What do you think about it? Do you like it or not? And can you tell what you like/hate about it?
Dead Rising 2
I hate it, i don't like the time management and it ruins the game because while I'm trying to crossdress and create a chainsaw attached to a spike I'm supposed to take MY TIME to look for zombrex for that little cunt, fuck that, its simply not fun
Last good game in the series. Laughable characters and plot line as usual but fun game play, nice world, great soundtrack. 8/10 would play again.
it's shit
I like it all in all. I personally can't find any valid thing that I don't like. Not that its perfect but I can't think of anything at the moment.
If it didn't have co-op then I would hate it considerably more than I do. A step back in every way otherwise. Looks worse, runs worse, weapons feel worse, dude combo weapons lmao, worse boss fights, worse level design, and those fucking awful gas zombies.
i did not like this video game, however i cannot tell you what i disliked about it.
please consider changing your gender and acquiring some intercourse
>Last good game in the series
Even including Off the Record?
You can let it die and continue anyway, you MIGHTY IDIOT.
It's the best Dead Rising game by a fucking landslide
Gave me my yellow fever
DR2 is somewhat ok.
DR2 OTR is where it's really at.
rest doesn't matter, all shit
If you want to take your time and fuck around you can. You'll probably fail the main story though, but clearly you don't give much of a fuck about it anyway so why care so much? A playthrough of the main story takes 6 hours (excluding overtime mode). Dicking around and restarting really isn't costing you much time at all.
How can someone post something so wrong?
It's OK I just hate how near the ending everything just starts to looks like shit
You know you can still play the game after she dies right?
it's a fun game with a great amount of content and nice features which DR1 didn't have. I like that alcohol gets you drunk in this one, that you can puke, and zombies can slip in the puke. that is absolutely the kind of absurd mechanic that made the original so good. the plot is not very memorable but I didn't hate it. chuck is kind of boring but at least he cared so he gets a pass.
it doesn't come close to the original for me though. the artstyle is not as tight and I feel like the quality of each zombie has been downgraded for the sake of having more of them. I don't think DR1's plot is a masterpiece but it's memorable and fun, and Frank is full of personality.
what clinches it for me though is how DR1 feels absurd in a more grounded way. half the humour is just from the absurdity of Frank raiding a sporting goods store and emerging with an armful of bowling balls to fight zombies with. the sheer variety of shit to pick up goes a long way to making it feel like a real mall and the zombies are more of an obstacle you need to get past. DR2 is more about killing zombies with wacky weapons. you can make a lightsaber out of a flashlight and a bag of diamonds. it might even be one of the earliest games in the whole crafting trend. so the absurdity feels a lot more artificial.
I like it overall but I rank it lower than the first because it is not do punishing with its time and limited save mechanic and the survivors are too easy to rescue. I LIKED the ruthless difficulty of the first game.
I liked how they made the bosses even more fucked up, to the point that I felt fine ignoring them and just doing other stuff.
But the photo hunt thing was too cool to get rid of. Overall, a great rental.
DR2 is better than OTR
Frank outside of DR1 sucks and is a completely different character
Change my mind
>I LIKED the ruthless difficulty of the first game.
I only like difficulty when it makes me feel like the failures are MY fault. DR1's braindead survivors were annoying because they did retarded shit and you had no control over it. Tell them to follow me? They're hanging back at the entrance of the room. Tell them to move to a location? They walk three steps and then stand still and let a zombie grab them. If it was hard to move them purely because of zombie density that would be one thing but they just will not fucking do the things you tell them to do.
at least he is a character and not chuck greene
I understand but I think that was reasonable difficulty in general. They are panicked civilians after all. Though I will concede that the pathfinding was broken.
Pretty sure you'll spend your few first playthroughs resetting the game before you can defeat psycopaths and such.
I really enjoyed it.
It was definitely an appropriate sequel to the first game, but it ended up being worse because of a few flawed design decisions. Combo weapons are a great idea and some of them are really neat, but they made normal weapons basically useless, tarnishing the "use whatever you want to kill zombies" thing the first game had going. The game is also too easy because of the tweaked survivors. Either increase their health or make their AI better, not both.
And then something only I care about. In the first game, if a survivor gets killed by zombies, it cuts to a little cutscene of them getting fucked up. If the random one that played wasn't the one that showed them in the process of getting ripped apart, they would come back as a zombie. Little details like that make a game, and DR2 doesn't have that (or rather, it does, but in a specific location with only a few survivors even working so it's obviously just leftover code)