have you played your Switch on an airplane yet? is comfy
Have you played your Switch on an airplane yet? is comfy
comfy is just a code word for boring desu
How does BOTW undocked hold up? Is it super shit or is it manageable
Manageable as long as your Joy-Cons aren't drifting.
It's pretty good.
I don't think there's anything about airplanes that I'd describe as comfy.
Airplanes are top tier comfy as long as you aren't in shitty seating
air plane mode makes you dock the controllers so that kinda sucked but otherwise a good experience
>out of Africa
So these nuts don't, in fact, exist?
No, I go to sleep on the airplane and hope that when I wake up we either have arrived at the destination or are seconds from impact.
>risking it falling out the window
Are you retarded
i hope u fucking die in a terror attack
>comfy as long as you pay thousands extra for something isn't going to matter a few hours later
Never been on an airplane, neither have a Switch so no.
Flying from Australia to Costa Rica today and didn’t want to take my switch incase it got stolen. Just going to twiddle my thumbs for 20 hours.
Thanks for your input
But what do you do if the plane tilts?
spoken like true poorfags
OP seems to really like nuts...wonder if he likes hotdogs too.
Used it on a flight with my cousin, the lady next to us got involved and helped him pull during the flight. Switch is a top tier wingman.
holy shit, I want to eat those nuts.
>Increased radiation exposure and constant risk of explosive decompression are comfy things
doing anything on an airplane is awful and unpleasant
>African nuts
>Nintendo player
checks out
what did he mean by this
Tomorrow i will.
I thought you couldn't use the joycons on airplane mode.
rent free
No, I try not to annoy people around me.
please be bait
it really does check out when a shitter thinks that someone else who is just hungry is owning a Shitch at this current time.
no it just means they're bigger than yours
I really, really hope that your post is the bait.
It's an old meme
option a) get a good nights sleep. arrive refreshed and comfy
option b) get treated like cargo. arrive as a zombie
haha yeah i was only pretending to be retarded
Wasting money on stupid shit is what poor people do and *why* they're poor
Yeah lemme go pay thousands to sleep for a few hours
>pointing it out
why aren't you ridiculing him? the soul of Yea Forums needs to stay alive. no spoonfeeding.
Seriously, who thought this was a good idea?
You'd have to be the size of a toddler to not break your neck.
pretty much a game breaker there
How the fuck could they drift. They're not a fucking car. Motherfucker
>*bing bing*
>*click* *click* *click*
>*click* *click* *click*
Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to turn off your toy. It's disturbing the other passengers.
It's just a slightly lower resolution and the performance is about the same.
Plus you'd be elbowing the people next to you trying to hold your joycons like that.
>make a sharp turn
>switch goes flying out the window
>not even using airplane mode
what is that sparkly yellow drink? looks good.
Ginger Ale
The last time I sat on a plane the guy next to me had a wallet with a majora's mask patch on it, but I was too socially inept to make conversation with him. I have a gf too.
Wow this was a really interesting blog I'm glad I read it
Jokes on you I was using my headphones. And I was playing CRASH BANDICOOT!
I like ginger ale but that just ruins my intrigue. I thought it was sparkling spirits.
I was on my way to New Mexico for a trip with my gf. It was my second roundtrip with a plane in my life.
mine are drifting as try and play through mhgu why are joy cons such shit
I was planning on it, but then I forgot to pack it and had two long boring flights to and from france, and a whole month there without it, which kinda sucked.
post your arm fatty
>nintendie fan
>eating african nuts
of course.
Trying way too hard to fit in