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No, I haven't found your hymen yet.
Should I get that sith lords restored content mod if it's my first time?
yes, the game is gimped as fuck without it
Don't install the droid planet though
KOTOR 1 is more of a STAR WARS game than KOTOR 2 is.
KOTOR 1 had better characters that weren't all stoic and boring like KOTOR 2's were
KOTOR 1 also had better level design
Just because you can ask the tired cliche question "what is true good, what is true evil?" does not make you the better game.
I thought you were dead.
>more of the same GOOD
>less of the same BAD
KOTOR 1 Good Characters:
KOTOR 2 Good Characters:
>Darth Sion
>Darth Nihilus
Oh how arrogant i was.
"I will decide for myself" i said.
"Yea Forums is stupid and should not be trusted" i thought.
I've played KOTOR2 before, i should've known better where sentiments like that lead. Fucking droid planet, remarkable shiteness.
I'm doing an Evil Consular->Marauder playthrough.
Duelist or Two Weapon Fighting?
Over half of those kotor2 characters are fucking unfinished placeholders which no personality to speak of.
Two weapon for anything that's not explicitly force heavy
>KOTOR 1 is more of a STAR WARS game than KOTOR 2 is.
You mean 1 shamelessly copies A New Hope more than 2 does.
yes, some quests are bugged and cannot be completed without the mod
My plan is to spam Force Insanity and then clean up with my lightsaber. Eventually spamming Force Storm for trash mobs. I'm raising Wisdom as my main stat, is it worth having two lightsabers for more CHA/WIS boosting gear?
>KOTOR 1 is more of a STAR WARS game than KOTOR 2 is.
>KOTOR 1 had better characters that weren't all stoic and boring like KOTOR 2's were
3 party members were reused. Are you saying Carth > Atton, Zaalbaar > whatever bounty hunter, visas > mission, and handmaiden/michel > Mission?
>KOTOR 1 also had better level design
I think this is a wash
>is it worth having two lightsabers for more CHA/WIS boosting gear?
Probably not
Yes but don't do Nar Shadaa first, in the Restored Content Mod it has one ridiculously hard section if you're not at a higher level.
Yes. You should never play it vanilla. It's literally incomplete without the mod, which restores cut content. Get the widescreen UI fix too.
I recommend you install this mods after TSLRCM:
What should be the planet order for a first time run through?
Yes. And if you decide to restore HK47 and exhaust his dialogue, make sure you give him a blaster rifle that does ion damage (deadly against droids). You'll thank me about 80% through the game.
It's a good idea to properly equip team mates you don't plan on using in general. Obsidian knew players tend to just bring along their favorite characters. Fair warning.
I wish the companion corruption mechanics were better. I get influence and getting positive influence moves their light side/ dark side bar closer to yours and losing influence moves it away and the idea that both of those are still forms of manipulation. But there should be a way to sway a companions beliefs so that eventually actions that would normally lose influence would start to gain influence.
I mean Jade Empire kind of had that where the companion you were romancing you could turn evil through dialogue choices.
>I guess I'll be a Light Side Jedi
>Ok I guess I'm suppose to be Neutral and not help people?
>The ending gets fucking cut anyway
It's not your fault Yea Forums
>KOTOR 1 is more of a STAR WARS game than KOTOR 2 is.
KOTOR 1 is an uninspired retread of the movies. It completely eschews the Old Republic setting. The story is Star Wars at its most barebones; good guys versus the evil empire with a superweapon. There's less substance or gravitas to it than the prequels, which are terrible movies by the way. Fuck you.
>he thinks it's Kreia saying apathy is death
tip top lel
>whole point of the game is that the binary light/dark, good/evil doesn't make sense
>this still confuses people 15 years later for some reason
>tfw you will never doom Telos to a second death
The only unfinished character in KOTOR 2 is Bao-Dur and he definitely has more going on than fucking Zaalbar, Juhani or T3.
I've only played KOTOR 2 once. I went to Nar Shadaa first, are talking about the part with the bounty hunters? I remember hating the fight with those Twi'leks.
>Jade Empire
Might be Biowares 2nd best game
>not putting a dozen deadly mines in there beforehand
Literaly beat the shit out of them on first try. Thanks to muh Jedi Atton.
The developers basically want you to hit Nar Shaddaa first, as your first party member will continuously suggest you should go there. It's also the most quest heavy, with lots of subplots, and your companions have a lot of dialogue there. It's the best and most complete planet by far. It's pretty lengthy however. It can also be maze like on your first go. And you will get a point of no return about half way through where there's a lot of combat and loss of your primary character.
If you're female you should however do Dantooine, as you'll get a decent party member and love interest there.
Dantooine is a good first choice for males as well. It's fairly forgiving and has some decent quests. It'll give you time
I'd recommend:
Dantooine -> Nar Shadaa -> Onderon -> Korriban - Onderon.
>Not standing behind the counter
Vrook is some shit if you go there first as dark side. The fucker hits so hard.
but most importantly DO NOT FUCK THE MIRALUKA
My life... for yours.
>he will never direct and fully write another game ever again
feels bad bros
Gaming Industry literaly destroying itself.
At least post the full thing
>Jedi are supposed to bring balance to the force and always help others before themselves
>Goes to the most wretched hive of villainy in the galaxy
>Hides there for decades to save his own skin
>Helps absolutely no one the entire time
>Exile comes along actually acting like a Jedi and helping people
>Tries to forcefully strip the force away from the Exile and leaves the Exile for dead
The Jedi were absolutely worthless. Kreia and Revan were right.
He's either gotten lazy or no one wants to take the risk
He’s lead writer for Dying Light 2 supposedly
he worked on new order which gives me a sliver of hope for it even though from what I've seen it looks like generic shit
you're a retard if you believe that desu
1) he isnt even working on site, so he's just a marketing tool
2) he needs director and solo writer role to shine
worse. he got married. he used to get drunk and close himself in a room and come out the next day with 3 games worth of material.
Tbf, he was the most affable and did say the Jedi fucked up and should fix their shit but, he still goes along with their plan at the end anyway
i only remember having a hard time with the HK-50 units after sending the walrus jedi back to dantooine
they kept oneshotting Kreia and T3
It's like Kreia says, he was so close to finding the truth, to giving up the force and when confronted with the truth he and the other Jedi turned to fear instead of looking to understand.
>find Vrook captured by mercenaries
>tell them to sell Vrook into slavery
>Kreia is legitimately one step away from actually fellating you, this is the singlemost praiseworthy decision you ever make in the entire game
>help the colonists, do nothing but light side choices the rest of the time
>even though you did nothing but help the colonists, because you made one single inconsequential decision, Vrook fights you and you are given no choice not to kill him
>spend the entire rest of the game going full light side
>because you were forced to kill Vrook, the other Jedi Masters try to kill you
>you are again locked into a fight in which you are not allowed to not kill them
>"You have failed me, completely and utterly"
He's not the director on either of those
Not the former. The issue is he’s spread way too thin, at any given time he’s writing for 5+ games as a freelancer so they can advertise that he’s writing for them. His contributions are still usually some of the best parts of the game though (like Durance, Fane, and Erritis) so he’s still got it.
Yeah, I wonder if the game was given more time they could've allowed you do to more interesting things
That’s why I put supposedly, I’m not expecting another PS:T.
It was lost due to death of my prev HDD.
I thought your previous master came across best. He’s actively helping people despite the bounty
*singlehandedly strips the force away from 3 jedi masters simultaneously in your path*
How the fuck was she so powerful?
What is it with Bioware and the word "amongst"? Literally every instance of "among" in Baldur's Gate was turned into "amongst", even when it sounded totally unnatural. Do they think it sounds smarter?
>How the fuck was she so powerful?
She wasn't, she channel your energy to kill them. The question is why were you so powerful?
They weren’t close to their prime. Exile makes chumps of them as well
Except it makes perfect sense and Avellone doesn't understand Star Wars at all.
>Except it makes perfect sense
>Exile was able to feel the Force again through the connections he formed with his new companions, despite the self severing at Malachor
>Kreia gets severed by two of the most powerful Sith lords in the known galaxy, yet the game never elaborates on how she regained her connection
He certainly enjoyed subverting what we knew about the franchise. Like putting two entirely different biomes on Telos. It’s impossible!
>if you're an asshole bad things happen so be kind and courteous instead
It's so simple you'd have to be autistic to not understand it.
>yet the game never elaborates on how she regained her connection
it does...
It only doesn't make sense to westerners who are used to D&D-tier alignment charts where the forces of order and chaos do battle with corrupt knights and edgy anti-heroes stand alongside the typical holy paladins and evil devilworshippers. But Star Wars has heavy amount of influence from eastern religions where such a thing does not exist. You only have the natural pure state of existence, and impure abnormalities. "Balance" is not having both equally, it's in purging the abnormalities and finding oneness with the universe.
The simple mind sees only the simplest interpretation.
Please remind me, then
>Like putting two entirely different biomes on Telos. It’s impossible!
Shit that got me good. Star Wars is pretty bad about that.
Star Wars is aimed for children. It's simple by design.
Yes, she's asking you why you're helping people. The lesson is not to help people without being able to explain it, without understanding that the things you're doing may have consequences beyond feeling nice about upholding your morals. Do things; being neutral and not helping, being good and helping, or being evil and hurting, these are all preferable to doing nothing. But a) don't be stupid, and b) don't do things based on masochistic or psychotic urges/actually have a reason for doing the things you do. If you properly explain your reasoning to Kreia, you don't lose influence with her.
Like, consider handling the refugees/slaves on Nar Shaada as Kreia would have you do it. If you do it her way, it shows that you're capable of sensing the best means of accomplishing your goal(getting the attention of the Exchange) without just killing the bad people or killing the good people.
>Star Wars is pretty bad about that.
Most Sci-fi is bad about that
it was literally explained in great detail you huge faggot
It’s kind of a staple that we all accept. I didn’t even realize it until I was honestly wondering if we were on a different planet than Telos since it was snowing and a blizzard.
Why does Bioware hate their own franchise so much?
>Last two bosses want you to kill them
Any other games that do this?
Doing 3rd run in Kotor 2 as DS Consular. Just thinking about "You failed me. Completely and utterly." makes me sweat.
It's just hard for me doing something against Grandma Kreia.
Yeah it's weird how their influence triggers never change even if once you've corrupted them. Or why they generally have to be so rigid and unambigious in the first place. You should be able to do "evil" acts that "good" party members approve of, and vice versa.
You get a few instances of this with Atton. His schtick is basically guilt and self doubt. He doesn't know who he is after years of ruthlessly murdering Jedi he believed deserved it, only to have one show him genuine altruism. Is he evil and justified, or good and in need of redemption?
As dark side, he questions why he helped you gun down some NPC you needlessly provoked. You can tell him that since he didn't hold back, he's just as much of a killer as you are. And then you gain influence with him. You reaffirmed his killer instincts and his idea that Jedi are by and large cunts, that one Jedi the exception rather than the rule.
On the other hand, if you do certain charitable acts, he will sarcastically comment on the Jedi code being alive and well. If you then further stress the Jedi's benevolent ways in your reply, you also gain influence. He is relieved that not all Jedi hypocritical and that you're the real deal. His guilt is justified, and him aiding you in your mission is a worthy path of atonement.
They could have done this with all party members, but I believe they had issues tying together different mechanics. On the one hand you had the influence system through dialogue. This requires hard checks to work. On the other hand there was that system where their light/dark allignment passively shifts towards yours due to your subconcious influence over force sensitives.
It's a clunky mess.
She regains it through the bond that she formed with the Exile. Do you not remember Kreia stabbing herself in the stomach to try to kill the Exile in the You have failed me... scene?
She wasn't, they were just weak by comparison. Also, you were there, and your Force bond probably amplified her normal Master-tier abilities.
be DS but don't kill the Masters, then
I think it'd be fair to say that the game needed more time in the oven
The movies were simple by design because George had intended the story to be simple, but nowhere did the movies exclude the possibility of middle ground or enforce the binary alignments in the force. The existence of gray jedi, for example, is not made impossible by the fact that the movies did not feature gray jedi any more than the existence of Manaan is made impossible by the fact that the movies did not feature Manaan.
I felt they all had a point, but they all were too stubborn to take that point further.
Vrook was right to be wary of the dark side, even if he became blinkered and paranoid.
Kavar was right that they couldn't just 1v1 the Sith, even if he refused to consider his own plan could never work.
Kai'ell was right that the Jedi's arrogance was their downfall, even if he was too scared to propose the reformations necessary
True, but I found all light sabering force cunts to be OP on my first try.
Fucking Visas rekt me three times since I had no light saber and all my force powers got a big fat *resisted*. I gave Kreia all the buffs and heals.
The trick to that fight is to keep Visas underleveled to that point.
>there are still absolute brainlets that think this was Kreia
>nowhere did the movies exclude the possibility of middle ground or enforce the binary alignments in the force.
only a sith deals in absolutes
Still worth it for the sweet satisfaction of watching the Jedi Masters react with horror as they realize you're learning, perfecting and then killing them with their own personal lightsaber forms just from fighting and watching their movements.
who was it
No but all of the other companions were there even though the exile went in alone it was totally kreia if the others were there why wouldn't it be kreia even darth malak was there despite being dead for years by the time kotor ii takes place during it was real like how do people not get this
Do you think the Revan you fight at the end is the real Darth Revan? It's literally a cave showing you visions, manifestations of your own consciousness through the Force.
>Taris Undercity dwellers survived the bombing and found the Promised Land, but the quakes ruined the equipment they needed for survival so they had to start from scratch
>ran out of rakghoul serum over the years, the immunity could not be passed on hereditarily
>rakghouls overwhelmed them and the Promised Land became their tomb
>Canderous died from a shot to the head and his Mandalorians became pawns for the Sith Empire
>HK-47 got copied and destroyed multiple times
>Revan's latest descendant is a double-crossing piece of shit who's not even Force-sensitive
It was a vision. May as well ask who Luke struck down in Dagobah.
Gray Jedi are a retarded concept.
That only defines what a sith is, and knowing that jedi are not sith we know what the jedi do not deal in absolutes.
But this does not imply that every person who does not deal in absolutes is a jedi. Just because P implies Q does not mean that Q implies P.
Which form did you use?
>but nowhere did the movies exclude the possibility of middle ground or enforce the binary alignments in the force
Fun fact: Lucas never once mentioned the Light side in the movies. The dark side was always intended to be a cancer on the force, not an opposing side.
Depends on situation.
Yeah I don't get it either, it's extremely fucking obvious that it's a vision because literally all of your companions say the same shit too, even the fucking droid
I use blasters since I'm not a fag.
Soresu until pretty much Malachor, since you only ever deal with blaster toting mooks. Only on Malachor do you need to switch to dueling stance.
>Not using a single blaster and switching to a single lightsaber for duels
>kotor 1 level design
clearly typed by someone who doesn't know what "level design" is, kotor 2 is also not the greatest, but taris is walking back and forth an empty planet to do like 4 quests with no meaningful content along the way.
Jedi are a retarded concept
What are the fingers for?
Sith are a retarded concept.
Asserting dominance
>chivalrous knights that defend the peace are dumb!
We get it, you're 13, edgy and really cool.
I honestly didn't pay attention to the forms, but here's a cool thing
>Influence gain: Kreia
I hope none of you used more than a single saber.
ready to raise in the general direction of the opponent
They're no more or less dumb than gray jedi.
So double bladed lightsaber strength build?
Only acceptable double bladed lightsaber color is blue.
based and Kunpilled
Jedi are standard fantasy heroes that have been around for literally centuries.
Grey Jedi are the product of some nerd's retarded fanfiction bullshit.
They aren't even comparable.
You do realize that fantasy heroes that have been around for centuries are also a product of some nerd's fanfiction bullshit? The only difference is that nerd was born earlier.
>But this does not imply that every person who does not deal in absolutes is a jedi
it means there is no middle ground between a sith and everyone else, which means the factions are binary if the sith will always seek dominance over everyone
>born earlier
Glad you made it obvious to everyone else how retarded you are.
>Kreia has a double-bladed lightsaber on the back of the game's box
>always thought there was some way to give her a mechanical hand at some point in the game because of it
Yeah I never made him into one
That's what I remember doing eventually lol
>it means there is no middle ground between a sith and everyone else
Correct, but it does not say how "everyone else" is split into Jedi and non-Jedi. Just because someone is not sith does not mean they know anything about the jedi code. Are ewoks jedi? They dont deal in absolutes after all.
so who was it?
I know you're too autistic to understand this but context matters.
Maybe ewoks are a poor example since they're not force users, but unless the Jedi code is explicitly and only "Do not deal in absolutes" and contains any other tenet than that, there can always exist people who do not deal in absolutes but do not follow one or more of the other tenets, whereas you would need to follow the jedi code wholly to be a jedi, right?
I couldn’t get her a lightsaber until the end of onderon
The whole "crafting a lightsaber" crap takes way too long even when you know where to go. I get that they wanted to not make it a big deal, but spending more than half the game without a lightsaber in a franchise most famously known for lightsaber users where you play as a force sensitive is kind of a bummer
When do we get a game where you can play as the real warriors of the galaxy?
echani mating rituals
Go to bed, Karen
Concepts are retarded
"X are retarded" statements are retarded.
what the hell is his problem?
She was just bat shit insane. Imagine being so we'll learned in the force you not only got passed both ideologies but realize the force would use both to balance itself. With this overwhelming knowledge you just decide to pull out your katana and tell god it's nothing personal.
He doesn’t like you
It was the Exile. It was the mind of the Exile and part of their perception of the various people(from memories, interpretation, etc.) made manifest.
y i there no good porn of handmaiden or visas
Yeah Kreia's whole "dude the force is secretly controlling us" bullshit completely ruins her.
Aren’t grey Jedi’s just centrists?
>constantly upset
>blames others for their faults
Checks out.
Did you look upon him with love?
Yes, and they share all the faults of centerists
Do you think there are some force users who mastered force push from their dick? Just asking.
Her entire plan was to "prove the force wrong" by denying fate, or prove that fate is concrete and everyone has no free will.
Thats a pretty sane and awesome evil plan
How much of a waste is it to be a Weapon Master/Marauder who uses duelling instead of Two Weapon Fighting?
Depends on the author.
Sometimes they're Jedi that play fast and loose with the code.
Sometimes they're full retard "the dark side has a place too guise" faggots, often just wanting all the cool dark side toys without being evil
>completely ruins her.
Turns her into a generic "i wanna kill everyone cuz fuck god/fate/destiny" villain we've seen hundreds of times before.
it'd be an interesting meme-build
Revan understand pretzels
just go with dueling if that's want you to, the game is enough that you can beat it unarmed
I did that my last run. It's wasteful as fuck but still strong enough to complete the game. Master Dueling isn't strong enough to justify giving up two additional lightsaber gems and an extra attack per round if powergaming is your thing.
I'm torn because I like the look of a single saber, but I'm starting Consular and an extra lightsaber's worth of Wisdom bonuses sounds handy.
once I made mine the game just kept giving me double bladed ones
Why is this stickied??
It's really not. You'll end up with so much Wisdom anyway that even an extra 3-4 points isn't much of an impact.
Cool, if my stuns will still land then I'll just go duelist. Thanks
Just started my first play through. Only went in with TLCR.
>3 (THREE) fucking hours to get through Pergeus station.
was fun but never again holy shit.
>"i wanna kill everyone cuz fuck god/fate/destiny" villain
I didn't see it as that.
I get why people skip it on replays, but Peragus has some fucking fantastic moments.
Darth Sion is highly underrated as a villain.
Here's a step by step guide on how to get a saber the quickest after Telos.
1)Get first part from the Ithorians/Czerka on Telos. Max your light/dark allignment too while you're there, so Nihilus sends Visas after you early.
2)Then go to Nar Shaddaa. Before leaving the landing pad - head back in to trigger the fight with Visas. Defeat her to get your second part.
3)Leave the ship again. Make sure Handmaiden is in your party if you're male. Head straight towards the Nar Shaddaa docks and enter the apartment complex. Equip your stealth generator and activate it. Sneak into the first apartment and overhear the two aliens coming up with a plan to rob Vogga the Hutt.
4)Exit the docks and head towards the cantina in the entertainment district. Buy juma juice from the barkeep. Talk to the Twi'Lek pimp across the other side of the bar. Offer him Handmaiden or yourself (if you're female) to dance for Vogga. You will get transported there immediately.
5)With Vogga asleep from the dance, spike the drinking bowl of his guard hounds with the Juma Juice. While they're knocked out you can break into his treasury without anyone noticing. Open the first container to find your third part.
6)On the way back to the ship, find a merchant and buy a lightsaber crystal (colour). Talk to Bao Dur and get him to make you one.
7) Disregard all this lame power gaming shit and just cheat yourself the ingredients using the KotOR editor or one of two mods.
Any recommendations on Light vs Dark side for a TLCR replay?
Grey Jedi only work when they are like Qui Gon and are just Jedi who are willing to go against the Code or do slightly amoral stuff.
That "HURR DURR I CAN USE BOTH THE LIGHT SIDE AND THE DARK SIDE" Mary Sue shit is awful and any character who spews that crap was written by someone who doesn't understand the Force at all.
>That "HURR DURR I CAN USE BOTH THE LIGHT SIDE AND THE DARK SIDE" Mary Sue shit is awful and any character who spews that crap was written by someone who doesn't understand the Force at all.
Oh absolutely, he had just the right amount of foreboding.
The long shot on the ship where he's just standing at the end of the hallway stands out in particular.
I half expected for Kreia to lose that 'unarmed fighting' feat after she lost her hand.
It's only one line in the end and she disclaims that she only suspects the Force to have a will, she doesn't state it as fact.
>w-what do you mean my character can't hate someone to death without being evil? Don't you get it?! He's a GREY Jedi!!!
Wow, it's almost like the whole point of that scene was to show Luke was flirting with the Dark Side.
Just in case you forgot how that movie ended.
Though if you've forgotten the single best part of the IP, I feel sorry for you.
>there is no middle ground between love and hate, indifference doesnt exist
go to college
Literally the entire Jedi creed is based on the idea that the Force has a will and that one should submit to it.
Holy shit, I was only joking but you actually are one of those fags.
It's explicitly clear with how she goes on about killing the Force.
It's still what she believes and makes her seem batshit insane.
Lets be real, the point of the scene was that Luke was now a strong Jedi Master. No one had decided force choke was a dark side only thing
>merely pretending to be retarded
There is no middle ground between "cancer" and "not cancer." You either have cancer or you don't. The Dark Side is the cancer.
>people not liking Peragus
I don't understand it. The atmosphere is fantastic, the murder mystery is good and there are the few sections of the level where you can actually use the stealth skill for something useful. It's also one of the only parts of the game where you're not overpowered to the point of being able to mindless melee/force spam past every enemy.
Peragus is nowhere near as bad as anything like The Fade in Dragon Age. Outside of the refugee sector, I'd argue that Peragus is more enjoyable than Nar Shaddaa.
That makes more sense, I agree.
That's right user, scurry away to your Donut Steele that totally fires lightning bolts out of every orifice without being evil.
>murder "mystery"
That subplot wasn't exactly subtle and as cool as the sonic recorder bit was I am near certain that mechanic will never come up again.
>A Jedi uses the force for knowledge and defence, never to attack
It was a pretty big red flag, m8.
Thinking the Dark Side of the Force is just another side of it and that one can use it without becoming an edgelord is the same retarded mistake literally every fallen Jedi makes.
The Dark Side isn't just some black magic shit that people call evil because of religious or personal reasons, it's a power that feeds on negatives emotions and at the same time allows them to feed on it.
The more you use your hatred, fear, etc to channel the Dark Side, the stronger that emotion becomes. Using it once or twice is no issue, but most retards quickly get seduced by the incredible power they can wield and continue using it over and over and over till they become addicted to it and their negative emotions have become so intense that they turn into derranged edgelords.
The Dark Side is not a tool and only retards show their characters using its powers without any negative consequences.
Do whatever, just don't kill the Jedi Masters.
force lightnings dont kill jedi, jedi kill jedi
If more Jedi had Assault Lightning and choke clips, order 66 would never have happened!
>I wanna kill everyone
It's a completely rational belief supported by evidence seeing how the force always seems to find its way into the hands of fucking lunatics or narrowminded idiots.
Swap Bastila for Jolee
>No one had decided force choke was a dark side only thing
It's Darth Vader's signature move, you dumbass.
>College indoctrinated fag thinks he's bright.
Oh what a shocker.
Sorry you relativist centrist faggot but you can't call up the forces of life and creation with your pure hatred to torture your enemy to death and not fall to the dank side.
Oh really? They get more content?
>uneducated boor thinks his opinion matters or is anywhere near reality
>implying Kreia needed to rely on her hand in order to maintain her power
The entire concept of Light/Dark side powers is completely retarded. Darth Vader didn't choke people because his dedication to evil gave him ability to choke people. He was choking them because like most Jedi he can manipulate objects through force but since he's an asshole he used it to torture people.
KoTOR was particularly retarded about it. Chocking people was evil, but paralyzing them and chopping them to pieces with a plasma sword somehow was not.
In fact categorizing everyting you can do with the force into neat "force powers" like fucking DnD spels is retarded as well.
She never says she wants to literally kill the Force, at first she claims she wants to make everyone "deaf" to it so that they won't be able to use it and be used by it in turn but all the shit she says after the final confrontation makes it clear her actual goal was to have you and your companions rebuild the Jedi, not as the retarded dogmatic assholes they were but as people who understand that the Force isn't everything and they shouldn't depend on it so much.
Jokes on you, I'm also a college faggot, just slightly more self aware then your retarded self. College doesn't make you special, doing flips for a professor like a trained seal to get a piece of paper doesn't make you smarter than other people, just more fucking pretentious.
The murder itself not so much, but the story of how everything came together was pretty interesting. You have the republic, the exchange, Revan loyalist T3-M4 all conspiring to their own ends leading to the situation on Peragus. It's then revealed later on that even Atris and Kreia were involve with influencing the event.
The only characters involved in Peragus without a hidden agenda are the player character and the Sith. Kotor 2 in general had the least scheming Sith ignoring Kreia, if you consider her Sith in the whole series. Of the prominent bad guys, one's an undying waifufag and the other is just a hungry dude with no hidden agenda.
There's no need to LARP.
This, KoTOR had to do it for game mechanics but it would be more accurate to say that deciding to use the force to choke someone to death, or torment them to death with lightning, or drive them insane, is what makes them "evil" powers. A good person wouldn't chose to use the force that way, at least in part the powers are evil not because they're space black magic you unlock with enough dickhead points but also because you have to be a bad guy to make the choice to use them.
As far the EU cares, Dark Side powers are evil because they require you to feel a particular emotion to use it.
So Force choking someone isn't just using telekinesis to crush their throat, it involves you using your hatred and your desire to make the other person die. Same with Force Lighting, it's not just some electricity coming out of your fingers, it's you channeling your desire to make your victim suffer in the most painful way, which is why only psychos like Sheev can use it.
The "canon" never mentioned or hinted at this stuff and thus there is not point in involving it in these discussions. I don't know what the canon Grey Jedi are supposed to be but the EU/Legends' Grey Jedi are definitely a retarded idea, or at least they are when they are used as an excuse to allow a character to use both sides of the Force like it's nothing.
>not using your Go Into Game machine to grind on their asses and finger their pussies from behind
You will regret if you kill those Jewdis
You're right, it's very humiliating to LARP that getting your brain scrambled by ivory tower faggots makes you intelligent. You should stop.
I want to be a Space Jesus to have a harem of big titty tomboy, blind cutie with dsl lips and redhead slut
No wonder why Britain wants to leave when the EU is this controlling.
The lore explanation is pretty much what you said. The powers are evil because you need to be evil or at least experiencing some intense negative emotions to use them, which in turn makes said emotions worse.
I'm honestly fine with it. If being a brutal edgelord wasn't a requisite to use shit like Force Choke or Force Lighting, Legends would have even more Mary Sue faggots who use both sides of the Force like it's nothing.
KotOR 2 good characters:
>Literally only Kreia
I really don't get this sub's boner for TSL. Yes, the 2nd one is a better game in terms of gameplay, but OG has better writing,, dialogue, characters, even fucking better music.
Also, you can't even play KotOR 2 without a mod. That is a fucking joke.
it's different to choke a pig to scare him away and to use lightning, turning to a literal embodiment of hate and will to power
There's a reason no good guy ever used force lightning in star wars
>this sub
You need to go back.
>spare the masters
>onderon civil war
>support the nationalists because SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED
>forced to kill kavar in cool duel
>forced fight with op healer and the walrus on dantooine
You can get a piece faster by killing the guy who wants to find his wife
Did Sion had a boner for Kreia or only fem. Exile?
>this sub
It is a quiet thing to fall, but so much more terrible to admit it.
> this sub
Dial it back if you want real bites
this was the worst thing to be honest.
I guess kavar was knee deep in that queen pussy but still
Apathy is death
Kreia was Sion's mommy, FemExile was his oneitis.
He can't have one anymore, it's the real reason he's filled with hate.
That's a simplification of her motivation, but that's what I love about KOTOR2. They point out this huge flaw in the Star Wars universe and try to make it interesting. "Balanse to the force" has always been this very flimsy term that means different things depending on who's the writer behind it, in KOTOR2 they recognize that the desire for balanse is the core of the problem.
Because of that, KOTOR2 made the movies more interesting to me the struggle between light and dark will never end as long as the force is a thing. But then again I think George Lucas said that KOTOR2 isn't canon so whatever.
I've been reading the Kotor comics and I really fucking hate the new artist. I'm around 28 and while the previous art wasn't amazing it was decent, this fucking joker draws 'dios MIOs' as fucking females and it's so distracting my god.
The comics have different artists for a few chapters like the space worms arc and the Vector shit but goes back to the usual artist once those are over.
>"Balanse to the force" has always been this very flimsy term
It never made sense to me how "balance" meant wiping out the opponent, but as one poster said prior, the dark side is to be thought of more as a disease on the force than as equally opportune opposition to the "light side", which makes a lot more sense, since destroying the opposition now actually becomes curing the disease.
But this was not obvious to me from watching the movies, maybe I'm just a brainlet.
Board, whatever samefag. Like I fucking care what stupid name every retarded forum uses.
>this sub
Revan understood snacks.
I just checked and you are indeed in the Vector mega-arc (which continues in different comics but isn't that much relevant to the plot of the KotOR comics).
>Like I fucking care
And you couldn't resist to type this
Fucking Y I K E S
Categorizing something as simple as choking someone into a separate technique like it was a fucking Harry Potter is already going full retard. Making-up some retarded requirement to use it is even worse.
So yeah you need to use your inner hatred to crush someone's throat, but you can push him off a ledge and kill him without a fuss, or if you prefer pull him in and impale him on your sword. Those things you can do while fully embracing universal love. Unless some Sith actually tried that in the original trilogy, the it would be renamed "force impalement" and categorized as a separate spell.
Grey Jedi are also retarded because they misunderstand the concept of light-dark side. If EU retard made a game about driving instead of people driving normally and people breaking a law and recklessly endangering others for no reason there would be light drivers, who drive faster the more they respect the law, dark drivers who drive faster the more laws they brake and gray drivers who sometimes drive on the pavement when they are in a hurry, but are otherwise the good guys.
as if your fellow reddito -whoops!- I mean 4channelers wouldnt jump at the chance to shit on you in numbers much greater than one
The movies treat the Dark Side as a disease and balance as the erradication of that diseases.
Legends flip-flops between the Light Side and the Dark Side being two sides of the same coin and balance being either the complete erradication of both or some sort of compromise between them and the movies' interpretation.
Yeah the artist changed back in 29# thanks Yea Forums user. If you were the guy that recommended me the comic yesterday then bless.
Your reading comprehension is fucking abysmal
I recommended the comics yesterday or the day before but I have nothing to do with Yea Forums so I ignore if I'm that user.
I don't think they explain it well in the movies, and the prequels muddles the water even more. I think Mace Windu pretty much says "isn't he prophecies to destroy the sith", when the prophecy should be to bring balance.
The way I saw KOTOR2 at least, is that the balance to the force is a cycle, and that one side will eventually imbalance the other. This will lead to the other side to push back (like a rebellion), and the result will be that the balance will be pushed to the other direction. A struggle for balance that will never end. This is probably completely wrong, I don't really remember KOTOR2 that well, and it certainly makes no sense when it comes to the movies.
It's funny how you despise eachother while being so fucking similar.
And your logical thinking is atrocious
SWTOR was a mistake
Who is the biggest slut in both games?
No it isn't. Avellone's just another brainlet that doesn't understand what "balance" means.
>I will learn the way to kill it.
Mira, obviously
>Because of that, KOTOR2 made the movies more interesting to me the struggle between light and dark will never end as long as the force is a thing.
You can fuck right off Rian.
Onderon would be more interesting if the power hungry tyrant who puts journalists into gas chambers wanted to stay within the Republic (that the Jedi nominally serve) while the nationalists were good guys who allied with the Sith out of desperation. Now there's a moral dilemma for you.
Kavar might even be able to forgive you for siding with the nationalists against his Republican queen, seeing it as strategically dumb but morally sound.
>A struggle for balance that will never end. This is probably completely wrong
It could be correct and a reference to Nietzche's Eternal Recurrence.
All of them in their own different ways including Kreia
>Categorizing something as simple as choking someone into a separate technique like it was a fucking Harry Potter is already going full retard
Even IRL something as simpel as choking someone can encompass like 8 different techniques. Any discipline will try to categorize and individualize it's most outstanding moves.
>Making-up some retarded requirement to use it is even worse
It's not because it prevents retards from having characters who fry people with lighting as if it was some shitty magic spell from Harry Potter with no intent or inherent corruption.
>So yeah you need to use your inner hatred to crush someone's throat, but you can push him off a ledge and kill him without a fuss
Yes, crushing someone to death requires you to channel your hatred and thus corrupts you. Pushing someone off a ledge, while not having the same powerful effect, will also corrupt you if you do it with the full intent of murdering that person in cold blood.
The only difference is that one can't be used in a way that doesn't involve negative emotions while the other has a bunch of harmless applications aside from pushing people off a ledge.
Feelings matter when it comes to the Force, which is why the Jedi are so autistic about emotions being a bad thing.
>Those things you can do while fully embracing universal love
>Unless some Sith actually tried that in the original trilogy, the it would be renamed "force impalement" and categorized as a separate spell.
I'm pretty sure there is a lightsaber technique with that name.
what's funny is Avellone hated TLJ
3rd world shitskin go home
>moral dilemma
The thing about star wars is that there's not supposed to be any moral dilemmas because there can be no compromise with the dark side which leads good characters to prefer death to working with the eeeeeevil sith.
>taking her words literally
You are the brainlet.
>tfw she said male Exile is too old for her
Fucking twat
Good catch. Substitute pimping out handmaiden with murdering that guy if you're going dark side. He's in the penultimate apartment, also at the docks.
When a character uses words like "hate" "death" "dead spot" "kill" and "die" it's pretty obvious that they want something literally dead.
Didn't Rian Johnson just give everyone the force?
With good reason, TLJ tried to do everything he did, except written much worse. Where we argue every day whether Avellone was misinterpreting Star Wars, it is almost universally accepted that Disney producers did.
Okay? Star Wars is gay so I liked 2 better
He's in his late 30's isn't he?
Makes it even more unrealistic based on real life experience.
There was to be an even more based third option: help the Mandalorians conquer Onderon to solve their resource issue.
>that fem exile
No he went hard into some retarded cyclical idea where Force users are both sides just spring up naturally to fight each other.
Where’s Jolee?
Who gives a fuck about gameplay in a story driven RPG
I just to dive into her hairy ginger cunt
>"I am going to kill you."
>nah he doesn't want to kill me stop taking it literally lol
She says it's not a matter of physical age, he's just killed too many and seen too much and as a result his eyes have the weight of hundreds of years in them and that creeps her out.
She also mentions not wanting to get involved in the simmering tension between Visas and Handmaiden over who's going to get the sweet exile dick and honestly she made the right call there. Handmaiden doesn't play around with that topic.
>old wise master tells you to kill your emotions
>"Oh my God, he wants me to take a knife and stab my emotions to death"
>someone tells you "You will be the death of me"
>"Oh my God, he fears that I'm going to kill him. Why would he think that?"
>friend you just pranked tells you he is going to kill you
>"Oh my God, he wants to murder me! Better call the cops!"
>old wise woman who spends the whole game telling you that destroying your enemies is a dumb way to win and that true victory means proving your beliefs were right says she wants to kill a cosmic force that is as killable as gravity
>"Oh my God, she wants to literally murder the thing that keeps everything alive, not just make everyone deaf to it or teach them to not overrely on it"
Truly wonderful the mind of a brainlet is.
It's interesting that despite how Avellone wrote the romances (very toned down, very implicit) we still perceive them thirsting after the Exile 24/7.
Well, Visas is uber-devoted to you and the Handmaiden tricks you into taking part of a courtship ritual in your underwear.
>rape your mommy because she considers you a living failure
>fall in love with your mommy's favorite child because of your inferiority complex
>they get together in the end while you fade into nothingness just outside at the entrance
poor guy
Name a game with better atmosphere
Fuck wrong thread.
>they get together in the end while you fade into nothingness just outside at the entrance
tbf, he says he wants to die at the end and has regretted most of his life. Kreia twisted him into a monster and he was held together by his pure hatred, any deviation from that causes him to die
Anyone who plays the game. It's not a fucking movie. If i have to physically suffer while playing, even if the plot is godtier, I will not enjoy that game. Obviously, KotOR 1 wasn't that awfull, but it got bad in some places. 2 as far as I know only has Nar Shadda.
I still prefer KotOR I.
i fucking love grigori
>"I'm going to kill you."
>"I'm going to make everyone want to kill you."
>"Once I learn how to kill you you'll be dead."
>"Your death is my goal."
>Oh but she's just being sarcastic like a prank lol she don't mean it
Does being this autistic make life easier or harder for you?
Mass Effect, Morrowind, and Planescape are up there but, imo, don't compare
>Even IRL something as simpel as choking someone can encompass like 8 different techniques. Any discipline will try to categorize and individualize it's most outstanding moves.
It's not an outstanding move. It's just Darth Vader chocking someone from across the room. He only does it for fun, he never uses it in actual battle since there would be no point. It's not "the most outstanding move" a dark side user is capable of. It's just Darth Vader being an asshole.
>It's not because it prevents retards from having characters who fry people with lighting as if it was some shitty magic spell from Harry Potter with no intent or inherent corruption.
Because there shouldn't be any inherent corruption linked to throwing lighting at people. It's an inherently dumb idea. And an easy option to prevent them from doing so would be to make it much more impractical to use compared to your average Jedi tools. Since everything you'd want to achieve with it can be achieved with a standard force push. Unless you are sick and want to torture people like Palpatine did. Problem solved.
>Yes, crushing someone to death requires you to channel your hatred and thus corrupts you. Pushing someone off a ledge, while not having the same powerful effect, will also corrupt you if you do it with the full intent of murdering that person in cold blood.
(comment was too long, had to cut)
Except all those things are completely arbitrary and chosen only on the basis on "who used what" in the original trilogy. Does choking someone until he passes out still corrupts and needs negative emotions me or doesn't? If pushing someone off the ledge to kill him corrupts me then why aren't Jedi in any games getting corrupted after using neutral/Jedi lightsaber throw to kill shitload of people? This makes no sense. It's like making a game where killing someone using a gun is evil, but stabbing someone to death is not because you can use knife to cut bread.
>When this plays in TOR and you realize you could be playing a better game instead of that shitpile MMO
Dragon's Dogma is one of my all time favorites so Grigori is absolutely welcome.
DD2 literally when
>courtship ritual
See, but Handmaiden doesn't say it, she just says that it means a lot to her and it can be easily interpreted as something between master and a student, its just that before that Kreia asks (rhetorically) what do you think that would mean. It's a very roundabout way of saying "she likes you". "btw dont fuck visas"
>Kreia twisted him into a monster
Sion has been an autistic murderous zombie ever since Exar-kun was fucking around. Kreia didn't twist him into anything, she just manipulated him and he was tired of being her plaything and feeling nothing but anger.
Tell that to people trying to play Witcher 1 after 3.
Visas swears herself to him the second she wakes up and admits she loved him from the moment she first felt his presence across the galaxy. Handmaiden deliberately spars with him in her underwear, and if the game was made these days it'd almost certainly be in the nude, and attempts to murder Visas if he gets more influence with her than with Handmaiden. There's not much about either one that's 'implicit' aside from the fact you can't actually do anything about it because Avellone has massive hangups about the entire subject.
I actually get a bit upset when I hear Kotor2 music in TOR. It doesn't feel earned.
Don't worry, user. maybe one day you will learn to pay attention to what a story is telling you instead of taking everything literally because you were too busy picking your nose.
He's just blaming her for his weaknesses because he expected her to fix him as if it's not his own responsibility. Mommy can do no wrong.
I remember finishing full light side of KoTOR by using "Force Whirlwind", a technique that exists only to make enemies defenseless and easier to kill. It didn't corrupt anyone AFAIK.
>I'm pretty sure there is a lightsaber technique with that name.
Is it a Dark Side technique?
More like he justified himself being a fundamentally lazy and non-creative person by saying "any rando can develop force powers at any time for no reason".
>admits she loved him
What? I don't remember this.
It really doesn't. They try so hard to stuff KOTOR nostalgia into TOR like when you're on Taris for example but all it does to me is make me hate the fact that TOR is supposed to be a sequel to KOTOR
It’s the ghosts of the damned that still haunt that tomb.
>leaving out Atris in a list of Sith
Everyone but Visas, who is pure and most be protected.
I think it's the final conversation you can have with her - the fucking stupid "lets fuc- oh wait, that'd make too much sense and also be wish fulfillment for the player so we can't fuck, let's meditate instead lol" conversation. She says something along the lines of how you've felt the same planet-sized pain she has and she loved you for that from the moment she sensed your presence during her meditations.
You literally can't refute what I'm saying.
What was with some of the very detailed faces for some of the npc's. Really stood out in a weird way
Is a burning need for Exile dick considered falling to the dank side?
They banged right afterwards.
>Because there shouldn't be any inherent corruption linked to throwing lighting at people. It's an inherently dumb idea. And an easy option to prevent them from doing so would be to make it much more impractical to use compared to your average Jedi tools. Since everything you'd want to achieve with it can be achieved with a standard force push. Unless you are sick and want to torture people like Palpatine did. Problem solved.
I like the idea that Force Lightning is reserved for the truly power hungry that dive headfirst into the deepest parts of the Force. While technically you don't have to be a Sith to do so only someone driven to be as powerful as possible would be able to, which naturally goes hand in hand with being a Sith.
>Sion has been an autistic murderous zombie ever since Exar-kun was fucking around
I forgot about that
>don't compare
You're right, it doesn't. Torment is just a better game in every way.
>It's not an outstanding move. It's just Darth Vader chocking someone from across the room. He only does it for fun, he never uses it in actual battle since there would be no point. It's not "the most outstanding move" a dark side user is capable of. It's just Darth Vader being an asshole.
It's Vader's signature move and Anakin does use it in some fights in the Clone Wars series.
Regardless, it's a technique that can be used in combat and thus there is a point in individualizing it.
>Because there shouldn't be any inherent corruption linked to throwing lighting at people. It's an inherently dumb idea. And an easy option to prevent them from doing so would be to make it much more impractical to use compared to your average Jedi tools. Since everything you'd want to achieve with it can be achieved with a standard force push. Unless you are sick and want to torture people like Palpatine did. Problem solved.
Force Lighting is clearly much more powerful and useful than just pushing people with the Foce and it clearly causes the victim an extreme ammount of pain so it makes sense to assume it's an evil power. There are barely any Dark Side powers that aren't some over-the-top shit that only a total asshole would use.
>Except all those things are completely arbitrary and chosen only on the basis on "who used what" in the original trilogy
99% of Dark Side powers are Legends shit. There are like five powers that are shown in the movies.
>Does choking someone until he passes out still corrupts and needs negative emotions me or doesn't?
I assume it doesn't but no one is ever shown using Force Choke for such a purpose, mainly because you would have to be insane to try to crush someone's throat just to impacitate them. It's a power meant to be used to kill in a brutal way and thus it's consiered an evil power.
Maybe there is some softer version that just chokes you a little till you pass out but no one ever bothered to include it.
There is nothing wrong with Star Wars The Old Republic
>no one is ever shown using Force Choke for such a purpose
Watch Return of the Jedi.
>If pushing someone off the ledge to kill him corrupts me then why aren't Jedi in any games getting corrupted after using neutral/Jedi lightsaber throw to kill shitload of people?
Because either they were doing it in self-defense and with a clear mind or the people who made the game didn't bother to make it a mechanic.
In every other piece of media, killing in cold blood or while angry corrupts you.
Torment is almost the exact same game in a setting that normies can understand, and infinitely better gameplay.
Right. But the thing with the romances is that for Handmaiden you're a mentor that can help her connect with her father (something she has a lot of hang ups over) and for Visas you're a savior that not only saves her life but brings her back into the light (sparing her is light side, most of influence earning and romance choices are light side aside from a select few like on onderon), so for both of them you're larger than life. When Visas says she loves you it's not very different from when Atton says he loves the jedi he killed, so it can be interpreted as a different kind of love, the kind one has for a savior or someone they revere, it never seemed to me as unambiguously romantic when there's such a large element of worship.
Luke uses it to intimidate the guards and it's portrayed as him being too close to the Dark Side, not him using Vader's signature move for a harmless purpose.
There are a lot of things wrong with it, but the most egregious stuff happens in the expansions. The story shit is fine for the most part, but with some serious dips in quality depending on the classes.
>Torment is just a better game in every way.
I think Torment is the better game. The nostalgia factor of KotoR2 + its outstanding OST gives it a better atmosphere to me
You don't *know* atmosphere, untill you've tried Planescape: Torment
It fucked up by having a poorly written main villain, a meh main story and expansions that not only were shit but eventually killed the "Sith vs Jedi war" premise that made it stand out and was its main draw.
Intimidate what guards? There's only two and he knocks both of them out, and nothing hints to him messing with the Dark Side.
>The entirety of the Eternal Empire expansions
Are you telling me you didn't enjoy The Valkorion and Family soap opera?
>D'n'D setting
Pick one
SoR might get a lot of flak for tossing Revan into the trash but Keeping Up With The Valkorians was the absolute worst shit I've ever gone through
Bastilla is the kind of girl who seems chaste through honest conviction but only because her standards are extremely high. As soon as she runs into an 11/10 like Revan, she'll start compromising her beliefs little by little The type of girl who'll rationalise a blow job as "technically not sex".
Handmaiden isn't a slut in the sexual sense- just physically shameless. The type of girl who can describe her dad's dick because she's from a household where everyone walked around naked all the time. It's why she doesn't give a fuck about dancing for Vogga or exercising in her underwear. Despite her apparent lack of sexual hangups, very conservative and idealistic. If you do end up with her, she's the kind of girl who expects a fairy tale relationship. If you propose she sucks your dick, or anything other than romantic movie sex in the missionary position, you can see her respect for you disappear from her eyes.
Mira is a future cool wine aunt in her prime. Uses her sexuality as part of her toolset in life and would see a relationship as an impediment. Probably toys with and fucks handsome idiots like Disciple every now and again out of boredom. Then leaves them.
Visas is the bipolar chick who tells you how often she's been raped on your very first date. You carefully court her, all the while she's telling you how she doesn't deserve such a good guy like you. After finally becoming a couple, you still have to respect her boundaries until you finally have passionless obligatory sex two months into the relationship. She then ends up leaving you and fucks the first guy who can give her a black eye.
I liked Carth and Jolee
I've read that Force Aura and other powers that raise defense are bugged and not working. But I see the defense bonus show up in the character menu. Did an update/TLCR fix this, or is that part of the bug?
Handmaiden totally knew what she was doing when she made you fight her in your underwear, you dumbo.
She only pretends to be innocent.
>ywn never be Revan again
>ywn come back to known space and get the band back together
>ywn take your restored Mandalorian army and fight the ancient sith
>ywn lead the new generation of jedi/sith
According to Avellone, the third game would have taken place in a part of the galaxy controlled by the True Sith, but I assume they would have let you call your allies at some point.
Ehh, to each their own I suppose. I still believe Torment to have the best atmosphere in a game I've ever played. And that's no nostalgia speaking.
Also, that part about KotOR's 2 oustanding OST doesn't sit well with me. I mean, IMO this one song
Talking about the True Sith, is there any other evil entity that failed to live up to its hype than them?
did it every time
>mfw finally find silver crystal
Wow didn’t know Star Wars has been around for centuries you literal retard
Rakata, in my opinion. Hyped up and then you get to the exposition and it's okayish at best.
That's not fair. Avellone was the one who hyped them, and Bioware were the ones that fucked up the delivery.
The Shadows from Babylon 5
The Reapers from Mass Effect
It has. Read a book.
So how many of you had your original lightsaber (the one Atris has) be platinum/silver just because it made it stand out?
White Walkers
What the fuck is up with Bioware and its underwhelming villains that never live up to the hype?
Viridian or Cyan
forerunners in halo
hack writers
They never bothered creating backstories that would explain their motives. It's always evil for evil's sake.
KOTOR - Malak
Dragon Age - Darkspawn
Mass Effect - Reapers
>I mean, IMO this one song
that is an outstanding piece. so good he re-used it later.
>buy kotor 2 a year ago
>crashes on startup and turns my brightness up & contrast down until I restart
>still too lazy to look up the solution
I even loved the first one
Reapers aren't evil for the sake of evil.
No they’re basically a rip-off of the shadows from babylon 5, only with the motivation of the vorlons
Their eventual story was mostly just an excuse to have a story, the writers were covering their bases, said reaping "was necessary because it happens anyway" and phoned it in. For the first two games, you are operating without any knowledge of what is the primary driver for the reapers.
Saren was great and I'll mention him as an honorable exception.
Doesn't matter since they still don't fit the criteria.
They fit the criteria of an underwhelming villain.
But not being evil because they're evil.
This made me think about how genius KOTOR 2's use of the setting is for the first time. Kotor 1 ends with the Sith functionally extinct as a group with no cohesion binding the group and, assuredly, millions in custody as war criminals because Revan made them evil retards. The Republic used all its resources to get to that point in the war, leaving them with maybe three fully-stocked warships. Czerka's been around the galaxy fucking up every planet they could get their hands on and generally destabilizing the region for everyone. And the Jedi themselves are drained from a lengthy civil war wherein many of their own turned against their teachings.
It presents us with the idea of the Republic's death, but worse than that, shows us the end of life itself in the form of Nihilus and Sion. We, as players, are naturally told that we're the only people who can possibly stop this threat due to some special trait that makes us the player characters, ie being the only ones who can actually wound either of those two characters due to their unique Force abilities. But then it asks something much more interesting of the player. "If not you, who else? Even if it wasn't a supernatural ghost and an undead monster, if it was just a plain old army, who else is there that could stop them? If it was the Mandalorians, what would we do?" And this point is hammered home time and time again, with constant references to how the Mandalorian wars have left their scars on the galaxy as they have you, and every character believing the Republic is near its end. The world feels truly believably bleak, which in turn empowers the player as the beacon of hope for a desperate world, which in turn supports Kreia's idea that the Republic's demise, if it should take place, is the correct course, because the Republic was never able to save itself and this event is doomed to repeat itself in the future. And none of those ideas are wrong. What a brilliant fucking game.
ok so if kotor 2 is one of my all time favorite games will I like planescape torment? I have never played any isometric rpg
He means the first fight to recruit her, not the training battle.
Imagine KotOR2 with worse combat, a better ruleset, more talky bits, and a very esoteric setting.
fat spoiler towards the end of that and its meant for new players lol
Nah, but constantly meditating to the whispers of Sith Holocrons probably is close
He is evil because the Mandalorians tortured him and a failed Jedi fucker cucked him out of his arkanian waifu.
It’s an extremely similar story, that takes a lot longer to actually become interesting.
I've got Planscape on GOG and the game spergs out constantly. Flickering, keeps popping in and out between desktop and game. Any idea how to fix it? I've tried running it in compatibility mode but that didn't work.
I thought they were just constantly reminding her of her biological clock ticking away
The KotOR comic book was such a nice read. I wish we got more stuff from the setting.
There are a bunch of unofficial patches that make the game run pretty much perfectly. Barring that, buy the Enhanced Edition. I think it’s supposed to work right out of the box
>Malak using the word "yeah"
these writers are truly talentless
I liked how it allowed Malak to become something more than a one-dimensional villain, even if it didn't do that much with him.
that's partially why I think GO-TO is a slept on character. the only way to save an institution like the republic is by breaking all of its rules
it's written by the same guy. if it goes on sale, I'd give it a shot
Damn. Malak led a cursed existence.
Really? I torrented the GOG versions and they work out of the box on Win10.
The best description of the game I've ever seen was "Planescape: Torment is one of the best books you will ever read."
If you don't like reading, you will not enjoy it. Not to say there's nothing else to it, but there's plenty of text. Doesn't hurt to try.
From what I understand, combat is much more optional in PST though, so honestly it sounds great
although I haven't played past the just entering sigil so my understanding may be wrong
This is Malak when he was only flirting with the Dark Side and wasn't such an edgelord.
It's "optional" in the sense that you can try to run away from fights but there's still an ass load of random trash encounters that take too long.
there's some trash combat in there. there's also two boss fights that are unavoidable
This is crap. You still have mandatory fights in Planescape. Anybody who claims otherwise has never played the game or leaning on some ridiculous technicality
Blame Mando Mengele.
amongst isn't a real word
>Do thing
>Why did you do thing?
>Do other thing
>Why did you do other thing?
>Do nothing
>Apathy is death
Given how absolutist Atris is it's amazing she made it as far as she did in the Jedi. She'd have been a natural Sith from the start if she'd ended up on the the other side.
A Jedi does not universally 'love'. They believe in the breath of the Force, that every life-form is interconnected and entangled and that they, as beings who are part of the web but can conceive of a piece of it larger than themselves, are responsible for maintaining it. Jedi mercy is seeing that we all possess common traits and not persecuting those that can be redeemed, while not being afraid to remove rotten limbs.
It's why Jedi are constantly told to be in control of their feelings, not just hatred but love as well. So they can make objective judgement in situations rather than being deluded into "anybody can change!" or "scum is born" mentalities.
Yes. TSLRC is absolutely necessary. It makes the game as close to whole as you can get.
>apathy is LIFE
Even in the flashback in the Korriban cave, he spoke really formally. Malak is the kind of guy who fancies himself a leader in every situation, and probably carried that bearing with him everywhere while toadying up to Revan, the real hero. A great Jedi warrior, but a terrible commander, with jealousy being a driving force behind his fall to the Dark Side.
I pick silver because I think Atris looks good with it.
My character: viridian
Atton: bronze
Visas: purple
Kreia: green
Handmaiden: silver
Bao-Dur: cyan
Disciple: blue
Mira: orange
Yellow a shit.
That flashback is from after the war when he was well in his way to the Dark Side.
The page in that comic is him shortly after the Mandalorian Wars started. It makes sense that he was more laidback then and even in the comic itself he becomes more serious and "charismatic" as the story progresses, specially when he isn't just talking to some guy he knows and his waifu but rather acting as one of the leading figures of the Mandalorian Wars.
Compare his attitude in that page with which is like 6 chapters after that.
>a narrative device vs. an actual character
It's a good storyline and I appreciate it, but after the first time, I already know how it ends.
No, the flashback is when he's recruiting Jedi to fight alongside Revan against the Mandalorians. That's why Bastila is there, and why the Exile notes "that's not how it happened, Bastila urged caution and said we had to trust the Council" when the fake version joined him.
>How do we make this new faction stronger than the others?
>Lets give them stupidly overpowered ships that are unstoppable and can only be destroyed by this maguffin that you just happen to find in a swamp
forerunners were never evil villains, they were "the precursor race" in halo 1-3 and then became a more complex entity in the books, 4 and 5 did butcher them though.
>Bao-Dur has only a small amount of influence opportunities from specific situations
>If you have another character that reacts to the same situation with you, they will initiate conversation instead of Bao-Dur
what a sweetheart
>actual character
>An actual character
He was better as Vitiate
bao-dur is the broest bro in all of star wars. made up for the insufferable twat carth and the literally nothing of atton.
That's not always true. I'm doing a playthrough now and Bao-Dur reacted over anyone else on Nar Shaddaa if you chase those Exchange thugs off and then don't ask for anything from the guy near the entrance to the Cantina. Funnily enough, T3 also has an influence gain moment there.
Oh, shit, I thought you meant that flasback in one of the Star Maps.
Like I said, he carries himself in a different way when acting as a military leader, specially when he is recruiting. He is more casual with those people because they are his pseudo-friends and his crush.
ᵗʰᵃnᵏ ʸᵒᵘ ᵍᵉnᵉʳᵃˡ
That’s what happens in TOR
It's a stupid thing in KOTFE
Because Bioware lack the intellectual capacity to entertain beliefs they do not with.
Although these days that's a boon. See how much twitter shit Obsidian is getting with their new sci fi game when they said you could join the ebul corporations and that they'd even have sympathetic members with understandable motives.
An Obsidian staple.
I don't think the dust will ever settle, but who was in the wrong here?
Side related question. Has anyone tried Tides of Numenera, and how is it?
Atton was pure pazzak. Best side character in the game
how much content does it restore? like without the mod is the game 70% or 80% done and the mod restores the rest?
I'd say the base game is like 60% complete and the mod brings it to 80%
The guy for asking in the first place and refusing to share money he hadn't worked for, at all, when he'd still be up. The mugger is evil for robbing him, but in the right for wanting his slice of the free-shit pie. The Exile is misguided for giving him money, but not wrong to extend charity where they can afford it. However, the victim saw the Exile solving another man's problem, a matter of life and death, and decided "hey, i can abuse this person's kindness! they might be soft-hearted enough to give me free money! i'll make both of us uncomfortable by going up to beg in their face!"
Kreia was absolutely right to call him out, and the player for mindlessly going along with it, but I still pay him every time so he can get his just desserts and learn his fucking lesson.
What twitter shit?
It adds on to the end of the game mostly. The stuff it adds during the game (Nar Shadaa) clearly was padding and needed to be cut. However everything during the endgame that is restored is essential. I’d say it adds probably 2 hours worth of content.
You of course.
>he doesn't let every sith board the Ebon Hawk on Peragus so he can collect the loot
imagine being an amateur
What stuff does it add on Nar Shaddaa? I just finished it and I don't remember anything new from my original un-modded playthroughs.
He was also added at the last second. Imagine that
The Force.
Dude, those Sith probably smell like shit. Do you remember seeing any showers in Trayus Academy?
I don't want their stink in my ship, not when it already smells awful because there are no bathrooms on it so people have to piss and shit on the floor.
>he doesn't want smelly jedi robes to wear before telos
sometimes you have to suffer for the things you want most
All of the “non Yacht, Exile-less party segments”
Mar Shadaa contains most of what gets restored outside of single lines here and there (outside of the end game which had a shit ton of additional dialogue, new scenes and the factory restored)
>non Yacht, Exile-less party segments
That sounds awful.
>Atton was Rosh at one point
What a fucking weird timeline
It’s padding, like I said. There are a few sections that were clearly supposed to be cut, those segments are one such instance. The padawan woman on Dantooine is another
Ay tone, how come this broad survived afta gettin the short end of an ass beatin and a crusty will-to-powa cock? Why didn't they just wack the bitch?
Oh, so the combat areas where you fight through wave after wave of Duros, HK-50 and Gand over and over and over as Mira, Atton and T3? Or, at one point, Atton + 2 characters of your choice just to spice up the boring grind. through samey environments. Yeah I would've been fine if those were cut.
He was the original Jaden.
haven't played the game yet
whats wrong with droid factory? Is it too hard or what?
Sion has mommy issues and Nihilus is autistic.
You, for not listening to granny.
Yeah, actually. It's one of the few times where playing with mods before vanilla is advocated. Skip the droid planet though, it was never really completed unlike most of the stuff that gets restored so its bare bones and terrible. Even the mod team says you should only really get it if you're curious.
Think about what they represent, user. Traya, the Traitor, suffered betrayal from her two students, who raped and beat her so she would experience absolute and utter pain, and severed her from the Force so she would feel nothing but its absence and hunger for it for the rest of her short existence, so she could feel even an fraction of the suffering she'd inflicted on Sion and Nihilus with her teachings.
where the hell do you retards come up with this shit
I suffered...indignities
>don’t want to be evil
>want to fuck my wife so I can’t be Jedi
Woah I’m a Mary Sue!
Droid Factory and planet are two different things. The factory is essential and is part of the RCM. Thenplanet, m478, is a separate download and it’s not a restoration, as much as it’s using cut modules for an original story with a few minor elements of the original cut planet. However, about half of the ideas of the original m478 were converted to content that’s in the game. That’s where the Yacht level came from.
It’s a decent mod though. If you want another level added to the game, it’s sorta fun.
People love to interpret the "I suffered...indignities" line as her saying she was raped even though Sion and Nihilus don't have working cocks.
it sucks if your HK doesn't have dual rippers and a strong build
Is Nihilus really a good character? I remember him barely being in the game at all and then you just go and kill him. Sion seems like the primary antagonist for the entire game.
what do you think "suffered indignities" means? They just called her names?
>He doesn't know the high level dark side power Force Rape.
>more Lucas-style Star Wars experience
>more difficult gameplay
>complete re-hash of A New Hope
>black and white morality
>very cool setting
>Jedi training part was actually pretty neat
>fewer bugs, but level design had way too much walking around
>game was WAY too fucking easy
>written by competent writers who explore the gray morality of the Jedi Order vs. The Sith
>actually an original concept
>bugs galore with shitloads of cut content that would have made the game awesome which you can now get via mods
KOTOR 2 was WAAAAY to easy to beat but the writing/story were much better.
They tied her up and made her watch as they gave homeless people change
Kreia alludes to some terrible thing that happened to her at Sion and Nihilus's hands, and it certainly doesn't seem out of the wheelhouse.
All things are possible through the force, user
Sion can form a cock by rearranging his skin around through the force
Yeah those are the only 2 things indignity can mean, rape or calling names, you're a genius user
>>game was WAY too fucking easy
With some ridiculous difficulty spikes like Atton vs. the Twin Suns being fucking impossible for a blaster build.
KOTOR 1 was more difficult only because the final level was a meme where they sent infinite waves of enemies after you
Nihilus is interesting due to what he represents and his nature.
As an actual character with a personality he is pretty shit. Like other user said, he is more of a narrative device.
Movies aren’t interactive you brain dead retard. What a stupid fucking argument. It’s not a similar experience at all. If I want to experience KOTOR 2 I should cobble together YouTube videos that select the dialogue options I want? You moron.
Jedi are literal cucks.
>Not restoring the best assassin Droid
ok then what does it mean?
and don't tell that she just got beat up
They recited the Jedi and Sith Codes while commenting how cool and logical they are and how one should totally follow them to the letter.
Why the fuck wouldn't someone try to murder you after you had him sold into slavery?
lol gameplay purists are such fags. Keep pretending games like Nier, VTMB, and Deadly Premonition aren’t incredibly rewarding experiences because you decided to be a faggot about fucking video games
>reinstall KOTOR
>get to Lower Taris
>bored instantly and quit
Every time. Weakest start to a great game ever.
Was he right?
They made her watch as they continually got 'Net shift: Light Side' for hours on end
>ok then what does it mean?
>'his penis is that of absolute power; length and girth are but a concept to the ancient sith. when he brought me over that pinball machine, exile, i saw the true death of the gallaxy'
i really don't understand why avelone wrote this
>Right about anything
Name one more bigger that was right about anything across BOTH games. I'll wait
say it with me user
Deadly premonition is fucking weird and that's why it's interesting
i love these threads
I did not even suspect that someone can misundarstand my message that badly. Retards will never cease to amaze me.
Upper taris was a bore too. At least the planets after are visually and thematically interesting even if boring storywise/characters other than asian autist waifu.
i know what the word means
in context what do you think it could mean?
When you're not a very good writer, you start to think the best way to make a name for yourself is to do something crazy or unexpected, like having your own self made characters effortlessly kill established series out of nowhere.
>asian autist waifu.
Bastilla was white
>runs across the empty expanses that is Tatooine
>because you decided to be a faggot about fucking video games
>about fucking video games
>video games
It's literally in the name
>runs through the millions of loading screens that make up Manaan
Asians aren't white
>>written by competent writers who explore the gray morality of the Jedi Order vs. The Sith
There is no gray, it's as fucking black and white as it can be. Gray jedi are conceptually retarded because sithhood is a proven slippery slope. No you can't partake in just a little bit of the Sith kool-aid you fucking retard. You're going to want more.
>As dark side, he questions why he helped you gun down some NPC you needlessly provoked. You can tell him that since he didn't hold back, he's just as much of a killer as you are. And then you gain influence with him. You reaffirmed his killer instincts and his idea that Jedi are by and large cunts, that one Jedi the exception rather than the rule.
I was just about to make a post about this scene when I saw yours. I think you can also ask him if he's alright and not hurt, and you get the same kind of positive influence with him, even though you just senselessly murdered a bunch of people. I don't remember how the rest of the conversation plays out or if that dialog option ends it, but I liked that you basically force a situation where Atton ends up murdering people alongside you and is very shaken over it as a result, but you seemingly worrying about his wellbeing gets him past it and makes him trust you more.
There is grey, just not that sort of Grey.
You can be a Jedi or at least a Light Side user without being autistic about the Jedi Code or its ruler. Qui-Gon is a good example of that.
The "Grey" Jedi who think they can use the Dark Side and not pay the price are the retards.
Was the comment HK gave about his old companions low-key Avelone shitting on Bioware's writing?
Maybe? I assumed it was just him addressing how everyone found Carth and Bastilla kinda annoying.
I think he was more poking fun at them then actively shitting on them. Avellone treats a lot of KOTOR 1 with respect, particularly Revan. You can also complain to HK that your companions are not much better
>Avellone sucks Revan's dick so hard it creates a wound in the Force
>Karpyshyn proceeds to turn the Exile into a generic Revan fanboy with no special abilities whatsoever and kills her in the most retarded way possible
What was his problem?
Qui-Gon was a fuckhead that ended up bringing up a kid far too old to be properly indoctrinated into the Jedi order who eventually betrayed them. The code exists for a fucking reason. No you can't be lax with it, you're just flirting with danger.
>complaining about someone asking you about your motivations
Why did you do this?
>You can be a Jedi or at least a Light Side user without being autistic about the Jedi Code or its ruler
That was Dooku, and he became a Sith lord. Qui-Gon just didn't live long enough. Lucas' canon really doesn't give much leeway for grey force users tbf.