I am forgotten

I am forgotten...

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2019....I am still hated

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The best Froms game.

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Good. It’s overrated.

It just wasn't that good.

Fucking monkey Jesus how do you prevent the terror?

consolebabs still can't beat it

one of my friends has 10x my playtime and i thought i explored thoroughly

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Sekiro was challenging, no doubt, but it’s a game I don’t actually miss. I haven’t felt any urge to go back to it. I’m good. That game was enough once.


people dont realise not every game needs to be endlessly replayable if it gave you a good experience in one playthrough.

It's the 0.01% reason to replay that killed it so quickly. A real shame really as it's a great game for the first run.

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Sekicucks are pathetic

Kind of a bummer because it was 60$. Wish there was more content

No fashion, no longevity.

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>it needs stats in order to be replayable!!
Jesus fucking christ I hate you people. A good game is replayable by virtue of it being a good game.

no reason to replay
you can get everything on 1 or 2 playthroughs
that being said I will buy DLC day 1

This. In all Souls you had overly complex ways to get several sets which forced you to explore in unconventional paths and shit.
I remember getting the witch set in DaS2, having to light all torches in the Gutter and I found tons of shit I missed first time. In Sekiro the exploration doesn't reward you anything.

>Every other souls game previous
Build diversity for every replay
>Sekiro has none of it
> Waaaaah screw you guys for expecting a series stable! I-It's not a souls game!

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There won't be DLC

>build diversity
Another retarded meme. "Builds" in Souls games were always a fucking joke because the combat is too simplistic. Completely different builds will play very similarly to each-other.
>series staple
It isn't a Souls game. You acting dismissive of that fact doesn't make it untrue.

wish there was more color in ds3


>every Sekiro thread is just Dark Souls vs Sekiro or people calling it too easy/repetitive
The threads were genuinely fun when it came out. I miss them.

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It's pretty much a souls game with no online and more movement options user.

Clearly not forgotten if this thread is made evry week

considering every single game they've released since DeS has DLC, that'd be a pretty unlikely thing to happen

they already said no one is working on any, they'll be too busy working on the new game

How can you argue it's not a souls game? Are you gonna say Bloodborne isn't a souls game next?

>A meme

This may very well be bait but just in case it isn't, you're a literal retard if you think builds were a detriment to any of the games.

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why dont i have the urge to play this? is it the japanese setting?

Yea Forums can't beat it

The only reason you cry about replay value is because you're so stupid you paid 60$ for it

Pirates don't have this problem

But I just got it and beat Genichirou


I finally beat Isshin yesterday, I really like the fight but fight everytime you lose Genichiro again is a bit much, it's tiring. Also, Isshin first phase is a joke, that shit could be scraped as well.

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he's there to make sure you don't lose concentration
you can tell when you're tilting when you start getting hit by jobichirou

I fought genichiro in this final boss so many times (because I suck against isshin 3rd phase) that I bet when I go to NG+, all his encounters will be a joke, if that was the intention it worked


Must exists some kind of archive. I did not visited Yea Forums that month to not get spoiled.

yes you are a racism

I think if you go into it wanting and expecting the customization and design factor of a Souls game you're gonna be disappointed. I've been playing since release albeit sparingly and it's still fun. Thing is you have to get in the mindset of roleplaying the designated character in the intended style. Similar to an MGS game. Then it's much more enjoyable. But most Souls babies cant do that and want a thousand armors and weapons.

I dropped it after getting to Ashina Castle. The combat is addicting but the world so uninteresting and the music so forgettable.

boards.fireden.net/v/thread/459940350/ () - one thread I like to go back to.
You could try reverse searching the image I posted and see what you get: boards.fireden.net/_/search/image/vF096_sUiaeLP6AK6UZ6SQ/


I want more bosses, and new encounters. I still never found a use for half of the prosthetics and skills.

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Bad game for autistic children. Literally no viewers on twitch. Dead game.

We have this thread literally every single day.

They're too busy with Elden Ring and hopefully Bloodbotne 2

muh build diversity fags
des 6+ playthroughs about 150 hours 1 build 1 weapon
ds 20+ 200+ dex only bss if lucky longsword, claymore and uchi 3 weapons
ds 2 5 200 dex only no weapons everything feels like utter trash to use
ds3 10+ 300 dex only dozens of identical weapons does not change the play style in any way. except things like friedes scythe
bb 20+ 500 dex/str actualy variety
sekiro 5+ 200 dex 1 weapon.

>mfw when the mist noble steals your youth

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>when you chow down on him to get your youth back

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first time I got into NG+, I actually beat him on the opening fight first try

>hardest thing to do in the game is not kill yourself from the sheer boredome of grinding skill points

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>Grappling hook: Gone
>Stealth mechanic: Heavily nerfed or gone
>More customization
>More weapon options
>Less generic enemies


>"Builds" in Souls games were always a fucking joke because the combat is too simplistic. Completely different builds will play very similarly to each-other.

I'd actually argue that it's the opposite, that the RPG elements add flavor, thinking and investment to what is otherwise very simplistic gameplay. Sekiro has more complex gameplay but it isn't strong enough to stand on its own.

>B-Team makes shit meme game
>gets forgotten

whoa huge surprise .