Favorite Turn Based RPG

What's your favorite Turn-Based JRPG/RPG? Battle Mechanics, Music, Story etc.Tell me what makes you love it.

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Azure Dreams
I would gush about it but it's getting late. Short version: it has a lot of ambition but fails a lot of them, which makes it charming + childhood nostalgia.

It looks pretty neat from what i'm seeing, Does it have randomly generated dungeons?

Yeah, dungeon and gameplay wise it's pretty similar to the mystery dungeon games.
There's only 40 floors in total, 3 of them are pre-seeded, the rest is random.

What sorta strategies does the game encourage you to employ?

Disgaea, FF Tactics, and old FE and some of new fe for me.
I'm open to new stuff so bump.


I feel like one of the few people who actually thoroughly enjoyed FE:Awakening, I thought Fates was awful however.

Paper Mario 2.
Mario and Luigi 3.
FF7 if it counts.
Fire Emblem 9.
I'm pretty basic.

Upgrading non-degradeable weapons through multiple runs in the dungeons and/or OP monster fusions.
I suppose you could use magic balls too, but they're limited in usage and thus harder to maintain than equipment, because of the limited inventory space making it hard to lug sands around to refresh magic balls. But it could work with some autism, I suppose.
One of the gimmicks of the game is that while your level resets when you leave/die in the tower, your monsters keep their levels, so if you're a shitter you could just powerlevel them and bring enough food for them (that's what I would do as a kid, I was dumb).

Monster Fusion sounds like it'd be right up my ally, I love stuff like that. Something about that sort of customization and min-maxing potential excites my dumb little soft brain

I consider this to be JRPG turn based combat perfected. It hit every note for me perfectly. I wish the other aspects of the game were as good. They could honestly just straight copy the combat for SMTV and just have a better world/cast and I wouldn't even complain.

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Oh yeah, I haven't played a lot of SMT games but I loved SMT IV and SMT IV apocalypse. I agree the story/characters need work but the gameplay more than made up for it at least for me. Wish I had the hardware to give Nocturne a shot too.

It's pretty basic but fun. There's 3 elements that beat each other in rock paper scissors. Most monsters have an some kind of ability.
You can fuse them and it'll retain the ability of one of it's parents and the element of the other. Something like that.
Point is, you can make some strong monsters, because some of the fuckers have 2x movement per turn for example, or can eat metal to regain health.

Also, the game has a dating sim and city building aspect to it. You can date 7 girls, and there's a selection of buildings you can buy like a casino, horse racing and other stuff.
This is also where ambition and not reaching it falls into, because a lot of it is underdeveloped. But it's still fun.

I'll go to sleep now. Thanks for taking an interest.

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Job System

Actually i'll say one of my favorite changes is how smirk and hama/mudo spells work now along with the affinity system naturally occuring in demons. I think it's all pretty good. Can't wait for SMT V really.

I hope the affinity system returns.

The only games i've played with a job system were Bravely Default and DQIX, I'm wondering what sells the job system in FFV for you? Are you able to carry the skills you learn between jobs?

I used to never swap out/summon demons mid-battle before they made that change, now it's actually worth doing it at time I feel. That change added more depth than I thought it would.

>What's your favorite Turn-Based JRPG
Unlimited SaGa
>Tell me what makes you love it.
Timeless visuals, amazing music, deep mechanics, great dungeons, characters and insane replayability, I only wish it had a bit more player input and nonlinearity in how most campaigns develop, like the other SaGa games, but outside of some minor complaints it's easily my favorite JRPG together with a few other SaGa games, MM2:R and Elona+.

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I came for the music but stayed for the combat.

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