This did effect videogames

>"This thread has been pruned or deleted"

I made a thread about how All the fallen website ( a website that have mods that nexus is too politically correct to have) has been taken down, because apparently Netherlands got fucked by a law that says all drawing are illegal, basically. Why was this thread deleted? There was no porn or off topic discussion there. This info should be a sticky, as that law actually effects games, and all the posters that are from Netherland. Also have some companionship, we just lost a country.
Also the reason why i wasn't banned was because there is nothing to ban me with, that thread was on point. Old Yea Forums would have fight the powa, 4channel banns for the owna.

>will this effect me?
Yes, it already did, and it will keep doing so.

Attached: shit news, everybody.png (1891x795, 133K)

shit they're fully gone now? I remember when they went offline a few months ago and I thought it was just a server failing or something

This is not actually video games.
Unironically go to another board like Yea Forums, /r9k/, etc.

>video game mods
>not video games

>website specialized in mods for VIDEO GAMES gets taken down
>someone wants to talk about this on a board designed to discuss VIDEO GAMES
>somehow this is not relevant to a board designed to discuss VIDEO GAMES

Zoom zoom

You already have a Skyrim general, go there

Yes, this is VERY video games. Are you saying if nexus decided to fuck off it would not be videogame related? The speed you replied makes me to think you are some kind of shill, you are definitely not a friend of mine or videogames.

I was in the last thread. You weren't talking about the actual content of the site. Plus this is a work-safe board.

>the speed at which you replied
Unless you're a fucking geezer, 2 minutes is more than enough time to post a dozen words in a new thread.

mods are fucking retarded and know nothing of video games
they just see that it is a loli site so they feel the intense need to drop their hotpockets and slam the banhammer.
especially ABIB

What are you doing? do you really thing that law like that is a good thing? You are the exactly the kind of people that are too retarded to think for yourself. This will fuck you over too, in the long run, because it already did.

Where are the loli sims 4 mods now


I didnt know the netherlands was that cucked

only East Europe and some of south Europe are uncucked

Shit, sadpanda is hosted in the netherlands.

We didn't use to be that way.
I guess the stupidity from the dumbfucktards over at the UK started leaking into our government.

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>loli and other pedoshit banned
Fucking based. If OP though anyone would care about his pedophilic fantasies website, he was sorely mistaken. GTFO incel

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Wait so why are all the big hentai sites hosted in the Netherlands anyway?

maybe don't be a pedo. ever think of that?

Thanks, sending report now.

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Wow look at all those videogames

jokes on you, the government isn't smart enough to know how to get into that site to check

2D is not real
I dont care about 3D
Banning 2D will only increase the number of pedos
You cannot make people good by imply banning "bad" depictions, that makes no sense, it only has the opposite effect
maybe grow a brain, ever think of that?

haha all this cope
you will go to prison because you will end up molesting a child because you are a pedo

>had a sticky for some bigger ecelebs no one on this board actually watches
>can't have a sticky (or even a non-deleted thread) for mods, something big actually related to games


And remember, i was not banned for this picture or any other. The thread was just pruned, because fuck knowing what happens in the world. If these mods would use the Netherlands logic, i could be a criminal. So i ask from all of you, Is this picture art or porn? Does that matter? What is the age of this character? Is this illegal or not? Can these fuckers think?
We can't let this kind of wrongthink mentality to spread.

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>buy Evenicle on steam
>suddenly the cops start banging on my door
>open up and politely ask what is going on
>get beaten up and wake up in prison for 5 years
>all the niggers are now going to rape my ass for my crimes

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>RetardEra criticizing anyone else for pedophilia

Honestly I don't even think it will increase the number of pedos, it will however increase the number of criminals as defined by the new law. Victimless crime is going to be the top focus of law enforcement soon. Say goodbye to society as we know it.

Sure showed him, kiddo

You can literally Google it

Falseflagging doesn't help your cause. I'm not one to judge you, but stop calling other people pedophiles hoping that that way you'll deflect attention. It's the biggest red flag.
Go encrypt your HDD/SSD or soon you'll be in the news.

All fucking troll idiots out there, they will come to you too. Tell me a media you enjoy and i will tell you how it will fuck you over, because it already did.

Wish I'd known about this site before it died. Looks like the TK17 modsite is still up thank god.

I enjoy fucking your mom

meanwhile gays normalizing real pedophilia is ok


Attached: anti loli fags.png (369x1600, 481K)

Doesn't matter how available information is there's always idiots who can't do shit for themselves

Maybe if it's normalized then the 2d art can become legal again


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Though actually, didn't ATF have a bunch of people actually taken down for child porn among their loli in Aus and such?

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>"innocent" pedophilia

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No because drawings cant consent

There is just so much loli/shota porn out there, even if the main source itself, Japan, made it illegal, there is still enough content to last a lifetime. Man, I can't believe I will live to see loli become illegal, I have GBs just of drawings in my PC, I should make copies of it and see it in the black market, made mad bank from selling HDs with porn, basically the same as it already happens in China.

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>I am a child
at least it checks out based on how fucking stupid it is

>people jerking off to me

Where do I get my loli mods now?

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This is such a stupid argument. If you're drawing a picture of actual child pornography then you clearly have some kind of reference point. You literally had to download REAL CP in order to draw it.

>lolicon/shota illegal in the netherlands
now that's funny, any book/comic store that sells old strips could potentially have illegal content because they drew a lot of naked cartoon kids in the 80's

Time to learn how to make loli mods yourself now

>become rich from selling loli
what a glorious way to do it.

if you were a member in the forums it was obvious. actual pedos always give off this thirsty, creepy vibe.
personally I'd argue possession shouldn't be criminalized, either. either that or make bestgore illegal too

>ywn be so cute you have people jerk off to you

Attached: screaming banana.jpg (1079x540, 94K)

Stop thinking about some pedo shit, that is nothing this law is all about, it is literally making wrongthink a crime. This law effectively made all that are from Netherlands criminals, just by being in this site. What if they bought made in abyss? are they criminals now? Yes they are. Did they also own any disney movie, in the jail you go.
My banner is konata giving a hand job for a text "Yea Forums" , i guess this site is as criminal as it gets. I know we all want to shit post, but can we stop being a retarded for a minute? Because if we can't, we will never be able to be freely retarded again.

Wait what law change

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Fuck I was just redownloading the sims 4 to stuff it with loli mods
I guess I wont bother now

Can someone do some research on what law they are talking about exactly?

and to draw human skeleton with muscles and tendons you had to butcher and dissect person before

The Netherlands is a literal who country why would this affect anyone

I cannot find anything online about such a law
Are we sure its even real

All the good porn sites are hosted here ya know

Every fucking time
Jesus Christ, I love jerking it to loli but at least the girls I dated IRL were all above the age of 20