A reminder that the Doom Slayer is not the Doom Guy from Dooms 1&2.
A reminder that the Doom Slayer is not the Doom Guy from Dooms 1&2
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I bet you think Evil Dead 2 is a remake of the first one too don't you
Same guy, different background
There, it's like with BJ and without any "lore" bullshit that's only there to pretend there's more to talk about the game that isn't gameplay
>hurr video games must have stories or else they're just toys
>I know, i'll analyze the stories from fucking COD/GTA and casual games with the most simple stories ever made
I do not care.
He is the same guy in essence so it doesn’t matter.
who gives a shit though
>Doom 64 ends with him choosing to stay in Hell
>Doom 2016 starts with him having spent a long time in Hell already
Seems like the same guy to me.
There's worse shit possible in the story like the demons or even angels being written like aliens and the fact that humans/UAC had a hand in empowering them besides just zombies with guns
Whatever it is it it's nowhere as good as the first. But it set up Army of Darkness so I can't be too harsh.
I think they are the same. Doom Eternal is teasing it like crazy with clues that they are one and the same. Doom 2016 made it pretty ambiguous tho. But Eternal is practically SCREAMING that he’s the same guy as the one in Doom 1 + 2
However daily reminder that he is not the leader of the Knights who betrayed the Knights to resurrect his son. His ghost appears in the E3 2019 trailer. Stop this meme.
>inb4 most of the "testaments" aren't accurate and by son, they meant Daisy
Shit taste. Evil dead 2 is the best movie in the trilogy.
Why do people care about the Doom story? There's like a million Doom games and ports, plus Doom has appeared in other stuff like Quake 3. There's no big continuity. Most of these games are just made up for fun on a whim.
DOOM 2016 teased alot and I think it was just ambiguous enough to where it cpuld please everyone. Doomguy should always be more about a self-insert for the player imo.
Anyone else confused that considering his space trips he is missing arms armor?
you've clearly never interacted with doom autismos.
rules for doom autismos
1. all games are inferior to doom
2. doom's story which is written on the back of cereal box is the best story video games has ever produced
3. the story is very important despite not appearing in any of the games and being about 3 pages long
4. doom 3 is underrated and better than doom 2016
and I say this as someone who loves dooms. stay away from doom fags. they're the nintendo fans of pc fps
Okay? Why does it matter? NuDoom is basically a reboot anyway.
This Doom narrative is dumb. Loke, I really hope they don't do this wiered "Heaven and Hell are both bad Doom Slayer is now Spawn" type thing that people are pushing
Pretty hard to self-insert into some guy who carries like 8 weapons on him and has a pistol that never runs out of ammo.
That's why I respect Master Chief, he knows his limits and his pistol isn't magic.
>What is power fantasy
>inb4 someone compares this to zelda
I still don't really agree with making the Slayer's face visible. It adds a layer of humanity to him that doesn't work.
I want a graphic gay demon sex scene in Eternal
please be bait
Id fucking hate that. I want the angels as allies. We rarely get a game with that.
well the beginning of evil dead 2 is a reimagining of the first movie
That's going to to lead to a double edged sword of a problem
There's trying to work on a new art direction then there's the realization it goes too far for the name associated with it
how many dicks you suck this week fag.
That would be pretty cool honestly. But I’d still like for it to turn out the knight leader fucked up and then Doomslayer came to fix his dumb mess and take over.
just play doom 3 it explains everything apart from the angels
>pistol isnt magic
>proceeds to snipe every fucking ayy in legendary with his pistol
Wasn't implied in the Testaments that Doom Slayer had Heaven's approval?
It's just for the sake of tradition.
I'm more annoyed by how his helmet wasn't the same tone of green as the rest of his armor in doom 2016.
All it means is that they're just changing some backh stuff
>There's like a million Doom games
Ignoring ports, you can count the entire franchise's library on like two hands.
>There's no big continuity
Nobody's claiming that there's a big continuity, though. Doom 1, 2, and 64 are simple stories that follow each other, and the newer Doom games are purposefully ambiguous enough to be seen as picking up where the originals left off. That's it.
Also nuDoom has references to Doom 3, but it's handwaved as potentially taking place in a separate universe that hell tried to invade. But it really doesn't matter.
>nuDoom has references to Doom 3
who the fuck are all those deus vult doom guys in nudoom
Don’t forget that they are delusional faggots who pretend that being influential 30 years means that their literal who game is relevant among normalfags when everyone grew up with a console. And PC Gaming didn’t become relevant until the Sims made it socially acceptable to play games on PC
What’s the problem with my post? I am no Christcuck. I just think having a Seraphim as an ally is pretty cool. It’s fucking Doom. Go wild with that. Not everything needs to be a reconstruction of the Bible and wrecking Christfags. If you want that. Play Grezzo II or read Crossed (both are good experiences unironically)!
>I'm more annoyed by how his helmet wasn't the same tone of green as the rest of his armor in doom 2016.
I'm annoyed that his helmet isn't grey. They already gave Doomguy his bare arms back, might as well go all the way.
In that pic for one. Look at the carvong, it seems like a reference to the soul cube
I literally just posted a pic of one. Also you can find the soul cube in Olivia's office.
Its a recap
They couldn't use footage from the first one because they didn't own the rights to their own movie and the only original cast member they could get for the reshoot was Bruce
Doom is what had more installations than Windows, hence having an influence on Bill Gate's interest
Expecting normalfags to give a shit about video games is barely an arguement when they already dropped Overwatch
>Don’t forget that they are delusional faggots who pretend that being influential 30 years means that their literal who game is relevant among normalfags when everyone grew up with a console
Doom was ported to several consoles, though.
I can feel that this is going to be the same Dead Space 2 curse where they're trying to humanize the silent protagonist too much by giving him a face (or drawing too much attention to his face) and slowly making him talk (or grunt in this case) Yes I know he grunted in the old games
I imagine you'll go back in time and play as old Doom marine at some point to explain how you got imprisoned
It's a remake and a sequel.
>giving doomguy visible face is the same as giving him a voice
what strain of autism is this?
who cares
All of the prophecy/reincarnation wank takes away from the mystique of doomGUY He was better as an inexplicably badass Marine.
So? Nobody gave a shit about PC gaming, it was a niche hobby until WoW & The Sims turned it mainstream. The only games from the 90s that normalfags ever talk about today are Nintendo & PlayStation games
How is Evil Dead 2 a sequel? It only shares themes with the first movie.
it has 2 in the title
why yes i do exclusively use the siege mode gauss cannon
how could you tell?
>History is about popularity, not recorded events
The game isn't out fag, you wouldn't know
>Yes I know he grunted in the old games
Then you should know he had a visible face as well. Quit acting like Doomguy is supposed to be some kind of Master Chief character.
The only issue with Doomguy's grunts in Eternal is that they're a bit too loud and distracting, especially when compared to the original games.
Found out recently Doom 3 (the best doom) isn't even canon. It takes place in a timeline/world where Doom 1&2 didn't happen.
Reminder that they'll reveal him to be a post op tranny when he takes of his helmet at the end of the third game.
>doom 3 is underrated
I can see it
this shit is just like the zeikfried/siegfried shit in wild arms 1 and 3
>All of the prophecy/reincarnation wank
Nothing about Doomguy in the new games involves prophecies or reincarnations, though. He's just so good at killing demons that he's gained the attention of higher beings over time, for better or worse.
Maybe the idea that caring about Doom's story is retarded is why someone wants every game to be connected, because simply caring about a specific portion of the series isn't enough dedication for Doom.
Some people want to be like that MarphyBlack guy who knows a lot about obscure game trivia.
If you're going to care about meaningless stuff, might as well go the whole way and not on pair with that Midnight clickbait dude.
>The only games from the 90s that normalfags ever talk about today are Nintendo & PlayStation games
Doom was on SNES, Nintendo 64, GBA, and Playstation.
Marphy has a reason to be so knowledgeable. Dude was a game dev from the 90s and now works at Running With Scissors. Dude just makes the trivia stuff for fun.
Silly shit.
Grezzo II is too tiresome. Crossed in the other hand is pretty cool. Especially the issues of Ennis and wish you were here.
Doom 64 is canon.
Well duh.
Christ that ui is awful. We'll probably be able to remove elements, but even the health counter looks like shit.
Therefore, same person.
Is certainly more mystic than every other Doom now.
Gauss Cannon and the mini-rockets (which were more fun than they had right to be) made up for the RPG feeling quite mediocre.
I just got finished with a pistol only run of nu-doom.
It was pretty good actually.
Where does the "he's the betrayer" shit come from? There's basically just a line about how some dude betrayed them and that fucked them for good. Nothing indicates he's the Doom Slayer. The demons already made out that the player is somebody they were not able to bargain with either.
My only problem with what shown so far, well actually 2 problems, is the HUD, which I hope I can change, seems a bit too flashy, busy and scattered.
And the lives sytem, which I reckon that I don't the existance by itself, but I think it should be more for easy difficulties and when replaying it, I hope I don't have to play at nightmare to have it removed. Never could stomach that difficulty.
>Twice as many demons
I wonder how many of them are actually going to offer new abilities or mechanics and which ones are just Heretic syndrom.
Doom 3 had a bunch of enemies that were just simple melee types.
I hope the white palaces will be a substantial part of the game, new Doom maps felt a bit forgettable in terms of gameplay/design, I mean they looked great, but they did not make for interesting situations I think.
I am puzzled, the pistol was the only gun that I ignored for the rest of the game, I can't imagine finishing the game with it, did you have some sort of strategy or was it just a matter of surviving until you slowly chipped away the enemy's health?
>Slowly chipped away
The pistol is fucking brutally powerful when upgraded, my marmite.
I didn't like how Hell in Doom felt like it was mostly rocks.
For as how old Doom 1/2 are, their texture variety not only allows for some mapping potential (probably the oldest mapping scene) but also gives the idea of a dangerously abstract Hell that is even a danger to its own kind.
The new "lore" and direction felt like they wanted Hell to have its own wildlife rules and it was awkward.
Someone post the Commander Keen, Doom and Wolfenstein family chart where it says billy from the mobile keen game is doom slayer.
Then who is he?
The testaments say he wears the crown of the Night Sentinels.
>that top third from the left soiface
Reminder that Doom Slayer sounds significantly shittier than Doom Guy.
>Me and the boys about to start a fucking crusade.
If you care in a serious fashion about Doom's lore, you care more about it than its creators and should probably reconsider some of your life choices.
>literal dragons
No it isn't.
Tom Hall may have been the one trying to push a heavy story in Doom, but i don't think he was the only one with any interest in it.
Sandy Petersen is said to have some Lovecraft influence on how Hell corrupts UAC locations
>The new "lore" and direction felt like they wanted Hell to have its own wildlife rules and it was awkward.
Doom 2016's lore was thrown together with less than a year left till release. The Hell environments were likely designed when the game's direction was a little more serious, and as a result they're a bit boring. Same goes for the Praetor suit's design and why it has English printed on it despite it apparently being made by a traitor demon.
the betrayer is just a night sentinel, not necessarily their leader
god that would fucking suck. Just another nihilistic, everyone is evil life sucks cliche thats been so overdone.
You do know there are angels in hell too right?
Considering how Doom as a franchise is victim of rumors, myths and mandela effect types of memories, you might as well start remembering every texture and sprite names or else you'll be a video game journalist who uses a screenshot of an unofficial WAD as an official level.
You have to remember that the testaments were written from the demon's pov, so if Doomguy's leading an attack on hell with the Night Snetinals supporting him, then they're going to think he's their respected leader.
>switches to 3rd person for the crash
they should leave it on first person at all times.
Halo isn't realistic though and Chief can kill gods and in both Bungie's and 343's lore is the ultimate savior of the universe. Master Chief is the personification of power fantasy and one of the last before we went into le realistic era.
The new HUD is UGLY.
Those winged demons and armcannon zombies seem like filler enemies they came up with so that you aren't constantly fighting imps during the whole game constantly. The rest look fine to me. I just hope that they don't muck up the archvile.
Yeah & nobody played it on those because all of those ports were shit, GoldenEye was the essential console FPS game
I won't be surprised considering the maps wasted in the MP looked good.
PS1 Doom was considered to be good, even with the differences from the main game while D64 is hailed as "the real Doom 3".
3DO is the worst one because of the framerate but that some okayish remastered music.
Is he going to be the Vergil of the Doom series?
it came from dumb youtubers.
Who here played Doom RPG? It was actually pretty damn good.
Do you guys think they should ever try a Doom spinoff like Halo ODST? Basically Hell on earth, but you are just a guy, no chainsaw, no rip and tear, more guerilla tactics, maybe even squad management.
This. That was enough continuity for me. And even if it isn’t the same guy, who gives a shit. “It’s probably the same guy” is good enough for me, and if it isn’t that’s fine too.
> Doomguy is the strongest videogame character ever
He's the toughest, but the strongest is Steve from Minecraft. He can carry an entire inventory filled with individual stacks of 64 3'x3' iron blocks indefinitely. I don't remember the math exactly, but it ends up being heavier than the Titanic.
He can also swim straight up waterfalls while carrying that weight.
i agree. wasted opportunity
You mean the reaction face avatar in Doom 1 and 2 wasn't Doomguy?
I'd take another Doom 3-esque game, I don't think NuDoom would work in that style.
Yes he is
Desu I like to imagine OG Doom split into two universes, one that basically stayed its own thing, and one that led to Nu-Doom.
People say that 64 was the direct sequel to 2 and predecessor to D44M, but if you read the manual it's really barebones and doesn't mention any of the shit from 2 at all.
>Doomguy gets nightmares about another demon invasion after coming back from Hell
>the military shrinks can't help him
>a satellite reports activity on the old Phobos base, which has been sealed and abandoned
>a demonic entity came through and began resurrecting all the dead demons
Nothnig about Doomguy saving the Earth, nothing about humanity getting its shit wrecked, it kinda just acts like Doomguy stopped the first invasion, came home, and everything has been quiet so far. I think there's two timelines.
>Doom 1, Doom 2, Final Doom, any other WAD you wanna say is canon
>Doom 1, Doom 64, Nu-Doom universe
And then Doom 3 is its own little branch, separate from the others.
Right? That type of tone doesn't belong in Doom. It's metal, not grim dark
That looks exactly like a slightly younger version of my uncle, what the fuck.
You guys having a Doom lore thread without me. Blasphemy.
Does he own a couple shotguns?
He owns a hunting shotgun, It's an over-under though.
That would be the OG Cyberdemon...or the Archvile...or Ranger.
Hes the one in the sarcophagus in doom 3
>best game is canon
How is Earth going to ever replace the argent energy I wonder, there is a mention about the argent energy doing what a nuclear power plant equivalent in one year being done in...hours? minutes?
Anyway that must mean some sort of monopoly and dependence, how are they going to fix that then?
neat, did not remember this one, is it in the expansion?
>4. doom 3 is underrated and better than doom 2016
That's true though
yes, the first one (I don't remember their names)
Reminder that DOOM Eternal and D44M have enemies that look like plastic toys straight out of Toy Story and overall look inferior compared to the DOOM 3 aesthetic. They actually have the worst designs in the series, even the sprites they were based on look better. I'm not even gonna talk about the Hell Knights lol.
Where does it say it isnt?
>neat, did not remember this one, is it in the expansion?
It's either near the very end of the main game or the very beginning of the DLC. I can't remember which.
inb4 the doom hunter is the combat engineer from Doom 3 Resurrection of Evil.
The Soul Cube is in Olivia's office.
one of the master levels of doom 2 implied you were a cyberdemon turned into a doomguy
>Not wanting more enemy types to kill
God you sois are full of estrogen.
how could a Doom 2 level have such a plot point...or any plot point at all by itself?
You sure it's not just a static prop easter egg?
the master levels came with descriptions for them
Do you have a single source to back this up
D44M makes it abundantly clear that it's the same doomguy from 1, 2, and 64
... user, easter egg or not, a reference is a reference.
2. doom's story which is written on the back of cereal box is the best story video games has ever produced
3. the story is very important despite not appearing in any of the games and being about 3 pages long
LIterally no one ever says this. do you faggots live in the same dimension as i do
he fuckin is though
>wears the same green themed armor, even goes closer to original design in Doom Eternal
>Kills demons like a freak of nature
>carries the same arsenal
>been in hell for fuck long time
>there are people who still believe he's not the same doomguy from the old Doom series
We must purge the disbelievers.
Where is the reminder?
Like, prove it faggot.
There's also the fact that one of the lore dump things literally says the slayer was some dude the knights found fighting demons in hell who had been there just fucking their shit up on his own for years, and that they forged his gear for him which explains the suit
One of the greatest movies ever made not as good as Evil dead 1? lol
I really do not know what ID has to do to make it clear they are the same god damn person. Was Quake Champions not enough?
they just flat out have to say it for the shitposters to suicide
he also breaks uac shit and picks up tiny dolls while the original beat up his boss and had a bunny
>that animation where he fist bumps the doll
Just a reminder that Doom 3 doom marines: The Corporal in Doom 3 and The Combat Engineer in Resurrection of Evil are NOT Doomguy.
ah I did not remember this.
Shame that there's only 2 animations in total, I kept picking those up hoping for something different.
Oh and the Doom 1 level inside Doom where a great touch, it was funny seeing your guns graphics changing because of no dynamic lights, no SSAO.
That's obvious from the start
There are some retards out there that think otherwise
A friendly reminder that your opinion isn't canon and that you should have sex.
Yes he fucking is. In Doom 64 he stays in Hell. In Doom it says the Doomslayer, "Chose the path of perpetual torment". Doomslayer is Doomguy.
>rival fight with ranger
Does it really fucking matter?
Like has the character of any of the doom games really fucking mattered at all?
Shit I think the end of Doom 2 reveals that he was just pissed off they killed his fucking pet rabbit.
Literally none of it matters.
Even genuine autistic people don't care about shit like this. What's wrong with you?
some people just need to be told from the creators themselves since they can't read between the lines and even then they will probably say the creator is lying
>26 fps
No? Doom 3's sarcophagus was made for an ancient Martian who sacrificed himself to successfully stop a demonic invasion. 2016's sarcophagus was made to contain Doomguy after the demons tricked him by collapsing the Blood Keep temples on top of him.
They don't even look the same.
>overall look inferior compared to the DOOM 3 aesthetic
>I'm not even gonna talk about the Hell Knights lol
But the Hell Knight design in nuDoom is pulled from 3.
Daisy deserved better. No ammount of demon blood will bring her back.
It's weird cause I am usually a huge lorefag, but in this case I actually do not care. I cannot name another game where I don't care about this on at least a surface level.
In DOOM I liked the Doomslayer thing on at least a surface level. Then I started to play on higher levels and I found it silly in hindsight, because you are very fragile, and you go on purely skill, not because you are some indestructible force of nature.
For Doom Guy, people keep pushing "oh he is just a regular human". Yeah on videogame logic. A human who runs without getting tired at 40km/h, carries and fires a shitton of guns, and has magic reload, and picks up ammo by running over it.
No matter how hard I rationalize it is just a video game made for adrenaline and fun.
Which let me say again is weird coming from me.
Thank you for reading my blog.
This shit right here.
>Burned by the embers of Armageddon, his soul blistered by the fires of Hell and tainted beyond ascension, he chose the path of perpetual torment. In his ravenous hatred he found no peace; and with boiling blood he scoured the Umbral Plains seeking vengeance against the dark lords who had wronged him.
Doomguy and Doom Slayer are the same fucking person. Get that through your thick boomer skulls already.
doom autists
its quite ridiculous, really
Sandy is a huge atmosphere guy, probably because of his tabletop roots, like how his maps are like giant dungeons.
Sandy is favorite id quake mapper.
Where is this clip from? It wasn't part of the E3 gameplay showcase displayed at the Bethesda conference.
Quake Champions confirms it, since his collectible is Daisy's foot.
>inb4 not canon
It has id's name on it, so it's canon.
Gameplay from the E3 floor.
>Get that through your thick boomer skulls already.
Boomers either don't care that he's the same guy (because they don't plan on playing the newer games anyway), or are fine with it. It's more so zoomers introduced to the series through Doom 2016 that have an issue with it, because it retroactively "humanizes" a character that was previously depicted as a faceless, mute brute.
They're the same people who complain about Doomguy's design having bare arms again "not making any sense".
really though - as someone who's beaten Doom 3 and RoE multiple times
i just could not bring myself to go through 2016 doom
i mean...damn man, its just so boring
all you're doing is pretty much going from arena to arena, finding an upgrade before, in between or after fighting, and listening to a bit of story/dialogue.
can't say I've ever played anything that's been this generic since the NES era
That'd be pretty rad
>corrupted by the The Artifact
>is respected in Hell for defeating the Maledictum
Zoomers won't touch fast arena shooters, so it doesn't surprise me that they don't know about what Quake 3 or Champions says about Doomguy.
>They're the same people who complain about Doomguy's design having bare arms again "not making any sense".
It's like complaining that Sonic's arms are NOT blue.
>b-b-but Doom 2016 had such a deep, interesting art direction
Compare the Hell levels of the game to the classic Doom's.
Some demons didn't have different blood colors too and power up spheres didn't have animated faces giving the impression of a trapped soul.
A reminder that devs literally said that he is, and they have more say in what is canon that some random boomer user
And another reminder that literally nobody cares besides you.
they retconned/soft rebooted him, see
It is, according to id software. Your headcanon isn't canon.
I don't give a fuck, really, as long as it's some rage-fueled psycho shooting daemons to pieces.
could also be that each iteration of the series had something that another doesn't
Plebeian taste
>immersive perk upgrade shrine thing with its own animation
>on the other side of the door is a giant floating question mark
So is the question mark a placeholder thing or does is this game going to have no visual consistency whatsoever?
>they're the same, except not
i know the hud changed because of feedback and trying to make it as "videogamey" as possible
but at least the tiny dolls looked interesting and so did almost any pick up in the franchise's entire history
if it was like a uac screen with text in it or a demonic scroll, it'd be fine
fags get mags
As in, it's not a direct serial followup to the original games, but rather it continues from its own, presumably identical canon that covers more or less the exact same events.
you don't think normalfags don't know about doom?
If you actually think Army of Darkness is better than Evil Dead 2, go fucking drown yourself.
And therefore remade it and ended up telling a different story :3
you know, back in the 90s Christians would have said that this game is a devil spawn because of the guns and satanic imagery.
little do they know that this game is probably the most christian friendly mainstream game.
doom was a game in the 90s you know
yes i do know.
Reminder if you use "Doom Slayer" instead of Doomguy, you're a retarded Bethesda fuck who probably never played the OG game.
Except the only worthwhile Doom games had his face. Maybe you should go back to Halo you fucking cuck.
Doom Slayer
sounds like u care
>only worthwhile Doom games
poast slayers club ranks, 2010 points here
is there anything more zoomer than caring about the lore of the new doom games?
Also kills angels though
>I still don't really agree with making the Slayer's face visible
>there are people on Yea Forums who not only complain about Doomguy's face being visible, but actually call him "the Slayer"
doom slayer doesn't even make grammatical sense as a name, like he's slaying doom? i thought he was the bringer of doom? like he's the doomguy, the guy of doom.
he should have been the doomer
doom is his title, slayer is his occupation
It's a title the demons gave him, so I guess the demons consider themselves the living embodiment of doom, of which Doomguy slays.
It means he's the slayer of demons, monsters, any kind of beasts that want to bring humanity to their doom. It's like a more cooler way of saying he's the savior of (what's pretty much left) of humanity.
I always seen it as "the night sentinels are dead but this guy inherited their cause and even gets helped by their spirits from time to time", because the same testament says multiple times that doomguy is a lone wolf
Doom guy is dead. He died, went to hell and got teleported back to the regular world. Probably don't age/get tired the same way. Also the trope of video game guy is just extremely skilled to account for getting to retry levels is fairly well done. I think its even used in halo (master chief is the luckiest spartan or something).
All i really want is to have the Crucible as a playable weapon in Eternal.
Just let me go nuts with a 2 meter long sword.
No ammo, no limit like the chainsaw
major cop out
>caring about Doom “””lore””” continuity
>when completely different people are in charge, anyways
Its made me realize how much people gobble ANY of this shit up, like Overwatch lore. Jesus.
No, it makes sense. The aesthetics and approach to the game in the 90's and today is different enough that serializing it all would have been jarring. it think it's a good middle ground.
don't act like you don't want this
While I agree with Carmack's statement that story in porn and video games are not important, sometimes having a good story elevates porn to another level where there is an actual emotion behind the fucking.
How can people like Doom 3?
Its generic cinematic shooter
While not perfect the sound design, animation, and lighting were all really fucking good. A lot of the guns were also really satisfying to use.
hell exists and therefore souls exist. if souls exist then all the bullshit that comes with convoluted lore about souls can exist too. I choose to believe that if doomguy were to actually die. or just be confirmed a different doomguy to the other ones. it would still be the same soul in both so they're essentially the same guy just reincarnated.
>that one sealed door near the tram with those echoing screams and voices
>the laughing in that bloody elevator
>screaming ceiling man
I sometimes play some of the ambient tracks in the background, bad ‘Doom’ game but still a lot I enjoyed
ah yeah cant wait to fight demons but in white this time
>sometimes having a good story elevates porn to another level where there is an actual emotion behind the fucking.
Not here, though.
isn't nudoom inspired by memes about doomguy being the strongest?
DOOMfags; is there a port for android, prefereably one where I can jack in my gamepad using a cable to play?
delta touch?
Yes. ID basically just gave in and said "let's just make it canon that he's death incarnate"
I thought it was shallow anime weeboo fags that complained about it. Zoomers are, by practice, literally incapable of playing anything but youtube celeb shit tier games or fortnite/minecraft.
Look at this fag who thinks angels will be demons with the same powers but painted white. Point and laugh at this wretch.
from my experience
Doom 2 > TNT > Doom > Doom 3 / RoE >>>> Plutonia >>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>Doom 2016
keep in mind a couple top ones are interchangeable, i didn't know where to rank em
>no 64
It'd be "neat" if they made a game that wasn't hot dogshit for the zoomer audience who has never seen Serious Sam.
sure thing, boomer
64 would make all .wads canon.
whoa this angel flies and shoots thing. Wow this angel runs at you and punches. Omg this angel hits you with angel fire balls. looky here this angel teleports around the map throwing red energy at you. And this one has an angel shotgun and shield truly revolutionary enemy design
This feels like Devilman at this point.
That's a good thing though. Devilman was awesome.
>Has the imaginative capacity of a insipid zoomer .
Death is the only cure for you.
You're just mad a majority of players had fun with Nu-Doom.
>time to rip and tear!
>slayer slayer slayer!
dude pain infernals are literally caco demons but they shoot lost souls instead the uac security is just shotgun zombies but with a shield hell razors are again just shotgun zombies but with a beam baron of hells are just hell knights and mancubus literally just have a green variant that spits "acid" open your eyes Oh and summoners are just fast archives
more like
>hell razers are replacements for chaingunners
>summoners are replacement for archviles that don't even function the same
>mancubus doesn't shoot two fireballs at the same time
there's shitting in a game then there's being wrong
why wouldnt he be?
unless id comes out and says he isnt, he clearly is supposed to be the same.
>Steve from Minecraft can carry the Titanic.
asura from asuras wrath can lift a planet.
Imagine the demons just hearing a crowd of nights and the slayer chanting "RIP! AND! TEAR! RIP! AND! TEAR! RIP! AND! TEAR!" And the chanting gets louder and closer.
How many fucking bricks would they shit. And what would be the first thing that'd come to their minds.
My dick can lift your mom, i should be the strongest videogame character.
Yes, i literally was a normalfag growing up in the 2000s. These were the only fucking games that people ever talked about, everything else was completely literal who tier
> The Legend of Zelda
> Grand Theft Auto
> Pokemon
> Star Wars: Battlefront
> Halo
> Final Fantasy
> Super Smash Bros
> Fallout
> Red Dead Redemption
> Super Mario
> World of WarCraft
> Battlefield
> The Elder Scrolls
> NBA 2K
> Call of Duty
> MineCraft
> Half-Life 2
> Mass Effect
> Gears of War
> Portal
> Bioshock
> Dark Souls
> Star Wars KOTOR
> Wii Sports
> Donkey Kong
> Mario Kart
> The Last of Us
> Bloodborne
I'm depressed at the state of the industry, when a game which is an objectively poorer clone of a title that was already budget is hailed as a masterpiece by children who haven't made it past E1M1.
Nu-doom isn't even worth playing. It's a bland experience that nobody with any real interest in the FPS genre would enjoy, because there are far better examples of everything it attempts to do, and they can be found in Ukrainian bargain bins.
So you're mad because people had fun with a game you did not like.
>I'm depressed because people like a thing I do
I know you're just shitposting, but I want you to know that you people sound like fucking psychos when you say that.
>because there are far better examples of everything it attempts to do
This, truly, in a nutshell. It’s certainly the “craziest” shooter you could likely get exposed to on console - while catering to them at the same time. Also, few other shooters of the type can come close to its production value; I’ve said before that DUSK would be objectively better if it was just as pretty.
NuDoom is fun, decent, but nowhere near revolutionary. It’s good at reminding me how awful everything is, though.
I wouldn't expect you to understand. I'd regale stories of grown adults playing garbage like Halo, or CoD, but you're young enough that those games probably came out when you were 7, so you think they're amazing.
I'd point to trash like Fortnite and Apex, but you probably either enjoy these games, or pretend that it's fine because they're aimed at children.
No duh doom slayer was stuck in a rock, hes a medieval doom guy
I don't get how people find this attractive. I'm not even that into furshit but the Baron and Hell Knight from Doom 1&2 are way better looking than the ones in the reboot.
I mean the in game lore says he's not
It’s pretty perfect imo
Bull. Fucking. Shit.
of course not
doom guy would never wear that shitty plastic toy armor
You realize zoomers can be 22 years old?
Amid Evil is superior to Dusk.
Also I liked Doom 2016 because it actually embraces being a movement based shooter while having fairly interesting to fight enemies and enjoyable guns. The map design is definitely lacking, which is probably due more to technical limitations than anything else.
It ain't perfect but it gets a lot right for a AA mainstream game.
He's a medieval guy who was kicking demon ass with a sword and some regular armor before, then he got the adamantine armor and all of hell was scared of him. He eventually got trapped in a rock and was stuck there until new doom.
Re: #3 - uh, what? I have genuinely never seem the autismos do anything other than shit all over Doom 3 and then circle jerk with said shit.
>Amid Evil is superior to Dusk.
Dusk’s ‘looking worse than Quake’ visuals were a hard pill to swallow but Amid Evil looks like colored shitvomit. I want to play some of those levels but the enemies look terribly unappealing and the weapons TERRIBLY FUCKING unappealing. Rekkr got fantasy weapons way more right.
Also I think Dusk has modtools coming up, and I’ve heard Amid Evil has none planned.
Doom 2016 needs a slightly bigger enemy-on-screen count
But then again im a Serious Sam fag, there isnt such thing as enough enemies for me
Boring weapons seems to be the problem that stops me from really getting into Heretic/Hexen style games.
Is there a freer app?
Nothing about that contradicts this.
Gaming as a whole was niche the fuck you talking about. It didn't become some main stream normalfag hobby until late 6th gen with games like Guitar Hero then it was fully cemented with normalfags when CoD4 came out last gen.
>Yeah & nobody played it on those because all of those ports were shit, GoldenEye was the essential console FPS game
Absolutely fucking wrong. Doom console ports were a big deal. Just personally my first experiences with Doom were the SNES and 32X versions because my friends had them. I didn't know how bad of a port they were because I was less than 10 years old and never had the PC version to compare it to at the time, I imagine many other people were the same way. The PS1 port is particular is generally well regarded and probably the only one still worth playing today because of the differences it has over the PC version.
He was trapped in the tomb until the beginning of new doom so he could be doom guy but only if the other games take place after new doom
Agreed, which is why I loved being a fighter. Only four weapons, though, and saying “just use the melee class” doesn’t make up for the lack of satisfying ‘guns’.
How is he not exactly? What about this image proves he isn't?
he is not the same guy but they want the money so they take the popular name.
>He's a medieval guy
No, he's a guy who was found in hell by medieval guys from another dimension and was asked if he'd like to fuck up some demons with them.
supposedly doomguy is a descendant of BJ. wolfenstein and doom share a universe apparently.
>only if the other games take place after new doom
The other games took place in another dimension that was invaded by the same hell.
>so they take the popular name
But they're not even calling him Doomguy. They wouldn't call him that anyway, but still.
>Late millennial trash
Doomguy sealed himself in hell and while inside hell he slaughtered demons in the past, present, and future. He has been killing demons for thousands of hell years by now since hell doesn't have a tangible timeline.
>the man himself explaining what I’ve been trying to get across to my friends
You’re one beautiful user
Holy kek, fucking this.
Expect the game lore doesn't say that. He is the same guy. You must be confusing the doomguy/doomslayer with the betrayer.
literal headcanon from people who have no say in the franchise anymore
user, stop trying to pretend that Doom was some niche game. Everyone and their mother knew what doom was, even in the early 2000s, people still knew what doom was. Sure it wasn't at peak hype but you have to be retarded to think that Doom became some underground tier game.
Why is the music in D44M so bad?
Wish Eternal would have a purely metal OST.
Up until the monster carries Ash off away from the cabin after he kills his girl, yeah it's a remake because another studio had the rights to the first one.
I'm still going to pretend he's the same guy and you can't stop me. Suck my balls nerd
>No co-op game where you and your night sentinel bros rip hell's asshole a new one following your leader in pure rage
This. The doom protag just meant to be an angry unstoppable force, Not a character.
>1. all games are inferior to doom
Mostly true though
>2. doom's story which is written on the back of cereal box is the best story video games has ever produced
True and true because of that
>3. the story is very important despite not appearing in any of the games and being about 3 pages long
Completely untrue and also its more like half a page.
>4. doom 3 is underrated and better than doom 2016
Doom 3 was shit. Pic related
I don't give a fuck about Hugo martin's fluff text fanfiction and the new games are garbage
soundtrack suits the game but doesn't stand on it's own
only bfg division has a memorable melody and it's barely anything
It's a alternate timeline
A based thread, undoubtedly.
Damn that would rock