Story: Fallout: New Vegas > Fallout 3
World: Fallout 3 > Fallout: New Vegas
Story: Fallout: New Vegas > Fallout 3
The capital wasteland looks horrid. I take the strip any time.
>the strip
you mean just the strip? or the vast emptiness outside of that except for some fucking mud huts
the games looks the same except one is more yellow and has less shit
Fallout 3's world is horrible. It's all grayish green rubble.
capital wasteland actually feels like a wasteland and not a glorified cowboy larp
fallout 3 is laughably bad in world design too.
My main issue with 3 is that it’s more apocalypse than post apocalypse
I get D.C got nuked to hell and back and New Vegas is mostly in tact thanks to House and it being a desert but places like Megaton and Little lamplight are fucking retarded
Sauce please
i agree
those dead eyes of a prostitute
>"What do you think of my new dress, user?"
seriously i've seen this pic half a dozen times. Gotta give me a sauce my friend
Fallout 3's world was deader than New Vegas
Now gib sauce prease
Blaire ivory
she looks like a clone of my ex and I cant watch her stuff without getting some weird feelings
its not very good
Why is a girl kissing/sucking your finger so erotic Yea Forums
shit looks like OP pic was a fluke. she's not nearly as good looking anywhere else
That's for me to determine
She goes by Lena Anderson now. Also, she's like 6'1"
>fallout 3 has like 3 green-filled towns with little rationale or basis for surviving 200 years
>new vegas has vegas itself plus multiple populated towns, outposts, and military bases with an indepth worldbuilding effort
Yeah, no. Nice try.
It's boring generic porn
the strip is an appropriate term considering it's filled with invisible walls. open world my ass.
Yes but where food?
Because of the implication...
>New Vegas devs had to remove certain things from the game like various NPCs as they made patches for the game to save on data limits for consoles
>The Strip still has junk, garbage, and blown out cars that they could have removed to save some data
They patched out NPCs after it was released? Examples?
she's also been blacked
pretty much all pornstars have.
found it on yandex, good luck
There were destitute travelers at the 188. Also there were maimed NCR soldiers in no man's land between Forlorn Hope and Nelson. Luckily there are a lot of mods that restore these NPCs and more that the devs had to remove
Only good FO are 1 and 2.
two is the best
good in like 1998 maybe. Doesn't hold up even a little bit. If you care so much about story read a book, games don't have good stories.
Actors take up save data space, static objects do not. Activators however do but the things you're talking about are statics.
Nope, those games still shit on the majority of games released today. It's not about story, it's about opportunities to interact with your environment and the environment actually responding to your actions, you little cunt.
The capital wasteland feels like a glorified garbage dump with some theme park attractions here and ther,e you mean
>If you care so much about story read a book
>Antistory fags still use this argument
At this point you are almost as bad as Fromfags.
dude Toxic dump site lmao
>This location consists of a partially buried shipping container, with radioactive barrels spilling out of the back of it. The container sits on the edge of a small cliff and has no apparent loot inside or around it.
why is this a MARKED LOCATION
if you remove all of the retarded marked locations in New Vegas you remove like half of the markers
the Mojave is empty af
>Doesn't hold up even a little bit.
what about it doesn't hold up?
>interact with your environment and the environment actually responding to your actions
how much do i have to hallucinate for this to happen?
i'm not "antistory". the game's story is completely secondary though and it has only in the last few years managed to reach the quality that TV/movies can achieve
What the fuck do you think a wasteland looks like, tard? It's gonna look like a lot of old trash
tiny resolution
clunky, simplistic turn based combat
awful art style with low effort spritework
RPG stats/skills that are 80% meaningless
The Fallout 3 world sucks, It just railroads you (literally) into following train stations and underground tunnels. There's tons of walled-off areas and exploration just feels dull since everything is so cramped
There's others like a camp that's nothing more than two blown out cars and a picnic table with rusted tin cans littered everywhere. A memorial that has nothing but a giant white cross.
Gameplay: Fallout 1 > any 3d shit Fallout.
>when you have severe brain damage and can only play extremely boring and easy turn based tactics games
>There were some non-essential NPC and some dead bodies
who cares
>fallout 3tards complain about "invisible walls" in NV stopping them from glitch hopping up sheer cliff faces
>Fallout 3 itself is full of invisible walls, they're just acocmpanied by a mountain of trash (that would otherwise be easily climbable) and a railway tunnel so it's okay when Bethesda does it
cute, but it would look better on my bedroom floor
Gameplay is easy with isometrics - it’s literally a point and click. Objectively, Fallout 4 had the best gunplay in the series. Don't fucking argue this, shooting guns in f4 feels better than any of the other clunky games
I agree, it's does look bad. It's almost like a few nukes went off.
Yeah, 15 minutes before the game starts. Not 200 years.
You're right in those 200 years the 50 or so people living in a completely ruined metropolis would have tidied away all the dirt and radioactive material and huge ruined skyscrapers infested with supermutants
haha it's ok dc just got nuked one time too many compared to the rest of the us bro!
>world if you played the old fallouts
new vegas > fallout 3
had to get it running on the 360 somehow, the walls are not even there in the opening cinematic
>a power plant in Ukraine had nuclear diarrhea, leaving the place a ruined ghost town for over 30 years and estimated to not be habitable for 20,000 years
>but why does the city that was leveled by multiple super atomic bombs STILL look like doo doo after 200 years????
>nothing new has been built after 200 years
they could have at least bothered to sweep up a little
its great
Yet Hiroshima and Nagasaki are livable spaces, and actually very metropolitan.
a nuclear meltdown is not the same as a nuclear strike
hmmm it's almost like they were part of a well populated country that still existed after they were nuked and the entire world wasn't destroyed with 99% of the human population being killed/turned into mutants with the remaining 1% living underground
Fuck no. New Vegas has garbage world design.
Sure, but the worldbuilding is definitely better in NV. Fallout 3 is a better playground, which I admit makes me like it a lot.
There's very little humans could do about the contamination done by a nuclear strike, simply the effects aren't going to be that severe by 2 centuries. I doubt that at the site of a nuclear bomb going off the background radiation would be noticeably higher than in a non-striked zone.
Not Alexis Texas
>World: Fallout 3 > Fallout: New Vegas
dont make me google alexis texas interracial
>perfect looking girl is some porn whore
Actually it's more like you're a retard equating a nuclear reactor meltdown with a nuclear bomb when they're completely different events.
nuVegas might look like a turd but it's more "alive" than even your GTAs.
World? Fallout 3's world is a themepark ride. NV's world actually looks lived in.
Who cares about the radiation at that point. Everything has been destroyed. What are they going to use to rebuild stuff with? Cranes? All forms of production have halted and no resources exist beyond the literal scraps you find on the ground. Theres not even trees to harvest anymore. Do you think they build megaton out of crashed planes just for the aesthetic?
2 centuries is only a few generations, and the population is already minuscule. Combine that with everything wanting to kill you and eat you - from mutants to raiders - and I very much doubt going out and giving everything a spring clean is people's top priority.
Technically she has since she's been in JAV
Alright dickless, we'll put you and a few people in a vault and destroy the world. If you were lucky enough to not be in a vault that was soley designed to kill you, you can come out and we'll time how long it takes for you and your friends to pick up all the rubble while you're getting shot at by giant green monsters and people wearing human skin.
Well it would definitely be less than 200 years. Especially considering the west coasters had the fucking Enclave working against them and had functioning society in less than half that time
>NV's world actually looks lived in.
That doesn't mean it's not hot garbage though.
The real question is which one to play first for someone who hasn't played Fallout
It's the dryest pron I've ever seen
Japs are honorary Aryans.
gameplay: fallout 4
No it fucking wouldn't you fag. What are you cleaning it all up and rebuilting it with? Everything has been destroyed.
There are societies of humans but they live in the ruins of the old world. No one rebuilds anything and the only stuff built is made out of scrap.
Only factions that have the technology and resources to even think about rebuilding the world are too busy making androids or wanking over power armour to care.
You might have a point if the rest of the real Fallout games didn't exist proving you're retarded
>exit vault
>use geck
oh wow that was hard
Blaire Ivory
>it’s more apocalypse than post apocalypse
this is the problem of the entire series, as well as many other sci fi works.
just ignore all the retards and play 4 it's unironically the best one
>fallout 1: everyone lives in ruins or vaults
>fallout 2: everyone lives in ruins or vaults
>fallout 3: everyone lives in ruins or vaults
>fallout NV: everyone lives in ruins or vaults
>fallout 4: everyone lives in ruins or vaults. Theres one faction thats goal is to actually rebuild the world and you kill them.
Name 1 location in any of the fallout games other than the institute's underground methlab that is genuinly a cleaned up and rebuilt area and not just some old ruins that people moved into and stuck metal sheet all over it.
You seriously haven't played a single original fallout game have you?
>>fallout 1: everyone lives in ruins or vaults
Stopped reading there
What? In fallout 1 and 2 they had already new buildings.
>exit vault
>use geck
Nice! Now I can drink the water and not get thirsty while i'm moving the millions upon millions of the tons of rubble with my bare hands
>Name 1 location in any of the fallout games other than the institute's underground methlab that is genuinly a cleaned up and rebuilt area and not just some old ruins that people moved into and stuck metal sheet all over it.
New Vegas
The Hub
New Reno
Nigger play 2
Fuck even shady sands in 1 is a post war settlement
Um, you really haven't seen any of the villages in Fallout 1 and 2?
What's so great about the Fallout 3 world? It's empty outside of DC, and navigating through the ruins with the metro system is just annoying as fuck.
hey idiots you literally have to turn off your brain for fallout world building, even though new vegas and 1 make an effort.
there would definitely be a lot of horse-riding.
international trade would definitely not have stopped. probably some other place would be the capitalist center of the world, while the US wasteland would be peripheric. cement and wood would still exist and ruins would be mended or replaced, yes even in megaton. also, with less human action, there would be a lot of woods and forests.
in worst case scenario, it would look like nowadays russian siberia.
>not naming a single place
literally everywhere is a shithole city/town of metal shacks and crumbling ruins. Did you wander into Redding and think "oh wow, it's just like modern california!"
It was my first Fallout game and I forgot that 80% of the map was empty space or useless locations just like NV
Nigger play the fucking game
fucking Vault city and NCR
>just ignores the other posts
good shit idiot
You had to be playing these games with your eyes closed to not realise it was either people moving into buildings that just hadn't fallen over (new vegas, new reno, etc) or places built up using scrap around established areas (Vault city, The hub, etc).
NCR is just a concrete military base, and Arroyo only gets built up after you teach all the retards to to do it - before that it's a shithole.
And my original point wasn't even that people couldn't just rack up to an empty field and built a settlement. It's that the original fag thought that after 200, DC should have been cleaned up and rebuilt. Why would anyone bother?
I still don't get it why are people staying in Big Town?
It's far away from Little Lamplight so the travellers must have visited other, better places. Why they won't go there instead of sticking in the shithole with a group of supermutants nearby?
what the actual fuck are you even talking about
Too bad F4 is bad in every other aspect.
UUhhh...It's because the radiation works differntly in Fallout universe!
I mean, just look at ghouls!
I actually love the metro system. NV kind of tried to do something like that with the NV sewers but because NV is so easy to navigate and because the sewers don't go to the Strip there's really no point in using them. The Metro is its own dungeon that rewards you with access to odd corners of DC.
II'd also say in general Fallout 3 has better interiors with their own self contained stories. NV had some but most of them felt underdeveloped, and there were less of them in general.
Humans are going to rebuild obviously, nowhere is it stated the exact loss of life or even if it (the war) affected other countries the same way it the US and China.
There are other Vaults that opened at various times, and even individuals not part of the Vault experiments that survived. There's no reason for everything to still be a smoldering heap, and for every town to be a shantytown.
Isn't ghoulification caused by a combination of FEV and radiation?
The very first location you visit in Fallout has actual buildings.
Why can you fags not realize the simple fact that fallout is not trying to show scientifically accurate radiation or nuclear technology?
The game is a parody of 50s scifi shit and cold war scares
It has never tried realistically capturing nuclear apocalypse
>t. played F1 and F2 after 2008
Most people who have played Fallout 1 and 2 played it after 2008. Fallout 3 was a massive hit by comparison, so that's not exactly unexpected.
Nice job moving the goalposts
How can you have played these games and not grasped that one of the core themes of the series is that, despite almost destroying themselves, humans are still too fickle and selfish by nature to right their wrongs. They came out of the vaults and immediatly starting fighting for power. People are too obsessed with controlling the world rather than rebuilding it, so everyone just lives in ramshack settlements eating molerat meat waiting for the next raider attack.
I'm not sure honestly.
As far as I remember, severe radiation could either painfully kill you or turn you into a ghoul.
This is how Necropolis was made, their vault didn't close because the VaultTec wanted to see how radiation works on people. I don't know the details from the Fallout bible or if the Bethesda changed the lore.
>They came out of the vaults and immediatly starting fighting for power
>implying they didn't start murdering each other in the vault already
Now I'm interested
I think that's just Harold.
Hey, you. I know you lurk this thread. Yes, you, the fucker who can't go one week without a new vegas thread on Yea Forums. The poor asshole who has to pretend he hasn't played in a while and needs a list of recommended mods. Who the fuck do you think you're fooling?
You can't just like the game and leave it at that, no, you have to turn this into a fucking statement. You don't like New Vegas for what it is, but for what it's up against. That's why you're here, in this thread, that's why you probably already posted two or three times, acting smug at Todd, proclaiming how much you despise nuFallout. Which is all well and good, but you'll still play New Vegas, post in the hypocritical "r-recommended New Vegas mods guise ?" thread, or even be its OP.
Don't fool yourself. New Vegas is an unfinished, badly designed piece of shit and you know it. With the time you've invested in it, you could be blind and you'd still see the huge amounts of empty padding any other game would be crucified for. New Vegas isn't good. You just hold it on a pedestal because it's the only way you can indulge in the bethesdashit you claim to hate and still think you're the more distinguished consumer.
Keep believing that, you stupid shit. Todd has you. He owns your soul with his gamebryo garbage. You think you don't just because it has Chris Avelonne writing on it? If Avelonne made a difference, you would have played once, nodded, and moved the fuck on. But you're still playing and endlessly shilling the game close to a decade later. You're a fucking Bethesdadrone in denial. You can pretend otherwise, but I know. Keep running if you want, being a mindless cultist praying to your Big Iron gods. I know you love Todd like you love Big Brother, and only a veneer of irony can make you live with yourself.