July 6th, 2019 5:52PM

July 6th, 2019 5:52PM

I am forgotten

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Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder that giving people that kill themselves attention is just a way to inspire more suicidals starved for attention.
Best thing to do is IGNORE FAST

hope so

i thought the switch was doing well

not as long as you keep posting this shit daily you fucking FAGGOT


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Fuck I forgot about this hack seconds after I found out about his death.

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my wife

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Is that cum in her face?


I wonder if he was screaming all hyped while falling..

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fucking psycho face, you just know he'll stab you in the night if you ever hint of leaving """her"""

Why would I pass up on the opportunity to reduce the number of mentally retarded people?
Literally free!

I made a thread about Vinny and got a warning, yet this shit stays up.


It's funny except for the chimpanzee sounds.


>he didnt see the sticky

Only Nincels are allowed to be posted on Yea Forumsintendo

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I hope so. You "I am forgotten" faggots are starting to become annoying,

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>not wanting more dead people

But Vinny is a Ndrone

t. Sociopath

lol nigga in hell

Darwin enthusiast.

Yes exactly, sociopathy

Based and kekedpilled

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Why'd you sign your post?

Close to 800,000 people die due to suicide every year, which is one person every 40 seconds. I'm not a sociopath I just know shit happens. Based Darwin.

Why hasn't anyone made a Totalbiscuit in the grave tonight for Etika? It can go with Etika under the bridge TONIIIIIGGHT, e-celebs are gonna have a bad tiiiiiime.

>caring about random strangers u never met
lmao bro thats literally impossible, stop pretending you do

Niger cunt cunt faggot retarded

Lmao Total asscancer fanboy. Seeth some more.

Learn english you faggot eurojew. Sucking nigger cock won't fix the EU.

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This subject had a sticky tho


>An autopsy after Desmond Amofah’s death revealed a colon that was 5-6 inches in diameter and 8-9 feet long. A normal colon is only 2-3 inches in diameter and 4-5 feet long. The autopsy also revealed stool that had been in the colon for 4-5 months and would have certainly presented a tremendous toxic load on the Internet personality’s physiology.
>This same autopsy performed after Amofah’s death purportedly revealed that the YouTube content creator’s colon weighed 42 pounds at the time of his death. 37 pounds of this was dried fecal matter and only 5 pounds was living tissue.
>Allegedly, this extreme constipation was a result of his drug usage, particularly opioids.
>A former close friend of Amofah’s has claimed that he possessed very little control over his bowels, and that he would often accidentally defecate himself around her.

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