Who is the strongest Final Fantasy villain?
Who is the strongest Final Fantasy villain?
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Either Golbez, Exdeath or Ardyn
Kefka literally blew up the world and became a god.
Exdeath because he's my favorite
I'd say ardyn. He's pretty much unkillable. Noctis had to sacrifice himself and kill him in the afterlife to completely destroy him
Correct me if im wrong but isn't the only way to kill Ardyn to have Noctis fight him? So if you pit all the bosses against each other he kind of wins by default unless there's another immortal boss.
if you count dissidia then neo exdeath
And Sephiroth literally blowed up the solar system with Supernova
Ardyn is literally the weakest villain, anyone that can nuke the planet can essentially left him to die in space:
God Tier [Threatened the universes]
Feral Chaos, Neo Exdeath, Cloud of Darkness, Time Compression Merged Ultimecia
Top Tier [Can easily destroy easily stars]
Monster Nael, A.Children Sephiroth, Monster Hojo
Mid Tier [Can destroy planets]
Trance Kuja, God Kefka, Vayne Imperitur, Ultima, Zeromus EX, Xande
Mid-Low Tier [Can destroy the moon]
Yu Yevon, Orphan, Emperor
Low Tier [Can destroy continents]
Remove easily, also Shadow Lord is in Low Tier.
>include DoC and tactics but not the other spin-offs/sequels
Bhunivelze is the strongest villain
Also Lightning is the strongest protagonist
The Emperor, for being able to beat Satan and God with only half of his soul.
Feral Chaos and Shinryu required all the heroes and villains to fight them in Dissidia, including Lightning.
Caius, easily
Is this bait? He needed help to beat Zemus.
>fanfic shit
Also LR Lightning could so him
ExDeath is the scariest one for sure, even though the translation portrayed him as a cartoon villain.
Not sure if he's the strongest though. Probably Emperor.
Why Nael instead of Zodiark or one of the Ascians? She's basically a prelude villain.
Can we agree The Emperor is the most badass? Nigga died, went to hell and beat Satan into submission
Kefka pushed a statue out of place
And God, apparently.
Is that really canon? I don't really care about the remakes and spinoffs.
The XIV portion of this chart needs an update.
Ardyn probably, the sheer level of power is absurd if you think about it. He may not be the flashiest or able to summon meteors or something, but he is immortal save for one specific method of death which can only be done by sacrificing a child of a specific bloodline.
He still has the standard fare of summoning weapons, casting magic, slowly corrupting the world, and teleportation and flight, which is more than enough to defeat any other FF villian.
This was probably made ages ago. And we don't know what Zodiark even looks like.
Zenos or Emet would probably be the best choice for image.
I think he is talking about "Emperor of Heaven", but god is really a meaningless term, unless you mean omnipotent.
The God and Satan he defeated did not did stuff like creating universes, that's headcanon.
Ardyn is literally one of the weakest FF villains.
the correct answer is Marche
Where does emet-selch fit into this tier list?
Ardyn, he's immortal and no other character or even gods can kill him. Only Noctis can kill him by killing himself.
All the others I can think of were defeated with swords. Like, just some strong dudes with swords.
Where is Venat in all of this
Ardyn can daemonize gods and absorb their power and all their momeries, thus language, his has infinite widsom and knowledge thus infinite power, and is already immortal
LR Lightning needed Noctis to save her from Sephiroth
He actually does cast meteor too
He's the strongest, anything Noctis can do so can Ardyn plus he's immortal and has the power of daemons, and can daemonize anyone he touches including a God.
Top, he should be above Nael.
Even the strongest gods were taken down with swords, doesn't change much.
Infinite power is merely hyperbole and him being crazy and drunk with power as he is just a pawn of the gods, said gods are far far weaker to the strongest ones in the overall series.
No he's literally one of if not the strongest.
Being immortal is a simple thing that most FF villains have, also
Fan wank is indeed amusing, the gods in 15 are far weaker than the others in the series. I assume you are likely Barry.
Kefka is pretty much a god.
>And Sephiroth literally blowed up the solar system with Supernova
Not sure if this should count since it has nothing to do with the story and he can do it several times. You could just call it a reality marble like in fate at that point creating a pocket space where he is doing that.
>Top Tier [Can easily destroy easily stars]
>Monster Hojo
Did I miss something or is this a DoC thing?
And I don't remember any of those in that category blowing up the sun/a sun.
He's not a pawn of anyone and he literally makes Ifrit one of the gods into HIS pawn. Nothing I said is hyperbole, he can daemonize anyone, he can absorb their powers, full knowledge, history, memories, language, skills etc, because of the daemons his skill set is the biggest potential for any villain, and the gods in XV literally created the universe the same as whatever the strongest god in other FFs is, and through daemons he could just daemonize that god and make them his pawn. He's also immortal so no one from any other FF or any gods can kill him.
No it isn't, no other FF villain is immortal. You don't know what you're talking about.
Coldsteel the Au'ra
No they aren't, the are on par if not stronger because they created the universe and all living things, Ardyn is easily the strongest villain.
It's a form Hojo assumed to fight the group and i assumed he was not that far weaker to Safer Sephiroth, since the party would soon fight him after Hojo.
kefka can be beaten by a feral child and a loli that paints
Ultimecia can literally go back in time and just make you never happen / forget.
Altima is just a super powered angelic being that foot soldiers can take out.
I couldn't pay attention to FF13's story so I have no fucking clue what even the last boss was in that.
Never played FF1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, or 14. Or whatever "Dirge" is.
Yu Yevon was killed by a mere summoner.
Sephiroth was thwarted by some dudes and their materia.
Kefka died to mere esper users.
I mean, you can technically kill all of the villains with the correct setup.
Doesn't really explain the star stuff, since even Sephiroth never did that.
>pulling shit out of your ass
Just because the gods are also summons doesn't make them weaker than gods in other FFs, they are actual gods just like they are.
>Ardyn, he's immortal and no other character or even gods can kill him
Cloud of Darkness can basically devour existence. He is part of existence. Even if she can't, she can devour everything around him, dooming Ardyn to spend an eternity drifting through a sightless, soundless nothingness where he's constantly choking and gasping for air that no longer exists.
Ultimecia can use time bullshit to possess someone in the time before he became immortal and kill him.
Kefka, as a God of magic, can conceivably manipulate whatever astral forces made Ardyn immortal into making him Immortal again.
Emet-Selch can freely enter the celestial realm to murder him as Ascians lack corporeal forms and can freely move between planes of existence with little more than a thought to do so.
Chaos can trap Ardyn in an endless time loop. Without much thought at all.
Exdeath can literally erase him from existence with a thought. Immortality is useless here, as you're not being killed. You're just ceasing to exist.
I could keep going with other villains, but you get the point.
Immortality is not an instant "I Win" card like people think it is. Especially not in Final Fantasy. There are plenty of ways to fuck over an immortal and inflict existences on them that would make them wish for a death that can't and won't ever come. The fact that Ardyn has some special bullshit that prevents the majority of people from his world from killing him, that doesn't mean entities from other worlds don't have ways around that BS.
Fact is, Ardyn is probably one of, if not THE weakest FF antagonists. Everything he can do, other villains do better. Ardyn is quite literally the red mage of antagonists. Jack of all trades, master of fucking none.
He is Bahamut favourite pawn
Exdeath is immortal, Cloud of Darkness is immortal, Chaos is immortal, Bhunivelze is immortal, etc.
Destroying the universe is an very easy task for the ones said above.
The fuck? Why are you lying?
Chaos. Literally every FF main villain from 1 to 10 was on his payroll in dissidia and he was clearly stronger than each of them individually.
Sephiroth can destroy the solar system, blowing up a star is easy for him.
How strong is Golbez?
Where's my nigga Necron?
>Ardyn, he's immortal
except you kill him off so that means fuck all
>Fact is, Ardyn is probably one of, if not THE weakest FF antagonists
and gameplay wise, the most boring one to fight.
>Sephiroth can destroy the solar system, blowing up a star is easy for him.
I'd say it is a difference in destroying solid objects and a big ball of hot gas.
Can destroy planets in FF4 sequel since he fought the final boss alongside the others.
Sephiroth can't die as long as anyone with jenova cells remembers him, Ardyn is trash tier.
Noctis killed him through a very specific method that none of the other FF villains would be even qualified to attempt.
>became a god
so unique
By justing hit him hard with his swords...
>Noctis killed him through a very specific method
to be fair, most FF (hell, JRPG) protags go "there must be another way" when presented with the "you an save the world but someone must die" and they usually find it.
Noctis, the NPC who can;t think for himself, went with the suicide method because a God told him that was the only way. Episode Iggy shows otherwise.
I thought Iggy didn't actually find another way to stop the overall problem, he just saved Noctis.
CoD is not immortal and was beaten by 4 14 year old kids
Ardyn can literally daemonize CoD and absorb her powers then devour her, Ardyn can teleport too.
Ardyn has time magic too and timestop, again he absorb her power and daemonize her and then literally do the same to her, also she was beaten by a 17 year old emo school kid
Kefka is just a half god that gets defeated by a feral child and a loli that paints, literally simple regular attacks kill him, also again Ardyn can daemonize kefka, take his powers
Ardyn has both physical and corporeal form which he has access to too and xan literally stop anyone from ever trying to kill him before that person even realized, nothing emet could do would ever kill Ardyn because he is immortal
Ardyn can daemonize him and take his powers
Ardyn can trap chaos in an endless timeloop without any trouble and again absorb his powers by dawmonizing him
Ardyn is immortal and cannot be erased by Ex death, and Exdeath was defeated by some random guy on an advanture
He can literally timesstop and teleport behind you, he has infinite knowledge, infinite power, and can do everything noctis can do who is already the strongest protagonist, plus more, not a single other FF villain could defeat him even if they tried because none of them are Noctis, the only possible way to kill Ardyn is by Noctis killing himself, no one including from other worlds could ever kill him let alone touch him, he is quite literally the most powerful FF villain in existence, and can do everything anyone else can do better and with his daemon and memory absortion abilities can do it exactly how they do it too which makes him a master at everything he does.
I always thought Supernova as Sephiroth psychically showing the heroes what he would do with Meteor after he finished eating Earth.
>And Ardyn was defeated by a boyband emo
No he isn't
Exdearg isn't, CoD isn't, Bhuni isn't, they were all killed by regular means
Ardyn is fully immortal and only by noctis killing himself by performing providence can ardyn be killed, none of the other villains come close to his power level especially since Ardyn can have the powers of all of them combined.
Where's the daily tifa thread?
Supernova is an illusion attack not something he physically is doing, the fact that he does it destroying the same planets multiple times is proof of that.
He becomes john wick at the end
>CoD is not immortal and was beaten by 4 14 year old kids
>Ardyn can literally daemonize CoD and absorb her powers then devour her
Cloud of Darkness is literally The Void.
]You can't devour The Void because The Void is limitless. Any death CoD suffers is a temporary inconvenience.
Except yes.
No one can kill him besides Noctis performing providence, he is the strongest FF villain and gameplay wise has the coolest spectacle with the armiger.
It does hit the group and inflict damage, if it wasn't anything would not have happened.
Ardyn by a mile, hes also the best villain too
>hey were all killed by regular means
I'd hardly call Cloud of Darkness's defeat "Regular means", since it required the heroes to travel to HER dimension to put a stop to her.
You know. Like Noctis had to do to Ardyn.
I don't know why you're so fervently defending what is by and large the worst main numbered Final Fantasy to date save for maybe 1.0 of FFXIV.
>We will never get an animated short of these guys with Chaos with them just hanging out
>Ardyn can have the powers of all of them combined.
that is the keyword, CAN. There is nothing in the games that shows he has that power
I think the only reason it looks like it looks like it does is because the team thought it looked cool.
And the math formulas for the attraction between the sun and the earth and a couple of others were cool too.
Ardyn is elder god tier, he's also the best villain character wise.
There is no other way, that's why noctis had to die. Episode Ignis v2 shows they only delayed it by sherking it.
fun fact, Supernova in Japan is different:
Bahamut could have killed him if he wanted to, he just chosed Noctis because of the prophecy.
No by performing providence which requires Noctis's life as the true king, the ring of the lucii, the comnined power of all the gods, the entire crystals light and all the souls of the kings of lucis all absorbed into the ring so that noctis kills himself to perform it
no one else but him can do it, no one even in any other FF could ever kill ardyn because none of them are noctis
It actually is. He beat the heroes and changed the world to his liking. He even beat them mentally too, some lost their fighting spirit, one's situation was so bad she almost committed suicide. It's not often you see a goofy miniboss looking clown dude that the game treats as a complete joke, and slowly throughout the game you see him rise in power and edginess. Unlike Sephiroth and other edgelords, Kefka was goofy and fun with personality.
Same two guys.
>he's also the best villain character wise.
Your golden boy was just outdone in this department by an MMO villain of all things a week ago.
>showing the heroes what he would do with Meteor after he finished eating Earth.
So the main group are kinda like guardians? Of the galaxy?
No he wasnt, only noctis killing himself by performing providence can kill ardyn
Which i would suggest them to play the other FF since there are guys stronger and better than Ardyn, even if they find it unbelievable.
a for effort
i get it, he was the joker
thanks for proving you never played xv
>Your golden boy was just outdone in this department by an MMO villain of all things a week ago.
to be fair, Ardyn was pretty weak in terms of story in the base game.
>he's your ancestor that is using the Starscourge to get revenge against the bloodlines of the oracle and king
As generic as you can get.
It's his DLC and Novels that retconned him to the point it's causing some fanboy to spout lies masturbate over him.
Don't need to kill Ardyn. Just seal him for eternity in a black hole.
Because its an illusion attack, are you dumb?
The other guy was likely the same.
Ardyn can travel space and time - he showed up in Assassins Creed universe.
i think there are two others
Illusions are not real if they harm you.
Easy task for Gilgamesh.
Ardyn is literally immortal with and through daemons can literally absorb her
fucking 14 kids beat her just with regular attacks, no special method required, same with ex death, bhuni, kefka, ultimecia etc
Being immortal is not amazing itself. You could steap him into a steel coffin and launch him into space and itd be a curse and not a blessing.
Well, Gilgamesh isn't on this list. Aside from other villians in OP post, I can confirm that Sephiroth can travel through space and time since he showed up in the Kingdom Hearts universe.
Which was regular means because the battle was won through regular attacks, ardyn can only be killed by noctis performing providence which is something only he can do, I don't know why you're so butthurt that XV the best FF has the strongest and best villain too
Ff15 fag is a mistake
There is nothing in any of the FFs that shows they are Noctis.
It's Barry and his clones.
>all this Jerking off over immortality
it didn't work for Kars, it won't work for a bad guy of a game that was worked on for 10 fucking years and still needed DLC
I feel like on more than half of these, it's really reaching for straws.
No he couldn't and he literally tells noctis he can't
He could have left him impaled for all eternity, but freed him to fight Noctis.
Wow that's gay as hell. Poor nips don't get their kino midbattle bathroom brake.
>It's a XV-kun jerking himself off over Ardyn episode
Your literal who mmo character doesn't even come an iota as close to Ardyn's greatness.
No he easily has the strongest story of any FF villain, none of them come close.
>literally kefka is just crazy evil just because he was experimented on
>sephorith reads a book now he's evil because mommy is an ayylmao
>others are literally just some random entity
You're the only one making shit up, and they didnt recton anything with him
*teleports away*
fuck you're retarded
>Using Naruto illusions
We using game logic, not anime logic, idiot.
See His powerser itself already includes timestop, time manipulation, all noctis powers, countless daemon powers, can absorb people by turning them to daemons, absorb their entire identity and memories, absorb any monster and gain their abilties, gain perfect mastery over anything because of his infinite knowledge and power
A fucking coffin? Shiva froze him solid and noct shattered him to pieces on the train and he just respawned 1 seconds later, regular means cannot kill him and he could just timestop of time manip or teleport out or fucking burst it open from the inside or whatever other countless fucking things
He's literally the strongest
Fuck off retard, you've been getting BTFO the entire thread and can't deal with it.
Cars doesn't have daemon powers like Ardyn
Are you fucking retarded? Ardyn was only first created in 2010 and his story was in the base game. The DLC was to PLAY as him which no other mainline FF let you play as the main villain in a prequel story
Also Kars couldn't do shit because he isn't a shigai
He was found by Verstael for his experiments. At this point you can just say Kefka could have not been experimented on as a magitek knight and sephiroth could have never found out about jenova and hojo's experiments
>Its KH kun getting BTFO and samefagging replies because he can't deal with Ardyn being the strongest FF villain
genjutsu means illusions
Exdeath was such a bro in Dissidia Duodeciem.
That's one tight ass.
Sephy had a move with an over the top animation but is never shown to be able to blow up a solar system anymore than Zeromus could restart the universe with a Big Bang. Considering his entire nonsensical plot invokes dropping a meteor on the planet with the McGuffin Rock he obviously aint a planet killer
>Your literal who mmo character doesn't even come an iota as close to Ardyn's greatness.
>Shadowbringers receives universal praise and is being quickly recognized as one of the best written Final Fantasy stories in almost two decades.
>Final Fantasy XV is still vilified by a large portion of the fanbase and will be remembered as "That one with the ramen noodle memes"
Sometimes after I get out of the shower I throw a towel over my head and pretend I'm Rufus in Advent Children.
He should be above what the summons can do though youtube.com
One Winged angel is a weird beast.
The NA and EU version of the game puts on this grandiose spectacle, but it's not possible for the ability to kill anything as it's basically an overpowered Gravity. It can't drop you below 1hp.
The JP version of the ability has a much shorter, less showy animation, but the ability isn't percentage based, and can actually nuke your entire party for an insta-game over.