>microsoft and sony about to release native 4k ray tracing consoles next year
>meanwhile nintendo is getting games in sub-720p
Microsoft and sony about to release native 4k ray tracing consoles next year
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That's pretty good for a handheld actually. Played some of the game on my PS4 but I might finish it on Switch.
ray-tracing is a meme
Unironically still watching shit in 360p in general myself, gotten used to it over anything because I used to have poorfag Internet, and never moved on.
So it never really bothered me.
>meanwhile nintendo is getting games
Well, yeah. I don’t give a shit about watching movies in 8k.
Why do people keep saying this like it's some sort of secret that the switch has weak hardware? Nobody thinks that a 300 dollar handheld is powerful. What's the point? Do you think somebody is going to be like "WOAH REALLY I HAD NO IDEA, I THOUGHT MY SWITCH HAD A 2080 TI IN IT OMFG FUCK NINTENDO"
But PS4 got the game 3 years ago. With Xbox and PC
Nintendo likes selling outdated hardware for a premium.
What else is new?
I can't play ps4 while laying curled up under the covers in bed
I want 160p faggot.
Yeah like how they promised 4K on the PS4 pro.
>outdated hardware
Point me to the switch alternative on the market.
this, as long as no competition.
nintendo would still print money with Maxwell-based architecture
>consolefags arguing over graphics
Came here to post this. It's blast processing for the zoomer generation.
meanwhile I can play Witcher 3 at 3440x1440p 120hz
>implying 8k raytaced games will matter if the games suck
>implying devs will take full advantage of this when they still can't make a game run at 1080p with locked 60fps on PS4 and Xbox One.
>ps5 and xb2 touting ray tracing, 8K, and 120FPS
meanwhile most games will probably get some fake or half assed ray tracing, 4K, and a barely stable 30FPS
>Still can't even handle native 4k at 60fps
>B-but we swear we'll be outperforming top of the line PC's t-this time
Fuck off with this shit. If you want to know what the next gen consoles can do just look at top of the line pc's now. Then just scale down your expectations by a considerable amount. That's what they'll be capable of.
This. It’s a fucking corporate fib that pulls in suckers every time. Just like how XBone X and PS4 Pro were supposed to be 4K supermachines.
Which one?
Why am I not surprised that there are retards on this board defending 540p
i bought a switch and i heavily regret it
Same but I'm very happy with my purchase.
no one is defending 540p, they're calling out OP for acting like next-gen will somehow be 8k120fps from the get go when devs can't even make a game run at 900p without massive frame drops on PS4 and Xbox One.
>Giving a shit about Nintendo
I' m really glad snoyboys will be able to distinguish all the finest details of jewish lesbians' nasal hairs while they kiss, good for them
This is literally PS Vita resolution. A handheld from 2012. Holy shit what a blunder.
Your fucking switch can't even do 720p 60fps. Wake me up when consoles can consistently play at 144fps.
144p is more than enough.
>ray traced 4k
Well they make the only games that matter unless you really like
>generic open world action game #5
I don't really like generic open world action game #5. 4 sucked too.
And I don't like generic bing bing wahoo shit either. So Nintendo is a waste of time for me.
Reminder that there were claims the PS3 would do 4k.
The PS4 can't even do 1440p/max while they boldly state it runs 4k in some cases.
The PS5 will probably be able to finally do 1440p without adaptive + without tanking the graphics with console blur filters.
The PS4 is a 1080p console.
The Switch is a 540/720p handheld.
I'd be impressed if a console could do 1440p at 144fps. Why are they trying so hard to skip directly to 4k?
>getting games
they sure are
People always forget.
>PS3 era
"W-who even n-needs 60fps? BAKA! 30fps is the cinematic setting and only LOSERS want more!"
"60fps for US REAL GAMERS! Why would you ever accept ANYTHING below 60? 1080p/60fps is here!"
>PS4 Pro
"1080p/60fps... Th-this time for real!!!"
How could bing bing wahoo be generic? It's only made by one company and has the tightest platforming in the genre.
>muh ray-tracing
literally what is this garbage and what does it actually do
Because there are like a million of them you retard.
Where? Name an actual good modern platformer that isn't multi platform.
>Ray tracing
>handheld game
>screen is 6.2in dia
Christ how dumb can you get.
What the fuck?
>a platformer is only a platformer if it's exclusive to one system
Fuck off with your bullshit criteria to justify Switch being yet another Nintendo bing bing machine.
>was satisfied with how games looked for about a decade now
>graphics progress seemed to have had hit a wall of diminishing returns
>thought that devs would finally give up on graphics improvements and finally start showing more love to audio, animations, AI, physics etc. since those have stayed the same(or even gotten worse) since the mid-2000s
>mfw we're about to enter a decade of slow and marginal improvements in light rays and pixels until 2030 when a new graphics meme will pop-up
I hate this fucking industry so goddamn much.
Don't care. I don't play games that aren't 60fps anyway.
Now they just need to have some games, and you'll be all set.
Not saying you should support and shill money on JeWidia for GPUs but they are pushing new tech hard enough that GPUs are evolving to be more than what they used to be.
b-but it's a handheld console...
So you can't? I figured as much.
Meanwhile I own a PC to play pretty much every game ever created.
Meanwhile PS4 exists to have pretty much every super generic exclusive you could possibly think of.
Meanwhile Switch actually has good exclusives and is good enough that I bought one to supplement my PC.
1080p 60fps on some games
This is what you call "steadily lowering standards".
"Your toy sucks."
"Oh, yeah? Well, MY toy doesn't suck as hard as YOUR toy."
"Well, at least MY toy is cooler than that other guy's toy over there."
Why are people saying some consoles are x fps
and x resolution when that completely depends on the game?
nobody has 144fps TV's
>Bitcher 3
Don't fall for the meme Nintendbros. It's an overrated button masher cinematic experience, not a game.
The only thing it has going for it is the graphics
- which are obviously going to be downgraded for Switch
>the switch is shit
>well your console that performs better, isn't perfect
This is what you call "steadily lowering standards".
And who the fuck do you think has a 4K TV just ready to play some games?
Imagine living in Ninten-year-old land.
4k is standard on tvs right now
4k queer nigger propaganda vs 540p fun stuff
Yet allowing devs to focus on making really great game without the need of Realistic Graphics to eat up cost and time
lol my playstation is doing 480p at 60fps.
remote play vita
>he haven't heard of rayman
top jej
>microsoft and sony milking the 4k scam while nintendo is being realistic and not caring about LOLGRAFX like REAL fucking games are supposed to be
I'm not a Nintendo fanboy and wouldn't really care for a fucking toy console ever, but this is a perfect example of a company that at least isn't a fucking graphics whore vs. HEY KIDS COME GET YOUR 4K FOR A SHITFUCKTON MORE MONEY HURRRR.
It's fucking disgusting.
Shitch is more expensive than PS4 and XB1, retardo
And you don't even get to watch a fucking movie in good resolution. Cope.
>4k over 3440x1440 for gayming
Obviously 4k isn't realistic, but sub 1440p is pathetic.
>Meanwhile Switch actually has good exclusives
You almost had me until this part, my fucking sides.
Now there's outdated hardwares sold at a premium. Followed only by the Xbone and ps4.
the new iPads are actually insanely powerful
enjoy another decade of the grafix meme as you get less and less games and more and more movies
>the new iPads are actually insanely powerful
I hope you don't believe this.
Next you'll be saying their monitor stands are worth $1000. Ipad parts are ridiculously old as well.
>microsoft and sony about to release native 4k ray tracing consoles next year
I just want 60fps games, I couldn't give a shit about 4K at this point when everything else suffers for the sake of resolution.
Rather have 720p handheld with games then a fake 4k qte movie machine.
Still waiting on my promised 4k games ps3 was supposed to have.
Still waiting on native 4k on ps4pro
Still waiting on Sony to fix their servers and shitty store.
Still waiting for Sony to back off their censorship bullshit.
>here’s $600 Sony!
>actually thinking PS5 can do ray tracing
Enjoy your 25 FPS cinematic experiences
imagine being this obsessed with nintendo
>b-but muh blast processing overheating console!!!
Meanwhile you have state of art graphics for what the switch is, a small as fuck motherboard inside a fucking tablet. This is as incredible as playing DOOM on your calculator.
Sony hasn't announced dedicated raytracing hardware for PS5, they played up ray traced audio(which they've had before) etc. but no DXR(Direct X Raytracing) like implementation yet. MS on the other hand flat out said dedicated RT hardware on Scarlett & they created DXR on PC.
>3D is a meme
>rastered sprites is a meme
>vector graphics are a meme
>graphics is a meme
>text is a meme
>games are a meme
Yeah, name one (1) exclusive for the iPad that can match anything on switch.
I'll wait.
Tell me about it, resolution is just one big scam now.
Anti-consumer behavior is bad unless it's Nintendo.
Are you being retarded on purpose? How does ray tracing improve a game?
I'd rather take Game at 720p than Pride Simulator at 8k.
> 4k and Ray tracing on consoles
Nice joke OP
nintendo literally can't stop winning, keep seething cretins.
It makes it look nicer. Ray Tracing may not be implemented well yet but it will be in a year or two.
>better graphics =more fun
>better graphics = I feel better about spending a 600 American pesos in a paper weight with no games
>better graphics =better elitism and sense of self importance
>lots of ipad/mobile garbage ported to switch
Just wow.
I wonder if they’ll have any games to go with it too. Just think about the development time for GTA, for Skyrim, for Uncharted, for God/Gears of War. Think of the size of the teams needed, the cost to produce. Now think of all that multiplied by whatever factor 4K is going ya need. You’re going to have one game a fucking year. You think indie studios are going to be able to produce equivalent output at a fraction of the budget without charging a fortune or resorting to loot boxes etc? It’s going to be a waste of fucking time, money, and talent. So, shit on the switch all you want with raw output but just wait and see who battles it out for the NOGAEMS title in the next geberation. It’s going to be a fucking disaster.
>le 4kay maymay
>Skyrim as a launch title for the PS5
There's no accounting for bad taste.
Tbch having The Witcher 3 on a handheld is pretty bad ass. I don't have a Switch, but I respect its portability.
Witcher 3 is garbage regardless of the resolution.
>yfw snoy still won't be able to hit 60fps for all their games next gen either
scale the images appropriately, faggot.
Man you sonyfags are pathetic. No matter what you guys always find a way to weasel out of very simple questions
>>microsoft and sony about to release native 4k ray tracing consoles next year
inb4 its again just like last time a console that renders at sub 1080p and uses different upscale techinques to pretend its real 4k.
the ray tracing is probably gonna be a viewport based implementation that works with occlusion culling and only really renders what is seen in an aproximaiton of sun ray emulation.
just like games did 10 years ago.
>native 4K ray tracing
>it's true because a marketing team said so
>just look how performance has never been exaggerated in the past
days gone faggot
>mfw most ps2 titles ran at 60fps
>PS3, PS4 and PS5 can't
Tell me a single game which has its gameplay improved because of of graphics
Protip: you can't
>4K at 20FPS
Big, fat OOF
>native 4k
you're out of your fucking mind if you think any APU solution right now is able to pull this off with acceptable framerates
>ray tracing
just kill yourself for being easily duped by marketing speak
>just bought a 240hz monitor
Switch has the best exclusives and most of them run 60 FPS. Best of both worlds desu
Would you honestly be surprised at this point?
>native 4k ray tracing
Nigga, are you naturally this retarded, or did you have to work for it?
Ray Tracing is the epitome of soulless
Costs literally twice what a Switch costs, with worse controls.
Significantly more accurate light and sound than current methods. Stuff like mirrors being actually just a material.
Where did this meme come from?
>literally everyone and every company talking about ray tracing talking about how its improving lighting.
>random user on Yea Forums says it improves sound
3 0 0
Is this bloodstained? Blame low quality chink coding for that one. The game is a mess on all platforms
It's also been done before in Killzone Shadowfall
We're three generations into the HD era and home consoles still can't do 1080p with 60 fps. We get fucking pseudo-raytracing though, how great.
my 2080ti begs to differ
4K is a fucking meme
why is snoytards so mad today nintenbros?
aren't we losing?
I'm sure knack 3 and days gone 2 will look great on ps5 you dumb sonegro
My fucking phone is 1440p
Your phone isn't running the Witcher 3 natively
>implying consoles are going to be in native 4k
I fucking hate delusional retards like you. if you care so much about graphics, get a PC.
Sounds just like the strategy Sony and Microsoft use
Kill me that I cant even get 30fps in Dragon quest builders 2. I want to buy games for it but not if the performance is going to be bad.
>ray tracing
>blast processing
Same shit
I didnt mind with the 3DS because the 3D more than made up for the low resolution. But wtf does it have to offer now?
4K is the TV standard now, you can buy them at Walmart for $250
>Killzone Shadowfall
If anything, that proves that it doesn't improve the quality of the game.
>my 2080ti begs to differ
Did it cost you $2080 also?
Wooooooow a phoooooooooone lol
Are you serious? There is plenty of gameplay in the witcher. LOL you label anything you dont like a movie.
Nintendo isnt Apple
the human eye can't even discern detail above 480p
Better than sony which censors games
It's really impressive they got a ps4 game to run at 720p on switch
>meanwhile nintendo is getting games
Only part that matters desu
>implying i want to waste my time on a ubisoft third person camera game featuring a white male protagonist with a shaved cut head
Based Shinku poster
The only difference is Microsoft and Sony buy bargain basement tablet-class SOCs and then convince their customers that they're top of the line parts better than any PC.
Nintendo is honest that their bargain basement tablet SOC is a bargain basement tablet SOC.
Play a mildly graphically intense game on it. You won't even hit 30 fps.
I remember when Nintendo invented the modern analog stick and changed consoles forever.
There was a time when they actually gave a shit about having competing hardware, maybe now they know people will buy their stuff either way so they fuck around with gimmicks.
I just want a normal Nintendo console again, the gyro controls on the switch don't even bother me, but it's so weak that it's hard to justify spending that much money on it.
screen size, viewing distance, & resolution all factor in. Basically 4K is a meme unless you live in a mansion with your own private mini theatre
>$1000 plus tip
why not get a 1440p monitor + pc that can actually run games? lol
It might for a brief amount of time before the device starts to overheat and it has to clock down. That's really what Nintendo did with the Switch, made it so it can run consistently for hours instead of a few minutes.
And it's 60 dollars cheaper thanks to that
DQB2 is entirely SE's fault.
>Its just a handheld guys
The Switch is "just a handheld" now, because saying otherwise like a couple years ago has turned into a joke
>But PS4 got the game 3 years ago. With Xbox and PC
Did you mean to say "PS4, Xbox and PC got the game 3 years ago?"
>getting games in sub-720p
Why do you always speak of the handheld performance as if it wasn't handheld performance, when making your comparisons?
The Switch version isn't sub 720p. In handheld mode it is, but in handheld mode the display is also incredibly tiny compared to a computer monitor or TV.
>"720p (((((DYNAMIC))))) resolution"
Nintendo only had competing hardware back then because they were in competition with other companies similarly making underpowered toys.
Once Microsoft got involved and started actively trying to kill PC gaming you had big companies willing and able to lose billions of dollars in hardware if it meant earning more money off of the captive audience in the long run.
Nintendo can't afford to lose billions on hardware for decades because they're a small toy company, so they're going to stick to the handheld market where they can dominate with well designed if underpowered hardware.
Any game on PS4 that doesn't look and run as good as RDR2 is the devs' fault
Eh you wouldn't be saying that if you understood Ray Tracing.
3D artist here.
It's more than some gimmick pushed by gaming tech, it's the next logical jump in real time graphics. Up to now, reflections, lighting, shadows, and everything in between such as global illumination is all faked with various tricks and techniques. Some of this such as global illumination can only be baked into a scene forcing the scene to be static. Ray tracing makes all of this real time. No more needing to bake shadow maps, no more needing to bake global illumination or use light probe meshes, plus ugly stand in effects like ambient occlusion and baked ambient occlusion maps will no longer be necessary. This can significantly reduce a workload as a lot of baking is no longer necessary. A time consuming process that often requires multiple bakes to fix anomalies. Plus ray traced effects are FAR more accurate to reality.
>Buying a vita
>Fucking ever
>Especially now since it’s been fucking discontinued
Since when having the best graphics mean you have the best games?
Who cares? Firstly, you’re never going to see actual hardware ray tracing in these consoles. I don’t care what AMD claims, that chip isn’t capable of even that Quake 2 port. Secondly, native 4K is still a fucking waste. Better off rendering somewhere in between 1080p and 4K with reconstruction techniques and using the resources saved for other things. Lastly, Switch is a small tablet. It’s a handheld that can be played on the TV and there are many games that are better played on the TV but this Witcher 3 port, like the Doom and Skyrim ports, is primarily meant to be played in handheld mode with docked just a bonus.
Besides, you idiots focus way too much in resolution meanwhile literally everybody watches low resolution videos on a daily basis. It’s why DVD is still around, nobody actually fucking cares. Most 4K TVs are wasted with 1080p or less material. Boomers just wind up watching the standard def 4:3 channels stretched out most of be time anyways. Only enthusiasts truly care and they’re an insignificant niche
As someone who works in the industry, this is the next step in graphics whether you like it or not. In a few years, every AAA game will have ray-tracing and in maybe a decade ray-tracing will be the default lighting method used in all games, even indies. Raytracing is the future old man, get with the times.
3D animator here.
Ray-tracing is literally the biggest step in 3D graphics since layered textures. Tessellation is a drop in the bucket compared to what RTX will bring; only issue is the hardware still isn't ready for it but the road is being paved for the cards that will drive the tech into normal.
>4k ray tracing
lol OK! they really see you fags coming.
Since when does handheld games cost 60 dollars?
still a huge step forward from the 3ds
>the xbone/ps4 will have 4k 60fps
>sorry the xbonx/ps4p will have 4k
>no i meant scarlette/ps5
Drones will fall for this every time
Enjoy paying the same price as a computer for worse performance.
Enjoy your shit overheating because either company is going to cut corners.
>720p WITH dynamic res
So it's actually not even stable 720p
I wish I could go back in time and tell kid me to get used to the standards of his day because by the time 1080p 60fps would be standard he'll be an old man
games on the phone are pretty goood, but the internet is on full judism lockdown mode, you cant just search for the good games by any viable means
you really have to dig deep
mobile gaming is literally 10x more awesome than the entire history of all handheld gaming consoles combined
you shitheads know nothing!
I can tell you haven't touched a ps2 recently.
>Switch is weak hardware!
>No other hardware does what it does at the quality it does
well i mean anyone who plays the witcher on the switch and not on the pc is a retard. the switch is for the exclusives (as all consoles are really)
But just a normal step forward from the vita.
>consoles will be gaming in 8k
>at 30fps
My phone. Sure it doesn't play mario but I hate mario
>Handheld consoles are less powerful than conventional ones
Fuck, guess it's over, Nintendo is finished. But seriously, the PSP was my favourite console of all time, Sony dropped the ball with the VITA, I personally view the Switch as the PSP 2 just with decent first party Nintendo games, being able to dock it to my TV is just a bonus really.
>sony and MS
>games that focus on graphics and set pieces and have the depth of a puddle.
>games with actual gameplay and lots of shit to do
Graphics aren't everything nigger.
Whats the point of a game if all it does is look good.
>my phone
Your phone turns into a nuclear bomb after 30 minutes of playing and has dog shit controls. Also your phone costs 800 dollars.
I don't give a fuck. I will keep buying Nintendo, because they have fun exclusives, and I like their balance of creativity and traditionalism. You're a faggot, and underage, and your opinion is worthless to me.
Nah only 200. Also Switch warps due to heat.
>Switch warps due to heat
Works on my machine.
>being so retarded that you think you can compare tvs and mobile devices with resolution rather than ppi
Literally only a handful of proven instances of that occuring, out of tens of millions of Switches sold.
>Being retarded
>Yea Forums
Pick two.
Likewise brah. Likewise.
>native 4k ray tracing
>still not a stable 1080p 60 FPS
Oh boy, I'm excited to hear that games will take 10 years to make instead of 5.
What about high ppi tvs?
I know the exact quality of games on phones and not only are they nowhere near the same as Switch, your phone also melts just playing them. t. I have a phone like every other retard like (You) out there.
But if the devs are to blame then why improve the specs of the console in the first place. We know they wont utilize any of it.
>bro i need a 13k 60 inch tv to match my 1440p 6 inch phone
>Guys the Switch is a fischer price tablet, it cannot play actual games!
>n-no Witcher doesn't count! W-weak hardware!
Wouldn't analog sticks have been considered a gimmick at the time?
yeah at native 4k ray tracing 60fps bare minimum using amd's 2080ti super duper equivalent for $400 because they sell each console at loss
ray tracing is how actual 3d animation software has lighting as good as it does, it actually simulates photons bouncing around rather then "faking" it
it just hasn't been able to be done in real time till now
No. The vast majority of mobile games are trash. Since the average handheld game is better than the average mobile game, that means that the handheld game market is vastly better.
Can you name some great mobile games then?
No shit, most of the Switch library looks and runs like shit. Its about them not really having any standards. They will buy an objectively worse port if it means supporting Nintendo.
Tbh ill take 1080p over 720p that Nintendo has. Its blurry as fuck. That and EVERYTHING runs like shit on the Switch.
Not him, but this is the kost pathetic argument you can make. Nothing is impressive about the Switch library. Its barebones and specific to tastless faggots like yourself. I bet you can barely list 10 exclusive games that arent shovelware
Better 30 than Nintendos 15 desu
>native 4k ray tracing
Rehash manchild defends the shit show nu Nintendo, what else is new
I dont think a blurry slideshow is really playing the game. Thats like being impressed doom runs on a calculator. Realistically, your going to want to play it elsewhere since the Switch is often the worst platform for games in general.
>ray tracing, 8K, and 120FPS
more like "pick one"
>comparing a visual feature that you can turn off with resolution
Look at this retard.
Look at this nintendron
Yeah but we fake it well enough that ray tracing just isn't worth it
At least it has games and not movies.
Meme lighting is not a replacement for game design
I will eat a hat full of shit and stream it live if either PS5 or whatever the next Xbox is called will run AAA games with 4k resolution and stable 60fps.
what about when nintendo releases switch 2?
Say that to ray who they've got tracing and see what happens
is this the poorfag cope thread?
Probably Nvidia will have more input this time around and can convince a more custom designed optimized chip
>putting your pipe in your picture
Come on user, you know that shit is cringe
Neither will the switch.
do those things make the game better?
I would already be happy if the next generation could at least provide 1080p60 in ALL games. I couldn't give a shit about 4K, Raytracing and whatever graphic enhancement for as long as framerate isn't stable 60 and that's not even the case right now.
t. vapefag
>I couldn't give a shit about 4K
you should
Gpd win
>games sell better on the sub-720 machine
i guess people dont want graphics, they want good games
>"i wish big developers wouldn't waste their potential on phone games. waste of time"
>"lol my phone is 1440p
pick one dumbass
>Enjoy paying the same price as a computer
>Implying that you can buy/build a PC for $300 that is even capable of getting to the opening logos in Witcher III
litterally just new age blast processing
Oh boy another fucking generation of 30FPS because Sony/MS are too busy jerking off visuals and tech their budget PC boxes can hardly handle. Is a 60FPS really asking that much? I would be content if they just made 60FPS option's more common. Hardly any PS4 exclusives have a 60FPS mode besides maybe God of War but it's so fucking bad your better off with the 30 cap.
Do you really think the next consoles are going to cost $300?
it's some new, more realistic lighting system that like, pixar movies have been able to fucking do for years and nobody gave a shit then but now it's hot shit and apparently will make even the shittiest movie game worth playing.
r-right guys?
I think Nioh had that too, well not really exclusive anymore but it's one of the reason I got the game. Everybody's golf has 60FPS mode (on Pro) and few other games do, but I hear you. 60FPS is all I care about, I'd choose 720p60 over 1080p30 anyday.
Seriously. Not a single game will be 4k or 60fps or "raytracing" when next gen launches. It's all marketing nonsense. PC and switch are the only consoles that matter.
>laptop costs $1700
Nioh did but it wasn't a very stable 60. I ended up double dipping on that game because I was able to get a consistent 60 on PC.
>Not a single game will be 4k or 60fps or "raytracing" when next gen launches. It's all marketing nonsense
The Xbone X already has quite a few native 4K games a few 1st party ones like Halo 5 and Horizon 4 are 4K/60FPS.
>no game on ps5/ scarlet will look as good or be as kino as Luigi’s mansion 3
Feels good switch-bros...
Don't care what developers work on so long as it's not under fucking 720p
looks extremely soulless compared to the original
You're a meme
you know what how about you go fucking fuck yourself??
raytracing is the biggest breakthrough in graphics technology and will make games 1000x better and much much MUCH more appealing to look at than 240p nintendo kiddie shit like Mario Kart 8.
Fuck you Nintendies.
>muh graphics at a lovely 22fps
I enjoy the ease with which my gaming laptop can run Nintendo emulators.
most console exclusives this gen were trash and it'll be worse next gen for exclusives. I don't care about hardware.
Is raytracing that important for pre-rendered movies though?
It has more soul than most recent Nintendo games
The Switch oly has 32gb ram, how the fuck does it even fit?
You'd have to cut the DLC or something.
>consoleniggers going for more and more graphics when the CPU is so weak it cant even handle more than 5 NPCs
consolefags think they care more about gameplay, yet they're the one making terrible shallow video games successful just for having increasingly marginally better graphics
holy shit i wish the gaming industry just focused on their actual game selection and lineup rather than sink a whole bunch of fucking money into R&D just to say they have an "8k 120fps capable console" and never take advantage of it.
The focus on game consoles should be the games and how much you enjoy them, not the goddamn chips and shit inside you'll likely never see.
I know this is going to sound like a shill, but I unironically don't care if the Switch is underperforming since I already have a PC. I bought a Switch for the exclusives, and their fun gameplay. If Sony's next gen console has decent exclusives I'll consider it too (skipped this gen since not into walking simulators)
He specially attacked Sony.
Raytracing has been a thing since before you were alive. Real ray tracing is horrible slow which is why you see it only done in CGI movies like Pixar where they run it on large server farms to get picture perfect scenes. A novice programmer can write a simple, yet slow, ray tracer and show off cool scenes. The base code for a naive ray tracer is actually really small.
Raytracing that NVIDIA's GPUs are doing right now is not the exact same is and basically an approximation algorithm to fill in pixels with what it thinks it the appropriate color had the scene been ray traced which is why it looks like BLOOM on overdrive.
so its like ambient occlusion, but with color and light instead of shade
Matt confirmed hardware RT for PS5 last month retard
You can emulate switch shit on a vita
No you dipshit.
You need better graphics and powerful chips to actually make games. Nintendo makes shitty games that would be impressive in maybe like 2001.
Power is extremely important. Once you have powerful graphics and power, the games will come flooding in. It's been proven time and time again.
no you cant
Yes you probably could.
Like, the Vita could probably run Mario Kiddie Kart 8 better than the Shitch could.
That was proven a handful of times in the past, gameplay hasn't really evolved since the release of the PS1/N64 though, games are actively sacrificing gameplay for visuals at this point, it's no wonder people are flocking to the Switch, the only current gen console left that prioritises gameplay, considers online irellevant and actually sells games physically.
Why does the Switch need ports if you own a PC?
Astral Chain is the only Switch game I'm buying this year and I'm completely satisfied anyway.
Nintendo isn't innovating in shit. Their graphics suck and their games run poorly. Not a single one holds a locked 60fps, let alone a resolution above 720p.
Ark runs literally at like 118p on the Switch. That's pathetic. My PC can run that game perfectly fine, crystal clear with max settings.
Nintendo honestly needs to go bankrupt or something so the gaming industry can be relieved of them fucking embarrasing everyone. They make companies like Bethesda look like a joke whenever they publish a game on Switch.
Did Sony/Micro did not fucking say that THIS gen would be 4K/60fps?
Can everyone on earth just agree not to buy any console next generation. Just fuck this whole industry and its lying bullshit.
Yes. You guys remember the Gizmondo? The portable handheld system which was more powerful than both the DS and the PSP when it came out?
Remember when it flopped so fucking hard? Sold less than 25,000 units? Less than 10 games for the damn thing?
How could it? It was more powerful than both the DS and the PSP? The games were supposed to flood to it thanks to its power!
it is a meme like 4k. the human eye can only see 16 megabytes per teraflop.
And yet you still seethe over their success.
>A shitty hack and slash with shoehorned RPG elements doesn't have enough pixels to satisfy my autism.
>Wow, a minor lighting effect will makes games look 0.001% better and it will be ten years before the average consumer has the hardware to make it work.
That's cool. I'm going to emulate some 20 to 30 year-old two-buttons-and-a-D-Pad pixel art games that are actually good.
Why can't Nintendo accept that vidya is an art form? Not only can they not make good visuals for shit, their stories are also dumbed down to being as complex and adult as Teletubbies for the autistic people that buy their games.
Even the most simple Reddit tier movies (capeshit, S-o-y Wars) still have SOME adult themes.
>meanwhile nintendo is getting ports
If vidya is an art form, then their art is just as valid as other art, right?
I already have a PC with a 4K monitor and RTX graphics card, Microsoft and Sony aren't bringing anything new to the table.
I'm actually interested in a handheld that can play current gen shit though, hopefully the Switch Pro will deliver.
Imagine paying 500$ + for a graphical difference you can't see
It would be nice to have something mobile like that. Other than buying a "gaming" laptop (with at least a 1050ti or better) there just aren't any viable choices out there. I have no interest in all the children's games Nintendo puts out.
not everyone is blinded by the bing bings
Have sex
You mean the thing that doesn't handle fast paced games very well?
>you can't see
all the bright bing bing wahoo graphics on your switch blind younor something?
"Children's games"
Nintendo's first party games on switch are some of the best games of the generation (BoTW, Mario kart 8 Deluxe,Smash etc.)
>women looking frumpy because the nice old man won't let them catch crabs from ME nomads
Mk8 is solid 60 at 720p (possibly 1080p on TV but I'm not sure) and is great looking.
Not defending stuff like BoTW running at sub 12fps in areas but some games run fine.
That's all kiddie-shit too. Nintendo is for manchildren who watch Saturday morning cartoons in their 30s and actual children.
>best games of the generation
>BOTW AND a port.
Fuck off shill. BOTW is one of the worst games in the past 10 years. It's a perfect example of how NOT to design a game.
You're delusional.
The only game worth mentioning in a conversation of game of the generation there is Breath of the Wild, which has already fallen out of favor among Zelda fans.
wii u, all the same games
How many of those have stories more complex than "defeat bad guy"? Those are children's games. Not even like say, Avatar The Last Airbender where it had adult stuff despite being aimed for kids. Seethe. You'd fucking shit yourself if you played a game like MGS with political themes (that aren't SJW degeneracy) and permanent death.
They're video games not books why are judging them on how complex their story is? And BoTW story is more complex than that but it's mostly in the side content and environmental stuff like Dark souls.
You call me delusional yet say BoTW is one of the worst games.
BoTW is the perfect example of how to design an open world game; it lwts you tackles things in your own way/order and it gives you a bunch of fun tools and mechanics and let's you have fun, similar to MGSV.
>it lets you have fun
clearly this generations defining masterpiece
Also I'm a massive fan of MG. Not sure what you're talking about that it doesnt have "SJW Degeneracy". The games are about war and Americanisation and war profiteering being bad. Just because it has pervy shit in it doesn't make it "redpilled".
>3d artist
Codemonkeys don't qualify as artists
I'm confused, is this supposed to look good?
They were saying this shit like that about the Turbo Graphics, Jaguar, 3DO, and all the other consoles that overtook Nintendo.
It doesn't matter how much better shit is than Nintendo if you price yourself out of what normies are willing to pay.
>Is a 60FPS really asking that much?
The general public wants graphics and doesn't care for framerate unless it dips constantly. Insomniac when switching from 60 FPS to 30 FPS noted the general public and reviewers didn't really care and it didn't reflect in reviews as a negative whereas bad graphics directly affected their reviews and reception.
>100 hours gameplay
>10 hours cutscenes
What is Ambient Occlusion. You kids are funny getting gutted paying for a gimmick that's at a minimum half a decade away from having any practical application outside a puddle reflection or painting up old ugly games like an 80 year old hooker.
If I cared about graphics I'd get a better PC.
>was satisfied with how games looked for about a decade now
This, improvements in graphics hasn't improved my enjoyment of games in the slightest.
Ambient occlusion is not a gimmick idiot.
It generates shadows at points where geometry intersects adding a huge amount of depth and believability.
It is key for games whilst full ray traced lighting is not an option.
Fucking brainlet
Do you really need 4k and raytracing to play weeb visual novels and Mario kart?
I agree that most of the new games I like the most arent because of hyper realistic graphics I think the greater hardware power has allowed for stylised games to look much more clean. Like DBFZ or Inside.
Nintendo is probably the only AAA dev in the entire fucking industry actively exploring different art styles and aesthetics rather than chasing photorealism, you have absolutely no fucking clue what you're talking about. Self-important "progressive" cinematic experiences != art.
That's literally a gimmick. Nintendo focuses on innovative gameplay to sell their products.
literally name 5
Art style always trumps graphical power, retarded zoomer
>native 4k
Let's be honest. You might get one out of three at any given time.
RTX is a gimmick when AO is absolutely fine and RTX is at least half a decade away from maturity and the kind of power needed to do it real time in a practical manner. By all means early adopt and pay the idiot tax if it makes you feel good. Just don't expect people to take your disney movie bullshit without laughing.
>adding a huge amount of depth and believability
exactly who plays games for "depth and believability"?
And PC is playing CSGO with 480p
Needing your video game to have a deep and complex plot so your friends and coworkers don't look down on your hobby is inifinitely more childish than enjoying the fun and well-designed games that Nintendo makes. Kill yourself and take all your pretentious normalfag friends with you, maybe then western AAA devs will finally die and the industry as a whole can be good again.
>he paid over a grand to play quake 2
Sounds like you just need to have sex.
You're an idiot.
Something vital to making games and CG look as good as it does is not a gimmick you smooth brained cunt.
You call a step forward in Computer generated media a gimmick but cum over little Wii motes that attach to a tablet.
I love the switch and do think it's a great idea but don't just shit on things you don't know to try defend it.
Please read what I said again idiot. I didn't say RTX isn't a gimmick I said AO wasn't until fully simulated ray traced lighting is feasible in real time.
I didn't say it was a selling point,just not a gimmick. People,in part, play games because they are nice looking. AO helps make stuff look better. I wouldn't call that a gimmick.
I never said AO was a gimmick either, I implied RTX was with how things work today. I can live without fancy puddles for now.
ray tracing is the future because it means lighting scenes will take less dev time and transitively allow producers to pay developers less money overall to make a game
see how he doesn't responds
these fags keep getting BTFO'd by the switch even in their sleep
Raytracing is the future in the same fashion that physicsX was the future a decade ago. The only thing was that it took over half a decade before it started even becoming production-reliable.
You will only see true raytracing takeover from tiny portions of the game and the majority of the way a frame is being rendered on the screen will still mostly be traditional rasterization.
Shadows will be mainly updated in the near future followed by AO (depending on game implementation), reflections will come at some point and indirect lighting has sooooo many problems right now its not fully practical for video games and mainly left for archviz and business now.
point and laugh at the fucking potato
Oh he's had sex... it's why he's not allowed within 100 yards of any schools.
>all these people defending ray tracing
>Muh real life graphix!!!!!1!!11!
This is the pathetic ray tracers.
Also the way they both were bragging about SSDs as if they were new technology has me thinking they're lying about their ability to create such high tech boxes.
You're absolutely retarded holy shit
Who the fuck is Matt and if he did it last month then that was when MS announced theirs, that would have been a huge deal. Google shows nothing, I think ur full of shit.
How is something with better visuals not an improvement? If you had to choose between the same game but one with worse graphics than the other, why would you choose the one with worse graphics? I have to assume you're intentionally being obtuse.
Witcher 3