What the hell happened to Blizzard?

What the hell happened to Blizzard?

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Everyone who created Blizzard quit and now pink haired SJWs and basedlords run the company.

Kill two birds with one stone: appease SJWs, appease the Chinese

China and Silicon Valley

Both of those are correct.

They got bought out by Activision like a decade ago or something

They censored their cards for the Chinks. It's pretty lazy of them, instead of just creating a regional version they just shit on the cards for everyone
Also the
>male sexuality bad
movement is happening

They did it for the Chinese, even MCU bends to the will of the Chinese user

NOOOOOOO MY CARTOON TIDDIES THE GAME IS LITERALLY RUINED. You faggots don't care about anything that doesn't make your peepee hard and anyone trying any different design is a sjw attack personally against you

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>game is shit
>change pixels of cards
>do nothing about the game

t. SoA employee

License ran out.

Blizzard is no longer Blizzard. All the people that created Blizzard are gone.
what we have today is a soulless husk with zero talent or passion inside it

What a joke of a company

more like we must censor for chinabux

Left: random slut
Right: cool monster
What's the problem?

It was clearly both like this user said

>The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989

MCU was PG-13 trash since their conception.

nu blizzard is disgusting...

You know, China is doing us a favor by accelerating the the state of the video game industry. Either Western video game companies are forced to completely segregate the Chinese from the rest of the world or Western AAA companies eager for Chinese money kowtow and force the changes into the Western versions, which piss people off with how nonsensically sanitized it is and start abandoning those games more and more, accelerating the next video game decline.

>I prefer generic demon over sexy succubus

How is the demon generic? I've seen that same exact succubus design a million times.

>They made it hotter
Damn do I love being a xenofag

Attached: Bluto.png (403x600, 221K)

Hellhounds predate succubi by about a thousand years, give or take.

there are already enough random demon/monster warlock cards and not enough sluts

Because we already have a Felstalker card and the Felstalkers main job is to siphon mana from our OPPONENTS so why would it cause US to discard a card?

It has nothing to do with chinks, roaches had their separate subhuman censored version (pic) for years now.
It is pure SJW faggotry and they try to appear to 3+ kids now more then ever with no blood and gore (see latest expansions art degradation).

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based xenomorph fucker

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It just looks like a boring beast hound demon, not very interesting
Succubus isn't that interesting either but it at least has some appeal

>This game was supposed to compete with MTG


Recent MTG cards also have shit tier pro-SJW art

>what the hell happened to this billion dollar corporation? I thought they were my friend?!!?

Corporations only care about profit. If your point of view becomes the minority they're going to ignore you without consequence. Stop acting like these companies are your friends and start seeing them as the heartless money machines they truly are

No they don't?

ooor the west will adopt communism

>Caring about anything from Acti-Zzard.

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Human extinction is more desirable than the whole word turning into Soulless robots like the chinks are

It absolutely has everything to do with the chinese market. Blizz has done this before in WoW. They're constantly trying to appease their biggest demographics and maximize profits, they don't care about social changes

Not just Xenomorphs, when it comes to monsters if its got a hole and is down to fuck along with being breeding age for its species, we fuck it

>Still going on about Blizzard
Gosh I wonder what could make a company change, golly gee GOSH DARN WHAT COULD IT BE AHHHHHHHH

based and manifest destinypilled

>It absolutely has everything to do with the chinese market
Hearthstone has had a china version for 5 years why the sudden change now?

>censor good, obey, you are acting against the silence bliss, obey. they know better, OBEY

Haven't played Hearthstone in years, but desu the concept of Succubus has a lot more potential than a boring discard mechanic. They likely have some succubus action planned and people are overreacting.

the xeno female FEARS the macho Earth ape

Corporate cuck.

>being breeding age for its species

fuck off

They said people didn't feel comfortable making/having/drawing that kind of card anymore.

People saying china are retarded. People have already mentioned how china has had their own versions of cards for a while and the game has been in china for years. Unless there is a recent chinese law then this is all internal. I think they are actually trying to make it a childrens game.

there was also another succubus card, mistress of pain, got renamed/redesigned too
I appreciate your optimism but I think nu-blizz doesnt like succubi at all
now of course they arent a very child friendly type of demon to include in a game, but then, why include them in the first place?

Now they both do, but MTG is still more complex and fun to play. Shitstone lost its only advantage.

How are they not child friendly though?
Little me would have loved that card art...

Why are you phrasing your stupidity like a question? Mark Rosewater has explicitly said the push for more “inclusive” character designs is “making up for years of having white dudes on cards.” This shit is public knowledge.

attractive women bad
eldtritchian horror good

These are the same people who think it's morally right to inject hormones into a 6 year old.

There is a difference between being more inclusive in your character design in future cards and reprints and then changing the design of a card completely and even renaming it to appease people. At least in MTG if they change a cards art and you dont like it you can still get the older version you do like.


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How is a Felstalker less violent than a Succubus. Why do i even ask, i know it's not and they're tranny pandering

Fucking idiot, League of Legends is the most popular game on the planet and china is sucking that dick hard. And they fucking love that waifu degeneracy so much. It's not all about china.

what the fuck is wrong with china? are they so tired of seeing blood and gore in their industrial accidents, incidents where their children are left unattended, and car crashes that they have to remove that from their games?

>Epic sucking Chinese cock bad
>Blizzard sucking Chinese cock good
the absolute state of brand loyalists

Explain. What did blizzshit do?

Blizzard removed it off their Hearthstone channel out of fucking embarassment


*breathes in*

Fucking darkest dungeon had better cinematics.

>people are mad at this

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its just women tech companies dont hire niggers

its the same fucking thing that happened with league during season 3 idiot. RIOT starting making the Chinese splash arts the main ones for a lot of champions to appease Chinese players

Jesus christ how did it get so bad? Ben Brode clearly made a wise decision getting out when he did.

They hire pajeets and other brown people. Just as bad.

Riot is literally owned by Chinese Google. Of course they're going to appease China first and foremost.

but Pajeets want bobs and vageen

>China bans blood
>Blizzard removes succubus
Does not make sense.

They had to have spent more on licensing the song than they did paying the interns who made this.

There's no way Blizzard produced this. I refuse to believe it.

Why are chinkroaches such pussies?

>this was considered a finished product by Blizzard's QA process

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Degenerates ruining the heritage

new chinese policies

This has to have been a placeholder trailer that some intern uploaded by mistake. I fucking refuse to believe that anyone in production considered this a finished product.

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I want to go back

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-03 Blizzard On Heroes Of The Storm, Female Designs In MOBAs.png (735x1121, 704K)

Pajeets are just discount Chinks. They're still robots with no talent that just reproduce what white people created, but worse.

It's astonishing how quickly Blizzard imploded

It reminds me of Nokia

Who the fuck cares about blizzard
I mean caring about any corporation ever unless you are the owner of it is bullshit, but yeah some developers are still relevant
Blizzard on the other hand have not put out a new IP for like 20 years or something
It's like caring about Unilever or something
Fuck blizzard

>Blizzard on the other hand have not put out a new IP for like 20 years or something
Overwatch isn't a new IP? Granted it quickly degraded, but still.

Bobby 'Pay to reload' Kotick is most pleased. His quarterly reports are gonna look so good when he liquidates Blizz.

>ubisoft can afford multiple licensed songs for a fucking rayman game
>blizzard put this shit in a trailer
They literally develop money machines, what the fuck

Yeah there is no way in hell this is a final product, it was removed because it isnt finished.

I get the hate boner for Blizz is strong right now but look at things critically.

I literally forgot Overwatch existed when thinking about Blizzard until you mentioned it. In a fucking thread about Blizzard.

I guess League is going to remove Miss Fortune and Sona then as well? They are more sexualized than that succubus is.

I mean to be fair it was pretty much only good in 2016, and then went to the shitter after that, so I can understand how you'd easily forget it.

Only around 2 of the card changes were related to removing “suggestive” art.
All the others were toning down violence and removing blood.

Why would they put something on their official channel if it wasn't finished?

It's not Blizzard's fault you're retarded.

Literally this. If you look at world population china is something like 1.4 billion and india is 1.3 billion with the US coming in at like 400 million. Big surprise the 2 countries with the largest populations are absolute shitholes with massive uneducated populations still believing in superstitious bullshit and shitting up the world. Hearthstone is dying so they are probably trying to appeal to children and chink authorities by changing art

Hm you are right, however the literally only good thing about overwatch is the porn. And that song
I mean people are talking about a MtG clone based on the setting of a game that came out when I was a little shit
Which means it came out when most people here were not even born
The game itself is the phone version of card games by the way
Blizzard is meaningless to talk about. I still play SC2 co-op sometimes but that's it

By accident? Explains why they removed it as well, it was not meant to be put on their channel.

Affirmative action hiring.

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China is already de facto segregated from the western entertainment market. There are a lot of consumers, but their purchasing power is actually quite low individually compared to everywhere else with an entertainment market. Monetization models that are successful in the west don't really work in China and vice versa.

I don't care about HS or Blizzard but FUCK China

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>People equating Chinese censorship to American SJW internet whining
China is a tyranny. They have concentration camps for Uyghurs. They murder protesters and journalists. They harvest the organs of people who speak negatively about the government.

Caving to internet whining from privileged Americans is dumb but who cares. Caving to China and paving the way to compromise with people you should under no circumstances compromise with is a different matter.

The lack of tits isn't the concern.

I like how no one mentions the Jaina censorship they did previously.

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>chinks known to powder and consume the bones of anything and everything
>scared of skeletons
Fucking bugs.

It was removed after they got around 500 likes and 10k dislikes at around 18k views. At least that was the score when i had it opened a couple of days ago. The link in my history was already dead today.

>tummy still visible
blizzard has no power here

yeah, the pr monkey that manages their yt channel quietly put out the editor and stole the unfinished copy of it to put online

lmao @ u walmart brainiacks

>Uhuh, cool, totally

What a chad

I mean Overwatch doesn't really dispel the point that Blizzard is washed up, since everything at this point that Blizzard puts out is mediocre at best, and the "newest" IP they made has already failed to make any impact like Blizzard's other IPs have. And Blizzard is currently busy trying to destroy the memories people have with the other shit.
And meanwhile even fucking Activision, who is riding Blizzard like a rented mule, is doing better now that it's started popping out Crash/Spyro remakes and publishing new games from other studios like FROM's Sekiro.


PG-13 is too high a rating for chinese adults.

>Blizzard replaces Hearthstone card art with more violent and less sexualised alternatives

Being American is truly a sickness of the mind

You are making a lot of assumptions you fucking projecting wagie. Its as simple as misclicking and uploading the wrong file and then a few hours later seeing that its up and removing it.

Use your fucking head, would the giant corporation who puts a lot of effort into their cinematic release that shit?

He still works at Blizz. There's still hope as long as Chad Browder is around.

>more violent
>removes the bite from the card bite and the blood from eviscerate
More violent huh?

Reeeeeetardo mudamudamuda

that's for China America's sugar daddy

Blizzard has been bleeding talent for a decade. This isn't news.

>Men, fucking each other in the ass is commendable
>Women, stop showing cleavage

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More like BROwder. That RPS writer probably cried themselves to sleep.

>China already has their own censorsed art
Blizzard has slid so far into irrelevence among gamers that they're trying to get kids and moms.


>letting everyone have a fair chance of feeling awesome.
This is what's wrong with this fucking generation. You're not special, you're not irreplaceable and you're worth less than a shit under someone's boot for most people. But social media gave these nobodies a voice. Internet was a mistake.

What do you mean? Blizzard was fucking garbage for the last 10 years. In order for something to happen, they would have to get better.

I realise it's probably a placeholder that got posted by accident, but this looks like some shit a 1-man studio would make in two days just so he could have SOME kind of marketing for his game.

you mean 2 more black people in each set you fucking NPC

Where's the actual trailer then?

rumor is he was working on the starcraft FPS that got canceled, wonder what he'll do next

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Why would it have been a placeholder and why would such a placeholder be posted? I see no point in developing a half-product which is so unusable that it cannot be continued or refactored into something remotely useable, nor the point in simply putting a placeholder on youtube since you cant replace video content - the "placeholder" cannot hold a place for another video, it would have to be deleted and the other video uploaded separately.

It really isn't that simple. I work for a marketing firm(close to Blizzard hq actually) and for them to upload a video to their official Youtube page would require gross incompetence in many departments. It might be believable if they uploaded the finished version right after with an explanation, but that's not what happened.

>if you don't inject your child with hormones we're going to take them from you and put you in prison

What the fuck was that?

probably just buckling to china.

Nothing good has ever come from appealing to the Chinese or Korean market.

>PR says we've run over, tells me I have to leave

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The people who make games aren't making them as a hobby or as a passion anymore. They're developing them to get the optimal return on sales without risking alienating ANY potential costumers. It's the same with all other industries.
TV shows have horrible animation because it's cheaper and the art style is super simple so anyone from the age of 3 and up can understand it. Same with movies and their plots. Same with most comics. Same with most video games.

Late stage capitalism is here. Baby boomers, generation X, and the older millennials got to enjoy entertainment media at it's peak. Everything is downhill from here.

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>Wow this looks like shit
>This is the whole thing isn't it

>these replies
So a company doing what it wants is censorship, thought you were the ones going on about how they shouldn't listen to autistic screeching but that's exactly what you want

Holy shit, Blizzard. What the fuck are you doing?

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That's not the reason. Hearthstone always had a separate China client with different monetization, events and art.

Since China already had censored art in their client, does this have anything to do with broadcasting esports events? Are they doubling down on hearthstone after HotS's esports division folded?

The difference is that the people screeching about the censorship actually buy/play the fucking games

They scrubbed away all the blood from cards too.

Afaik the chinks made the rules even more strict. Or blizzard are just a bunch of faggots. Or both.


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God just compare the two.
What a fucking joke

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They're doubling down on going full mobile games for 5 year old kids and their soccer moms.

Post more of this character.

I'd say the problem is that everybody has an idea of how the world would ideally look, and enough back patting Internet clubs to tell them they're right, and they have no sense of deferred gratitude, so they want the utopia they just came up with after a whole week of Internet, and they want it like, yesterday.

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Reminder that only when there is outrage to scream about does Yea Forums care about Hearthstone

they want that chinese and korean market

One's weeb retarded, the other's retarded retarded. What's your point?

We're gonna have to gas the chinese.

Have you been living under a rock? Yea Forums has been consistently shitting on Blizzard for more than 6 months now, thanks to the whole mobile Diablo thing.

>Look at things critcally
Ok then, so let's think about what would have needed to happen in order for this "Accident" to have occured.
1. Somebody made this as a placeholder/demo and then accidentally rendered it appropriately for Youtube, rather than an uncompressed file for to work as a guide or a compressed file for a placeholder
2. Someone accidentally transferred this file from the employee's workstation to whatever method they use to send files to the publishing team or accidentally managed to save the file in the folder meant for published videos
3. Someone either accidentally uploaded the video without looking at it, or simply uploaded it without questioning its quality because they're either incompetent or aren't allowed to ask questions
4. Whoever uploaded it accidentally forgot to watch the video on Youtube to check for issues (Which is standard practice) before publishing the video
5. The media team accidentally forgot to watch their own video on Youtube so they could replace it when they realized it was a placeholder

It's significantly more believable to just say the people in charge of making this video were incompetent. Plus, if it was an accident, then surely the "Real" version of the video should be up very soon.

but every chinese game i've played has been full of panty shots and lewd shit

Meanwhile both versions of Valeera wear lingerie armor.
They can't even be consistent, its like someone at Blizzard threw a tantrum and they scrambled to censor the cards this person saw.

Attached: Valeera-Full.jpg (2925x4950, 3.45M)


Attached: Mistress_of_Pain_old_art.jpg (1024x1095, 242K)

See, the hair covers up her titties and her full art isn't anywhere, the image gets cut from her waist so people can't see any bare thighs.

Yes but in China, it's okay when Chinese companies do it.

Not to mention that all of that only makes sense if they were actually supposed to be uploading the real version of the video. It's one thing to accidentally upload the wrong version of two videos, but if the real version isn't ready yet, then whoever was in charge of uploading the video shouldn't have been trying to upload it in the first place.


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Eviscerate is the worst one.

Why would they censor a skeleton? I know they're scary, but they're not real.

Imagine being the artist and being super happy that your art is on a video game, then 5 years later being told you're literally destroying women lives and you need to be censored

For a second I thought they gave her a dick in the new art.

>It has nothing to do with chinks
every single blizzard game is dying in the west
the future of their company is the mobile chinese market

Skeletons are taboo in chinkland or some shit

Also bravo to Blizzard for having the balls to say that they weren't censoring for the chinese, even when they go ahead and make changes like this

You know they are under a dictatorship right? They subservient but it is not them making these decisions.

Probably a smart move, no reason not to cater Hearthstone to younger audiences, especially as it is easily played on a phone or pad

Don't forget they also didn't hold any Pride events on their korean OW streams, only in western streams. The very second promoting faggots would carry the risk of hurting their bottom line, they censor them out.

>appease the Chinese
Redpill on this one

Attached: dafuck.png (313x324, 188K)

Hundreds of millions of chinks commute several hours each day. They all have smartphones. They all have (some) money.

celebrating fag pride is a western thing

It's taboo there, undeads in the Chinese wow don't have bone joints.
In that case undeads look better imo never liked how the joints ruin good looking sets, but this is bullshit

Chinese are pretty autistic when it comes to online gaming. The only real risk for western gaming companies is the chinese government itself which can ban their games at any time on a whim. Usually Tencent buys the rights to basically publish western games in the chinese market separately for this reason.

if you imagine how many billions of dollars Blizzard can make with a Chinese audience you would turn your card art in a fraction of a second if it you get a cut wouldn't you?

China has implemented a bunch of stringent requirements on Western games specifically to fuck with Western video game companies and ensure that the Chinese are never exposed to anything beyond microtransaction shitfests. The Western game companies realized how profitable microtransaction shitfests are, and are willing to censor their own games globally if it means getting money from one country that just happens to have a billion people ready to use their social credit points to buy pictures or skins.

It is, but it also shows Blizzard or the sycophant trannies cheering for Blizzard don't actually care about faggots at all, when they fail to support them in countries where they most need help. In western countries its completely risk-free these days.

>china brings more dosh than the west
>every game in the west is dying
>having several versions of the same game cost money and make the patches prone to error
They're just in a transit right now, they'll kill their western versions of their IP to release mobile versions for the eastern crowd, diablo was the first, the rest will follow

Welcome to capitalism, buddy. Corporations have no morality.

The only good digital CCG that still exists is Gwent, and it's struggling unfortunately.

Thank god, we wouldn't want the country of China to become a place of moral degeneracy.

Every tech company, game company, and media company has seen the potential market of literally 4 times the US's population. Literal billions of unwashed, uneducated commonfolk with no deterrent to scummy money schemes and advertisement/brainwashing. The only barrier is their (and their government's) superstitious beliefs in having demons/dead things/spiritual things in their media without some sort of cleansing ritual or whatever.
Ever wonder why gacha games and casinos are so appealing to the chinese? They lack that part of their mind that sees scams for what they are.

Someone there has a navel fetish desu.

video games are now made by soccer moms and anoying older sister types

>you will never go back

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Nothing indicates the fact that you chew cum quite like blaming "capitalism" for video game companies doing things you don't like.

>removed a bunch of dead whores because they trigger some retards

china is full of people who are good consumerists. There is also a lot of them.

>You are making a lot of assumptions
>assumes all this other shit themselves

I agree, an uncovered woman is like meat on display. Allah forbids this, a women must be demure and fully covered at all times. Inshalla brother.

>Chinks are scared of skeletons
Jesus fuck they must go through one hell of a wild ride when they get X-rays done.

China is a 1st world government with a 3rd world education system. A dream senario for any company to make bank from

I was pointing out how capitalism doesn't care about anything but making more money, which also explains why corporations are willing to conform to countries that have severe human rights issues. But do continue to be retarded, faggot

Video games are still being made by men, who do you think writes all the software? It's all these "soft skill" fuckwits infesting the industry that's ruining it.

None of these people are moms. They're all landwhales with dyed hair who hate themselves so they censor anything sexual to feel superior in any way they can.

fucking KEK

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You're confusing capitalism with corporatism. Not surprising since you're a brainlet.

you will never have a biological child

Bones and skeletons are too different things.

This user fucking gets it.

Dumb china man believes in ghosts so government bans them.

Good fucking god. Blizzard used to be famous for their cut scenes and now they're putting out shit that could be knocked together by a first year design student in half an hour. They really are dead.

I have two.

They changed like 8 cards. It was pretty sudden and weird.
No reason to get too mad or anything, but it is kinda concerning.

How the mighty have fallen.

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To be fair that's supposed to be a small ad, not a full trailer.
Still bad though. I mean they could've been better off just doing the Rise of Shadows trailer some more which is actually decently done.

capitalism doesn't care about anything because it's an abstraction, retard. What you're trying to say, which is that decisions made in a capitalist system are always made to maximize profit, is also wrong. Shareholders and top-level executives usually have that as their only real concern, but everyone involved in the running of the company brings their own agenda and bias. For instance Disney execs might not give a shit about politics but a director might want to make some statement implicitly condemning colonialism in their movie. You can't erase human tendencies by simply disincentivizing them, only suppress them

>the goal is x
said the *interviewer*

Corporatism is where large corporations hold so much influence in government that they become de facto government at least in part, not where a corporation does a thing.

Yes, it might be that it was supposed to be an ad for mobile or just facebook or google. Lightweight that plays as a small thumbnail. But why make it in 1080p widescreen?

>condemning colonialism
The irony being colonialism is the only reason they even have the opportunity to shit all over their ancestors.

>Uh-huh. Cool. Totally.
I wish nothing but good things for this man.

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>less violent
>main game for years was WARcraft
I thought they made Overwatch as a containment game for all the idiots? Did it not work?

Its like with Star Wars. "Kid friendly"-these days also means violence-free. So really they should name Warcraft as Cuddles and Kissescraft from now on.

source me on this, i want to reference it in the future but i dont wanna be called a retard if its edited


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>implying they're ever making another mainline WC game anyway.

>Silicon Valley

Don't blame it on the valley.
It's not the actual people that know anything about computers, it's the paper wasters in some superfluous department that need to make themselves indispensable.


Its an old Nathan Grayson article, not long before he fucked that one certain bimbo.


Attached: succubus-kerrigan.webm (1480x800, 700K)

Unpopular Opinion: I actually really liked the art change for this one, since I have some bias towards these little fell hounds.
But that's about it, everything else is just trash like [pic related].

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reality isn't clickbait headlines, or what the people in your youtube videos have told you

it has everything to do with china; they want money, and the way they make money is by pleasing the chinese government. they are a business that wants profit

"sjws" lmao this isn't 2016 anymore

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just like how americans hate guns so the government tightens gun laws right?

I miss him leading Heroes. He was always so responsive on Twitter and always resolved to get issues fixed, then actually followed through.

Still, I miss Blizzard giving even half a shit about giving that game any attention in general.

because idiots like you talk about it and give them free press. Thanks to you Hearthstone is back on the minds of players who quit but feel the need to get their fix. Thanks for being a sheep to Blizzard.

Speak for yourself. This change killed the last shreds of interest I had on that game. Or any Blizzard game in particular.

What the actual fuck happened to blizzard

>You faggots don't care about anything that doesn't make your peepee hard
why should i care about anything that doesn't make your peepee hard?

>Uh-huh. Cool. Totally.
>*signals to the guards*


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I’d like to compare that brapper to my penis

One is large and impressive, the other is your penis.

fuck blizzcucks

SJWs and art just don't mix

To be fair that's a rip-off of reservoir dogs opening. Which almost no one picked up on because why would they? It's obscure as hell. That doesn't excuse it's awful and cheap execution though.

have you ever seen hearthstone fans in real life?
they're all parents and kids. get real, blizz knows their audience thanks to daddy activision being in bed with all the advertising spy companies

>install and login to hearthstone after 3 years
>nothing new
>no freebies
>all my cards that used to be good are now "Wild" and useless
great game blizzard. its basically a "if you don't spend $300-500 or 2000 hours grinding a month, you lose" skinner box trash.

Attached: 1541887561338.png (528x471, 330K)

>reservoir dogs
>obscure as hell

People know what it was going for. Doesn't change it couldn't be more amateur if they tried.

How many people that watched that video do you really think new it was a riff on the opening to reservoir dogs?

I'd bet less than 10%. That movie is not only old but it was a specific part of the movie, not often referenced anywhere else.

>never spend more than $5 on the game except for the starter pack
>do quests daily
>play whenever I go to take a shit or have to wait on something
>have all the cards I want except maybe a few legos
nigga you rarted

Welcome to Magic the Gathering.

>lets just wobble around some pngs

Attached: 1511464101468.png (590x590, 345K)

Magic has eternal formats though