What went wrong?
One week I'm forgotten
Other urls found in this thread:
Only 2 dungeons and 2 trials as endgame
Y'shtola takes fat Hrothgar cocks on the daily.
How many shards are rejoined at this point?
Was this the last shard they needed to summor zodiark back?
7, and yes, they need 8
>the most popular general on /vg/
>queues every morning
>every server locked during certain hours
There are literally 2 FFXIV threads up right now
What's the most retard-proof melee dps in the game now? After playing mostly casters/healers since HW I kinda wanna try one.
Don't care if it's boring, just want get back into it again.
DNC has 100% invalidated fflogs and parsefags are scrambling to rectify it. Say something nice about how DNC is separating parsefags with people who want to play the game.
Even /trannyivg/ can't compete with FGO
>What's the most retard-proof melee dps
3 dungeons
removed Misery's End
t. /vg/
GUB bros ww@
Why did you forget us...
>do a good dps run as bard with no pots and no constant dps buff from the dancer
>check fflogs
>90% all have dancer buff
very nice
Is using Anatman in the opener always a DPS gain or only if you get it on the server tick?
I haven't played since 3.0, can you elaborate?
>trusting retards with two different phases
but i want to be as efficient as possible
and now i cant really compare my performance to other players
>The best FF story is in a shitty MMO's expansion pack
how did it come to this
Yoshi P has a lot of talented people working on FFXIV.
>WHM does more dps than tanks
How hard are they going to get fucked?
Is he based or what?
More like deleted
Fuck janny
FFlogs have worked hard to remove padding values on their logs to show 'true' performance. DNC is ruining it and a simple retard like me with AST cards and DNC can obtain a 99% on my MCH.
Wouldn't this just work itself out though? If everyone is top 1% then no one is
SCH is still stronger overall, so hopefully not all that hard.
AST needs to be buffed, but they're probably just going to nerf WHM and SCH across the board.
I still don't get how was a shard joining Nael van Darnus summoning Dalamud and throwing it upon Eorzea.
So what was the deal with the WoL appearing as an ancient at the end? Is the WoL like half of an ancient being or something?
Then parsers WILL have to take DNC and only one selfish DPS can be the dance partner. Hence it becomes a shitshow of sucking dick and being cucks for others. Progging groups will see DNC in its current state and probably say 'nah' to it and have something more consistent like BRD/MCH instead.
This, but replace Y'shtola with me.
whm has ~2000 more dps than scholar, they're definitely way stronger overall
>haven't seen a single AST, WAR, or NIN since the expansion
I thought the "cuck shed" was just a meme, there is legitimately not a single fucking person playing those jobs
It wasn't forgotten, there's a confirmed WoWfag janny that deletes these threads despite wowfags spamming coming home threads for months
>People caring about "meta" in an easy PvE game
why do xivfags do this?
so is the only way to keep a XIV thread up now to pretend to hate the game?
I've seen a lot of AST, but very few NIN and WAR
Yup, we've been doing it since HW.
AST is legitimately trash, NIN is too hard, and WAR is too boring
big number make peepee go hard
my number biggest so my peepee biggest
grug love number
WHM only does more DPS if it doesn't have to heal. Healing GCDs eats into its DPS like a motherfucker in comparison to SCH.
That's why you pair it with SCH to do a majority of the healing while WHM just throws out nukes and maybe a regen or assize here and there.
Unironically yes
Pepsiman broke the playerbase. It wasnt always this way
>he doesn't know XD
WAR does less damage than WHM, AST is dogshit and NIN is clunky and underwhelming.
Pretty sure Emet-Bro alludes to you being an ascian so get ready for all our memories to come back in one of the patches
>Drop a new xpac
>Don’t need Eureka so that people can do it solo
>It’s now dead and literally impossible to get the relic weapons because Eureka never has more than two people in it
How do i use the trial if i own the HW on ps4 already?
Nah that's their whole kit now, you can do 3 GCD heals for the price of one Glare, so whm gcd healing is basically dps neutral whereas sch loses 80 potency for basically every ogcd heal they throw out
Anyone who has ever even bothered trying to get the relic weapons (outside of 2.0 as it was needed to start progression) is a complete idiot and they deserve the suffer
Every single one of their unique mechanics got fucked or outright thrown in the trash, now they just dispense mediocre damage boosts and have the worst healing skills
Still alright numbers-wise, just boring as fuck. Stance dancing was the only thing that made it fun to begin with and now it's ACTUALLY just an unga bunga job
Their individual DPS is absolute trash despite being one of the most mechanically intense jobs. Trick Attack at the right time or get kicked from every static and PF on the server because video games.
You can't get a trial after buying the game
Only do alliance raids and refuse to tank
Afflatus Misery is still a 300 potency loss, but it's nice if the heals are needed
But the glamour tho
I haven't seen a single magic dps at lvl 80
>stance dancing
Always a gain. The opener is retarded but necessary for MNK to compete with DRG right now. My hope is that anatman opener is patched out and DRG is nerfed appropriately.
Getting tired of this dps loss meme. Savage will have Misery be a matter of coincidence, rather than forced during downtime.
Last thread was pruned before I could check replies so I'll ask again.
What melds do you focus if you have current max itemlvl gear as DRG?
>Alliance roulette
>2 Dancers
>no partner as BLM
This is inhumane.
Why do the 80 dungeons drop 430 gear when you get your artifact stuff for free?
It's not a meme. It takes 4 GCDs to use Misery. That's 1200 potency "lost" to use a 900 potency attack. It's a 300 potency loss overall. That's just the math for it.
Obvious if the lily heals are needed, it's still extremely useful.
>hurr we want to show true performance
>still doesn't just do potency per second
trannylogs? hello????
>can't extend collective unconscious buffs for the best regen in the game
>can't extend lucid dreaming despite mana being an issue for all jobs now
>can't extend card buffs
>personal DPS is the worst out of all the healers despite losing all their unique tools
>cards feel completely unintuitive for anyone who played AST before, now that there's a special button specifically for using the card you just drew
>cards got nerfed to absolute fuck and back, individual damage boosts are mediocre and divination has such a long cooldown that it's worthless
>gravity nerfed
>all of the things they got in exchange for their nerfs are worthless
>intersection/neutral is a gimmick
>horoscope is a gimmick
>synastry is (still) a gimmick
If it was crystal tower, DNC doesn't get closed position at that level
I think I somehow became a healer main in this expansion. WHM is fun
Because AF doesn't come with accessories, silly user
Can you get the materia clusters every time (healer needed) is up or is it only once a day?
You would do well to not judge balance or viability now before Eden is out.
Remember, people thought that DRK was absolute shit for the first few weeks of Heavensward because they were somewhat weak in Ravana EX.
All the time
AST changes are exactly what everyone wanted. All cards are balance now, and since spread balance was 5%, now you get 6%. thats 1 more percent!
Shit, are they worth farming for then?
Materia's needed right now.
You can run it as many times as you want, but those huge bonuses are only applied on the roulettes you don't want to do more than once unless you're a masochist.
>wanting to run leveling multiple times as a healer
>wanting to drag sprouts and mentor crowns through fucking aurum vale multiple times
>1 more %
>with twice the cooldown
>and half the duration
>other melee dps fucking up
>DNC partners you instead
grug like bigger numbers
if grug had his way, AST would only have one button
grug like pressing button
Zenos is honestly a mediocre villain with a very weak "motivation". I have no idea why so many people cream themselves over him.
What's the rotation for gathering collectibles in Shadowbringers?
If you can stand it yeah go ahead, you can even drag friends with you, as long as you queue as 3 or less you will get the bonus, for 4 man duty at least
>adventurer in need: dps
guess i can run void ark all day....
>leveling healer with fates in Il Meng
>people with flying mounts keep sniping all the fates because I can't get there fast enough
go fuck yourselves
>ex trial
>no partner
>no tether on opener from drg
>2 .tether on the bard who just died
that tfw when
you mean
>DNC partners random retard who can't play and does shit dps
Honestly, Labyrinth takes like 10-15 minutes now since it's full of dancers and they just rip the trash to shreds with their aoe potency.
I had this happen to me during the final trial. Feels good.
Same as the one in SB, the collectable skills didn't change at all. Meld for 800 GP if you can.
>dance partner and DRG tether
AST player
A minute or so into the fight, once meters are stable, I just start funnelling all my cards into the top DPS
I always wonder if they notice what's going on
>queue in as nigger mage
>DNC goes for the MCH
>damn he's gonna top the chart
>check logs after fight
>2k dps
I'm new. Is the aggro order in Dungeons/Trials a good indicator of how well you're DPSing?
So as SMN, should I sit on Firebird trance unless the buff window comes around, or just use it as it comes up so you're not delaying the next bahamut?
Aether or Primal?
>Be on fatty mc angelface trial
>Dancer in party
>Partners with the blm thats 79 instead of me
>Blm dose worst dmg of everyone, I do best
>Angle phase, closed position buff drops in
I fucking love it.
you donk. you should be leveling through dungeons for all the juicy healer bonuses. come back to fates later on when you've already got flying
DPS in need on Alliance is quite common. I queue it up when it is available, only to be disappointed if it is anything but CT 1
Because as a player his motivation is the same as mine. I only give a minimal amount of fucks about who I'm fighting or why, I just want to punch monsters and fight ever more glorious battles
are you sure drg is overtuned and you're not just assmad over arbitrary rankings? whether they buff mnk or nerf drg their damage is going to be close regardless in shb because of the move away from raid dps
>when the DNC has to partner you as OT
When will DPSlets learn?
weebs are bullies who threaten wowplayers with death
As a DNC, I usually tether to the class I expect to do well and adjust based on who is doing the best on ACT. As much as I enjoy shit like DNC I don't want to play it because a good amount of the time people are fucking shit and waste the DPs increase so 2 people end up being mediocre instead of 1 mediocre and 1 very good DPS.
Who falls?
Reel it in when your rod twitches
>never kills anyone
>never directly attacks anyone until the very end
>constantly gives helpful lore drops and advice to the scions
>comes to respect the WoL who in turn does the same
>only wants to see his loved ones again
>probably has the biggest dick out of all the ascians
yeah I'm thinking he's based
is there any use for mainstat materia or should i just combine it all?
This guys is one of the biggest bullshitters in the MMO community and an extremely outspoken person on how much he hates XIV and the people who play it.
>he's getting shit on in the tweet replies
>he'll end up deleting that tweet later as well
Should I always do the same rotations I see in The Balance regardless of my skill speed or level?
DRG is slightly overtuned in the sense that they can outdps selfish dps while also bringing party buffs. At the same time NIN is a little too shit right now despite still keeping trick so I'm not sure what the solution is.
Reroll all of it and see if you can get some VIIs/VIIIs, yeah.
>getting death threats
Its like he has never been on the internet before, I get death threats every day, in fact I might get a death threat in response to this very post.
not really, get ACT and an overlay
just don't talk about using it in-game
Why do Viera hair options fucking suck ass?
>be a mediocre AST
>60% DPS percentile at best
>no one else is playing AST
>join Ex parties to farm gear: don't fuck up mechanics, save people from certain death with Rescue, etc.
>everyone gushes over how you're the best AST ever because they haven't seen one that can function at all
>same thing happened in early HW
>can't wait for uber buffs to my class
>regardless of skill speed
Rotations are very universal, yes. The only thing skill/spell speed affect are whether or not you can double weave, and even that's more up to your ping than anything
>or level
If you're not at level cap then an "optimal" rotation won't help you much anyway. At that point it's more important to learn the general flow of your job, so that the rotation makes more logical sense in your brain as you're getting the detailed execution down.
Odds of me caring what your DPS is as a DNC as long as you are mashing your spells/weaponskills as fast as you can are close to zero. Give me my Saber Dance and you get Closed Position. DF shitters are always gonna be shit so I rather look out for myself than some retard thinking he can orange parse just because he has DNC buff.
shit man are they gonna move away from this homogenization of jobs and specialize more in 6.0? i gave it a week to feel things out but i still don't like this direction, i can't believe i fucking miss heavensward's bullshit rotations
how did it come to this?
actually with the removal of most enmity skills from dps, looking at the aggro numbers is a decent indicator of who's doing the most damage.
Expac with NIN
>hurrrr NIN is hard
stop this.
He's full of shit. And it's rich coming from this dude who tells people to kill themselves on stream.
More like he pulled it down because he couldn't handle people not agreeing with him.
I actually liked his video on ffxiv, he made fair points even though I enjoy ffxiv. Peon is the most harmless dude, watching those faggots attack him in the comments was some of the most pathetic shit I've seen in a long time.
>DNC partners with an old busted job that is way past it's prime and no one wants
It's like a metaphor for what happened in the 2016 election
its not "hard" but its the hardest
Jfc get a life user, its not like he fucked your mom
kys trannypeon
>old busted job
SMN and?
Maybe he did.
>oh no someone doesnt like my MMO, let me cry about it
Dancers tend to cling to me even if I'm doing badly because I'm a MNK and increase their personal DPS.
What the fuck does homogenization mean?
drg doesnt have sen
nin doesnt have life
sam doesnt have trick
mch now has LESS rng than brd
smn and blm are completely different
they are not the fucking same, what does this reddit buzzword even mean
>Alliance roulette
>It's Wipe Scaith
>No one knows first boss mechanics
>Edilibus, his equal and his old friend since the literal start of creation or however old the singular world was
>Should I tell him about this
>Nah, I will entrust you the WoL/WoD to remember who we were
Based and clownpilled desu
Unlike WOW people are actually playing it and enjoying it maybe you should play it too Ion.
Go to bed Peon
the only fair point he made is that ARR leveling is a slog, but the rest of his complaints in his video are straight up retarded.
kys lazyfageon
I usually find healers fine, worst is they don't DPS and I have no fun playing healer so it doesn't affect me. I do enjoy playing tank but DPS just try to push me to the edge.
Hello, Peon
And yet no Twitch views. Kind of doubting it.
dude bless lmao
>using heartsones for the big Talos in Kholusia as peripheral hearts
I don't know why it hit me this much, but it's just so good.
>I'm forgotten
>get titania normal for MSQ
>make the BLM my dance partner
>he proceeds to die and do shit dps
>give it to the same instead
>he proceeds to die and do shit dps
>give it to the nin
>he proceeds to die and do shit dps
>eventually say fuck it and give it to the healer
>nin starts to bitch that I made the healer the DNC partner over him
>I told him to stfu
>get 3 comms at the end anyway
pathetic dpslets
WTF WEEBS ARE BASED. Why did nobody tell me they threatened Wowniggers with death
>queue for Alliance Raid since DPS bonus
>it immediately pops
Hot damn
You joke, but people use this argument unironically.
it's a western thing
Isn't he a BDO player?
Honestly if you want consistency isn't it better to just bring a nin and have two strong ranged dpsers instead?
it's a lie though. there were no death threats in the comments. he took down the video because it had more dislikes than likes and people were posting his lodestone and shitting on him for being a level+story skipper.
The tanks and healers are all the same, the only difference between SCH, WHM, and AST is that one does more personal DPS than the other two.
>stances don't do anything, it's an on/off button
>healer shields don't do anything because everything hits harder and healing numbers got butchered across the board
I quit DRG after SB as I got sick of botd and the 4th combo moves were lame. Is DRG fun at max level now? I don't care about effectiveness I just want something that doesn't feel like a chore to play.
My current favourite jobs are Sam and Gun if that helps.
Well every job has an optimal rotation for 50/60/70/80 right?
I'd call Ninja unrewarding, you have to do more than most jobs but get less.
Can we get an OP that doesn't substitute air with dick? Christ alive
I don't give a shit about DPS, return healing to the way it was calculated before so I'm not chugging every single fucking OGCD heal and spamming physick and still watching the tank go down to a big pull
BRD is lowkey so amazing right now. Why would anyone want to play MCH
the two first shadowbringers dungeons are fucking boring, pull after pull in a hallway until you reach the final boss, which is usually fun
How you liking Dancer?
Can Trusts only be used for SHB content?
worse, he's a BDO fanboy. he shits on every MMO that's not BDO. like he has the gall to say that ffxiv is grindy but plays a korean mmo thats 5x more grindy
Not really, some jobs like NIN and BLM are borderline-unplayable at lv50 and don't begin to open up until 70. The biggest complaint about SMN was that it turns into a completely different job at lv60, so Square fucked with it even harder and backloaded more of their tools at lv80.
Since Ninja is shed tier, redpill me on Bard user.
Don't know about death threats, but people do have knee jerk reactions in FFXIV. I was explaining that FFXIV is a very simple and easy game mechanically, but that didn't make it bad because it was easy to dive into, especially for my normie friends and family. I would regularly get chewed out for this on the forums and Novice Network (returning) that FFXIV is a deep and difficult game, including with the job variety.
To counter the specific point I made, I said i never found it so easy to switch between jobs seemlessly including setting up the button layouts, mostly between roles. Lots of reeing to be had. Simplicity and lower difficulty does not make your game bad you fucks.
It's just a smokescreen to hide from jannies. Somehow deliberate flamewar threads are acceptable but genuine discussion gets shuffled to /vg/
New player here - do Bards have a rotation in the sense that other classes do? I mostly just use what's up or what procs
He probably means party comp or he plays tank/healer. If the only difference between your DPS is which buttons you press to get there, then what's the point? DPS lost some identity, like Bard losing most of its support.
Ehmet..are you there? I don't feel so good...
its about time we WHMchads get our time in the limelight
Because MCH is better in almost every way.
nerf imminent along with drg
>Main was SCH
>heard about how shit it was now and lost all my DPS toys
>switched to BLM
I have been reborn
>shitting on based faerie kingdom
It's okay to admit that you like sucking dicks, son.
>Yeah, my main is a male Au Ra.
>How could you tell?
I mean most dungeons are like that really. At least Holminster Switch has great atmosphere and music and Don Megh is funny.
Well then explain to me how XIV despite supposedly being such a tremendous game has so few viewers, so few big streamers. Why do they defy such a common metric? You say that "the game isn't fun to watch" but what kind of game is fun to play yet unfun to watch?
So just like Asmongold for WoW.
It's the west autists who like big numbers. world first pugs over in Nipland play their jobs because they like them and still dab on the rest of the data centers like nobodies business, it's pretty funny
Shouldn't you be happy that SCH/WHM is meta and you're still in?
Not sure about now but that's pretty much how you used to play BRD on the past expansion, with a few exclusions where you have to time your songs/cooldowns properly to maximize uptime but this is nothing but "muh 100 parse" strat
t;'dr no, you are doing fine
Because I've seen quite a few reach cap no problem, even yesterday.
I can't even show off how clutch I am by switching faeries in the middle of fights now because it doesn't fucking matter
fuck this gay earth
Speaking honestly I'm loving it, it's a total blast to play especially when you unlock technical step at 70. Not only to you bring a ton of buffs to the table to help out your group and make dungeon + trial runs go much faster, but your abilities consistently proc a lot more than say MCH or BRD. The only downside is that the animations look very flamboyant if you're a male character, and will make your dick rock hard if you're a female character.
I always pick BLM bros as my partner but I'm only one person alas.
Can't believe it's back to this.
Soccer. Baseball as well, sort of, but baseball does a great job of getting you settled-in to watch it. Maximum comfy.
Ah yes, Warrior of Light from shard #8 we meet at last..wait why do you sound like a man?
According to gamer bravado code you need to be playing the most utmost hardest convolutedest classes and games otherwise you'd have nothing to flex to internet randos.
Are you really using this as metric? If you understood twitch, people usually use twitch to watch people and not the games they play, they only use games to discover said streamers but will watch them play any trash. There hasn't been any big streamers who played XIV yet and no one who streams XIV has gotten a fanbase yet.
t. someone who has watched twitch for years and understands how this shit works.
90% sure this is the same shill in every thread
it's an mmo that isn't WoW
*unzips katana*
>The tanks and healers are all the same
tanks do not play the same. enmity generation is the same yes but your damage rotation and mitigation are very different on each job.
At least, you can use BLU to chesse it... oh wait.
>what kind of game is fun to play yet unfun to watch?
Pretty much all of them
It's almost as if XIV players would prefer to play the game rather than watch someone else play it.
>ast is a tranny
>whm is a pedo
>sch is an airhead
60 minutes malikahs wall already
why do brainlets fail the last boss
assfaggots are more fun to watch than play
>yet another tome grindfest after msq
Glad I didn’t resub
>not liking fairies makes me a fag
what level of irony are you operating on you absolute retard?
You weren't supposed to point that out...
xiv is godawful to watch
at least you can memeup with wow streamers
>brainlet seething because people find 1-2-3 rotations boring
Watch the threads, they 404 randomly when he's awake. I got 3 day bans for posting them during Stormblood
As with literally everything it determines who the streamer is.
>Can we get an OP that doesn't substitute air with dick?
Where do you think you are?
>Female Roegadyn?
>Of course I main one. How could you tell?
pedochads rise up
what would you have preferred they replace the gear-acquisition treadmill with
Do women find him attractive?
In basically every party I've been in that has a DNC in it, the DNC has been an absolute fucking retard. Is this common?
I'm on Marbolo, what would be the best server to transfer to with the best FCs etc
theyre dying to the cross aoes, arent they?
they even come down sequentially in the same order every time
Those two are related though. People watch more for the streamer than the game. Its why you see 30k+ people watching Asmongold "stream" WoW by watching random Youtube videos and walking in a circle talking about how much he hates the game. They come for the wacky zany personality.
>Yea Forums do I fit in now please give me upvotes and call me based and redpilled
>ast is a tranny
Fits the estrologian theme.
That's good to hear, DNC is the one job I was looking forward to the most but i have been waiting for bandwagoners to jump off it before leveling mine.
For now only ShB, more in the future.
Please look forward to it.
Yes, now that DPS have no aggro management tools at all and MCH/SMN pets give their summoner aggro.
Doesn't work for healers or the OT though.
That's a relief. I was wondering if I was horribly off, thanks user!
How do I select what dungeon I want to go into when I open the Trust menu? It's always defaulting to Holminster Switch and I can't change it.
>Tell them if they need help just follow my movement.
>No one does.
>People still get blasted off the deck either by the Aero or from not using the Blizzard blocks to catch them
There's rarely even a first timer bonus to blame it on either... what is it about Dun Scaith that vexes people to this day?
By the physical deformities.
>brainlet seething because people find 1-2-3 rotations boring
The actual problem here is people claiming 1-2-3 rotations are deep and complex just to have something to flaunt about.
>wanted to get rich so bad but didn't craft since I'm to lazy for it
>I instead choose to switch my character to female Au Ra, leave my FC change my name just to catfish a cuck
>started acting like a female eventually got into an FC, I started hanging with a basic Hyur male
>tfw he asks me to join their FC Discord
>I tell them I can't do voice because I'm a MtF transgender and I wasn't confident with my voice
>He believes me and says that he's completely ok with me being trannie
>Eventually get to voicechat chat after some training with my pitch
>He and some FC member actually said that I sound very feminine and I should be proud of it
>mfw I actually started having gender disphoria
B-bros... what now...?
>A games value is determined by which e celebs are playing it and watching it on twitch dot tv
>multiple xiv general type threads at all times of the day, every day since expac release
>incredibly high praise
>coverage everywhere
Yes, we know you're upset that bfa is shit and ffxiv is the new king of mmos.
DRG stills trails behind in personal damage, but litany is better than brotherhood even if brotherhood is the eye that applies to tank/melee instead of just one other person
too busy playing
You have to relevel them after the msq is done for some fucking reason.
Zodiark gets beaten by Hydaelyn, a female.
What a pussy.
The same level as you do when you're calling a magical, colorful kingdom "boring".
Fae folk are not gay, because true fae are absolute assholes that just pretend to be cute in order to lure you into the forest and violently sodomize you.
Fairies are the dolphins of magical world.
Yes, it's the new DPS job.
Pray that it's not like SAM where the fucking retards are still maining it a full expansion later.
Am I the only one who thought the zone MSQs started to suck starting with Greatwood?
>pleb can't recognize peak performance when he sees it
miqo'tranny detected
Depends on whether they find 40y/o trannies with twotoned hair attractive.
gee user, it's almost like the whole job didn't have tranny ra as flagship race
I just want a loop of this part more than the whole song.
>numale anime poster
>is a tranny
instead of moving these threads to /vg/ why don't the mods just clean up that shithole so we don't have to come here to actually discuss the game?
New player here, should I really bother with free companies or just keep going solo for as long as possible? I hate being surrounded by normal-fags but I also hate being surrounded by complete autists as well.
I'm having fun and I didn't even want to play this expansion
I wanted to play maplestory 2 but my friends sucked me in
What's wrong with you?
How are people uploading logs now with ACT being broken?
He is trying to make it so jannies ignore the thread.
Very few people played WAR because they actually liked WAR, they played it because it was OP, now that an actually interesting tank is better, they're all jumping ship
People are actually playing it themselves
it's not just them fucking up mechs either. They always dance partner the tank for some headass reason.
>go to [area] and [do tedious chores anyone with functioning legs could manage] until [relevant story event] happens.
You can tell which parts were written by the person who handled the DRK quests, and which parts were filler bullshit they had to add in because it's an MMORPG.
>Fragile masculinity prevents him from appreciating the best mythological race
Ignore ironic shitposters.
This is an absolutely fair point and no one has anything to refute it because it's the truth.
Good job user, the board needs more people like you
I think I started skipping the filler around the 2nd part of Amh Areng
Join an FC for the exp boosts and disable FC chat in all of your logs.
Character Config > Chat Log settings.
Every tank except GNB plays like 1-2-3, throw oGCD and spend your resource on a burst phase (fell cleave, bloodspiller, holy spirit/confiteor)
are fates too easy in this expansion? many people are asking
>NIN has the same exact fucking problem as SB MCH now
>Schizophrenic rotation opener, still do lowest damage of all melee and ultimately just TA bitch
>Aesthetic and class identity isn't even worth suffering for as at least 40%~ of the classes playerbase would have preferred the Rogue->Assassin route for the job instead of kagebunshin jutsu nigger
Tell me about the servers, Yea Forums. Is it true that Balmund is filled with ERPers galore and that I should've gone onto Primal?
>just pretend to be cute in order to lure you into the forest and be violently sodomized by you
I prefer this narrative
i liked "the real shadowbringers were the friends we made along the way" part of kholusia, but the second halfs of rak'tika and ahm areng were both pretty shit
tempest was ok
>The only downside is that the animations look very flamboyant if you're a male character, and will make your dick rock hard if you're a female character.
Is the class balance like WoW where they just nerf/buff the FoTM class every month and you're expected to have mulitple high lvl characters?
This Ehmet guy was a total jobber, he should have relied on his more handsome and smart friend named Elidibus. Now that guy is a man with a plan.
oh fuck im on crystal and the two weird fucks in my dungeons were from that server
is this how sch metatrannies are trying to cope now?
you fucked up
Yes, because you're a brainlet. Kholusia and Amh Araeng part 2 were based as fuck and Raktika was the much needed slow down point so that the pacing wasn't off the rails. Raktika was more about establishing Emet-Selch than it was Y'Shtola and Amaurot so that it wouldn't be an ass pull later. It was great.
No, every job is viable but BLM is always on top
I dunno, got DRK, PLD, and WAR to 80 so far and they feel samey. Not completely the same, but there was little to no transition needed to get use to each class before or after, with the exception of the dark arts spam with DRK during SB.
Gun feeling the same so far other then the charge system.
Instead of doing stupid personal comparisons that mean nothing with how many variables there are look at actual kill times instead which DNC has no bearing on
They seem the same as they've always been
Ascian bros don't lose faith, our boy Elidibus will defeat Hydaelyn and her gay champion.
I forget, do we get new tomestones/tomestone gear with the Eden patch in a couple weeks? I haven't been running Expert at all because I feel like by the time I have most of my jobs leveled the 440 stuff will be outclassed, I don't remember if they'll be fine until 5.1 or not.
Absolutely not. They do make adjustments to jobs based on feedback, but they never overhaul something mid expansion.
>get to the part where the exarch is revealed
should I bother doing Crystal Tower for more dialogue now or fuck it just go and finish the story?
Similar story here. I play as a female character because I like how they look and was invited o a FC. I talk the way always do and people assume I'm girl. The girls in the FC treat me as one of their own and the feeling of sisterhood is nice but I feel like it's too late to say that I'm a guy. I just wanted to make friends, I never asked for this.
No, if you're a strict adherant of the meta, kill yourself, it's not going to make you good out of nowhere
>ywn give her headpats because lalafells exist
if there's a better excuse for genocide of a race I haven't heard it.
go do it, it's a good story
Why does this game insist on making me fall in love with this dumb giraffe?
>Titania's English voice and mannerisms
Holy shit the JP version is way different and sounds much more sexual
You get entirely special dialogue options that influence cutscenes if you have done CT beforehand. So i'm told.
Everything is almost perfectly balanced with regards to the "meta" shit like extreme trials and savage raids
Some jobs pull way ahead in dungeons like DRK but it's completely negligible because every feasible combination of jobs can clear dungeons and speedrunning them doesn't provide any extra rewards.
Probably feels better when you recognize him because you did it.
I'm doing them for the first time and it goes by quick and I'm not even the only new person thankfully.
Is he right?
FUCK, my friend got me into the game and told me to get on Crystal to play with him which is nice but holy shit the people I get in my dungeons are crazy. He isn't an ERPer which is interesting.
Because the activity of aether on the Source has to match the element of the current Calamity. The Seventh Rejoining was Darkness, aka Astral. Astral is an active, creative state of aether. So the biggest fucking primal in history blowing things up and throwing the aetherial flow of the world into chaos is Astral.
Bring on the fluggegecheimen
There's no real FOTM in FFXIV, more accurate of Flavor of the Expansion. And there's very little gaps, although there ARE gaps, between class viability with the notable exception of Machinist/shooty-bro during stormblood. That job was total trash.
Also you play one character in this game, and level up multiple jobs with it. So maintaining multiple jobs is easy and viable in this game outside of super high-end gear where you're locked out due to timers and thus have to pick which job gettings the highest level gear.
>play a really feminine character
>everybody (correctly) calls me he/him in chat because i type like a male delinquent
i sincerely hope you arent a rper
autogynephilia is mental illness
literally every single time some idiot in these threads posts a screenshot the pronouns out them as a colossal fucking faggot
So now that the dust is settled and Ehmet and Lahabrea are dead. What's next for our boy?
Even - DNC
Odd - RDM
0 - PLD
No, but they find men with white robes and genius level intellect who live with their primal god on the moon in their own NEETcave attractive. All female WoL should contact Elidibus for a rousing time of defeating the accursed warrior of darkness samurai not wanted, please do not apply, I will put a restraining order out on you
A desperate search for a shard without Katanas.
Balmung/Crystal is known as ERP central, not long ago there was a mass exodus from crystal to primal/aether because they realized how shit they were at the game and needed players with more than 2 INT to carry their sorry asses
I wonder if Ultima was one of the Beasts that was part of the Calamity.
They only seem easier because people are actually teaming up to do them
They have a right, it's just their opinion holds very little weight when they didn't actually play the game
Probably gonna do what Ehmet should've stuck to and keep to the shadows, but he's severely fucked over since his bro-in-arms are all dead.
Because JP didn't have those mood swings where she suddenly sounds like a roastie with a sore throat
The lore bits and Ardbert were great in Rahktia, everything else sucked. Kholusia was good but holy shit Ahm Araeng 2 was boring
What's the MCH AoE rotation
>play really feminine character
>dress her up very conservatively
>been called her by FC mates on more than one occasion
>get in voice chat one day out of boredom
>regale them with my masculine voice and make fun of them for thinking I was a girl
>call the new sprout who's been hitting on me for 2 days gay
>he takes it like a champ
Pretty fun desu
The absolute state of Samurai. How the fuck did this happen.
He's gonna summon our remaining fragments to fight us but its gonna end up making us a complete being. Emet didnt inform Edilibus of this for laughs
>tfw Aether is dead weight shitter central now because all the normies ditched to go play with daddy streamer-chan
You can clear every content on every job if you are good enough.
In most cases even some of the less desired jobs have some redeemable qualities. Unless you are hc progging or doing speedkills you don't need to worry too much about having a meta comp.
>you're expected to have multiple high lvl characters?
You can level every class on one character. It's not expected, you can only have one class leveled, but it makes it for fun to have something else to swap to when you feel like it or if you think you are more useful on that specific class.
You asking that question only shows you have not done that fight as melee
We knew about that shit forever, I wonder why they tried to hide it
>he takes my dick like a champ
what did you mean by this?
The balance on Aether is tipping towards the degenerate. Just how many Crystal refugees flooded the DC?
you can criticize whatever aspects of a game you like, but other people are also allowed to disagree with you and pick apart your critiques if they so choose
Different games focus on different things, complaining about the story in EVE is very different from doing so in XIV when it's such a tiny part of the former but the main focus of the latter.
if a game's leveling experience sucks dick you are obviously free to say so but if 99% of content happens at endgame don't be surprised if the response is "yeah we know, who cares"
Ah yes, impressive Warrior of Light, very impressive. You have a teenage elezen girl with a crush on you. HOWEVER, I have a teenage boy. Check mate Hydaelyn
Yeah you're right. I'm so glad MNK is ranged now, they can throw hadoukens as main rotation from afar.
>*unsheathes katana*
>State of Samurai
>On fucking innocence
user that is not a melee friendly fight
Elidibus already knows though since hes also an ascian, with a folded sword allergy to boot
Possibly. Her auracite warps the fabric of reality in the same exact way the Heart of Sabik does, and she casts Ultimate Illusion too (Ultima). There seems to be a connection.
>Play as a girl
>Pretend to be a girl
>Even wrote a notepad file on her whole history and occupation.
Not mentally ill. I swear.
Based 6SS actually being useful despite all the naysayers
Their power is fading when they are too far from the weeb continent
1-3 NIN
4-6 DRG
7-9 SAM
Impressive... Most impressive... However, can you withstand this?
>You over there, and you over there, grow big
>koji tries to force a meme phrase in instead
when will they delete him
Pour one out for user
Bioblaster > Auto Crossbow > Flamethrower > Spread Shot
>play as malelander
>roleplay as him
>strangers believe I'm a girl trying a bit too hard
I feel like they would be better off redesigning MNK from the ground-up. GL just isn't fun in practice and there's very little you can do with chakra. In general, all of the most powerful abilities a MNK has spend ALL of the resource that is linked to them or otherwise penalize you for using them, making their use unwise at best and completely unviable at worst.
Look at SAM. They got a second setsugekka completely for free, no strings attached. Two 1200 potency attacks back to back with zero drawbacks. Then look back at MNK. Six-Sided Star is a 400 potency attack that doubles you GCD after using it and Tornado Kick uses up all of your GL stacks, making its usage a dps killer.
how do i make friend in this game
When did monk become ranged
You don't
join a boomer fc
>You over there, and you over there, grow big
Bigger is better sounds more powerful, we're just degenerates who associate it to dick size right away.
Nothing beats the new nut sacks though.
Sadly never. He's like that boomer that doesn't understand that meme moderation is key and instead just spams them everywhere he can. At least he keeps his autism in check for the MSQ for the most part.
delete system 32
I liked those. Reflects the capricious nature of the fae, even with her voice.
>GL just isn't fun in practice
says you fag
So this is kind of what i've been wondering too, but what if Dalamund WAS a shard that Allag "separated".
That's my hunch, and it's the only one that makes the most sense to be honest.
>can you withstand this?
MNK needs work, but as we see here Six Sided Star is actually useful for disconnects. TK needs to not consume stacks of GL or just be removed entirely because there's no reason to use it unless the boss is below 1%. Chakra should also be guaranteed and not reliant on RNG, or at least not entirely reliant. Anatman should be on a shorter cooldown to swap between it and RoE more.
Sup bros just finished the MSQ and now I'm 100% positive that Elidibus is the coolest Ascian. Let's set forth the facts on why that is.
>wears a white robe indicating he is very clean unlike other ascians that wear black robe
>lives on the moon away from other people
>basically Zodiark's best friend
>unbroken, can live literally forever
>is an Emissary he's afforded privileges and rights
>has warrior of lights literally in his pocket
>has little boy bf
>can travel to other shards saving a lot of gil on airship expenses
>has master plan that no one knows about not even himself
Is there anything I-err Elidibus can't do bros? He's so much more cooler than Lahabrea, or Stinkybreah as I call him and Dumbhet
The mere sight of this glorious man sends ascians running.
Will WoL ever attain this level of intensity?
>gone through entire expansion MSQ FCless
>no random invite
>can't even find a good one by doing well in content because it's cross server now
>You over there, and you over there, grow big
Wow... I had no idea we were missing out on such exciting and immersive dialogue... Bros were the weebs right all along.........?
why is this game so damn clunky?
Only noticabley lower than BLM, who excels at that fight?
>Baelsar's Wall
>Gunblade rabbit tank pulling one group of mobs at a time
>politely state that if she's comfortable with it, I am perfectly capable of healing larger pulls than that
>says "nah" in chat and continues to refuse to pull more than 3 enemies at a time
I thought respecting content was a meme
What the fuck
technical debt from recovering from 1.0's massive failure
I like his hulk armor still but he looks way better in this.
What even is his plan at this point? Even if he wanted to go out of his way to shove WoLs from 5 remaining shards into Unukulhai and somehow convince him to turn on us, he's still a kid who was too weak to even contribute during Warring Triad and with the rejoining boost, he'd still only be 6/14th against our 9/14th. He can't possibly think Zenos might be a threat either, given how we've beaten Zenos twice back to back.
Biggest weeb cope I've seen in this game, up there with ALPHINAUD CANT SWIM? GET IT? ALPHINAUD. CANT. SWIM
>BLM excels at that fight
And Titania too. What a coincidence.
>Here's your SAM tonight bro
>A solemn prayer that we just might
>Live on
>In a song
eureka weapons look like shit except for SMN
The bunbun was clearly not comfortable pulling more than 3 mobs, and I don't blame her. This xpac has had nothing but garbage healers who are incapable of healing wall to wall pulls, it's a gamble for tanks.
I hope we're taking his warrior of light spiel too literally and he's actually just going to try throwing more light monsters at us.
the dialogue demonstrated Titania's command over the trees instead of an out of place line spoken all the time by reddit zoomers so yes, it is more immersive
>He can't possibly think Zenos might be a threat either, given how we've beaten Zenos twice back to back.
Zenos wasn't channeling Zodiark then, though I'm not sure how he's supposed to pull that off without Zodiark being summoned in the first place.
>This used to be a thing
it's not that bad
Nice larp. I've literally seen seen/heard anything weird in my dungeons since 2.0 launch.
They are too stupid to use cooldowns most of the time which is why they can't survive larger pulls.
Elidibus is either a retard or has goals that are radically different to the other Ascians.
I believe he's said as much before about being different from the black robes and what not, but his scenes are so few and far between I could be mistaken.
What do you guys think of MNK? It's been my main but i'm really not feeling it this time around anymore and will probably drop it.
>the dialogue demonstrated Titania's command over the trees
The fight itself does that you autistic bugman worshiper
>the "localization" of a $3 billion game
did you really like the dungeon? it's pretty but it's just hallway with hundred of pulls and a few bosses
Little sun
Anyone that parses in this game or gives a fuck about it is an idiot. You can't compare parses unless you have the exact same comp as whoever you are comparing it to. I bet those fucks invalidate an entire log just because they had to miss a GCD or two because of a mechanic due to RNG.
>loses to MNK in Innocence
>b-but it's a bad fight for melee
>as if MNK is not melee
>proceeds to lose to DRG in Titania
Name one clunkier mmo
>I will leave the plan millenia in the making in the capable hands of a giga autist who only wants to fight WoL in their absolute prime
It's stupid enough to be true.
I have a secret for you.
Literally every single modern MMO is just hallways and boss arenas.
You know that the line directly beforehand is "Grow, my lovelies! Grow!" right?
define clunky, like what specific mechanics
How is Anatman opener bad? It's no fucking different than hitting a GCD and waiting to hit your next button.
i never said i was a koji worshiper, though
I wish more tanks were like that bunny honestly. Too many of them try the big dick pulls and just cause unnecessary wipes.
>The dialogue demonstrated her mastery over trees
>Not her summoning them to fight for her or using her magic to grow them into Giants
>The dialogue did
Thank goodness you were here user, I played it in English and hoo boy, I had no idea what the fuck those trees were about nor why she was talking about dick sizes
>doing MSQ dungeons with my little sister
>we decide to have matching names in game
>I play a male midlander and she plays a female miqote
>get a catboy nin in ahm areng
>he immediately begins to be passive aggressive towards me and my sister because we're flaunting our relationship
>"There's nothing worse than a midlander and miqote couple :p miqo'te should be for miqote"
>tell him to stfu queer and continue doing the dungeon
>he apparently tried to vote dismiss me near the last boss
>sister calls him out on this and he back peddles hard "I-It was an accident"
>vote dismiss him instead
Jesus christ crystal is cancer. Where the fuck should we transfer to?
I still love it but I'm apparently the only one. All MNK has ever been to me is a simple rotation focused on speed and position, and the core of that hasn't changed. Everything else is fluff to me.
So like does those tall green women have dicks?
This is within arm's reach of xiv localization
>expect crafting to be fun and gathering to be boring
>it's the other way around
which jobs do you think were padded by dancer the most?
the first two story dungeons are infinitely better than the last two story dungeons
What was this all about? Must have missed it.
More power to you if you like being on a timer at all times, but consider that MNK is the only dps that is that way. And yes, it is trivial to keep that timer going because your basic combos extend it but if it does happen to expire for any reason, then you are up shit creek without a paddle for far longer than anyone else because you have to painstakingly accumulate four stacks again.
i think both are fun, but then again i may have stockholm syndrome
It's still fine. As always it's the most fun when you're fighting bosses and breakdancing circles around them.
>Finish Sidequest
>New one pop up in it's place
Fucking hell
What is happening with this post?
in JP, that's all she says. Localized, she says she swims like a fish, unlike her brother who flounders about
>another episode of "user pretends to be an expert on how to localize jk text shitposts" because he watched an anime once
oh man you know it'd be funny if we did this to ANOTHER CHARACTER!!! LIKE BOTH OF THEM COULDN'T SWIM!! LMFAOOOOOOOOO
Absolute brainlet here, what’s the rotation for SAM and BLM at lvl 80?
I don't have a problem with people telling others to kill themselves for being idiots in games but to then turn around and act like a victim of internet bullying is the biggest fucking bitch move.
Impressive warrior of light..very impressive. You’ve managed to stop everything we’ve thrown at you..HOWEVER, can you stop my winning streak in Mahjong?
depends on your skill/spell speed
>play femlala
>only ever wear heavy armor
>communicate mostly through emotes
had a few people think i was actually female
still early on in gathering so maybe it gets better. but as of now I've just taken the materials I've stockpiled from gathering/MB picking an item that seems the most useful, slapping on quick synthesis and alt tabbing
probably not optimal but fuck babysitting this shit and picking up a bunch of items I'll only use once so that I can painstakingly go down the crafting list for the bonus XP, filling my bags with unusable unsellable shit in the process
>5/8 party members die to the floating mechanic in the last boss of ST
>chimp dps in chat: where the fuck were the heals?
I can only do so much as healer when the majority of the party dies to an insta-death paste eating mechanic, holy FUCK this game pisses me the fuck off
>Mahjong winning streak
>Playing against WoL and Emet
I mean maybe I'd buy it against Ardbert because he's a doofus but come now Elidibus do be reasonable
It literally never expires now with RoE and Anatman and 6SS you dumbass. You have to die for it to expire. And even then you should have a spare Perfect Balance since it's not like you'll be using it for anything
>billions like a job
>i don't like that job
>they must remake it from scratch
tanks FEAR this
Well for SAM it's currently that you either prioritize getting Higanbana out or getting your two Midare's out.
It's just not responsive, when clicking a button it takes years to damage to finally register. It feels incredibly bad to play unless you live close to the server.
whatever you say, tranny
This, people are actually DOING the fates cause they give more than .1% of a level and have real rewards.
Hmm between GNB and Pld what is everyone's opinion on which is more fun? I like the FF8 nostalgia of the GNB attacks but the new PLD skills look fun too.
everyone automatically assumes that I'm a girl because I play fem lala healer. then I hop on voice chat and surprise them with my deep voice.
>Not using PB to alternate between DK/BS
DPS loss wouldn't run
Explain further
I actually wish they'd make you play mahjong during MSQ
>every single thread for weeks hitting bump limit
shut up
so when are the smn buffs coming?
It's your ping then, I got 82ms and damage registers right away.
Gnb has the highest skill ceiling and is more fun but PLD is hands down the best tank in 5.0
>Alisaie is an insecure cunt
What is the issue here
It wasn't funny in english either
>record scratch
>freeze frame
You see that guy in the white robe on the moon? Yep, that’s me. Now I bet you’re wondering how I got into this situation huh? Well, let me tell you. It all started with a katana...
Maintain higabana, do your double Midare, midare until you need to higabana again, double midare again, rinse and repeat with kenki thrown in between and maintain your buffs
I remember some dude chimping out on the healers on Alexander 5 due all the DPS dying to the bombs
System > character configuration > Control settings > general (this is the default tab) > Movement setting: Legacy type (Camera-based)
Just want to say fuck everyone that recommended trying tanking. Level 75 paladin so far and a majority of lfg dungeons were shitty. I am gearing up as I level so when I get to a new dungeon I can't do double pulls because my character is fairly squishy. People pulling mobs for me, pulling bosses before I reach it ,etc. The worst part is when a 3 man adrenaline group gives you no commendations without saying a word. I am starting to hate tanking.
outside of the opener I always forget
it applies the Slow to enemies, not the caster
the tooltip is pretty badly-worded
>More power to you if you like being on a timer at all times, but consider that MNK is the only dps that is that way.
Maybe the difference is that I play every job and actually appreciate significant differences in playstyle.
>And yes, it is trivial to keep that timer going because your basic combos extend it but if it does happen to expire for any reason, then you are up shit creek without a paddle for far longer than anyone else because you have to painstakingly accumulate four stacks again.
There are enough ways of keeping up GL and even recovering quickly upon losing it that having to go through all of your combos again is a proper punishment. Every time it happens I don't think about how much I hate MNK, I just think about how badly I fucked up to even be in this state where PB and RoE were not available, and I failed to use SSS/Anatman or Form Shift. Even then 12 GCDs is not the end of the world.
Don't get why so many of them then see how this is mitigation. It's like shadow flare basically but it affects everything that is hitting you, all the enemies in the pull.
I like the game but there's fucking LOADS of horrible clunky shit and spaghetti coding that can ruin the experience
>>inventory management is a fucking mess split between your bags, retainer storage, chocobo saddlebag and glamour storage with each expansion adding more shit but no more slots
>>actions only able to be performed on foot don't automatically dismount you, instead give an error message where you need to manually dismount and try again
>>things are frequently close enough to interact with and click on but far enough away you get an error message telling you to go closer and try again
>>the entire glamour system, needing to physically place the item into storage after repairing it rather than being able to simply unlock the appearance
>>a billion fucking currencies and tokens to exchange at a dozen vendors, many currencies which aren't even included in the CURRENCY tab and are in fact carried individually in your fucking inventory
>>every zone requires a loading screen to move between, even many dungeons aren't seamless
I hope shadowbringers sells well enough that square enix will give an actual fucking budget to their next MMO but who am I kidding, they're going to continue milking every dollar they can get out of XIV while pouring resources into the money pit that is 7R while shitting out phone games
>you should have a spare Perfect Balance since it's not like you'll be using it for anything
You use it to alternate DK -> BS -> DK a few times while buffed up. Those Leaden Fist bootshines are no fucking joke under Riddle of Fire
>unironically "playing" grand/cuck order
>play GUB through msq
>aware of arm's length and manage my cds properly
>never die and healers have plenty of room to dps
>start leveling SCH
>not a single tank knows what the fuck a cd is and i spend all of my time trying to keep them alive
Is your sister a good lay? I bet she sucks dick good.
When do I use meditate? And what about AoE?
Hmm guess I will go GNB. Not a big min maxer since I don't really endgame raid often.
almost nothing except SCH, AST and MNK.
For the new gathering quests, do I need HQ animal dropping or will anything work?
>not using SSS into TK at the end of RoF/BH in coeurl stance, anatmanning one stack during the SSS gcd, snap punching, and using your PB to get 2 DKs in anyways along with your final stacks
It's like you hate fun
Why wouldn't you use it whenever it's up to spam those guaranteed crit 300 potency bootshines?
Girls are cute, I like looking at a cute character. If that makes me mentally ill then I don't want to be well.
Is DRK good now
Shit nigga, pulls that used to be fine pre-ShB are flirting with death very quickly now thanks to changes in mob scaling/dmg. Even in levelling roulette I've seen pulls slow down because people were dying too easily, Healers have to heal more and dps less. I don't like or agree with this, but it's how it is for now. We'll just hope they tweak the numbers a bit as time goes on so we can do bigger pulls with less worry again
not many, crystal's rapefugees to primal/aether are all the *wannabe* raiders
>rerolled 15 times and still no line at 7 stickers
Fuck you khloe
You use AoE when you have to AoE enemies down and you meditate when you get downtime Only when you cannot hit anything, like during Titania's giant adds transition, otherwise meditate is shite and Shofa isn't nearly worth the 10+ seconds in takes to get 500 potency
what gave it away?
What do you mean SCH went wrong?
What happened to the "muh ogcds" and "muh chain stratagem" bravado that SCHs were showing 2 weeks ago?
so uhhh anyone notice everyone clenches their fist in the msq?
why is it ok for literally the whole cast to *clench fist* but when it comes to lyse its a meme?
So it's just a natural progression then.
No dark arts spam.
Unironic DPS loss
Make an EX trial.
fuck off back to rhalgrs reach lyse
The issue is that the past two expacs tanks were able to pull a shit ton and survive. But I have noticed none of them, or maybe it is the healers can do it anymore. You need to be smart with your pulls and tell scrubs if they want to pull they can be the tank.
Because hating Lyse is a meme
Sure but there are many other mmo that you can play at 130-150 ping without any hiccups, I have to keep spamming a skill when I get out of AOE because the servers have shit tick rates and they might not register i'm out of it.
No, it's boring.
Lyse you were left back in Doma for a reason you mhigger
Losing Internal Release hurts a lot. Chakra buildup is noticeably slower without it, especially when doing the AoE rotation. 2 min Perfect Balance is garbage and I don't think I've used Six-Sided Star once in any Extreme fight, maybe if it was an ogcd.
They should have just removed Tornado Kick and let us keep everything else.
TK is only 30 potency more than a single Leaden Fist Bootshine and doesn't even get the guaranteed crit the Bootshine gets
It's fucking worthless now bro.
Being a healer always blows. It's the same in every game. You play whack a mole with idiots.
>idle in main menu until trailer plays
>accidently had the game on chink dubs
>it's far easier to make out what they were saying because there were no inbred bong accent
But it's fun. And the DPS loss isn't big enough to make or break a kill - and if it is, you have bigger problems in your group.
Because Lyse is a fucking retard and most of her presence in the SB MSQ was spent inserting herself into situations
There are a few hundred fanatical trannies that post about it, that's it.
The game isn't very large, which is why they never give expansion sales numbers.
I like playing GNB more. They feel actively busy.
>Using TK EVER
When Lyse clenched her fist she did nothing but bitch and moan about the sick and elderly not volunteering to die for her.
Even Blizzdrones gave up
Man I wish I knew how to do music to play the instruments. I am too chicken shit to use that third party client (past once or twice to test it) even though I know so many people do.
Honestly I'm switching the DRG. Fuck everyone else I'll just be a really good dps.
Shit, I forgot the chocobo bag even existed, thanks for the reminder user.
Right on a lot of those, except the loading screen, deal with it faggot.
maybe slower games like XI or games that are more client side based like PSO2, but any WoW based MMO plays like shit at 150+ ms unless you play casters exclusively.
>it is the healers can do it anymore
I think it definitely is a change on the healer's side. It feels like you are still doing SB heal numbers even as HP climbs up far beyond that.
>trying to level MCH past 70
>run castrum abania
>tank is a GNB with level 65 gear
>keeps getting low on health but not dying then starts getting mad at the healer for letting their health get so low
>healer says they'll babysit the tank more
>DRG also starts getting mad at the healer because he saw them casting damage spells instead of healing
>healer says nothing else and leaves
I hate people. If you're not dying, why do you care how low your health gets, you insecure FotM shit-tanks
>New ally raid
>Math boss 2.0
>You must now play 2 rounds of Mahjong instead of math
Shit would be glorious.
This post reminded me that since The First Shard story is done, remaining adventures will happen on The Source. Meaning Lyse will make an appearance again.
Third party client?
>Lyse so irrelevant they didn't WHIIIIR her to the first
Come and get me, Ascian.
protect is gone and the damage formula changed, a lot of tanks think they can pull five packs yet not press a single cooldown because they're literally mouthbreathing mongoloids but even then SCH can usually keep them alive
The problem comes when knuckledraggers wall to wall pull, while undergeared, without using a single CD, AND they don't interrupt any enemies, AND they let the enemy attacks force the healer to move. That's when idiots actually end up dying
You can pull everything even in expert roulette now even though everyone has shit gear as long as you use a cooldown every pull. Keep in mind this is the hardest healing these will ever be, gear is only going to make it exponentially easier
Its Slow not Heavy. It lowers enemies attack speed for 12 seconds. Its actually a huge cooldown tanks are neglecting. Works on everything but bosses.
>Used to joke that a non-crit TK was equal to a crit Bootshine
>Crit BS is now 2x the damage of a non-crit TK
>thought it was because G'raha was grabbing his fellow Circle of Knowing members and she's an imposter
>it's actually because her fate isn't intertwined with ours enough
In a nutshell tank hp went up, mob damage went up but heal values stood the same.
>Get a bun bun gun gunbreaker in Switch
>Zero casts of Heart of stone
I must murder them all
client side mods are not bannable. it's mods that send data back to the server that are bannable (speedhacks, ungarmax, modifying aesthetician values)
Yeah I figured as much. I noticed my life constantly dipping to a quarter where as before only in scary instances has that happened. Also we lost protect.
Even when I pop my cds and interrupts I still get dangerously close to dying with 2 packs. playing a pld too.
Were you actually the healer or why are you defending that incompetent drama queen?
Who let the Mhigger have a computer
Can you only "activate" it when getting drawn in or knocked back? Or does it activate when you're hit?
It might be safe but I saw the wow mod ban (though it would hit a lot of people here if they did it with textools too), but the key auto-completion has me leery.
I don't mind the forbiddance of non FF music but the lack of a macro makes it so you have to be really musically adept to do it. Which is nice, but it also means you rarely ever see it.
Ungarmax wasn't a mod or hack, it was just poor coding on SE's part letting you use it outside of squadrons