How do I git gud at Titania and Innocence Extreme without the need of HRT?
FFXIV Shadowbringers
Are there any katana looking gunblades
Titty and Innocence EX aren't nearly HRT content. Wait for savage in a few weeks.
fuck off thancred
Does this mean nintendofags will all disappear in 9 years?
Ehmet..the katanas..
>Elidibus trial in the next expac
>Every weapon drop is a Katana, regardless of what job it's for
>Dragoons have Katana on a stick, BRD has two Katanas attached at the hilt with a string running down them, MCH has a blade with a little Katana on it, etc
No stop asking after forbidden knowledge, and stop playing SAM and wielding that one DRK knight weapon
Lorefags, what exactly are the terminus? The baddies whom fucked over Amaurot and even the ascians on their prime couldn't overcome, final boss of the final expansion confirmed? We against the laws of existence?
>mfw wiping on Innocence normal add phase multiple times and abandoning
shitters are catching up, lads.
>those glasses
literally the biggest red flag
lightseethe, horosCOPE and time dilate
i dont get the katana meme. is it from /vg/ degenerates invading
The Terminus are the summoned nightmares of Amaurotines. They're miniature primals born of their creation magics, brought to life by their darkest fears. They're essentially the first monsters.
based estrologian bro
>story and cutscene skippers
you fags are the worst
>Just kill the tethered adds
>Watch DPS split and try to burn all of them at once
>Cry in healer
Just picture that thing is also close to or over 40
>Our Closure journal ending
>t. Cutscene skipper
Does anyone have an actual photo of the person who drew this?
>keep fucking up and dying against that one move Nidhogg has with the dark circles on the ground
Oh god
Then is it explained why their planet just decided to die by itself one day?
>Stormblood skip potions are being sold
Ahahahaha fuck
Fucking beautiful
How do you find a good farm party? Everytime I join one, they're fucking trash as we'll die by some enrage and the rare times I do join a good one. I get kicked out of the first wipe because I accidently failed one mechanic but still survived.
>tfw I'm a level 80 sprout
fight me
have sect
Why are people so fucking obsessed with watching a guide before practicing EX/Savage content? I don't wanna spend 20 minutes watching a fat fuck before playing the game, fuck you.
I'll do one better and kick you
>he doesn't already have a tight-knit group of people who casually farm ex-primals on day 1
>grinded out Stormblood in 2-3 days
>supremely unfun and pointless, so taking it easy this time at lvl 77
>all these Primal horror stories
Well it can't be as bad as resubbing a few weeks ago and trying to farm Orbonne.
Something made the Amaurotine lose control of their power to create anything they could image out of thin air, so someone gets spooked or has a bad dream or something and suddenly there's a rampaging monster wandering around. This leads to a snowball rolling downhill effect because the monsters spook more people leading to more monsters as widespread panic and hysteria sets in. The implication also seems to be that the collective fears and paranoia of their out of control imagination magic may also have utterly fucked the laws of reality causing Armageddon.
>And lo, vile beasts did rise, leaving naught in their wake but blood and ash. Thus did the first doom befall us.
>It would not however, prove the last, for soon did the sun bend low, scorching earth and boiling sea. Thus did the second doom break us.
>Yet it was neither claw nor flame, but our very sins stacked to the heavens where they took root, corrupting it's halls. Thus did the third doom undo us.
>Ehmet: gone
>Lahabrea: Gone
>It now falls to me, Elidibus, the wisest and most smartest of Ascians!
>But how will I defeat the Warrior of Light who is now the Warrior of Darkness..
>Wait! Yes I've got it!
>I defeat the Warrior of using the Warrior of Light!
>Gods I am so smart! If only Lahabrea can see me now!
>Now to make sure there are no Katanas under the crater I sleep in
Somebody across the sea pissed off whatever lived inside of the planet and when it came towards Amaurot the laws of reality began to warp and their powers went haywire and their fears started materializing which made them more scared and summoned even worse things and the cycle repeats itself. No clue what it actually was that caused everything other than the planet groaning and shaking from the inside
wowfugee zoomers that can't piss without a streamer holding their dick for them
Easy enough to just swap to Online from New Adventurer
Makes it go way faster. Unless you just really like wiping to everything.
>people are actually calling for WHM nerfs
What happened to the "buff, not nerf" ideology that SCH/AST defended so much over the past 2 years?
You're still going to play like shit and will get kicked
>worst Kirby game is so bad it turns somebody into a tranny
Only applies if you are the strongest class.
It's not uncommon for those fights to be punishing enough that one mistake will kill the entire group.
Why is he so dumb bros? At least Ehmet got close to making WoL almost become a warden through suffering.
How is NG+ going to work?
>implying this game is hard
The first kirby game came out in 1992, trannies are fucking posers.
>run 1.5 days worth of roulette
> 2x void ark 1x autism vale
>barely gained one level
I also have no friends in game.
Wanna make fun of me for that too?
Afflatus Misery legitimately does too much damage for a healing job though. 900 potency should be left to DPS jobs.
Even the Amaurotines don't know why that happened. The Terminus monsters are their own creations from their magic spiraling out of control, but the fear that caused that downward spiral was from whatever made the planet quake. Could be the planet had a will even before Zodiark/Hydaelyn took that position and it was pretty pissed, could be they just got spooked by a particularly bad earthquake and the resultant aetheric shifts.
Do MSQ roulette bro.
You can hear parts of the FF8 final boss music in Innocence's fight
Impressive Warrior of Light..very impressive, you've managed to defeat not one but two Ascians. However! Can you play Rocket Man on Piano?
Afflatus misery is a dps loss. 4 glares = 1200 potency
Remember when parse trannies were calling it a DPS minus?
Which job would be the best to roleplay as Ricky from TPB
GNB has an 800 pot 30 sec cd ability
Fuck off, thanks.
If anything lilies should have a way to spend them that isn't strictly healing so you can use them more frequently to get more miseries.
>Join a learning party
>One guy has to spend 20 minutes writing an essay to the first phase on what to do before we begin.
It ends in two ways
Mechanics are braindead and we do it completely blind
We wipe anyway
Come on dude. Don't explain the fucking fight and go right into it so we can figure out what to do on the go
because it's easier to watch a video than to type paragraphs in chat.
>Ah yes, Warrior Light, I have heard of your many nicknames. Titansbane, Master of War..but do you know what they call me? Magic Fingers. Care to find out why?
Glare has AoE?
>Alliance raids for xp
That's a big nope, time/effort investment isn't worth it, do MSQ roulette and afk and shitpost for better gains
I've joined "watch a guide beforehand" practice parties and they still wipe to every fucking thing because they don't know how to handle shit until they actually play. The faggots who take 10 minutes each pull to explain shit deserve the rope too.
5 hours in with different Titania Ex practice groups.
Why are people such fucking shitters? Don't run away before thorns appear, don't fucking get hit by random AoE, get knocked back to the corner. It's not difficult motherfuckers HABEEB IT
Nobody gives a tenth of a fuck about aoes because you won't aoe in savage.
this is the guy who joins clear parties without ever having done the fight before
Or instant cast?
>playing MSQ
>suddenly Roose fucking Bolton
How can one expansion be this kino
I will be sad once Elidibus is dead, these memes are way too good.
>2 dungeons based around Amaurot
>no reason to ever return
Yoship please make those gentle giants become an end-game vendor of gear or crafting hand ins or become a sanctuary because that is an absolute waste of scenery and music for there to not be anything to do there besides idling.
The first group I joined was completely blind and we cleared after 3 hours. It helps to find people that want to stick together for a while.
It's basically the new Solusposting now that Emet-Selch got a full character arc, kino villainy, and closure.
You'll go back for nier crossover.
They still are. Muh 1200 potency loss.
Ah yes, Warrior of Light from Shard #7 we meet at...wait is that a penis?
You can't die if you run away 4Head
Raid bosses are not striking dummies, dipshit. You'll have things to Afflatus Solace/Rapture and build up blood lilies over time.
>the only video with the music on youtube has some faggot's cash shop motorcycle in the background
They become a "beast tribe" ;)
how can blizzard realistically recover after this?
>Join a learning party
>Ask people to stand around a marker so we don't wipe to the first trivial and quickly explained marker
>This guy and 2 others just stands there with their fingers up there ass, completely unprepared and lacking any initiative
>Well let's just pull anyway
>Wipe several times
Yes I love your alternative
>Hahahah, foolish gaijin! You will hang around in Eulmore and you will like it!
MCH for the guns or WAR for the grug factor
The only roulettes worth running are MSQ and leveling.
Does every SB dungeon hit like a fucking truck now or have I just been getting shit tanks? I haven't played healer in a while but I don't remember having this much trouble keeping the tank up during big pulls.
To be fair Eulmore is 10000x better than Rhalgers Reach.
>become a sanctuary
Chill by the aetherite for sanctuary bonus, it's what I do, has a repair shop right by you and top tier music to chill to
is this game redpilled about refugees
Yes, doesn't change the fact they're still a straight dps loss compared to 4 glares. Is it hard for you to understand?
All that afflatus misery does is lessen the dps loss when WHM heals through gcds as instead of losing 300 potency, you only lose 75 per afflatus solace/afflatus rapture used.
>join a learning party Titania Ex
>some fucker runs wherever with the vines
>tells me to "adapt"
parry got nerfed and you heal less now i think
shit tanks. My gf :3c pulled wall to wall on our first runs of every dungeon and I had no trouble healing them
What's a sanctuary bonus?
I just wanna do content blind man. I don't want a dude explaining to me a whole fight in paragraphs. Props on you if ya use a video but come on. Let me figure it out with some bros.
nah theres another video floating around that i saw posted yesterday but the faggot tried to make some kind of AMV with it with his dumb character flying around. but theres no background noises at least, just the music.
What to meld for tanks?
I kinda dislike not being able to dickwave with my mounts when afk anywhere tbf
Here is your potd party for tonight.
>good score is universal acclaim
>bad score is simply (((generally))) unfavorable
Rested xp
Hunkering down and really looking at the problems from it' core. Being able to admit fault and fix their mistakes. Bigger emphasis on player enjoyability than anything else, even MTX.
And Idyllshire, and More Donuts
>leveling healer in potd
Eulmore is garbage. Fuck off back to where you crawled out from you ERP shitter.
This. It's such a waste of a spell that is honestly just awkward to use.
They should either remove it or just replace it with another heal that works like celestial opposition.
Anyone got the khloe bikini pic
One is 0.4 points from max score, the other is 3.1 points above the minimum score.
I'm pretty sure Square Enix just kills videos with the song in them if they don't have gameplay in them. A video with Amh Araengs them that was just the official art of the zone got taken down while another one with gameplay was left up.
>getting an instant queue job through potd
>caring about dps in potd
everyone's just there to faceroll, just like you judging by the looks of things
People parse in potd?
reminder that xiv is full of secondaries and no one care about final fantasy to begin with.
Fuck off.
Final fantasy isn't good
Is your class in the shed Yea Forums?
>tfw SMN
>tfw used to compare my dps with a BM friend
>tfw he's raping me harder than even before
>can't even compete even though I have to keep korean style apm
>pets hit like lvl 30 PLDs from 2.0
>replace afflatus skills for 3 ogcd skills when WHM without afflatus misery blows SCH out of the water
You really want SCH to be in the cuckshed huh?
t. false flag king
so is ffxiv
the ascians could create shit through the power of their mind, a sidequest mentions that even babies do it without being aware of it.
It's also established that their thoughts during the creation process can influence the creation.
It's very likely that a single dude that was really good at it thought of eldritch horors or some shit by accident and fucked everything up.
>and no one care about final fantasy to begin with.
Been playing FF since I in it's release year. I fucking love XIV.
This is canon.
>tfw WHM main since 2.0
it feels so fucking good
>sam level 80 skill is just never used at all ever
what were they thinking
I agree, fellow white mages. They should replace our skills with less powerful versions. After all, it isn't fair for us to be the best healer
>parsing POTD
>people unironically say "adapt"
>parsing in ffxiv
wowfugees need to go home
>sub 50 dungeons
i parse everywhere
Does Yda ever take off her goggles and headgear?
>Yes, doesn't change the fact they're still a straight dps loss compared to 4 glares. Is it hard for you to understand?
If you were casting Medica anyways there is no reason for you to not use Afflatus Rapture, which eventually builds up over time to Afflatus Misery. You're not getting the point of Afflatus abilities.
What do the colors mean?
get rid of Marriage and install free world PK system. You'll thank for this.
oh no
PLD just got better and while I'm iffy on DRK as a whole I still think it's more fun than Stormblood's DRK, though it's still not as fun as it was in Heavensward. I'll probably use them both and GNB depending on mood, fuck WAR though.
Leave now before you get spoiled.
Every expansion level sync feels more and more SHIT
I wish she didn't.
>when memes become reality
what a fearsome power
potd is a shit place to parse because no one gives a shit how well they do and dps is tied to the power of your potd weapon
your parse is absolutely fucking meaningless, off to dungeons to actually play your job with you
>those cutscenes after the lvl79 trial
Remind me again why we're not murdering ascians on sight? Did the scions forget about them during stormblood or something because all of this could have been avoided if we had just given emet selch the lahabrea treatment the moment he confronted us in the crystarium.
post weapons
Im glad that SCHs are eating dicks atm.
At least they added more skills at lower level this time. Like SMN getting fester at 18.
Swinging these big swords around as DRK with female characters feels so stupid
Spoiler that shit.
basically strong red is good, strong blue is really bad.
So with WHM standing to be nerfed, which healer alt should i level?
How do you guys remember most of the story plot points? I take a break for 3 months or so and I already forgot what happened.
To be fair if we did that Y'shtola would be dead.
>still no butt sliders
you shit slurping fags are delusional. keep eating this shit up, you shit eaters. they couldn't even add one basic feature
Emet-Selch was the first Ascian that really shared knowledge with them, he was very valuable.
It's also extremely unlikely he ever showed you his real body until the very end, as shown in literally his first appearance.
we're not 60 years old
I just trannyraid. The story is mediocre and takes too many detours
dont you have some azerite to farm?
Is this just a "how satisfied are you with your job" bullshit poll
Looks like the fucking "rate this episode!" polling bullshit the japs do after episodes of anime air
It's about fucking time they get pulled down.
LALI-HO! my brothers and sisters.
What should I meld as AST at 80?
>inb4 >AST
It's not even japanese, it's just a reddit poll someone translated to japanese for whatever reason.
fuck trannies and faggots
>SCH pulled down but DRG isn't
more like shadowgayers
this suit makes every MSQ/dungeon cutscene so fucking funny
Go back to your cave subhuman.
it happens every new expansion because people arent at ilvl cap anymore
>someone suggests using a mr happy strat
Don't you only get that when logged out?
So disappointed that DNC & GBR never got Primal weapons. Wanted a full Shiva set for all jobs.
dunno, level 60-70 stuff feels great as mch.
only when you are in a sanctuary but yes
I've yet to find a pair of chakrams I'm really in love with so I haven't glamoured my Ronkan ones.
>a shitty useless nuke that is a dps loss to build
I bet if SCH got a 900 potency spell they would be jizzing their pants right now.
>titania normal on roulette for 4 days in a row
>person with stack marker runs away
>people overlapping AoEs not moving a single inch
>dps failing dps check
Voice acting was way, way, way better this time around. Maybe work on animations some more so things aren't so fucking robotic and some of these scenes won't be so painful to watch.
p.s. emet was right, run garlemald not crystals, thank you.
>The subtle stubble
You know who’s who
So now it's a dps loss.
lalas are great
I'm glad other people are leaving first so I don't have to.
pig suit is better
We can only murder Ascians with White Auracite and we only had the one. Had it turned out that Emet-Selch was sympathetic to our plight and that another Ascian was the real threat, unlikely as it might be, we'd have been fucked. Plus Emet was probably just hanging around in The Tempest the entire time, sending illusions to accompany you.
SCH. It is inevitable that they will be massively buffed before Eden. Fully expect Miasma 2, Bane, and Energy Drain to make a return.
>mfw cleared all trials on my first try
maybe you should have preordered
Your average xiv player is terrible at ad libbing, and majority of those who do raids need guides. That said this is the main reason you see "ultimate legends" playing like shit, they might be good at executing guides/following orders but terrible at thinking/reacting on their own based on the situation.
So what's the purpose of hanging out in Amaurot for that if you only go there to log out and then leave when you log in?
It feels like I'm swinging a bigger sword and I like that. Healer and caster m roes are shit on the other hand
>see post you were responding to
They'll probably just buff potencies. Don't they usually do ability changes in full patches like 5.1? I remember WAR in 4.0 got most of its issues fixed before savage then the Shake it Off change was in 5.1.
They've already fucking cleared them you fool, they're complaining about shitters showing up in their roulettes.
Top: Other tanks
Bottom: WAR
>i main tank
every aetheryte plaza is a sanctuary
I know mate, I wrote it. Just poking fun on how "it's a dps loss" comes when it's convenient.
wowfugees didn't invent act or the act plugin
in fact, wowfugees dont even know what the fuck is act until they are actually before xiv players
>i main FSH
GNB stormblood pvp weapon should have been an odachi
if you play cat, bara cat, lizard or bunny you should be quarantined to Balmung
t. male Elezen
WOW has had Recount since classic what are you talking about
>All these analpained scholars thinking their job is garbage now that WHM shits on their DPS which should've been a proper thing since ARR
>SE did jack shit to actually nerf what is OP about SCH and as such they are still going to be a mandatory healer to bring because it's just too fucking good and ShB just made them stronger
I wish SCH was deleted.
Imagine being OBSESSED with what others think about the job you play
Been using MCH since 4.2 and got Omega and UCOB clears. Now take my cock you filthy metatranny.
>reach 80 gnb
>quest doesn't pop up
So it has story or role quest requirements?
Eorzea might be rightful Elezen clay, but the First belongs to Mystel
Yes, read it again.
Did you see the
>All that afflatus misery does is lessen the dps loss when WHM heals through gcds as instead of losing 300 potency, you only lose 75 per afflatus solace/afflatus rapture used.
That's pretty much what your post said.
Sure but my point is you're not really going there to do anything but log out and in.
it doesnt pop up on your map you have to figure it out on your own. you need all role and msq quests complete
How so many XIV player lacks reading comprehension?
>tfw I played MCH in gordias when less than 10 people on my server cleared content on it
Now that was a ride
Help me bros. I wanna tank but suffer from tankxiety. how do I ease myself into the role? I don't want to remain a shitter my entire life.
A good 80%
I'm a bunny and I'm not even on an American server. Get fucked user.
You can only do the level 80 Role quest at 80, you have to beat the MSQ to do your level 80 Job Quest, and they don't show up underneath your MSQ in the top right, you have to seek them out yourself.
>i mained ARC in Alphascape
Yoshi back at it again with the job favoritism
stop being a gay retard
>suffer from tankxiety
Less estrogen
He didn't ask for the number
Is that archer or arcanist?
Level a job from scratch, bro. You'll soon understand it's the easiest role in the game.
>i main Ice Black Mage
>tranny dancer with tranny glamour chose you to be their partner.
What would you do?
That katana spear exists and it’s called a naginata
The DRK oversized “katana” is an odatchi
Just because it uses the folded metal technique doesn’t make it a katana
Click off the buff
Best lightwarden.
No, Yda is a good lady who never, ever took her headgear off
I'm trying
Is MRD/WAR a good tank to start with?
Funny that, I still get teased from my friends for hitting level 60 fsh in a day.
The ancients found/met/whatever something that scared them enough so their creation power went to create their own nightmares instead.
That fucked everything for them and the world. WHAT was that scared them so much we don't know yet.
good day, fellow sinlberd
just go pld
Anyone's got a good rotation for GNB? I really like mine but I feel like it's not optimal
press buttons what are you retarded
i main GLA
Literally just do it. It's what I'm doing with Gunbreaker and despite my anxiety I'm learning and becoming better with each roulette.
I watch a video to get an idea of the fight. All in all each Extreme or Savage depends on muscle memory to me at least.
Cannot talk about others and being that some farm parties I had still some people fucked over mechanics they shouldn't I guess they are too stupid for that.
Also I don't know what to do now since I am max ilvl for the time being. Maybe level gathering or something.
GNB is really easy to figure out my man.
GNB seems cool but I just want to be eased itno the role before I try it out I guess.
that's gamers in general in 2019
I didn't even mention a specific job in my post, but you sure do have fun jerking yourself off over your own job, huh
>have a shinryu were everyone but me falls off on the first tidal wave
>no achievements at the end
>the only way to play this game is with Yea Forums in the background because of queue memes
i miss games where i can just hop in a dungeon and go
DRK is pretty great for beginners, very basic 1-2-3 with some cooldowns. Just practice on dungeons you already know by heart. Only tip you need to know is if there's a boss doing a long casting for a move, it's likely a tank buster, so pop a defensive CD.
>Uh.......... Kupo?
>Emet immediately fucks off
get 1 friend and queues become instant
Honestly I really considered taking another Tank to 80 for my first level cap tank job, but I can't resist the allure of having a Gunblade. It's so fucking cool.
Why are so many Kirby fans actual faggots!
Todd isn't that tall
>playing since 2.5
>still haven't succeeded in getting a full armor of light set
I've caused wipes as healer because I was more interested in calling people in here faggots than topping off the tank
DRKbros make sure you pick up your anti-Elidibus weapon before we inevitably fight him
He's standing in front of a catboi.
>very basic 1-2-3
You say that like 1-2-3-1-2-4 is advanced. All the tank rotations are basic as fuck.
>play at late night due to night shifts
>read horror stories of shitters catching up
>don't see terribad groups on roulettes so far
>friend begs me to HoH/PotD with him
>start HoH with him
I have no words to describe what I witnessed in 6 different runs/groups. I bet my ass we would have wiped on the fucking 1-2 floors if I werent red mage or healer
Is this the power of skip potions?
why does gaius's armor go golden?
why would you even want to live past 2
im 28 and life is torture
wish tranny shit existed when I was a kid, at least id be cute right now instead of a big dumb hairy dude
>starting to see sprouts in 70+ places
It's official, skill speed build Gunbreaker is the most fun tank in the game.
Also, by 1-2 floors I meant 31-32
I don't have a static group buy can comfortably find workable parties. Sometimes I jump in just to help others with the content and don't just act like a raging dickhead when something goes wrong.
He's a super-garlean.
I hope Koji dies
He sacrificed his hair for power.
I did the work for you lazy niggers. Here.
So you ruin it for 7 other people, great job your selfish faggot
>main BLM and MCH
>everyone telling me for over a week I'm in the shed
Uh huh
But why?
>when you answer all his questions wrong about fixing the trolly trakcs he expresses regret that he had you help him
some people do not understand that hand-on experience is actually better and you will learn more. Many people that form parties lack the patience to assist or teach anyone mabout specific mechanics so they direct them to videos. The tactic is to play, observe and if you fuck up in a particular spot, ask a question. Saves having to explain the whole thing.
Yeah fuck having content or literally anything to do in the game because horny faggots can't just masturbate to porn instead. If anything killed vidya it's pandering to underage kids with fanservice garbage instead of any somewhat unique or original character design, then they can neglect the rest of the game because said underage horny faggots will eat it up regardless
So i cant do the finale in my artifact gear? Wow lame
Or nobody wants to wipe 50 fucking times because one special snowflake refuses to be prepared like the people who actually want to clear the content
yes? you can get your AF gear as early as 79 on an alt. on the main you need to get it after role quest which is at 80
You get your AF gear from the smith in the Tempest.
you get AF gear in the MSQ
You don't get Artifact Gear from your Job Quest, they only give you Materia.
During the MSQ you reach a point where you need a Role Quest completed to progress, at that point once you've cleared a role quest you can grab your AF gear.
chances they buff AST/SCH by the time savage drops? cause right now there's no reason not to bring double WHM or 1 WHM and 5 DPS
furthermore the finale of the msq is after level 80