God, im in love with this crazy jap shit

God, im in love with this crazy jap shit.

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it's a hell of a ride. got 100 hours out of it ezpz

Judgement on PC when


This seems like a good place to park my bike. I hope nothing happens to it.

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don't even get these memes, the yakuza series is ADHD fuel with nonstop gameplay. the most boring shit is walking between missions.

Its my first game in the series and i know he becomes some kind of comic relief, but Majima > Kiryu

I thought playing as Majima was pretty boring but then I started the Cabaret Club side content and I'm having a great time now.

Later this year.

>tfw the disco minigame finally clicks and you start bustin moves left and right
I want it back bros, it hurts

>i know he becomes some kind of comic relief
Basically only in Kiwami and Dead Souls.

Kiwami really ruins Majima's characterization from the original version of 1 with all the meme shit they added.

damn i want an ishin localization.
kenzan was fun, but having to look up a guide for every bit of text is fucking obnoxious.

>kenzan was fun, but having to look up a guide for every bit of text is fucking obnoxious.
I imported Kenzan with the intention of playing through it with a guide, but found out like 20 minutes that I just couldn't stand to play a game like that.

at least there's a translation patch coming "soon"

Yeah, I've been waiting on it forever. Didn't he originally say that there would be an unfinished beta release by the end of 2017? Where the fuck is that now?

I don't know if you heard, but the series' producer recently said that Kenzan was a prime candidate for the Kiwami treatment, so we might even end up getting that before the translation patch is finished.

What was he like?


>going back to Kamurocho after doing 10 years hard time
>find out Maharaja Roppongi is no more

I wish the bubble never popped lads

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recently got into the series, does kiryu ever settle down with his own waifu to have kids or is he forever a cuck

In the original version he comes across as threatening and dangerous. Every time he's on screen it's an "oh shit!" moment because you know he's about to fuck someone up, probably you. I think you only see him like four times throughout the entire game, so every time there's a certain weight to his appearance.

In the remake he pops literally every ten feet, dressed as a zombie or a police officer or a prostitute, makes jokes constantly, and you fight him 50 fucking times in side missions so that when you encounter him through the story any tension their might have been is completely gone because you already palled around with this guy a dozen times before.

He fakes his own death and leaves haruka with her baby daddy.

He becomes a gigacuck, one of the biggest cucks I've ever seen in media.

I was even considering buying a ps4 just to do the whole series if it had a good enough end for kiryu

are you implying edgelord who beats up his own goons is better than le meme man?

whats the ps2 and ps3 games like?

that fucking music when youre dressing up the girls
love it

>just to do the whole series
don't bother

0, Kiwami, and Kiwami 2 are the only games worth playing, the PS3 games have dogshit stories

>whats the ps2 and ps3 games like?

Well I already ordered 3 since it's disk only so I'll give it a shot
Not sure why so many stories have mediocre endings for the MC

>whats the ps2 and ps3 games like?
good, 4 and 5 are high tier.

That bastard...

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There is not a bad mainline Yakuza game, even 3 I would give like a 7/10.

I think meme majima fits the tone better
Also the fight with him at the soapland in kiwami 1 is so good
>floor breaks
>fighting in that half pitch black basement
>sparks and heat moves lighting shit up


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I never understand the shit people give 3. yeah there were like 2 stupid plot points but the main antagonist is one of the best in the entire series, the music is top tier, and Ryukyu is comfy as fuck.

What is wrong with poker in Judgement? I’ve been playing for over an hour and cannot get a winning hand


A lot of the hate comes from the slice of life orphanage stuff which I think gets overblown.

it's so good

AHDH retards can't handle having an heart warming slice of life slow paced intro with Kazuma's kids.


also 6 pls

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>3,4,5 KIWAMI

I agree
It saddens me to see people never play the ps3 games because you miss out on all the orphanage stuff plus other protagonists.

>no discounts for Kiwami 2 on Steam

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Why is Kiryu such a cuck
theyre only doing graphic updates for 3 4 and 5

tfw my ps4 broke and I don't even really want a ps4 at all other then to play these games. good I wish they'd port them to switch

I will forever be mad at SEGA for basing the entire future of the series on a japanese exclusive wii u port that came out at a really inconvenient time

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isn't there only one english yakuza game on ps4?

>Too poor for 30 dollars
nigga..go beg your mom or something

0, k1, and k2 are all on the PS quadripple

Fuck off dumb nint.oddler, the series has finally managed to upgrade its fucking old-ass graphic engine to an almost modern-gen looking one, and thank god your shitty Fisher Price toy tablet is not holding it back.
PC and Ps4 are good enough.

yeah but they're also on PC, why would you get them on a console?

you realize that nearly every Yakuza game were PS3 games right? Only the dragon engine games like 6 and K2 were next-gen engines. I bought the games on PC and I'm loving them and i think it's retarded to base the future on one platform on one shitty situation, it's like Catherine on PC, release a shitty port on PC of the original game right before the remake is supposed to come out, and because nobody was happy about that, no one ended up buying it and now it's very unlikely more Atlus games will be put on PC. Shit like that is retarded.

What's going on with Kamurocho in K2? It doesn't feel very 2005. Is this the Yakuza 6 version of Kamurocho or the actual Yakuza 2 version? Feels uncanny. Am I playing a non-canon game here?

isn't k2 in 2006?


4 is godlike.

3 is the worst one, but the whole series is good.

I thought it was the black monday plot

Nah, they’re good.

0(Zero), Kiwami 1 & 2, 6 and two spin offs, Fist of the North Star(first eng. dub since Y1) and Judgement

Maybe, that's not the point though. Is this just an updated Yakuza 6 map? Because this would be a crime against canon.

Just started playing Yakuza Zero and about 4 hours in I'm already over those sidequests.. Can I ignore them, or is there anything worthwhile there?

>shit is hitting the fan, Go-Ryu fuckers are about to wreck Kamorucho
>guess we better make the player take Haruka for a walk around town!
Fuck that. Haruka was a mistake. Kiwami was a slog to play through in no small part due to her, and the little bitch is menstruating all over K2 as well. She got kidnapped like 4 fucking times now.

that's the best
>take haruka to the homeless park in Kiwami
>hey florist can you hide her here?
>sure just put her in that wooden shack
>wait what about the underground bunker
>nah the shack is fine
>alright Date-san, stay here and watch over haruka
>come back to her kidnapped
>got kidnapped because Date took haruka for a walk around town ???

They do make Kiryu's Real Estate Side game much easier and that's how you unlock more stuff for your fighting styles and a secret 4th style, no idea how important they are to Majima's story.

Hey, man.

Don’t be sexist.

You get some hostesses and one free partner(couple of fans) in each area I think

And now they're not Ps3-tier games anymore, thanks to the fact they're not trying to target some shitty Nintendo underpowered system too.
About Atlus not being multiplatform, that's just because they're retarded old fashoned nips, and whether they're going to release more games on PC or not it will be because of Sega of Europe insisting about it.

>thanks to the fact they're not trying to target some shitty Nintendo underpowered system too.
you're implying they were ever trying to, but I guess that's what happens when console wars fry your brain and make you retarded. The games were PS3 tier because SEGA wanted to make new entries extremely fast and the Dragon Engine exists to do the same purpose while upgrading the quality.

>Have a beginner level understanding of mahjong
>Friend has me watch and help him understand mahjong in Yakuza 0 over Discord
>Gets this hand in the fourth game of mahjong he's ever played
The game isn't rigged to do this, is it? He genuinely got this?

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Can anyone explain what happened to the park in the bottom section of Osaka? It was there in 0 and 5, but disappears in 2.

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honestly that's shocking, in my experience the games like Mahjong and Poker are all rigged against me.

The only hand you can force that's preset is a Thirteen Orphans. He genuinely got it.

Whatever fag, they would've not upgraded the engine if they had to make new games for the Switch too, so thank god they're not considering that piece of crap.

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>this yakuza 0 thread is comfy
>this judgement thread is full of people crying about 0fags ruining the fanbase

really makes you think

I'm not.
Combat is boring whatever the style I use (the first one is the best anyway), too much talk. Terrible, terrible pacing. I get that the atmosphere is great and all, but that's not why I play a video-game.

It didn't exist in 2, it only started appearing in Black Panther 2 so they didn't put it in for Kiwami 2 either to keep the timeline correct. It's also why you don't see Gindaco High Ball on Tenkaichi and instead have the Gelataria back.

Honestly the only real improvement with the Dragon Engine is visual improvements, I think combat was handled better in the engine 0 was made in while 6 and K2 handled like crap

>It didn't exist in 2
Why is it in 0 then? I don't understand the timeline of construction here.

I'm in the final chapter of 0 and I'm still not earning enough from battles and collections to unlock most of the higher tier skills. The real estate/caberet unlockable skills are especially unaffordable.

When do you start getting the hundreds of millions of yen required to unlock most of this shit?

because 0's version is just the map from 5 but edited to fit the timeframe. they likely weren't thinking about that part of the map specifically when they were editing it.

0 is the only good game in the series. People who played them all and have been telling themselves they're all flawless for years are bitter miserable autists.

You're supposed to be getting cash from real estate/caberet. I don't understand what your problem is. I was swimming in cash.

>they're not flawless
>so they're not good
You didn't even try did you

well this thread will go to shit once the samefagging autist finds it.

No excuse either since Kiwami 2

there's nothing wrong with that thread. all I see is some girls getting upset about hard truths.

god i wish i had a friend to teach me mahjong

too late, the "hehe yakuza 0 is the only good one the other ones are pure shit!!! lmao are you baited yet???" autist is already here

>is visual improvements
Except you also have
>The ability to climb over knee-high objects including onto cars.
>Everything has physics applied to them to the point that you can even kick stuff at enemies and vice-versa.
>Being drunk actually affects your controls instead of just raising encounter rates and Heat gain.
>You can grab enemies on slopes and your grab attack changes depending on your position relative to the enemy.
>You can kick enemies into water and fall into it yourself instead of needing to use a Heat Action or in BP's case break a part of the stage to do it and lower their health.
>Can run to any part of them map while in a fight and there's still items to use instead of you being locked to a certain arena.
>Seamless building entries except for Shellac and Earth Angel for some reason.
>You can punt people on the ground when running past them instead of having to stand over them and do the stomp that locks you into place.
>Enemies also have physics applied to them which means you can create a bowling pin effect when kicking them or hitting them.
>Enemies are actually random in how they attack instead of having easily predictable attacks and movesets.
>Enemies pick up items during the fight and actually throw them at you or attack with them instead of slowly walking up to you and standing there waiting to hit you.
>You can take fights into all the restaurants and shops.
Yeah, your attacks bouncing off of attacks and stunning you is a downgrade, but to say it's only visual upgrades is idiotic and shows you're not paying attention. The Dragon Engine improves virtually everything with the series, it's just stuck in that Kenzan rut where it's still trying to figure things out. Enemies blocked a lot until 4.

Because it's just 5's set to fit the 80's. I doubt they were thinking about the timeline at this specific time and it only propped up once they remade 2.

Just fight Shakedown. He gives up to 2 billion per fight.

you need to do the real estate and cabaret stuff if you want to go in with fully upgraded Kiryu/Majima.

>I doubt they were thinking about the timeline at this specific time and it only propped up once they remade 2
Well they're confirmed to be fucking HACKS

does legendary mode actually add anything in any game? or is it just inflated hp bars
really gay you can't use clear save data for it

Enemies attack more frequently, they have a bit more HP, they deal more damage, and you can't retry if you die, only load a save file. Same as every other game in the series.

guess i'll just stick to hard for now
maybe do legendary if i come back to the game after a while

Don't worry, you'll still be able to beat it without breaking a sweat

Combat in K2 feels a bit challenging on hard at least if I don't abuse weapons or the counter, but I am a brainlet. Really didn't like enemies that almost forced you to use specific styles in Kiwami 1. Like slugger majima in the batting cages
>try to jab him in rush style from hugging distance
>input read dodges then starts up armored aoe attacks
>slowly attack him in beast mode
>stands still and lets me hit him over and over
i get you should naturally want to use one mode over the other, but forcing like that is gay

beast stance = best stance

>FFXV combat is broken because you can use healing items infinitely
>Yakuza combat is great, just don't use the items if you don't want to
Defend this

Soon hopefully

Yakuza is fun while final fantasy 15 is complete shit.

I wish the Japs would make more games like this and less ~uguu kawaii moe pantsu~ anime girl gacha games.

it looks terrible

Is Y2K worth $30?

RGG it's basically a very old fashoned Shonen manga made as a videogame, it's all about chauvinist masculine men teaching everyone what being men is all about while saving weak women in distress that will end up either dying or making babies as devote housewives.
There are literally zero games like this on the market, especially the ones targeting almost exclusively the Japanese audience.

Yeah, it's pretty good.

Still better than the main series

the updated versions of 3, 4, and 5 will be the same as the ps3 versions but with better graphics. you are actually better off emulating, then just buying again later if you really wanted to.

Did yakuza kill your parents or something? Have sex

don't forget taking care of your wife's daughter
and your wife's daughter's son

I'm saying it's a good thing, you absolute brainless niggers.


i didn't say otherwise

They're not stable enough to emulate though. They still have the issues 1 and 2 do where going too high on the resolution causes the yellow shine on the side of your screen, one guy who played through 3 mentioned he had tons of framerate drops and it crashed not only frequently but randomly, and right now only Kenzan is really working as it should because that's the emulation group's priority because they're using the translation patch as a poster child for its emulator.

Yep. Pretty good amount of content, the new content is enjoyable, and it's got an enjoyable antagonist.

>play K2
>you have to finish side quests and buy upgrades just to have special NPC assists that only work in 1 location on the map
How exactly was this supposed to make sense

Yakuza games are alpha simulators for betas

That's every game except for your homosexual vn's

So is literally every piece of entertainment.

But Yakuza is primarily a VN

good job you both just said he's right

They used to give them for free in OG 2, Judgment fixed it and made them unlocked instantly, K2's the outlier for some reason.

willing to bet that it'll be out in less than 3 months since it's selling like shit

Get the moneybags upgrades from the shrine and abuse the shit out of it for unlimited billions

Yes we did, good job on being able to read

I wish the antagonist was around more though, feels like you barely see him.

That's just like your opinion. Combat is objectively completely unbalanced in both

>real estate
>lose all money to shakedown boy, wear equipment which boosts shakedown boys money, defeat shakedown boy for profit

I mean, 0fags definitely have ruined the fanbase, but at this point I don't see the sense in crying about it.