Is he wrong

is he wrong

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Why are you browsing resetera
? Go back and stay there.

Finished the tutorial on the galaxy mode and did a 3d print of the planet with a spining ship around it

need to find a place to actualy print it now

Attached: PONG RPG 66.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

Do communists even understand the underlying motivation that competition provides us


communism requires enforcement, and the nature of game dev means that leadership positions will always be required. In the end, most game devs will go from office politic laden shitshows into hyper exclusive fucked up artist dens where nothing gets done, effectively improving nothing if not making things worse
They would end up exactly like the plane in the video too.

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a major communist power existed during the video game boom where a single person could make a fantastic game
it produced tetris. a great game, no one will deny, but that's it. tetris.

Under the Soviet and Chinese regimes, only music that appeased values of the State were allowed. Any composer who tried to go outside of those boundaries was shunned and possibly threatened with the Gulag/death.

So fuck no

Everything would be indie titles which already get created by the shitload. No AAA or even AA titles. You're not getting dev teams that big with no compensation to back someones elses dream.

>games under communism
>great and simple puzzle games with endless potential

>games under capitalism
>walking simulators and progressive values

>people would make games without capitalist incentives
I stopped reading right there

>be communist
>make videogame
>don't eat bread because I spent 6 hours waiting under the snow on the bread line last week and now I can't feel my left foot

>simulators under capitalism
Except this is capitalism-funded communism. You can call it "champagne communism".

>Thered be a game industry without bosses
No big projects would ever be completed.


If you read the thread, thankfully most people disagree with that

Competition only motivates normies. Anyone with talent and inspiration does it exclusively to chase after a vague sense of purpose and for the inherent fulfillment behind mastering a craft, regardless of socioeconomical repercussions.
The thing is that nu-commies unironically believe their system will bring forth an Utopia where inherent human desires are no more and where everyone will magically turn into as much of an unachieving, lazy beta fuck as they are.

>Le starving artist meme
Nothing is free. Nobody wants to work for free.

You were blown the fuck out on that thread, OP. Now, go back and stay there

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He post a lot Yea Forums
He is trolling

>Games under communism
There are none because Tetris was sold off to make billions.

Kinda true. You already have a boatload of free games. Just no AAA.

The actual problem with communism is you still get planned economy which means some faggot will tell you to build their vision of a game. Worst case it's the prime ministers grandpa because none give a fuck about gaming. So you now fund barn simulator 2020 with the entire states gaming budget. Congrats

Makes sense to me
I mean just look at China
So much creativity

Tetris, a game developed under communism, was directly hindered because of communism. the creator of the game didn't see a dime for his effort until many many years later. the state pocketed it all.

fuck commies and fuck niggers

This might be the stupidest thing I've ever read. If there were only 1 game developer (the state), they would still have to compete against every other type of entertainment. Most likely all games would be handheld games and would only exist for reason of keeping people sane while waiting 5 hours in the food line every day

How long until he gets unverified and then banned and then doxxed as a nazi

China is very capitalist

He was already called out for being wrong. Actual communists are doing those games, with capitalist money. It's like being paid to protest as an antifa.

They destroyed their entire culture during Mao
Its why they have zero ideas now

he's retarded, because under a communist government you would only be allowed to make games that would only be acceptable by the government and would make it illegal to create games that would go against that government's ideals and values.

Attached: pinochetwrong.jpg (456x323, 27K)

was he banned?

Nobody was fucking threatened or killed for shitty music, you utter retard, they just didn’t get free shit and money to practice their art, which classical artists did.
The entire idea of this is a cia psyop that ruined visual art because they purposefully faced complete fucking hacks to create some fantasy about the eastern bloc being oppressive because they finance classical and figurative art and not literal shit in a box.
Quacks like Marin Abramovic couldn’t cut it in commieland but live comfortably by mingling with eh western circles and giving them food made with shit an menstrual blood to eat.

Probably by the end of tomorrow. I think it took one week to the Bethesda's verified user to lose the status
Just checked, he's still there

Attached: checking.jpg (659x198, 13K)

>videogames under communism
We already have a live example of what happens to video game creators under communism.

Attached: tetris.png (2000x3667, 63K)

>I'm a special genius so I need neetbux
Nobody is here to take care of your loser ass.

jesus fucking christ what's wrong with retardera

>puzzles and walking simulators
Thank god i don't play any of that.

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who are you quoting?

the creator got nothing for making tetris until after SU collapsed

also he made Hatris while under SU

Why does every commie believe that they'll be holding government positions and reaping the benefits of the system without needing to lift a finger, instead of being a peasant farmer or a factory worker like the other 99% of the population?

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I'm surprised most of them were anti communist given their political leanings.

ive never heard them say that, dunno where you got it from

I miss the good old days where communists and sympathisants got arrested

The modding community proves this already. As does piracy.

>Nobody was fucking threatened or killed for shitty music,
If you produce something anti-state values in Cuba today at best you get a forced labor sentence and at worst you get either lifetime jail or the rope for producing imperialist propaganda. Look it up and stop talking dumb bullshit or pretending to be retarded.
I already make my neetbux to buy vidya with through a think thank. The real issue with late stage boomer capitalism is that we're outright building a fucking hell on earth for every single one of us by chasing dumb social constructs and pandering our societal structure to corporations and fucking normies. And retards like you are the source of the problem.

Probably see 95% less games in general?

I hate to use the "true communism has never been tried" meme but you really can't compare the American idea of communism with the Soviet Union, China, Korea, etc. where the idea of communism is just an excuse to create a permanent class divide where the masses exist to serve the wealthy and powerful.

Either way the idea that communism would allow for better art falls apart when you consider that the entire point of state-funded art would still be to entertain the masses, so would still have to be tailored for mass appeal, if not even moreso since the state would have no objective reason to consider an artist worth not sending to the manure fields unless they had a very large mass following.

>there is no competition under communism

Why the fuck are you faggots so obsessed with that website?