That's not fair Sonybros, those were our exclusive games

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Other urls found in this thread:

who gives a fuck about Digimon

they won't feel right on the switch anyway
nintentoddlers won't get the real experience

Digimon being on PC makes sense though

>feel right
Is there a more COPE phrase than this?

Stop pretending you care, OP. If you actually liked Digimon, you wouldn't have any reason to be negative. You're an insincere child who lives off outrage culture and wants it from any source you can get it from.

Stay out of Digimon threads, no one wants you in them.

it's the truth tendie

Think about it, it's like going to a pizza place and ordering hamburger

Hackers Memory sucked, it had a really nice Digimon roster though.

Original CD was much better, shame Hackmon and his evos weren't usable except for his royal knight form.

>no ear
NOT based.

Remove it from the list

Attached: 1556544420315.png (3677x1173, 3.82M)

>no ape escape 4

Snoy never wins against the might N.

Attached: 341558DE-19E8-44FE-B854-EF0AF8623105.jpg (250x234, 9K)

Monster Hunter World

>cyber sleuth and ni no kuni on PC
Damn, the weeb immigration is very real after Snoy censorship.
Not bad Bamco. Not bad.

Attached: 1561484536309.png (720x817, 620K)


>sport sport sport
>a collection of old castlevania games
Holy shit.
Holy fucking shit what a dumpster fire.
And this is the same board saying that pic related was shit when compared to PS4.

Attached: switch games as of mar 2019.jpg (2840x2128, 2.73M)

A lot of people lately, even more now that the Switch Pokemon game is confirmed shit

Unplayable on piss4.


Where's P5?
All I see is the Dancing game

>ports of 3DS and WiiU games
>stuff that got ported like TSA and Octopath
Nope, PS4 still looks better

Nobody gives a remote fuck about what you have to say wojak poster.

So same deal as the Switch?

Holy shit nice bait, made me reply 7/10

>ports of 3DS and WiiU games
WiiU games, sure, 3ds? No. Still, no one played those wiiU games if you consider switch is getting near 40 mil and wiiu was at 13 mil.
>stuff that got ported like TSA and Octopath
Read the fucking filename retard.

enjoy a port of a game ive never even heard of lol

>still have a demo of a cancelled game, a FUCKING DEMO
>shadow of the colossus, last of us, and other multiplats
wow, all that garbage and you still have to list multiplats to prop up you console

I played and platinumed these games years ago, so why would I give a shit?

Snoyboys are absolutely pathetic.

Attached: 1500531977193.jpg (640x480, 34K)


The first 5 are the only worthwhile ones, and 3 of those 5 are ports. Nintendo scams win again

i prefer classic mh and i've got mhgu for that

Um... sweetie...

over what? i never cared about them
you seem the one to seethe

i want to lick nokia

Why are Nintenfatlards so obnoxious?

>he doesn't play it on pc

shut up.

It's a Wii U game stupid

cyber sluts is pretty good actually, I'd sooner play it over any mainline pokemon game on the 3ds

What? where is persona 5? Do you guys think it will be on switch or something? top kek

Attached: Exclusivityforever.png (1453x596, 2.01M)

This is pathetic

Attached: 1553378662848.jpg (1855x2275, 507K)

p5 is on pc bro

so is botw, mario odyssey, arms, splatoon 2

That's one less Vita game, if this keeps on no one will even bother making a Vita emulator since it has no games.

>Digimon Cyber Sluts
>Digimon Hacker's Memory
>Persona Dancing
>The Last of Us
Also on PS3 or Vita

>"Nintendo Exclusive" because half of this shit are Wii U or 3DS ports

b-but only the Xbox has no exclusives


>we won't be able to have good digimon threads anymore because of cancerous switchfags
feels bad, man.

Attached: 175629.gif (500x382, 487K)

Then just go to /vg/

i already do. doesn't mean i'm going to be happy with console-war shitposters ruining discussions on Yea Forums.

>on Yea Forums
Literally what do you expect here.

Why can't Nincels get over their inferiority complex?

Persona 5 isn't a PS4 exclusive. It's on the PS3.



Still on playstation. It isn't a multiplat

I have never seen a digimon thread on Yea Forums, except threads comparing it to the pokemon games to show how shit gamefreak is.

It's quite literally a multiplat. PS3 and PS4 are different platforms.

you haven't been looking hard enough.

No. PlayStation exclusive.
Sorry, ninturdo

What’s a digimon? Op is a fag and plays fag games

Your COPE has spilled over.

>Still on playstation.

I do.
Now what, bitch?

The best part about this image is the drop in overall post quality between the top and bottom half.


Literally golf, sports and tetris in your own picture

Why doesn't it say only on ps4?

As usual, exclusives only count and exist the day they are announced for other platforms. Yesterday the PS4 was a Bloodborne machine.


Cyber Sleuth was never a PS4 exclusive. It was also on the PS Vita.

Then what is this thread even about?

Can't you read?

Also PC*

It's only on playstation though and they have the same only on playstation on the TLOU Remastered hull

Attached: ps4_hits_tlou_remastered_2d_anz.jpg (792x1000, 208K)

Can you? The fucking game didn't count as exclusive yesterday because it was on vita. Today when it's announced for Switch, tendies are making this wojak console war threads about losing exclusives.

Cope more snoygger.

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>falseflaggers and snoybois are now gonna shit up all Digimon threads

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Persona 5 doesn’t have a Pc port though you could probably play a busted ass version on some janky emulator.

Attached: 2CE8B57C-F766-4311-9D0E-A26B055DE0FF.jpg (637x627, 74K)

Hmm mhmm FUCK SNOY hmm yuhmmhmm OH NO NO NO HAHAHA *buuurrrpp*

Attached: 1545270788711.jpg (259x195, 11K)

Works in 4K 60FPS perfectly senpai.

Are you retarded or something? "Exclusives" have been a meme since PlayStation Now came out.

In Windowed mode while you sit 3 feet away breathing heavily as you add the futa mods it crashes then windows 10 needs an update. Good times

Never crashed once. And you can use TV with your PC. Why are you such a tech illiterate peasant?

>Never crashed once.
Sure user sure I believe you. It’s nice that your mom will let you game out in the family room with the “big” tv.

Why are Snoyggers seething? I thought they hated weeb games?

So is Digimon yber Sluts now a shit game because it's no longer a snoystation exclusive?

>getting proud of getting Digimon that is already on PS4
PC and Switch are dead.

So the switch is going to get a fucking vita port? Wonder how much they'll have to compromise on the graphics.

The do. They want to continue in their delusion that the PlayTranny 4 is the most superior gayming platform, which means they need to believe they should have the rights to all genres, even the ones they hate.

How will Sonyboys ever last? Nintendo and PC keeps taking their stuff.

no, it's not.

What stuff? Digimon was never confirmed PS4 exclusives. Why are you beg for Sony games so much?

It is. Look how Nincels and PC cucks pray for Sony ports.

Who hurt you



I do. I am going to get all the Digimon games on the Switch. And I can't wait for Survive too.
It's going to be great. The Switch is such an amazing system for RPGs right now and it is only getting better.

>not even moot

>WHo hURt YOU????

leave digimon out of consolewarring, you boring fag

>reddit meme
go back

not really, it's still a decent game and definitely better than any post-B2W2 Pokemon game


Leave Digimon out of your console war faggotry, you mentally challenged hobgoblins.

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It's really not, runs at 10fps with crashes and screen tearing from PS3 version Also Persona 5 Royal is PS4 exclusive.

Is this bait?

Attached: 1539367239068.png (364x322, 14K)

Why use ports when I can just get a Playstaion Now account and play everything right on my PC?

You can only stream certain games user. I hope you are baiting

PCels are taking my entire fucking library, I'm so fucking livid I spent 500 on PS4 pro and I've been loyal to Sony since PSX, why the fuck are they selling me out to Steam virgins.

>PCels are taking my entire fucking library
Yeah, RDR2 and GoW work great on PC, PCock.

>not RDR2
Why did I fell for Switch and PC meme

Attached: 1516295545109.jpg (430x350, 29K)

yep that's sony exclusives alright

>Uncharted 4 and Horizon
>low tier


Attached: 1500487828217.png (606x530, 60K)

>runs at 10fps with crashes and screen tearing from

No, it's not, I got frequent crashes and sometimes drop below 5fps.

>he doesn't know

That you are virgin?

Sucks to be you.

Why? I have PS4 and Persona 5. Not everyone is poor PC cuck only.

Is Hacker's Memory worth playing if I already played regular Cyber Sleuth?

Because you're a brainlet with poorfag specs

Do you want more story and are you okay with the locations being 95% the same? If so, yes.

RDR2 PC version got leaked in the source code the other day

>you're brainlet
It's you who play Persona 5 on PC, not me.


Yeah, I've heard the same about RDR1 and Persona 5. Sucks you can't play it though.

Attached: 1560382755960.jpg (394x534, 61K)

>I've heard the same about RDR1 and Persona 5

Yea Forums autists like you. You guys really suck at predictions.

>when your shitbox is so garbage you have to cling to last gen multiplat games

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Nooooo this is the 5th time this week I revise my "never ever" collage list!

Stop stealing our games!!

lmao retard

>Persona 5 and RDR2
>released last gen
When your shitbox is so garbage you have to cling to Digimon port

Attached: 1370619247461 (1).jpg (597x594, 35K)

So how's your RDR2?

Attached: 1357777794778.jpg (640x427, 104K)

>consolecuckold is illiterate too

>PCretin suck at reading comprehension

It's a clunky 5/10 game with repetitive gameplay and shitty gunplay, thanks for asking.

Sorry bro, you got outed as an illiterate subhuman :^)

>w-we never wanted it anyway!
>make complete laughing stock of himself
>use name calling as "argument"
I can't stop laughing at PCocks.

Nobody's begging. Japanese devs are fleeing from Snoy on their own :^)

Attached: 1552503512716.jpg (368x1024, 71K)

Yeah, that's why they release exclusives for it :^)

>still has more jap games than switch

Cool. Cybersleuth was great, might have to get it so I can play hackers memory on switch

>Nobody's begging.
I love how begging retards gets btfo :^)

Attached: PCucks.jpg (3808x1732, 461K)

>implying I own a Switch
>implying I care about Nintendo at all
Seethe more, snoyboy.

Less and less each year. You can count the yearly exclusive releases on one hand. And that's if you're lucky.
PoS4 pretty much lost the once loyal 3rd party Japanese support after they've moved to Cali. A shadow of its former self. Can't compare to the Japanese 3rd party lineup of past Sony consoles.

It's a much older console than the Switch yet it only has a handful of 3rd party Japanese exclusives. Also Switch sucks anyway so that's not really an argument either.

Attached: 1543841390225.jpg (1458x975, 580K)

>Less and less each year.
Nope, still gets the biggest number of japanese exclusives and they sell the best. Why does it trigger you this much?

I bought a ps4 cause of hype, it was useless to me, I was going to dump it after e3, project beast leaked, decided to keep it, bloodborne came out, excellent game, great dlc, i still play it even now. Sony havent made a single gameplay focused game since, and it is depressing, ive tried some of the big stuff like spiderman and HzD (not god of war cause it looks pretty bland desu) and they were boring. Ps3 was a similar situation, True Sony 1st party hasnt been good in like a decade and 3rd party exclusives are nearly dead. seems like all 3 console platform holders dont have enough exclusive content that caters to me or its *also on PC. I see myself not getting consoles anymore, Just not enough true and real exclusives

Cool blog. Where can I subscribe?

Didn't even know this game existed

Same. PC failed to get RDR2 and Switch failed to get Persona 5, so they have to find something to cling to.

>PC failed to get RDR2


No it doesn't, digimon was always a sony/nintendo franchise, pc can fuck off.

>Actually giving a fuck a Digimon Survive after FE 3 houses






based and niggerpilled


>port leaked
>w-w-why aren't you playing it!?
What a dumb nigger. I'll be flooding this board when they announce it.

>I-I will get it I swear!
What a funny retard.

Someone please make a meme of
"Friendship ended with Pokemon, Digimon is my new best friend"

>can only stream a few games
>few games
>750 games and growing

where are these posts from?


Attached: butnintendo.png (2133x1957, 1.43M)

I didn't know digimon still existed

>$.01 has been deposited into your account

This post is extremely low quality.

>Yea Forums doesnt play games
What else is new

I don't play games for children

Games are for children

how does it feel when a retard calls someone else stupid?

Trophies are still exclusive to the ps4 version. sony is still winning

Attached: 1560271798250.png (633x874, 56K)

why cant snoyfags do anything right?

see how Snoyfags ignore this?
they tend to disappear when they get BTFO'd

w-were hungry m-mr.Nintendo! c-can we have some games?

Attached: 1559882447322.jpg (583x194, 89K)

Attached: 1546088695629.png (434x327, 55K)

Give me a quick rundown on these games
I might get them for this semen demon

Attached: file.png (250x333, 176K)

Digimon world 3 electric boogaloo

Do you ever stop being a pathetic loser?

Attached: chrome_2018-09-05_08-05-27.png (778x912, 157K)

left to right
>on PS3
>on Vita
>currently exclusive

>Nope, still gets the biggest number of japanese exclusives
name them

>Persona 5
Also on PS3
>Persona: Dancing In Starlight
Also on Vita
>Persona 5 Royal

>Mods delete posts
>But don't delete obvious flamewar thread


they could have gotten banned for something else.

threads with black people on OP don't get deleted

both PS4 and Shitch have no exclusives

Yea Forumsannies are the fucking worst

particularly bad lately, they let a thread about billie eilish get to bump limit

why is Sony EXTRA mad todays nintenbros?

Attached: sonyextramAD.jpg (1017x924, 531K)

>Monster Hunter World
Only good on PC

He doesn't know

Delete this

Sonygaf is on fire today.

They're losing everything

I love how you backpedaled from "the pokemon killer" to this

Oh shit, nice

Why are these Sony related? Seems like you are cherry picking and attempting to tailor a narrative.

I have a Switch and think it sucks ass. This is independent of the Playstation even existing.

These are literally in the front page of Yea Forums and there were even more that died

Yeah, cherry picking. And nothing to suggest it has anything to do with Sony. You are just a pathetic loser playing victim, while being just as annoying, if not more, than the idiots you post about. Get a life loser.

>gets more sales than the PS4 despite being released waaaay after