>Americans pay $300 for a severely underpowered piece of shit that's been out for years already
The Nintendo Switch Is Still ($300) USD
Other urls found in this thread:
careful there, the toddlers may start sperging out for another 5 days of non stop droneposting
> t. snoy cucks coping as they lose all their games
Americans are fat and stupid.
you're mindbroken
Americans are dumb and fat but at least they aren't third world console war faggots who can only afford one thing
>third world
you might want to reconsider that statement
>snoy lost Project Dive
>today they lost Cyber Sluts
>Switch sux threads
you pay 300 dollars for a
I can shit all over the streets and still be considered a first world, why not
>but $250, or whatever PS4 and Xbox is now, for a Facebook box is a good deal
you know la has one of the biggest homeless populations right?
also its san fran so half of those poops are just on bottoms faces
>street shitting
>first world
that where you're wrong though
there's a difference between large homeless populations and literally having to rek the state budget to buy bleach to combat a hepatitis A epidemic
>spend 80 dollars for a pair of joycons
>keep it in perfect condition
>after a year the left stick drifts and the soft plastic gets worn down so it doesn't even stay attached
>Have to take a different route to and from the grocery store so you don't get arrested for "cruising".
Murica, everyone. They think this is normal!
Thats the dock btw, for those who think its the Switch.
Has been absolutely worth the money for me, I take it to work everyday and play it at home every night. Having physical games (that don’t require a system install) as an option is awesome. Truely the most innovative hwarde of the past decade.
yeah but somehow people are still paying millions to live there despite the shit on the streets
Liberals would take all of our freedom away and enforce a police state if they could. California isnt the US, theyre fucking trash and nobody wants them here.
>california boogeyman
too late buddy
> who can only afford one thing
You mean "whose parents will only buy them one thing." You have to remember that most of the Yea Forums userbase nowadays is underage.
Imagine being over thirteen and owning a switch
Imagine being over thirteen and doing anything related to childrens games at all
Should poor people be allowed to comment on items they can't afford?
Switch has outsold PS4 in Japan.
Fucking C O P E faggot
Because it's still selling at 300$.
im 33 and i bought switch last month, unlike ps4 ans shitbox i got to play some good games, so yeah imagine that, buying console with games...
Hotglue it
if its that one area in la, like in gtaonline, its full of winding turns nonstop and people would drift and shit in there if they didnt make it against the law
poor people should not be able to talk about healthcare, especially because they can't afford it anyway so fuck em
>unemployed basement dweller thinks his NEETbucks count
You have to go back
and Yea Forums pays $2400 for a gaming PC that becomes underpowered before they even take it out of the box.
The switch is literal garbage. It's exclusives are shit and only manchildren play it. All of it's multiplats run like shit and there's no point in playing it handheld unless you're a fat manchild. Even then games will run worse when it isn't docked. Much worse.
the modern Japanese are losers who would rather make anime mascots for everything rather than not be pussies all the time
bulletproof glass is racist
it's one or the other, basically
well-adjusted normies play it, because it isn't really video games
manchildren play it because the games are literally for children
yeah well when one has nothing but time and no games to play, shitpost all day! but seriously, drones are cancer. all they ever talk about is who they want in meme smash game
I know you think you're making an argument but you're being retarded. Chicago, Philly, Detroit; it's all California, faggo. Distance is only a line on a map.
but the people who are paying millions live in secluded gated communities like beverly hills where the police literally do nothing all day because there isnt any violent crime and spend most of their time telling bums to fuck off.
inglewood, the homosexual areas, and beverly hills are different planets
botw bossfights were harder than anything on a platinum game the first time around.
pretty much. i've only seen manchildren play it in public though. they smell like shit too. surprise surprise
I think you underestimate the ability of children to play a vidya
>Switch still costs $450 leafbux + tax and tip
T-thanks Ford and Trudeau
There's gonna be a price cut this holiday season to damage control for Pokemon.
This is an exact copy of a thread posted in /g/
What's got the snoybois upset this time?
The only good thing Nintendo consoles are ever good for is them being retard easy to hack.
However with newer revisions that's not even possible so only literal drones and retards buy into that shit.
The Switch outsold their favorite console in Japan effectively killing PS5 there before it was even announced.
Why the fuck does Jewtendo refuse to price drop this shit?
As a ps4 owner how is this supposed to affect me though? Genuinely interested in your response
i live in muh socialist northern europe and i have no idea what a cruising law is, very unamerican
Market supply and demand
Nintenlards believe in a scenario where if Switch outsells PS4 in gacha island, this will somehow magically mean that all devs will stop make PS4 games and focus exclusively on the bing bing tablet.
However as reality will tell you, this will never ever happen because most publishers are more interested in the worldwide market than just the gacha island. The toddlers become very upset upon pointing out this inconvenient truth. I expect this post to get mass reported too.
The demand sure as fuck would improve with a price cut.
Like pottery
Weeb games you want are going to be on the Switch instead of PS4/5
Demand didn't taper off to warrant a price cut.
Yeah ok yet PS4 is showing stronger Japanese support in its SIXTH YEAR than Switch in its prime.
Why is this? Why is Switch still neglected?
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Nintendo miss their fiscal year goals of hardware sales with over 3 million units?
And eurofags aren't?
Seems like it. It's feels kinda pathetic when they tout the switch sales in Japan. And only Japan too. You'd think they'd at least bring something else new to the table for arguments besides using the number of sales strawmen.
>Weeb games
I'm good desu. If I wanted them that badly I'll just buy a switch. The perks of being a working adult are nice
>The size of a circuit board dictates what it should cost
Also, anyone who has ever purchased a Vita memory card has no reason to object.
Guess which system is NOT getting Tales of Arise?
Are you talking about the Switch or the PS4 and Xbox?
Just asking, because that argument could be done against all consoles.
Guess which system is NOT getting
you only ever buy nintendo consoles to hack them. Being a legit customer is getting fucked in the ass
>also its san fran so half of those poops are just on bottoms faces
Made me gig, thanks user
Guess which system is NOT getting Persona 5 Royale?
So where is this supposed exodus of Japanese games from PS4 to Switch?
This. Nintendo's software is retardedly overpriced. Their "sales" are just salt on the wound.
>"Japan doesn't matter Worldwide does!"
>posts a list of Japanese games
Did you fucking play yourself?
Imagine being a poorfag.
You literally can't read, you illiterate Nintendo drone. Hardware sales IN Japan don't matter at all because Japanese devs/publishers all have target audience the GLOBAL audience?
Can you understand the words I'm typing? Is it getting through your thick head? Please tell me what words have confused you so I can explain further.
Whatever happend to this? Did crime and murder go up?
The question mark is a typo. It's a ".".
The Switch has outsold the PS4 in Japan and been on the shelf about 1/2 the time.
>inb4 biased source
There are other outlets that talked about it.
Good job when you're calling someone else illiterate.
Congrats, Switch outsold PS4 in gacha island.
Yet it's PS4 getting all the Japanese games and not Switch. How does that make you feel? You can play the game called sales all day if you'd like.
>Nintendo does the thing they did do for +30 years
fucking schocker OP, thanks for bringing the hot takes
can't wait for this to come out along with p5 the royal.
>making a typo is the same as being literally incapable of understanding the meaning of a sentence
Nice dodge by the way.
>a Digimon game just got made non exclusive
user if you bought the game there wouldn't be a need to port it to begin with
Let me guess, it's another episode of Nintenfags bragging about getting PS4 leftovers a year after its initial release?
nah just progressives in their high rise apartments and protected neighborhoods tryign to tell poor people how to feel and conduct business
>this shit
>soda tax
>M rated game tax (albeit this one is getting stopped but the governor still pushed it)
sometimes i wonder why i live in philly
Projecting this hard
Only in California. Meanwhile in the rest of the free world, you can fucking drive wherever you want as much as you please.
>using multiplats to support your argument
>caring about modern Taleshit
>or tales in general
you fuckers memed me into playing Vesparia and it was alright at best. best tales my ass.
Let's go back to the original post then.
>Weeb games you want are going to be on the Switch instead of PS4/5
This has literally not even happened. The Switch is still neglected by Japanese third-parties, instead seen as a bing bing tablet for kiddies. PS4 in its SIXTH year is getting more Japanese support than Switch in its prime. Yet Yea ForumstendoGAF is running a narrative that PS4 is somehow losing games to Switch.
This hasn't happened yet. In fact the gap between the consoles just keeps increases with time as Switch is getting more and more neglected by third-parties as time goes on.
You got to play Zelda, Mario, and Smash which are the babbiest of babby games.
Sorry but youre not fooling anyone.
>posting multiplat that can be played better on pc
fucking console poorfag make me sick
>still pretending to be retarded not to deal with the inconvenient truth of Switch being neglected harder than you at the High School prom
Every time there's an Earthquake, people wish California sinks into the sea; and that is a brief reason as to why.
Picture the mentality where you have supplanted your parents with the local government. in exchange, you pay thousands a month for even basic living conditions.
Cali is a shithole and is not real America.
I hope an Earthquke sinks that communist garbage dump.
>calling people MANCHILDREN
>on a fucking VIDEO GAME BOARD
You lack any sense of self-awareness, don't you?
why should i care when i own ps4, switch and pc?
you are the poorfuck that have to stuck playing multiplat on a shit platform while i get to enjoy all the exclusive, wouldn't surprise me if you turn out to be one of those poorfag from south america either
>b-but PC
Again ignoring the original claim of PS4 losing games in favor of Switch.
This has never happened and will never happen. The PS4 is getting more Japanese games in its sixth year than Switch in its prime. Your bing bing tablet is literally only good as a tertiary device if even that.
He's using a smug loli, what do you think?
Don't bother user, it's kids and poorfags that want to keep this stupid console war shit alive.
They don't understand what it means or feel to have access to all the platforms so they spend their time shitposting
But for real, fuck people that spend all their money on their shitty car
>flyover faggot with tornador and hail 200 days per year
California is like 90% homeless people, faggots, and spics.
>Another fucking "let's rage at urbanites" thread
People in cities are uniting with people in suburbs to overtake the flyover electorate. We're both sick of being run by hicks.
Facebook box? Get off your fucking heroin retard
PA isn't a flyover queerbait.
Didnt we already have this shitty thread on /g/?
I've been seeing a lot of angst directed at "fly over states" and I can only assume it's because you're all mad that not everyone in the country is stuck living in close proximity to niggers and wetbacks that shit on the street and commit crime
user, I will not cum on my joycons.
You're the ones dying of opioids and have a misplaced sense of independence as you sit in a field of inedible corn and basedbeans and beg for your jobs to come back, when in fact automation will only make rural life harder.
>city under democrat rule for 60 fucking years
>it's a nigger infested shithole where going to certain places after dark insures your death
I mean, what happened after the ban? I'm guessing stores took it down...then what? I can't find anything.
how are those games pablo? oh wait
Nothing you say changes the fact that there's 60 million of you stacked on top of each other, right next to a bunch of smelly brown people, all while you pay for them to become the majority.
>Morons in cities are uniting with retards in suburbs to pay way, way too much to live by electing politicians who create extremely expensive, inefficient welfare states.
We're sick of listening to the bitching of people who create their own problems. You can't even take care of yourselves without a nanny figure holding your hand.
we dont eat the corn dipshit we use the syrup
>accidentally miss your turn
>double back to get to where you're going
>get arrested
God I hate all you worthless "people".
You don't process the corn either.
You are the ones who do nothing but create raw materials. You would be useless without cities to process your crops or give you loans for your farms.
Repair your own products you useless cunt. I had drift, latch, and connection issues. Fixed it all for 10$ with a repair kit online. Only took me and hour to fix them and put on new joycon shells, good as new
>6 or so coastal cities full of people the same color of feces should rule the entire country
Oh man I'm sure that's gonna turn out great, tell me, how much are living expenses where you are? How often do people get murdered?
I live in niggerdelphia, and wish this city got nuked.
>download coad is more expensive than a boxed version
What the fuck?
>Six or so cities that produce a majority of the country's GDP shouldn't have the greatest say in how the country is run
>You're the ones dying of opioids and have a misplaced sense of independence as you sit in a field of inedible corn and basedbeans and beg for your jobs to come back
Can't be any worse then sitting around in a overpriced studio apartment doing cocaine and crying yourself to sleep as most of your paycheck is stolen to pay for all the illegal immigrants your politicians pretend to care about to use as ammo in their reelection campaigns.
How often do people around you die of meth explosions or opioid overdoses?
>scratches the screen
The only way this happens is if you slam dunk it like a neanderthal.
No wonder there's so many retards clamoring for UBI, $15 minimum wage, free health insurance, and whatever the fuck else. They're all morons living in glorified cucksheds.
TURN ON THEM PORTS (turn 'em on)
Americans Americans Americans Americans god I love talking about Americans, anyone else not live in America yet talk about Americans every day?
You know you'd starve to death, right? If the flyover states just stopped giving you crops. Have some awareness.
But I don't buy every game ever on day one?
>your politicians pretend to care about to use as ammo in their reelection campaigns
>Someone in fucking rural America, an area that has been consistently shit since the fucking 1960s without stop and has been fleeced by every single politician to get votes is talking about politicians that only care to use them for ammo
Do you really think presidents give a fuck about Iowa other than them helping the primaries? Fuck no. No one has ever given a shit about rural America except during elections because they're extremely emotional and blame all of their problems on someone else rather than examining why their state is shitty. t. someone who has lived in the Midwest their whole life and listened to people bitch about coastal elites while also not doing anything to improve the area they live in
Every country in the world belongs to America.
apparently they do it so retailers can still compete.
You can't stop giving us crops. We technically already own them, who do you think finances your farms and gives you all of your equipment? Rural America is Cargill's bitch, they're not independent.
that would be a good comeback if you didn't shoot yourself in the foot and call yourself a manchild as well. but i don't expect the average Yea Forums sped to have any self awareness
>You are the ones who do nothing but create raw materials. You would be useless without cities to process your crops or give you loans for your farms.
You don't do that either, chump. That title goes to China.
Your glorified ant colonies are stagnant ghettos that are all doomed to failure and perpetual misery like Detroit because any use we once had for them has long since left your tiny hub which only remains as a monument to that one time it had any value.
PA is the lamest state of the northeast
Good, keep thinking that and stay the fuck away. Knoebels is crowded enough and I need to find my Mennonite gf still.
Why do people pretend consoles are somewhat powerful, just buy a PC if you want the specs. Consoles if you want the exclusives.
I didn't say this was exclusive to rural areas user.
The politicians have been an issue for ages now and their interests have been conflicting with with the conman man for quite a while. We seriously need to get rid of them.
If we stopped giving you crops no amount of legal whining is going to prevent your stupid shit covered cities from starving to death after a week.
>We're sick of listening to the bitching of people who create their own problems. You can't even take care of yourselves without a nanny figure holding your hand.
Mr. President please save us from fentanyl overdoses!
No amount of trying to starve us will prevent us from not sending you finished goods. We'll just import all the food if we have to while you don't get cancer medicine.
>sonyfags are so butthurt about the rise of Switch they switched the discussion to politics
We have reached COPING levels not thought possible
People kill themselves with drug ODs because it's better than having to listen to retarded liberals screech about how much everything sucks, as they live in cities full of human feces and spend all their taxes on subsidizing the birth rates of people incapable of functioning in a society.
Realistically smaller cities in independent agricultural areas would be fine indefinitely, but the whole New York-DC region would have massive riots within 48 hours.
>spends 25 dollars on a gallon of milk
>independent agricultural areas
>growing nothing but field corn and basedbeans
>would be fine indefinitely
At least I could sell mine for that price.
>Jew yorker thinks cancer medicine is a necessity
Sorry, you won't get your diabetes medicine or Mountain Dew. There, better?
And all because they lost Digimon!?
Thank god. The less people think of this place the lower the chance of our small crime free mountain towns will be infested with communists.
>he lives in Ontario
You deserve it
There are still enough farms and fishing in areas of New England that could realistically provide for the general population if you cut out Massachusetts and maybe Hartford.
>stick drifts
Just blow under the stick's rubber. It happens when dust or dirt gets inside of it.
literally, what the fuck is sony?
its not 2006 anymore
You've done it now
You've bought a new nintendo switch
And i can't allow
You to play these ten-year-old games
so turn around
and take it to your local gamestop
cause the time is now
for you to trade it for a ps4
I don't understand why you're telling the consolewarrior to ignore a different consolewarrior
Actually nintendofags were the first ones to bring up politics
How many millennia have people lived without insulin injections or carbonated corn syrup? How many years have people lived in high density populations surrounded by large structures that they are unable to maintain independently while severely restricted in access to food or water?
>How many millennia have people lived without insulin injections
They don't. They die
if I'm paying for overpriced bing bing shit it shouldn't fucking break in the first place
Weird since it's been around for at least 3 and yet the first injections were only used less than a century ago.
This. The stick is drifting so bad I can't even pass calibration.
Ordered a replacement stick online for £2.50. It's not soldered on so should be easy to replace.
Still. The switch feels the flimsiest of all the consoles I've ever owned. Just like a Chinese android peripheral controllers. And I've had my 360 controller since 09 and it's holding up fine still. It's a shame Nintendo went from making sturdy rugged consoles like gameboy to this.
The $300 is worth it for how easy it is to hack. It's the ultimate emulation machine bar none, you can install mods for all kinds of games, and you can be a filthy pirate if you so choose.
Sell your switches now Yea Forumsros. You can still recoup much of your money and wait for the revised version.
1. he didn't make the accusation
2. it's nothing more than a petty insult which adds nothing to the proceedings and is a waste of cognition to acknowledge
3. you're a fucking idiot, and yes I'm aware of the very obvious contradiction, I just wanted you to hear it again, you must be in double digits by now
I don't need two ps4s.
>People kill themselves with drug ODs because it's better than having to listen to retarded liberals screech
>killing yourself because you're not incapable of functioning in a society.
lol that cope
It was worth it back in 2017 when every switch was exploitable, I know there's a new exploit for ipatched switches but good luck finding one under 4.5
euro fags are worse. you let everyone rape your women and children and tell the people who did it that it wasnt their fault
Because of potential drive-by cars circling all day? I can't think of a reason. I'm euro but I know what cruising "CRUISING" is, I've seen the Al Pacino movie, but I don't think that's what the sign is about.
Post actual stats Cletus
California is self sufficient I hope you realise. You need them much more than they need you
>Americans pay $2000 for a severely underpowered piece of shit that's been out for years already
>the califaggot's only argument is "muh flyovers", ignoring the fact that his own state is a rural shithole outside the coastal cities
I'm glad the Switch is doing well but it pisses me off how they don't get that many of the relevant Japanese games. Why is that?
>No FF7 Remake
>No KH3
>No Tales of Arise
>No Elden Ring
>No Yakuza
Is the Switch too underpowered to run them or do the devs just not care about it?
Don’t like it don’t buy it. Wow so hard. Also
Rent free
A combination of both. Third-parties hate Nintendo because they know Nintendo's ultimate goal is to create a platform where only Nintendo games thrive. Meanwhile Sony makes consoles based on third-party feedback and demands.
That's the dock, not the switch itself
Who said OP was going to buy it?
I pay like $400 for a hooker, is $300 supposed to be a big deal? Get a job faggot.
The rural parts of California are the only places that don't have people shitting in the street enough to make India blush.
We all know you'll still take credit for America's economic strength and innovations which is all thanks to those coastal cities as soon as a foreigner makes you feel butthurt
Love Nintendo but their controllers this gen are absolute trash
>brewing or distilling dregs and waste
Excuse me?
>Third-parties hate Nintendo because they know Nintendo's ultimate goal is to create a platform where only Nintendo games thrive.
Is that even true though? Nintendo handhelds always did really well with Japanese third parties and got tons of interesting game. Their consoles don't get nearly as much support.
>I pay like $400 for a hooker
does that include the tip? kek
All consoles are underpowered
at least Switch has an excuse being handheld
That place has got to be one of the cities most hated by its own residents. I've met people from detroit who loved detroit, but I've never met someone from Philadelphia who thinks it's a great place
PSP had stronger third-party support despite it selling half as much as NDS did.
I'd argue even Vita had better third-party support than 3DS.
Yes, the tip of my penis
PS4 and Xbone have the excuse of being 6 years old instead of 2 years old.
That's literally what the "great compromise" was about when they wrote the constitution you retarded californian. I wish your state would secede, I'd rather stay in a poor state than live with a californian's idea of "rich"
so why isnt there a 3rd party dock cord ?
Underpowered. The Switch is assraping the PS4 in Japan, like it's not even close, the race is over.
And I'm 100% sure Japanese devs would put every single game they have on Switch if they could.
Digits for 9.1 to hit California san andreas fault line
>paying $400 to stick the tip in a hooker
>not even bareback anal
>PSP had stronger third-party support
I don't know the stats but I won't argue. But that doesn't change the fact that DS and 3DS had a ton of third party support/exclusives regardless. The consoles usually only have a handful.
>like it's not even close, the race is over.
Yeah in terms of third-party support, it's done. Switch is the neglected console of this gen nobody cares about.
pretty glad my job gives us good boy points and buy stuff off some site my company partnered up with. I was able to get a ps4 and a switch, both bundles, for free. Fuck buying consoles.
oh okay
NVidia SoCs don't come cheap.
>21/100000 with up to 57/100000 in the absolute worst case
Wow, what a huge """epidemic""", this is definitely something that we'll never survive without the input from Seattle app developers and student activists from Berkely!
Yeah and you'll be begging to join back when the only work you can find is in coalmines or Bible teacher or some shit and it turns into an even worse fundamentalist shithole
no they kill themselves with ods because they take drugs to perform ridiculous tasks for mega corps and eventually become addicted and then replaced and without the money or a source for oxy etc then they go for the next cheap alternative for pain pills which is heroin.
But heroin is often incredibly stepped on with various bullshit like fentanyl and drug pushers push out more product and you get even high dosage junkies oding and instead of it making people not want it, it actually increases business because people want dat good shiyt so they can just take small amounts of it and try to "dose it correctly" but not spend money. I fucking hate banjo kazooie cause hes a down syndrome tim allen.
>you let everyone rape your women and children
this only happen in your /pol/ rotten brain, though. americans are still objectively fat
>states and regions
>% increase over 17 years
It's almost like heroin is an urban problem that spread temporarily and is now returning back to whence it came.
That's also true. But I bet you every board meeting is a bunch of old jap dudes in suits slamming their fists on the table asking why in the fuck they're not also putting their games on the console that's selling so many times more.
Nintendo are dumbasses and I swear to God they're going to make a Switch revision and that "Pro" console won't be able to run those games either.
>Famitsu Sales: 6/24/19 – 6/30/19
>Switch – 59,184 (8,373,426)
>PlayStation 4 – 11,422 (6,994,352)
>PlayStation 4 Pro – 7,351 (1,204,943
i dont care sperg
Well yeah those students make the websites that you shitpost on. Don't think that they need you however
I've gone through 4 n64 controllers, countless gamecube, 360, and wii controllers, and 3 PS3 controllers. Wear and tear is a real thing. And I promise you, if you take the time to repair those joycons and look at all the tiny components there, you won't question why each joycon costs 40$. The amount of technology inside those little bastards is amazing, and are the most complex controllers I've taken apart. There are 5 separate PCBs inside the right joycon alone.
I trited fixing my joycon since one of the latches disconnected. Holy fuck who designed this piece of shit? It honestly the most flimsy and retarded design i've ever seen
>t. Eurocuck
The only thing California is good at is being little Israel. You fuckers only make money by draining it from the rest of the country to keep your "liberal utopia" afloat
America doesn't need California, California needs America.
why do snoyfags keep losing everytime nintendo is mentioned?
Reminder that just within the last 12 months, Sony has:
>moved the Playstation HQ to California
>censored games for no reason to the point of having Rated M games on Switch being Rated E on PS4
>forced Japanese devs to have meetings in English with no interpreter
>angered AA and below Japanese devs, pushing them away from the PS4
>been actively uncooperative with crossplay, making themselves the only platform not included in crossplay in several large games
>lost several console exclusives to Switch
>pulled out of E3 completely
>gone on record saying they're struggling to adapt to the current climate and thinks consoles will be obsolete soon
>announced they're going to be making fewer games from now on
>announced that they will no longer support smaller studios in favor of Triple AAA studios
>make the PS5 a niche only machine
That's not true at all, it's because the sensor gets worn out.
>no trues scotsman
>>they will no longer support smaller studios in favor of Triple AAA studios
>>angered AA and below Japanese devs,
>>make the PS5 a niche only machine
>America doesn't need California, California needs America.
Lmao bold statement from a literal who. You wouldn't even have your phone or internet or video games without them. You could get nuked to dust tomorrow and Cali will be perfectly fine.
where can i get a cheap switch?
i'm not paying 300 dolary-doos
"Niche" in 2020 means that you play hardcore games on a dedicated gaming console you pay 599 us dollars for. It's not niche like you only play Pantsu Quest and lesser known stuff.
I've seen no cruising signs in Portland, Oregon. But I think that's just to keep traffic down since downtown is not at all built for the population of cars here.
Based and Designatedpilled
33 and with the literacy skills of a 7 year old
Majority of hardcore games come from AA and below studios.
Remember when Digimon was Tamagotchi for boys?
What the fuck happened to Digimon?
They shit on the street and they're still worth more than you how does that make you feel?
how is sony going to censor this for their basedstation?
Hardcore as in you play GTA Online and FIFA for 3700 hours and buy shit in the store.
they're not talking about The Witch and the Hundred Knight 2 or 13 Sentinels.
Bold statement when you buy all your electricity from us ;^)
Severly underpowered to what portable console?
It can happen. But usually its just some dust under the rubber. If blowing does not work, then try air duster.
Feels pretty good not to have to live in a closet for 6 figures a year while having my lifestyle only barely held up by illegal aliens working for sub-minimum wage and transoceanic shipping desu.
>Tokyo Mirage sessions is still butchered to this day
lmao cope harder, nincel.
Reminders that the dock is not the console.
>this thread
The only thing more hilarious than watching Americans trying to shit on other countries is Americans trying to shit on other Americans.
Zoom out 5x and you'll see all of those plebs are mere zits on the goldface of the idort software pirate.
Every hardware platform, never pays for software wherever possible
Pretty much. The Switch is a huge piece of shit and I've owned nearly the entire library.
This board is just full of angry incels that get mad when you bad mouth it for being what it is: shit.
A kids you should be kid proof
Thats not an excuse, its a crutch
reminder that it still costs 80 dollars
I know a lot of you dipshits are legally illiterate and taking whats posted on the sign at face value but fyi the law doesn't literally mean "you can't drive past this spot twice in x hours". Anti-cruising laws (they're actually ordinances anyways, and the courts don't have to uphold them) are meant to deter vehicle gatherings and people driving around for the purpose of being seen. So idiots like and can feel safe knowing that a cop isn't going to pull your ass over for being a lone driver actually going somewhere or coming back. its to keep nig/spic gangs and their shitty low-riders from keeping people up at night constantly driving up and down the street.
>the price of electronics should be dependent on the size of its PCB
Americans, also europeans and asians.
Nice power plant that California owns partially lmao
>moved the Playstation HQ to California
>censored games for no reason to the point of having Rated M games on Switch being Rated E on PS4
Source on said games? I want examples.
>forced Japanese devs to have meetings in English with no interpreter
>angered AA and below Japanese devs, pushing them away from the PS4
Why are all their games still on PS4?
>been actively uncooperative with crossplay, making themselves the only platform not included in crossplay in several large games
And? They have quadruple the install base.
>lost several console exclusives to Switch
>pulled out of E3 completely
Nintendo has been out of E3 for 6 years now.
>gone on record saying they're struggling to adapt to the current climate and thinks consoles will be obsolete soon
It's true. PC is the future.
>announced they're going to be making fewer games from now on
No, fewer AA games.
>announced that they will no longer support smaller studios in favor of Triple AAA studios
>make the PS5 a niche only machine
This is bad why? Fuck casuals they can play shitty Nintendo games.
>m8 where's yer dicksuckin loisence
>arrogant PC elitists getting fucked by DRM
do console games not have DRM anymore?
Can’t play Smash Ultimate on the go on any other console. It’s worth it, imo.
Why are Switch fanboys so obsessed with gay people? Is it because they tend to become trannies?
>Implying size of the pcb doesn't indicate (lack of) complexity and low cost of the device
>Wojack poster
>throws in your little incel buzzword/boogeyman on top of your console wars
We get it, you're from ResetEra
>this cope
Price Signaling
There has been experiments in retail and marketing at placing things at their actual value did. Basketball shoes was one thing they tried and instead of the regular price things normally went for was $90, they reduced to their actual value at $30 and sales dropped precipitously. And they were mocked in media for being worthless trash.
Reminder that just within the last 12 months, Sony has:
>moved the Playstation HQ to California
>censored games for no reason to the point of having Rated M games on Switch being Rated E on PS4
>forced Japanese devs to have meetings in English with no interpreter
>angered AA and below Japanese devs, pushing them away from the PS4
>been actively uncooperative with crossplay, making themselves the only platform not included in crossplay in several large games
>lost several console exclusives to Switch
>pulled out of E3 completely
>announced they're going to be making fewer games from now on
>announced that they will no longer support smaller studios in favor of Triple AAA studios
>make the PS5 a niche only machine
its actually funny not gonna lie
>stop calling me gay you tranny!!!
Nope, never been there before. Keep assuming, fucking retard.
>cruising law
It's usually employed in areas with prostitution, so Johns can't keep circling a neighborhood looking for a whore to pick up. I have no idea why it would be on a Cali highway.
Gays and trannies in denial just like all their politicians
smooth brained brainlet
I don't own a switch
>not knowing what third world means
>people thought there was actually going to be additional hardware inside the dock
Why are snoyfags extra mad today?
did nintendo BTFO'd them on something?
This is nowhere near as bad as E3 week
>snoyfags extra mad today
It's all because of the handheld aspect of the Switch. Japs are suckers for handhelds like no other market. Too bad the hybrid model doesn't work that well for multiplats simply because it's so god damn underpowered compared to even the 6 year old hardware in the ps4. Only first party Nintendo games utilizes the system to its full potential, and even some of them like XC2 look so godawful much of the time it's incredible they got away with it.
>Console company overcharging for their shitty hardware
Why do Americans lose their fucking shit when you insult their stupid ass country?
Is it because they know there’s no justification for how tucking awful this country actually is? That its the richest country on Earth and yet many Americans are dying of opioids, are snapping and killing their classmates, are homeless on the streets?
Maybe you should? You fit the bill.
Rent free
Switch will end up outselling the ps4 and ps5 is fucked
Cope harder sonegros
Why are these Sony related? Seems like you are cherry picking and attempting to tailor a narrative.
I have a Switch and think it sucks ass. This is independent of the Playstation even existing.
>You fit the bill
The whole world lives in your head rent free
You would've been able to enjoy all those "great games" 8 years earlier if you bought a WIIU
I'm gonna laugh when the PS5 dominates desu. Not even a PS fanboy, but the Switch cunts on this board are by far the worst fanbase I've ever encountered.
>y-you f-fit the b-b-bill...
lol dat cope
>he thinks americans care about other countries
Kek, you wish
Please Nintendo,shit in my face with garbage products that doesn't last 1 year,it is worth,so complex....
Woah dude, maybe you should not type like you speak.
Cope with what exactly?
Because we like our country. Do other countries not like their own countries?
>n-no u
we're reaching cope levels unheard of before now
imagine being so poor you have to worry about $300. $300 or $1500 makes no difference to me
Americans have a severe victim complex, your government goes all around the world sewing chaos, and Americans take pity on themselves and fail to understand why they’re utterly loathed. No other country has had this particular pathology, from what I’ve seen. Many countries have always manufactured reasons for war, but only Americans demand sympathy from the world they rule. Not tribute, not glory, sympathy.
Because Americans know there is no excuse, no justification, your country is evil and furthermore doesn’t care about you, and the only thing that Americans can do is pity themselves and pity their country. Sad.
>more green ziggy zaggies good
Did you reply to the wrong post?
>Not even a PS fanboy
Why lie on the internet faggot?
If it makes you feel any better, as an American I wish we'd quit meddling in most other countries businesses for the most part. We have enough problems in our own country and our neighbors (mostly Mexico, Canada is fine).
So are you
why is this thread targeted at americans? people from all over the world buy the switch.
Why are Eurocucks so obsessed with America?
California has more than just San Francisco
Inferiority complex
Why would I lie? Do you want to see my shitty Switch?
I don't particulary hate Americans, I am not racist and I don't hate racemixed people but the Amerimutt and "Freedom ain't Free" memes are hilarious and anyone who says otherwhise is an hypocrite, don't be so thin skinned Americant's, you are in an imageboard who laughs at dysphoric/trans people, autistic people, crippled people and people with Down Syndrome constantly, don't be so fucking thin skinned.
>paying MSRP
Based retard not looking for deals
T. Bought refurb switch with Bayo 1+2 and Mario Odyssey for $250
There is a reason you are the laughing stock of the world, half breed niggers are not violent enough to attack their Jewish overlords and not smart enough to think for themselves.
God you sound rerarded
All I got from this post is that everyone else constantly thinks about Americans
See, the trouble with that is that the law doesn't actually specify "nig/spic gangs" in its text. This is what we call an "overly broad" ordinance. You can *say* "this only applies to gangs and low-riders" all you like, but it just takes one smart-ass cop having a bad day to nail some poor rando and your claim goes right out the window.
Also, lol @ the notion that courts don't have to enforce ordinances. Again, technically speaking they don't. But they *always* fucking do. And mysteriously, ignoring an ordinance violation or refusing to comply quickly turns it into a criminal matter, dragging you into court anyway. At least you're entitled to fucking representation at that point, though, unlike in ordinance cases where you don't get criminal trial protections.
And it will still end up being the best selling console of all-time by the end of its lifecycle. Funny how good exclusive games and versatility can outmatch powerhouse consoles eh?
My dad unironically said “Freedom isn’t free” when we got into an argument about the pointlessness and evil behind America’s Middle East campaign. Had no response when I brought up the PATRIOT Act tho
t. typical amerimutt response
I hate mutts more than niggers, at least the niggers can keep kikes out.
Air duster doesn't always fix it, I had to use contact cleaner after some people here recommended it which worked like a charm.
kek at that webm
>This is what we call an "overly broad" ordinance.
It isn't though, because "cruising" as a legal term is pretty well defined.
I don't have to :)
Enjoy the secession movements.
Please point me in the direction of Sony or Microsoft's handheld consoles, completely ignoring that despite the power difference the Switch feels 10x snappier than the PS4/Xbone because Sony and Microsoft are too busy using their console to feed you ads instead of games.
God this image is retarded. A small circuit board doesn’t make a product cheap.
The fact that you characterize everywhere else that way is even more evidence that you live in a bubble. Also what do you do that's so fulfilling? Finally, is there any reason someone can't be a "coder" (the most valuable and esteemed of jobs) in the heartland?
>paying for hookers
why pay when you can fuck for free
Doesn't mean they're at all qualified to determine what the rest of the country outside of NYC or silicon valley wants. Also, if you're referring to this website, moot made it before he was even a college student, much less a Google employee
>(the most valuable and esteemed of jobs)
This is your brain on soitendo. Just take it in the ass and say thank you lol.
steal it nigga
How do Switch players justify paying $70 for every game? All of the Switch launch titles are still full price, meanwhile I can easily find games like God of War, Spiderman, Bloodborne and Horizon for $20 a piece.
The board is cheap though. 95% of the Switch's prod cost is outside the dock
There isn’t a fire tablet on the market with a GPU even close to the one in the switch. The ONLY tablet GPUs better than the Tegra X1 are made by Apple. The A11 and A12/A12X. Even then only the A12/A12X GPU found in the $1000+ X/XS and $750 XR and newer iPads is better than the Tegra X1 GPU in the Switch.
And so does everywhere else. I don't think another state has decriminalized intentionally infecting other people with HIV though.
Because he can't without paying
a fucking leaf
It was sarcasm, in response to the poster's implication that the only good jobs are in California, etc.
I just want the Switch to get new models already so I can either buy the new, cheaper model, or buy a launch model that will inevitably drop in price.
I can't justify buying a system until it's been a few years since it's launch.