Fuck FGO

Fuck FGO.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Agreed but white pantyhose are great

me on the left

For me, it's Abigail

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Tsubasa feet

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im the girl at top right

For me, it's Abby's special hole.

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I want to fuck them

Me on top of that green pillow.

Me in the middle

Me taking the picture

Me locking you up

>Game has dozens of attractive adult women
>you degenerates want to fuck the little girls
What's wrong with you?

Attached: shuten.png (900x1200, 746K)

Is Aoi Yuuki an adult woman?

You mean hags, yes?

ins't FGO pronounced FUGO? or is it' EFGO?

She's an adult, just petite. The ideal female form.

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i want to mating press the monk


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Pedophiles infest Yea Forums.

If you want Banana Oni over Drake you're fucked in the head.

It's pronounced the same way fsteak is pronounced

little girls are sexy

God awful ''art''.

Drake is an old and used cow. I'd say you're the faggot one here!

Caesar, please no, think of redditards and advertisers!

I'll take a big tiddie girl if nobody else wants them.

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reminder, astolfo is trans and it inflames all cishits

The only non-loli girls that matter in FGO are Jalter, Ishtar and Kiyomajesty. All else is the most horrendous shittaste ever developed by a human being

Jeanne is for god and saving people and canons and praying and being smug!

i'm straight, but i'd pulverize Astolfo's ass

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>no art for Tamamo, Jeanne Alter, or Saber Alter
>Art for fat Ceasar

I know nothing about fgo but who's the alter looking one who has the scarf around her neck

I disagree with most of that except the smug

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Are you a homosexual or just a coward?

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I want to marry Lavinia

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I wanted a fancy Angry manjew, I've grown irrationally attached to the worthless bastard.

Pedophiles infest Yea Forums.

Normal straight men only have eyes for developed girls like Scat, Nero, Mordred, Astolfo, etc

Mysterious Heroine X Alter?

Said no one ever.

Yes that's her

she's the cutest

>Climbs down your chimney and ruins your Christmas

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Forcing her to clean up the house for free and taking her present bag as compensation!

I say a toast, a toast! For Rome! The sons of Rome, the Celt subhumans and you. But most important.


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She also has spats

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it just gets better and better. what's her personality like?

I don't see how something that cute could do anything but make things better.

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Shut up, you fat piece of roman shit. Rome will burn! Burn!

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more like boobdica

Hungry sith lord

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Jeanne belongs to Astolfo

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Cute. I like her.

I got Serenity recently. She's cute.

And Astolfo belongs to Darius!

Seriously the best pair is trap x girl or even better trap x muscle tall girl.

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Astolfo belongs to my dick

>muscle tall girl

male-on-trap and trap-on-female (preferably feminine, but tomboy-ish is also fine) are the only acceptable choices

And astolfo belongs to charlie

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Best, cutest, and strongest girl right here

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i dont want to fuck little girls;
i wish to be the little girl

>i wish to be the little girl

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I just want Drake and Shuten to tag team me until my dick breaks is that so much to FUCKING ask

Is Paul a meme character?

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She finally got her 5* after she sacrificed a star, just for (you)

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she for quick farming, her animations and NP are quick, and that's about it.

yes, but the best kind


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The most fun event I have fun playing through for a while, and Gudako dropping some truth bombs

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shes cute and funny

Mommychads, assemble.

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Trapchads, assemble

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She's cute

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>history of white pantyhose
Does anyone have a pdf of this fine literature?

Lickable armpits

>rib bones

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I actually audibly laughed seeing her first team of entirely welfares.

I want Jack's fat ass on my face.

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God bless. I can't say I'm a huge fan of her new design though, turning into her into a femdom mommy takes away a lot of her charm for me. Not that I dislike femdom mommies, but they're not what Nobu is.

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Slightly masculine Astolfo > Sissy bitch asstolfo

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For me it's this cute sith lord.

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You are the worst kind of faggot, just admit you want to fuck a man

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I want to FUCK Mash

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well, she's like Mara. you can pick the ascension looks. I picked the closest to Guda Guda Nobu

Attached: 250_Demon King Nobunaga (Oda Nobunaga)_1_1.png (248x350, 121K)

I just want to watch her pee her leotard.

Nobu is perfect as she is, is the problem, so a new Nobu has to be a different kind of perfect. They can't just put her in a different outfit and call it a day.

Mashfags are the boring kind of people who unironically prefer vanilla icecream

>Me? Why, I only level up hags.

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I'm a loli.

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I prefer it when the girl can fit in my lap. It's the optimal fucking position.

This is a nurse

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This is no place for lolis.

Her as isn't that big...

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i want to fuck a man like Astolfo (girlish version), but i'm 100% straight

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trannies arent women

She's mine!

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pls have a vagina.

You are not heterosexual

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Me on the top left

i'm a textbook example of a heterosexual male

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No, she's my daughter wife

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Stage 1 and Stage 2 are the best. Stage 1 is the standard Nobu. A tiny bit more serious, but overall the same character. Stage 2 is male Nobu, very jovial and laughs constantly. Stage 3 seemed interesting, but I'll be honest: next to the other two, she's a boring character. She doesn't say anything particularly interesting and doesn't have much to say about other Servants, so she's honestly kinda lame all around.

You shouldn't marry your daughter.

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Slightly lazy, sarcastic, and easily bribed with sweets.

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perceive the funk


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She's a joke character but a useful joke character.

it's a heavenly scent

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To what part?

She's mine!

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I can do whatever I want with her

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Who are you hoping to pull from the banner after the panel? For me it's Lancer artoria, the best lancer.

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>attractive adult women
>he says as he posts a goblin

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Servants you wish would get animation updates:
>Summer Kiyohime
>Cu Chulainn (his current animations feel kinda stiff and awkward and it's a little distracting)
>Santa Alter
>Nursery Rhyme
>Jack the Ripper
>Ryougi Shiki
>Carmilla (It'd be cool if she summoned a bunch of different torture weapons)
>Tamamo Cat
>Jeanne Alter (Just her NP, since it doesn't really look all that cool)

I was very satisfied with Heracles' new attack animations, especially the sounds. I hated the slashy sound effects from before. Heracles' attacks should sound smashy and strikey, not slashy.

Let's just agree to share.
Wife or daughter, choose!

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Jack needs it so bad

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Ohh shit that my old one

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I dunno. There's too many Servants I'd like. Moriarty, Shuten Douji, Quetzalcoatl, Meltrylis and Karna are the main ones. It's just my fucking luck that they're all different classes too.

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Please tell me she spooked you. My Jack's 4/5 because she keeps showing up when I roll for other Servants. It's frankly completely absurd.

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My daughter wife fuckbuddy~

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I choose Both

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I only got her in groupshots with Jack.

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I rolled for her during Christmas one, got three in a single roll and 2 other doing other rate ups.

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tamamo cat is irredeemably trash though. She doesn't need an animation update until her np gets buffed.

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Yeah, but she's cute so that's okay. Plus she's useful for grinding. I use her and Fran a lot.

For me, it's Nightingale.

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that's not how it works

These two have probably killed more of my sperm than the rest of the characters in this shit combined.

for me it's Scat, Nero, Astolfo and Mordred

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Abby and Jack are shit

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Nightingale, the Lancer Artorias and Mommy Minamoto are the four horsemen of the sexpocalypse

Fuck off faggot, traps are gay as fuck but at least they actually act like girls. You're attracted to something that acts like a man. A tomboy wouldn't be a tomboy if they didn't act like a man, therefore you're attracted to masculine traits. You massive fucking faggot.

>traptranny sent into a dilating seethe over superior and objectively tomboychad logic

only true intellectuals can enjoy the pleasures a girl like BB can give.

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Have you shown your mommy how much you love her today?

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At least there is Artoria Lancer Alter, and she's all that matters!

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it is now

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>calls Jack shit
>while posting worst Rhongo

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She's a rare case of viable meme


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traps are for faggots in denial
tomboys are for faggots in denial

I'm just a guy who likes women. actual women like

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Mama taking out the trash!

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I just checked her ascension looks and I never thought I ever wanted a mom Nobu until now

>I h-hate traps but tomboys are just as bad
>trapfags are this assblasted over the truth


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How do we stop malemasterchads?

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Mama will make all of her Anons happy and teach them why women are better than little girls!

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FGO is fine
/alter/s the problem

Haven't they been really stingy with Gems and the like lately? I'm really low on Gems for a bunch of classes and it's really bothering me. I was hoping this event would give me lots of gems but it doesn't give me a goddamn thing at all.

>and now oh no no no posting
I'll take your ability to only speak in shitty Yea Forums memes as a concession of defeat

I want to sniff and lick mama's armpits.

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Flabby Abby

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How do I stop myself from rolling the GSSR? I’ve been F2P since I started in February, but I only have 4 SSRs so far, so this is more than likely to give me something new.

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Why would you want to?

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>b-by making me mad I-I actually win time dilation for dilation time

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>unironically rolling for waifu servants
You don't actually do this, right?

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>Mommyfags invading the thread
You can try, but you can't beat cunny

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>only have 4 SSRs
i cant even get 1

If worshiping Mama's armpits is what makes you happy, then Mama would be more than happy to let you touch and lick them until they're completely clean.

Attached: 9.png (715x1000, 1.43M)

and now you're spamming dilate too
this place has completely rotted your brain

Rude. Abby is in perfectly good shape.

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Lewd cups

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>s-stop telling me to dilate my vagina is real

Don't let them tell you otherwise.

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>a grown woman can't fit in his lap
Holy shit faggot, you're still a fucking man, no woman should be that much larger than you.

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what if I'm not into /ss/ though

not him but why does wanting to fuck traps make someone a tranny? wouldn't someone who wants to fuck traps need a cock?


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I'm not a tranny and I'm barely a trapfag, I'm an Astolfopatrician because he's the dream wife of any straight man. protip: i'm also the user who posted this "tomboychads" like you are so insecure because your kind are aroused by male behavior

Attached: FGO (Lancer).jpg (1280x720, 150K)

You don't need to be into /ss/ to love your mommy, silly. You can be a grown up.

It's never late when it comes to educating yourself

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bro with a vagina > girl with a dick


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I disagree, feminine behavior is attractive, masculine behavior is not.

When did they update Heracles animations? I'm impressed how good they look now

>I-I'm not a tranny or trap
>i-i also posted this image p-please care I'm not gay
Holy shit he's actually fucking crying lmao

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*cute cups

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Sometimes, I feel like writing a fanfic about Lancer Altria and Archer, but then I get depressed because it's like I haven't grown up past middle school.

>tfw get Gil on first event then get a second Gil in the most recent one

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Here's his thought process: Like Thing I don't Like = Tranny

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Will you roll for bender?

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>152cms tall
Don't be mean other Jackfag

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I for real know absolutely nothing about Fate and haven't played or watched a single consecutive second of any game or media related to it and I know my life is better for it

Do it!

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Agartha. Drake got an update too. I haven't really seen d'Eon or Astolfo's animations much, though, so I'm not sure if they've changed.

I was just about to say this

Now I have to masturbate to Mashu for the 3rd time today.

what's your opinion on emotionless femdom?

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I don't think he has a thought process at all, he just has a database of Yea Forums memes and stutter posting strawmans he spams to make it seem like he wins arguments

this 2bh

How many of us are there?

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I want underage cunny so much

toppest of top tier

It'snot good enough unless the head can also fit under my chin

She was meant to suffer.

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what about the porn

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Mashu is a bad girl!

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I think there's at least 4 of us here

It evidently gets you buttblasted so it's certainly working.

I. I can't. I'm past that point in my life now. All the embarrassing shit I wrote back in middle school have been deleted, the accounts purged and the hard drives themselves are gone for good. They can only haunt me in my memories now.
Kill me.

I want to pound Abby's tight cunny and fill it with cummies!

>haha u mad


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From what I found d'Eon was updated, Astolfo is still the same

>i-im not mad c-cute
Seething :^)

Smashu the Mashu!

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Unacceptable sinful behavior.

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Wanna fuck

Absolute perfection.

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I bet money I have fapped to Fate porn without knowing it was Fate, but that's technically not official

I don't even know what kind of game it is

girl with a vagina > girl with a dick > bro with a vagina

femininity and feminine looks are tied together, femininity enhances a female's worth

you're just projecting, i'm not the one posting "OH NO NO NO" or "dilate" attempting to stir things up to feel better about liking masculine behavior

Sorry, as a heterosexual male I'm not into traps/trannies.

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If I was a master all my servants would be little girls so I could have a harem of daughterwifes

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>i-i need my lover to be into shit like make up and pedicures because y-you're the faggot not me
Still getting anally ravaged lmao.

I want to violently shove my tongue up her pussy and ass.

being attracted to feminine behavior somehow means you're gay
tomboyfags are fucking wilding lmao

I can't fathom fapping to Mashu in situations that aren't consensual.

>game is known for big titties
>people spam children porn instead
Get help, pedophiles.

A lot of little girls are Chaotic/Evil, user. Are you sure about that?

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You're the only one with the pedo problem here

Get lost

>not relating to masculine activities but feminine activities like make up makes you a faggot
I'm glad you figured it out you fucking faggot in denial lmao

It's possible to like both you faggot prude.

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What about when she femdoms the MC?

that is my dream reality

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>>game is known for big titties

Except most popular characters are DFC

>game is known for big titties

Getting rough with your Mashu doesn't make it non-con, silly. She likes it.

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the absolute state of these mental gymnastics

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yeah, adult DFC, freak

>game is known for big titties
>Most popular girls are flat or loli's
What did he mean by this?

>implying Yea Forums knows any better
Everything is ironic, all in absolutes.

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>wanting to engage in feminine behaviours DOESN'T make me gay n-nice mental gymnastics
Strange cope my homosexual friend.

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to all you guys posting Jack and Abby

thank you

Isn't she supposed to be soft-spoken though?

Yeah, whatever.

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Where did I ever say I want to engage in feminine behavior? nice reading comprehension you fucking braindead mong

More like teens DFC, but yeah

Being soft-spoken and being kinky aren't mutually exclusive things, user. They usually go hand in hand with one another.

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Extremely cute.

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you can't beat cunny. fuck off back to r/eddit if you don't like it here faggot

Why does Mashu like to cuck?

>I value feminine behaviour so much I want a man that engages in it to be my lover as I can relate to them
Nice cope my braindead homosexual friend.

I can handle it, I’ve trained my body to withstand the teasings and wiles of cute creatures

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I want to fuck abby.

Hardly, though some can be argued to not be entirely lolis

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you're welcome bro

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Are you sure about that?

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i wanna touch her in her no-no area

Astolfo is trans. Prove me wrong

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who's the un the left

I still can't believe you're actually trying to argue that liking femininity is gay

she isn't trans, she is just crazy and don't fall under normal gender labels

What could go wrong?

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Me on the bottom

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>engaging in feminine behaviours makes me heterosexual
You don't even deserve a (You).

How are japs so based about cute character designs?

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fucking a feminine woman isn't engaging in feminine behavior you fucking retard

>moving the goalposts
>this badly
But then again I'd be lying if I expected you to do any sort of transitioning smoothly

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why do you keep trying to insist he's engaging in feminine behavior? all he's ever talked about is seeing a feminine person as a good partner

>desperate samefaggotry

When is the next even for this?

What did Jack do to Abby!?

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How is that moving the goalposts? my point from the start has been that I find feminine traits attractive

i want astolfo to step on me with his tights feet so bad

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Lolibabas > loli
Prove me wrong

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>i'm my own man

cute, she's so brave and self-sufficient

I like Quetz.

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>I require feminine traits because that's the only thing I can relate to as a "man" lacking in any sort of masculinity

tomboy poster is either falseflagging or retarded

okay okay let me try to make sense of this
liking a feminine woman is gay
liking a feminine man is gay
liking a masculine woman is straight
so by your logic, is liking a masculine man also straight?

both are good, feel like I can't like one without also liking the other

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Trap poster is definitely completely ass blasted

what the fuck is a lolibaba?

I implore you to reconsider.

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>liking feminine males is gay but so is liking the opposite of that
>also I like this feminine male but I'm not gay I swear
Yeah this logic makes 100% sense my retarded friend.

Based OP dabbing on tranny weebs

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i'm not even the person you're replying to

Not them but I wanna finger her keyhole.

(You) #
>liking feminine males is gay but so is liking the opposite of that
yes, that's actually true
they're both gay as fuck dude

>i-im not the same poster
Whatever makes you feel better.

Why do tomboyfags and trapfags fight each other the best porn pairing trap x tomboy shame there's so little

How is this argument still going? If you want to fuck a dude then you're gay if you want to fuck a female then you are straight
If both then you are bi, no amount of mental gymnastics is going to change that

>liking the opposite of a Male, a female is gay
Yeah okay retard

Zucc looks more awkward than usual here

What would you do if these 3 had a sleepover with you?

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Isn’t that the same as blaming violence on video games?

Priest when?

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a feminine male is still a male so it's gay
a masculine female acts like a man so it's gay

Good taste.

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>liking biological females is gay
Yeah okay retard

get very erect

>i'll never have a threesome with Astolfo and Mordred

why live bros?

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That would be ill advised.

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have sex

Cuddle after sex


Then I'd my dick in her keyhole and use it as a fuckhole.

you're not attracted to tomboys for being female, you're attracted to them because they're masculine

Abby's in the bath.

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>your attraction to biological females makes you gay
Yeah okay retard

user, you'd be sticking your dick into places well beyond your feeble mortal comprehension.

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Hand holding, then gratuitous sex until they each become pregnant.

Teach them how to effectively extract my mana

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...That is right up my alley.

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That sounds like a bad idea, user. They could end up draining you dry(literally).

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Post pictures.

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Lewd flatties

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See? She's fine.

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Why does sieg keep astolfo around I can guarantee Jeanne is astolfos favourite type of women pure and innocent

What’s he doing with her tummy?

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>you're attracted to them because they're masculine
it's so obvious

someone post the loli that the disgaea artist drew

She has a tummy ache.

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>trapfag still seething hours later


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I think that user was agreeing with you

Please stop corrupting the cute, flat ayylmao.

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Her, yes. Why isn't she more popular?

Keep going.


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From what?

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FUCK vandals, FUCK pagans, and FUCK buffets with a limit on how much food you can take home

wouldn't it be funny if she was raped by goblins? haha

But she is popular

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>artist has a 10/10 artstyle
>wastes his art with tentacle shit instead of making a heterosexual male-on-trap doujin

we can't have nice things

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I mean here on Yea Forums. I see endless jack posting and abigail posting but I hardly ever see her.

It's all fun and games until the tentacles come out.

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I want a footjob from Abby!

>0 results

Thank goodness. In that case, I am claiming this perfect female specimen as my own. She is my woman. Nobody else is allowed to even look at her.

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>Wanting used goods

put her in Disgaea 6

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Ctrl f "scat" instead, you might have more luck

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>disgaea 6
>ever happening
maybe in a better timeline

I'm bi so that's fucking amazing.
I want to be Abby's tentacle bitch.

>artist makes specific gayshit that works other fags into a seethe
Pretty based


too much loliposting

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She has threads that pop up every now and then, same for Paul

She fucks childern.

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>Emiya and Altria (Lancer) are fighting against a Demon Pillar
>Altria (Lancer) is disarmed is about to get killed
>Without thinking, Emiya projects a weapon and flings it at Altria (Lancer), who instantly grabs it and strikes the Demon Pillar down
>Gudako is relieved that the battle is finally over, but notices that something wrong with Emiya and Altria (Lancer). Altria (Lancer) is frozen in shock while Emiya looks as though he's made a terrible blunder and he looks really frustrated at himself.
>In Altria (Lancer)'s hands is the sword of selection, Caliburn.
>When Altria (Lancer) looks over at Emiya, the one who sent her this sword, Emiya can't look her in the eyes.

I'd like to see that sort of scenario.

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I just meant how a lot of anons shorten scathach to scat or scat hatch

>damaged goods well beyond their expiration date
No, thanks.

No such thing

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They can have their pathetic, curveless little girls. I'll have a REAL woman.

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Excellent taste.

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>anyone posting gacha cancer ever

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>too much loliposting
No such thing.

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she's cute

S a u c e

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You're in the wrong part of town, boy.

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it would be very painful

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I'm a sadomasochist.

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I wouldn't mind her jingling my bells.

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Lurk for two years before posting

She talks cute as well

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Post women instead of children.

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Video games do contribute to violence in young people but only in individuals capable to be so seriously affected by them in the first place, which by all accounts is a tiny percentage and thus stupid to try to do anything about.

If browsing anime profiles on twitter is any indication you'd swear it's at least 20% though I don't think it's anime as much as it is just fitting into a group, being noticed and finding a sense of self-worth. In the case of MtFs they're like 99% likely to be turbo-nerds in general.

"Baba" is literally japanese for grannies. He meant those girls who lived for centuries and look like lolis thus most of them speak like older girls as oppose of their look.

Isn't that a character who crossdresses specifically to conceal his identity because he's one of the few people on the planet who can do it and not look like a man in a dress?


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>love lolis and titty monsters
this thread is heaven

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She's adorable.

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Old hags out

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To all Shuten Douji lovers, how does it feel knowing that you'll always be second to this guy in her eyes?

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How fucking cucked can a fanbase be, that the Devs are shitting all over them?

Did someone say big?

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i can't say I blame her

kintoki is best boy

flat-chest is only acceptable on Astolfo / d'Eon

Jack is kinda cute though

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have sex incel

Its okay cause he's a chad

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Show me your supports.

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>Wanting to fuck Shuten
>Not best bro Golden Boy himself

Post women who are children.

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fat bitch

We need more female pirates.

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That makes you double-straight.

spergout and ruin it

I feel nothing. I wanted Guda x Shuten doujins and there are more of those than Kintoki's as he also appeared less and less in newer events for jp.

Lickable pits

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I want to fuck her so bad.

Which just turns him into a homosexual.

Doesn’t really matter, she puts out for just about anyone and I don’t really like her as a waifu, but as a onahole. I’m fine as long as I get to fuck her silly, if I want someone to be all lovey dovey with i’d go with Mashu

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All you've gotta do is treat a girl to dinner, user. She's putty in your hands after that.

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When's that free 4* thing happening? I kinda want Emiya Alter, but I've completely failed to get Nero all this time so I'm probably picking her.

blessed thread

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I love how Laksmibai completely overshadowed her in fanarts.

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Lickable everything.

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Is there any Fate girl who gets as many vanilla doujins as this perfect kouhai?


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Even so, I could spend hours with my face in her pits

She's a Saberface, after all. It's weird. We always complain about Takeuchi's art, but his Servants are always consistently really popular.

It was the 10 million download celebration for jp and the other for the 3rd anniversary iirc correctly

Every doujin that doesn't have Gudao fuck her is NTR.

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Hopefully she doesn't break my wallet.

post more

Forgot to ask if anyone is even watching the AX FGO panel

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You don't have to worry about that. She definitely won't break your wallet. But she might break your neck, when she sits on your face.

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If they adapt Shinjuku, will they finally make Gudako the protagonist?

Westcucks are the only one that complain about Takeuchi on the other hand Kenshin (Takeuchi) is getting less attention than avenger Nobunaga.

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I want to protect this smile.

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Worth the risk.

I have never played this but am very thankful for all the cute drawings

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Got Mommy in onigashima rerun.
Got nurse trying to remember roll for Wu.

How fugged am I Bros?

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if you are willing to pay for a jpg of your waifu why not just get a scale figure/figma or nendo?
unless you already do so

In that case, all that's left for to you to is to buy her a nice meal and then ask her how she plans to repay you for the food. I'm sure she'll be more than happy to make the offer, especially if you took her somewhere nice.

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I think Takeuchi's designs are usually pretty solid. His technique isn't great, but he has a good sense for these sorts of things. Among the most popular Servants, even the ones that weren't drawn by him were still designed by him.

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You can reroll in jp now

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Jesus my dick

I agree the only thing that really complain is how most just share the same pose specially the default stages rather than final ascencion but I always liked how he colours them.

and pick new starter servants

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He doesn't color them. I mean, he designs what colors they have, but the one who actually does the coloring is Koyama.

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I have all of these except Parvati. Somehow, Emiya and Heracles are NP5 even though I never really rolled for it. Emiya in particular is way too overbearing. I once rolled three of him in a single roll.

Well if that's your benchmark, user...

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>Only 3 imaginary around or that would be my Jack

I want to wrap my tongue in the warmth and wetness of her armpit

How fast would Fate girls jump on Shota dick?

Well if it's Musashi, in an instant. Incidentally, Mash's VA is a huge pedo.

The hags would be all over that.

It was my first level 100 CE, for the explicit purpose of having an absolutely maxed Jack. On top of everything else, I only whaled for her when she first came out. Every other copy was her sneaking into rolls for other servants. She also accounts for my one and only USO.

18 year ban for every visible loli nipple

Shuten VA (Aoi Yuuki) also loves shotas....and furries...and whale like a madgirl

Oh shit, I didn't even check the thumbnail.

Thanks for your service, user.


Same, but I am unlucky with CE's

>Mash's VA is a huge pedo
I assume by pedo, you mean interested on drawings and not an actual pedo. But how do you know?

For Jack, I use Fortress of the Sun, One Summer or A Fragment of 2030, depending on the party layout.

Threads almost at bump limit anyways, I doubt anyone will notice

She screams like a banshee whenever she talks about little boy characters.

Because when a shota character is introduced she fawn like a fangirl in radio or streams. She works in other mobiles and this has been proved

>A Fragment of 2030
For what reason, you GTE more cirts stars out of using imaginary around on her and then more.