Was he /ourguy/?
Was he /ourguy/?
I'm going to pirate phoenix point for this reason. The dev said he already made his money.
never was never will be
fuck him and fuck china
the chinese are literally the borg from star trek
Based Swiney
>saves the PC gaming industry
Except they make shittier clones instead of taking the best and improving on it
how else are they supposed to compete with steam?
pirating borderlans 3, thanks Sweeny!
Sell games cheaper, Steam takes a huge cut from devs (30%) which increases game prices
kill yourself bugman
better prices and costumer support?
inovating features?
fortnite 2?
>Steam takes a huge cut from devs
Nobody cares.
30% was the standard across the entire game industry, and given the services Steam has to offer, it's pretty justified.
My point was If Epic Store took less of a cut (like 15%) they could sell games cheaper than Steam, this way they could compete and it would work better than whatever they're doing now
Still waiting for those savings to pass on to me like tim and a few publishers have said would happen.
the thing is that games sell best on steam
and epic knows this so they are just trying to force people to be accustomed to buying from epic
they are bleeding money on their epic store fiasco
Trickle-down economics will always be a meme.
No, you stupid goy. Prices won't come down naturally
Trickledown shit has nothing to do with what I suggested
>charge less for games to be sold on your platform
>games decrease in price
it's simple math
No they wouldn't, you are a retard. Developers aren't going to take their savings and pass it onto you. They'er going to pocket it and still pump out DLC. You're a huge cuck, unironically kill yourself.
Decreasing prices increases profit dumb cuck
If that were the case they would have decreased the prices on digital storefronts years ago due to not requiring manufacturing/data costs. Even at 30% they're making huge profits by selling games $60 a pop with little to no effort. Stay wrong faggot, developers aren't going to lower prices for you. They're always going to find new ways to nickle and dime retards like you.
If you can reduce prices but still keep the same profit margin it's only a plus, you sell more and make the same ammount of money, everyone knows this even greedy jews.
yes it does, you retard
>store takes less of a cut from each sale compared to other similar services (an incentive)
>that incentive is expected to be passed from the publisher/developer to the consumer
It's exactly what Americans tried with tax cuts, and failed miserably with
>muh joos
>muh cuck
>dumb resetrannies don't understand economics 101
keep crying about income inequality you literal retards
So more like the grineer
keep being a faggot libertarian. kys
>these epic store shills are still at it on Yea Forums
If you actually read the thread no one is shilling for Epic Store, kill yourself you're low IQ
>people actually think the devs will lower the price of their games because they pay less of a cut to the store front
This is not how you get rich.
To be really honest, i only hate him, because he sold out to 10 cent.
>no one is shilling for Epic Store
>this third worlder actually thinks he's fooling anyone
If you can reduce pricess and still make the same ammount of money per game sold you will reduce prices, because reducing prices increases the number of games you sell - aka you make more money by reducing prices.
I know it's counter intuitive for brainlets like you, but I tried my best to explain it
it's not as much about the system but more about it being ran by a certain tribe.
>providing a forum for users to talk about games justifies taking 30% from the developer
You're honestly retarded.
He really does look like that dogger. Too bad Tims overlords would cook that dog alive n gutter oil.
you're the one who posts like a shill, unpaid pcbro
Based retard
Compared to rest of the industry, Steam offers better advertising, better customer support, better servers, etc. The devs should feel grateful to be honest.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THOSE WERE MY GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEIR STEAM PAGE IS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T-THIS IS NOT FAIR BROS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T-T-THIS IS NOT COMPETITION OK????????????????????????
Why is this image so fucking fuunny
for me its the 2nd panel I just imagine it's a old video done like the old propaganda videos on how nuclear power is completely safe
He most certainly """was""", or at least could have been if his mindset wasn't:
>"Look! Valve is forcing me to make these decisions that inevitably create controversy! If only they'd listen to my demands I wouldn't stop making deals with publishers and specific indie devs to shut down Steam's traction, then maybe I'd play nice and fair!"
Doesn't help EGS is a barren wasteland of features.
and tell me goy, how often does that actually happen to anything other than fuel?