Retards will actually waste money on this junk

>retards will actually waste money on this junk

Attached: Blunder of 2018.jpg (1280x720, 167K)

Other urls found in this thread: of days until my beautiful wife mia’s game releases&font=cursive

What if I pirate it?

I'm probably going to buy the CE.


Attached: 1494746824963.png (375x375, 169K)

I wasn't interested until I found out you can be Aradia.

>always pirate every game I want
>buy it legit if I like it
devs love me

Attached: 1552178930822.gif (800x450, 2.59M)

Will buy it, wont notice the money difference so why not.

I'm going to enjoy it, and then enjoy the Paizuri pictures of Io

Retard trannies actually hate it just because it's anime
Imagine SEETHING this much because a medium just exist.

Attached: 1552876338791.jpg (1235x928, 262K)

>testers loved it
>people who played it in booths loved it
>they delayed the game to polish it even more
>nuh nuh it's going to be junk!!

>being a free shill

Why are male video game players constantly attacked for their sexuality?

This in addition to never seeding is the only passable case of pirating

>Paying people to shill an extremely niche game

dark souls is already anime as shit, i don't need waifus to make it even moreso

I was initially going to buy it because it looked shit and I wanted to experience it

It will be a way, way better game than Elden Ring.
I'm not even baiting.


We haven't even seen any Elden Ring game play, though

Day one buy, better than any real souls lmao suck my dick.

I also compare games I haven't played yet to games no one's even seen yet.

>Dark Souls. But like, anime.

Attached: 1486330592096.jpg (708x800, 64K)

I thought it was trash until I played the network test. I'll probably preorder it soon.

>this game is hard
>oh so like dark souls
fucking normie talk when will it end?

Attached: 1508177254310.jpg (600x600, 35K)

Memes aside, the gameplay looks similar to Dark Souls, so it's really not a stretch. The comparison gets annoying, but it's actually appropriate here.

When normalfags like you stop using the term Normie

>Open world
>Main draw is being written by the most famous western author at the moment
We know enough to know that Elden Ring will be a walking / dialog tree simulator.
Say whatever you want about Code Vein, but at least we know it's an actual videogame.

>I thought it was trash until I sat down to play it

The state of the medium

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Literally what is wrong with what he said?

How far up your ass do you have to be to think that this is enough to make an accurate prediction about literally anything? From has never even made an open world game before.

I wasted money on Dark Souls so why not on this?

Attached: 1554120430914.jpg (1029x610, 120K)

preordering now

>inherently attributing hard with dark souls
>not attributing literally-dark-souls gameplay with dark souls
I bet you pretend Sekiro isn't a souls game because you can jump.

It's enough because those are three disgusting ingredients.
An open world is always unfocused design-wise; it's always just a big empty map with a bunch of caves here and there and the obligatory hub city. Anathema to From Software's carefully designed levels.
Except for those poisonous swamps that everyone hates.
From Software wouldn't need to hire a celebrity, especially the one behind Game of Thrones, one of the most popular fantasy series and TV shows in decades, if they didn't want to attract audiences that don't play videogames.
A horse is lways symptomatic with a shitty, boring open world. Just ask Ocarina of Time or Metal Gear Solid V.

Remember how some time ago Miyazaki himself said on an interview that he wanted to make a Red Dead Redemption-like game.

>From has never even made an open world game before.
This is their first.

I like Io a lot

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dark souls wasn't even that hard in general, it was just a good game that ended up hitting the mainstream at the right time where normalfags only used their consoles for CoD and sports games

>reee stop liking things

I was going to argue that Sekiro had a different style of game play, but I realized that you just press L1 instead of circle to avoid damage

This. If you don't cap your upload speed to 1kbps when torrenting you're a beta virginlord cuck.

>Tried to preorder Code Vein on GMG
>Payment failed
>Tried to preorder Code Vein on Gamebillet
>Payment failed

>Checked with my bank; they say that the card is unlocked and it hasn't been used in days

I don't get it. I can use my card without trouble on GOG and Steam. Hell, I bought Bloodstained on GOG and some games on the Steam sale a few days ago.

Use paypal

Yeah, I was afraid that was how it was going to go.
Say whatever you want about the fat fuck Gabe Newell, but I've never had any trouble with the Steam store. Meanwhile the Playstation Store once blocked my account because when I tried to buy something I put a ( - ) on the home address field and their code gets fucked by ( - ).

Retards will waste money on it because they'll cry about how the story makes no sense
A patrician will buy the game because they know this will be the highest form of Kamige

Wait. I like Dark Souls, I like annie may. What's the problem?

Oh yeah, you're totally being persecuted, bro. I'd start a support group if I were you. Demand protected status from the guvmint you poor thing.


And it worked.
Deluxe Edition: US$56; that's the price on Steam for the base edition. I don't give a shit about skins or cosmetics but apparently the Deluxe edition includes additional maps.
And a hot spring.

Thanks to the user that showed me that store on yesterday's thread.

Attached: Capture.jpg (1211x303, 29K)

Isn't the hot spring also in the regular version?

Io is top-tier waifu material.

>Lap pillows and handholding

>Deluxe edition includes additional maps.
>And a hot spring.
What, I mean the season pass maybe will have new places but the hot spring is in the base game.

Ah really? I swear I read somewhere that the hot spring was part of the deluxe edition.
Well fuck, I hope the season pass is worth the money.

>has a special gift called Protection of Love that allows her to heal you more at the cost of her health
>buff is signified by a hand with a heart in it

Attached: Spiky veil.jpg (1200x675, 144K)

I already preordered it a long time ago for my wife Mia

Attached: Mia43.jpg (921x959, 148K)

Not really no, I remember one of their streams a year ago where they shown the hot spring without any deluxe edition stuff

People waste money on Dark Souls, why not waste money on it with a better art style?

Dark souls was made by men with ambition.
Code Vein is exploiting weebs and is a soulless game

>He doesn't want prime Kamige

Sony fear the Namco.

If you think generic anime faggotry is a "better art style" you are a subhuman.

this desu

Attached: Slow motion Io.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

More like Sony fear the pose

Attached: THE POSE.jpg (1024x576, 58K)

Good luck. It has Denuvo.

Also if the game can't be bought new.

>ends up being familia love

Husband and wife with their kids form a family

There is no way Io will survive the entire game.

those breasts are unethical

Attached: JESSICA-LACHENAL-x400.jpg (400x300, 29K)

Jokes on you! I don't even HAVE any money to buy it with and I don't like piracy so fuck my life!

Attached: Cinematic Io.webm (1280x720, 1.06M)

The game was shit mate idk what you mean by testers loved it.

100% finished everything you could in the test and left with no feeling of accomplishment because nothing felt good in it man, combat was dull and felt empty like no matter what weapon you used there was no impact


Last cracked Denuvo game was in February. Enjoy waiting.

Yeah but there are giant anime titties so who cares about literally anything else

I can already tell it's a 7/10 game at best, fuck bamco

Well I had fun playing it

>Anti-#Gamergate Critic
Can someone untangle that for me? Was he criticizing anti-Gamergaters? Was he a critic who was anti-Gamergate?

>7/10 is bad

I was doubtful but the network test convinced me so I preordered it. The game may not be Devil May Sekiro levels of amazing but it's solid and fun on its own.
Giant anime titties can't savage an absolutely shit game (see: the Senran Kagura games).

is that really necessary?


>All these GE3 signs with the killer mist and shit
>Io is just grown up Phym while Mia is just Claire
>inb4 Mia gets as much spotlight in the game as Claire which might as well be nothing

So long as there's a single person complaining about it, yes.

He was a critic who was against "Gamergate"
It's worded poorly but basically he accused everyone who supports gamergate as a bunch of pedophile weeaboos when he was actually a real pedophile all along

Get posed on bitch

Attached: Get posed on.png (1920x1080, 2.33M)

For my purchase. Yes.

It's why there was a delay

Attached: Io jiggle 03.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

Ah, gotcha. So even when reporting about a hypocritical pedo they still have to word it so that it sounds like Gamergate did something bad.

GE producer said he prefers a hentai visual style over realistic so yes for them.

Who gives a shit about jiggle, I like more that they made her turn back to look at you if you aren't keeping up

I don't think it was intentional

This user knows the real shit

Attached: Are you okay.png (1410x839, 1.27M)

Freudian slip or actual retardation?

If it's souls then it's a 9-10 or it's shit

I can look at that Pepe for hours.
It's... hypnotic.

It always gets confusing because the journos changed the purpose of GG to a hate group. This is what each term means;
>GG = wants journalistic integrity
>Anti-GG = hates journalistic integrity

The intro they posted yesterday has stuttering problems. Have you guys noticed too?

How much you wanna bet the game is going to kill Io at the end just for a gut punch? This is Bandai "I'm sorry, did you like that character we just killed?" Namco after all.

>trannies hate anime
>every tranny on twitter has an anime girl avatar
>every rightoid has an anime girl avatar too
Horseshoe theory proves true yet again.

Oh come on.
GG was a hate group. It was a bunch of mysoginistics angry at some slut using sexual favors to shill her (free to play, even) game.

>Implying they won't just kill her only to revive her in the DLCs
Can't wait for everyone to hold hands over Io's weapon and revive one area of the hole planet including her.

Attached: Always with you.png (1268x718, 1.27M)

Because sjws hates it when something is created to cater to males

You are an idiot

>Trannies hate anime but know that the girls are cuter and more feminine than they'll ever be so they post anime girls or traps claiming those are trannies(they aren't) in hopes people may not think they look like grotesque bizzare creatures from the deepest abyss. They want to make the anime girls uglier so they can feel they have a better chance of being accepted.
>Rightoids just love their waifus.
Cute is universal and trannies will NEVER EVER EVER be cute

You can stop posting here. Leave now you unattractive transexual.

>Trannies hate anime but know that the girls are cuter and more feminine than they'll ever be so they post anime girls or traps claiming those are trannies(they aren't) in hopes people may not think they look like grotesque bizzare creatures from the deepest abyss. They want to make the anime girls uglier so they can feel they have a better chance of being accepted.
>Rightoids just love their waifus.
Cute is universal and trannies will NEVER EVER EVER be cute

Attached: Nothin' personelle.webm (640x480, 2.85M)

True hero right here

>bunch of mysoginistics
>The people who love anime, games and porn MANY OF WHICH THEY KNOW IS DRAWN/CREATED BY WOMEN and of whom they show love and adoration for... Hate women?
You aren't talking sense here.

You can't be real.
Why are you people on Yea Forums?? Are you being ironic? I just can't fucking tell anymore.

Reminder that everybody will survive with the power of friendship and anime titties

>The people who love anime, games and porn MANY OF WHICH THEY KNOW IS DRAWN/CREATED BY WOMEN and of whom they show love and adoration for... Hate women?
Except GG was never about them, dear 2016 tourist. It was neckbeards mad at Zoe Quinn sleeping with her journo friends to get them to shill Depression Quest.
Four years before a journo was fired because he refused to give Kane and Lynch 2 a good score and no one gave a shit
Two years before all the journos attacked people for being mad at Mass Effect's ending and no one gave a shit
A few months ago all the journos attacked Valve and Steam in masse after being silent for 10+ years just at the same time as the EGS started to expand aggressively and no one gave a shit.

It was always about a slut sucking dick and benefiting from it, not "journalism integrity" or "protect artistic freedom".


Attached: SIP.png (692x922, 384K)

>and anime titties
So everyone dies if you have Mia as your companion?

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Attached: DEqcc29UMAE2GmL.jpg (819x1023, 501K)

itty bitty titties are still titties

>having Mia as your companion
who the fuck would do that?

But they are so small.

Attached: DF3vtk6UAAInrmP.jpg.jpg (3840x2160, 1.3M)

I want that hat

Attached: received_393947644571681.png (618x341, 368K)

You'll die because she's a useless companion

I mean you can at least sell her holes for some blood beads, so she's not TOTALLY useless

I wish my dick was that juice box

I know it wasn't about them. But you're over generalizing the group by saying "THEY HATE WOMEN". That is incorrect, they hate a singe whore. That isn't misogyny, that's called having standards

Mia pleases old men for Blood Beads!

this is canon

Share a drink with Io.

imagine hugging Io haha that would be gay wouldn't it haha


trannies dont understand moon, cant make the distinction between kawaii and kowai

But where's my boy Mido?

Attached: sciencedad.png (540x374, 132K)

I guess I'm not buying the game then if they aren't even confident it's a good game

probably killing orphans or some shit

I thought it had significantly less polished combat than Dark Souls though?

Less polish, but more complex combat

pre ordered

tfw was gonna pirate and shill it on Yea Forums
no free shillings from me

I will buy it because of all the annuhmay wayfus!

There’s a Yea Forums discord for this game right?

Haha imagine Io smiling and pressing her tiddies against you haha.

I hear casting us fun so hoping to make a casting heavy build.

Yup. Its a comfy server for Code Vein discussion, and we keep you updated with every related to the game.
Most importantly we have plenty of mommy Io

Attached: 8E15CED3-6E0A-4107-9CD9-157E42AABBF3.jpg (1242x1573, 338K)

Imagine being a weeaboo and thinking you're better than trannies
You're both subhuman scum who will be among the first against the wall

rage 2 was cracked in a day
I'll enjoy the game for free

And never come back

Fucking cancer

You are required to melee to get back Ichor, but the game heavily encourages using Gifts which is something I like a lot about it

rent free
kys pedo tranny

Attached: 1560917215771.png (1000x1000, 177K)


So I was right huh

All the vitriol wasn't directed at Zoe at the start, it was mostly against the game journalists
You have to remember that era on Yea Forums was the peak for shitposting on game reviewers for being frauds and hacks and here comes this big proof showing just how pathetic and corrupt they were

If the media mob didn't blow it up it would have fizzled out as another meme on Yea Forums

Nice server man, thanks

Haha imagine adventuring with Io and falling asleep on her soft lap as she smiles at you in one of her few displays of emotion

>Shilling anything
You always try to convince people into pirating games and leaving the pirate lifestyle.

Imagine straight up fucking the shit out of Io haha

Haha imagine being the first person to prove revenants can get pregnant wouldn't that be funny

Aset chads where you at?

do they really think they're being subtle by pretending to be some random person asking for the discord so that faggot can come in and link it

>Cute babies with Io

Would take responsibility.

What's actually in the deluxe edition though

and that upsets you? makes the purchase even more gratifying.

Attached: 1562397765686.jpg (1500x969, 190K)

Io statue

Attached: Io statue.jpg (768x1024, 131K)

jar of io bathwater

>The Deluxe Edition includes the following:
>Full Game
>Season Pass
>Season Pass bonus: Alternate Mia Set
>Deluxe Edition bonus: Accessory Set: Insatiable Bloodthirst

who is gonna bet sony will censor this somehow.

Is there anything less human than a weeaboo? Trannies are close, but weeaboos are totally unrecognizable from humanity

Io's Ios can't be contained.

Attached: 1528611144154.png (664x892, 931K)

>Is there anything less human than a weeaboo?
people who obsess over hating weebs and have them live in their head rent free.

Attached: 1562358479945.jpg (1280x720, 315K)

>Alternate Mia Set

>Insatiable blood thirst
More like insatiable milk thirst


Attached: 1547958037430.png (1035x575, 1.08M)

We have Io's love. Can't say the same for Miafags.

I want cute oufits for my wife too

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Io is always cute!

It really is funny how they were initially setting up Mia as the poster girl then Io immediately stole the spotlight and never gave it back.

Attached: mia fucking dies.webm (1280x720, 690K)

I want Mido to train me in the arts of Dark Science.

I saw Mido at some ruins at the Cathedral of Sacred Blood yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and get in the way of him experimenting on orphans or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his blood veil shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my Ichor farming, and I heard him monologue as I walked off. When I came to loot some corpses up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen crying orphans in his hands without beating the boss.
The Successor of the Rib Cage at the arena was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to beat the boss first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the boss fight.

When she took one of the children and started stabbing it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to stab them each individually “to elevate mankind to the next step in evolution,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s scientifically viable. After she stabbed each orphan and put them in a bag and started phase two, he kept interrupting her by monologuing really loudly.

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Kek, I dont care about Mia. Io is best girl.

Mia? More like KIA.

fucking got'em

D is for Dilate
I is for Impotent
L is for Lesbian trapped in a fat ugly retarded male body
A is for Asexual cuck
T is for >T. ranny
E is for Exempli gratia: anons belonging to the 41%

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What kind of tranny ass fagot incel cuck would ask that question?

Yes, the eyepatch is extremely important.

C is for Cuck
R is for retarded
I is for Incel
G is for gay
E is for Eunuch

Lmao get dabbed on, tranny

>tits are MIA

Oh sorry, forgot N
N is of NIGGER


Check out before posting, sweaty. Sometimes the cherry on top is left for later ;^)

Dark Souls but like anime roughly translates to
>Shit but slightly less shit

Can't you read? It's Crigel.

Attached: 1541010790293.gif (200x150, 902K)

played the beta

it sucked

you didn't play it hard enough

what game is this?

Reminder that Io in mythology was a queen who turned into a cow

Attached: Cow Io.jpg (683x1024, 148K)

Code Milk

Code Vein, occasionally referred to as Code Milk.

>it sounds like Gamergate did something bad.
Nah, the author, who I knew through GG, is just a retard at title making.

So will Code Vein's Io turn into a queen?

Codo Veinu, occasionally referred to as Code Vein or Code Milk

Digital Version Pre-Order Bonuses

“Shiny Custom Parts Set” – Includes three “Shiny Hair” accessory parts.
Blood Code: “Trailblazer” – The Blood Code of those who have overflowing ambition within them and awaken as a Revenant. It enables the use of the Gift “Death Parade Bomb,” which deals massive damage to the player’s surroundings, but will also put the player’s life at risk by nearly killing them.
“Protagonist Character Special Stamp Set” – Used for communication during multiplayer.

Season Pass / Season Pass Bonus

The Season Pass is a set of three add-ons due out post-launch that includes additional dungeons, another character versions of partners, Blood Codes, and more.

Users who purchase the Season Pass will also receive the following bonuses:

Another Character: “Mia: White Ver.”
Blood Code: “Astraia” – A Blood Code in which Mia’s request for a blessing takes form and manifests.
Code Vein PlayStation 4 theme “Revenants Gathered at the Base”

Digital Deluxe Edition

Digital Deluxe Edition includes Code Vein and the Season Pass, as well as the following bonus downloadable content:

“Bloodthirsty Customize Parts Set” – Includes three accessories and one exclusive design mask.

Attached: 1537643105389.png (593x580, 621K)

Code Flat

Attached: 68629243_p1.jpg (666x926, 242K)

>Mia: White Ver

I fucking hate anime trash and I'm tired of souls shit but...
>tiddies jiggle
Sorry bros, but I'll have to buy this garbage.

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join the dark side user!

Attached: 1549938194209.png (587x882, 1.19M)

When is it coming out?

Can I invade people and ruin their day like in Dark Souls?

Attached: 1472758345181.jpg (640x427, 46K)


Aren't nay sayers just shills from a competitior?

Delay was to remove jiggles and add lens flair

that webm is from the network test from last month tho

US pre order is this I believe
• GE Weapon Collaboration Set
• Blood Veil Ogre: Venous Claw
• Reserved Bloodkin Set

so a bit different from Japan.

Attached: 1506208007943.jpg (1368x768, 261K)

And Sony blocked a game just as it was about to launch, why would I assume that they wouldn't do that ever again?

>Breast jiggle physics

Like Skyrim anime tits

Attached: arbacheif55854cfac47ec.jpg (235x240, 7K)

>he's not getting it on PC

Attached: 1542406613445.jpg (297x331, 35K)

>Used to make fun of anime nerds for wearing Naruto license plate headbands
>Animu steps it up to wearing actual license plates

Attached: 1558978562645.jpg (760x430, 160K)

It's sad that a lot of poeple play Souls games just for that and miss the best parts.

No wonder trash like PUBG are so successful, people just want to measure e-penises, not actually enjoy a good game.

Think the PC version will fix the framerate?

The God Eater Collaboration Set
Blanched Greatsword
Cerulean Spear
Crimson Longsword
The Venous Claw Weapon
PS4 Theme

Attached: codevein-preorder-min.jpg (640x422, 86K)

It better

The God Eater Collaboration Set
Blanched Greatsword
Cerulean Spear
Crimson Longsword
The Venous Claw Weapon
Harbringer Blood Code Unlock: Desperate Burst Skill
Accessory Set: Insatiable Bloodthirst (Deluxe Edition Bonus)
Communication Stamps

Season Pass Content

Mia’s White Costume (Mia’s Alternative Set)
Astrea Blood Code Unlock
Gift Extension Skill
Lightning Spike Skill
Guardian Aid Skill
Torchbearer Skill
Additional DLC
Abyss of the Thunder
Abyss of the Fire
Abyss of the Ice

Attached: codevein-dlc-min-640x422.jpg (640x422, 70K)

I never said all that, nigger. I just need to know if it's worth getting while it's new and online is active, or if I might as well wait for a sale.

Attached: Comparison.jpg (1920x2196, 813K)

what license plate?

Anons how do i get the Mia fumo?
I don't care about the plastic figure or the other things at all

Attached: 1554679319794.jpg (1200x675, 200K)

Physics will probably be tied to framerate so when you play at 60 fps Io's tits will bounce all over the place

Can we romance Eva yet?

Attached: 1562293051713.jpg (985x1200, 270K)

Fuck off, trannies like shit, and anime has been shit for years, so its no surprise that normalfags and incels love it

Attached: 9f6.jpg_large.jpg (979x702, 107K)

Absolutely obsessed

Attached: 1544032469623.png (449x425, 318K)

Hope it goes up on eBay or go to Japan.

Daily reminder that Mia is the real MC of the game

Attached: 1562391154753.webm (1280x720, 1.39M)


Io's tits are great, but how are her thighs?

Absolutely seething

>Code Vein ends up with some intense overt homosexuality pandering and Io's ios were just to get you in the door

Attached: oh ho.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

Mia has better thighs

Attached: 1562420824260.webm (1280x720, 1.37M)


Said no one ever

But what about people with their fursona on twitter avatar?

Attached: 1501327009685.gif (460x259, 2.39M)


Stop kvetching and just buy her game, goyim.


I bought it for Io

Attached: 1554813019826.png (628x57, 20K)

Good goy.

Attached: 1530550219413.png (682x650, 72K)

and what games have come out since then that actually anybody cares about?

who did this

And the worst part is I can't even make my character black.

but you can

You can make them shades of brow or even jet black.

Retard here, can confirm.
I will buy this game, and have fun.

I can break your thin neck with one arm. Come back when you're 18 little man

confirmed, played the demo and liked it, will get this game and make a waifu character to explore this realm

Attached: Code Vein.jpg (680x649, 65K)

reminder that Mia wears pink

Attached: 1534757555784.jpg (1920x1080, 214K)

Game will score 65% metacritic. Weebs will overhype it because muh waifus and their /vg/ general will die in a month because of no actual game discussion. It will just be trannies, tripfags roleplaying and bumping with their oc character screenshots.


Waifus can be enough to keep a game alive, but only if they go deep on customization. Since it's a Jap developer the odds are customization will be limited as hell and people will drop the game after seeing their OC donut steel remade by thousands of other people because there's only a handful of different armor pieces to go around.

Mia's outfit shows them off more, but Io has thicker, softer thighs

>customization will be limited as hell
nigger did you even play the network test?

Sure didn't. How was it?

What's the release date?

You can do almost anything with the head but body customization is very limited.


Attached: 1543722964444.jpg (1920x1080, 100K)

Anyone have that webm of Mido's lad styling on the MC?

I had a good time with it

Attached: CODE VEIN Network Test Edition_20190602024005.webm (854x480, 2.82M)

What the fuck

Attached: 1555937771823.png (1071x1017, 743K)

The FF14 general's still alive with the same amount and quality of input though.


Think there'll be more outfits in the final game?

Good start, but I was talking more about the number of armor pieces to pick from. Most people are just going to jam tits and ass to the maximum and it's all going to be covered up by the armor anyway.

Wedding dress Io when?

Ending 3

Biggest complaint with customization was the accessory limit and your blood veil covering up your chosen clothes

the girls and their tiddies is literally one of the reasons i'm buying

It can look great if you match your outfit to your blood veil of choice, at least. Hope the full game gives you more options for both.

Not exactly a wedding dress, but I like this picture

Attached: Fancy dress Io.jpg (1000x1577, 651K)

Attached: Use.jpg (424x600, 97K)

I'm glad you can change your clothes whenever you are at home base

I had an issue in the demo of outfits not being saved properly, though.

yes and?

Attached: 02.jpg (1280x1600, 273K)

Nah that's reserved for REALLY shitty games.
This is a 75 or a 77 at best

I bought it

Attached: Preorder.png (702x34, 3K)

Is deluxe edition really worth it ? What is gonna be in Season Pass ?

Attached: 1554645712477.jpg (2480x2480, 459K)


>uses pepe reaction images
Nobody loves you user


Attached: Scary idol.png (2192x2200, 1.86M)

Knowing Bamco, probably some overpriced outfit packs that forces you to buy the season pass, but I think the GE team also does some expansion DLCs. If anything, the DLCs will probably revisit an NPC from the game and revolve around saving them somehow. My guess it will either be about Jack or Louis.

We don't know

But you can get the deluxe edition for slightly cheaper than full price so why not I guess

Attached: Yt655563971_a663674241_z.jpg (640x418, 53K)

Only humans get on the political spectrum user

Kill yourself

This is the most retarded thing I've read all day

you forgot the N

Based. I'm buying it to support the fact there should be more games that use the anime art style. I'm so fucking sick of this ugly ass 4d scanned in actor garbage.

do you really need someone to explain what the N stands for?

Attached: 1545174307399.png (20x20, 1K)

She's a very good girl

Attached: Are you okay.jpg (176x378, 51K)

lol @ incel tubby calling anyone who calls him fat and retarded a tranny.

What the fuck happened to Miku?

Hm, i see. Thanks guys. Maybe i should buy it.

She became a vampire.

I usually don’t get games with anime esque art style however I’m contemplating to get this game. I’m a fan of bloodborne and all souls game and also the MH series. This would be a good buy for me, yes?

Sure. Combat is pretty fun, and it can potentially be faster than Bloodborne.

Wait for a sale honestly. You're not missing out much.

because male sexuality is a disease

do you have nioh? you could go for that first since it's on sale right now


>self reflecting

Took up pole dancing to pay for executioner college

Attached: Pole dancing executioner.png (448x534, 320K)

If you ever felt like magic, hunter tools, fancier guns, etc. were neat but too costly to make frequent use out of, then give a try. The ichor and gift system is really nice for encouraging you to whip out your wilder stuff.

Fuck off retard.Online interaction and build variety are the only things that made these games good.Everything else is just a bonus hence why Sekiro is dead already while there are alot of people that still play SOFS and 3.Online interaction fixes the chore that si fighting the dumb ai over and over again and kills the monotonous progression video games have.Just deal with it instead of being a sad faggot who suck at video games.

Attached: Stylish enemy.webm (1280x720, 1.73M)

rage 2 didn't need cracking since the bethesda launcher version didn't have denuvo

> Why do people like things i don't like the thread

Fuck off retard

First day on Yea Forums?


Telling retards to fuck off is the primary fun of Yea Forums user

Learning about Io's canon breast size when?

Attached: Io.jpg (3840x2160, 2.86M)

I suppose the Abyss DLCs are just more end game content for that raid mode part?
That's fucking lame. I want actual expansions like what Souls got.

I want to suck Io's tits


That's just it, we don't actually know what they are. They could be glorified chalice dungeons, or proper expansions with a uniform naming scheme.

Just saying because we already have an Abyss mode in game which are indeed just chalice dungeons. If the DLC only contains different variations of that but with elemental based themes, that's gonna be boring.

Was really hoping for more plot related DLCs.

It's funny how people got mad at Sekiro not having DLC of any kind.
Sounds fucked up but then you realize that From's DLC are actual expansions and not just cosmetics.

>Trannies are close
kill yourself, disguised tranny cuck. you're not fooling anyone

Jesus Christ even Japanese wear tumblr hairstyles wtf

That and From has a reputation for having DLCs that end up being better than the base game. I mean for Dark Souls and Bloodborne, the most memorable parts of those games all come from the DLCs i.e. Artorias, Aldia/Ivory King, and Ludwig.

will this game feature some japanese humour?

Attached: japan_sex_karting.webm (500x378, 2.74M)

Looks neat

you can deny it all you want but
50% of the population
90% of the rapes

Men are the niggers of gender.

when a man reports a rape he gets called a faggot

men are raped by men though. almost all rape is done by men

imagine unironically wanting to play this

Looks fine and weighty enough. I don't see the problem?
Those sound effects suck though


Attached: 1550581856791.jpg (1536x2048, 580K)

honestly this isn't wrong
it's just hopeless

why would you do that to yourself

Attached: 1545106191803.png (1536x2048, 3.52M)

fuck off retard its going to be good and most of us that played the beta liked it. enjoy future threads of this solid 7/10 game in the next couple of months asshole

Attached: vein.jpg (1920x1080, 282K)

I wish Mia would sit on my face

I imagine it would be the same reason why people keep an especially incompetent pet around. It's cute how they think that they're helping.

me too

Guess I'm a retard

Mia has something Io doesn't

Attached: 1559454526737.jpg (2592x2592, 601K)

So Mia is the equivalent of a pug?

The character creator is maybe the most bipolar creator I've ever seen. As an example there's dozens and dozens of options and sliders for things like iris/pupil style, but there's like 10 face templates which you're stuck with that govern the general shape of most everything. It's still above average, but it's too limited for me to call it great or anything.

Well, at least Potato girl have tits that require proper care.

Yes, actually.

>Alway pirate every game I want
>Love it
>Preach gospel about how good the game is to everybody and that they should buy it
>Never buy it myself

I got bills to pay nigga fuck outta here with that 60$

Attached: 1520033849836.png (500x383, 196K)

Oh, but it does get extra points for having simultaneous dark eyes and decent freckle capabilities.

Attached: girl.jpg (1920x1080, 130K)

Prove it

The cutest pug you'd ever seen

Part of the dozens and dozens of options is just making what would otherwise be sliders into single options for whatever reason

So even though there's 493 options for eyebrows, the vast majority of those options are just slight tweaks to size or angle rather than new styles

I do love how edgy you can get though

Attached: CODE VEIN Network Test Edition_20190530225631.jpg (1920x1080, 132K)

I hate pugs, user

My MC is going to look like the most traumatized and permanently confused shmuck in the world.

I don't mind the 10 face templates as I already love generic anime cuteness. What I don't like however is that there is literally no body type options aside from a very basic weight slider.

Alright but Mia is still a really cute pug. Shes the exception here. She's THE 1%. The rare drop if you will.

Attached: miaplushie.jpg (320x480, 24K)

>Why isn't she wearing any clothes?
>Why is everyone cosplaying bane?
>Is this dude trying to get me to join his boy band?
>Holy shit his jacket is dogs
>What the fuck does making everything spiky have to do with evolution?
>I want to go home.

I don't mind the generic anime part either, but there's still no reason that they couldn't make eye shape, mouth shape, and face shape their own things like the vast majority of halfway decent character creators do. It's just really weirdly lazy.

Finally I understand why I want to put her on a leash.

Holy shit I thought I was the only one

Io's personality is amnesia and caring about you.

Attached: 1543102234802.png (1772x1240, 397K)


Attached: 1560081771114.jpg (366x407, 61K)

>and no one gave a shit
Speak for yourself. I haven't opened a single page from Gamespot since Gertsmann was fired.
I've been talking shit about Colin Moriarty ever since he did that retarded "gamers are entitled" video

The fact that a movement only started after a certain event doesn't mean no one cared about all the events before that, retard.

Dark souls.
But with guns.

Attached: 1561460588883.jpg (800x600, 36K)

I want to FUCK Io's tits

Yeah yeah that's great and all, just tell me how much it'll cost me to have Bamco ship me a life-sized replica of Io

Attached: Io_bed.jpg (1802x2160, 2.31M)

like three fiddy

Opening was too anime for my tastes

>Io will never greet you in bed like this

I leave to take Mia on a walk while Nikola watches confused.

>Death Parade Bomb
I love how Japanese that sounds.

There is a good image that explains it. Women don't adapt hobbies as often so they get really pissed when a man can absorb himself in one.

Anybody else notice how different Io looks now compared to this? Her face is a completely different shape now.

You do know people used to get bullied pretty hard just for playing video games right?


Attached: 1531668371830.png (1400x1000, 1.08M)

Jesus fuck, anons, I can't stop masturbating to Io. How do I stop fantasizing about her huge breasts and yellow eyes and soft lap and nice hips and diminutive height and how much she loves the MC?

Attached: Sitting Io.jpg (1366x768, 509K)

You don't

She does look a lot less dead eyed now.

I think it's because we haven't seen her without the hood yet, and the colors seem more vibrant.
This user's observation could also be a result of brighter colors.

Attached: Come closer.webm (1280x720, 606K)

Christ those jiggle physics look bad.



Attached: Io Jiggle 04.webm (1280x720, 1.91M)

haha imagine them bouncing on your face while she rides you haha that would be fun

user please I'm at work

That hat is the highlight of this webm.

you fucked up kid
Imagine, just imagine, cuddling Io on a king-sized bed on a stormy night in a secluded chateau in the woods. You wrap your arms around her and stare deep into her beautiful eyes, noses gently rubbing together. Your stomach rumbles. Io notices this and a concerned, maternal look passes over her face. She slowly pulls down the top of her dress and reveals her large, perfectly shaped breasts, her pale nipples protruding in the cold of the night. She beckons you to feed - and you proceed to suckle her right nipple. The thunder cracks in the distance as her warm, sweet milk floods your mouth. It tastes like heaven. As you nurse on the bosom of this goddess, she slowly reaches her hand down to your throbbing penis and starts gently pleasuring you. She knows exactly when you are about to climax, and she stops - edging you for over an hour in total sexual bliss. You start suckling her left breast.....

Attached: Io Jiggle 05.webm (1280x720, 713K)

I doubt you could even imagine it

Daily reminder that you can give your character a permanent semi-ahegao look.

Cutscenes are going to look so retarded in this game.

Attached: 1560033505649.jpg (1920x1080, 226K)

This has already been posted, user!

that's the point of a pasta, yes

DMC and Sekiro had denuvo in march.

I thought it was already posted in this thread, but it turns out I'm mistaken

What if there was someone here who sometimes spelled lo with a lowercase L instead of an uppercase i?

What if that person was RIGHT BEHIND YOU

Nobody would do such thing! r-right?

Attached: 1533847461823.jpg (428x413, 48K)



Attached: lo.png (1920x1021, 231K)

Now I'm fucking paranoid

I literally cum every time some faggot cries about anime titties being """SEXIST SEXIST STUPID CENSOR IT NOOOOOW""" on twitter or retardera

So yes, it's very necessary


Sekiro did not have Denuvo

DMC 5 had a leaked .exe without Denuvo, it wasn't cracked.

Attached: Waking up with Io.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

I would talk about the game and post images or webms. People get paid to do less.



I love lo

As do I

Dark Souls > Code Vein > Monster Hunter

Attached: dark_souls_friede.jpg (1280x1280, 145K)

DMC5 was cracked a few days after the patch which restored denuvo.
A month later denuvo was removed.

>comparing apples to pears to oranges

Attached: you.png (389x616, 464K)

weeb trash, already dead

>he wrote with L

Same combat in every game.
MH is clunky trash with unresponsive controls and slow overall.
Code Vein is better.
Dark Souls (BB, Sekiro) is magnum opus.

Attached: __fire_keeper_dark_souls_iii_and_souls_from_software_drawn_by_liyou_ryon__dfc97733640bf65df1f51517b7 (763x1240, 451K)

The Ichor abilities on top of the standard Dark Souls combat actually makes Code Vein more enjoyable to me

Especially how you can acquire a blood code's abilities and passives then use them on other codes, it's super neat

>Magnum opus
It's polished, but not as good as Souls or Bloodborne

What would you do if Io was your wife?

Attached: Awkward step.jpg (900x1200, 91K)

have lots of cute kids


fuck you, you made me check

>vehemently shilling for a game i never paid for
my nigga

When the fuck is this shitty game coming out? I swear I've been seeing previews for it the past 2-3 years.


September 27

No, they didn't. You were homeschooled or something.

>Sex acts.
>Abuse the fact that I now have a submissive minion with superpowers.
>More sex acts.
>Go on here and rub it in lofag's faces.


Sekiro or should I call it seKINO is the best From Software's project.

Attached: SEKINOFILM.webm (500x280, 2.89M)

Attached: Sekiro.webm (500x282, 2.92M)

do not post pictures of my wife without my permission

Attached: 1536584610311.jpg (569x600, 73K)

Offer her as a blood sacrifice to conjure my waifu into the physical realm. Worst case scenario I'm back where I started, and in the best case scenario I save my waifu.

Somewhere in the middle of the two I succeed but Humanity dies because of it.

If I ever become a richfag, I will commission the creation of a sexdoll that looks exactly like Io (or whatever FotM waifu is popular at the time but probably her) and then post pics of the doll in various states of undress

I would then tell Yea Forums I may/may not have fucked it with no definitive answer because it would drive the waifufags more autistic then me to suicide

These stats are all wrong

Attached: Repeated Request.png (1024x750, 550K)

why would you do that to us user of days until my beautiful wife mia’s game releases&font=cursive
Only 81days left. Stay mad.

Mia is undoubtedly the best girl in Code Vein and luckily is my wife!

Attached: 『CODE VEIN』3rd Trailer.webm (1280x720, 1.93M)

>best girl

Attached: 1547746446401.png (680x337, 125K)

>capital of Uganda
Miaposter is a not-so-subtle nigger
He just keeps going, look at the scamp.

Attached: 1538409739827.jpg (891x595, 111K)

She has literally nothing on Io
>worse at combat
>worse at support
>doesn't have huge, bouncing tits
>doesn't let you hold her hand
>doesn't follow you despite being scared of the world
>doesn't have a cool cape/cloak that turns into a bunch of blades
>worse at magic
>no Protection of Love buff

Attached: Amber colored girl.jpg (1000x1200, 680K)

b-but muh hat

Attached: Big hat Io.png (1688x1526, 1.16M)


Attached: 1556162132265.jpg (594x396, 64K)

Mia just can't stop losing

BSY is not a personality

Mostly because it'd be pretty funny

She tells you how scared she is of the world, but she still follows you just to make sure you are all right.
She's usually dead inside, but she is always happy to see you.

you're a cruel man, anonymous

Attached: Explorers.jpg (1920x1080, 290K)

No you wouldn't. The only thing that comes out of your mouths and keyboards are
>Why are you a paypig? Pirate pirate pirate pirate! Pirate now!
Pirates have never helped a game to sell.

Practice posing dramatically together because if she can't do that then she has to go.

Attached: Looking through.webm (1280x720, 435K)

I don't even like Dork Souls. I just want it because it's Anime, honestly.

Attached: 1458333611698.jpg (1400x2015, 1.21M)

She'd be a lot better without the stupid looking hat.

what's the context behind this scene?

Does Mia actually die?

Io is trying to get you out so you can celebrate your birthday with her

No, that's just her evolving.

it's better than nigger spirits
miyazakicucks fuck off

>nigger spirits

Attached: 1541250239517.jpg (251x242, 15K)

No, that's just the state you are in before going lost unless you take blood in time which is likely what happens when you met her since she attacks you for the blood beads


Cope what? that info was from one year ago

cope with the fact that mia fucking dies

like your mom lol

Attached: 1558349284259.jpg (1024x1024, 221K)

I hope we'll get more enemy variety

Attached: Black thing.jpg (1920x1080, 496K)

I unironically what more aragami type monsters. The humanoid monsters in Code Vein are really eh. Reminds me of dark souls 2 all over again.

It's not because you don't have stat, level and equipment management.

Attached: 1550689734550.jpg (1276x1356, 63K)

How is this?

Attached: Flying girl.webm (1280x720, 808K)

>Mia's Lost Form.webm

>An open world is always unfocused design-wise
Retarded. It's always a focus to make things more interesting for people who don't live primarily in basements.

Mia is nowhere close to as sexy as whomever that is

Oliver wasn't as fat as his Lost form

Isn't Mia with you in the screenshot with this?

dont make fun of my animu games im NOT a cartoon I just like to watch things made for kids that happens to look like cartoons.


go work for the Mamiya family and it will be. straw and all

I'm considering it.

Attached: 1522237841134.jpg (800x600, 75K)

post the one with the ball gag

Attached: Tattered.jpg (357x608, 41K)

what are you fucking gay?

>people will buy another Dark Souls game

Yeah, it's pretty pathetic. Not sure how you fags have bought the same game like 5 times now

The gameplay and level design look every bit as dull as they did during the 2018 streams
It looks like a boring game and I don't understand why this is getting any attention at all

This one has some different mechanics, though

Daily reminder that you can finally play as that character that you could never get exactly right in a character creator before.

Attached: viral[3].jpg (1011x574, 304K)

Attached: Receive Milk.jpg (1191x670, 130K)

Yeah. Fuck giving niggers crazy amounts of money for keeping a game on their shelf and probably playing it for like 1h. I'd rather pirate than feed those cucks. AvP2 is the prime example for me.

Reminder that only niggers like Mia

That is incorrect, for I am white. That being said I also like Io. Mido is best girl regardless.

>inb4 Mido is a big tiddy goth girl in a mecha

Sony will censor this.

They won't tho

Can I have facial hair or am I still stuck be a pre-pubescent bishi boy like the rest of their games?

Why would they do such a thing?

Attached: White haired girl.jpg (899x1200, 138K)

Because lo's titties aren't ethical

You can use face decals to emulate it, or abuse accessories with hilarious results.

Attached: they flop everywhere.jpg (1920x1080, 142K)