CTR thread
Crash Team Racing
Other urls found in this thread:
Who is your kartfu? For me it's the hovercraft.
Bandicoot women are made for human men
YFW beenox user is fired for doing the right thing
How come there is no goth Coco skin?
>Gold Le Chaux
Evil Coco skin coming.
Is the Tawna speed artist user here? I'm sure there are new requests here for you.
They are saving it for the Halloween.
>he doesn't know
Sure they are
you do know only 2 of it's exhausts work, yes? it also has no nitro wheels, couldn't Beenox use the beam for the glow?
Summon the bandicuties.
>try to take papu papu jump
>Fuck it up
>Fall off Cliff
>Immediately nuked to 8th place
>Care Cath up through item hell and get lapped by first
I know I deserved it but holy shit the suffering
Do people go to reset era to find stuff to get mad at? I never would have known about this if people hadn't posted it here
Any other eurofag wanna take turns with the friend related nitro achievements? I just need 2 more wins on the new Twilight level, and a random win against a friend in matchmaking which I am unsure can be done in a custom game or no.
>you do know only 2 of it's exhausts work, yes?
Yes, and?
>it also has no nitro wheels
Yes, and?
i was gonna say "its a fucking animal" but it being called watermelon is fucking hilarious
The fact that these people look for racist connotations and undertones in innocuous shit really says a lot about how they themselves perceive race. Fuck them
Why can't people just be normal
they better not come for my boy black zem
Drop your PSN ID, I can help.
... butt?
Oh they will
Someone will point it out to them just to ruin your day
What would you like help with?
Please bring back boob jiggle to ps4
>Le Chaux
>Screaming 11,000rpm 60 degree V6
>A sound you will just never hear on the street, exclusively heard in F1 cars
Dont worry nobody plays zem
They should just make the hair green. Even ignoring the race shit the green hair would be kinds funny.
How is Black Zem even racist? He's literally fucking pitch black and has weird orangeish hair
im black and even i think this is stupid and pointless.
>not a bounce crate
>Yea Forums giving it attention (like they wanted)
>sooner or later it will be on reddit, because Yea Forums is full of redditors
>in 1-2 days expect headline on sites like Kotaku or IGN
Good job anons, keep doing it.
we're getting the CTTR racers and the rest of the karts in a grand pricks, right?
Adding you in a minute. I actually have all the friend-related achievements already, I'm just offering to help you get them.
More bandicutes ty.
>no white stripe down the center
So what is the racist tawna skin?
shut the fuck up
>not Rocket because its V12 sounds GLORIOUS
Because you're a retard beenox just cancelled it
T. Beenox employee
youll get pic related next grand prix
not crash's face
my mind is not clean
The Watermelon one apparently
She doesnt even have a fucking black skin tone in it, if she was like Jim Crow caricature levels of black I would understand but she's literally just tan because it's a summer-themed skin.
Apreciating fuzzy whammen is unironicaly the most patrician taste you can possibly have user. Renounce suits, the community and the general shittyness, apreciate fine anthro titties
What nationality is Isabella?
oh shit im sorry
> people whinning are trannies, fags and onions bois. Fuck em.
Yeah that's pretty fucking stupid. Another case of people looking for shit to make them mad.
So. Why isn't Koala Kong in the game yet?
He tried to add naked Coco model in next patch for Pit Stop
Reminder that Megumi is the worst of the Nitro Squad by a landslide and that her outfit and hair buns are awful.
I'll do the mental gymnastic
You know Zem? The gross alien man? He has a black skin. Beenox is implying that all black people are disgusting (How did I do?)
I'll go with the Trikee. I like the single wheel in the back
What was going through N. Brio's mind when he decided to do this?
>no white wumpa juice ending
almost perfect
two metal bolts
Nice arms
Bigger rack
this is a superior ami
Shit, she's gonna be in the game soon, ain't she?
Finally some good...ish SFM Coco smut.
based beenox
>is literally /ourguy/
>wants to make the game better
>is held back by resetera and sony policy
>was literally told by the dev team to go to Yea Forums because everyone is too much of a bitch to handle it
>outright told resertea to go fuck themselves
absolute hero. we dont deserve him
>I want a son to love and cherish and take under my wing
Goddamn it, you fucking got me.
shes a dirty slav
Oh, that's fucking sad. Put that one in the bible. (HE WROTE IT!)
Friend of mine made Ami into an acceptable waifu.
What's the different in difficulty between N.Trophy and N.Oxide time trials? Did N.Trophy quite easily for the most part.
Why does Coco fuck humans and her brother?
that is foul
>despoiling Ami
tropy jobs a lot of the time, oxide makes you get good but also jobs it on some tracks
Is boob jiggle only not on ps4?
needs a dick
Great now you dumb fags will probably spread this to "game journalists" or something.
I don't have it yet
beenox here, correct. PS4 is the only one that doesnt have it as per sony's content guidelines. until they change, its absent on that version
Yeah, mine....hahaha
Fuck off with your censored game, shill.
human men tend not to be green tho
Everyone just sorta believes what they want at this point, but she's clearly meant to be Italian.
>Friend of mine created an abomination for which all of mankind will be judged
I lack the intelligence to understand this, can someone explain?
>yfw your on BASED xbone
But wheres the full gif?
Why the added fur on her cheeks?
>implying your dick is even 1/8th the size of hers
Someone explain how to do sharp turns correctly.
If I spam hop, hold brake, gas and turn direction I barely turn.
If I hop, hold brake and direction but let go of gas I turn a lot but lose SF.
I'm pretty sure her skin and hair are dark just to make her clothes pop out more.
Yes user, some posters here have adequate cocks. Shocking I know.
Shit, now we have to deal with censored posters thinking they're not bigger faggots than the censors.
PC version next year?
they did lmao
Stop giving Resetera attention
who here /thumbisnumb/
>PS4 is the only one that doesnt have it
lol sure
I take breaks
Hop, broke, release acceleration, turn direction AND hit acceleration before you hit the ground. Timing will vary depending on how level the ground is. Just gotta practice
the totally not racist people at resetera automatically connect dark toned characters with watermelon into being a racist sterotype
how you think a furry creature is supposed to be a racist depiction just because they have a melon t-shirt on
who the fuck would find this offensive? the villain from demolition man?
>Thin Skinned Era
nigras in usa used to be paid for their 'pro bono' arbeit in watermelons and chickens back in the good old days when 'america was great' and now in this retarded modern age twitter warriors are offended by anything and everything so when a character is called 'black' it's somehow racially insensitive or whatever and when a slightly tanned version of a character is called 'watermelon' because of her watermelon colored shirt devs have to spend precious dev time on that bullshit instead of making new content (tracks, characters, karts, etc.)
tldr retarded americans let the minorities and lunatics run wild and guvern the place so the rest of us in the world have to suffer because of them
I get cramps in my ring and middle fingers
The point is that hers is just that big, user.
That's why you use the alt control scheme.
That sounds like carpal tunnel user.
i was tempted to advocate not releasing the xbox one version because its such a strange playerbase. we can accurately predict numbers, and while it always comes out negative in profit, the cost to support it is worth it since the other platforms will heavily outnumber it, making any lost money on it irrelevant
enjoy the xbox one version user, because i dont understand how you can
sony's policy is vague. theres literally no way to tell what they want in or out of the games
stop asking
pic related, you know what you did
Hop, brake, turn and then you gotta accelerate just as you are about to hit the floor.
It's tricky but it gets stuck in muscle memory after a while.
Is the alt scheme really more comfortable?
Its the writer and website that lacks the intelligence. carry on
Post pic of employee office chairs or not real
>literally linking to retardera
Fuck you asshole
What would his boss level be like?
I enjoy the xbox version because while all the best players are on ps4, im almost the king on xbone. So thank you most likely LARPING beenox employee poster.
Fighting atop a big vat if boiling juice. You have to knock him in.
It is to me.
you've tainted perfection
>bragging about being king of the manlets
Thanks, my hatred is immeasurable
is the switch version worth it?
Post hand please.
>That one poster in the thread unironically stereotyping every Brazilian as knowledgeable in racist tropes
These guys have no self awareness its hilarious
I'm gonna try it and see if it helps.
The actual model itself looks like fucking shit
I love it
I imagine it like a mall you drive through like in mario kart I mean where else would he get his delicious soda from if not a mall food court
My xbone is actually taller than my ps4.
If you don't mind waiting 40 seconds between loading the hub area and each track, yeah.
Do you think humans can impregnate Bandicoot women?
that's N. Gin's final car innit? Looks like a perfect earth analogue to the freakish Gasmoxian hovercraft.
Can we have the Bash spacecraft too? you know, the one used in Oxide ride.
pic related in car form too please?
im doing my best to speak the truth while being just enough of an asshole to be fired
my work on this game is done and isnt going to make it better without pouring double my effort into it, and even then its unlikely
im already on my way out, i just have a few more tasks left to do before im gone
so again, enjoy it, you strange user. i own an xbox one but dont even want to use it. that thing is just strange when all the shit is coming to pc sooner or later since MS is implementing VXD support in win10
What does the guideline state specifically?
Well that certainly didn't improve things
what the hell I only just now learned that you can PS Remote Play on PC
>I have no idea how they didn't catch that
Gee, maybe because they're not insane nutjobs who see race in everything?
I mean CTR thrives as a single-player game already so enjoy your online mode that emulates offline mode perfectly.
Hey Beenox user. Mind making webms of your private versions more jiggly bandithots? I could use them for Blender references.
I already got it on ps4 and xbone so I hope it does come to pc.
Expect him in the next Crash game.
I just hold USF for the first time for two whole laps and i feel like a god
Because the latency is absolute shit. Just hook up your ps4s hdmi to your pc monitor
The mystery is solved; This is Fasty, everyone.
I am SICK to death of floating boxes in relic races.
You either go to fast and jump over them or don't jump and go underneath them. If you miss ONE box like this you fail and have to restart. It's fucking bullshit. How the hell do you time the jumps every time perfectly? It's the only reason i can't get platinum.
>papu's pyramid plat relic
who the fuck though it was a good idea holy shit
I got platinum on Hot Air Skyway without smashing all the boxes.
Enjoy being in the bottom 95%. Im also pretty sure the xbone has more users than switch.
How long until someone makes a petition for sonny to fuck off with their bullshit censorship guidelines? How is boob jiggle offensive?
you have to do certain shortcuts to change the radio channel in his home track so it no longer feeds him boomer propoganda and he becomes much slower and vulnerable to attacks?
>Crash doesn't inform Oxide he lost cargo
The true casual filter of adventure mode.
It won't work
I always finish after I fuckup, which happens a lot. Won't get better by just quitting, or that is how I see it.
Because as a man I have no tits and that is offensive to me.
N.Gin's final car was the Doom Buggy, already in NF. The Probulot 2000 was Cortex's tier 3 vehicle.
everyone has been bitching about it except resetera and the retards on twitter. remove the retards on those sites and you remove the issue
Do humans and animals have relations?
because when a videogame company makes a female character its just for straight men to oggle never mind lesbians or women who have big boobs in real life or people who just like fun no spurn the pervy men
owh, thanks. why is it called that and why does it have a jar as bug catcher?
Sounds pretty good
Read the bible. HE WROTE IT!
kek, got more Glitchart? How would the right be called? Purrgle? failed tiger experiment?
these glitches are funny
Because Radical named them that way?
Fuck if anyone knows why they're named the way they are or designed the way they are.
Look at all the CTTR vehicles here: crashbandicoot.fandom.com
post the rest
hot dog man
these glitch characters are too good
It is
what are theo ther shitty races ? I know there's the sewers
Nobody seriously believes that faggot really works at Beenox right? You're just going along with the joke?
You're allowed to fuck up a few times on Tropy and still beat him except for like two tracks which are ridiculously harder than the rest of his races. Oxide requires a near-perfect run on basically everything.
I just liked the Brobulot, it looks like Team Cortex took advantage of when Oxide was raging on the platform and the henchman stole whatever they could find, then reverse engineer happened. Or that's what I have as headcanon.
FNAF intensifies.
>Came into the thread hoping someone would post the actual resolution version.
>No one did.
>Had to track it down myself.
You're all useless.
because that picture is almost as autistic as the legend of spyro? nothing beats that tripe, so yeah!
Negro Cortex in the shop tonight. Save your coins.
>no updates in months
>20 queue because no ones playing
>first game outsold it by millions
>30fps on pc due to bad optimization
>no turnbased combat, still called a 'rpg'
So the N was for that!
I like to call it reverse anti racism.
there's one more, I forgot to save it, post it please
Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong thread
>FNAF but Ami comes out and decks you in the face then rides your fear-boner.
>no magic
>no report system
>no leveling up
Nobody fucking knows anymore
Man, this Crash Team Auto Chess fucking SUCKS
>no argument
get blown out crash kiddies, your 30fps rpg trash is done for
I don't believe shit I'm told here ever, and you shouldn't either
I don't have it unfortunately
Best Bandibooty.
As a outsider, inform me of this beenox fellow. Did he really try and ship a porn model into the console editions? Im a total idiot regarding crash.
She's going to sexually assault Crash
>Crash Team Raping
>still no argument
Thanks for conceding, fag. Get btfo. I win and am more intelligent than you
Looks like he already has one
Russian, likely evil. keep that in mind user, she may rub KGB spy cream on her cunt to paralyse you, and then you have to be buried with your permaboner and stupid horny look on your face.
>schizo user is back
The game is shit, unless you're an adderall abusing asspie who can land 100 nitro grinds every 2 second you'll lose every match, take your furfaggot game back to /mlp/
I've got your back
*Italian, and she is too pure to do that.
I'm still mad bots shitpost better than people
Sewer, Papu and N. Gin are the top 3 hardest platinum relics in the game by far (at least in my opinion). If you can survive them, you can survive anything.
I was proud of everyone for ignoring him and laughing but then you had to acknowledge him
here you go, yopy makes some cute shit
Post more
Thank you, user!
I literally didn't reply to him though
Since when is CTR a PC RPG?
that's what they want you to believe. isn't Megumi Japdog, Isabella some Slavic, Liz Britbong and Ami Amerigoblin?
HEHEHhhe no wayayusti faggot *jumls up* *PANTE FLY OFF* *COMES DOWN AND GLOORPS YOU INTO MY ANUS
>NONONONO *starts running around goes on an adventure in yiur intestines to find the princess*
>*meets up with a guyyc alled jmintestinal jellybean who sells me wares* based!
your right, you didn't
Fuck you, if making a quick announcement that he's here stops even one newfag from replying, it is worth it.
Sony’s guidelines
What happens if activision tells em “oh so you dont want crash in ps?” Fine then.
The absolute butthurt of sony just because some angry virgin in the “comitee” doesnt like boob jiggle.
Jeez, autistic much?
If we dont unlock them before the event ends will we never get to play as them?
>He's resorted to samefagging for (You)s
pretty sure they'll come back, Activision won't tolerate this kind of work put in for a one-off. I bet they become store items at 7-8k per single item.
Just accept you have good taste nigga.
No, they will still be available even after the Grand Prix ends.
I tried cheeseing the untouchable 5 limit battles without getting hit challenge by using shields only, but I'm not getting any progress despite doing it 5 times. Does getting hit while having a shield active still count as getting hit? I even tried it again on a timer instead of 3 lives making sure not to get hit in any way and it still stayed at 0/5.
thankss for the you faggot
What would a Bandicoot-human hybrid look like?
maybe. I have low hopes though as one resetra link gets a cascade of replys
Beenox please add Bearminator to the roster, thanks.
>human cock on animal
>no human male in pic to POV for
...Like they already do? The Evolvo-Ray does more than make them bipedal that's for sure.
Coco is only into humans
Based retard
coco is only into her brother
Is it Bandicunny time already?
Would you marry and impregnate a Bandicoot girl?
I've realized the grand prix is pointless busywork that tricks you into doing menial tasks every day and play the RNG items spam fest also known as online mode.
Since I've already done the challenges every day since it started I've invested enough time that I feel I should continue until July 28 but I won't be tricked again Beenox.
I'll unlock the characters in the next Grand Prix and that will be it, fuck your manipulative cosmetic treadmill.
why are people trying to get this thread deleted so badly
cute cheeks
source for these? id like to see more if there is
>Post-Jak 3 naughty dog
Glitch costumes when?
so only N.gin left
it will be hard, I can feel it
Hell yeah it is.
Bandicootettes have been plaguing online since the recent editions. Balance must be maintained. Only the manliest hunk, Papu Papu, can counteract the femvermin!
Anyone know how to do the 25 perfect boost challenge. I looked up vids on how to do it but when I tried it didn't count. Am I doing something wrong or do I have to get a perfect boost and complete the race to make it count?
>That belly bulge.
Das a big boy
Papu Pyramid, N. Gin Labs and Coco Park, mainly due to the multiple jank hit-boxes and incredibly tight timing that forces you to start over if you fuck up even once on any lap.
Skyway, Cortex Castle, Oxide Station, and Dragon Mines are all difficult but doable with the proper skill level.
>Your Mileage May Vary
Sewer Speedway isn't as bad as people make it out to be because you only have to make the janky short-cut once, if you have the right path-ing after that it's mostly smooth sailing to hit the boxes.
RIP this thread I guess.
>due to the multiple jank hit-boxes and incredibly tight timing that forces you to start over if you fuck up even once on any lap.
you described the Original user.
Based Papu Papu. Escort these thots at once! You have many wives of your own already.
Rilla Roo, Bearminator, and the Viscount in a party-themed Grand Prix.
This is now a Papu Papu thread. Post Papus.
>tricked into playing a game you were already playing
>the absolute STATE of trannyEra
>Those tummies.
my pp hard.
I was rank 800 yesterday. I jumped into game today and I'm rank 1,375. We're forced to keep with it, or else we fucking lose everything.
I got papus (beans) for you.
Why does he wear the mask? Is it related to aku aku/uka uka?
Only the starting boost, so you have to do at least 25 races.
BUNGA this thread
Who are the biggest autists you meet online? For me its Coco and Penta players. Feel like Tropy is too obvious as picking him in the first place is just a way of proudly displaying your autism in a lobby.
Hey fools!
Before you get banned, there is a /trash/ Crash thread.
careful, he uses these as currency.
>bottomless coco
muh penis
Once he dies his spirit will enter the mask and become Ripper Roo's guardian as he goes on adventures with Pinstripe and Komodo Joe
Oxide? they are either dogshit or A+ tier, but if you beat them if they're the latter they ragequit before finishing.
His soul will possess the mask when he dies so that he can continue to live on, Exactly like what Aku and Uka have done.
My advice is to keep your eyes focused on the gauge. Tap accelerate until it fills as much as it can, then release, then tap again immediately to fill it higher - over and over until it reaches max. I just completed this today, good luck!
>QUIT DOING RACES YOU NIG THEY TAKE TOO LONG. Get that Ami ass into Battle Mode. Last kart standing, 3 missile only.
>Tap Accelerate until you see that bar going full. You see the bar going full during the countdown? TIME IT SO IT'S FULL WHEN THE GO GREEN IS GO
>Did you fucking do it? Great. Murder your opponent with the 3 missile or lose like a little bitch. 24 times to go.
If you don't care about the champion kart, and only want coins and some nitro, you can just do the idle farming method in the Lab Basement with the Crystal Challenge that has been mentioned a few times. It lasts 50 seconds, nets you 5-6 Nitro, depending on if you use the right setup, and 15 coins pretty fast. It's an easy 900 coins an hour, I believe.
I started doing it because the hassle involved with a lot of the Grand Prix challenges, especially the extremely tedious battle mode shit, isn't worth the time.
Literally a human from behind. Brio these creatures are fucking made for human seed.
I think it is to Uka Uka, notice how Uka is the YOUNGER spirit meaning he was human when Aku was dead, my headcanon is Uka Uka as human and later spirit, corrupted the tribe to be Cortex's vanguard and gatekeepers.
Oxide is a preorder bonus so I automatically assume that it's a kid or new player wanting to be the "cool alien".
If they have the boomer skin then they're pretty threatening
According to the production bible, Aku-Aku was a witch doctor within Papu's tribe. He saw the pollution that was being thrust upon the island by the neighboring island but couldn't motivate anyone to do anything about it. By sheer coincidence, Crash washed up on shore and so the witch doctor elected to help him defeat the doctors and evict them.
Of course that's kind of non-canon now since Aku has been implied to be eons old and same with his brother. The general idea probably still exists of him being a watchful guardian of the island but he's definitely not a living person anymore.
Fuck these guys. These idiots are the reason why we can't have jiggle physics in videogames anymore.
Thanks doc
Based and papupilled. Sounds like a sick spin off, would play.
yopy on twitter
pretty much the reason I play him is because lizards are cool and that fucking voice line. God I love him.
>Why can't people just be normal
He says on 4channel
Another unnecessary controversy...
Why are these fucks ruining this thread with all the girls right now?
>Why does he wear the mask?
He's a big guy.
That crash looks awful.
I'm still saving it though.
So are anthropomorphic Bandicoots human hybrids?
Who's the artist? That Coco is fucking sexy.
Reminder that ingame pics of the trophy girls are deleted but Coco porn stays.
someone is extremely mad about the crash threads on Yea Forums, so he tries to destroy them whenever he can
I love Megumi!
People like you make me not want to bother playing online. Continually
I kinda hate how disgraced Oxide became, Tropy is still for good players only. so, can you give a short list (incomplete will do) of behavior on characters you saw?
guys, you noticed the sapphire/gold/platinum relic paints for sure. very shiny and metallic. How about gem paint? they would make your kart look as if it's made out of gems! chunky, semi-transparent and very shiny.
pic related is natural
Pandafags are the worst i swear
>people learning how to be better at the game than I am makes me not want to play
maybe just dedicate yourself to learning whatever they did
They're wild Bandicoots that are captured and forced to evolve to the same point as humans.
Is there a way if getting nitro fast that I don't know about? Been watching the guy at the top of the leaderboard and he's got about 5000 in the space of time that I've got about 500 doing races alone. I'm gonna assume he's done all the challenges since he's at the top of the board. Even if I managed to finish off my last few challenges I'd get about 2000 tops. Some sort of fast farming method?
At least she's better than Viscount.
There's but one problem.
>Dedicate 22 years to the game
>Git gud
I could dedicate 22 to the game, and not be that good. It's a waste of effort.
Well there's still Hot Rod Oxide at least.
>acceleration characters are actually faster than moderate charactets
What in the absolute fuck.
Also thunderstruck is still broken. Just put a fucking wall in there.
Nigga just connect another joystick and select skull island, 3 lives , no time and only missles. Repeat 5 times and you are done
thanks, please stop any time!
or just get better. it's not like i've played CTR for 15+ years, I had to re-learn just like everyone else, so you can get good too!
all we can do is wait for the mods to do their job
I would like to know more about this panda.
>megumi will never sit on your face
The game is 20 years old dumbfuck, and Deep Sea Driving is a completely new track in this game.
Just try what he does in the video. Fuck's sake.
He has a turbo controller and he's set up the game to just replay a super short battle mode game over and over while he's away
Imagine having that kind of autism to ensure that you win the arbitrary numbers contest
I learned how to maintan USF in two days, it's literally just a matter of understanding mechanics and applying them until it sticks
if my retarded ass could learn how to do it, you sure as hell can
Papu's mask should protect Roo, Papu, Brio, Kong, and the Komodo Bros.
N. Trance should switch back to Uka.
Oxide should use Velo's mask.
Fake Crash's mask should be random like Penta.
This thread sure became based as hell
Why are the retro skins so bad? Is their engine just not capable of displaying models like that?
and hot rods are kino, no?
Does six-pipes do the class honor?
remember when WoW was a Pinnacle of tech and gameplay? :^)
You're retarded, but talented! I'm just retarded.
Reduction in body hair and a possible change in hair color, Probably ending up with some weird facial features.
And now it's CUTE as hell too
I like how almost all the replies are "wtf that's awful" and "I hope they change it soon". They don't offer anything to the conversation except
Pura is so cute
We all love a good shitpost man.
well you definitely won't get anywhere with that attitude
What would Coco's pubes smell like?
The teeth ruin everything as always
how the fuck do I play Oxide Station? I've beaten Tropy on every other stage and have beaten Oxide on alot, but i can't even unlock the Tropy challenge on Oxide Station
is there some shortcut i'm not realizing? i cant fucking play this track
Will this game still have players when the price is down?
Also stop giving shithole-era attention, the mods are all secret pedos that get scared over being found out.
The retro shit was obviously a half-assed late addition to give the PS4 some exclusive content, as evidenced by the fact that adding a 32nd track caused the save file bug.
How did any of you complete Friend or Foe?
just maintain USF through the first turn after the drop and you'll be fine
Cortex no think of your family
the utter state of this board
I am not a furry but y'all are trying really hard to turn me into one and I appreciate it
can you use the nitro sticker elsewhere or is it bound to the paint?
It says matchmaking, but you can just trade it in a private match.
Glad this shit got porn dumped. Hopefully the trannyera refugees left already.
Is Crash into goth girls in the later games or something, I never bothered to play any of the PS2 ones onwards
copy that, im just wondering why it didnt work, i would think a shield would negate getting hit
Account got terminated
italiano mommy
It's a sticker, you can use it on any paint.
it's a single point on the kart, karts each have their own sticker location
Sweaty bandifeets
no one from that site is here you goober
only thing dumping porn is gonna do it get the thread killed
GAF is still a thing after that the shitshow that led to Resetera? How is it now? I have an account there but haven't used it since Pokemon XY came out.
I literally finished getting the platinum relics the day before the grand prix started, shortly before I had just finished the oxide time trials.
So yes I was tricked into playing a game I was satisfied I had enough play time in.
twitter dot com yopycmd
Really? I'll try that later then, thanks
I thought you would have to somehow join on them and do matchmaking with how it's worded
Is it even possible to do that?
Did testing for this exact issue last night. You need to have all weapons enabled, and getting hit at all (even with a shield) still counts as getting hit.
Why exactly does my PS4 remote play randomly turn off? I can't seem to fix the issue present. It's really stopping me from farming as freely as I'd like..
Evil Crash is Crash's counterpart from the 10th Dimension and kidnaps Cortex's goth niece.
Why do people call Coco furry?
>add human nose
>remove fur
Fuck off
>oh no, I've been found out!
what you described sounds infinitely more tedious and autistic than doing the grand prix challenges
>take human
>add animal nose
>add fur
Now you got a furry.
>it's ofensive because he looks exactly like a nigger!
Whoa Resetera, that is awfully racist
I wonder if coco would agree to be impregnated just to see what comes out of her.
>its not furry even though its furshit
based gymnastics
All the far-left lunatics trying to hide their horrible degeneracy by rabidly virtue signaling migrated to NeoGAF. The place is actually decent now for game discussion and most people are pretty level-headed and rational with reasonable moderation.
cool, CB2 was my first game, ever. it made me fall in love with Nitroglycerin. after all Chemistry education I had, it's sitll my favorite. with Fluorine and Ceasium as close third and second respectively. I know it's weird, but Nitro is nostalgic for me. Sadly I found out later in my childhood it's a colorless,thick liquid with a sharp and sweet taste. stuff ain't green
When it's less furry than 99% of furries? Yes.
god i wish that were me
>ask on /ctrg/ for crash/coco impregnation stuff
>they say there isn't any
useless mongs
Have you got more, then?
>if something is 90% human but 10% animal its furry
*migrated to Resetera
>they are complaining about Papu-Papu's voice too
Are these real people?
Quit trying to justify your fetishes and just jerk off to her already fag, nobody gives a shit until you start doing shit like this
a moth landed on my keyboard and I cant press enter now as that would kill him. what do? help!
I just don't understand how people can play a fun multiplayer kart racer for only 10 hours and be done. Then claim all there is to do is grind when the point is to just have fun racing and nothing else.
Get clocked online if I think about going fast.
It's harder than it looks. If imitation was the easy way to learn and it actually worked, I'd be playing fighting games.
Quit trying to lump people who like a quick fap in with literal fursuiters first.
pet her
What kind of person actually makes a whole lobby dnf, it makes you seem very smug
Cursed image
did a bit before I came looking at posts, took photo with Phone but CBA to odngle and extract. lazy. I pet and he fled. the friendship lasted a few minutes. eh, best I had so far.
I want to impregnate Coco with human-bandicoot hybrids!
Someone who wants to finish a race?
Not their fault everyone else is too slow.
So many deletions.
From what I read, all the weird sick shitheads have left to resetera so gaf apparently is pretty decent. Another other forum would delete the mods leaks but gaf kept it. So gaf is more gaming related than usual. No banning over minor rubbish.
>RE mods change their names thinking no one would notice
>Noticed instantly
>They make excuses over their sick behaviour “j-just joking!”
Irony getting mad at a dump like Yea Forums when they’re looking into a mirror.
Slow down there pal, not only he's borderline RACIAL INSENSITIVE but also he has some jiggle physics. Completely unacceptable.
Nobody's lumping you in until you come up with these bizarre reasons on why shes not a furry, nobody even knows what you're into until you publicly display it and try to rationalize it like an idiot
>Speedy Gonzales gets shut down due to SJWs
>Actual Mexicans loved the show
Another case of white people getting offended by an inoffensive stereotype
How are you supposed to approach the shortcut on dragon mines? It feels like your supposed to boost into it and then boost out out of it before the next mine cart comes, but landing the right angle feels finicky as fuck.
That video was honestly more luck than skill. The fact that he got masks and didnt get clocked at all was more impressive than maintaining blue fire
Other people want to finish the race too, that's why I stop to wait for people so they don't just get booted out halfway through. I'm not in a hurry
Anybody got that comic where Tawna comes back to Crash's hut to be in Nitro Fueled and there she finds Coco who has vored Crash? I'd like to see that image again, just for laughs, haha
They uncucked once all the insane trannies left, It's still GAF's fault for fostering that shit in the first place though, so it's too little too late.
do dangerous butterflies even exist? (moths technically are)
I want fast intense races. I don't feel good obliterating the competition, just sad that they haven't tried learning the basics of the game.
>nobody even knows what you're into until you publicly display it and try to rationalize it like an idiot
They also don't give a shit until people like you show up and 'ironically' argue the distinction between what is and isn't furry, good job.
Also, not that user.
Still, I personally lose blue fire at total random because wall hitboxes are fucking huge when I'm nowhere near them. Keeping USF = impossible 4me
I don't think there's any harmful butterflies for humans
there may be an australian breed because everything there is engineered to be killing machines, but that's it
NPCs. They only think and say what they've been programmed to.
Isn't Pura a girl?
*reverses, coming to a screeching halt, staring at you for 1 minute and 19 seconds, on the 38th second, both her ears would wiggle and her eyes give off the smallest red glow before reverting back to normal, you think she is going to speak [she doesn't] and just keeps that cold, hateful, angry stare on you in complete silence for the full 1 minute and 19 seconds*
...What the fuck did you just say? What the fuck, did you, just say? What the FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME? SAY IT AGAIN. SAY IT ONE-- NO I'M HERE NOW, SAY IT AGAIN. SAY IT WHILE I'M IN FRONT OF YOU AND NOT WHILE I DRIVE OFF. Say it. SAY IT. SSSSSSSSAAAAY IT. TAWNA BIG TITS DOESN'T SAY SHIT WHEN CONFRONTED, TAWNA BIG TITS LOOKS AT THE FUCKING FLOOR WHEN I'M HERE, HM? Do you look at the fucking floor when you're driving? Why don't you ask Cortex to upgrade your kart, give you a fighting chance? It seems only fair, even when we have literal god damn retards on the track
*a sad woah is heard in the distance*
YOU HEARD ME BIT-- CORTEX SHUT THE FUCK UP, DON'T GET INVOLVED. SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU FLAT HEADED FREAK. YOU FUCKING FREAK. Move it the fuck along "all rounder" boy, you're as all round as the top of your fucking head
*Cortex sadly and quietly says under his breath "trophies mine" before slowly driving off*
Now that you've tried out friendship for yourself, what do you think?
Pura's a dude.
You need to learn how to drift properly according to your character class. The twitter user was playing a Balanced character so he could afford more tight turning compared to Accel or Speed. Also learn how to hop turn and air brake, it works wonders
Honestly, waiting at the finish line for the slower racers feels even more smug and condescending than a DNF. You think they appreciate that you were "polite" and waited for them to be able to at least see you before you beat them anyways? Knowing that you beat them so hard, you actually had time to park your car and wait patiently for them to finally get there? I think they'd rather you just cross the finish line and get it over with already,
How do you join someone else's private room online?
It says it's not joinable.
poor cortex
i did it i guess
Fugg :DDDD
>*Cortex sadly and quietly says under his breath "trophies mine" before slowly driving off*
This is canon
I'd rather race to the end and see who takes second place
Would she fuck a human?
every single bit of material that ever had him (aside from warped since he was just there) explicitly call him a male
>her eyes give off the smallest red glow before reverting back to normal
kill it
Only girls are coco, tawna, and the nitro squad
>her eyes give off the smallest red glow before reverting back to normal
I want to hunt that fag moth down and tear the Wings off for leaving me.
>Air Brake
I know how to do that.
>Hop Turn
Wha? Also I don't win, so I have no character class that works for me, regardless.
Now do it again but faster.
You need a time of 3:32 to unlock his ghost which is 3:30. It's really finicky and weird and I'm pretty sure it's the only track where you have to be that precise. He's also only 3 seconds slower than Oxide on Oxide Station, it's a weird and jarring difficulty spike compared to all of his other ghosts.
I do wonder sometimes what the solution might be. Besides purging society of the imperceptive.
Holy shit
Am I screwing myself over for not buying this as early as possible?
I kinda want to wait for it to be on sale at my local game shop or online somewhere.
So this just happened. I was starting an online race as Painter Dingodile. The game starts and there are 2 Dingodiles, one sitting and one t-posing. When the race begins, my camera is stuck at the frontline, while the t-posing Dingodile drives ahead towards the horizon, still obeying my controller. The t-posing Dingodile proceeds to drive off the edge at the pic related track and the game crashes from there.
This has to be the weirdest thing I have ever seen in this game.
>her eyes give off the smallest red glow before reverting back to normal
Basically if you spam jump while you're boosting from reserves you have a lot better control over your kart. It's really helpful for tracks like Oxide Station and Electron Avenue
I fucking love amiposting, especially when she's bullying a nerd like Cortex
Bullying Pura was not okay tho
Jokes on you, tard. That's my fetish.
is this the newest schizopasta of the week or what
Do you think Ami has green pubes?
Truly pathetic
w-why is she looking at me like that
The Tawna bullying is also not okay.
>Screenshot instead of video
You fucked up
All the grand prix content will be added later and you will always have a chance to get the champion cart since it will always be the prize for being in the top 5%
Idk about the decal for the cart since that will change every grand prix though
Because she loves you user.
What if Megumi forced you to impregnate her?
Is anyone collecting them? I had all of them saved up until pinstripe but I missed the pura one
Guys I have to be honest. I don't even play this game. I'm just lurk these threads for the girls.
>Furry ass on your face
Not sure if want
Is that one user still keeping track of these?, Its a fucking tale for the ages.
So if i wait to get thos game will i just never be able to unlock the trophy girls?
Yandere leg-lock is top tier.
I'm on the Switch, so I would have liked to film the whole thing, because it was fucking weird
It would be like a pillow
Ami is truly the alpha female
She'd rape you for your babies
Seriously all those outrage crows need to get btfo or outright ignored by devs. They dont add anything and are a bunch of retrogrades from the middle ages. What is this? a fucking convent?
Cant have boob jiggles, cant have sexy.
How about they fuck off then?
It doesn't look that dark ingame on the actual model. The thumbnail for the skin does look dark though so I think they changed it at some point to avoid exactly this shit but forgot to change the thumbnail icon.
They'll pop up in the shop even outside of the event, I'm sure.
The Japanese version doesn't release until next month. Japanbros are going to miss out on this grand prix
o, now it makes more sense.
i remember a trans person mocking resetera too when the qatherine fiasco happened... that site is a piss stain for everything it stands for. the word offended has kinda lost its meaning, and they react that to shit that doesnt follow their pc bible worse than a catholic priest. what the fuck is wrong with white people? they always spawn extremist shit.
also give pura megumi and dingo more skins
Look, ma, no hands!
Wait, really? It has a delayed release in Japan?
from the thumb nail it looks like she has a pastry bun.
I get it my dude, this game is all about practice, enjoy your noobside , enjoy getting better at the game, you are never loosing anything by playing a race, only gaining.
they are incels user do you think any of those people went to normal school or interacted with real people outside the internet or isnt intoxicated with meds they are doomed to consume forever
written like a 15 year old
so uhh, where does a non-furry like this user find more coco and ami?
>Is anyone collecting them?
I sure hope so
There's not really any fanart of the redesigned Ami because she's such a new character.
>1st GP focused on bandicuties
everyones happy the trophy girls come back as playable characters
>2nd GP focused on babyfur
blunder of the fucking century
interesting, thanks
damn, she kinda reminds me of my ex
>just got the 21000 Nitro Car
Time for the real grind.
Isn't this the girl from bee movie?
Was it autism?
Only one way to find out
>TFW I’m like 500 off but don’t wanna do the Crash Cove Relic
>keep getting beat by Pura by 10 seconds almost every match
>Look up their name
>Turns out I'm losing to a fucking furry
its easy as fuck, this coming from someone who hasnt beaten a single ntropy ghost
why do i feel everyone on that forum is a dangerous pedophile rapist waiting to strike whenever he has the chance??
i swear anytime i see something from that shithole the image of an unhealthy pale,white, balding, blue eyed guy writing angrily about non pc stuff.
like that video where a "human" (white) gremlin was yelling to a white dude "YOU ARe WhITE MALE"
(and it was confusing since he was a guy too, but a horribly nourished and balding one at that too.)
What a bunch of pussies.