Which games are you going to be watching or playing?
What do you think is going to get announced this year? What characters do you think are going to be revealed?
Who do you think is going to win?
Will McRib ever lose weight?
Actual EVO Thread
>Under Night
Shut the fuck up Phonon fag.
Watching AnimEVO instead.
Don't be rude.
t. can’t dashblock
This please
>Will McRib ever lose weight?
I'll watch some of everything. Grubble fighters will announce some characters, probably Zeta and Vaseraga.
>tranny's favorite: the post
>Suzi imagen Chernobyl other thread
But that isn't Phonon.
I've been playing FighterZ since day 1 but its gotten stale. I'm trying to branch into UNIST but its way harder than FighterZ, and maybe Samsho but its not out on PC yet. I'll be watching all these games of course
Londrekia and someone else
All Japan Top 8
Probably not
Fighterz top 8, at least from top 32 onwards for Samsho, and attempt to watch all off T7, Unist and Soulcal in terms of watching all
Too shit and too broke to even travel to watch, let alone compete
Is it odd to feel like that game's disclosing information really fucking slow?
Probably everything if I manage to get that week off work.
Most excited for Samsho and SFV though
>That thread actually hit bump limit and wasn't pruned instead
Tekken, UNIst, SamSho and maybe SC6
>What do you think is going to get announced this year?
UNIclr seems pretty likely as this is the biggest spot the game may ever have. Hopefully straight to consoles
SamSho will probably show off Basara, maybe some KoF hints and PC/Switch release dates
Don't expect Tekken to get anything more than hints, they were very sneaky last time though.
SC6 might finally reveal Cass
SFV will reveal Super/Ultra/"Oh god please don't drop any lower" edition, will be enough to satisfy people for now but really not all that much content.It will be framed as a redirection
Which thread?
Honestly I'm shocked that BBTAG is there. Even the attempt at reviving it seems dead on arrival.
Over 200 posters
lmao trannies
Is that max's boyfriend/girlfriend or something? I don't follow garbage twitter drama in the slightest
it's max's fuckboi
his real wife it's a chubby uggo
For mainstage I'll watch UNIST, Tekken and SFV for side events I will forever and always watch Melty. I'll also probably check in on Samurai Showdown at some point, I honestly haven't followed it
Like he is any price himself.
Imagine watching this cuck event. Muh core values
TLDR: former tranny sex worker (who after crying on a chatterbate stream) turned ytuber incels spam on Yea Forums all the time lately. Mostly as excuse to either invite /pol/acks or spam a Google Drive full of her lewds.
>Is it odd to feel like that game's disclosing information really fucking slow?
I don't think so personally because this just tells me that they are going to release the game toward the end of the year. If that's the case you want to start throwing out everything closer to that release date
i've seen her thumbnails on youtube, she likes resident evil, ideal gf desu
>This thread transition to tranny thread ...
oh and some samsho if its at the right time.
I'm sure she's alright but I'm sick of thirsty motherfuckers spamming her lol
Anyway on topic, looking forward to news on the next UNIB expansion and SamSho dlc. Oh and Spawn for MK too I guess.
If I get into top eight, what do you think my chances of sleeping with her are?
> just tells me that they are going to release the game toward the end of the year.
It is July, for a game that at the latest will release in December that is seriously holding info back. We have 7 characters, minimum must be around 16 if it doesn't want to bomb but really if you want a large casual draw you need 20+. So they are going to have to start doing at least 2 a month soon if they don't want to lose any attention the game has got.
Only anal
What? I just like these.
Tekken and BBTag
Gonna take naps during the other games.
Oh forgot to add, potential Tekken news. Anything would be good.
You had your thread. Fuck off.
She hates sex due to bad juju from her escorting/porn days so not happening.
Hey guys what fightin game should I get on the steam sale? All I have is skullgirls and a shit pc
>tfw I still don't know where this is from
id fuck him
Definitely watching:
Might watch:
>BBTAG: one to three packs of BB/P4A/UNiB characters, sixth fate reveal, RWBY and AH abandoned in the gutter
>UNiB: teaser trailer or opening of UNiCLR, console availability, Londrekia gameplay trailer
>DBFZ: formal Janemba reveal trailer (believe he was confirmed in a video by Microsoft/Xbox), simultaneous release afterwards
>SSB: nothing or at least a definitive release date for the DQ Heroes’ Challenger Pack, in-depth video uploaded a night or so before the pack drops similar to Joker
Thank you for the new chibi pic. :D
Is that little green haired girl supposed to be Morrigan?
There's a KI mango?
SamSho VSP will run on anything, you could try out melty as well
Apparently it was some sort of Japanese gaming magazine that accepted reader comic submissions and this was one of those one offs. I don't know the actual source for the publication or artist unfortunately, I got this when someone else posted it here.
Killer instinct is really fun and has the best netcode and music in the business. It's currently 10$ store.steampowered.com
Forgot another X
When the hell is Nightwolf dropping anyway?
That’s probably going to be at Arc Revo. Expect another announcement of an announcement at Evo.
I dunno but he's probably first.
Not the user you’re speaking with, but now that you mention ArcRevo, and while we’re on the topic of EVO, wasn’t there supposed to be an ArcFest a week or two after EVO this year, that got cancelled?
The game was announced in December. A little less than half of the roster has already been announced pre hard release date while getting the game in people's hands 3 times already and they still have half a year left.
They are fine honestly. It's not uncommon at all to backload the large majority of your game reveals in the second half or even the last two months before release
Phonon please uncover samsho so we can see all of the good games
Entered SC6, unist, and smush. Would be in samsho if the PC release wasn't delayed. Will also try to enter Xrd and melty at animEVO, and maybe puyo tetris.
Speaking of is animEVO registration open yet?
From main games only gonna watch Tekken as it's the only one I'm playing. Might also check some Samsho top 16 if it's more entertaining when high level players play it. Also gonna check sidestreams like ST and 3s, but those are usually ran pretty bad, for example super turbo has been streamed through a shitty mobile internet the past couple of years.
As for future content hopes, I hope they actually make wall bounce a relevant mechanic for every character. Right now the problem is that 90% of the cast have it in a very slow or unsafe move, making it completely useless. I would be okay with no more characters, but rather have more content in terms of stages and modes. Double is probably gonna win it, he has been on fire lately and has risen to be the number one Jap in Tekken.
i'm playing Tatsunoko vs capcom again, wish they gave a fuck and made an HD port for the switch, i want to play online at least
I've been hearing that people want to dethrone Street Fighter from its main event spot.
I'm wondering if now that grubble will release their fightan game, and considering Cygames keeps pumping money into EVO, maybe they're all promoting these rumors to soften the blow once we see grubble versus next year as the last event.
It would be fucking hilarious if they reveal sixth fate without adding more AH characters
More or less guaranteed with how they shafted Saki and Weiss unless adding Minori is their goal or something.
Tekken 7
Maybe a bit of Smash
Hoping for an UNIclr or Granblue Versus announcement.
SC6 is $20. Pretty easy to get into. And there are other scrubs playing right now because of the sale.
DBFZ, most likely SamSho and maybe Tekken or UNIST. And Melty.
>I've been hearing that people want to dethrone Street Fighter from its main event spot.
Want? Has been the case for two years now. It got the main slot last year, but being the less entered game made that controversial. Especially after the whole free tshirt stuff. Now it for sure will be 2nd or 3rd and Wiz has said it isn't going to be the main game. At most events it is a toss up if SFV can get the most entrants, and it generally occupies and earlier time slot. Which is apparently by request of Capcom, makes it easier for more viewers to see the game yet the actual viewing figures are the same or worst.
We don't really have a true main game, even SmashU doesn't get the most entrants or top spot at every event. I'm not sure GBV will managed it either, least not for more than a year.
Jive and only jive
everything else is fucking trash
There's a 100% chance we're gonna see more Granblue during EVO, probably even release date and all.
I try to tune in to as many top 8s as I can.
The only ones I really care about are Smash, Samsho, and Soul Calibur tho
im signed up for Samsho, UNIST, DBFZ, and Smash
the fact that BBTag is on Sunday finals almost guarantees a new Guilty. Outside of that, KI2 is my most wanted game announcement, but it wont happen.
I will win one round, then drown in pools
When he dies.
I entered Unist, Smash, and DBZ. Should be a good time
Actually there is a good chance we won't. They have their own event on at the same time, and a lot of people have been pointing out that they aren't revealing stuff in the west. If nothing happens at Anime Expo, despite FKHR and KMR being there and having a GB panel. I doubt we'll see anything.
Good luck user, who do you play?
i thought about doing TvC and melty at animevo, but i havent played TvC in years. would be depressing to watch
I'm going to watch all of the finals except Smash. Nothing against people that like it, I just don't find it very entertaining.
Ukyo, Nanase, Ginyu/Bluegeta/Buu, and Pokemon Trainer.
I legitimately forgot BBTAG existed.
>Ukyo, Nanase
I take it back, this user gets the luck instead
for the last 5 years ive played/watched both melee and tekken. feels pretty bad only going for tekken this year. also feels really weird when the shitflinging between melee and fgc/other smash games is mainly continued by people who dont actually compete
Sex? I want to love and take care of her!
Killer Instinct. It'll teach you everything you need to know in the tutorial.
Looking forward to cross SHIT battle having ~300 entrants, god I just want a complex anime game by arcsys again, no casual bullshit
Gonna try to watch everything besides MK
Most excited to watch SC6 though, since it's basically the only game there that won't be dominated by players from one continent.
DoA. And maybe taken.
I also skip MK and Smash finals, mostly because I don't find them entertaining because I don't play them so I don't understand them enough to feel any hype from them.
> Implying the EU won't dominate this game again
I hope Ed delivers on that Thunder skin for Nightwolf.
just watching tekken, SC6 and samsho
tekken S3 pretty much comfirmed, looking forward to how they are gonna turn it into even more of a mugen shitshow but it's fun anyways
I doubt they'll announce the next GG here but it would be nice to be wrong
SFV, maybe Tekken and Samsho.
>looking forward to how they are gonna turn it into even more of a mugen shitshow
Here's hoping.
SFV, SamSho, BBTAG, UNIST. Probably will also tune into Tekken.
Hopefully Capcom finally reveals whether they're done with the game or not so everyone can move on. It'd be cool to see Sodom or Maki back but I have a feeling that's a low probability.
Rooting for Bonchan or Machabo, longshot pick is iDom.
As time goes on, I feel that it’s more and more likely. Just as the first user that replied to you said, they put goddamn Saki and Weiss of all characters into the “Extra Characters” tab of the game’s in-game icon shop. And while I don’t know too much about the game, I’m pretty Saki is to Heart as Yosuke is to Yu, while Weiss is major character within AH3.
On that note, I believe Rooster Teeth Expo is happening right this weekend. Is there a chance of a RWBY reveal there?
i just want melee back brehs
Thanks pal. I'm gonna need it
Fuck I completely forgot MK11 is there, I'm gonna have to skip on that one too. Hopefully its top 8 is on at a time where I can take a nice nap
>Is there a chance of a RWBY reveal there?
Absolutely not. Dash your hopes for more rwbyshit in tag since the 4-team system for their characters means they'd be obligated to make a set of characters which they simply will not do. Independent characters like the drunk uncle is also facing sexual harassment charges so he sure as hell is never being made playable
It had a good enough run. There doesn't need to be more than 2 Smash games at EVO, regardless of how different they are.
Also, Asura for SamSho, when?
He never got charged. In fact, he's suing the people who slandered him. Besides, Qrow already got a new VA, so he's not exempt from being in the game.
The focus is on new franchises now, RWBY will be ignored for new characters since they might as well divert resources to new franchise reps
True. I really want pic related to be in a fighting game that isn't some basic arena fighter, and BBTag seems like a good place for them.
its funny how rent free melee and Marn live in anicel players heads
what does marn's leg have to do with anything?
Probably not, but I'll always hope for Roman(with Neo) and Pyrrha
Obviously, I'm gonna be watching Ultimate like most people. Maybe the Melee Side event as well. Samsho has proven to be pretty shit so far, I hope it gets patched to be better..
There really isnt much this time around, is there? I guess I'll try Under Night, see what all the fuss is about.
Might compete in anime evo, depends if I have a partner or not
Hmm... I guess that’s understandable. They really wouldn’t just add one or two characters without the rest of their squad. Or partner, in cases like Mercury and Emerald, or Roman and Neo. That’s unfortunate really. If there was one thing I still liked about RWBY, it was just the characters themselves, and their fighting styles. The weapons seen throughout the series were always cool to me, and Semblances were basically Drives from BlazBlue, which is welcome as well.
God Mori’s banter and interviews bring me nothing but pain.
>yeah I’d love to have 2B and Nines from Nier: Automata haha
>oh the rest of the dev team really would appreciate if Satsuki and Ryuko from KLK were here lol they’re huge fans
Great tastes user, those three are actually my most wanted’s from RWBY, with the inclusion of Penny, and maybe Neo as a standalone instead. Well, a couple others more, but they’d definitely have zero chances.
>What do you think is going to get announced this year? What characters do you think are going to be revealed?
Tekken S3 starting with Ganryu and Wang
maybe Ult if I don't fall asleep during
currently playing UNIST and taking a break from DBFZ and Melee, looking forward to SamSho pc and GBV. I feel like UNIST is easier than the first time I got into UNI with exe late. Going to be trying out MAAB later.
hopefully anyone but sonicfox in DBFZ
no, the tears from left out communities keep him voluptous