The best fighting game player uses a fightstick, why don't you use one Yea Forums?

The best fighting game player uses a fightstick, why don't you use one Yea Forums?

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Because what is optimal for one person isn't for every person. Friend plays on a pad because that's what he is best with. I use a hitbox because I have wrist problems. Another pal of mine uses a stick because that's how he learned to play.

Not only is infiltration far from the best he switched to pad you dumb cunt.

a mx red switch keyboard is better desu

The reason why they're so much used in the professional community is because those players are more invested into fighting games in general so they bought a box when they got into fighting games and now they still use it because they got used to it. similiar to how someone who's been playing on console for years will prefer a controller on pc as well, eventhough it is inferior.

Because I'm used to the normal controller

>keyboard for fighting games is better
That one is objectively worse for fighting games, if the game has a lot of different buttons you'll have to move your hand around the keyboard. It slows you

>those players are more invested into fighting games in general so they bought a box when they got into fighting games
Not even that, most of them practically grew up in arcades.

>you'll have to move your hand around the keyboard. It slows you
Excuse me?

You can have 10 fingers on your keyboard at any given moment. No travel time and the most sensitive switch that triggers on a light stroke almost instantly. Now look at the arcade sticks in OP. There's a good +1 cm between each of the buttons. How is that shorter than the 0.5mm on keyboards? You can also do circles and diagonals in moves way faster too with your numpad than the travel time a stick requires.

What stick does Yea Forums use?

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>10 fingers
Are you a mutant? Most people have 2.

I only play casually, dont feel like investing too much time and money with learning how to use a fight stick. And the games I play are pad friendly (simpler) like Umvc3, DBFZ, SFV, Tekken sort of and Smash Ultimate

The worst fighting game player also uses a stick. Just saying...

Can someone recommend me a stick with quiet buttons? Also not trying to spend that much money

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Hitbox or mixbox?

test out the configurations with a keyboard and see what u like

I don’t play fighting games generally, I just casually will play a friend in GGXRD Rev 2.

I like how these threads are always intended to start some /pol/ shit but Yea Forums knows so littlr about fightan they don't even get baited. Yea Forums is only functional on accident.

oh and you do? back to /r/kappa

>intended to start some /pol/ shit

>these threads are always intended to start some /pol/ shit
what the fuck are you on dude?

After seeing what Wolfkrone could do with C. Viper with a pad I shut up about pads.