This is fucking bullshit guys

This is fucking bullshit guys.

>get hired to work at a game studio
>the game is an rpg/action game hybrid with a pvp mode
>setting is dark fantasy in a modern day city(like Vampire Bloodlines, The Secret World or DMC series)

So what's the problem? The gameplay. I got to try some of the demo being made showcasing the combat, and it's appalling. It's supposed to be an action game, yet there's no launchers, no juggling, no midair combos. The most I saw were some kind of pursuit moves that allowed you to go after someone you knocked away. But that's it. I told the team that this was a huge problem, and that they NEED to make the gameplay like Devil May Cry 5, with launcher, juggles, etc. They refused, saying "We don't want our game to play that way" and 'It's meant to be somewhat more realistic and not an anime". So they basically told me they don't want to emulate a game with the greatest combat system ever made in the history of gaming itself, because "we don't want our game full of supernatural unrealistic shit to be like an anime".

I can't believe I am on a team working with people like this, holy fucking shit.

Attached: TheSecretWorld.jpg (650x465, 37K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Realistic combat can be good though, mordhau for example

Realistic combat is shit, and has no fucking place in a setting with unrealistic shit and fucking magic.

>just because game has fantasy elements it can't have realistic mechanics
based retard

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Oh it's this thread again.

Realistic combat isn't fun, it's boring as shit, and there's a reason games like DMC 5 sold stupidly well while shit like Mordhau and Vermintide doesn't sell at all.

you have garbage opinions

Please don't use a TSW pic for your shitty copypasta; it reminds me how much it was a wasted potential of an mmo

But they are right. DMC5 doesn't have the SUPERIOR


Just code the game, game coder

All that fucking text to waste my time with your shit tier taste DMCfag. God damn it.

You don't need launcher or juggles to make an action game, if you actually played other games besides DMC you would know.

Attached: disgust.png (1920x1080, 1.47M)

i wish secret world was action adventure and not mmo-tier combat


Name an action game without those features that is actually good.

Btw rachel is ugly.

>purposely make a game not play like an amazing game because you have some silly idea of realism in a game with fucking vampires and demons and other unrealistic shit

Onimusha 1, 2, 3 and 4 my raging homosexual friend.

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Not every game has to be the same you fucking autist. Glad your opinions don't mean shit at your job.

Is that the conceding sound of silence i hear? Sounds nice.

Except for the fact both Mordhau and Vermintide sold well?

I swear, I've read this exact same OP multiple times before. Why are you trying to do this shit again?

Attached: dumb_and_stupid.png (229x286, 127K)

>play action game
>get game with bare minimum action
Can't believe people actually like "realistic action" or whatever the fuck they call bland punching. They must eat toast sandwiches regularly.

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4/10 bait, only a sub 70 iq brainlet would take you seriously. Fortunately for you Yea Forums is filled with retards

>Play action game
>Enemies just stand around waiting for you to do something

Its an eurojunk game, the type would be sold at full price on release and for 5 bucks a few months later, am I right?