Steam Summer thread

I'll be picking up The Phantom Menance and Episode 1 Racer

Attached: the phantom menace.jpg (1080x1080, 157K)

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I remember playing this on PSX and thought it was great. I bet it doesn't hold up though.

Phantom Menace has some unique things going for it, but overall I remember the game being clunky and boring.

The Phantom Menace is actually really good. Got plenty of fond memories with that game, even with how buggy that shit was on both PS and PC.

I loved both of those. Phantom Menace was incredible. Podracer was probably the “better” game, but Phantom Menace just hit that chord for me.

It is clunky but you have to get past the first stages to really appreciate the game. I remember Naboo felt like a fucking drag as well.

Uhhhh guys, I can't find the phantom menace on steam?

>The Phantom Menance

isnt this the one where you can murder children and get away with it?


Back when videogames actually mattered.

what are some fun roguelikes? Like Dead Cells or Slay the Spire where things carry over.

Hey again. If you're still on the hunt for Mecha games, know there's something /m/ for everyone! Here's 13 lesser known gems on sale you may enjoy; a lot of which have gotten recent updates:

>Hardcore Mecha ($16.99)
It's a 2D platformer shoot-em-up that has finally received a long awaited translation and release. Sadly a lot of the sizable cast is behind backer codes you have to use to unlock the mechs. That are only usable in vs multiplayer. The promised modes that are missing are coming according to devs at least, but despite the hiccups it's still pretty great. pic related

>Zone of the Enders the 2nd Runner: MARS ($14.99)
Yes, ZoE is actually on Steam. It's a 4k port that offers a good blend of melee and ranged combat in a tight story driven chuuni package. Also has barebones VR support for a cockpit view. The game has general audio problems such as it totally dropping out at times and a bad english VO with no Japanese option. The controls can be a pain, but if you want a nostalgia trip it's decent.

>Project Nimbus ($14.99)
A stylish high speed anime influenced mecha game with some minor elements of bullet hell. Very fast and frantic, but the lack of customization options is something of a downer. The game originally launched 5 years ago, but the devs still provide updates from time to time.

>Brigador ($12.99)
A hotline miami type affair of explosive violence and solid world building with mechs and other vehicles you use to blow up enemies and the environment to your advantage. The gameplay is good, but the lore is what makes it. Aiming can be a pain in the ass sometimes.

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Any good grindy games?

>Garrison: Archangel ($11.99)
Basically the unintentional unofficial spiritual successor to Custom Robo. It boasts quite a wide selection of customization options and tech to learn. It's an early access game however and the online multiplayer is regrettably somewhat buggy and empty as a result. The offline gameplay takes some getting used to, but it shines in duels once it clicks. The team is very active and apparently working on a story mode for more single player content. Also its got a free demo (a little outdated for what's in the game now though). pic related

>War Tech Fighters ($9.99)
It's a slightly more simplistic version of Project Nimbus with a bit more focus on melee elements more or less. Customization is sort of lacking here too, but for a grand scale mech warfare game with some great graphics you could do a lot worse. Devs are still decently active with QOL updates.

>The Astro Saga ($9.49)
A collection of 5, yes FIVE shoot-em-ups and shoot-em-up platformer hybrids if you're looking for an arcade styled game fix this season. They're simple and quick if you want to pick something up and blitz through a game every now and then for fun. Overall a pretty nice deal, just be warned not all of them have controller support.

>Break Arts II ($8.99)
If you wanted to mix robots and racing, then this is the game for you. Featuring some outstanding eurobeat like music and ultra high customization means you're in for a pretty unique and challenging experience. Just be forewarned that customization can be a bit overwhelming and you'll need to meticulously fine tune for the best results. Online is sort of dead sadly...

Attached: NOdihDC.jpg (832x468, 90K)

>Damascus Gear Operation Tokyo & Osaka ($7.49/$13.19)
A diablo-like mecha game with decent customization in it and a passable story. Combat can be kind of repetitive and at it's core it's a pretty simple game despite its customization options. Has a sequel now with some notable improvements if you want to spend a bit more.

>Into the Breach ($7.49)
A turn based strategy game with a mech theme from the team that brought you FTL. Has some upgrade and customization options that can lead to interesting strategies. Protip: Don't mess up.

>Override Mech City Brawl ($7.49)
If you've got some friends and loved the old Godzilla party brawlers this is one to look into; but you might have problems with finding players online. pic related

>Mecha Ace ($3.89)
A text based adventure; game dev simulator Yea Forums's favorite. A somewhat linear story with a few branches and a skill system, but your choices have more impact than mass effect at least. If you're a fan of old school text adventures it may be worth a look. It's got a free demo as well and what looks to be a VR focused tie-in in development.

>KO Mech ($0.49)
A simple platformer type game with the gimmick of flinging enemies into one another. Somewhat short, but pretty addictive. Also it's made by someone who shitposts on Yea Forums and for half a buck it's worth selling a few cards and picking up for the absurdly good cost to entertainment ratio. No reason not to get it at this price. Character can be hard to see at times however and some may find the controls odd.

[Metal Wolf Chaos releases on Aug 6, 2019]

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>The Phantom Menance and Episode 1
Hey cool it's on Stea-
Well fuck you, too. Got my hopes up.

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Doors open. Let's go.

Nah TPM is pretty bad, especially now. Horrible level design and bad controls. On the other hand Jedi Power Battles was a very good game

What? Its still a good racing game. Since OP mentioned Phantom Menace, which other Episode 1 game were you hoping for instead?

Rogue Legacy
FTL (not a platformer tho')
Void Bastards (FPS)
Risk of Rain 1 and 2 (2 not on sale)

Its not available on any digital storefront.

I loved Risk of Rain 1, how does 2 compare?

Episode 1 video game waa dog shit.
Play Jedi Power Battles instead if you want a really nice phantom menace game, although devs fucked up by forgetting to activate the double lightsaber when you play as Darth Maul.

Episode 1 Racer was god tier.

2 is boring, cheap, unfinished 3d garbage. 1 is vastly superior.

2's in Early Access right now. It's also now in 3D. The art style transitioned over pretty damn well. All of the items appear on each character model too, now. Theres currently 7 stages (2 stage 1's, 2 stage 2's, 2 stage 3's, and 1 stage 4), each with minor variations. A bunch of enemies (not all of them from RoR1 made it), 7 characters (Commando, Merc, Engie, Huntress returning from RoR1 with slightly modified moves, Mul-T, Artificer, and REX being completely new characters). A bunch of items, of course. No Artifacts in yet, no end game yet other than looping forever. A bunch of bosses though.

It'll be officially out of EA next year, and it has a roadmap showing when to expect what features being added. I've got a lot of time into it already, would recommend the fuck out of it.

Ignore Risk of Rain 2 is superior to the original.


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How? Let me know how a fucking game where a ton of enemies around you do cheap hits on you at all time and turns a fucking perfect platformer into basically a third person fucking shooter with a lot more shallow goddamn gameplay is in ANY FUCKING WAY superior to the goddamn near-perfect original.
Fucking modern gamers only care about fucking graphics. Fuck you all.

>tfw no one talks about Jedi Power Battles


You can buy a bunch of games with 20 bucks right now


Can anyone recommend me a relaxing game ( probably strategy or turn based? ). Something that you can sit and drink a cup of tea and play. Not something tedious or requiring a Autism/PHD to learn but also not boring and monotonous.

Also any opinions on Terraria / Starbound / Into the Breach? I dont know if they fit the criteria but I hear them talked about so Im interested regardless.

I don't know, man. Deux Ex maybe? It's a lot of bang for 3 bucks

Acquire proficiency and you won't be hit.

Old games. Fuck new shit games. Buy the original Doom games, Quake, the Sega MD/Gen collection, Blood, and/or other great old stuff. Don't waste money on modern garbage.

What do you like?

what kind of games?

>buying those when you can download them all for free
>safe download links are even in the /vr/ oldschool shooter general op every thread
Come on now


The PS1 licensed game for the movie was pretty dope.

>watch people who are supposedly really good at it
>they still constantly get hit
lel, try harder graphicskid
>pirating games
Grow up, child.

Is max payne 3 any good?

Risk of Rain 2
Katana ZERO
Hollow Knight
River City Ransom Underground
DOOM 1 and 2 (the originals)
Megaman Collection 1 and 2
Tales of Vesperia
Tales of Berseria
Bloodstained (the CV3 looking one, not the SotN looking one)

some1 pls respond

it must be cheep as hell by now

Civ5? Roller Coaster Tycoon?


>buying 20+ year old game that the developer gets no money from
You're so mature, mate. It's definitely not that you're just too retarded to pirate because muh malware.

Attached: Carmack doesn't give a shit.jpg (601x480, 80K)


what is it about racer that it didnt age at all

i find that game so good that i would play it again no matter the year


Thanks user
Its only $6.99 right now




People do runs with stacked Glass in RoR2 and go for hours. Stop being shit at videogames.


this any good? $6 canuckbux is a good price, and i've been looking for a decent hack and slash.

Attached: darksiders.jpg (600x351, 42K)

>Bloodstained (the CV3 looking one, not the SotN looking one)

He said $20 or less. The SotN isn't in that criteria. Reading comprehension is a good thing.

I'm blind as a fucking bat, mate. I apologise.

Do I get Ass Creed I & IV on the cheap? I've never played the PC versions.

Nah he's got good taste, classicvania is far superior to brainless post-SOTN metroidvania