
Why is no one talking about it?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>paying full price for half a game

It's just another Yakuza game. Same map. Same shitty combat. Same fucking game we've been playing for over 10 years. But with less to do in it. What's there to talk about?

Answer me, seriously, what "discussion" do you want? There's nothing to say. Until they release an ACTUALLY new game then there's no discussion to be had. People who are sick of this shit will say they're sick of this shit and the autistic fanboys who refuse to hear criticism or allow others to express it will say they're wrong (without explaining why) and insist that we all swallow the same shit again and again until SEGA goes out of business or the sun explodes. These threads are the only thing which are bigger wastes of time than the games themselves.

I ask you again: what do you want to "discuss"?

What do you mean?

It sure was a Yakuza game. Damn that was one nice Yakuza game.

Never played any Yakuza game, do you need to have played some to understand what's going on? Is there any Yakuza game I can play standalone that would be better than this?

This doesn't even have Yakuza in the title, mate. Of course you can play it without having played Yakuza.

It's stand alone. No old characters show up. The closest is one move's description used by the main Yakuza protaganist says it was used by a former Yakuza legend.

It takes place in the same town as all of the Yakuza games and references the Yakuza game's main Yakuza family quite often. as well as a slight nod to the main character of those games in a skill description.
Otherwise it has absolutely nothing to do with anyone from the Yakuza games.

You will inevitably start to feel bored. You will walk from pointless conversation to pointless conversation. You will read and read and read while character models stare at each other lifelessly. You will do the same unchallenging fights hundreds of times over where enemies pose no threat. You will stare at cutscenes that play out in the slowest way possible. You'll tell yourself the story has gripped you while trying to ignore how badly written it is.
You will wonder why Yea Forums and various ecelebs hyped up this series, and begin telling yourself that YOU must be wrong, not them. You'll tell yourself it's good just to feel a part of something.

That's what you're in for.

Show me where Yagami touched you.

you must suck at doing essays

people like it though, the game has been well-received. You just maybe don't like this series user. Maybe take a break btw you seem crazy emotional about something you shouldn't be.

Because it's just meh.
Tailing is boring, pheonix wright sections can't be failed or side route'd, and the combat is still as janky and slow and shitty as the other 2 dragon engine games

You're not wrong

It's really solid. My favourite plot of any Yakuza game I've played.

I want to have exciting conversations about which movesets people are using to fight enemies as if it makes any difference. They don't even pose a threat so all you're doing is picking what animation plays as you mash the buttons and try to stay awake.

That's not saying much what the standard of writing in Yakuza is so low

imagine being this much of a faggot

Yes, you are.

seriously just gonna samefag the whole thread huh lol. Just saw the post count go up but UIDs stayed the same

I didn't even know that it came out

DUB or SUB, bros?

Yeah that's why there's so many threads about it right? Cuckold.

PC version when


Sega won't spend money on creating new assets. Even their only surviving in-house Dev has no make do with severe budget restrictions.

Everything about Sega reeks of "cut corners and do it cheap".

Its why we get no new VF; they would actually have to create new stages and character models.

It's why we get lots of Sonic; easy to reuse the sane shit or re-release old shit.

Its great. Yea Forums is just filled with 0fags that refuse to discuss any other yakuza game yet claim to be fans

> Same town.

Sega cutting costs again.

Spending my time playing it.
And I don't really want to talk about it here since the fanbase has gone to shit here.

I like judgement. I think the main character isn’t as fleshed out as Kiryu. Feels like they didn’t know what to do with his personality. Other than that loving the game and just got to chapter 3.

>PS4 exclusive on Nintendogaf
>17th Yakuza game in 24 months
You figure it out.

I can't believe there was a time when Yakuza threads used to be good. I never encountered a thread that wasn't comfy.

what, you don't like all caps karaoke lyrics, faceapp memes, and "PC when" posts constantly?

shut the fuck up shitposter
if you don't like yakuza just leave the thread, and the whole website while you're at it

>Using dub for a Japan simulator.

It’s the same exact map from Yakuza? How the fuck does Sega keep getting away with it?

Yakuza takes place in the same town every game.
Honestly the series should be renamed to Kamerocho

SHUT THE FUCK UP jesus christ FUCK OFF already

By having enough retarded fanboys like buy their rehashes

exactly this
it's no wonder the threads are just fans shitflinging at one another... there's literally nothing else to do

0's success was the worst thing to happen to the series. I've never seen a fanbase go from so chill to so cancerous this quickly.

The thought of a Yakuza game with more fucking chases is what's keeping me far away from this. Also, I don't like the MC's downey fucking face.

mine is currently DLing. I'll be back here to whinge once I've sunk a couple dozen hours into ti

I'm sick of Kamurocho, set it somewhere else ffs. Another part of Tokyo, or maybe another city that's not been visited yet.


fuck off secondary


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I wanted it to be called Judge Eyes. This is stupid.

I think what's really ruined Yakuza threads is insecurity and defensiveness being at an all time high.

If someone criticizes the combat (which is fair) there are faggots who immediately start screaming about PC players, 0fags, zoomers, resetera, etc etc. Same thing if someone says they would like to explore new areas after playing on the same map for over 10 years.

Every Yakuza thread is now packed with prime examples of this newfound unbearable childishness in the fanbase. Yea Forums doesn't "hate yakuza now" just because you saw a post with criticisms in it. Get a fucking grip. If anything has ruined Yakuza discussion, it's not PC players or 0fags or any other kind of "invader" but actually the incredibly paranoid and autistic old guard who are more interested in lashing out at everyone rather than actually discussing the games.

We used to be able to say 3 was bad. We said it all the time. Now? You're a secondary zoomer reddit tranny PC 0fag blah blah blah. Fuck that. Step back and ask yourselves who is really shitting up these threads. It's not the people who are saying what parts of the game are weak, it's the people chimping out over mild criticisms. I mean, what the fuck do you want? 500 post threads around the clock where everyone just says "I LOVE YAKUZA IT'S FLAWLESS!"? Where's the discussion?

The irony is if any of these faggots wanted to discuss Yakuza, they'd do it. But they don't. They want to complain, over and over, about imaginary enemies. Just fucking discuss it if you actually want to, but you can't, because you're too busy chimping out over someone saying they would like to see a new map. Which isn't even an unreasonable thing to say.

I actually like the chase sequences. I do wish their was more shit strewn around that you had to dodge without QTE, though. Drone racing is also one of the best mini games in the series, and an incredible use of Kamurocho. I never thought about drone racing before, but the idea of anything being a racetrack is really, really neat.

Excuse me for not wanting the same map for the 8th time in a row.

>Charge punch Kasai in the face and then jump off a wall into punching his face before slamming a bike down on him.
Feels good every time because of him talking shit when he encounters you. At least Honda just goes "There's that motherfucker, let's fight".

That's almost exactly what I was too lazy to write.

good fuck off

Every excuse retards use to justify the map never changing can now eat shit. Judgement was the PERFECT OPPORTUNITY to give us somewhere new. There is NO EXCUSE. It's the most blatant assetflipping shit ever.
>but it's a character that changes along with you!
Fine, use that excuse for all SEVEN Yakuza games. But this is a new game. Sorry, a """new""" game. No excuse. Jesus christ, and people are raging a fucking WAR over how "lazy" the Pokemon devs are. Meanwhile Yakuza fans are handing over full price for this shit AGAIN and asking for seconds.


>Feels like they didn’t know what to do with his personality.
What? Yagami is a snarky guy who gets serious when it's appropriate, is deeply dedicated to exposing the truth and full of insecurities. He's basically Akiyama but with more insecurities and way more shit talking.
He's pretty fleshed out in the game, there's multiple moments later on where he straight up doubting himself, feeling the weight of the world on him, and he acts like if he stops his life is basically over (Which is true to be fair).


Ignore him. It's a "every post on Yea Forums I don't like is one person" mental case

waiting for the price to drop on PSN

>I think what's really ruined Yakuza threads is insecurity and defensiveness being at an all time high.

Not really, since for years people talked and discussed combat here. Hell, Moose does this, he writes fucking essays here about these games.
Everyone shits on stories of Yakuza 3 and 5, says that SEGA needs to move on, that Kiwami 1 and 2 aren't great (and shit on it), etc. I don't know the fuck are you on about about criticisms. Are you fucking blind?

This. So much this. Same type of game as Kojima garbage and Yoko Taro shite. Badly written trash for retards who desperately try to make a convincing argument and fail badly.

You know this isn't healthy, right? A lot of people come to Yea Forums, chances are more than one person says things you don't agree with. I bet you're the kind of retard who only buys digital and thinks Dragon's Dogma is good.

You haven't been around lately. Posting any of the things you're describing now causes autists to have a meltdown.
Seriously, start posting about 3 not being good and prepare to be called every buzzword under the sun by idiots in denial.

nobody likes 3

>shitposters posts get deleted
Nice. Maybe now we can finally talk Yakuza.
Post god tier combat.

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Why is it that when a series goes multiplatform, the fanbase turns into a pile of shitposting?

No PC release (yet?)

how many times have you posted this webm now

see now shut the fuck up

dub because the lead sounds more convincing.

what's wrong with it?

I've never seen anyone defend 3. Ever.

Yeah I agree platform wars really does ruin discussion

what's wrong with 3?

>difficulties still locked


I'm playing it right now, not gonna talk about it here until I finish it, too many spoilers in Yea Forums

play it and find out

The story was actually pretty good (watched it as a movie). It had the usual Japanese problem of repeating stuff we already know in lengthy exposition scenes, but the acting was surprisingly good for (mocapped) Japanese live action.

>It had the usual Japanese problem of repeating stuff we already know
Gotta drag eeeeverything out as loooooong as possible

>Yes, you are.
But why?

I'm trying my best to complain about anyone posting criticisms in this thread as much as possible while also fuming about Haruka as much as possible in the other Yakuza thread. It's not easy.

An unfortunate trend, as their raw stories are pretty good. With western editing ideas, they could become really incredible works.

best girl

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when will we see weather cycles

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stupid bitch couldn't even keep track of her cake

is she autistic

I don't get why you can't at least change the weather when there's clearly days where it's rainy. K1 for example looks great in the rain and so does K2 but you can't manually set it to rainy. Even Spider-Man PS4 did this.

No she has nice set of tits.

Yakuza 26
Don't worry, it'll still be set in Kamerocho

wut gaeme

not ONE point in this post is valid

I kinda want the games to start using a similar calendar system that persona games use or at least a "lite" version of it where you couldn't just complete side quest chains that take multiple days (according to dialogue), in one night. It would also allow for easier implementation of different weather conditions for every day.

Unironically excellent post


If there was a Yakuza style game set in the west, what city/quarter would it be in?

Excellent counterpoint. Proved all my points wrong and made me look like a fool.

You do realize there are other cities in Yakuza right? Almost every new release has either a new city or a completely remade version of an old one. If you think that's lazy, wait till you play GTA, they're doing the same thing, the mad lads.



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Good to see you take defeat graciously, kiddo.

>puts on a dress and woos men twice

It would have to be a city with a lot of foot traffic/densely packed commercial districts. Most US cities are spread out and miserable and you get everywhere by driving so probably would have to be somewhere in Europe, probably Holland or Denmark.

Nice bullshit.

you forgot to explain why he's wrong

The entire claim that the map never changes is obviously wrong. What is there to prove

Don't have to, it's wrong.

All he was trying to say is "you're right but that makes me mad" and the message was received loud and clear

You're not right because the map does change. There, now provide your argument.

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Oh okay, my mistake. Tell me all the different places each game is set, then.

I'm waiting on the PC version. Same reason I waited on getting Kiwami 2 on my PS4.

The point, as if it wasn't made clear enough, was that Judgement is the perfect oppertunity to have a NEW LOCATION and not assetflip the same location from the past seven games.

That's the point. Now, tell me it's wrong faggot.
What's an actually good excuse to have this game set in the same place? And are you seriously going to sit there and try to tell yourself that it's set in the same place for ANY REASON other than asset flipping?
Go ahead. Talk shit, I can't wait to hear it.

I love Yakuza, but these are all valid complaints. They have the skeleton of a good combat system, but almost none of the encounters are challenging enough to require you to develop a strategy beyond mashing til they're KO'd. They give you all of these crazy moves and techniques but you never feel like you're doing anything other than arbitrarily deciding how to take down the enemy based on what mood you're in. The challenge mode fights are a step in the right direction, but most are not free-form fights, they are more like puzzles. They could put more stuff like that in the main game (beat this group of people without getting hit, fight after you've been drugged, fight with limited moveset etc.). It would be fairly easily to contextualize it with the story. Sometimes, rarely, they put stuff like that in, but they make the encounter itself too easy so you end up mashing through because there is never a reason to do anything else.

1 - PS2gen Tokyo
2 - PS2gen Osaka
3 - PS3gen Tokyo + another PS3gen city
5 - 4 new PS3gen cities
6 - PS4gen Tokyo
K2 - PS4gen Osaka

Only games that don't have entirely new locations are K1, 0, 4 and Judgment. But even they update the locations accordingly.

>how dare they tell new and interesting stories in the same place with new characters?

Oh and 6 also had an entirely new city I forgot about


you forgot Onomichi for 6 which is great imo

>badly written

grow up

this is brainlet fanboyism right here
are you saying you wouldn't have liked a new city?

4 added the rooftops and the underground areas like underneath the theater, the entire underground mall, and the parking lot area.
Kenzan and Ishin were also brand new areas, Kenzan has like 12 areas with 2 of them being major city areas, Ishin has an entire major city split up into four parts (Fushimi, Rakugai, Rakunai, and Mukurogai), Mibu which is a small tea house area, and Gion from Kenzan but it's much smaller.
Even the Black Panther games added new areas to Kamurocho and Sotenbori like the Dragon Heat areas, the Asura building, the park to Sotenbori, and so on.

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I'd rather see the budget spent on celebrity faces than new locations to be honest. I want to play ten more games in the same place.

I like Yakuza 3.

>brainlet meme
Annnnnd, post discarded.

Why are people complaining about the map? Literally every single Yakuza game has been in a completely new location. They've never repeated a map. Sometimes I wish they did because it's a pain to learn a whole new location every time.

kinda true desu

This looks like shit

In terms of gameplay, would it be more satisfing to play Kiwami 2, or this first?

You're too smart for Yea Forums. It's sad, because this encapsulates a lot of different threads/series posted here. Excellent post

marketing for it was absolutely fucking atrocious
we got it announced for localization at the same time it was announced in japan, then fucking nothing for months on end and like two trailers total prior to release
it's no wonder no one fucking knew about it
even so, kiwami 2 killed my interest in yakuza pretty much entirely, didn't finish hokuto and didn't even bother buying the pc versions

based underage consolewarrior, are you even old enough to play this game?

Is it good?
Hopeful about this since my impression was that redoing some of the earlier writing and content that was kinda shit wasn't doing them any favors. I loved 0 although I found K1 to be extremely meh. K2 was pretty good - mostly on account of the whole Japan tourism simulation aspect.

They've both got different styles and stuff you can use. K2 has weapons and DoD, Judgment doesn't have any regular weapons you can equip but does have random weapons from enemies, and it also has two new styles, a wall attack mechanic, you can leap over/under enemies, and you can juggle enemies while style switching to keep them floating. They'll both feel distinctive.

We need more posters like them and less people throwing hissyfits about people actually trying to discuss games instead of circlejerking them


>no response from the autist
>instead he keeps replying to his own post saying how right he is
That's just sad

was the story good?

PC then i will buy it

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It's pretty fun, especially if you like the Ace Attorney series as well. Might not have as much depth as that series when it comes to the investigation stuff, but it's fun looking for clues and tailing suspects.

The story is intriguing and doesn't really have major twists though it does have one or two, the combat is a lot of fun compared to 6 and K2 and adds new things that make it more fun, the characters are pretty much all great, the Side Cases are fun and comedic (Haven't run into any serious ones yet), like usual the enemies are much more damaging and vicious because it's a spinoff game, and it just feels fresh in general. The only downside is the tailing really, some people also dislike the new chasing compared to the kind we saw from 3 through 5, but I didn't have much of a problem with it.

Yagami and Kaito are a great team and I want a new game already.

This. Why complain about the map anyway when it's the shit combat that needs to be changed. How many more games are they going to make while retards say "they're just working out the problems with the engine"

You're supposed to work the problems out BEFORE release, not over the course of 5 games

Right back at you.

Combat is hardly shit, just not challenging enough even on the higher settings. You got loads of moves, but rarely enough reason to use stuff beyond "can I do something if I stand on the top of a stairwell/car?"

Did anyone else think Kuroiwa was the mole before finding out they were?

Nope, Hoshino was on my suspicion list for ages because everything about him ticked the boxes, especially after he forced himself into Yagami's investigation.

Yes obviously

Sounds neat. Yakuza games usually has some dumb shit sprinkled in so I can deal with some tailing missions if the rest is alright.



Great argument, kiddo. Really showed me what for.

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keep digging

so what was up with that one scene after Yagami apparently had a concussion? Are ghosts real in the yakuza universe?

wait the game is out already, i was not aware of that

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Didn't dig anything, newfag. Try again when your meds kick in

I thought it Shono for the longest time since he stood out from the rest of the cast like a sore thumb.

Been like almost 2 weeks. Granted, they didn't exactly advertise the game like mad, but then again the series never really got that much exposure in its 10+ years.

As of Yakuza 6 yes

He was clearly losing his sense of reality and was close to passing out. The majority of the things he saw were memories, the Emi thing is the only thing that he hallucinated more than anything.
Even so, the answer is yes. 6 has ghost pirates, 5 has Saejima fighting mountain gods possessing a man, Ishin has Ebisu being a real god in-universe, aliens are real according to Kenzan, and kappa are real according to 4.

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What is up with poker in this game? I’ve been playing for over an hour and can’t get a winning hand to save my life

I'll defend 3, Rikiya is cool

I don't think many people are playing it. There was fuck-all marketing for it, and most people who know of it are probably waiting for a PC release.

Red Dead Redemption 2 if I'm not mistaken.

yeah that is all true but when yakuza 6 or kiwami released they at least showed up on ps store, i never noticed this game and i browse store at least once a week its like they dont care about this game at all

Mine only exists in 3, i'll defend my husbando

but "sugiura" said he heard Emi's voice too. Seems like that couldn't be a coincidence.

This showed up quite a bit before release, granted, it was like 3 weeks before it dropped instead of a good month or more like other games that usually get revealed way ahead of release. And it still shows up in some sections if you look around.

Saying what we're all thinking.

Except no.

3 is like a beach episode of the series. I'll defend it and Mine was a cool villian.

The important thing is time is passing

Wrong. Every single Yakuza game takes place in an entirely new location.

like 4?

This can't be happening YakuzAnikis, this can't be fucking happening

i feel like we will never get fist of the north star

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can you go into the underground in any other yakuza? plus saejima's prison

I don't think it sold very well, unfortunately. Might lower the chances of a port significantly.

the underground was absolutely pointless, and I wouldn't consider that prison as different city

I was spoiled by YouTube, so I knew it. It was pretty cool to see all the foreshadowing, though.

>the enemies are much more damaging and vicious because it's a spinoff game
Really can't wait to beat the shit out of that faggot Homura, they did a great job in making him the slimiest fuck

Yes. And don't listen to "Yakuza has shitty writing, so it's nothing" fags, this one wasn't written by Yokoyama. It was written by Binary Domain/Dead Souls guy (who also co-wrote 0).

>I ask you again: what do you want to "discuss"?
Jesus, your post is cheesier than a 12yo fanfic

Homura isn't as bad as he seems, actually. Sure, he is a motherfucking rothless criminal, but he isn't as one-dimensional as you may think.

Ah, right. Then yeah, I suppose you could argue it, though that would be the first time an in-story mission actually confirms the supernatural.

what are you on about?

That's true of like 90% of Yakuza villains but that doesn't change the fact that I want to kick his head in

I think most of Yakuza villains are through-away, like Koreans or Yakuza 4's main guys. They are always underdeveloped unless you personally kick their ass, after that they always like "well, I was wrong". Homura isn't like that, which felt refreshing in a way.

Is it longer than 6?

I wanted to be more excited for this, but after finishing 0 and Kiwami 2 i feel quite a bit burned out.

Played 1 and 2 on PS2, 3, 4 and 5 on PS3. I used to LOVE it, but it seems the series is starting to get tiring. Fan service won't be enough eventually.

I finished it in 38 hours, but I did a lot of the side cases, friend events, and the first girlfriend

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why are the colours so washed out in this game
it looks like shit compared to 6 or K2

Name a kojima game that's even remotely similar to yakuza

I rushed through only the story with the only side content being me buying a bunch of stuff from restaurants and my playthrough was 24 hours. No Side Cases, no minigames, nothing but restaurant stuff and I avoided continuing the friendships there. I did occasionally take 5-10 minutes to beat up some of the gang members during Terror Time but mostly just rushed story points.

That makes sense. I was wondering why those were written well when usually they're terrible.

>this one wasn't written by Yokoyama

shit I might actually get it then, no joke

Nin! Nin!

Just watch the cutscenes on youtube. The story is the best thing about the game. The game has a shit pace. No fun allowed, the game.

>Can't use the disguises in Premium Adventure mode. Not many disguises.
>Side missions involve 90% of tailing missions
>Keihen gang threat every fucking chapter. Fucking Kim messages.
>Want to do a quick run in NG+, nope let's throw some side missions into the main missions.

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>wanted to replay the game
>but wouldn't recommend it

why is saejima is dumb

Dude has been in prison.

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>can't use disguises in premium adventure
That sounds lame


>Sana is like half the size of Yagami

As if Yakuza wasn’t boring enough, they added tailing missions

He's been in prison since the 80's. If I remember right he even gets more confused about a cell phone than Kiryu did.

It was pretty disappointing to find out. There's also no alt outfits, you can't wear the attorney outfit for fighting for example for some reason.

leave the smol alone

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ffs really?

To be fair, he's a man who hasn't really seen tech progress in over a decade cut him a break

game has been pretty fun and the story is more intriguing than usual

He's right though

The soundtrack isn't memorable as the Yakuza franchise.


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where have I seen this post before..

Hopefully never, you faggots ain't worth of more of this series

Fuck off

I wish I'd seen this before wasting my money. I guess it was good to see what the games were like for myself but I've never felt so burned before. I wouldn't even have minded so much if people had been honest in the first place but fans hype this shit up so much that when you're 50 hours deep and it's still the most tedious shit ever it's hard to not be mad.

Will Moose ever turn off his trip and realise that no one cares who he is?

I'd say it's on par with 6.


I'm sorry how long have you been here? There are only threads made about games that people hate here. No one spends time talking about shit they like.

How do you do that one attack where Yagami locks his legs around somebody's head and starts spinning them around? I've seen it in the trailers and some of the webms posted here but I've never been able to pull it off.

wall run and then press circle. you have to learn the skill first

Maybe you have to run at them?

Learn the wall grab (It's at the top in the second section) then just run at a wall and press O. It's a bit harder to aim it compared to punches or kicks.

>"will [insert tripfag] ever *something that doesn't stroke their ego*?"

Imagine trying to talk about Pokemon games to other pokemon fans but you only ever played Mystery dungeon.

Thats what Judgement fans are like.

Anyone knows whats up with the Keijo gang or whatever its called? There's probably a storyline but I beat their threat level shit a bunch of times nothing really comes up, the reward is weird too, what do I do with all these pyroxenes? that said the combat is really good for a yakuza game, i hope Ichiban's moveset is as robust as Yagami's

They're for drone parts, you can also get some free ones from the friendship in Mijore. The newer bosses that get added later on give you different color ones as well. The fights are basically to give you those Pyroxines and SP more than anything.

neither you fucking cringe posers

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>Memorize Hiragana a week ago
>Start memorizing katakana today
>Realize I still don't know a single word
Long way from playing games like this.


I'm learning Mandarin now but I'll make it some day

mega weeb!

Based, fuck movie game loving niggers

I was hoping for a great yakuza game with added detective elements. I got a mediocre yakuza game. Wouldn't recommend it.

>move game
Try harder for the (You)s, kiddo

Please explain further.

The more popular a series gets, the worse discussion gets on Yea Forums. With PSO2 I bet it wont be long until even old PSO games are unable to have any discussions.

It's as much a movie game as soi of war SEETHING snoygoy

2/10, that's barely better bait you have, kiddo

what do we think of the dub?