You're still excited for Cyberpunk 2077, r-right?

You're still excited for Cyberpunk 2077, r-right?

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Real talk, why did they scrub off all mentions of "RPG" in favor of "action-adventure story"?

I have never played a witcher game and therefore I am also not excited for CP77


Also even though I would never normally wear merchandise, if they actually will start selling the e3 jacket, I'm buying that shit asap

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the forced artificial hype has killed it for me

Can make a MR. STUD harem in the game?



I was never excited for Trannypunk and you shouldn't be either. You're gonna get crushed hoping for an amazing game.


Because they srcubbed pretty much every RPG element from the game in favor of making The Witcher 3: Future Edition.


Yes but I am jaded and cynical about anything that gets this much hype this far in advance of its release. The chance that it lives up to expectations is very close to 0%

fuck off and show us the main city already

dropped it after the second trailet
world looks like shit
the GTA meme but unironically
I might pirate it just for keanu though

Nice job kid, you hit every buzzword. You are a full fledged NPC.


Day one pirate since day one

The "source" for this Epic employee's constant shilling in literally every single thread, is that they changed a description somewhere for marketing purposes. Never mind that you customise your character, that you allocate skills, that you choose your dialogue, that you assign skill points, a background, never mind that you level up skills like guns by shooting them, and never mind that you walk in first-person only through a world that interacts with your character differently depending on its previous choices and stat allocations, it's "not an RPG" because of some description.

Forgot my image, here you go.

Attached: 1548116132979.png (1111x725, 302K)

Here's an alternative one.

Attached: 1555964142444.png (1111x725, 328K)

I don't get excited about new video games because I'm not 12.

where dis pic from?

Very hyped. First aaa game in years I’ve been hyped for.

I still have my pre-order.

>going to be released on current gen
then it's already a major downgrade incoming

Not really. CDPR, hasn’t shown anything yet that really makes the game standout. I feel like a lot of people are hyping it on the back of Witcher 3. Which was good but not all that amazing. Story elements come far behind game play for me, and Witcher 3 had middle of the road gameplay. I worry that 2077 with suffer the same fate.

2077 gameplay looks at 8/10 at the very least tbqh. witcher 3 was 7/10 in terms of combat but made up for it with an interesting narrative.

I'm excited for this game I dont care what Yea Forums says or thinks.

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I’ll be happy if it’s even half as good as it looks. Even the limited gameplay and the world we’ve seen blows ubi shit out of the water. Plus I want to kill trannies.

Looks like garbage

Im excited. Having a creator back and defend your product is a good sign. That it pisses off discord trannies is only a plus.

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Imagine being such a low effort contrarian.

Literally reskinned GTA

Literally retarded

Of course

Damn right i am.

I never was.
and people say depression is bad.

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yup it looks a lot better than Witcher 3

Never was. I'll wait for the reviews and if they're good I might consider buying it once it goes on sale or gets a complete edition.

I like everything I see. So I already pre-ordered and did it on the GOG version.