Guess something about the poster
3x3/4x4/etc. Thread
I guess you're too fucking stupid to comprehend the concept of a 3x3
Read the title.
You know the point of a 3x3 specifically is to force yourself to make the hard choices and decide between games, right?
For example, I fucking love Warcraft 3 and Age of Empires 2. But ultimately decided on Warcraft 3 over it because my playtime in AOE was just compstomps with my friends and dad and dabbling in some of the campaigns. Whereas with Warcraft 3 I beat the campaigns in full, getting really into the lore of the series, played vs matches and comp stomps with my friends, and played hundreds of hours of custom games.
I love both of them, but decided that the time I've put into Warcraft 3 explored the content of the game better and was more meaningful from a standpoint of representing my tastes in vidya.
Way too many people push the "hurr hurr imagine only having 9 favorites" meme but there is a fucking reason for that format
3/4 Metal Slug 3, AOE2, SF2 -Oblivion
I've played the individual mario games in All Stars but never All Stars. Don't know how you would count that.
Are you guys blind?
>3x3/4x4/etc. Thread
anyway 8/9
loved Pyre, Banjo Tooie, never got into Smash
>compilation on the 3x3
I'm not saying that your post isn't in line with the OP I'm saying that 4x4s and up defeat the purpose of doing a 3x3 over like a top 25 or 50 or 100 games list or something
They're just autists. Numbers being slightly different than they're used to triggers them.
why do you like oblivion?
>You know the point of a 3x3 specifically is to force yourself to make the hard choices and decide between games, right?
Exactly. Anyway, 0/1 sorry lad
Slight update because I needed to get DK'94 on here despite still working through a backlog of emulated and Steam games. That game is masterful in its level design. I might even put it in my core 3x3 after consideration, but I want to play some other potential contenders first. Currently a few hours into Killer7 and that could make it in too based on what I've played.
3/3 (Twisted Metal Black, SFII, All-Stars)
You're right but making bigger is a fun exercise. I think as long as you can articulate your favorites from the larger format you're good. I answer that question already by just having my 3x3 in a different color in the middle of the 5x5. 3/3 for the top row.
2/2 (Shovel Knight, BT3); I still love Tenkaichi 3 but I felt like it was the weakest link in the outer ring. Most of it was nostalgia and how big the roster was, although I think the music was underrated.
OST, muh atmosphere, quests, nostalgia.
did you complete the main quest?
+ - / /
/ + + -
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+ + -
+ / /
There's nothing wrong with 4x4s, but pushing it beyond that annoys me, unless it's like + / +
+ + -
/ + +
I'll have to try 94 if you liked it so much.
DK'94 is 101 straight levels of top-tier game design. It has excellent platforming mechanics and physics for an OG GameBoy game (the way Mario jumps in this game was used as a proof of concept for Super Mario 64), and it has just the right variety of enemies and gimmicks to keep things fresh. The game is adept at teaching you its mechanics in wordless cutscenes between each set of 4 levels, and it showers you in lives to let you figure out the more involved stages (whether it be the puzzle or platforming) with trial and error without fear, awarding more for good play (collecting the three items in a stage and having good times in each block of 4 stages). It's incredibly satisfying to reach 99 lives without using an exploit, you've just reached that naturally playing the game, and then you can burn as many as you need to on the remaining 2 worlds.
/ + / -
+ + / +
/ / / +
/ + - -
Collections aren't games and don't belong on 3x3s and Mario All Stars is a downgrade anyways.
Civilization is well made but suffers from lack of focus on a specific region or time period even if that's the point.
Oblivion is an objective marker simulator that barely even counts as a game. To be fair, it's marginally better than Skyrim and significantly better than nuFallout.
- + -
+ + -
+ - +
Assuming 'Warcraft' means 3
City Trial is cool but Air Ride is bad otherwise
+ + +
+ + -
- + -
Too much From
and fuck off with Ledditale
/ - / + -
+ + / + -
- / - + +
+ / - + /
+ - + - +
Yes, main quest was trash, side quests were fantastic.
7/9 as much as i liked the rivals system, i didn't like shadow of war, can't into undertale
24/24 didn't play the transformers one
9/9 loved deadly premonition
how the hell don't you like aoe2
9/9 nice
8/8 loved dominions, never played marble madness
+everything but Tenchu
Gotta check that out. What do you like so much about it?
+Shovel Knight, Bloodborne, Sekiro, Undertale
+ + +
/ / +
+ + -
I've never played a DK game, but I'll give it a look.
- / /
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/ + /
>how the hell don't you like aoe2
RTS is very hit or miss for me; I don't think it's a bad game, just not one I enjoyed.
/ + +
+ + -
/ / +
I'm cheating with a 5x5.
you don't have to rate mine
>Collections aren't games
collection of games are games.
Civilization has the huge problem of terrible AI, rest is fine.
>Oblivion is an objective marker simulator
You're playing games wrong
>it's marginally better than Skyrim and significantly better than nuFallout.
replace marginally better with "destroys"
>/ - / + -
>+ + / + -
>- / - + +
>+ / - + /
>+ - + - +
Never had a rating quite like that. Definitely first -'s I've gotten for SSX3 or Wario Land II. Still, you've got overall good taste and I respect your opinion. I would like to ask why you like DMC5 but not 3 and why you didn't like SSX3/WLII/DBAA/W101, just out of curiosity. Also if you like DBFZ then UMvC3 is worth trying; while FighterZ did a couple things that feel like learning from Marvel 3's faults I still think UMvC3 is the best 3v3 Tag fighter and one of the best team fighters ever made.
And a 3/3 (Thief, Marble Madness, SMB3) to you, as well.
yeah that's what i was getting at, that was the main thing that made the game fun for me
3/4, Tooie over Kazooie is a good pick imo, messier and weirder than the first but it's charming
3/5, is the Winnd Waker HD art to signify Wind Waker HD specifically or is it general
6/9, Excitebots is a cool pick
1/4, love Deadly Premonition
6/6, need to finally play Hitman 2
4/6, Marble Madness is a good pick
3/4, love Gunslinger
>what do you like so much about it
It's the best ninja series ever made. Unlike most ninja games that make ninjas seem more like super heroes, Tenchu is about a being a semi-realistic simulation of being a ninja. Movement is weighty and with the exception of some supernatural enemies, everything is grounded in realism. Despite that though, you have access to some of the most versatile movement controls ever put in a stealth game. In Wrath of Heaven, you have 5 different types of dodges in combat, you can perfectly control the arc of your jumps in mid air, and you can literally skip across water without making a sound provided you time your jumps in water correctly.
The combat feels like a light version of Ninja Gaiden and the stealth is based on using all of your movement options to stay out of lines of sight a set yourself up for brutal stealth kills. I'd go as far as to call WoH the God Hand of stealth games. By that I mean the gameplay seems clunky at first but once you get used to the controls the game plays as smooth as butter.
This video here shows what high level play in WOH looks like:
Very interesting, thanks for the detailed reply, I will definitely check it out soon.
Would you recommend starting the series from WoH?
7/7, need to finally get around to Daggerfall
Definitely interesting to see how varied MM Classic opinions can be. 3 & 6 being the best isn't one I see often. Personally I'm a 4/10/11 guy with a lot of nostalgia for 3 and a soft spot for MM&B.
4, 6, and 11 are my favorites, but i put 3 there since I'd say it's my nostalgic favorite. It's got flaws but I go back to it more than any other even if 4, 6, and 11 are better.
The series in chronological order is (discounting all the bad games in the series that aren't worth your time):
2>1>Fatal Shadows>Wrath of Heaven
1 and 2 are PS1 classics but they're extremely janky due to having tank controls and they have an extremely low draw distance. 2 is noteworthy for having the only good story in the entire series (seriously the story for 2 is genuinely phenomenal and filled with feels). The other game stories are just "ninjas kill bad guy of the week and all his eccentric minions". The reason I rate Wrath of Heaven so highly is because it has by far the best gameplay in the series, polishing the controls and combat to a mirror sheen while having a lot of replay value (each level has 3 different versions that change guard and item placements on NG+). The only bad thing about WOH is that the story is garbage, which I only really take issue with because 2's story was so good.
Also, every game in the series has a fantastic OST:
That's cool, it's nice to have a personal favorite in a 3x3 since it is meant to be favorites over "these are the games I've played that are objectively better than the others I've played". 6 never stood out as being among the best to me but I do like the adaptors and alt paths it went with, and I think Yamato Man's theme is underrated.
The music is a big part of why 6 is one of my favorites, and most of the weapons are fun to use. The Rush adaptors were fun too.
>Rockman World 1 over Rockman World 3
I'm curious as to why you feel this way, You're a fantastic lad for putting MM7 so high though.
World 1 is simple and effective. I think it handles concepts from NES 1 better because of hindsight being a factor. It's not amazing but I think it's good and it has nice Wily stages with a very nice Wily theme that was attributed to Enker later on (and Enker in general is cool). World 3 I admittedly didn't finish, but that's because it's just a frustrating game and not in the good way that many Mega Man games are. It just has stages that are not fun to play due to their difficulty when the series has had plenty of stages that are fun because of their difficulty, if you get me. Still better than World 2 and the shit they put out on the Game Gear and WonderSwan though. R&F:CftF's only good contribution was having official 8-bit arrangements of the SNES original's music.
+Demon's Souls
+Street Fighter II
+Smash Ultimate
-Banjo Tooie
+Shovel Knight, Wind Waker, Bloodborne, Undertale
-Shadow of War
+Mega Man Zero 2, MM10, Super Star Ultra, DK94, Rondo of Blood, Shovel Knight, W101
-Star Allies
+Deadly Premonition
+Hitman 2, Yakuza 0, MGS3, Silent HIll 2, Vice City
good taste dude
+BotW, Super Mario 3
+Ghost Trick, that game is so tight, and Danganronpa 2
+Mother 3, Dark Souls, Killer7, Sotn, TTYD, Ace Attorney, Majora, SotC, Ghost Trick, MGS3, and 999
-Yoshi's Island, Banjo Tooie, and Rayman
+Metal Gear Solid, Hotline Miami, DOOM, Silent Hill 2, Majora's Mask
+Cave Story, Shovel Knight, Skullgirls, Tomodachi, New Leaf
-Sonic Mania
+TLOU, Half Life 2, OoT, Majora, TF2, L4D2, Mega Man X, Far Cry 5
+Dark Souls, DOOM, Mega Man 3/6, Super Metroid
+Automata, San Andreas, Dark Souls, LISA
-Kingdom Hearts you fucking faggot
I've never seen such a bad take on Mega Man
You are over he age of 40
Due to a botched experiment you had your soul/body swapped with that of a squrrel, you find playing games hard youth your tiny squrrel hands.
in 1482 a young boy found a crashed meteor in a field, when he touched it he was blessed with eternal life, but at a cost, every full moon he must give a hand job to a homeless man or his soul will be taken by space satan, you are that boy.
You have an irrational fear of the number 14
You are a time traveler from the future, you came back to our time in an attept to stop the robot uprising, however you accidently slept with your own great great great great great grandmother and started a chain of inbreeding within your own family and have become retroactively retarded and deformed.
You go by the name of The Nightstalker you are Brazil's most wanted criminal, in the dead of night you stalk the streets looking for victims and harvest their organs, so far you remain un captured and at large.
You once ate an entire horse foal whole
8 years ago you were murdered, you now exist as a ghost seeking revenge
You were once an ordinary squirrel but after a botched experiment you were left with a human body, you now commit murders as revenge for all the roadkill victims.
You dont exist you are a nothing but thought in the mind of other people reading this.
You still wet the bed
You are too old to be posting on Yea Forums
On an archeological trip to the antarctic you were frozen in ice, you are still trapped in that frozen wasteland beneath the ice but you have learned how to telepathically communicate with penguins and have begun building an army.
>I've never seen such a bad take on Mega Man
>He says after rating both of the MM games on my 5x5 positively
Made me chuckle a little. What are your favorite Classic games?
>You have an irrational fear of the number 14
I don't get it, because I don't, but you have good taste in fighting games.
1/1, lots of stuff I want to get around to, AVP2 rules
i'd argue it's more difficult to think of 16 or even 25 games that could fit your grid. after all, top 10 lists are a very common thing to see, but not top 20 or 50 or 100
now that i think about it this 5x5 is outdated, i'll fix it later
>What are your favorite Classic games?
9, 2, and 4 are my top 3. 10 and 11 I'd both put closer to B or C tier, 7 would definitely be a little below 8 and 8 would be a solid second-stringer, that's why I took issue with the list haha.
Really? Which two?
I'm not saying they're bad games, I just didn't like MGS2 and Arkham City
Could've easily went past the limit if not for Dork Souls staining your taste.
See me after class.
Good lord, deliver us from this evil.
>Good lord, deliver us from this evil.
What is you rating even based on?
What's so bad about dorks souls, you dork?
>too old to be posting on Yea Forums
I'm 23 but maybe you're onto something here.
Didn't rate
Can someone explain three by threes to a little newfag, is there any order? is it only our 9 favorite games?
Order is optional, it's just your 9 personal favorites.
2/2 (+SOTN, MM)
Lot of games I've played about 10 minutes of and put back on the shelf. Not because they are bad but more so my inability to play any turn based RPG.
You play fighting games with good aesthetics but aren't particularly good at any of them.
3/4 (+MMX, P5, BOTW, -DK:TF)
There is something wrong with DK:TF. I don't know if it's the 2.5D but DK has a terrible feel/weight/momentum to him. I constantly make jumps in that game that should be effortless that I undershoot by a huge margin. I can see why others enjoy it but it just didn't feel good to me.
2/2 (+GTA, KH3)
I finally have a good PC and need to play Lisa.
0/0 sorry dude
5/5, Gargoyle's Quest is a great pick
I've recently picked up an original cartridge and Gameboy and have been playing it with a craned back under a light.
You can tell the limited technology really went into the game design. The tiny bullshit screen works well with the projectile based combat, verticality, and general slowness compared to a traditional horizontal based platformer.
The Mario Land games always felt off to me because I never felt like I could just run full speed due to the small screen and sudden enemy appearances. so I'd weirdly inch forward to progress and that felt shitty. Gargoyle's Quest has level design with that in mind.
I respect the shit out of that game. I wish the sequels were as good, though they are still fine.
Im actually pretty good at all of those games except cyberbots
Yeah I figured, I was mostly just projecting. I love Third Strike but I am absolute trash at it.
I've only played it emulated, would love to give it a shot on the proper hardware. And yeah, I like Demon's Crest but it doesn't scratch the same itch.
I already talked it up in this thread but DK'94 has a similar thing where it's designed around the GameBoy's limitations, while also really pushing them. Levels are relatively small and contained, at their largest having your starting screen take up a third of them and at their smallest being just a little smaller than the screen. But then you have insanely good platforming and momentum-based physics on top of that smart limited level design.