Ace Attorney Thread

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The anime looks so stiff and blah. Also motivate me to continue playing trials and tribulations, JFA burned me out


Its arguably the pinnacle of the series and its a legit contender for my top 10 vidya of all time and get the fuck out right now before you get spoiled, its final cases are hype as fuck.

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I'm on the last case of T&T right now. enjoying it. Think they'll ever port the rest of the games to Switch?

Justice for All is also the worst game of the series right?

he doesnt look right in the anime what the hell

This kid is cute and okay sir i will finish it. 3-1 was kind of annoying, I didn’t like Phoenix.

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Everything directed by Yamazaki is worse.

In the mainline series I'd agree, but 2-4 is a standout case and I honestly don't find 2-2 or 2-3 that bad. Personally I think Investigations is the weakest entry.

I just finished JFA as well and I really didn’t like it. I’ve seen a lot of people jerking off 2-4 but honestly it was kind of annoying, and had really contrived plot elements.

Something about Justice for All just rubbed me the wrong way, I was getting frustrated with every case. Trials felt like trial and error rather than actually figuring out someones bullshit. Just felt like a 180 from the first game but as soon as I got onto T&T it went back to being fun for me.

Apollo Justice sure, the matter is that the other two don't reuse assets as much as the other fourth so there might not be much of an incentive to just port Apollo Justice.

For all the crap JFA gets I got to admit that Acro's confession and the resolution of that trial destroyed me.

Oldbags section in the trial just made me want to put down the game. We've had witnesses get thrown out for being unreliable for less and she's literally making shit up as she goes and no one cares

You and me both user. I think 2-3 gets far too much hate since the resolution was fucking incredible. Acro literally did nothing wrong.

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It was a mistake ever watching the anime.

I'm on my 7th trial now and I'm not enjoying figuring out the twists because I already mostly remember them, and I watched the anime over 3 years ago.

>We've had witnesses get thrown out for being unreliable for less and she's literally making shit up as she goes and no one cares
Hey, I guess it's like how the prosecutor can just declare that you get penalties for explaining things badly but in the meantime can be totally in contempt of court at all times without anything ever happening.

The one time it even gets threatened to Von Karma Junior, some other bullshit comes up and they forget about it.

I think Acro was pretty good but the thing with the cape was fucking awful

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Why couldn't the anime have been original cases.
Or at least adapted the manga instead

What did he mean by this?

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Depends. Most people still quite like JFA, even if they think it's the worst in the trilogy. Many, including me, would say that the proceeding AA4, 5 or 6 are worse. Although the issue often with those games is the lack of overarching plot rather than mysterys, so take your pick. AA3 though is seen as the best one by everyone except me. I like JFA

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Watch out user, all the AAI2 fags are going to shit on you for disagreeing and not calling it the best game in the series

2-2 is fucking amazing. pure kino

No, JFA is not the worst in the series. DD or even AAI are worse, I honestly think DD takes the cake though.

he likes to watch Phoenix get whipped

Where's S3's announcement?

Where's AA7's announcement?

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Who cares, capcom already ruined that series
what I want is the translation for the great ace attorney 2

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Ahem. Fuck 1-5 and fuck Capcom for forcing Takumi to write a new case into an already completed trilogy

But Phoenix wasn't present in the court when he said that.

What the fuck is S3? The trilogy is done. AJ?

DD makes gameplay stupid simple, getting rid of investigating anywhere other than select places, and the game moves you around instead of having the player control. The cases are way to easy too, often having the assistant giving you the answer to a testimony right before you cross examine. Shame too. Because story's alright

Why are they both cross-eyed?

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Why was Dahlia such a spiteful bitch? Did Morgan fuck up that badly with her?

play the game and find out It's actually one of the best in the series imo

Why are so many jokers hating on JFA ITT?
It's legit one of the best games in the series

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Yes. S1 was an ad for AA6, S2 was an ad for the trilogy ports. AA7 should be soon, right? They'll use S3 as an ad for it.

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Yeah but 1-5 is great.
JFA is alright, I like 2-2, but none of the cases were as good as the first game.

I don't know how to play the game. I don't even know how to emulate 3DS games. The only fanslation I learned how to play was AAI2.

The circus

Thats bullshit too but I've kinda realized over the course of the 3 games that prosecutors are just considered more important since they're actually allowed to prep witnesses, visit crime scenes, work closer with the detectives. Its clear its a "guilty before proven innocent" world.

As long as the individual cases in 4, 5 and 6 are decent then I'd probably like them.

you can play the android version. I just used an android emulator to play the rest of the series after pirating the steam trilogy

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But S1 pretty much covered the first game, S2 was more about JFA and T&T.

Yeah, but if he said no to it then, it might set a precedent for it not to be used in court with Phoenix.

I’m fine with streamlining the investigation segments a little, giving you a checklist so you don’t get stuck looking for one little thing you didn’t investigate in an area was a good addition. Everything else was overkill though, you didn’t need to be pulled into other areas.

My real issue is the meat of the game: the cases. They’re all really, really weak. The core story with Athena and Blackquil is alright and blackquil makes a surprisingly good prosecutor but there isn’t enough focus on that. Even when the last case hits and we start getting into the main narrative...nooope, we need to make Apollo matter now, we need feen to be his old self again and kill his character even further. The Phantom is also fucking pathetic and one of the weakest villains in the series.

Overall the game would of been better if they didn’t shove feen back in the spotlight.

fair, that one does suck hard.
2-2 had far better pacing and more interesting mystery than 1-2, though I can understand why you would prefer the other cases
The indivisual cases in 4 are pretty shit you ask me. Also everything in that game is ignored completely in later games, so you could skip it and all you would have to know is that A) years passed since AA3 and B) Phoenix has a daughter now

The thing about big top is that day 1 is a shitshow but day 2 is actually decent. A literal mixed bag

Am I the only that thinks there's something odd with Maya's eyes on the anime? Like they're way too vacant looking or something.

Just a reminder to play Investigatons 2, it's one of the best entries in the series if not the best.

The whole series would of been so much better if AA4 never happened and they just decided to turn AA into a soap opera where Nick solves a murder of the week

>download citra
>download rom
>download cia
>load rom
>install cia
>play game
Yea Forums thinks it's spam, but you can find the mega with both files with a simple google search

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The main problems though is just that the cast is utter shit. The fucking girl and ventriloquist are so fucking annoying it makes investiagted a bitch to get through. Shame too because the main characters in their are IMO the best main cast in AA, and they all do pretty well, but not enough time is given on them

Get the fuck out of this thread this instant to avoid spoiler to the best installment in the series and go play it right now

When day 2 hits all the shitters take a backseat and the case becomes decent

friendly reminder that Pat did nothing wrong

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