What are some fun "builds" to run in skyrim??
I want to play it again and I don't know what character I want to run.
What are some fun "builds" to run in skyrim??
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uninstall .exe
what rpg should I play instead?
legend of zelda: twilight princess
unironically stealth archer
in VR
lol I have that but I don't feel like cleaning off the dust and rubber shed from my gamecube controllers.
I said "unironically" but I see now that it was actually ironic that stealth archer is fun to play. I'm a fool, and I deserve humiliation.
desu I was either thinking Khajiit/Light Armor/ Dagger/ Bow
or Redguard/Light Armor/ Mace/ Shield
I can't stand the magic system in skyrim but if someone had a build idea I would try it.
Stealth Archer is the most fun and immerse build.
stealth fire mage is probably the least terrible
basically you sneak around laying rune traps and maneuver to stay close to those fire runes and they they trigger one, you come in with an enchanted fire dagger, blast them with a fireball/incinerate, use the attack speed shout and go to town.
The amount of firestacks gets pretty crazy and it's kinda fun to combo.
You can add in firewalls and that fire aura or shout I don't remember
Oblivion or Morrowind. The removal of so many RPG elements has made Skyrim’s choices and builds far less impactful.
I had fun with illusion+sneak. The idea is you cast invisibility+muffle, then power attack with two daggers while stealthed for 2 hits that deal 30x damage each. Works on everything short of dragons because their perception is bullshit.
tried morrowind and the progression of the game wasn't fast enough for me (leveling seemed to take forever). call me a zoomer or whatever. I do have a lot of actually good mods for oblivion tho... and that's the one I grew up with.
Apocalypse+the magic rebalance mod makes it the most fun build in the game for me. Illusion+Conjuration can be fun because you just crowd control enemies and let summons fuck them up.
I did a necromancer/summoner, build having a party running around with me was fun.
>playing skyrim in 2019
literally why. there are so many better games
Install sex mods and play as a slut.
ignore him anyway. literally nobody on Yea Forums cares about Morrowind's RPG elements or 'choices and builds". Every single person that pretends Morrowind is a good game just abuses levitation potions and breaks the game (which is easy to do since it's a shitty old game with zero balance) and they find a weird amount of amusement from that sort of nonsensical power fantasy
Just turn it into a porn RPG, max out all your stats and play the game the way Todd intended it to be played.
oh look it's exactly what i described here LUL
I never played Skyrim (played Morrowind and Oblivion tho) is it as bad as Yea Forums says? Is it worth it?
Nothing, especially vanilla Skyrim
I like the playstyle where you click to chip away the health bar with no depth or challenge
Wait that's all of them
If you don't know yourself you're not ready for Skyrim. You'll just be another fallen dragonborn.
my personal favourites are
>Obsidian Sentinel
you fucks memed me into spending my weekend modding SE just for it to look and run worse than my oldrim build from years ago. It's to the point where I'm sure something's wrong, I can't even get a steady 60 without an enb and with one I get 40 fps in a tiny interior cell. Are the newer binaries just screwy or something? I tried rudy enb on .386 and .341 and got an extra ~20 fps with the older version
that lens flair
Mine looks pretty good, I spend the whole last week-end and most of the week modding it.
Quite happy with the result.
ENB is Silent Horizon
Aint none because no stats and classes.
HOWEVER, you can still pull off some fun stuff:
Old but gold: conjuration + any weapon - summon your weapon and with powers of conjuration beat the shit out of everything while capturing souls in process - any playstyle goes with that - from stealtharcher to The Mountain.
The Fist: unarmed combat + heavy armor - gotta get those gloves first, unenchant them, then enchant your gauntlets of preference with the buff and then break some faces (you will need to level up smithing and enchanting to get the best gloves).
Magneto: you will need a mod for this (Vokrii perk mod) - just level up Alteration, select perks and smash anything with force of telekinesis. You will need to carry some junk to toss around tough. Metal places work the best.
Crazy Ivan: get that Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul mod, level up alchemy, craft explosive bombs and toss them at your enemies.
I like how it looks but it still drops me to 40's outdoors and 50's inside. I feel like I should be able to run an ENB just fine though, every other game I use on it runs alright. I have a 970/4690k and even with zero mods SE runs like ass
Enderal. It's free if you own Skyrim.
That's weird, SE runs perfectly fine for me even with all the ENB stuff and Dyndolod 3D trees.
I have a beastly PC but oldrim had the engine shitting itself way before the PC even started struggling while SE is always above 100fps except around Falkreath.
These are my first "essential" mods if it helps but SE shouldn't require too many fixes and performance mods, I have more than 500 and it never broke unless I made a mistake.
should i mod se or le ?
SE is more stable in general and has most of the popular mods.
LE has more degen shit.
You fucked something up.
My SE build looks 95% as good as my oldrim build but runs twice as fast and never crashes.
Yeah that's what I'm thinking but I don't understand what the problem is. I used bethini's poor setting with no mods and still get ~40 fps with an enb. Shit makes no sense
Zaric Zhakaron
Probably a not your problem but I noticed my FPS would drop hard as fuck even with hardly any mods
Turns out the config files has a framerate cap and vsync enabled by default you have to manually edit to set the cap to something like 90 or 120
It ALSO turns out that this file is usually read-only and will rewrite itself back to the low frame cap after the game is run once and then turned off
I had this issue for a while but it may have just been some random shit on my computer at the time causing it
Try a Breton Battlemage, pick Atronach standing stone. Off hand a one handed weapon of choice, other hand is for magic. You will be mostly unstoppable after level 10 or so.
>oh no no no
every time I see this dudes face I think of this shit
You'll just end up playing a Warrior/Thief/Mage hybrid, because the game is designed that way. There is no character building in skyrim.
Like what? Name a couple more fun sandbox rpgs
Get a perk overhaul, a magic overhaul, and a combat overhaul. Trying to make melee or stealth fun in this game is lame, go full wizard and one shot dragons with giant thunderbolts from the sky.
I still have potato performance with uncapped framerate and vsync off. Even with no enb I can't get 60 fps with pic related