Why are you not playing Overwatch, user?

Why are you not playing Overwatch, user?

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Its boring

Not enough supports.

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mmmm boobies , man id love to shove my face in those titties. I mean look at those tits , id suck on them for so long, Motor boat them BRERREWEWQEQWEWQE , and i can even see shes wearing lingerie, id wish she sit on my face too , holy fuckin i want to fuck her and impregnante her. inb4 AWOOOGA

oh yeah? I want and AwPOOga!! Anus and colon licking goodness. Big swollen donuts! I want to sniff sniff SNIFF that sweet sweet aroma! Oh god another men in you ass and bury my nose in your anus. Open up that sphincter and let me in. Finger licking good!! Yum yum yum in my poo lovin tum!

>another men in you ass

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I only check different pictures of mercy and masturbate imagining that I'm anally fucking her over and over.
She first hates it but then she starts to like and then love it until she becomes an absolute anal slut

It's dumb downed moba FPS, I am not interested in literal time killers for mouth breathersm

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Because Blizzard made my waifu a lesbian.

I literally am

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Because I play games to have fun.

Because for the 10th time I went in an unavoidable, impossible odds perfect enemy team/bad teammates 4DPS Picks loss streak after reaching a career high.

it still costs 60 dollars on consoles and whenever I play on PC, i get the most insufferable retards on the face of the planet

Because Mercy needs a rework. She shouldn't be able to heal on her own, but rather her teammates should have to run up to her and force heal themselves. Also she wouldn't have a gun anymore and can't jump or fly. Only being able to walk and crouch.

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I still do. Also fuck useless Mercy mains

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>those disgustingly formatted bookmarks
I now know what wanting to choke a Mercy feels like


You getting choke fucked.

Not enough character diversity for me.

last i checked, they added a literal fucking rat, so idk what more you could want

I'm not fucking paying for a game that will then want me to cough up money for lootboxes. Overwatch is one of the biggest offenders in normalizing that and not even the porn makes up for that.

Why are you making thinly veiled porn threads on Yea Forums instead of just jerking off?

Only idiots pay money for games without a single player campaign.

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He's a hamster and blizz dropped the ball on making him identify as a trans lesbian rat, so fuck those bigots.

They really need to understand that diversity != racistic caricatures. Are they gonna make another autistic indian who's really good with electronics and talks in a racist accent? Perhaps another southern belle character who talks in a racist accent while being snow as white and gets chaffeured around by a dark tinted robot and has thinly veiled roots to an era where darkies got lynched? Maybe another korean who's only good for esports, because that's all they're good at? Or a german who's only quality is being big and drinking a lot of beer?

oh ok so you're just a retard

never did i consider that TWO robot characters were supposed to be black


Cuz like league it's bad and only good for porn

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He sure ain't white. He has the features of a brutish ape and is clearly the caricature of a midwestern black highway robber, who is being lead on by his pale white mistress. Even his name is Bob, short for Bobby, which is a name predominantly given to negroes. Not allowed to have his own free will or escape servitude, forever forced to follow her orders like an actual black slave in that time. She speaks a heavy southern belle accent on top of that so you just know whoever designed that character has a confederate flag in his bedroom.

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Infinite ammo on a shooter.

>tfw Ashe will never peg you while calling you a nigger

>plat mercy

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Still playing mercy, i must be close to 700h now

I have this on my wall

because i mained support and i genuinely hated almost every game

Hold on let me sum up the thread faggot
>overwatch got boring
>I want to impregnate mercy
>it's only good for porn
>nigger nigger nigger watch
>so pathetic they forced 76 to be gay to have good PR
>why is "overwatch girl" so perfect
>I want "overwatch girl" to sit on my face
>*faggot avatar poster*
>mercy is made for black cock
These threads are so tiring and fucking pathetic. Hold on I will save you dumb ass Zoomers your 50 IQ response
>have sex

Absolutely pathetic you monkey.

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Playing 200 hours of Mercy did not turn me into her, despite Discord groups claiming otherwise.

With a few changes, that can apply to 95% of threads.
Why do I keep coming here?

God I love SunnySundown.

Well, list what's applies to you?

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I am not a gamur gurl or tranny

I love the anonymous ERP

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wanna change that?

>Dude everyone is gay! Buy our lootboxes please.

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I'm listening.

How do people still play this game? The last content update was 4 months ago, and the pace of updates has been the same since release. With no custom maps available, I don't see what people are doing in this game they haven't done 1000 times over already.

cuz i'd rather JERK OFF to the porn

dick gonna pop

>all female characters are canonically lesbian/bisexual

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I enjoy making custom game modes now that we can script them.

because it’s fucking dead
i have not seen a single new player since season 8
all of the “new players” are just fat virgins that pay 20$ to stomp on lower ranks