Games only (You) have played.
Games only (You) have played
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You wish buddy
I played it. Checked it out for curiosity sake since it's by the stalker devs. It was suprisingly good actually.
I've played the demo, it was really bad.
at least say what game it is
Venom: Codename Outbreak
I remember how I had mouse without wheel back then and couldn't use sniper scopes properly. My young mind couldn't comprehend how developers could be so retarded, obviously not everyone have 3rd button on their mouse. On top of that Delta Force worked just fine with only two buttons.
Superior game coming through.
yeah I know it's a famous strategy game but has any of you fags ever seen someone playing the PS1 port in the wild?
completed that one 3 times already
Im probably one of the few people outside of third world countries that had a sega pico
the fuq
Loved this game, got me hooked on SMT before I knew what SMT was, since the game had its title changed from the japanese version (think it was lost bible 3?).
Gorky 18 was pure kino. Are there any games like that nowadays? Please don't tell nu-com.
Prince Phileonel is best character
>says he is a strict pacifist
>kills monsters and demons with wrestling moves
>elbow drops a demon while screaming "PACIFIST CRUSH!"
>crushes demons with his "PEACE AND UNDERSTANDING FOR ALL!" bear hug
>15 slots required
Never finished it.
fortnite XD
my first rts game, no joke
Only real nigga hours in here.
i played the demo of this shit, it had one gun that kept switching forms and shit
What have I won?
I still don't remember why I bought a movie tie-in game
It was $10 for a shitty 45 minute campaign
I loved this shit back then, never finished it tho. Prof a best soldier.
I've actually played it a very long time ago. The only thing i remember is that gun would spin and switch to different types of ammo.
I planned on playing Age of Wonders, Silent Storm, Battle Isle: The Andosia War, Valkyria Chronicles or Jagged Alliance 1/2 later
Maybe Into The Breach too. Otherwise I go back to old RTS or FPS shit. Don't really know any new good games yet
It had some interesting mechanics and weapons, too bad it just wasn't good enough for its time.
i jsut played this a few months ago. it's actually kind of fun, but the servers are fucked on the old version.
Nope, I loved it
lionhearts first 2 zones are great
devastation is my favourite game where eminem goes postal
Game was a bit clunky, but ahead of its time. Had hacking shit like deus ex, you could shoot ranged darts to hack stuff. Like in this pic, if you managed to sneak by enemies and get a line of sight on an automate turret, you can hack it and control it to mow down enemies. Was pretty fun, game rewarded you for exploration and creatively killing enemies, even if there were multiple game breaking bugs that occurred at different parts in the story.
Wildfire, a budget firefighting sim
Some of the mechanical level design was top notch, should you tackle the fire about to overtake a cabin, or stop it from reaching a path of dry brush that will lead to a much bigger problem
Proudpine Outpost RIP
It's Diablo... in space!
thanks for the feels
There was a bmup on the Ouya that incorporated Rogue-lite elements. It played a bit like the Capcom CPS2 games, but with more interchangeable items. Can't remember the name, I only recall it being a demo-version with no full-version in the store, and only 2 classes to choose from; agile elven rogue, and a brute that was basically normal hero sized.
have faith that I was the only one here to play it because "What's Ouya?"
Specifically 2, not the first one.
2 was better btw.
I remember loving this game but also being terrified of it as a kid. Space gets really dark and eerie towards the end of the game.
playing it right now
had to disable fullscreen effects
The atmosphere was top notch. I can't remember a single another game in "huge abandoned spaceship city in the middle of nowhere" setting.
Shit was comfy af.
Game was a mech warrior ripoff, but it wasn't horrible.
Cuhrazee as fuck.
Yikes, that game was pret mhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Curse: the Eye of Isis. It's essentially RE clone, just with Egyptian monsters instead of Zombies.
>ouya exclusives
I was hoping that there was no such thing. Poor bastards.
I love that game.
You ignorant slut, that is one of my top 5 games. Marina was my first waifu, before I even knew what a waifu was.
Those ayys look like they give the goooood succ.
my brother pre ordered this
apparently Brute Force sold really well but I have never met someone else who played it
Remember playing just the first few levels, dunno why I stopped tho. Weapons and grafix were pretty rad
I didn't know what the fuck to do in this game but I remember having lots of fun
wasn't that one of those first few games using Starforce drm fucking lots of shit up, but still being cracked kinda easily?
Tried it, for some reason it was crazy hard for me. The teammate got killed so fast I couldn't do shit.
shareware game CDs were the best
played it on some 60+ games shareware disc
probably this
>install some DOS game about robots form a pirate disk
>can't read English, but it's okay because there's no instructions in it to begin with
>have to try out entire keyboard for inputs
>managed to figure out that to use the essential abilities of the platforming form you had to hold insert and press numpad directional keys all by myself
>meanwhile modern game tutorials tell me to press one of twelve controller buttons to do the same thing it does in every other similar game
That reminds me, we haven't had a laugh at randy thread in a long time. Maybe it's time for one?
It's only a matter of time before this actually comes true because Yea Forums is too zoomer and all the oldfags quit.
WHAT? How have I never heard of this?
I remember coming to the first ever Russian vidya expo with a friend and seeing a prototype of it.
That shit was big in Brazil and LA in general
it wasn't a bad game at all
I think the only reason why people like MandaloreGaming shit on it is because they're mad it replaced Deus Ex
>settlers 3 or 4
nobody outside of germany probably even knows these
It had a lot of fun mechanics, what got me heated was having the game crash after one of the boss fights about halfway through. 3 different missions had game ending bugs where the game would CTD when trying to load the cutscene right after you kill the boss. Eventually had to just load up a save from before the boss and use console commands to turn off the cutscenes so I could finish. All in all a 7/10, pretty solid FPS with some unique mechanics and powers.
I thought it was breddy gud. I liked the guns, and that green lizard guy.
Not gonna lie, I liked this game. The jetpack stuff was cool.
Blood on the Sand was better.
btw should I buy Battlezone Redux? The original was bretty gud but I remember having even a lot more fun with Battlezone 2
>their second game after this one was Spec Ops The Line
I'm actually legitimately impressed.
IS that childrens lost something?
There are 5 of these fucking games on the 360 and I have never seen them mentioned on here.
Based on a German Police TV Show, you're the Autobahn patrol and do all sorts of awesome shit.
>Gangster army of two
crazy how well it worked
I can virtually guarantee I'm the only person who ever played this.
Defiance, im level 3000 and i don't know where to go
Played a demo of this game a lot, I believe it was a multiplayer demo.
I played this on NES. Good times
That is my problem with darkvoid, the jetpack is fun as fuck and the controls for it are pretty fluid. Being able to hijack and enemy vehicle right from flying was great, and the missions where they give you a giant space to fly and fight in (similar to All Range Mode from starfox 64) were great. The problem was that 75% of the game was a gears of war chest high wall simulator. If you tried to use the jetpack in an area that they didn't want you to, you'd get sniped by every enemy on screen and killed, so you just advanced from wall to wall cover shooting. Other big issue was the enemy draw distance was too short, you would have enemies that weren't rendered yet but could still shoot at you, which was a pain in the ass during certain parts where you need to run from cover to cover to avoid snipers, but they weren't rendered on your screen yet. So unless you knew where they spawn from experience or them having just killed you, then you didn't know.
I have the box, can't get it to work on 8.1 though
just saw some youtube vid about it like 2 months ago.
god what a buggy pile of shit that was released like 50 times. this fucking game literally invented scamming
Apparently it got a sequel and an HD remaster or something too.
played every game in this thread regularly. you niggers need to post something actually obscure
At least I hope nobody else in here is that autistic
Section 8: Prejudice
fun as fuck multiplayer
I miss it. Too bad the company stopped caring.
never heard about that but Trophy Hunter was my fucking jam, you could even play with your friend
nothing comfier than sitting in a tree with your friend and waiting for your bait to start attracting animals
How did you play multiplayer if only you played the game?
I liked the altitude deployment mechanic. The rest of the game was completely mediocre and unsatisfying.
Mischief Makers
Every single song from the ost is lasered into my brain.
I guess that's why I didn't play it very long
Checkmate, atheists
not that one but cabela's games were pretty sick before they got turned into call of duty
the pro hunts game even had a couple of threads on Yea Forums when it released in like 2014
I played it too
Etrom: the Astral essence. I can say with absolute certainty that it was the worst game I've played in my life, and I've played a number of low-budget crap from Eastern Europe but despite that my second worst is Uncharted 3
Speaking of obscure games:
Does anyone know of an arena shooter game from around the time arena shooters were popular (Tribes 2, UT: Gold, Quake 3, etc.) where it was Fantasy characters vs. Sci-Fi characters?
I haven't been able to remember the name for years now and everytime I try and ask other people no one knows. I swear it exists, but even after researching the name of it I have found NOTHING
This game would be /pol/'s favorite in this day and age.
can you be more specific? any specific weapons that stood out etc. what kind of fantasy characters? and could it be a mod or are you sure it was a full-fledged game?
What game? Looks familiar
Forgot to mention, this game is pretty similar, called grapple force rena. The devs that made it make treasure style games, this one plays very much like mischief makers. Difference is that instead of grabbing, the MC has a grappling hook, so grab enemies with it and toss them as usual. Also use the grappling hook to swing around from most any surface. Pretty fun, but wait for it to go on sale, you can get it on steam.
not him but have they actually released any new titles after pro hunts?
Me too, Song of Gabriel makes me cry like a baby.
It was on disc.
So basically each faction had archetypes, the fantasy side had archer, wizard, knight, etc.
Sci-fi side had soldier, sharpshooter and other typical archetypes.
There were pick ups and power ups such as health boxes but that's all I can remember. The last time I played it was in 2003. Despite having a sort of quasi-class system, it was still very much an arena shooter.
It's still as mediocre and bullshit as it was on release. I ended up cheating like I was 8 years old again.
Was it fully asymmetrical in terms of weaponry used (i.e. fantasy characters only ran with magic and sci-fi ones with tech), or was it like a blend of both and you picked up weapons for both types disregarding your character's origins? So far only one that comes to mind is Flying Heroes, and I'm pretty sure that's not what you're looking for because while being an arena shooter it's also a flight arcade and I think you'd remember such a detail.
close, city of lost children
Yep, pretty asymmetrical
Definitely not Flying Heroes, I remember the box art being a lot more sci-fi looking and the box definitely wasn't white.
why were hunting games so awesome as a kid? I remember having so much fun with those (especially the cabela's on the gamecube that had an auto aim button and you could 360 no scope bears from across the map)
Codename Eagle
Growing up I played the shit out of this game. The Caribou level I played so much I could predict where and how the Caribous would act. The surprise was the Polar Bear that you might encounter. BGH I rented a few times and found it really fun and a really nice hunting sim. DH2 I played recently on my hacked Wii but it was so shit.
Yes but they suck. There just hallway shooters at this point.
Pretty sure I'm the only European who played Shattered Galaxy.
Posting Russian games only works when there are no other Russians in a thread. Parkan series was hugely popular on its home market.
i see that get posted once in a while
Never thought I would see Kartia posted here.
I rented it once.
By me.
played this on the pee-ess2
went in thinking this is "dude sex but didnt get the IP"
it was not dude sex
it was not fun
it was easy, generic and just not worth it, except i beat the game so i couldnt even make the decision to stop
i wish i had seen through the farce sooner
I hope you feel no remorse.
I wish someone would take this game and tweak it; expand the maps, redo the combat system and add more creatures. I really enjoyed the alien feel of the landscapes.
Has I think a 2 and 3, HD mixes, A zombie version spin off, 1 and 2 but not sure if they made a 3. Pretty fucking fun game to kill time and asswipe ayy lmaos. Zombie Shooter, just google it. The devs sell it through their own webpage I believe.
I can't even remember what it's called or much about it, but there was a futuristic point-and-click game where you had to escape a ship/facility something. Eventually you get your armor and gear and do some basic cover-based fights.
I've looked for it a few times over the years and I've never come close to finding it
This game is legit
Still have the CD in my mon house. I never finish it
Well you are wrong kiddo
It let you fill empty slots with bots for online matches and offline multiplayer
Replayed it a year ago and its actually a pretty decent tactical shooter. Its tough as nails though.
always wanted to play these games as a kid because of the box art, looked cool
Nope, I do remember though that character sheet UI had fucking vault boy pictures for skills
I can't be the only one?
when this was in development my local gaming magazine praised the hell out of it, it sounded like something peter molyneux would be involved (the level of simulation in it)
I didn't pay any attention when it was actually released, apparently it wasn't very good?
good taste
Underrated game.
Was some cool 3D Worms like shit
Only other obscure sort of asymmetrical arena fps from that time I can think of is Firestarter, but I don't remember any fantasy elements in it. Otherwise I'll need more data, like what sort of graphical level it was operating on (did it look like Duke Nukem or Serious Sam) and what kind of weapons you remember in it.
I remember this
What was that ps2
Tank game? The one that had zeppelins?
>tactical shooter
Youtube makes it look pretty cowwaduty
War has changed
Was this game or its sequel any good?
Pretty epic little game, almost impossible to find.
Great game.
Oh fuck, seek and destroy
Anyone else play that?
I unironically played this too.
This was one of the first games I played with my new PC at the time and I couldn't believe I was able to run it
made me fall in love with space games
What is it though?
Sword of Angel or something...
This level looks like something out of Oblivion.
This was essentially a Gauntlet knock off.
And it was fun.
Could it be Purge? That really strange attempt to make an MMOFPS where you picked between a shitload of classes? I'm not sure if you can play it nowadays though.
They were awful games don't fucking lie to us, you know it, I know it, we all know it.
Your probably watching videos of pic related which was a piece of shit. The original is the only one worth playing.
>Gamer's hell
good times.
I will be surprised if anybody else here played this.
This was an epic and criminally underrated game. Genuinely felt like a second life at times.
Ever since playing Etherlords, I wonder why the fuck do new vidya TCGs chose to animate a table with cards instead of just giving them models and making it look like a battle of two armies and not two nerds too lazy to meet up.
No. Crash time 1 was a bit meh, but 2 onwards had huge open world maps and looked awesome. great fun physics too.
This one was some really wierd experience.
I've played a roblox knock off of this game I'm pretty sure.
This was awful. It made no sense.
I just looked it up. Is it "Purge Jihad" ?
The fuck is this?
sheeeeeeit, that brings back memories
I loved that game
I remember getting that game when I was younger just because I loved the box art. Especially the guy facing the wrong way.
I honestly think I only got 2-3 levels into it
Considering what company it came from, it was by far their blandest most standardized game.
This picture is anti-semitic. Delete it
I remember this stirring a lot of shit with its violence but I never see it mentioned ever anywhere. did anyone even play this shit?
Couldn't get it to work on my pc at the time and I was extremely pissed
>someone else remembers this
Holy fuck
user, please tell me you remember this as well, and have evidence of its existence? It seems all traces were scrubbed. It was such a failure nobody remembers it but us two.
No, just Purge.
Literally only me
I didn't play it, I had no internet until 2004. I just remember seeing it in a magazine thinking "how the fuck does that work?"
it's black mirror 3
Do you mean Gunz?
I'd love R* to bring this back.
There WAS a sequel on PS2, but it was shit.
I played this one. It's so horribly unoptimized mess.
Seventh cross evolution on dreamcast
This game was fucking epic, like a spree shooter simulator.
Still have this sitting right next to me. I remember getting it in a box of cereal. Apparently it was a demo for a full game that was released called Trial by Fire.
Its janky as fuck I'll admit but I had fun with it. Just the fact that the enemies in this game spray bright green blood makes it worth playing imo.
It had some good moments, but the game design was completely different.
No, That guy said "Fantasy vs Sci-fi".
The videos of "Purge Jihad" straight up say the same thing.
I’m not sure anyone played it. I’m looking and there’s no mention of it anywhere. But I very distinctly remember the games site
I literally played every single game ITT, no big deal.
Try harder fucking normie niggers.
Anybody played this? I remember it to be pretty cool atmosphere wise.
do the dash and the whip, count the cash in the whip
let's change the threads name from "games only you have played" to "games only boomers have played" since nobody is really posting truly obscure games anyway
Yeah I rented it as a kid. Don't remember too many specifics but it was decent mindless fun
My nigga. My boy Mong in school lent me this and it was a blast.
There was also Expendable by the same devs which was more arcade glory with unwieldy controls.
It was pretty meh. But the no combat made it unique.
was considering posting this, it was actually pretty fun game. did it have a commander thing too? (as in one player is the "commander" who uses the points your team has acquired to buy stuff for them, a bit like in Natural Selection)
You wouldn't think people that made Stalker would also make a sci-fi combat racer.
nigga i literally just finished playing that today.
It also gets talked about a lot on /k/ surprisingly with all the DF games
Vampire Rain, ps1
Diablo 1, ps1
Kula World, ps1
Alien Shooter
None of you motherfuckers played this.
I never see anyone talk about this game and I played the shit out of it as a kid.
cnc renegade multiplayer was awesome
Based devs preserving a remnant of 2000s internet
>Vampire Rain, ps1
isn't this an xbox game
It's funny how I saw the picture before reading your post and I immediately knew that it was made by Eastern Europeans.
What is it that allowed me to recognize it right away? Something to do with the textures...not sure...
Didn't like a fourth part of the series recently came out on PS4? The best part of the game for me was the atmosphere of panic as all the buildings are collapsing around me and I constantly have to search for new paths not even knowing if it won't fall apart underneath me.
Best old school shooter by far
>actual missions, not just key hunting or switch flipping
>better powerups that Hexen
>good secrets
>three characters to pick
>weapons feel great
>robo companions
>long with alot of missions
Shit's basically Stalker but in banana republic. Or sandbox Far Cry before actual sandbox Far Cry. Also buggy as hell.
Seems like it isn't on Steam but its sequel is, thanks user
And I only played the demo even
what game
Ah, that distinct style of web2.0.
had a bootleg copy of it back in the day, pretty good game
It's not THAT bad, but it worse than original, and original Xenus wasn't very good game to begin with.
Try this
It was a fighting game where each CD contained one character. So you had to switch Cds to switch characters. Each character had 2 attacks.
where 2 get
I believe it's one of the Avadon games. If it looks good you should check out rest of the Spiderweb Software catalog, they make some pretty interesting crpgs
I could never find the full version after I played it a long time ago
Shit, I meant Vampire Countdown
bretty good game desu
easy win
YEP!! It was Purge for sure! Holy shit!
Don't have any idea if it's legit. Original russian version could be found on rutracker.
Are you saying this is worth buying, or no? Its $8 and Im into Stalker/Far Cry
I'm actually finished it. The worst game I've ever played.
So is it completely dead nowadays?
No one has ever played this despite it being epic.
Weird obscure rogue like Internet game about running a car thief gang operation.
Apparently it has been freeware since 2007, I can't imagine it being very popular since it is pretty obscure these days.
tried it but was too much of a brainlet to get good at it
I really loved building mechas
Before swat went 3d. This was a solid rts/tactical/management game, shame it never got another isometric sequel.
Yes, it's very similar to Far Cry 3+, same sandbox jungles with quests, loot, bandits and stuff. At least original, haven't played sequel.
Also the map is huge. Make sure you don't ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere.
Also make sure to install latest official patch.
Running out of gas and spending hours dodging venomous snakes to get to the secret hideout of that Baron still brings back nightmares.
fuckin knex games
Nope, the plane guy was awesome and made game too easy.
Clunky as shit and had too many interaction options
No one played it because it sucked. It bombed hard despite getting good press in the build up to the release.
Asked my grandad if he could get me AoE 2 but he got me this instead. Wasn't even mad, I played the absolute fuck out of it
I remember this game being hyped up like crazy and then it came out and it was just another mediocre WW2 FPS.
If you ever played Myst and thought it was difficult, Atlantis 2 will make it look like Imagine Party Babbyz, because that shit is absolutely ruthless with its puzzles. But it also has beautiful worlds.
Looks like some top quality jank. How does it play to something like Empire Earth?
One of my all-time favorite shoot'em'ups.
ahead of its time
Sparkwire had a knack for making incredibly good ideas on paper combined with terrible gameplay.
Played the fuck out of the demo for this. Never got around to playing it since I was a broke as fuck kid. I might hunt down a copy since I'm assuming its not on Steam or GOG.
It was fucking impossible for me as a 10 year old though.
DW Bradley's, Wizards and Warriors.
The Mavin Sword!
A blade forged of twin metals.
One cursed by evil.
The other, blessed by the divine.
>blessed by the divine.
>blessed by the divine.
Something has happened.
Something... EVIL!
We must consult with the oracles of Ishad'na!
To unearth what has not been seen in the Gael Serran for many generations.
The Mavin Sword!
Never managed to get this hunk of shit to work on my pc, anyone played it?
>tfw they're actually making a new game
Command & Conquer with extra UUUULLLAAAA
Amazing fucking OST
Never played Empire Earth so I couldn't compare. It's far from janky, it played really well from what I last remember
yeah me too, maybe that's why it felt so huge of a game back then
wasn't this canned and the only way to play it is from demos disks?
I don't care much for diablo like games but this one, this was the onkly one where i played the 3 classes. Top notch game!
Velocity X wasn't as good as the World Race game.
God I fucking wish they made an Acceleracers game. That would've been kino as fuck
Played every version of this. GBA, DS, PC all had literal different games.
I've been posting about this game - Dangerous Heaven - on the internet for years now, but almost nobody else played it, due to obvious reasons.
>small italian dvd game from the mid-2000s
>weird mishmash of anime and vidya influences like squeenix games, evangelion, the list goes on
>ruined by extremely dumb and imprecise tv remote controls
>bought my used copy for... 1,25€ or something like that
>couldn't really play it, didn't work properly during some scenes
>i never lose anything but i managed to lose my copy of this game, for the better
Huge failure that obviously went obscure within months of its release, not that it was/was ever going to be famous.
The quality of the CG, for a core team of only a dozen people who worked out of passion, is dumb good at times.
These dumbasses could've cut the development, requested funding and made a movie instead. The material IS there.
At the same time, Luc Besson (!) was making Arthur and the Invisibles, which made millions and basically looks as shit as DH.
This game is the shit. It's a twin-stick shooter but with a water hose as you put out a massive fire in an office building for a tech company. It looks like a cute anime game but it's basically a twin-stick die hard where the villain is just how fucking scary a fire is. You play as the old man, for the record. I wish there were other Firefighter-core games besides this, its weaker sequel on PS1, Burning Rangers, and Mighty Switch Force 2.
Also the game takes place in NYC but it never came out in the States. I emulated it when I was in High School.
First videogame naked tits I've seen.
Yeah, it was never released, but the "finished" version is still available, you could easily find it.
>They dont know that if you hold the engine off key while driving you waste 0 fuel
Maybe as a racing game, but Velocity X was not a racing game. It had combat, large sprawling levels to explore for secrets, story that made you drive aroudn the map performing tasks, and special challenges based around acrobatic abilities. Velocity X is more of a sandbox game in cars, like Driver or Midtown Madness. Also it had a much more consistent aesthetic of a sci-fi city.
Might just use cheats at this point.
Rosco McQueen on PS1.
name ??
I did. Outwars was a great game ahead of it's time.
Was told there was a sniping level. Never got to it.
>Rosco McQueen on PS1.
Neat. Almost looks like a Rescue Heroes game or something. Also, I'm reminded that the Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue game might count.
Nah I got like 20 hours in that
I've played both mechcommander games
Played that round a friend's house. My computer didn't have a graphics accelerator so ran it at 1 frame a second.
Urban Assault I played the demo of that back in the day.
I played the demo and didn't like it
literally everyone played that
This game was the tits!
Are you serious?
wot gaem
Russian Roulette 2: The Next Worlds
Welcome to slavshit, where soul lies.I liked gow every world was different with different fractions. Post-apoc, where you can join either marauders or guys trying to rebuild world full of AI-robots killing everyone on sight. In another world you have knights vs magicians. In another - aborigines vs conquistadors and so on.
My friend set up a raspberry pi with a bunch of playstation games on it and I think this is our overall favorite, I can't even describe it it's kind of like an arena brawler but it also has an RTS mode?
found this is the dollar bin in some euro shopping mall back in the early 2000s. Best random buy.
Go into any shmup thread or sprite thread and you will probably see this get posted
Knew a girl from a trailer park that had that game. It was the only video game they owned.
The dreaded combination of "Wiiware Exclusive" and "Space Invaders spinoff". What's worse is that it's a $5 game that had three $5 DLC packs that were as big as the base game instead of just selling a $20 game.
Someone Hopkins FBI to /pol/, I'm sure they'll love it for how many dead women you find in gruesome yet weirdly eroticised circumstance.
Fucking hell I always wanted to play EQOA when I was young but didn't have broadband
Looking back, Vampire rain is way more interesting than most games coming out today.
Avernum escape from the pit. Old school RPGs are all that the company makes, as said. Another good one they made is geneforge, you play as a shaper (sorcerers that can make life, called shaping), and you have to figure out what happened on an island. You can go one of 3 archetypes, each type is strong in one type of combat and weak in another. So one is strong in shaping (summoning monsters, which you can them customize to do what you want depending on species), ok in magic (like magic attacks and defensive spells) and weak in traditional weaponry. Just an example.
I liked it, but it could be unforgiving as fuck.
A JRPG with tanks that you can get in and out of during battles was a really cool premise but the ridiculous monster designs and nonsensical story progression killed it for me.
Somebody must remember this game
Still one of the best RTS for laying siege to a castle.
>muster your army, build castles and defenses, go and lay siege to enemy castles
>can build siege engines like catapaults, towers, battering rams, and ballista
>can put cauldrons of boiling oil, moats, and archer parapets on your castles
>when laying siege to a castle, the best bet is to make 1/3 of your army peasants
>send the peasants to go to the moat
>they'll all drown
>eventually enough will drown that their bodies no longer sink and just stack up on each other
>drive your battering ram across your newly made corpse bridge to break into a castle wall from the side, where the defenses are weaker
Whoa boy, okay, its a game that I don't even remember a name for, I remember finding it in my local store and buying for about 5 bucks when I was a kid, it was a platformer about a mexican dog searching for food in order to refill his fridge because his brothers are coming to visit. It was a decade and then some since I last played it and I doubt that it was released in any other country than my shitty eastern euro one
>turrets with fishnet leggings
explain more please
still the best western game ever made
i've played through the first 3, have the 4th installed and will play it and 5 at some point
Charnel is the best god.
Fuck yeah.
5 is a bit different to the others but still good.
I loved this game, I didn't play the full game but only a demo, again and again when I was 7 years old. Tried to play it on steam again but is fucked on windows 7. Some day in the future I'll build a win 97 pc only for games like this one.
Marina for Smash pls
only true cereal heads know
Persepone is for waifufags.
Jim is for memers.
Stratos is for fedorians.
Pyro is for libtards.
Charnel is for edgelords.
Hope somebody actually played it
This was my favorite lan party game back when I was 14. We played through so many nights...
If you ever played shit on Zone you might remember this. It's a space combat flight sim, and both sides had an elected commander that basically played the game like an RTS. The game was on lifesupport for years and it's so dead the only time it gets double digit numbers is for scheduled matches once or twice a month. I never really played a game like it. The boomer old guard did a fantastic job of alienating any potential new players, and then they wonder why nobody wants to play their old game where no commander will let you play for them unless you took the equivalent of an online college training course to learn how to play.
I fucking love this game.
How based would a pure grappler be? Grapple, shake, and throw enemies. Make her special ability be that she can catch projectiles like in the game, maybe occasionally a health item can drop that anyone can grab.
Fuck yeah nigga.
I played this game in multiplayer with people for the first time a few months ago. With a friend manage to get 10 other dudes and played it all night, was fun as fuck.
What game?
can someone tell me how to run this on an modern OS?
agreed, based zooposter
Geneforge is my favorite game series of all time. I blame it for why I love it when any game lets me have minions I can throw at a problem. From the Mastermind class in City of Heros, to the Overlord games.
I tried this, I played like 3 hours and got tired of it really quick.
I know people played this, I just want an excuse to post about a great fucking game
>shakes coins off of mario
>shakes rupees off of link
>shakes coins off of sonic
That looks like generic trash.
Fun fact: The development team behind Legendary went on to make Lost Planet 3 (part of Inafune's push for Capcom to outsource) and Ninja Gaiden Z: Yaiba (produced by Inafune) and then shut down.
If you like ARPG's maybe give a look at grim dawn. There are several classes that have pets, and depending on which two classes you take and how you want to spec hey can play rather differently. Like do you just want to throw like 15 pets at enemies and just hang back, do you want 3 or 4 tough pets and then you cast magic at everything, etc. Pets took a bit of a hit with the last expansion, but you can still plow through everything the game has to throw at you except for maybe high end crucible, which I find kind of boring but some people love it.
It kind of was. Generic fps with CS style money based equipment purchasing in between rounds.
Take No Prisoners from 1997, made by Ravensoft when they were cool. Is a campaign in an openworld city, can be played in co-op too. Is really a shame not so many people know that game, is really good.
I've played it a bit, made a Necromancer/Diablerist for max summoning. But was playing with friends, who just aren't in the mood for it.
I played and loved this shit, still have my original box.
don't hate me for this but this game would have been a great success if it would play more like a moba in multi, it has all the components
>Message from Peter Ludlow
>tfw mowing down people with the gatling gun
that robin hood game was also bretty gud
i've played this (only the demo)! damn, the memories
any of you remember this game?
>tfw your first time disvoering the jetpack
>fly around in awe
Well, I'm not sure exactly close to a moba formula you want to get, but I did feel like it begged for a more expedient system of spell usage than tab switching. Certainly I don't think it should've abandoned the RTS aspect. And multiplayed wasn't all that important part of it to begin with. Its main selling points were still story, voice acting, visual design, and innovative gameplay.
I remember this.
I thought it was awesome for just a cereal game.
Just about every enemy in the game is like that. Like a giant butcher knife attached to a unicycle, or a gas can with legs, or a giant wasp holding a cannon. The game is a bizarre fever dream. You use these mostly realistic looking tanks but then you're fighting alongside a dog with a laser gun taped to its back against monkeys with jetpacks or some shit. It's sort of like Earthbound if instead of looking like it's based off a child's imagination, it's based off of a child's imagination after they were given LSD, and I don't do the "dude lmao they were on drugs" thing lightly.
It's just fucking weird and strange. On top of all that, sometimes you end up fighting enemies that are completely normal in comparison, like a guy in a tank or robots, which makes all the other crazy ass nonsense you fight all the more absurd and jarring. The game's Metal Saga.
Looks great, thanks. I'm going to look got a download.
>On top of all that, sometimes you end up fighting enemies that are completely normal in comparison, like a guy in a tank or robots, which makes all the other crazy ass nonsense you fight all the more absurd and jarring.
The normal looking dudes are always the most deadly. Like in RPGs, the difference between the dudes in full armor vs. the guy in a robe who will push your shit in inside of three rounds.
It wasn't great
brother it was shit but i didn't care at that age
I played this for like 12 hours, finally got to Mars and dropped it
I should finish it actually
Look at these wasted underrated cuties.
Good memories of playing it with me da
Pretty fun back in the day, though the infinite jetpack glitch made most of the late-game collectibles easy to sequence break.
I played this.
It was awful, I don't even remember how I found this as a kid
I will once I figure how to fix the damn resolution
I love these threads
Has anybody managed tro get this running on modern hardware? I have tried lots and always failed to get it running
That was the shit back when. 3D Dinosaurs and 3D Body used to freak me the fuck out. The music was always offputting, but memorable as fuck.
Alien Legacy
same, they're almost always civil, people are more than happy to share recommendations, help each other figure out games half remembered, sometimes even set up multiplayer servers of old games for old time sake to play with other anons for a couple hours. they are maximum comfy.
oh my god, I remember playing the hell out of this game and people not allowing the Germans because they had nukes that could be built really fucking quickly
Also, I don't know anybody who has played Perimeter
Hi Civie
There is not a single SOUL that has played this game. It doesnt even have a wikipedia article, it has 50 reviews on steam, and according to steam charts, it only had 33 people max playing it on release.
It's god awful, and it was 60 dollars.
At this point if anyone says they've played it, their fucking lying. Theres 7 billion people on this planet, and only 50 of the chosen people have played this game.
THAT'S how obscure this shit is.
This and Chili Con Carnage on the PSP
who tf didn't play Quake Wars?
Extremely easy to cheese though. Just send out a bunch of one peasant armies and raise all your opponents farms and resource starve them.
May not have the best graphics, but the writing and world building are fucking fantastic. No other game I've played has let you be whatever kind of religious inquisitor you want to be, and how you want to help...or punish...those you find guilty.
Those giant flytraps were bullshit.
miss this old gem
I was actually going to post this. I played the Japanese version, Fire Panic, before the US one came out.
I fucking loved the soundtrack back in the day.
I remember renting this on PS2, it was pretty fun
Anyone remember playing this shit on their school computers in the very early 2000's?? This was in elementary school and none of us could ever collect all five eggs.
Not the same game, but immediately reminded me of this
Is that Vietcong Purple Haze? That game would be really fun with a modern engine.
Probably not too many people here are old enough to have played this
Literally one of the best games i never hear about
Sentinel Worlds, some super old sci fi RPG game for the DOS terminal my dad owned when I was a kid. Tbh it's basically a turn based tactical Mass Effect. I was too small and stupid to ever get very far in it unfortunately.
Good shit here
That game isn't a shooter, it's a tactical game.
my cousins had this game. all we had on our AT&T computer with 5.5 floppies were wheel of fortune, family fued, and golf.
Purple Haze was some kind of add-on or port, I think. But yeah it'd definitely be cool to see modernised.
Dont see this game ever talked about. Ever. Incredibly underrated. Neither its predecessor.
There was this french company called Cocktail back in the days that would release fucking amazing adventure games, but I think only Quebec and France got them which is a shame. Pic related could stand tall next to any Lucas Arts game
One of the first victims of incompetent reviewers who can't figure out the controls so they pan the game.
If you've seen this in any "Top 10 worst PC games ever" video, I say there's a 90% chance the person who made that didn't actually play it.
You are not alone.
Unless you chose the smurf routte cause then you very much are.
Ps. Was I just a retard or was the planet conquest thing tough
I loved this game
>Fly on the wall!
>Fly on the wall!
>Fly on the wall!
I forgot about this until you posted it
They released that Goldeneye remake on the Wii for the Xbox 360 and PS3, it was actually pretty fun.
Oh my god this game. Just use the henry repeater with the stendo and you're unstoppable
Maybe a longshot but Savage: Battle for Newerth?
it preety good user
evidently enough to make the game fucking die
Looks like Mignola's art a little. Was he involved?
I bought this for my brothers ps4 so when I'm over we kick it oldskool.
Turns out he played it with one of his nephews who is being raised like a vegan hermit and it blew the kids damned mind.
>whistles in golfish
Played an early demo when it was still called Venom and not Codename: Outbreak.
I played first couple a levels of this game I think. Evolving the characters was a neat idea but the gameplay and level design were absolute shite.
Never finished the game, it ran like poo and the helicopters were really annoying.
I bought this game pretty late to it's life cycle and there were like 2 MP servers up so it was not much fun to play.
My friends father had this game and we tried to play it couple a times with my friend but it was way too hard for us.
One of my favourite LAN RTS games. Dropping V2s at your enemies (and allies) never grew old.
Played the demo back in the day. Didn't run very well on my K6-2 450MHz.
This was very popular when it was released, again just played the demo and it ran like shit on my PC.
We had a lot of fun with the demo version of this game. Unbalanced as fuck.
Played this to the sniper mission, maybe I'll finish it some day.
My brothers friend had this and my brother had the sequel. I always preferred the first game.
Looking back at the late 90's and early 00's I really didn't have many full version games, most of the stuff I played was demos. I usually got 2 games a year, one for birthday and one for christmas.
I was just looking for pics of that. Talk about a nostalgia trip.
Paparazzi!: Tales from Tinseltown
Amiga games are probably cheating but Wasted Dreams I remember very well. It has pretty nice graphics for it's time, mo-capped sprite animations and nice detailed environments. Voice acting is actually terrible though. It's a co-op adventure game, you crash on a planet and with only few items at the start you have to explore and figure out what the fuck is happening on this planet and so on.
Would recommend for anyone who can:
a) find the game
b) get it to run (I don't know anything about amiga emulation)
c) find a friend who wants to play janky old vidya
Was it just as bullshit as this stupid ass game?
>NightDive did a GoG version
I still got my original copy somewhere but is this a soruceport or just a butchered port to modern systems?
It is a bit unfinished and very clunky.
I tried to play it on my retro PC but it turns out it's a bit unstable too.
I bought this on GOG a few months ago and suffered through the whole thing and beat it after about 15 hours.
What a crazy wild ride. The story is bonkers.
Yeah it was fucking terrible. You'd be an hour into the game and if you did something wrong 30 minutes earlier, the game couldn't be finished and you'd have to start over. Police Quest 4 was way better
I realized how braindead i am playing this game ;/
ive played all these games.
Spammed the fuck out of this beautiful german gem with my little bro back in the days.
Still waiting for a new Clonk.
All I remember is my gun jamming ever 10 rounds and the AI being completely unable to drive
Personally, the best strategy to this day. Insanely cool game mechanics, for the time it was released. I have played it when I was 12 or something and it was too hard for me. Returned few years back and had a blast and it was still pretty difficult. I have now played it around 10 times. Challenging difficulty. Story is clever, storryteling is awesome. Great soundtrack, narrator and voice acting. Alltogether really great atmosphere. Play it. Just go to Gog, buy it for few bucks/euros and play it. I tried the Steam version, did not work for me.
what's this? chinese/russian warcraft 2 ripoff?
No, it's called Loria
Made by mostly 1 Czech dude.
Single player is good, but multiplayer was where it was AT. Shit go so chaotic with all these high level spells going off, and the whole altar desecrating mechanic is so much fun. There used to be a community server up but im not sure if it's still being hosted. It's probably one of my favorite games because of multiplayer. Sacrifice and Nox both had out of this world multiplayer
everyone's played that user
Thanks lad this is the last of my forgotten childhood games I couldn't find the name of
Can it only be played with 2 people, no single player? That's kind of weird, even for back then.
Scumbag indie devs abandoned the PC for muh console money but the consoles got a souped up version but now both iterations of the game are dead.
played that, worse shrek game
oh, sure it can. but it's in the category for me where half of the fun is playing with someone since it's not amazing or anything. if you play singleplayer the other dude is just dead in the beginning and you pick up his items, it's the same otherwise
What was the thing where you were trying to control the planet? I never won that.
Press S to shit on grave
my dad loved this game, we also had 2 for PC
shut the fuck up spic
Incredible setting and visuals, boring everything else, just like the movie.
ESF: Final never ever, I fucking hate them, they keep saying "Just wait guys, it's coming!" since 2005.