 4th because of this
>he does three laps around the house in excitement
you fuckers are turning him into a filthy casual by rewarding him like this
I saw it too
Hear me out.
If you get first place, the game rewards you more coins.
Amazing isn't it? Now fuck off and learn how to play
It's the story of life and society, told in video game form.
holy base
holy cring
>kart racer
>somehow is full of elitist assholes of the highest caliber
i like the game, but literally worst playerbase ever
if you git gud you'll place better and finish races faster online, thus boosting your coin acquisition
It's literally fur. She's not a specific race. I'm sick of these fucking racists accusing everyone else of being one too.
Wait, isn't balanced supposed to be faster? I thought acceleration characters were about reaching their top speed faster, not having superior turbo speeds.
>mad cus bad
>could get gut really easily
>community activey wants to push you to get better so you are going REALLY FAST
shutup bitch we gona turn you into a man today
I love how she finally got a personality.
She used to just stand there idle on the podium, or just tap tap on her laptop after losing.
Kinda wish her origin was explained in the origin though.
Even if you suck and play online and get shafted over and over again, you will get more coins than playing single player. You can also see how better people play, maybe learn something instead of fuming.
>arguing using online as the example when I specifically stated offline
We got some retards in tonight I see.
This is a weird design choice. I think the speed stat should only affect base speed, not the boost speed too
The worst part is people who genuinely think the player with the highest skill will always win online.
we wuz bandicoots n sheit
You're getting beat by people who play the game a few hours every other day. You're just shit, dude.
Get a job nigger
What if this skin turned out to be one of those optical illusions where the colors are the exact same hex values but because the hair is different, it makes her look black
>Personally I would try to get rid of the watermelon motif and name
Then what would the skin name be? Brown Tawna? They'd just complain about the name again.
Resetera is the racism equivalent of "I'm not a furry, but..."
The stat screen says Balanced is supposed to be faster than Accel despite the latter's higher acceleration, but in the original game's files, Accel characters were actually faster, and for some reason that was carried over here.
>Yea Forumsedditor casuals getting exposed
>dude just pay for your internet twice bro!
It's sad that there are people like you in these threads.
The guy who can get in first and keep it usually wins. Poor fuckers in 2nd and 3rd get targeted with all of the powerups and general fuckery. You can have a lot of fun in 7th and 8th place...haha
what wrong here?
Accell should win in that though.
Speed with USF is the same for all the only difference is how long it takes to get to thay speed.
Now Accell shouldnt have won by that far especially still gaining when all speed should have been the same
either way, play online or stop bitching. there are solutions to your problem but you refuse to use them.
>Poor nigger can't afford basic needs
>Keeps complaining like a little bitch
Stay butt devastated and poor lol
who /stalk/ first place?
>learn all the shortcuts
>watch how he powerslides around corners
>actively wait until last second to use the clock
>too stupid to get ps+ for free
that or you're a switchlet, i don't know which is worse
There's just less and less of a reason to play as half the characters in the game. Turning characters would also be valued more if there weren't so many low IQ boost tracks where you barely have to turn.
>get hit with an item
>people passing
>someone ahead intentionally hits you with a bomb the second you're done bouncing
>actually telling people to pay for their internet twice
>actually giving people shit for not wanting to be jew'd to fuck by Sony/Microsoft
>defending Beenox purposely gimping offline to force peopel to play online
Holy shit legit kill yourself, you are literally the reason why vidya is bad.
>Implying I ever get any other item than TNT/Nitro and shitty fucking bombs
Do you think Ami's pubes are green?
>Buy a multiplayer game to grind v-bucks offline
Kill yourself brainlet retard
I've unlocked all the trophy girls. Now I that I have what I want, everything else I unlock in this GP is a sweet bonus.
But by all that's holy, Activision should stop being so tight with the Wumpa Coins in singleplayer.
I hope they add a really tight and technical track at some point. Twilight Tour doesn't really have much going on. I suppose Slide Coliseum is already a track like that though
Who gave him that trike?
have fun in your miserable little bubble of mediocrity
on my dick
>Put in a trans rights skin for Fake Crash
>Removed boob jiggle
>Changed the trophy girls to the "nitro squad" which is more gender neutral
>Also changed their role from eye candy to badass yaass queen racers
>Have said Watermelon Tawna "will be addressed"
What happened?
>pulls out ahead of you just long enough to drop a red vial
heh, nothin personnel kid...
>300 points away from the rocket car
>no challenges I can really do right now
>actually giving people shit for not wanting to be jew'd to fuck by Sony/Microsoft
you can out jew them and play online for free, I don't know if you can do it on switch but there is literally nothing stopping you from playing online PS4/Xbox other than a lack of internet
get with the times gramps
And lewd.
carpets gotta match the drapes bro. Real question is are they coarse or fine?
After 4 days of daily challenges and wumpa times I am disgusted by myself, what am I doing with my life. And it's all or nothing for me, If I unlock Tawna I have to get her skins too.
I beat all Oxide's times and won a lot online so am quite happy with that. Now it's time for a good book or some social interaction (haha)
your picture says no.
Unironically kill yourself.
Just go do 20 online races
Testosterone levels in men have reached critical new lows over the past few decades.
Balanced is supposed to be faster than Accel, but the latter is actually faster for some reason. In the second gif on this link, the Accel character is actually outpacing the Balanced character even after they're both at their top speeds.
>muh reddit boogeyman
Click it, you coward
>Have said Watermelon Tawna "will be addressed"
That's PR speak for "We don't care"
Oh no you played a video game for a few days boo hoo.
>blowing up fluffy animals and crushing them under huge barrels GOOD
>bounding tiddy BAD
>Blocks your path
>Put in a trans rights skin for Fake Crash
20 for 300 coins? I get at least 200 per.
they made her really cute in the remakes, in the originals she was pretty boring and she didnt even dance like crash or show much personality at all
fucking lmao
It wouldn't surprise me if there were resetera posters on this board who try to spread info. It's happened before.
>tight and technical
Like Coco's pussy?
guy is banned, not the shitposter one btw
Who said anything about coins
>giving attention to this shit
Fuck off
Why would the accel character not be the fastest during a boost? Boost is nothing but accel.
I did it.
im not a furry but i want to fuck that
I would be exceedingly interested in that track
forgive my retardation
I want a bite of Liz's biscuit.
yeah i'm seriously regretting buying the game
You must be a really skilled player :^)
the challenge in which you race backwards on the final lap, can you do it in private match?
Lol, turned out the OP used a shitty pic and her skin is actually lighter in the game.
People in the thread still want her name changed.
>Implying the girls haven't become more eye candy now that they have more than one animation
I'm no SJW but even I'd have given it a different name. That is kinda skirting it
coco AND the nitro squad are the best of friends AND the representatives of gorgeousness in NF. incels, lets enjoy both styles, beenox have us covereed as far as i can see
Yea Forums is literally who got Anita popular and who passed around her shitty Kickstarter. People here just do not fucking learn.
>That tweet is real
Wtf people here were calling Beenox based and shit
yeah man
There are only a handful of tracks that demand some advanced handling, like Slide Coliseum or Cortex Castle. It's a real shame, I'm afraid all the DLC tracks will essentially function like Twilight Tour. A few wide broad turns and too many turbo pads.
>trans(aka pink skin)
>Fake Crash
the irony went way above your intellect
I don't like they removed the jiggle, but I think making the trophy girls as racers and giving them special gear is a cool alternative to being only the trophy girls. Both would have been nice, but I'd take them as racers over being out of the game. Plus they are dancing in the Slide Coliseum stage as holograms, which is nice. Making them trophy girls would just upset SJWs these days, which sometimes isnt worth the fight over. Again, jiggle should have stayed. I heard its in the Xbox and Switch though, so probaby a Sony thing.
Better post Bandicuties stuff to frighten them off.
Which one has the best asshole?
*reverses, coming to a screeching halt, staring at you for 1 minute 24 seconds, on the 40th second, her left ear wiggles, while her right one droops for a brief moment, her eyes give off the smallest red glow, before reverting back to normal, you think she is going to speak [she doesn't] and just keeps that cold, hateful, angry stare on you for the full 1 minute 24 seconds*
..What the fuck did you just say? What the FUCK did you just say? Dear fucking CHRIST you look like more of a cunt today than usual, and that's saying something. Here, no, let me cut you off, shut the fuck up for a second, do you think I didn't see you last race? Why are you getting all fidgety and squirmy? OH, you think we all didn't see? I saw you fuck up that shortcut jump on Papu's course last race, we all saw it. Did you watch the broadcast? Stew was LAUGHING at your ditzy blonde ass. The fucking chickens were mocking you. IMAGINE fucking that short cut up, IMAGINE -actually- fucking that up. As if it's fucking Sewer Speedway, what a god damn blonde bimbo. I'm pretty sure I saw Pura take that shortcut flawlessly. How the fuck do you Accel's always fuck this shit up? SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU CUNT, SHUT THE FUCK UP. YOU DON'T LIKE IT WHEN I SPEAK THE TRUTH, DO YOU? OH THAT PISSES OFF THE LITTLE BLONDE WHORE, CAREFULL HONEY YOUR WUMPA FRUIT ARE GONNA POP OUT OF THAT SHIRT OF YOURS, PUT YOUR FUCKING """""MOTOR SPORT""" SKIN ON, make those suck all the fucking way back in. Dumb bitch. Did you just go to get out your kart? Try it, bitch, TRY IT. Make my fucking day. I will fuck you up on the track and off it, try-- that's fucking right, close that god damn door. Drive away.
Lots of cheese, and some help from online friends.
Not yet. I need to get faster.
Probably, but you can also do it in a local match with two players. I did it against Easy AI on Coco Park, 7 Laps. More than enough time to lap them twice before the last lap.
But actually never mind, I just realized new dailies are coming in like 20 minutes anyway
Fuck off
God. You fucking faggots literally cannot go a single thread without talking about politics.
>Pink Fake Crash is one of the best skins in the game
>Likely done because of Sony
>"is more gender neutral" entire squad is literally all females
>Are still eye candy, just look at how Liz acts. Also the closest to a badass is Tawna
Nothing happened
Based Ami telling it like it is!
Then we should just ignore any resetera posts that keep getting posted... That's not gonna happen ain't it? Why is it so hard to ignore things?
I'm more invested in this plot than most dramas
what the fuck is happening
i got hard until i realized she was talking about tawna
I'm not seeing the jiggle on the switch version. The trophy girls are great now though, they actually have character that makes them cute and appealing
Megumi a best
>Pink Fake Crash is one of the best skins in the game
t. Ranny
>invite some nig to my birthday when i was a kid
>arrives late and gives me a pack of stickers as a present
Never again
do like said.
Coco Park, Easy, 7laps
you'll lap twice the 2nd (if you're decent), be able to finish the reverse lap and win
btw, reverse with analog if you're on ps4, apparently doing it with dpad can be... glitchy(aka won't work)
fucking kek
Play Battle Mode.
>Why is it so hard to ignore things?
Some people thrive on being angry at things, some people enjoy using it to troll, and others know it should be ignored but spread it anyway because fuck everyone. Telling people on the internet to have some sense is like getting blood from a stone.
>Easy AI on Coco Park, 7 Laps
Bullshit, I did this in the switch version and it didn't count.
>Mario Kart: Joyless elitist edition
I am looking forward to this game dying, until then I will stick to private lobbies with the chosen few.
>Pink Fake Crash is one of the best skins in the game
agree... i only play him and brown zem
>btw, reverse with analog if you're on ps4, apparently doing it with dpad can be... glitchy(aka won't work)
did it yesterday on PS4, analog actually gave me trouble where the pad didn't
if you use the pad you just have to make sure you literally never let go of the down button from the second you reverse over the start line
I can't easily get kamikaze that way
>Handsome, smart, and sophisticated
>Enjoys croquet, fine literature, and cooking
>Has an accent
>Owns a popular restaurant chain
>Takes women on nice dates and treats them to fancy dinners
>Renowned Firefighter, even featured on the cover of a yearly calendar
>Has 10/10 Legendary skins
Why is he so perfect, Yea Forumsros?
Shut it, you slag! Now put your knickers on and make me a cup of tea. Two sugars.
In a small pool full of ky while wearing thin white undies and tees
The various top speeds (regular, boosted, turbo, blue fire) are fixed values that have nothing to do with how quickly the various classes reach them. Speed characters have a faster turbo speed than acceleration characters, because their SPEED stat is the highest. Balanced characters also have a higher speed stat than acceleration, so why are they slower?
It's funny, earlier people were saying that it didn't even occur to them that the Watermelon Tawna skin could be seen as racist. For me it was the same deal with this skin, I just thought like oh neat, a dumb pink skin for this retarded looking bandicoot
how did they make all of them worst girl and coco best girl
>Patch 1.06
>Removed Watermelon Tawna and put African american Tawna in her place
>Fixed blue fire being too fast
>Fixed glitch that made handling and balanced characters faster than they should be
>Fixed trophy girls having chests at all
>Thunder Struck issue will be addressed in the future
>Fixed lap glitch (leaderboards stay the same tho)
>Changed item balanced so every place that's not 2nd can get a clock, warp orb and mask (including 1st place)
I assume the 2nd guy was chastised and banned?
>>Renowned Firefighter, even featured on the cover of a yearly calendar
>no furries have drawn it yet
i dont want to use my money to commission this shit god damn it
Yea Forums would be a better website had Chanology never happened.
Is there a reliable source on what the actual stats of the characters are and/or supposed to be?
Was looking on some FAQs (for the PS1 version) on GameFAQs, but those were no help at all since they not only disagreed with each other, but also sometimes claimed characters like Tiny and Dingodile had different stats.
>giving a shit about the rainbow pants (the part thats usually hidden by the kart and camera)
Fuck off back to /pol/ fag
DAILY reminder that in his advertisement
He killsSpyro , Sonic, and Crash Bandicoot. I'm not joking.
What the fuck is her problem?
Bad news, pal. You're a furfag now.
>All of the new Dingodile art (what little there is) has been shit
>Most of it is fetish fuel
y it gota b lik dis
>ami and tawna getting into a catfight
Let's be serious the entire world would have been better had social side of the internet had never been a thing.
I've bought like four variants of those red, blue and white paint jobs to match the Stars and Stripes decal for the Imperium, but none of them have worked out like I hoped
What's the best way to get the limit battle wins without getting hit
>PS2 game
Did nobody tell that dude they were already dead
Except Pinstripe was actively making space between the two of them. He wasn't just hitting the speed faster, he had a plain better top speed than joe.
Based and redpilled
You're shitting me. Is it on YouTube? I've got to see it.
>The PS1 version
Naughty Dog has a history of putting secret modifiers into their games, like the dynamic difficulty in the Crash trilogy. It would be in character for them if the CTR stats were half-bullshit and all the characters had unique values.
>Pink and blue (trans) color scheme
>With rainbow pride pants
>From a company who tweeted about enjoying pink and blue cotton candy in support of trans rights
Sure it's just a coincidence
Not done it myself, but either as second controller, or I presume it would work if you set the only weapons to TNT and had the dumb AI kill itself
off topic, but sam has the best shit eating grin.
I want to gaze into her eyes talk about my feelings
Did you just reference that picture of Tawna/Coco putting wumpa fruit down there shirts to give them bigger tits?
connect a second controller and 1v1 him
Coco fister her arse without using lube.
>accel character accelerates faster than a character with lower acceleration
your an retard
When I first bought the trophy girls and played them, I could swear they felt totally different from the other characters in those classes
ya im thinking... he is in
aussies are fucking insane
>still no one to play with me
I dunno if Beenox would put in that much effort, probably just your mind playing tricks on you.
It's because you're ugly and gay and stink, fuck off
It's not the fact he accelerates to his top speed faster, but the fact he continues to outpace him even after both have supposedly reached their top speed, retard.
Pervert. Next you'll be saying you want to hold hands with her.
can we have the spook man driving?
Is every character viable, or does one type dominate online?
Just beat N.Tropy on Oxcide Station. I think I’m gonna make it, lads.
>dan racing
i would love it
Tawna's fur is light brown to match the brunette hair for that skin, it only looks dark on switch because the lighting is fucked
>that Kangaroo with 2 mouths
would be neat, he is a ps1 classic and he is getting a remake pretty soon
I would love
go through all of them and find out what fits your style and the selected map.
Tiers are for queers
>even after both have supposedly reached their top speed
are you retards actually assuming that the fact they're boosting means they're hitting top speed simultaneously
new dailies and pitstop refresh soon
I've always looked at it as:
Speed = Max speed w/o boost
Accel = Max boosted Speed(MT/fire/USF)
Not the IRL terms:
Speed = Highest achievable speed
Accel = rate in which you reach max speed
I don't think the game follows IRL logic user.
I think Sony already has enough exclusives with their PS1 skins. If Dan got in for Sony then Microsoft would have to have Banjo.
Crash would rip his nipples off.
No furry Cindy is Sandy from Spongebob, Coco's voiced by Debi who did Jimmy's voice
Another demonstration of the messed up Balanced/Accel speed values. Note how the Pinstripe player continues to outpace the Joe player even after they've both supposedly reached their top speed, not boosting.
And then I would have to get an Xbone copy of CTRNF and start from scratch
Pharaoh Cortex was the only thing worth buying in the shop
>Nitro Fueled goes from "every Crash character is here!" to "every beloved PS1 character is here!"
>boomerangs you
I'm absolutely guilty of this, even when I've had a clear shot at the guy in front of me. It's just the shitposter inside of me.
>tfw their mask power-up is replaced by golden feathers with THAT song
>even after they've both supposedly reached their top speed
turn on the fucking speedometer so this is actually demonstrable
Is crash, dare i say it, /ourbandicoot/?
>not even crash threads are safe from /pol/ and resetera's gay internet political drama war
For fucks sake.
Has anyone done a top speed values comparison between speed and accel characters? It would clear up some confusion at least.
it's 2019, unironically expect it no matter where you go
>4 straight seconds of boosting
>Parappa the Rapper joins the race
>Lara Croft joins the race
Worked for me on switch, just turn around at the end of lap 6 and pass the line already backwards, and follow the pink strip in the middle of the road to be sure to be always backwards. Angling too much can fuck it up, basically if you hear the "wrong direction" voice again you fucked up.
What the fuck mane.
>jumps on your head
inb4 Lant_War banned
>are you retards actually assuming that the fact they're boosting means they're hitting top speed simultaneously
learn to read while you're at it
If Crash can deflect rocks thrown by a roided koala, then i'm sure he can handle a few sticks thrown by a pansy tiger.
>Tropy's ghost on N. gin labs
>I fucking fell out off road on lap 1 and got squished on lap 2
>still somehow won first try
This was such a shitty run lmao
I also got Cortex castle and hot air skyway on my first try. Oxide station is next
>be a shitty player
>reeeee neckbeards
Okay. Thanks for the advice, user.
>Gabe Logan joins the race
there is a rumor... about Bend Studio(the former 989 and makers of Days Gone) doing a MOTHERFUCKING SYPHON FILTER
>Oxide station is next
Godd luck, you are going to need it.
>Daily Challenge has Crystal Cup again
Did Beenox fuck up?
>Oxide station is next
Hope you're ready to become a man or die trying
>PS1 Lara with Jiggle
would never no fap again
>Beenox announces that Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May will join the CTR roster.
You need 3:32 to unlock Tropy and under 3:30 to beat him. Good luck.
croc in CTR!
>join friend in Online Matchmaking
>lobby fills, map selection starts
>lobby suddenly disconnects, leaving friend and I
>...but the map selection options are still there
>later, lobby fills again, map selection starts again
The online for this game is so hilariously fucked
Hyper Spaceway won
He'd just be an inferior Dingodile.
Nina Cortex and Coco Bandicoot worshipping N. Tropy's cock while being hypnotized by N-Trance!
>STILL no Irish paint and flag sticker
>playing online
>only matching with shitters in every lobby
>always win making people dnf
>turn off the console
If Microsoft got Banjo so would Nintendo. They’ve been on excellent terms so it’s almost guarunteed
>We will never live in the "Crash Bandicoot Cartoon actually happened" universe
Feels bad man
On paper balanced's stats were too good so accel being faster makes sense. It'd be nice if they didn't lie for the sake of accuracy though.
Play at night, people are way better because normal humans don't play a kart game in the middle of the night
no just let it be, this would have been as bad as the mario and zelda cartoons they made
Can't wait to join the CTR roster, love!
imagine the YTPs
>Nina Cortex hypno art
Yes please
If he gets another successful game, then it's not outside the realm of possibility that he could get a show.
Heck, they could get the people who did Sonic Boom to make it.
>play online
>get utterly rectally ravaged over a children's kart racer
I'm so glad they stuck with a more classic, Chuck Jones or Tex Avery cartoon style over this. It's part of why I hate Twinsanity, because that game definitely had a more contemporary Saturday morning cartoon feel to it.
>Cortex opens a fast food restaurant.
>Crash gets dementia.
>N.Brio's rave party.
>win 1st place by a decent amount
>get shoved down to 6th place
What the actual fuck, Beenox.
>CalArts crash cartoon
oh god
Don't think I can be bothered with this grand prix stuff. Just gonna keep playing my boy Penta with a basic kart.
Don't you put that evil out into the universe.
It's not like you gain much anyway with the other stuff
Imagine the banter between her and N.Tropy.
Don't fucking give them ideas!
>dude imagine the EPIC DISNEY MARVEL QUIPS between N. Tropy and this soulless shill actiblizz character
kill yourself
Hey, dudes add me on PSN. User is "busscore"
Trying to get friends to play online
>implying there needs to be any "banter" more extensive than Tropy telling that little skank that she's on his time now
i'm with
Speed characters dominate the Time Trial leaderboards so obviously anyone skilled with them with dominate online, but from my experience at least majority of people playing speed characters are shit with their turning skill. I mainly play Balanced and usually have no problem winning. Hell I've even lost to turning once or twice.
Can't enable the speedometer in split screen looks like.
love you user
imagine this dick in your mouth you handsome motherfucker
Who said about anything Marvel? You need to relax.
That's what I ment by banter. Banter doesn't need to be that extensive.
>rocket car has checkered livery like Isabella's racing outfit
>no paint color matches with it
pretend i posted something shocking
At least buy me a drink first.
>Banter doesn't need to be that extensive
shit banter, maybe
I don't have to pretend because you fucking did.
But you did
sent ;)
What does the N stand for?
are ps4fags still stuck on his time?
pcfag here still waiting for release[spoiler/]
Quality over quantity.
they fixed it.
your idea of "quality banter" in his instance is literally tropy saying his most memorable line
Stop it. Please.
>instead of ‘Whoa!’ he says ‘Yikes!’
Yes they are and anyone who says otherwise is trying to get others punished by proxy
Who's on the store today. It's just empty for me, so I'm wondering if they've cycled back to Ami or if it's empty for everyone
You have to take in consideration the delivery of the line.
When will she be added?
With horse kart
What's your favorite skin?
>horse kart
i see you saw that animation as well
How does the daily bonus work? Is it a fixed number of races, or is it time based?
They fixed it, but he moved on to online races, where he will switch your win position at the end of a race, even if you finished with a better time
cowboy fake crash
Oxide Station's N Tropy ghost is where boys become men. Hell, its fucking harder than most Oxide ghosts
For some reason I was expecting "Baby Crash" to be Japanese Crash
Ones that aren't just recolours.
I want that eagle but it hasn't shown up for me yet.
When you break no fap, you do it big
Anyone else not able to get into games on switch version?
It's empty for me too, I hope they're just cycling through as I already own Ami but missed Megumi's bundle due to lack of coins.
OP is a pedo who likes a game that requires you to spam nitro to even get 2nd place, boring as fuck game for furfag pedos.
>the quiet animatino
so many loads, so many children lost, i cant believe it
>Fake Crash Trans skin
>transgenders are fake males/females
30 minutes of race time, i.e. it only counts the time when you're actually in a race
>doing it with dpad can be... glitchy(aka won't work)
There's only like a three second difference between Tropy's and Oxide's times on that track, it's weird
Hey TropyFags!
your main is bald
how many times, Todd?
I did it 30 times before giving up on dpad and trying with analog
I did it with the dpad first try, just always keep pressing down
>tfw i cant lewd characters anymore
>they look to young
>tfw geting parental feels
I want to raise coco and crash!
How does Dingodile fit his big feet into shoes
yeah everyone's favorite thing about catchphrases is definitely the nuanced and varied delivery
i'd suck a dick for a timeline where an AOSTH esque crash cartoon filled with kino ytps
>crashed when I hit the finish line
Wake me up when pc comes out.
Biker Tiny
Flamingo Krunk (haven't unlocked it yet)
Inner Tube N.Trance
Watermelon Tawna
Though my main is Beach 'Dile
You won't be waking up, period. Enjoy your refreshed save file
I've avoided doing any time trial or plat relic because of this shit even though I'm on switch.
>be ps4 player
>corrupted file
>wait for pc version
>3 years later
>nobody plays it because pc players just do mmorpgs and counterstrike
>zoomers wont play it because they dont care unless a twitch streamer plays it and even then they only play a videogame to copy paste the exact same thing the streamer did
heheheheheheheh you will be all alone!
>trans flag colors
Coco is fucking ugly. Why does she have such a fat head?
People saying Oxide Station is tough, Dragon Mines is the real slug filter
Sonic all stars transformed was pretty popular on launch so I see no reason this wouldn't be unless its locked to actiblizzard launcher.
Fucking kek thank you user
What the fuck are you even trying to say here? They maintain the exact same speed throughout the last part of the video, and that speed is noticeably and most importantly CONSISTENTLY faster for the Accel character. They're both hit their top speeds and are NOT accelerating anymore.
so play an accel character if you're so butthurt about them being faster
>Beat a digital Tropy player twice in a row
how do you squash people? land on their heads from a jump?
Drive into them while using the red boost canister item.
N. Tropy is a fucking joke in Time Trial mode. Just play as N. Trance and boom you beat him easily. Oxide is where the real challenge is.
If Beach Dingodile had this shirt it would be the best skin in the game.
But for now it's the best skin for the best character Painter is a close second
Wouldn’t be funny if Tiny could manhandle all these petite female bandicoots. Ha ha lol
Football Tiny.
I was saving all my money for the General Tiny skin, and both football and general appeared after one another in the shop. And surprisingly, Tiny looks fucking RAD as a footballer.
Fucking try me bitch Tropy
ᵀinʸ ˢqᵘᵃˢʰ ᵖᵘnʸ ᵏᵃʳᵗˢ
ah, doesn't seem too hard to do the challenge then
>have to squeeze right past that first minecart
>only one boost pad on the track, in a really awkward location
>have to jump through the bad terrain before the finish line which eats through your reserves
This is by far the toughest time trial I've done, all the other other ones have had the benefit of abusing the super boosts more easily
The dailies are so fucking boring
Same here. Really hoping Megumi shows up tomorrow. Can anyone else confirm is the shop is empty or if it has Ami in it?
I thought I heard “Tiny squash puny thots” for some reason
Only that one bit of it is.
are you using the minecart tunnel skip
that made the whole thing a lot easier for me
Tiny squash puny thots
>Fake Crash is an ugly copy of the original
yup, they sure picked the right character for trans representation
Why do you think your load times are so long user?
>tfw I was chad Biker Tiny in a room full of trophy girls
She was kind of a nerd,tho. It was weird when she started spinning on Crash Bash.
Vroom Vroom
>Tiny says he's very good.
>He actually is.
What a pleasant surprise.
post hatemail
Jumping through the spiral is easier for me. But this is the first track where the Oxide time is giving me genuine trouble
>TFW this just happened with me
>biker tiny came last
made me kek
Vroom Vroom
I did it with a dpad, you're just literally never allowed to let go of down until the lap is over. Crash in a wall, stop for a split second, go on a boost pad or get hit by an item and you have to do it all over.
>I did it against Easy AI on Coco Park, 7 Laps. More than enough time to lap them twice before the last lap
I did the same, but for some reason it didn't work. I did the whole last lap on reverse. :(
>Go online.
>Room is filled with trophy girls.
Blame Beenox
Ok I managed to beat it, but only by like three seconds
The game needs more females. Bandicoot girls are fucking hot.
>Go online.
>Room is filled with trophy girls.
>make a grindy month-long event where using event-specific characters gives a +25% bonus
Fuck off, dumbass.
Just wait until N Brio is released.
Or Spyro...
Or that T Rex with babys one...
Well I hope they add an option to block certaint characters so I can have my Kino races with the bros.
He's not wrong
less bandicoots more Nina
Tiny is a good boy and must be protected
Fuck off back to Yea Forums
Daily reminder that the next grand prix will have baby characters. Who will be
And you'll have to use them, and win, for the nitro boost. True hell is coming
Nina probably gets railed by Crash
He's 100% correct you got lucky
Coco would look a lot cuter without the realistic, individual teeth and the weird fur texture.
Her statues in Coco Park are a thousand times more charming.
Well you'll be getting Baby Coco and a big blue female dinosaur soon.
go away julian
Well I don't give two fucks about the Grand Prix right now anyways, I just wanna have a good time.
Oh don't worry, Baby Cortex(?) is most likey speed.
I am fucking petrified to see what baby Coco looks like, lads. They wouldn't give her diapers, would they? Please god don't do it.
All the babies are gonna have the same stats as their adult version.
Baby crash is balance
Baby coco is accel
Baby cortex is balance
Baby tropy is speed
Baby T is handling
why wouldn't Baby Tropy be speed?
I cant wait for my baby coco paradise
Holy shit i can feel that UEF.
>fucked him by using an insanely common item (bomb)
whassup, hogooto
Stay mad nigga.
Some guy in first just had a single warp orb pass by him all three laps, didn't hit him a single time. Is there some exploit I'm unaware of, or was it just a glitch? The orb hit me, of course.
>baby characters
>more coin grinding
>more nitro grinding
I think I'm dropping the game after this event. It's not even finished and I just don't enjoy CTR anymore.
Can someone explain why Coco has a human fetish?
>Baby T is handling
It's a pretty minuscule gain in the grand scheme of things. I only equip the special gear if I'm doing specific challenges, otherwise I just use whatever I want. If you do a thousand races with the 25% percent bonus, it's only an extra 3000 nitro for the month. I don't foresee the competition becoming that tight to stay in the top 5%
A bomb isn't anymore common than a TNT crate or a Potion
Do Bandicoots have human rights?
Because she thinks N Gin is cute.
This has to be intentional, and good fucking job if that's the case, cuz I fucking laughed so hard one of my lungs collapsed on the spot
I for one welcome the large wave of crash related toddlercon that will folllow
its gonna be a big poofy diaper under a skit and you're gonna hate it
A lot of people don't even know about all these advanced mechanics, because they're never even mentioned in the game (which they really should be). I really wonder what they're thinking when you fly past them three times faster than they're going
How strong could he be?
they have a right to human dick
Don't forget Baby Nina
The king will return after 19 years.
yeah, and i hit him when i was right behind him. he could have hit me with a potion or crate just as easily as i hit him
I unlocked that skin a couple days ago and immediately thought "man someone is going to get triggered". Sure enough, I was right.
I love the skin though because the idea of a black Tawna gets me rock solid.
Is the N. Tropy save deletion bug still a thing or am i safe to try to unlock him?
god I hope baby t aint handling cause now I've gotten good with speed, turning chars are just too fucking slow for me
They can get right in my pants.
So will the Emperor, he is inevitable.
Rilla Roo is trash
He completely breaks the Australian motif of the cast since gorillas aren't Australian
At least for the Komodo Bros, Indonesia is fairly close to Australia
Learn the courses and get gud
why do you keep posting this pura mickey mouse thing
>Rilla Roo is trash.
Cuddling in bed with Megumi!
to unlock tropy do you need to beat his ghost on EVERY track or just the main story ones?
Make him shit tier statwise and if he wins online then everyone hears RILLA ROO WINS.
this hasn’t aged well, at least for the Crash one. Bubsy is debatable but has had a groundswell of new stuff lately
does Coco have a tail? I never played Crash Bandicoot.
Do you think Bandicoot women would fuck humans?
do shields only, pop one up, wait for the ai to throw his shield and bump into him. then just wait it out with a shield up
online is un-bplayable with the frequency of blue orbs and clocks. Beenox shouldn't have gave into Mario Kart fans
Baby n. Tropy isnt available in the pit stop, he can only be unlocked by beating his time on prehistoric playground
Then beating oxide's time unlocks the platinum digital baby tropy skin
>that model
No actually
if you woke up to that I promise you you'd run away as fast you can and call the cops
Human cock is unmatched in comparison to animals
Cortex and Brio got animals from Australia and neighboring islands
Where the fuck did they get a gorilla?
Okay I'm trying to get the Master Drifter trophy and idk what I'm doing wrong here. If I'm reading it correctly, I'm supposed to get 3 perfect drift boosts 5 times in a row, right?
shut the fuck up you fucking mexico
The zoo
Coco on human porn when?
The zoo.
what's up haha
It's just not the same.
she has cute teeth
Dont do boosts just drift a lot
he sure is asking for it with shorts like those though
>USF is as fast or faster than the rocket item
What an intensely mixed feeling, to try to shoot down first with a missle and then proceed to catch up with that missle.
cuddling in bed with anyone, its so lonely.
was getting shot part of your plan?
Are you making this?
Why don't you try for yourself and see what I do
It's safe, as fun as the memes are.
Reminder to abuse the Thunder Struck shortcut before they fix it to farm 50+ coins per minute.
>crash apple
Enlighten me, good user
Actually that's the regular "Drifter" trophy, "Master Drifter" does require boosts.
Cocofags BTFO
I don't know what you plan of doing with that model
but it better involve stomach_bulges
and cum_inflation
Jump off the right side of the track after the line onto the track below as soon as the race starts to skip the entire track. Do this 3 times and win under a minute.
yup, source filmmaker to be exact!