Do you think they regret the 7 year time skip?

Do you think they regret the 7 year time skip?

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>still didn't play anything beside the first 3
Should I do it?

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fuck no

4th is the best if you like big brain stuff. Phoenix is a criminal mastermind.

If you're a fan of the first 3 but don't want to get into all the timeskip shit, you can still play the Investigation games for more Edgeworth, Gumshoe, Fransizka etc.

4 and especially 5 drop the ball, but 6 is actually decent
At least play The Great Ace Attorney since that now has a fan translation for both 3ds and Android

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I hated how Phoenix went back to his normal and quirky self in 5. I also hated how maya and pears are basically the same.

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Who even thought it was a good idea in the first place?

>Company wants sequel
>Director feels Phoenix's story is over
>Director makes new character to be the star
>Company isn't confident and wants Phoenix to play a prominent role anyway

Just a mixture of mandates that led to the decision making of Apollo Justice, and feedback from that is what led to Dual Destinies

Four is ok, five is ok, six is actually very good.

Investigations 1 is pretty good, not played Investigations 2 but a lot of people say it's the best Ace Attorney game.

Don't know much about the two British ones or the Layton one.

It would have been fine if Apollo Justice was well, actually about the title character. But then they had throw in Phoenix in it.

Apollo needed another game on his lonesome for his development; preferably one that retconned Turnabout Trump to be the first case of the “next” game while having a new game with him and Kristoph (with Kristoph having a minor role being shady and shit and then being the big bad of the “second” game instead).
Phoenix should’ve only been a mentor to Apollo past AA4.
Athena was a mistake, but she could be salvageable in AA7 provided they focus only on her.
Freeform investigation (like the Investigations games) should be explored more. Personally I’d prefer if the AA franchise distanced itself from the visual novel genre more but I can’t think of good ways to do that.
We don’t need new prosecutors. Klavier should do something in AA7.

Haven't really been following the series since Apollo's and Edgeworth's spin-offs.

So my question is, did he fuck her yet?

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There's still loads of time between the games in the OT that could be filled, they've not written themselves out of anything really. Plus the time skip didn't really change anything.

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I'm one of those fags who prefers the second trilogy over the first. Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright is also great.
Spirit of Justice > Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright > Apollo Justice = Dual Destinies

>Plus the time skip didn't really change anything.
Phoenix being disbarred for like 3 or 4 years and some of the child-like characters being significantly aged-up (while still acting the same) feels like it has a big impact

I tried some of the later games but never really got that far in any of them.

Hot take, but IMO everything past the OG trilogy is just beating the dead horse and milking the cash cow. The formula gets really repetitive, the games become very methodical, the writing is very poor.

Spirit of Justice is not that good at all.

The disbarment changed nothing about him outside of 4. The age up might be valid but Pearl just seems like the exact same character still except she looks less chibi. Can't think of anyone else who that would apply to.

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Case 2 was fantastic
Case 3 was alright
Case 5 was a bit of a mess, but it had some interesting ideas.

Knowing this really makes me sad. I just beat the trilogy and I really want more, but this fourth entry just feels off.
Sounds like everything after the first three is just a tease but ill power through for now

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do you remember the story of the first three? i played them with a walkthrough a few years ago and can't remember much of anything

yeah not even ghost trick did much for me

This, its like the 4th game never happened, it annoyed the shit out of me

>Company isn't confident and wants Phoenix to play a prominent role anyway
And they where right, Apollo sucks monkey dick, imagine if AA4 didnt have based hobo Phoenix, yikes

To be fair, it's a grudge with one guy all because said guy had a grudge against him for being a better lawyer. Said lawyer also forged evidence and murdered his client to sabatoge Phoenix's job

If you like Layton, I'd recommend PLvsAA. It's got all the bullshit of both series mixed together with some neat characters and a god tier OST. And it's less of them vs each other and more just getting mashed up and playing off each other.
If you don't like or haven't played Layton, how high is your tolerance for nonsensical plot resolutions? If the answer was anything else other than extremely, you might find it offputting. Some also complained they felt like Phoenix got sidelined but that's just what happens when a regular man is paired up with a super genius.

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I haven't played the HD version of the trilogy, but apparently they gave Pearl the wrong background music?

Is Klavier a cunnyseur? Based

me on the bottom left beside pearl

your a shoe?

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Maya still being so mentally handicapped after 7 years and still getting arrested for murder was honestly not even surprising.