Play a gacha game RIGHT NOW

Play a gacha game RIGHT NOW

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you know, even if you're just pulling the lever on a slot machine, they still call it playing


A slot machine has win states and lose states.
JPEG collecting can't be won or lost, merely completed or delayed.

But I do

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Wtf I JUST started reading seven deadly sins today.

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I just started playing teppen capcom's new mobage it's pretty fun

Can I get the best boy in this game

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Pokemon Masters isn't out yet. Also playing all these phone games and RPGs as an adult seem to have dulled my abilities at other games. Fucking lost to my 10 year old cousin at Mario Kart.

>started reading it days ago
>drop it today after ~100 chapters
This shit hits insane levels of asspull that I’ve never seen before, not even in MHA

s1 > s2. s3 coming later this year

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Used to play Dragalia Lost, but it requires too much interaction. Between work and playing real games I don't think I have the time for gacha anymore.

I'll play the Castlevania gacha whenever it comes out, sure.

But I do

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Despite your misinformation, gacha games do in fact have gameplay. That's how they can push the player to grab the newest characters.

i already play fate GO, what more do you want form me?

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I am I'm saving up for the illya collab coming in a few weeks!

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So how is specifically? I like a bunch of Capcom characters and heard my wife was busted in Card Fighters Clash or something because she could flood with units, but I lack patience and and pretty fucking pissed over other phone games being so grindy.

Isn't this bitch from a doujin?

I just watch the anime. The constant jump in power levels has completely removed all the stakes.

She's from Seven Deadly Sins, a manga/anime

Attached: elizabeth seven deadly sins.jpg (900x1200, 492K)

I could've sworn I've seen her get absolutely railed retarded in a doujin

I saw some article around February that Konami's 2019 schedule got leaked in Twitter and they are planning to release it sometime this year.

I am also waiting for it

i don't doubt there is doujin of elizabeth... but she's not originally form there. Plenty of popular series get fan doujins.

Why does she look like a character from fairy tale?

>demon melodias set up as some completely unstoppable force that you should do everything to avoid
>gets completely destroyed the first time he’s shown fighting

>Small pieces from the main boss utterly stomps all the trained soldiers

Ah shit its fairy tail. Oh well what even happened to it? I remember it being big when it aired but suddenly vanished and nobody talked about it ever

Attached: FairyTail-Final-Season_1200x628.jpg (1200x628, 593K)

It's pretty fun not grindy imo you can craft every card and if you have bad luck there is a pity system in place

Join now and get like 35 free packs

I'm pretty new to card games but my friend says it's like weiss Schwartz

>not even in MHA
You have no idea about what you're talking about.

>hawk heroically and dramatically sacrifices himself to give characters massive power spike
>jk he’s alive because ???

I'm retarded enough to play three mobile shitchas
And azur lane

It takes a lot of effort but I have a lot of short bursts of free time.

This character was so awful it made drop the entire thing.

>This character was so awful it made drop the entire thing.

I found the MC to be the worst part of the series

I liked him until it was revealed he had a spooky thing inside him.

yup multiple versions with a combo attack with simon

>That's how they can push the player to grab the newest characters.
Don't lie.
What pushes these addicts is they are autistic and compulsive, and their waifus have a 0.0001% drop rate.


Fuck off chink

I'm farming shit right now.

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>Is the series pver
>Is this character dead?
No, it was just for show let's continue

I will once pokemon masters releases. not giving up any shekels though

You're supposed to post someone that looks good when starting these threads.

do we know what the gameplay is like yet

I'm pretty hype for it. I just hope the rates aren't super jewish.

Here's all the current characters:

Attached: sds-32.jpg (535x949, 126K)

to add onto this user you can awaken all characters to UR form and they all have different designs/costumes for each rarity
not completely sold on it being real time yet, but it's hard to pass judgement from the short bit of gameplay they've shown

I will take four Ban and four Diane, please.

>not completely sold on it being real time yet
What do you even mean by that? Instead of turn based it's real time by waiting for the cooldown of the moves.

When are we getting a gacha game that isn't for autistic weebs? Anime is fucking garbage but I want to collect a bunch of shit from a franchise I care about.

i'm sold looks pretty neat just hope there is a lot of single player content and it's not PVP heavy

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I'm not completely sold on that being a good thing. thankfully it doesn't look bad like pokemon go's combat

teppen just came out for capcom related IPs

>he's not even completely awful on the tier list
>no maskless option on either version
Not so nice
Knowing gacha games they'll release a whole other unit for maskless eventually.

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it has costumes you can obtain plus helmets sadly still no completely maskless version but you can get pretty close

Ah, well it definitely looks better than pogos combat.

Stop before it's too late
It only gets progressively worse as it goes on to the point of full retardation
It's a bad Manga

>playing fgo
>when it was stated that there where multiple rewrites and censorship in the future, all because it original plot made a SEAnigger uncomfortable

I started playing Girls Frontline last night if that counts. I think the only gacha part is costumes and decorations. I don't see myself playing it very long even though the anime guns are cute.

Why wouldn't you want it to be pvp heavy? Are you by chance a shitter?

I can't find any interesting. I wanted to go back to grand sphere, only to learn they killed it.

Gacha games cater to addictive personalities.It's like Korean MMORPGs on steroids.

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It's final season is currently airing, plus it's got a sequel manga.

It just really fell off the radar.

Mashima and Naka a actually did Christmas chapters for the opposite manga. So Nakaba did a Fairy Tail chapter and Mashima did a SDS chapter. They were good.

i get very panicked when i play competitively with people

I did for about 2 years. But lately I'm realizing I'm not the audience for it and the mind numbing grind is just tiresome. I'd rather just play a real game or read a VN when I want to see pretty jpegs

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>"muh skill" in a genre that's dominated by wallet warriors

>PVP Gachas where Whales dominate it all and you have no chance of ever getting anywhere unless you spend your entire family's fortune on the game, and even then you're still not guaranteed a single thing.
Yeah, no. Absolutely fucking not.
Fuck each and every single Free to Play game with multiplayer focused gameplay.

Well what franchise do you care about because pretty sure there's plenty of Star Wars and Marvel shit

Are you implying gacha games require any skill?

There's a Spiderman Gacha game I used to play back in High school. It was cool.

She looks like she enjoys taking a big one right up the pooper.

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She looks like she fucks pigs

I like Digimon and Stalker and Counterstrike.

You can lose battles you make your JPGs fight

Hands down the best gacha game, and I've played quite a lot.

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digimon has a gacha game and from what i can tell it's pretty f2p friendly

Lanie Morgan, for anyone interested. A little chubby, but the nice kind of chubby that's soft and pillowy, not gelatinous and formless.

I want to fuck Gowther

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You mean the casinos who steal your money through rigged games?
Yeah, they would.

What's this about?

>Anything related to Bleach at all
You're not fooling anyone Kubo. Go fuck yourself and your shitty Manga.

can confirm had to quit it though because i was spending too much time and too much money on it love the designs and art for the game

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Immaterial and tertiary to the primary goal: collect jpegs.

Here's a visual of the progression, also if u max affection with a character they give u a cosmetic weapon/hat/costume. This Elizabeth had a maid costume

Attached: elizabeth-costumes.jpg (2124x858, 554K)

If you lose the battle you waste AP, which means it takes longer to get rewards, which means you're slightly less likely to get your desired JPG.

And YOU obviously don’t. 7sins is the absolute pinnacle of stupid unexplained asspulls, the entire plot from beginning to end, even the very climax and crux of the whole series ended in a series of asspulls. It’s honestly a nice study piece on how NOT to abuse asspulls.

Link pls?

it's a shame it takes so long to max affection and some characters don't have anything worthwhile like coin shop ban has a stupid ass looking weapon

>which means it takes longer to get rewards
Which is what I already said the first time.
There is no win or lose, only collect and collect slower.

The head SEAnigger behind FGONA is censoring and rewriting shit he deems inappropriate; on top of gimping the playerbase out of free shit other servers got.

what do you want a link to exactly? the game is called digimon linkz dunno what else i can give you

>one sock

As somebody that never saw the show or anything related to it beside porn. Why does she only wear one sock?

>shut down
ok any more digigames?

What? That's it, there's no reason. She just does.

Already play Granblue and have off/on for years. Just buy tickets, the occasional super scam summon gacha and save crystals to spark everything I really want. Spend maybe a couple hundred a year on a game that keeps me busy for thousands of hours and I feel fairly competitive in it for all of the time I've put in, there are worse things out there.

i think that's the only digimon gacha game sadly if you're interested in digimon maybe smt would interest you so you could try dx2

Name one (1) gacha that meets all of the following requirements:
>Has good gameplay
>Has good writing
>Has a good translation
>Has a good art style
>Is not censored
You can't.

Eh, well fair enough. Would be hotter with two socks but thats just my view.

bleach brave souls actually would meet all of those requirements

I play Crash Fever, the gameplay is nice, it has a lots of freebies and not weird shenanigans when it comes to make you spend more on it, however what truly got me into the game is the amazing music of it.

It is simply the barmaid uniform that was designed for her.

FGO checks all of those.

Yeah this Elizabeth cost me like 57 beers but now that i want to max demon meliodas he takes like almost 70 beers

Langrisser comes close

So does every gatch game have a dedicated footfag artist on the team by law?

can't wait for that coin shop merlin i've taken a big back seat to it because i spent too much money but i log in everyday and summon

>This is supposed to be a good art style

FGO is censored.

Langrisser has a machine translation.

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It checks literally none of those.

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But I'm not really interested in SMT stuff. Guess I'll just stick to rhythm phone games. Thanks though user.

Character customization and gameplay is top notch in BBS, and you actually play the fucking game unlike the dbz bukkake battle color match, or One Pieces shitty "timed press" battle mechanic... I bet you still play Summoners Wars, pleb.

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Is this out in the US?

Why would I pay money for a CHANCE to get the jaypeg that I want?

What the FUCK is the value in these games? It's literally worse than gambling. At least gambling lets you have the chance to gain something monetary. This is literally throwing money away.

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I play FEH, anything like it?

>Not available in Australia
Thanks Capcom.

Doc, the dose needs to be stronger.

>you could try dx2
Fuck no.
Dx2 has got to be the most kikeish gacha available in English. It makes FGO look generous.

>fuck vegeta
>command 'fuck' not recognized
>insert penis into ass
>whose ass?
>vegeta's ass
>command 'vegeta's' not recognized
>insert penis into vegeta ass
>thanks doc

talking the card art dumbo

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>Illya collab
I don't know what this is but you have my interest.

Footfags are just not afraid anymore.

Do I need to have finished Fifth Singularity to get Florence Nightingale in a roll?

might be for the best those gacha games man they are really tempting to spend money on

They're just cucks, don't worry about their stupid thieving games.

What in the everloving fuck is going on with that thing's legs? The hip on its left is like 20 full centimetres lower than the hip on its right.

it's called a pose she's trying to seduce you to eat her choccy milkies

>actually paying money for a low chance to get a .jpg
>for a .jpg you could just download off the internet instead
>the .jpgs arent even that good, they're covered with ugly gothic borders and autistic S.U.Mega Rare 5++!!!!!!! logos n shit

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Enjoy her, with the summer event i havent been able to complete the 2 last chapters for gems so ill sit back till i get more dupes with the login SSR ticket

can someone PLEASE tell me the point of gatcha?
if it's waifus you can get infinite images online
the gameplay is hindered by the luck mechanic, so if you want to make a specific build you're screwed
the only reason I can think of would be the dopamine rush from getting something new, which can be done with any video game where you unlock things

Idiots pay money for things that make their pp hard

it's fun to get new characters with all brand new events and constant content to play

Is this a joke?

is what a joke?

No. Would rather get run over.

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I've played too much fucking Gacha. I tried FGO to see what the fuss was about after playng FFBE JP and GL, FFOO, Star Ocean Anamesis, Valkyrie Anatomia JP and GL, Rise of Mana, SINoALICE JP, Mobius FF, PAD, FE Heroes, Draglia Lost, Brave Frontier, Mortal Kombat and Injustice.

They are all fucking garbage, I would not recommend any of them, but FGO is among the worst of a bad bunch and I don't understand why it is so popular. FGO in particular has the most flashy gacha summons with among the most notably bad gameplay. Does the Fate licence have massive quality blind fan support that I just don't get?

Is Escanor still around?
When I stopped reading he was the only part I looked forward to. Watching him BTFO previously invincible characters was great. Loved watching him crush that manlet.

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You're mom lmao

AL is fucking me. 35 purple blueprints, 12 gold.... AND STILL NO MASSACHUSETTS!

Gachashit is alright if you consider it as an idle game and never care about the meta so you don't give them any money. I don't understand gacha games that have no auto mode, it's like they are trying to be actual games or something.

shakka Shakka SHAKKA **bold**SHAKKA**bold**

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Who /Mobius/ here?

I feel like I'm the only guy on this website who plays this, even the Final Fantasy general doesn't really care about this game

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Isn't that the game that confirmed Seifer turns into Ultimecia?

but yeah it has an upcoming FF8 event

I wish every gachafag died, it would be an easy way to improve the industry.

I played for over a year then decided to quit. I got no supreme cards and one legendary job, even though playing semi-daily and spending for the monthyly packs, I found the gacha rates to be disrespectful, too much low/mid tier content too grindy, and too much high content inaccessible with my shit cards.

so you just don't know what you're talking about at all then?

oh yeah how's that going to improve the industry exactly?

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do you even know what doujins are?

The smug aura of this german shepherd mocks me

The anime seems like a decent thing to watch when I'm bored. Currently where they kill 2 of the ten commandments, I figured all the buildup is to this epic battle then everything goes downhill from there. This assessment correct?

Because Seven Deadly Sins is a high fantasy magna with knights with magical powers, castles, demons, giants, fairies, druids, etc. Elizabeth does have magical powers but not a fairy.

>Strong!! He's...

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She's been in a couple

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Okay then. Had to delete Nexomon to have enough space, but I already got 100% on it.

Gets rid of lootbox whales, removes any possibility of it killing proper vidya, slightly less chance of seeing dead franchises being brought back as mobile trash, gets rid of these horrible threads.

Most people abandoned Mobius once it became too obsessed over powercreeping with Supreme cards and releasing shitty jobs for characters nobody cares about. The only people who still play are the whales and the people who lucked into a Supreme summon.

please show me an example of a game becoming worse because of lootboxes

The story is also fucking godawful. It makes Persona post 3 look like Digital Devil Saga.

Yep. Most recent chapter ends with him right on the verge of going hulk mode again

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Every game that has them, no exception. Kill yourself ASAP please.

that wasn't an example at all silly ding dong

Escanor deserves a better series.

what gacha game can i install on my phone right now and is in english?

What is the story? All I heard is that an old guy who is totally not Odin gets a bunch of kids to summon devils

>Seven Deadly Sins
>My Hero Academia
What is with anime these days and having shitty protags?

It has a fun story, lots of doujins, likable characters, doesn't require a ton of time investment, and long term goals like 10 bond CE. Playing that many gacha already means you have brain damage, they are not meant to be the main game you play they're just something you play on your lunch break at work or when you're too tired to play real games and FGO works for that.

>there are people that unironically place mobile and gachashit
Yea Forums is dead

depends on what phone ya got but plenty of them

Yea Forums was dead the day you were born faggotass nigger people enjoying specific games or genres don't decide on how a whole website is

Who do you think is defending lootboxes?

Is that a phonepost typo I see? Have something to share with us, user?

That's literally it. You just go around solving mysteries involving demons for a few chapters until all that's left is grinding a shitty maze and waiting for "SO WACKY" events and the whole Law/Chaos alignment is never touched upon

oneplus2. what are some games you would recommend?

tfw all the good gatcha arent in english

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you might be a bit limit for choice since android versions are usually less stable but off the top of my head dokkan/optc/Dx2/Gfl/Azurlane/Alchemist code all should run fine on oneplus2

Alice Gear Aegis never ever

I can't speak for Seven deadly sins, but, for the other two, the MC's develop over the course of the series.

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kinnikuman muscle shot ;_;

thanks user. i'll see what my piece of shit phone can run.

She's so retarded she lets Meliodas touch her all he wants from day 1 any doujin situation could be part of the main story

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Yes, I made that post on my phone while shitting on the toilet. I'm now posting from bed since I can't use my PC from bed in any reasonable manner.

no problem man also if you're really interested in playing gacha you could always use an emulator like nox or memu

I'm going on a long journey so I installed azur lane, girls frontline, destiny child and fire emblem heroes, and i've had dragonball legends for a year now because its actually pretty good.
I've also got r18 armor blitz and sacred sword princesses.

I will never spend a single cent on any of these games and instead quit when it becomes obvious i can't progress without money.

>willingly downloading chinese botnet

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Just fucking emulate gba/ds games. Why the fuck would you download that trash instead of actual good games?

There isn't a single good gba or DS game

maybe because he wants to play a gacha game instead of a gba/ds game right now you brainlet fuck

i love the slutty ass character design

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Supremes are fairly common now, but yeah, I'd never dream of taking ranking and tower climbing seriously. Endless war is fun but that's kinda where I stop when it comes to endgame content.

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Thank you now I have proof you pathetic gacha detractors are the scum of the earth: phoneposters

Hope you crack your skull on the sink in the way to the toilet

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meant to quote

Best girl

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Game is just too much of a chore with Viramate being kill.

I have a nointro set for gba on my phone, but touch controls suck for those games and while I have a bluetooth 8bitdo pad, using it on the phone is still unwieldy.
also, this i'm going to be travelling and stressed out and i just want some quick shit with cute girls i can play in very short bursts
forgot to mention i also installed megaten dx2

Why would anyone want to waifu this slut?

she is a princess in search for help, she finds the main character and he says the following; "I'll help you but you must wear this all the time and help me in the bar"
That's the reason, is just for pleasure, he also gropes her all the time

There's only one man for her, though.

So far Teppen has a really jank look that does not fit Capcom characters, has Ryu turned into notKenshiro and goes into "muh Satsui no Hadou" right out of the gate yet again, and crashed twice. Not feeling good so far.

and his name is Howzer

Like all modern Capcom games, it's absolute dog shit.

ehhhhh i don't think you're telling the truth

Theres a Digimon game called Digimon Rearise coming to global soon. Its out in Japan if you really want to play tho.

Play her game

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Been playing teppen having fun with deck building

When they give you 5 mins a round but you end it in 1 and a half

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You gacha players are posting from your phone as well?

nope we use a PC brainlet

I do, just pulled Yaten, based af

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People who "play" gacha deserve to hang

Does KanColle count as a gacha game? Because I still play that.

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Can't stand the gameplay but I love the art, I hope there's going to be a well kept wiki with all the new art so I can just browse that instead

>around 400 cores to max them all
Not like I have other worthwhile dolls to link...

But I like Deku also

>These days

How does it compare to Fairy Tail? Fairy Tail is the only manga I’ve ever dropped because it was generic, full of ass pulls, and incredibly boring.

It's actually very similar.

Just waiting for Pokemon Masters to come out so I can leave Duel Links shit game forever(or rather until the new box hits and/or new world gets added)
Have OPTC but dont really play that much, and recently started playin Epic 7.
Mainly whale on Duel Links but im gonna stop if Masters proves to be better. Other games never spend a cent tho

Have you even looked at X? The style doesn't exactly work for anything but the Monster Hunter guys because they already are realistic texture dragons.

>She's so retarded she lets Meliodas touch her all he wants from day 1

He saved the bitch's life, least she can do is give him a freebie. If i saved a whore that hot, and she would let me have my way with her, i wouldn't give a single shit about her.



But you still play gacha games on your phone. Why do you people defend tanking small fortunes into rigged pay to win mechanics and RNG that is comparable to gambling?

Or, don't tell me that you use those Android emulators with Chinese government trackers embedded into them?

I play granblue

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>People calling her a slut
She is an angel cursed to die and live again again with her old memories being wiped out until later...

lol retard

I play Dragalia Lost. Granblue is in maintenance mode after they banned Viramate, and SMT Dx2 as well after the colossal fucking death the game went through with it's god-awful events and crazy ass paywall units.

I don't defend anyone who chooses to spend money on rolls. I get my satisfaction from a slow burn that culminates in a huge spree of pulls from what I saved up playing.

Xenoblade chronicles has gambling with rare blades and its there because people like the dopamine that gambling gives without spending money on it

She's a slut because she lets the second worst MC in all of shonen do what he wants with her.