Can we get a battlestation thread? Post setups!

Can we get a battlestation thread? Post setups!

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This has nothing to do with video games. If you want to post pictures of your computer go to /g/

What doesn't a computer setup have to do with video games? I have a right to post here too, user.

Post your games then I only see your monitor that’s cool and all but you should show your game shelf too
How do I know that’s a computer for gaming and not a workstation? Anyone can just post pictures of their cubicle and call it a battle station

Don't post my room without my consent user, that's rude.

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>a right

Lol wut.

It's astounding how obsessed you retards are with that homosexual.

Don't insult my gf

Post more lewds

Where’s the TV and gaming set up? Do you losers just sit on your computer and shit post all day? Maybe 1/10 of all posts in these cuckstation threads actually show anything related to games

I am a 26 year old man, you don't want to see me nude.
I'm not a girl...

I don't have a TV or any consoles, user.

Why do you have a pornhub account then?

I can request for it to be taken down if you feel uncomfortable.

Here you go, this isn't super recent but this is how it looks. This is down in the living room.
I haven't the sightest clue what you're talking about. I'm a good, pure, innocent boy.

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So why are you on Yea Forums if you wanna show off your computer set up go on /g/ this shit is off topic
Talk about video games

Do your paren.... does you single mom know you're posting pics of you bedroom on the internetz?

>only current gen shit
How about you zoom zoom away

You should have hidden you jerking cream and klenex box.

>Talk about video games
wtf do you think video games are played on?

I personally emulate anything older I want to play. My roommates and I have all of our old consoles around upstairs though.
It's lotion for my skin and tissues for blowing my nose...

I may live with my parents, user, but they're very supportive of my transition/life choices.

Wtf do you work as?

I work at a dive bar!

>I personally am an EmuNigger
That’s gonna be a yikes from me pal
A game system

I'm a NEET.
Works on my machine. Emulating is just convenient, even if it's not perfect.

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PC --> PS4 --> Xbox --> Nintendo --> Handhelds --> Phones.

I still don't see the issue.

Emucucks are like the iTunes niggers of gaming
PS1 > Super Famicom > PS2 > Dreamcast > Saturn > N64 > Mega Drive > Famicom
But it’s okay, I know you fags always complain about retro game prices it’s hard living in the USSR where you can’t spare a ¥200 (about a toonie) on a PS1 game

NEET AND doesn't live in utter squalor? Lucky

How can you live in a messy house if you don’t work? I do contract jobs, I don’t work for the entire summer because I don’t like leaving the house until sundown so I can keep my skin pale
When I’m not working I have more time to clean the house, when I’m busy with my work I can’t clean. Wouldn’t being a NEET mean you have more time to keep neat and tidy?

except consoles are for children, user. well, and poor people who are terrible with money management and planning. you feeling ok, hun?

You have your opinion and that's fine but the difference for most things between playing on an emulator versus the actual hardware is minor.
I'm very lucky, I'm very thankful and happy for what I have.

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Yasss queen, tell him! If you can live comfortably for free because you were handed everything in life, why wouldn't you? slayyyy

Nostalgia fags should shut up

I don’t state opinions, I state facts
Playing on an emulator makes you a redditor, when I was in high school the Jewish kids played Mario on their emulators on their MacBooks.
Is that how you want to be seen? As a Kike?
Me, I sick to things the Japanese way by going to BookOff picking up a CIB console for ¥3,000 and a few games CIB for ¥500
There’s nothing like playing on the original hardware

That's fine by me. Most people that care enough about this anyway realize that emulation is a fine enough substitute.

>I don’t state opinions, I state facts
>Playing on an emulator makes you a redditor

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Sorry I don’t care what emucucks think

I just ate BK chicken nuggets

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>letting the shill thread actually work
>actually falling for advertising on Yea Forums

Yeah you finally understand

Well I hadn't had lunch yet and it was past 3 o'clock already. I just ordered some and got it in a few minutes.