Other urls found in this thread:
>calling lives guys
>not calling them Marios
>Not calling them 1UPs
>not calling them TOONS
Is it called a stage, board, or level?
>Not calling them big boys
>Score doesn't matter anymore because games are all about beating the game rather than getting a high score
Name a dumber complaint AVGN has made.
Its a map
he's correct though
how is this not correct? especially since the highscore isn't even saved on the NES
>"How can you call it a game when you can't even die?"
Not to defend the Mario edutainment games, but a good few games have no death state. Some adventure games (Grim Fandango, for example) and hell, didn't the Wario Land series eventually turn into a platform series with no death condition?
Name one game from the past 10 years where anyone gave a shit about the score
>didn't the Wario Land series eventually turn into a platform series with no death condition?
Very good games with smart level design and fun as hell. Fucking gems.
Geometry Wars 2/3
>Not calling them black bulls for April
PacMan Championship Edition + and 2.
It's a way to show game competency like speedrunning.
Also,Super Smash Brothers Ultimate as well as any rhythm game ever.
>Katana Zero had up to jump
>Game still played great
Yippie AA, motherfucker.
Up to jump has always been dependent on game.
Heres something I always wondered since the NES era - why have both lives and continues? Say you have 3 continues and 3 lives per continue. Why not just have 9 lives?
Honestly ive always absolutely hated up to jump, even in fighting games
>You press DOWN to jump diagonally.
Coo, coo...
Usually, zeroing out on lives and using a continue would kick you back to the beginning of the world (or whatever term the game used for groups of levels). That is, I can lose a life in 3-4 and respawn in 3-4, but if I lose all of them and have to use a continue, it's back to 3-1.
and I don't like it
Let's play Charades, who am I?
old avgn had the best reactions ever
score was a redundant legacy, originated from arcades. literally no point having leaderboard on nes if the console doesn't keep the score.
crimsonland, my man
>calling it guy
Get the rope
>calling it rope
Get the snake
I love that episode for some reason despite it not being all that special
Console reviews are the best episodes
Fight me.
>calling it a snake
Get the whip
Literally who gives a fuck about score unless you're the best in the world? All that matters is beating the challenge in front of you.
If you can't beat the default times on the game's leaderboard it means you're a homosexual.
>implying these don't each have their own meaning
A board is one screen, a stage is one course, a level can be a few different ones encompassed under the same header.
Did he find a religion?
puyo puyo, tetris, and puyo puyo tetris
>calling it a whip
Get the köysi
>tfw when you find out Mike Matei wrote more than half of the avgn episodes prior to episode 100
Super Pitfall is one of my favorite episodes. I don't think it has any knockout jokes, but it's pretty consistently funny the entire time.
>id rather.... abolish slavery
>id rather let women have the right the vote
>playing this game is worse than fucking a bus full of niggers
>this game is what happens when you don't gas all the jews *sticks index finger up* implying the holocaust happened!
>you'd have more fun entering a grocery store after segregation has been outlawed
>to describe this games ass-nes, id say its like living in a country with open borders
>imagine walking outside your house during a gay pride parade, that's what playing this game is like
>it fucking sucks, it fucking blows, its a faggot
>and i don't like it
>after all that trouble I went through, let's play some DAMN games
Has there been a more relatable line?
James is a beta loser.
Ryan is an entrepreneur and alpha.
nuclear throne
>this game fucks you harder than life itself
How did he get away with this?
playing galaga/mario etc with my dad was a blast. our scores were a big deal. id get home and my dad would be looking all smug at me, point to the tv with galaga on and say "think you can top that? haha good luck" then i'd sit there for a couple hours and try my hardest to get a better score. good times
1024 BITS
64 bits!
2006 was wild time, man
your humor is boring and shit, get off of Yea Forums for while
The second part legit looked like Dr. Wily.
>tfw you realize Mike beat silver surfer in 2 deaths. While Bootsy died over 30 times.
What was wrong with this video? Any movie has the right to be critiqued and Elmo's Quest for Booty is no different.
any battle royale
>didn't the Wario Land series eventually turn into a platform series with no death condition?
Yes, Wario Land 3 was rad.
>If i saw that, id shit my pants
>Shit would come out of my ass
The deadpan AVGN deliveries are literally the best
I'm okay with James just retiring the Nerd and sticking to YKWBS episodes from now on.
its a bad video but Mike can do what he wants. It is his channel after all
To be fair to the guy it's not like he wants to do it. Fans watch him only for the nerd so it's the only thing bringing in money.
Now what's this, Asshole Pong? That's not fair!
I loved his godzilla guide and most accurate dracula movies videos, would be cool to see more of that kinda stuff
No one ever gave a shit about scores unless you were just having a little competition with your friends or wanted to be the best in the world. People just played games to beat it and see farther into the game. High Scores are just a shallow attempt at creating artificial replayability
Can anyone here compete with Mike is a sword fight?
go back to resetera
Failure to solve problems or perform correctly are also a form of death/failure state, even if the game doesn't tell you that you're a failure.
definitely one of the best episodes.
learn how to be actually funny and interesting, you retard. i swear you newfags get worse every year
The whole rant about the first ladder was pretty funny.
Wow, what a cis white man
Hah you sure showed
They're called mans, you idiots
Pitfall larry
this guy gets it
It depends on the game really. In some games a score system just does not fit.
My Friend Pedro, less than a month old
Call of duty 4, arcade mode
>When that's (maybe) just a Dragon
>Not even a Dragon Man
It's nice to just put on a season of AVGN in the background
>Tfw watching his first monster madness for the first time 10 years ago
>Just hearing calm James talk about really old monster movies
I checked what my post was that you replied and thought that was some shitty ass joke i made, then i opened your picture and started laughing like an maniac. Then i watched the clip and really started to lose it. I'm still laughing. The idea that muslims do that first part avgn does cracks me up.
>Calling stages ''boards''
THAT'S WHORESHIT! And I didn't say "horse shit", I said "whore shit". LIKE A WHORE TAKING A SHIT!
Too many cheeseburgers
boomer (left 4 dead) vs zoomer vs boomer
What was the first episode that you ever saw of him?
Why does Scott so shook, did James just give Justin the Go-ahead to devour him?
>the mound on the left
>the irritating face guy that always appears as "recommended"
To be fair to the skinny one I haven't watched him, the "Woz" part of the name instantly removes any potential of having me click it.
I wish James did more solo videos.
Guys is it true that James used to go to a school for the developmentally disabled?
Yes, but he just went to special ed classes, not a whole school.
I always wondered if he ate the gyro he made in the R.O.B. episode
don't get hit moron
I think you just posted an image from it.
It's like i'm really watching sinatra_says
the glitch gremlin one
it's just part of his last name. most of his content is pretty good.
James is great solo but I love how he bounces off others' opinions. we just need better co-hosts
>only mentions James and Ryan
>doesn’t comment on Mike
what a sideways dick
haha you are so funny user
I just don't really feel like watching his videos with his face in the thumbnail talking about stuff I already lived through, it makes me feel like an old man. I'm sure it's good stuff anyway especially for kids, not ragging on the guy himself.
i was always curious about james tattoo, but what the hell he was thinking.
4 strength 4 stam leather belt?
What any tattoo takers are? Maybe he just wanted to be rad?
his videos seem to be for the people who lived through it with lots of jokes that can only be understood with context.
you don't need to get them cause he's naturally funny but it sounds like something you would enjoy.
I'm not fond of all his videos there are a few stinkers but overall he has the same vibe as AVGN and is pretty critical of new and old games alike
What symbol is that cross?
He's gonna take you back to the past...
To watch you fuck his wife in the ass.
He'd rather have... A BBC
Satisfy his wife like he never could
He'd rather eat... The cum filled asshole
Remains of her being passed round the 'hood
He's the angriest cuck you've ever heard
He's the angry beta male nerd
He's the angry open relationship nerd
He's the cuckold video game nerd
Christmas Games(?) or Bible Games I think
Bible Games
It was by complete chance, I just thought it would be interesting
Then I watched the sequel
Then all episodes except for the one with Pat because holy fuck I can't stand him, he's so fucking irritating, even more than the toxic crusaders one or Mike as the fucking lion
i think it was TMNT, that's the one I remember the clearest.
the unreal rant at the end stuck with me as a kid and I watched the only other 5 videos on cinemassacre at the time
a poopyhead
I think the CD-i games. Couldn't have been older than 2008 because I clearly remember the Confused about the Zelda Timeline video being on Cinemassacre's front page.
>We live in the year 2007 and they can't figure out that shit like that takes up too much room!?
I've probably listened to the whole series 3 times over at this point, not even counting the times actually watching it. It's just timeless
Same here. Listening to season 5 right now actually, he's going over the star wars ones right now.
Devil may cry V?
This. He's great when he's talking about something he's genuinely interested in, and not just hamming it up for nerd vids, as much as I love them. It just seems like he's forcing himself in the newer ones. The Godzilla videos are the best thing he's uploaded in a while
jesus christ
i've been waiting nearly 10 years for him to review new games
I'll pass but I'm glad you're enjoying them user.
cope nigger
Sega was better than Nintendo and little James was a retard. Fight me.
I'm sure you thought all that was very funny when you typed it. You need to get out more often, my dude.
>Go into videos like the Most Accurate Dracula film or the Power Rangers discussion
>Think at least some of the comments will be about the topic of the video and their own takes on it
>Nah, it's just dicksucking
Youtube comments are bottom of the barrel trash at actual discussion if it isn't a political video and even then it is usually just agreeing with the uploader's opinion word for word.
But he was still TROGDAAAAAAAAR
anything with him talking solo is the best of the best besides the nerd episodes.
the most natural it even feels like he edits those himself
thanks user
If it wasn't funny then why'd you respond?
Predictable, stop being a fucking retard, user. Enjoy the (You), faggot, it's the last you're getting out of me.
stop crying tranny
It seems like the last generation of games he's interested in is mid-90's stuff, when he would have been in high school. Kinda amazing he's not into more stuff, you would think there'd at least be something recent he would care about.
Devil Daggers
>my dude.
oh hey i didnt see you there, reddit
Devil Daggers
smoothbrain chud
some of it is funny for shock humor mixed with the way AVGN speaks.
I see what you're trying to do but these guys aren't going to get it
they think the words "tranny" or even "reddit" are insults
Rambo. Was pretty cool, got hooked instantly.
What do you mean, fellow redditor?
this is the moment that officially broke scott
>the graphics on the planet of the apes look weird!
james, thats how all psx games processed graphics
is it wrong this is my favorite ep?
>sucks monkey fuck
(james forgets to put his head in the frame, instead of retaking the shot, he just repeats:
>sucks monkey fuck
Stop bullying mike's gf, incels!
I just shot down a duck by saying fuck!
>my fans are going to force me to collab with this autist and fat fuck in avgn
the cross is judas priest
the dragon is based on Dragon in my Dreams documentary
James is best when he has confidence in the situation of the sketch and doesn't see a need to act. When he tries to act seriously, he often ruins it. Ironically, the classic persona of the Nerd that everyone remembers and feels convinced me is the performance he gives when he's not trying to act.
you posted it.
I watched when i was beginning 3rd grade (21 now).
I was honestly in awe over all the swearing, shitting, and violence. it was one of the weirdest and funniest experiences ever, and i watched family guy and other adult cartoons before that.
The 2nd one i watched was bible games, and i thought it was one of the funniest things ever.
james rolfe un-un-cucked himself after he proceeded to call the universal monster movies a sausage fest, said indiana jones temple of doom was problematic with damsel in distress and asian and indian stereotypes and saying 3 stooges was racist back then and racist now
>mike confirmed to browse /vr/
>kieran confirmed to browse Yea Forums
looks like Yea Forums is lurked by justy!
>be me
>hosting party at my house with friends
>just a get together, we are eating chilling, playing games, ect...
>"Hey user! put on some avgn!"
>have ps4 connected to living room tv, turn on youtube.
>all my nerd friends and a few normie friends huddle in on the couch and chairs
>search for a good one that will make people laugh
>"FUCK NIGGERS (NES) - Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)" scrolls past the screen
>sweat starts dripping down my face as i hope no one saw that.
>AH FUCK IT cant take it anymore
>just click random video
>Video opens normally, its james and mike sitting on the couch.
>mike whips out his 100inc black cock and slaps james across the head
>video ends after all that happening in a matter of seconds, room goes dead silent.
>I haven't spoken too more then half those people since then.
I'm still absolutely baffled that moviebob of all fucking people was the voice of reason during all that.
pls rate, I hope I did ok
The thing about AVGN is that he loves video games.
Like, he really and genuinely loves them. Not as much as he loves movies, but they're a close second in terms of hobbies.
But James was NEVER good at video games beyond a select few from his childhood, and at no point has he progressed beyond the SNES era save for maybe really early N64.
I wish it was just Mike and James, all these clickbaiting yubtub niggres makes me uncomfortable because it's so inorganic, next time it'll be boogie or that metaljesus fag, and you'll know they paid them to be there. I don't like my friend's friends, especially when they're sponsored by a corporation.
why did you post a pic of the quartering?
No, fuck off.
god i love seeing my copy pastas still reposted
y-you too
>Yeah, maybe I will review that in the YEAR 2020...
please re-do. it has potential. but its mixed pretty poorly and its a slog to listen to the whole song to get the joke.
just copy siivagunner
What a shitty episode, the fat jew that knows bullshit, some random scrawny guy (I noticed youtube has been trying to push his videos on me, I watched one, it was literally nothing, literally who is this guy?)
At least the hairy Italian commented on the bullshit.
good plan. thanks man
Must be some sort of zoomer humour that goes over my head.
Him and Matei, both, I take it. Not to defend Sonic '06, but them complaining about "you die, you go back" during that was pretty clearly not the same "Oh shit, it didn't autosave" complaint that pokecapn et al. had. It was a couple of dudes who barely seemed to understand the concept of saving (at least in a Sonic game) at all.
Worse still is that his cunt wife made him watch Ghostbusters 2016
Just watched this video yesterday
I often doubt it. The way people overreact on youtube makes it all seem fake.
FTL: Faster Than Light
who the fuck calls it a board?
you should have named Maps
>doesn't recognize past
Who is the newfaggot now?
>getting the köysi
>no "life insurance"
Mike is at least kind of good at older games. He and Bootsy both managed to beat a number of games James could never finish.
But yeah, when it comes to modern stuff, it's rare for either one to get into it.
It seems like the closest thing James gets to enjoy modern games are new Zelda games, and some of the Xbox era Godzilla games.
Your beta passive- aggresive tactics don't work here. Get the fuck out.
How come humanity hasnt cured baldness? You would think we would have at least something by now. We have nothing
Hair cloning will get there soon enough.
>how come humanity hasnt cured manlets?
>how come humanity hasnt cured dicklets?
>how come humanity hasnt cured chinlets?
How did he end up in Kojima's new game?
Where does this cuck meme come from as far as he's concerned anyway?
You have been living in a bubble. Reality is not some science fiction but to answer you question you can use DHT blocker which can help prevent hair loss to some degree but the price is you can become infertile and are basically neutered.
>DHT blocker
only finasteride and dutasteride. Shit like biotin and saw palmetto or pumpkin seed oil have very very very little dht blocking properties that it wont do shit.
Also, DHT is NOT the for sure cause of baldness. its popular misconception. The only reason that people say DHT causes baldness is because of studies indicating that in the hair follociels that die, there just so happen to be a lot of DHT present. But, what they fail to mention is that along with DHT stuff like calcification and inflammation are also present which cause hair loss. Hence why people use oils like coconut oil to combat baldness, which dont have DHT blocking properties, but anti inflammentation and anti calcifaction properties.
Also, blood flow is a major factor of baldness. This is why Rogaine works; it has no dht blockers, but promotes blood flow. And also, hair surgeons have plasma injection, which is just injecting healthy blood into the scalp.
Anyway, once youre bald, youre fucked. I tried everything to regrow hair. I was on the big three; finasteride, rogaine, and Nizoral. It didnt do shit, and many others have tried the big 3 too without any success.
Also, scerw anyone saying baldness is preventable. i had norwood 3 by the time i was 18
The only surefire way to grow back hair is a transplant.
for the record I chuckled. but I also dont suck eceleb cock so I don't reflexively defend them online.
>i had norwood 3 by the time i was 18
My friend already showed signs of baldness at the age of 17. He was never fat and was somewhat active. What could have caused the poor circulation? His father only got bald around his 30's so this probably wasn't 100% genetics.
the ghost of pitfall Jerry
Bootsy was definitely good at games. But Mike actually beat Silver Surfer only dying twice. Bootsy died 30+ times.
I also dont think Bootsy cares much for video games. He doesnt live stream or donany gaming content. After he left he could have quickly built his own brand but clearly has no passion for gaming.
>imagine walking outside your house during a gay pride parade, that's what playing this game is like
Well there's noah. Moves pretty fast for an old man.
It's mainly for zoomers who grew up playing the WiiU and onwards, like I mostly did
I was born in 94
I think it was something about some movie he reviewed where he said something about politics and that got a lot of politically incorrect folks really riled up for some reason
You're a trogdisappointment you trogdumbass
Most individuals who consistently talk about media, especially video games, don't actually consume all the much of it, but rather just enjoy talking about it versus actually playing it. Most people just read articles or wikipedia and then regurgitate the opinion of the author as their own. The same can be said for Yea Forums, with a lot of people just shitposting instead of actually gaming. Even Mike, as big of a "gamer and collector" as he is, often time seems like he's spouting off what he read rather than what he experienced. But this is also just a sign of people being genuinely more stupid than previous generations and not really being able to come to their own conclusions about things, plus the instant gratification of wanting to know versus the experience.
I've never heard that before aside from maybe James using it once.
Oh yeah? Well you're a TrogDYKE
Board and "free man" are pretty old terms
His character in the movie pushes the two younger characters to date instead of him creeping on a woman much younger than him while he's married IRL
Incels basically forcing their cuckold obsession on fucking everything
Real actors play romantic opposite to people who aren't their significant others all the time
Oh, that. To be honest, his annoying sidekick getting the chick came outta absolutely nowhere, that scene really didn't belong in the movie. I can see how the /pol/ squad would use that to start the cuck memes though.
Genetics are a bitch. Basically, you can have dormant genes dating back to the 1700s, that wont be expressed until youre born. Both my grandfathers had full sets of colored hair till they were 90, yet im still bald. The only people i could have gotten bald genes from was great grandpa or dad, but my dad (apparently) didnt start balding till late 20s.
>somewhat active
well, multiple basketball and soccer players have gone bald, and theyre the most active and healthiest group of people in the world. I dont think excercise targets blood to the scalp. Only rogaine, blood transfusion, and head massages do that.
The thing about staying healthy and having proper growth, is that you only get one chance at life to do it and its when youre young. Epigenetics might even be more cruel than actual genetics. While you were 5, you could have had full cups of milk a day for potassium and protein, and eat child multi vitamins for all your nutrients. The only thing that tells your body to grow certain body parts- is if the given environment promotes it to grow. If you dont drink lots of milk when youre 12, 13, or 14, the most crucial growing years, your body will compromise and handicapped your growth, making you a manlet.
I feel as those, if my mom had pushed multivitamins on me and i drunk milk every day and didnt stay up till 1:30 am in middle school, i wouldnt be such an ugly beast.
Wrong, games are about writing hatebait articles on the internet.
>artificial replayability
Nigga it's just an incentive to get better if you like the gameplay
All these terms can mean something different dependent on the genre, but for most platformers.
Stage/level is interchangeable for a single isolated segment of gameplay.
A World is a collection of levels/stages.
Faggots who mix up level and world in platformers are my autism trigger.
Resident Evil 2 Remake
He's still right though
>What was the first episode that you ever saw of him?
The 4-part Castlevania series.
Friend of mine showed it to me, I remember calling in sick for school the following day so I could marathon everything up until that point, I think it was 1 or 2 hours into my marathon that the Little Red Hood video was released.
It was a really nice day
>Both my grandfathers had full sets of colored hair till they were 90, yet im still bald
I'm sorry, user, but your "father" is a cuck.
Ninja fucking Gaiden.
Still one of my favorite videos to date bloopers and all.
You call it a one up one it is on the field and you can pick it up
In your inventory, they are collectively reffered to as lives. Anything else is blasphemous
Trophies and achievements are the new score. You niggas can complain all you want, but tracking score across an entire system is amazing; especially using rarity of that particular trophy to mean a higher score. I was so disappointed that the Switch didn't adopt a proper score system.
james looks pretty good here
all damn rhythm games
>all these fucking newfags in the thread
It all started with the blog post, "ms nerd speaks" which she calls james friends a caucasian sausage fest
It got a ton of backlash back in 2012, but no cuck memes yet. Then in 2014, as the cuck meme was just starting, this scene showed up in the avgn movie. And worse, Aprils name was above rolfe's in the avgn movie credits as a producer; cementing she had a part in it being a black kid getting white girl.
Then you had future stuff, like the baby monitor incident in james and mike megaman x part 2 that just added to it
nah. my family all got DNA testing done for shits and giggles too.
I just wanted to add that bit about my grandfathers, because ive seen a lot of smug zoomers in these threads writing
>my grandparents both had full sets of luscious hair
>no balding for me HAHA
me and my dad are both bald too, so if my mom cheated, she would have cheated with someone with full set of hair
somebody come get your mans
That's the name of the game.
>a board is one screen
no that's a screen
One of the funniest AVGN gags, hands down.
Sounds like the start of a gay porno
>hurr durr shmups what's that??
both of which written by Mike Matei
>Remember that day that came out
>Thought of it as a joke
>Less than half a year away
Shmups are fuckin gay
Still not as gay as metroidvania
>tfw I finally met James this year
A lot of games have really shitty metagames when it comes to score runs.
Plumbers Don't Wear Ties
Okay, so we have a special guest today. You wanna introduce yourself-?
Either the virtual boy video or the hotel mario video
Atari Sports
I, too, call all sodapop Coke fellow Georgian.
I can't believe they let Raimi write this episode
Topkek , VERY succesful b8
Either Transformers or Terminator
I made it 4 minutes in and had to stop. What a fucking dumb video, just post the fucking compilation image. Unless you really think random LOL TWEET IT!!!!! posts are worth seeing multiple times.
I remember when the Zelda 2 episode was released. I had been watching for a while before that, but I can't pin point it beyond that.
Who killed mike?
hotline miami 1 & 2.
what was the baby monitor incident
Silver Surfer...silver shit! Still my fav.
People blowing him keeping an eye on his kid while recording a video out of proportion
>father has to watch his child
Fuck this board. What a bunch of immature retards.
power glove
The Zelda 2 episode, written bu Mike Matei
It's almost like the people on this board can never be pleased, and just want something to bitch and complain about to fill the empty void in their lives, big think if you ask me
Fucking faggot.
How's your imaginary friend doing today?
Maybe you should study his preferences a bit more, he might become your friend irl!
favorite avgn episode
Fester's Quest.
Don't open. Cursed AVGN.
Power Glove
Batman part 1.
Calm your soi, cucks. no one minds james cares about his children, the thing people make fun of is that April couldnt do anything.
filming videos is James's job. He was in a middle of a job, why the fuck couldnt April get up to take care of the kids?
God, fuckin outsider redditards/ ruining cinemassacre threads. the fact youre just hearing about the baby monitor incident now means you should lurk moar.
Dick Tracy was probably the only game he legitimately had rage for. You can hear it in his voice as the review goes on.
The Jaguar episode
>implying they're not trading off on one parent taking care of the kids sometime, then the other like most do
he was in the middle of a job, you cant just leave your job in the middle of your shift to take care of kids, especially when your STAY AT HOME MOM is in the bed.
>its just internet videos, autist
yeah, there used to be a time when james took video makig seriously
You need serious help, dude.
No, the character model is toons. Lives are guys
it's a stage in super mario bros. 3 since it's a play
anyone else really like this game? it got a lot of traction when it came out but now it feels forgotten. one of my favorite indie games of this gen personally, great soundtrack too
>At least the hairy Italian commented on the bullshit.
youre still a dilating trannie
Uh, sorry sweetie, but seethe beats dilate
Have a yikes.
his daughter literally does have problems though, this guy just sounds like some asshole that hates james for whatever reason, probably because he doesn't like his wife anyway
I have to admit, the Superman skit where she said nothing but that was a bit of a chuckle. And just when you thought she'll finally say something else, it's still the same thing.
>downloaded from r/Yea Forums
fucking reddit
I don't get it.
Batman Forever was the maddest he ever got.
There's no cure for cancer, so just let it consume you and everything you love.
For me it's Justin.
>Niece died when she was 12
>called me turtle since she was 4
>got a sea turtle on my right shoulder blade
Not all tattoos are bad user, why you cut me deep?
>not like he wants to do it
Ok turtle.
up voted
Any episode with Kyle Justin is one of the best episodes. Those two have great chemistry.
this one i think
Bible Games 3
yup, a genuine guy + lack of defecation routines (unlike w/ that other ''guest star'')
It depends on the game.
his magnum opus - powerglove (distributed on a vidya magazine dvd... we still only had either dialup or crazy expensive metered dsl)
Has any man been btfo this hard? What a retard
How would you even know this, user? Are you suffering from autism? Do you go to reddit?
but all that is true though and Temple of Doom is the worst Indy movie
get Yea Forums's cock out of your mouth
>all these buzzwords
thanks for showing you can't think for yourself
this guy just sounds butthurt
it's like when that guy made that whole RLM infograph and then admitted a lot of it was projection for feeling left out, it's just pathetic
Sounds like the guy is jealous as fuck at Jame's success and grabbing at whatever straws he can to still feel superior in some way. Judging by the fact that his dad brother and him are republicans and call mexicans "beaners" and live in middle america they're probably lower to lower middle class family working shit pay jobs with no future. Some guy who you see beneath you because he plays video games and has "fun" with his friends on camera being able to buy expensive shit you could never dream of affording probably stings.
ninja turtles and back to the future
Did anyone else find Irate Gamer before AVGN?
>buzz words
lol, okay retard
the thing you consume
what you are, since you like watching your girlfriend get plowed by other men
everything else is self explainable, right?
how do i know this? because you outsiders keep invading our board with your shit memes. i can tell a redditor from a mile in these threads.
you need to leave
oh yeah,
>lurk moar
i know this is hard to understand word cause youre new here. but "lurk moar" is not a buzzword boogie man. it means that you should look at more cinemassacre threads before posting. You didnt even know about the baby monitor meme, yet you have the need to clog up the thread with your questions.
is that too hard to comprehend?
But how would you know an image is from reddit unless you saw it there? It's quite the question.
all the images he provided are from the avgn bonus files. its been proven fake
Get some moderation and maybe someone will care.
>being this retarded
only redditards are the ones who make those cringy infographics. thats the whole joke for why its posted on Yea Forums. Its cringy as fuck that people actually think theirs some official Yea Forums rules behind spamming dilate and seethe. its the same thing with "reddit spacing". That rule was invented by r/Yea Forums, who then proceeded to spam it on Yea Forums
You dont need to browse reddit to know someone is from there. And you should really go back.
that's some rent free logic, you're a good landlord of your brain.
>all that is true though
Why should the fact theres asian and indian """"stereotypes"""" detract from the quality of the movie? The kid who played the asian was happy about that role and normally talked like that, but because of April shoving her agenda down james throat, he inteprets anything resembling the stereotype boogieman being a con for the movie
The fact that you call Yea Forums with the slashes proves you are a complete newfag and don't know anything
there goes that r/Yea Forums """""official"""" 4channel rules again.
have some gold
argument where?
>only redditards make those cringy infographics about Yea Forums culture
>nothing to counter this
>just posts rent free
hence buzzword. You see, you have to have meaning behind your words, otherwise, their only effect is just a buzz, hence, Buzz-Word
>just posts
I post more and my point is that you have Yea Forums meme hate infecting your mind to join the hive and have boogieman fits.
>Yea Forums meme hate
your r/Yea Forums infographics are not memes, they are cringe.
>not calling them "one mans"
you're proving my point.
I call them temporal resets because I pretend every video game character I play is a time traveler trying to fix a timeline so dying just resets them
B A S E D cyber 8 poster
>coping by spamming buzzwords
This chart is false, dilate beats everything on there except MAYBE cope.
now that's a sneedrific niggerlicious jape you got on me.
Second part looks like a Clancer.
>pretending to be retarded now
I thought you were pretending. You don't lack self-awareness do you?
why do people keep on editing this photo to make him wider?
>So we got to the topic of Mexicans and I called them 'beaners'
>(my brother, father and I are all republicans)
Is he implying that all Republicans use the word "beaner"? The parentheses mean it must be explaining his previous statement, but it doesn't explain anything.
The Halloween/Horror episodes are some of the best.
>Friday the 13th/Nightmare on Elm Street
>Texas Chainsaw Massacre/Halloween
>Castlevania Retrospective
>Dark Castle
>front door, closet, front door, closet
>front doooor
Friday the 13th, proceeded to watch a bunch of his videos that day. This was back in 2004-2005 I’m pretty sure. I’m shocked I like the new episodes
What the fuck? You think Temple of Doom is worse than Crystal Skull? Are you crazy? Temple of Doom is awesome, and when I watched the trilogy in my teenage years it was my second favorite (Raiders > Temple > Last Crusade). I didn't know until years later that Temple had some bad reputation. I never understood it. I thought it had fantastic action, it was very dark (which I liked, made it stand out among the 3 instead of just being the same thing), was pretty funny, and I thought the plot was more interesting than Raiders or Last Crusade.
It's called Hair Plugs, something that James could easily afford but chooses not to do. It really isn't that expensive. My dad got them done and it was worth every penny because of how happy it made him to not feel ashamed of his baldspots and receding hairline.
they take a year to grow in though and its really painful
It's better than being bald, pretty much anything is.
personally, i'd give up a full set of hair and be skinhead, if it meant i get to be 6'4", but thats just my preference on the looks hiearchy
Well, height is a different story. It is something that can't really be fixed. Even surgeries to extend your leg bones really only get you like an inch or two. So if you're short you're just short, but better to be short with a full head of hair than short and bald.
if i was 6 inches taller, all my depression would be gone desu
I've never seen leg surgery that gave someone 6 inches, but I hope it worked out for him and didn't fuck up his legs permanently.
I got lucky on height (6'1) and so far my hair is full and thick. too bad my dick is small, which has destroyed all my confidence forever.
You try to get ye flask
Lol fag
I really hate how the literal whos youtubers are destroying James movie reviews lately, he works better solo.
>who the fuck calls it a board?
It is terminology that carried over from table top games.
32 bits
I find Rental Reviews to be much more tolerable now that it is down to just 3 people instead of 4. I find Kirin and the other Beard guy to be acceptable and decently funny. Justin (the fat guy) is the worst of the lot, I'd say.
16 Bits
>I was honestly in awe over all the swearing, shitting, and violence.
Yeah, that seems cheap now, but keep in mind that back then the vast majority of video content people watched was on TV, which was censored unless you had HBO or its ilk. Being able to hear all that gratuitous comedic swearing uncensored on the internet made it feel that much raunchier. Hell, the South Park movie was titled Bigger, Longer, and Uncut partly to advertise that it was completely uncensored; a big deal back then. Nowadays of course, people are constantly online, so vulgarity is completely cheap.
here is justin licking your delicious tears.
I don't know if you just wanted an excuse to post that image or misunderstood me but I don't hate him. Someone has to be the worst. The biggest and most positive change was definitely going down to 3 people from 4.
"We won't know what anyone really though until 5 years after the matter"
And here we are. Nobody remembers it. It was mediocre at best. But now we have outrage marketing for every single big Disney movie since then. Ghostbusters wrote the book on that.
>tfw fraser's lazy fucking leaf ass took the money and ran to japan and hasn't released new AVG episodes yet that people fucking paid for
Justin's shit because he has to stay clean for Screenwave, watch some of the old Silvermania shit and he's more tolerable
>ywn play in the mall's arcade center and try to earn tickets again to buy video game merch
>ywn browse the mall's giant gamestop and buy the newest gamecube game and collect some mid 2000s weeb merch
isn't the uncle gubsy guy a kiddy diddler?
It's called a map.
justin seems whiteknightish now
Bob had a traumatizing sexual experience when young
so, the CP thing is totally out of nowhere.
Bob also talked about seeing his cousin naked frequently as kid
Atari Porn.
its fucking comfy
from the insta death latter to the easter island scare to the orange larry
yeah, that is right. shows how much of a trend starter the nerd was
>>you'd have more fun entering a grocery store after segregation has been outlawed
That one was actually pretty fucking good
I mean he's clearly sick and tired of AVGN but right now it's the only thing bringing money in
That Dick Tracy Episode was the Hardest Fuck he said ever. That rage in the pillow was just a great moment.
rental reviews might make more money than avgl. An avgn comes out once every once or two months? It gets 2 million views tops usually. But rental reviews get 300 k views consistentally and comes out every week.
without avgn, they'd lose half their profit
Holy shit, he wide man, he wide. Doesn't he also like gore/rekt threads?
>Not calling it Life Insurance...
nah, kieran is the one that likes gore threads
In his "thanks for 3 million subscribers!" video, he mentions that he makes them because that's what brings the views and thus the money.
They gave James the corker to make him keep making AVGN
Old avgn had different voice.
What's up with his current voice? Like there's something stuck in his throat.
>Initial release date: April 16, 2003
the same thing that happens to metal singers who use their natural voice. hes aging. all the yelling wore out his real voice. its now more raspy and deep and expect it to stay like that.
also, james changed his audio setup for avgn sometime in 2011ish, so it sounds different from technical stand point too
James isn't tired of AVGN, you can tell because at one point he admitted to it. He doesn't lie to the fans. During the production of the AVGN movie he said numerous times he was sick of the nerd and doing it, and all the episodes that came out during that time show that. He said that once the movie was done and he had an extended break he enjoyed it again. There is a real difference in the energy and enthusiasm he puts in now versus then. It is also combined with more people helping him with AVGN instead of it being a one or two many show.
You totally took it out of context. He said that AVGN makes him money and he is lucky because he enjoys doing it and that if he didn't get to make AVGN for a living he would have to do something else to make money.
Rocket League
any multiplayer game?
Score in a team based sports game isn't really what's being talked about, user.
You actually got upset by that? Are you serious my dude?
>It is also combined with more people helping him with AVGN instead of it being a one or two many show.
This is why the newer episodes have really unnatural writing and editing that absolutely does not feel like even the eps he was making a couple years ago.
I wish Mike helped with AVGN again.
sixteen bits
thirty-two bits
In spanish I call them screens
sixteen bits.
eight bits
four bits
I remember watching Silver Surfer first
This proves what a long journey he has been on
Honestly i like is more average episodes more they feel the most real and honest. Like a friend you know ranting about a shitty game.
Castlevania 2.
Why did Kyle go away though? I only really watched AVGN episodes so I dunno if there was a video on it or something
>all responses are either games noone gives a fuck about or irrelevant to the question
wow btfo by based chads
Yikes, now that's some seething.
it was re-mastered this decade, retard
His rant on the plugs is so fucking funny, it was genuine anger
When is fatfuck going to get Gape to come onto the show? Maybe Uncle Gubsy could come too.
based autist
Yes please!
The die hard one, it's was exactly what i was expecting when i clicked an "angry video game nerd" video