Digimon Cyber Sleuth and Hacker's Memory just got confirmed for switch! A 2 in 1 'Complete Collection'. Also, new digimon story game is in the works. Survive launches October 18th!
Digimon Cyber Sleuth and Hacker's Memory just got confirmed for switch! A 2 in 1 'Complete Collection'. Also...
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Hope Cyber Sleuth comes with the dlc included, it still rustles me to look at the digimon list and have some not there that happen to be inbetween of the ones available.
And what else?
Are they going to actually translate the game this time?
Are they going to fix the shit balance?
Are we going to get the extras Japan got?
Please let this be true and localized. The PS4 versions out of print and off the digital store
>Are they going to actually translate the game this time?
Shut up you Bakemon! But seriously, you're right, the game needs a new translation.
They were dropping some info about survive too
>One of the main inspirations that was taken from the anime series was the monsters responses to their partners emotional state. How you respond in the game will affect how they evolve.
This one in particular seems interesting.
You shut up NUMEMON. I want the fucking extra that Japan got.
That would be a dick move. The japanese collection let you transfer digimon from hacker's memory back into CS1 and also let you change who you look like. No NA version lets you do that.
Sorry i had the survive date wrong. it's 2020 sometime.
who cares
I cant wait to emotionally abuse my digimon so they evolve into a dark lord
>'Complete Collection'
But HM is basically an expansion
source is the panel that just happened at anime expo. You'll see news and sources cited soon.
Who gives a shit? No Digimon World no buy.
Post lewd Nokia
Tbh i'm liking the switch more and more
It's okay guys, Ludo is gonna translate it for ya
And I'm liking you more and more, user-chan.
Its the Vita 2 in a good way
Survive launches 2020. Cyber Slut launches October 18th.
Thanks user, i wish you a nice day
yeah, it's the vita but with games and having a hacked one is pretty fucking neat
>new digimon story
Oh fuck. I hope it also comes out on the Switch
coming to pc too. waiting for news for the next one.
It is. All major platforms actually
Even Xbox? I know that Bamco tend to put their games on Xbox but Digimon on it seems odd.
Is XBox really a major platform? It kinda exists, but there's no real reason to buy one, since every game will end up on Windows anyway and it plays no role whatsoever in Japan, so it's usually more like a huge surprise if a game comes out on it.
Major platforms are usually more like Switch, PS4 and PC.
Also, no. It won't be on XBox.
Snoyboys and vitards blown the fuck out. Digimon is finally home.
So I guess it has to be removed from pic related?? Dang.. lost another exclusive
No X-Box
Get out of Digimon threads. No one wants console warrior children in these threads.
Finally, a real gaming thread. Hacker's Memory was absolutely terrible and too similar to Cyber Sleuth to be called a real game. That said, PSN pulled Cyber Sleuth entirely.
>Vita port
>Snoyboys and vitards blown the fuck out.
Because they can play it too?
Quite a few games on that list are also on the Vita, including Digimon. Cyber Slut was never a PS4 exclusive.
Snoys don't play games though.
>no ps4 version
l fucking mao
Ethics division probably would have forced them to cover all the tits
one less reason to buy sword and shit
How much of that like 5 billion dollars do you think was made in the last 15 years? Digimon has been one foot in the grave in the west since like Frontier and in Japan it hasn't done super well either in years, it's only with Cyber Sleuth that it finally hit it "big" (like one million copies maybe, so not that big) again.
Fuck off. I bought this on Vita, Ps4 and now I'll buy it on Switch.
Probably my favorite games of the last decade.
You can't even remotely think that way, considering the VITA has been officially dead for over a year. Yet Persona 4 Golden STILL has not been ported.
>no ps4 version
Because PS4 already has both games
Is that why Bamco made a video thanking the players for buying this?
Digimon's "home" is the Wonderswan, and I don't see a new Wonderswan coming any time soon.
Rad. Can tendies finally stop shitting on Digimon now that it's not Snoy exclusive?
Why do you have snoy consoles? They have no games.
>Because PS4 already has both games
Not anymore it doesnt.
They were removed from PS4 e-store likely due to the anime tits that nu sony hates so much
Thiss version of the game has more content too and rebalanced difficulty they are not ports
>they have no games
>now let me gloat about this game that was ported from sony consoles
You can still buy it physical though
Its not a port and sony no longer has these games
Don't bully the Vita port. It's fantastic
Never had Vita. This is a good news!
An exclusives is defined, by it being only released on one platform. If a game is released on a new platform, it's not an exclusive anymore. Considering that Cyber Slut is a Vita port in the first place, it never was a PS4 exclusive game in the first place.
You can still play it on a Vita. In fact, that's what I did last week actually. Just because the console wasn't popular does not mean, doesn't matter.
That being said, it still has some games that still haven't been released, so in that regards it's less dead than the 3DS.
Or do you also call Mario Kart 8, Bayonetta or Zelda BotW Switch exclusives?
Yeah but look at what is actually happened here
Its clear nu sony would never allow this game to be released on the first place anymore
Digimon on sony is no more
Liberated. They were liberated from snoy and Commifornia's retarded censor policies. Normal people like me and Yea Forums rejoices while snoyboys like you dilate.
Hacker's memory is still up as of right now, the official reason for pulling cyber sleuth is "wanting to focus on the newer digimon games" which at the time of the statement was hacker's memory.
If its not a port that means these games are still are still exclusive then
>Digimon on sony is no more
Is that why the newest game is coming to PS4 too?
>while snoyboys like you dilate.
projecting much?
Good news but at the same time you are literally getting the same game twice just different "stories". Coward Erika should have died.
>Pull the first game from the stores so you can focus on the sequel
That's so dumb
>Yeah but look at what is actually happened here
Portbeggars celebrating two more old ports of games they pretended to hate for years?
I already finished it on my vita and it you think there's gonna be any graphical improvements on switch then you're mistaken pal
Dilate tranny.
Nice if true but I already played the shit out of both
Hope the next game has more replay value
Reminder that anyone being negative or starting console arguments should be ignored. No actual Digimon fan has any reason to be upset about this. In fact, no one at all has any reason to be upset about it besides outrage culture children who don't actually care about video games.
That's how Bamco operates
What point are you trying to make? This still looks miles better than SnS and it's a fucking Vita game.
>HM plot doesn't make sense unless you play CS.
Fucking hilarious.
>tfw PS4 only has P5R left on it
What a garbage console.
Shhh, don't let them hear you say that. They will add to the pile of shit and tears while be belittled as a supposed 'npc' for not supporting pokmon and disgracing Masuta
Never beat this game because I grounded too early and didn’t have any mons with the stupid fucking “HM” moves to get through fake doors in the levels. Will probably try playing again on the switch and just halfass it all the way through
The fact that they didn't understand that bakemon was short for bakemono, not the Digimon, is pretty sad. I know they were rushed as all hell, and people don't do their best TL work when they're rushed, but still. They even managed to translate "Junk Park" as "Galacta Park" and "Hop in!" as "Handle it!" somehow.
>This still looks miles better than SnS and it's a fucking Vita game.
No, it really doesn't. If you think Sword and Shield look cheap/lazy, you'll be horrified by the Cyber Sleuth games.
I love 'em to bits but fuck me are they cheaply made.
What the fuck are you on about? No one on this site actually supports Masuda. Or do you actually believe those posts that say "lmao I'll just buy 100 copies just to spite you" are real? People are just trolling because they know it makes you mad, you underage faggot. Now stop shitting up the thread and fuck off.
I understand Digimon is finally getting real games but cyber sleuth 1 is one of the most monotonous jrpg's I've ever played. Sometimes it's fun and cool, but many hours are uninteresting mission grinds, with lot's of reuse of assets. How is Digimon world in comparison? Are the other cybersleuths any better? This would be perfect on the switch so I'm happy about that. I've put about 35 hours into one and I don't wanna do it again.
Wooosh, right over your fucking head if you think I was making fun of the post, when I was making fun of pokefags. heres your (you), now go back to school.
Yes they are indeed cheaply made, because they have almost no budget. But they objectively look better than SnS. Fuck off, retard.
The Digimon having actual attack animations looks great
>merely pretending
>But they objectively look better than SnS.
Having actually played them, both of them, on PS4 and Vita. Trust me they don't.
>you'll be horrified by the Cyber Sleuth games.
They are not the prettiest games but they look miles ahead SnS, they managed to use the graphic limitations and what they knew to make dungeons and levels look pretty
>I love 'em to bits but fuck me are they cheaply made.
Because Digimon games are made with 1/1000000 of the budget Pokemon games
Borefest trash is coming for switch. Worst digimon games.
>I love 'em to bits but fuck me are they cheaply made.
They have a lot more effort and competence put into them than SnS that's a fucking certainty.
GameFreak BTFO youtu.be
Models and combat animations are better. Environments and pretty much everything else is worse.
>Are the other cybersleuths any better?
No. Rather the series has been exactly the same since Digimon World DS onward. The only difference is the visuals. Otherwise the games still disgeia lite on stats and rebirthing digimon to eventually make a team you want to just steamroll any content in your way because you've got 999 in every stat. Sadly though Cybersluth's a little harsher on stat recovery on rebirths, so it just takes even longer still.
The dungeons reuse the same assets over and over again. Almost every dungeon is a floating set of glass platforms, except Kowloon which is several layers of randomly placed blue boxes. The only unique areas are locations where you talk to people, and most of those reuse assets too.
I'm not saying they're bad. Just that the people coming into this upset about how SS looks are going to be surprised if they go in expecting this to be anywhere close to it visually. You're going to be seeing Nakano Broadway, Kowloon and floating glass platforms a lot.
>cheaply made
Yes but pokemon has a budget that would be equal to most african countries GDP
Also for all that money pokemon still doesn't have controllable waifus like the sistermons
I disagree.
>half second upskirt of what used to be a 15 year old girl
I remember why I put 100 hours into that game now
Great news. I already played the first Cyber Sluts on the Vita. I guess I'll pick up the sequel on Switch since I was planning on buying that anyways.
Agumon for smash just as easy now
>Merely misinterpreting
>"N-No, your wrong!"
How about you reread that post and then make an attempt at a intelligent response next time, instead of thinking someone is attacking you dumbass.
I fucking love Mastemon so much. The entire design is just pure chuuni LIGHT VS DARK and it's so good.
Yea but does her evolution include bigger tits that ripped her old costume?
It also makes all those ancient doujins canon
>ex delinquent turned cop
>likes cute things
Oh god my heartdick.
>She falls in love with this dude during HM.
is it download only or can i get it from a store?
Fuck you ryuji I can't have fun with Erika if you're on a rampage
You got a link to the rest of the artbook?
No, I found these of a booru site
They got confirmed for PC too, aka the best possible platform. It's weird to me that wasnt mentioned.
I disagree, Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth/Hackers Memory is a game built on a tight budget (and meant to accommodate for Vita first) but actually has effort placed in the right spots e.g. the gameplay, animations and monster raising. Meanwhile Pokemon Sword and Shield has a much bigger budget but has focused it's effort on the wrong spots e.g. the big empty areas, dynamaxing and raid battles.
Neither game is impressive graphics wise but at least Digimon isn't trying to lie to it's own fans about how it allocated production resources like Pokemon.
I knew it wasn't gay to like yuugo
Also fei is gai right?
What's the most fanservicey digimon in each game that I could get?
The Persona dancing games and digimon games were also on the Vita. As this is list is for "PS4 exclusives" then they should be removed.
For instance, why would Gravity Rush 2 be there, but not Gravity Rush Remastered if we are using the same logic.
Also, the list includes Shadow of the Colossus and The Last of Us, which are remasters. Remasters should be removed as well as the games came out on other systems, and are not exclusive games. Remasters will just inflate this list.
In HaMe you can basically go on “dates” with a Renamon, Lilymon, Leomon, or some humans
breaks the game and your dick, the full package.
>I like how the switch gets a fraction ports of old ps4 games
You bought the wrong console
You have to “unlock” them by befriending them through side missions though
>Got Beelzemon's meat
>shining laser 1
what're you doing user
Is this Persona?
it's really really dumbed down persona 3+ style stuff though, hidden behind a interesting/weird grid-battle system thing
>On PC and Switch
Fucking awesome
This was my first playthrough and I wanted her ASAP, forgive my sins.
It's mechanically pretty similar to Persona. A lot easier though.
more like low budget persona featuring digimon from the digimon series.
even then like her base fusion materials (ladydevi and angewo, right?) learn moves that outclass these
it doesn't matter too much though since you can't just glue defense-penetrating attacks onto anyone you so wish, got to use different species n shit
Post Samsung.
you do realize how much better this looks than swishy swoosh, right?
>The PS4 versions out of print
I can literally go to any store and find Hacker's Memory for $20. Even if it's out of printit's quite easy to find.
Good luck finding the first game.
I fucking hate it when videogames act self-aware about their stupid cliches but don't ever fucking bother addressing and fixing them like this.
There is ZERO reason why the MC had to be a silent self-insert. They're practically a character already who emotes but they just removed anything involving actual dialogue from the MC.
I found it, what do I win?
Not him but you live in some third world shithole where stores don't ship stuff because packages get "lost"?
Just order it online like a fucking normal person in 2019!!
I already palyed it you BITCH
Also MC and Erika dont kiss at the end and that makes me upset
Redpill me on digimon, I only played world on the playstation, loved that game but I never really understood what I was doing, I couldn't deal more than 10 damage against the final boss each attack too.
What new games should I play, if I don't want to grind, get a challenge and want to explore/discover new things like in digimon world?
Is Digimon World Next Order any good? I do not see that is getting a switch or pc port.
I hope they port it eventually. We're getting the new Digimon game so it seems silly to not have this one too.
It is.
Play cyber sleuth and hacker's memory. The rest are varying degrees of ok to meh.
If you don't want to grind Digimon isn't the series for you because every game is about grinding to an extent. You can play the Story games if you want a JRPG monster-raising experience, the DS ones and Cyber Sleuth/Hacker's Memoryu are both worth trying out. If you want something more like World then you can attempt Re:Digitize (But it's incredibly grindy, you can't really wander out past a certain extent unless you already have a final evo and several thousand points into most stats plus max recovery disks) and Next Order apparently made the World series much more manageable so the grind isn't as bad but you have to micromanage two Digimon instead.
It's out of stock. The moment it drops people will buy it and will become out of stock again.
as ps4 is still current gen, you can find a used copy in store like a local gamestop.
This shit here is why Hard Mode is just not worth it.
>Let's just give the enemy 4x your amount of turns!
Why did Sony removed these games from the digital store?
Sony has been retarded throughout the entire generation its kind of amazing.
This isn't looking good for Pokemon, bros...
Cyber sluts is getting a pc release?
Our time has come.
Rise, digichads!
bandai routinely randomly remove their shit from the store, dingus
they didn't. bamco delisted the first one for some bizarre reason. hacker's memory is still up.
Is there a Digimon better than Terriermon? I don't think so.
So does Sony
>i just bought hacker's memory used yesterday
I'd rather have Cyber Sleuth on PC.
Well, boy do i have news for you.
Cause that's where they're also coming.
It must be hard being illiterate.
God bless you user. I can finally play Nokia's game on PC.
OP didn't say it.
>out of stock
You kind of proved his point.
Stupid mazes >>>>>>>>>> N64 trees
He looks kinda sexy when he sticks his butt out
That's too lewd dewd
This is digimon's best girl.
Prove me wrong.
Terriermon Joshu
This game looks just as bad though.
Get better bait.
It's already out and I've seen it. It's a PSVita port.
>another pair of sony exclusives coming to the Switch
Thanks for beta testing.
Are the games good for someone's introduction to the series? Only ever been surrounded by Digimonfags in my life, never got too into it
They are completely separate from the mainline series and you can play them no problem.
PC too so I can play it on something that'll hopefully allow mods
get back into the general, we don't need you here aswell.
Another game they'll have to remove from their exclusive list collages.
Their excuses are getting pretty thin for them.
there is no "mainline series" in digimon.
Not a sonyfag but
>Bragging that a game gets ported to a less powerful console.
Post some Nokia
Niche JRPGs hardly ever get mods. At most some recoloured textures and cheat engine tables.
I think the Switch is more powerful than a Vita.
But they also have less then 300 digimon in any given Cyber Sleuth game
Even the official art doesn't do justice to Nokia's "dress" which is more of a transparent night gown in-game.
Also a quarter of those digimon are very obvious color swaps
Some color swaps have different attack animations too, though.
The visible side thigh thong still kills me
If you play one I wouldnt recommend playing the other, its basically the same game.
I recommend playing Cybersluts
don't listen to this retard. hacker's memory is a sidequel with a different story.
The story isn't as good as the first one
I found it and bought it a gamestop recently that had several copies. Wasn't hard to find I see it at multiple gamestops all the time.
Based Ami
Survive is 2020
Cybersleuth combo is october 18th
>that cheek peek visible from the front
I have a party full of sexy babe Digimon and some of them are ridiculously broken. Lilithmon's signature move feels like an actual bug, it does so much damage.
>Not a single mention that Hudiemon has two signature moves
Does anyone know why Digimon cyberslut was removed? This is quite odd.
I can't wait to get fucked by Flamedramon again.
The actual news is that they also got confirmed for PC. That means i can play them for free, finally.
Snoy censorship.
They should really put more Armor Digimon in and Spirit Digimon too Frontier doesn’t deserve its reputation
The difficulty balancing in this game is so fucked
Unethical character designs
give me a quick rundown on these games
are they good and worth the $60 + tip?
Not mentioning the PC version? What are you implying here OP? Not everyone plays on a handheld. Or a console...
Same, but I have hacked Switch.
defo gonna pick this up, assuming it runs decent enough on switch
will it be 60 dollarydoos?
>Frontier is touted as the arguably the worst of the series
>people's reasoning is usually because the kids become the Digimon, rather than being sacks of fleshy targets that stand around doing nothing while their Digimon fight for them
Is there anything more retarded than this logic? Even the kids in Xros Wars did stuff while Digimon fought.
Too bad its an garish eyesore of a game filled with boobymons, recolors. Poor level design, an insane story and korean grind with that god awful data system from the DS games they can't let go of.
One user mentioned 50 usd, so dunno how much that would be in dollarydoos
Digimon is a mess franchise wise, and almost every game/anime season is a different universe.
You can pick up pretty much any season or game and go from there, but they vary madly in quality and the chances that you'll get stuck with shit is high.
Frontier gets the shit it gets because the writing is garbage and the characters are awfully underdeveloped.
>Current year
>Still no Digitize Decode localization
Will there ever be a translation of Mirei and Rina's game?
Imagine the mods
the guy translating it is going blind.
Pc is getting more sony exclusives than switch does though.. Funny enough the switch is actually getting alot of pc games too.
A big part of the charm to the Digimon anime is the relationship between Tamer and Digimon. They tend to start flat and develop each other.
Frontier had no Digimon partners to interact with, so no one really had any arcs,
Oh god
>Digimon Survive coming out after FE 3 houses
DOA on switch, should've been a Spring 2019 release.
That's a fair point. I only ever watched the dub, because I couldn't get over how irritating the voices were in the sub. The dub is shit though.
Does Hackers Memory have any postgame stuff?
Eh. What would be the point? You can basically fuck renamon on any Japanese 3D porn game with only a few easy to install mods.
PC and Switch are bros anyway.
As always, fuck snoy.
Uhh...Guys, This can't be a coincidence can it?
>Digimon coming to PC
>all those models to rip
>tfw on the cusp of a new age of 3D Digimon porn
Sorry, what games?
Better idea
Stop being poor
That's also a good point that I overlooked. I just liked the concept of it, even though it was terribly flawed. It still just pains me how people think that standing around in a hostile environment makes more sense than fighting yourself. At least the final evolutions for the 3 protags of Tamers made sense. They literally fought alongside them as one.
they're already ripped
A good chunk of those models if not all of them are already ripped and uploaded on models resource.
Same date, October 18
Its a Japanese game. Japs hate or still wary of egs
I meant Cyber Sleuth and Hacker's Memory.
The English dubs for Digimon are really, really unwatchable garbage
I was a fan of the concept myself, but sadly you can't make an anime on fight scenes alone. You need the kids to have meaningful moments to make the audience give a shit.
Who gives a fuck. The important part is it's getting ported to PC.
Yes, and they will come in October 18 for PC as well, Survival will come in 2020 only, OP is a faggot.
That's Cyber sluts release date, OP fuked up in the post. Survice got delayed into 2020
Okay I just remembered a thread on gamefaqs. So if anyone is interested on the mystery of the Cyberslut:
Apparently Cyberslut was so poorly coded that it literally bricked PS4 slims. So it wasn't because of censorship: just Sony incompetence (they are actually supposed to test games for this shit). You are not allowed to sell games that can permanently damage the console. Not everyone patches their games after all.
Koikatsu, Custom Maid 3D 2, Artificial Academy 2, and i think Honey Select.
Why is snoy so bad? Why are they still in this industry with this much garbage? I truly hope they bankrupt and fuck off from the market as soon as possible.
call me when they remake the digimon world 1 style games... who cares about the generic jrpg shit..
Survive got delayed till next year
Re:Digitize already came out a few years ago
4 years after release? and only in the US/EU?
Because if I remember well when the game got remove, it was first US, then EU, if the JP version is still fine, that means some awful shit happened with the game's code during localization
>Literally no one noticed it doesnt say Steam in the trailer
It is weird that Cyber Sleuth has been delisted, but one would assume they aren't releasing this on PS4 because these games are already on PS4.
Is every digimon series have cool shit like this? I thought anime was for toddlers, like pokemon. This is some cool /m/ stuff.
That's odd, because their new Digimon game is gonna be in Steam.
Meh, gonna get it on Switch anyway. It is perfect for the Switch.
Does this game have character customization?
I fucking love MegaGargomon.
It doesn't say EGS, so it'll be both.
The OVAs are pretty good if you just want to look at cool monsters fighting each other.
As for the anime, only Adventure and Tamers are actually good.
Tamers is the most popular one, and it's really dark. That scene is from the second Digimon Tamers OVA
Right, I guess I'm worrying for nothing then, it's not like games announced for steam got pulled due to sudden epic deal...Wait...
Is she locked behind the "hackers memory" thingy? Im on ch 8
The anime is very different every season. Both in terms of concept and quality. In the animes themselves the animation quality however can be pretty bad, the movies have good animations usually.
Adventure is pretty neat, a decent starting point and people generally like it. Just kids in a weird world full of monsters.
Tamers is fantastic, its that and this webm, basically the writer of Serial Experiments Lain went 'I wanna do a Digimon season' and they let him. He put in some horror shit and absolutely fantastic character writing.
Frontier is Powerrangers: Digimon Edition, it sucks
Savers is a guy punching skyscraper high and beating the shit out of monsters with his bare hands, but also the holocaust. Its 'eh
Xros Wars is what you want if you're just after /m/, its enjoyable I found. Not as good as Adventure or Tamers, but fun.
don't expect it to be mature but digimon anime is kilometers ahead of pokemon
Tamers has it all.
>Jeri's creepy-ass stare
Not only do I not get to waste my money on Sword and Shield, i can give an extra middle finger by getting a game that actually has effort put into it. Thanks Bandai!
Finally I can play Cybersluts.
Lots of digimon have two signature moves.
you're way behind
Yes, you can only make her after you finish Hacker's Memory for plot reasons.
Damn it
>tfw no Minervamon GF
It's kind of neat when you think of the
Did this guy get abducted without sating Candleja
What do you mean user?
They just got Candlejacked, nothing wron
Digimon is litterally ALLOWED on /m/ due to how much giant robot/monster shit it has, user
What about Rearise?
And pc*
Why are all the characters adults? I thought digimon was about little children and their monster friends.
It's getting a western release eventually
Can't decide if I should buy it on switch or pirate on pc
The player characters got aged up because the target audience for Digimon is nostalgiafags
It's always like that retardbro. Look at all bamco trailers.
Digimon started trying to at aim at a older audience in mid 2000s, in recent years the series survived pretty much thanks to it, now it's all for teens/young adults
The truth is Digimon is about young girls getting mind-tentacle raped by sentient and malicious AI monsters that feed off everyone's misery and despair.
unlike pokemon, digimon has choosen to "grow up" with it's audience
But that doesn't mean the mc have to be adults...
In the end Juri's face in sadness and pain is what I remember the most from the show, evil Juri gave me nightmares as a child.
That scene where she transforms and her legs stretch and crack, oh god aaaaa
I think we got some lolimons, I'm not sure, it was a Nun/Gothitc lolita or something?
Sistermon Blanc, Sistermon Noir looks a bit older.
which are the must watch digimon seasons?
The digivolve though...
The first
Also Data Squad because the main character punches digimon
If you like 01 watch 02 and prepare to be dissapointed
If you want more of that watch tri
Adventure and Tamers.
Also watch tour war game (not the american bastardized version, tho the moment omegamon shows up is pretty cool).
Wasn't Tri shit?
fuick that, what about that PSP digion adventure game or the 3ds ones?
Adventure 01 and Tamers are the one I hear the most praise for.
The Digimon Adventure 01 movie and then Our War Game (which were chopped up and stapled together alongside the two Adventure 01 OVA's to make the American "Digimon ythe Movie) are also really good, wiht Our War Game probably being the best piece of digimon media ever made.
If you've seen Summer Wars, Summer Wars was the result of Our War Game's director going "Yeah my ideas and visuals style for War Game was so good, 9i'm gonna make the same shit as it's own IP"
Oh yeah and Tamers
It’s kind of like a kiddy evangelion
what about Tinkermon?
1 and 3 only.
Keep in mind the animation quality is fucking terrible though.
can't wait to get this bad boy on my team
Order of quality is
Tamers > Adventure > Xros Wars > Savers > Frontier >>> Adventure 02 > Tri
Adventure and Tamers are generally very watchable, it depends how high your standards are.
Either start with Tamers if you want the best shit immediately, or with Adventure.
Stay very, very far away from the English dub though, it is absolutely bastardized and utterly unwatchable. They replaced the music with garbage, filled it with awful puns, messed with the scripts, censorship and the VAs are plain awful
Cute. Any other?
Xros Wars starts going to shit around episode 30 and isn't worth watching.
>As for the anime, only Adventure and Tamers are actually good.
Don't forget Savers.
Start with the first Digimon movie, just don't watch the awful English version or dubs.
They took 3 different movies and chopped it together to make one large mess, including Angela Anaconda for some fucking reason.
Adventure and Tamers are good, the rest is pretty miss.
What game has has has the best OST?
Savers really sucks, it has awful writing and characters.
People only like it because of the gimmick of Masaru punching Digimon, but it comes across really weak because he has no character development and the tone is completely fucked when they mix that with GENOCIDE
For XW, just read the manga
Wrong, it's good until 54.
Hunters was a terrible thing, that should not be put together with Xros Wars
Only Young Hunters is bad, the main meat of Xros Wars was very enjoyable and doesn't have massive writing problems like Savers or Frontier
>doesn't have massive writing problems
big yikes
The only thing good about Savers is the main character having balls as big as the earth.
Everything else is piss poor.
Did you seriously notice none of this? Where you blinded by the nostalgia bait?
But it's fun to watch, and Masaru is a beast.
>muh character development
I don't give a shit. If a character is likeable from the start, then I don't care if there's little development. I'm not watching a fucking soap opera. I'm watching Digimon.
And it got punched in the face along with God. Hotbloodedness rules all.
Order of watching digimon
Digimon Adventure Movie>Digimon 01>Digimon Our War Game> Digimon Tamers
Digimon 01 has some problems because it was supposed to be a 12 episode toy ad but became so popular that they had to make it a 50+ episode series, but it's pretty good.
Digimon Tamers is the best digimon season
The rest are riddled with problems
Digimon 02's story sucks, frontier eliminated partner digimon and gets pretty stale because of it, savers was a little too out there with its characters and stories, and xros wars/hunters share the same problem as savers.
I haven't seen appmon, but I heard it is alright.
Stay away from tri and the rest of the movies, unless you crave more digimon
Sure would be nice if the switch could start getting things that I didn't play several years ago
I love that there are three ">" before 02.
If a cardboard cutout personality occasionally punching shit is enough for you for ~50 episodes, good for you.
But it really isn't any good.
So i've never played either cyber sleuth game, but i've never seen an envoirment in any screenshots or videos for them that's inside the digital world that's not just the same generic cyber-space blue void.
Are ALL the "dungeon" areas like that? Not even a different color? Like, the fucking digimon story games on DS had like sewage areas, swamps, grasslands, etc.
Japs also use the Steam logo usually. At the very least they are currently considering on which platform they want to release the game.
The fights are cool in Savers, but ya. Toei wanted tamers to be more involved in the fights and having Marcus punching creatures the size of skyscrapers and knocking them out was wack.
they are just waiting for epic to write bandai a nice check
The blue internet dungeon area is more like a large bunch of interconnected areas that have enemy encounters
There are also various multicolored areas that are similar but different that represent websites, and areas where the cyberspace and realspace intersect like a sewer, a traditional Japanese town, a museum and a subway. In HaMe, some areas are reused from CS but there are also other new areas
imagine it being like Battle Network, but VR
Cyber Sleuth setting is the real world and the virtual world, no actual playable Digital World in the game, unless you count [/spoiler]flashbacks and one endgame level
>Cyber Sluts and HM on PC
>Survive isn't entirely dead
>New Story Game confirmed
Feels good
>Cyber Sleuth
More like Cyber Sluts.
>That scene where she transforms and her legs stretch and crack, oh god aaaaa
link to this? just curious haha
post your favorite Cyber Sluts OST, also Masafumi Takada is a god, a shame that he won't return for the next Story game, given that it will be most likely a new setting/universe
>Konaka wants to make Tamers 2
>Makes a new audio drama to show Toei he is serious about it
>Toei says "lol 2 busy with Tri 2"
Dead franchise
Appmon was kino
Even better than Tamers
Would that actually be bad though? Since Epic pays them for every expected loss of sales for putting it on their platform, I can pirate it without remorse.
And that, my friends, is how I developed a tomboy fetish.
No. Not a fetish. A NEED.
Are you retarded, why would anyone bother releasing on xbox?
cyber sluts is fun
>be Leomon
>get shot
>That Bancholeomon death fake-out in Hacker's Memory.
>Appmon was kino
My guy
Pokemon is shitty due to incompetence
Digimon is shitty due to low budget
What does Beezlemon look like under the mask?
>played cyber sluts on slim
I want Eri-sama to step on my dick
like baalmon, most likely.
Digimon Hacker's Memory is fucking dog shit, I don't understand why you digimon cucks are so fucking desperate to shill this trash
Nobody claimed it was.
You seem insecure
Adventure is a classic. Good story, strong characters.
02 has a lot of potential, but squandered almost all of it. Ken deserved better.
Tamers is widely considered to be the best season, contested with Adventure. Directed by the same guy as Lain, it gets into some deep and dark shit for a kid's show.
Frontier is alright once you get over the "no partners" thing. They wanted to have the kids take a more active role, and the last season had already had them fuse together, so they took it a step further. Solid until near the end where most of the cast gets sidelined for a repetitive arc before the final battle.
Savers is the best season no one watched because of the art shift. MC is a punk that gets more or less drafted into the government agency his dad worked for, and has to sucker punch increasingly more powerful digimon before his Agumon can digivolve.
Xros Wars was nice, very much a return to form close to Adventure.
Young Hunters was shit, don't bother, it was worse than 02.
Tri is divisive, I liked it, the ending was completely worth it. And there's another sequel coming.
Don't forget to watch Our War Game, and maybe the american Digimon movie if you have alcohol handy. Fantastic soundtrack, 10/10.
Yet Adventures, the show that's aged like milk and loved only because of nostalgia, is good? I've rewatched the series, and I found it harder to enjoy than Savers especially the Myotismon arc. If you're going to be a snob about the overall quality of these shows, then Tamers is the only good series. I'm not looking for a 10/10 show when it comes to Digimon which is why I like Savers as it's just stupid fun. It's like watching G Gundam.
Be straight with me, how much does she appear in the show and how much fujo pandering there is.
>bad pacing
disagree, it was fast, but not bad
>other characters and digimons do nothing and no development
wrong, they do enough. Nene and Kiriha are not charismatic like Taiki, so the only thing they lack is support from other digimons.
>Taiki is boring
it's your opinion
>just cry and is handed to him
like what? every emotional moment that leads in a new evolution like every other digimon series?
>Kiriha drama
He is retarded sure, but it's part of his rival characteristic to be opposed to Taiki
>pointless subplots
It's just bits of characteristics, it's not that bad and the time on that was not that much
>Deus ex Machina that solves everything
You mean the code crown? It's was supposed to be that powerful. The whole anime is basically a race to get it and solve everything.
>Characters getting revived
I can agree on this
She's part of the main cast, and a metric fuckton.
>american Digimon movie
I didn't know that existed
She is a main character so a lot
And the fujoshit is pretty great
Did CS or HMs have any Appmon digimon?
>how much does she appear in the show
A ton
>and how much fujo pandering there is
A fucking ton
>I didn't know that existed
They just took 3 existing Digimon movies and Frankenstein'd them together with a new framing device
>and a metric fuckton.
It only gets jarring in the last couple episodes.
If it comes with all the updates Japan got, free DLC and a redone translation, I feel like I might consider it. Then again, the grind is hell...
sounds like fox kids alright
Best digimon games? I've only played World and Rumble Arena
>Then again, the grind is hell...
You only need to grind in them if you want to PvP though
Cyber Sleuth
I just realized there's no black digimon.
You need to grind to get the Digimon you want. It took me hours to get Lilithmon due to her stupid high INT requirement.
Wish i could get into Cyber sluts. The whole cyber thing is just so off putting and the areas look bland. Does it get better later on or do you kind of just stay in that virtual world?
>Tamers sequel
>Takato has been missing for 15 years, Juri is depressed, a copy of 10-year-old Takato has to work with the 25-year-old Ruki and Jian
I hope Konaka killed off Ryo.
Well, there's Black Agumon, Black Greymon, etc
World 1 and Re:Digitize
>B-but I finally bought it for PS4 months ago
>Survive coming out in October
But Im too poor to afford a new PC until then
It's the Adventure prequel movie, mostly the same except for the script and soundtrack, then Our War Game with some but not a lot of editing, and a significantly chopped up Hurricane Touchdown to try to tie it in with the overarching plot.
They tried their best and it came out comprehendable, and spent the rest of the money to license some great fucking music I mean holy shit this is a good soundtrack.
but that's completely false, user. I played it for hundreds of hours on my slim and nothing happened. it got taken because licenses expired, just like bandai does with many of its games.
don't just tell lies on the internet.
what's wrong with the translation?
The next one will be.
Why not put these too? It's already out of the PS4, don't need to be so defensive over you ex-clusives.
It's pretty bad. There are parts where I'm pretty sure it's just a machine translation, others are slightly mistranslated, etc.
Side note: Funnily enough they actually went through the effort to patch in a German translation for the first Cyber Slut, because Hacker's Memory also got a German translation. And that one was actually kind of nice. Still some rough edges here and there, but all in all more enjoyable to read than the English one. Sadly the quality took a huge nosedive for Hacker's Memory.
Hurricane Landing/Golden Digimentals was cool...
I think people give 02 way too much shit
It's still fun
Will Survive be a good game?
I guess xbone is finally getting a game, they will finally have something to play
Bro I sold my Switch because between the Xbox and my PC there's no point in investing in anything else. Game Pass alone increased my backlog by a ten fold.
Just listen to the song. If that doesn't make you want to play the game then I have no clue what will.
On a serious note though, the game could end up really good or mediocre/bad.
The story sounds really interesting and the characters are looking as good as always and the whole SRPG system could end up being real fun, but the "Auto battle" option worries me a bit.
Still, I have huge hopes in the game.
there's digimon fans all over Yea Forums, /vg/, Yea Forums, /m/, Yea Forums /tg/ and /toy/.
Really? I have the German version here but I've always played it in english, maybe i'll give it a try some time to see how it is
>One of the main inspirations that was taken from the anime series was the monsters responses to their partners emotional state. How you respond in the game will affect how they evolve.
Wow, sounds like some actual RPG elements in my JRPG videogame. Sounds very promising.
>Xros Wars > Savers
>holy shit this is a good soundtrack
I uh, don't remember Spill or Nowhere Near being in the movie at all
Yeah, the EU version got a patch like one year after the release and afterwards my game was in German.
The best thing about the translation is how they translated net slang into German net slang (and with that I mean the slang we had around 2008 or so).
>A season with some character writing and development is better than one with none
Really surprising, go back to tumblr retard
>A season with some character writing and development
so... not xros wars, then?
IIRC I went with Hagurumon in the first game and Betamon in the spinoff.
>some character writing and development
literally only shoutmon.
Stop that.
>worse than Tamers and Xros
Is it autistic to continue to skip over Xros Wars because I think DigiXros is ugly and stupid
Also I saw the first episode and didn't really care about it
If only Shoutmon develops in your opinion, then that is already more than Savers can say
I felt like such a retard when it came to K. I was staring at the mask logo for so long in the game and I had Matadormon in my party for hours yet never made the link.
No. If you do end up liking the first quarter, you'll just get frustrated by the rest anyway.
I've heard that there's a canon gay end in Appmon, so there's probably a lot of fujo pandering.
The fact that this is actually official art...
will world ever get ports?
>I've heard that there's a canon gay end in Appmon
I've never seen it but western fanbase makes a much bigger deal about this than Jap fanbase, so I'm going to wager it's overblown by people not used to anime.
Flamedramon was the first experience people had of bullshit bosses with far too many turns compared to you.
We still don't have this (or the superior 3DS version, Decode) localized. Ironic considering this is the very game that the petition that made Digimon games come to the West again was centered around.
Where did it all go so wrong with 02?
I remember when I rewatched Tamers a year ago that I finally realized how much of a blatant OC Donut Steel joke Guilmon was. Takato even made him into a virus that was still heroic to hammer the joke in. Then the writers pissed on Takato's expectations by making him have the personality of an infant.
I think we all had a bit of Takato in us at his age.
Davis fucking sucked, TK and Kairi shouldn’t have been there, they overshadowed everyone else, all the other 02 kids except the wormmon guy were literally whos
Isn't there an English fantranslation for the PSP version? Can't be much worse than the actual translation quality we got for the games so far.
The 3DS version is also a horrible port. The resolution is so fucking bad, that you can't even read the text properly.
The PSP translation was mostly complete and the game emulated fine.
Runs pretty well on PSPP too.
Played some on my Axon 7 (Snapdragon 820).
>The 3DS version is also a horrible port. The resolution is so fucking bad, that you can't even read the text properly.
The resolution stuff is definitely a downside, but the extra story stuff and all the added Digimon make it tolerable. What we really need is a third version that actually gets a Western release, but after all these years I'm not so sure there's much of a chance of that happening.
Appmon game looks fun.
What are you talking about? Mask logo?
Sauce me up right the fuck now
>Digimon Cyber Sleuth collection on Switch
I hope there's a physical release.
Look at Matadormon's pants.
The scene where he first evolved and Takato was afraid of him was pure kino
Tamers treated the entire situation as if it was real.
Kid drew his own OCDONOTSTEAL and it becomes alive? Its a massive problem and dangerous.
Girl thinks its all a game in spite of it being all reality? She gets a rude awakening and almost killed.
Only Jian really understands from the get-go what is happening.
Wow no Tri was worse with each part. The ending was awful.
you just know, etc
Don't reply to obvious sonyfag console warrers. They want to kill it like they killed mh threads.
The 50 rewrites it had. Not to mention trying to make a plot that incorporated the Ryo games.
>for the first time in my life, I'm more excited for a Digimon release than A Pokemon one
I'm so sorry I turned my back on you. You have every right to never forgive me, but I at least hope you'll let me try.
It had some good parts if you were willing to sit through the garbage
>story based digimon games
Next Order is objectively superior to any of this shit.
Also, not making TK and Kari the leaders. Fuck that shitty goggle wearing knock off and his stupid Yea Forumsmon.
>Are they going to actually translate the game this time?
I disagree, the exchange between Taichi and Hikari made it all worth it.
>Hey, I'm alive, and we're going to kill the cat.
>Onii-chan, if you hurt Meiko's cat, I'll hate you forever!
>What a great plan Onii-chan, let's kill it!
>Gee Digidestined, how come destiny lets you have TWO partner Pokemon?
>baits you with Metal Graymon and the other one in the first scene
>LOL good luck grinding stats in some gym for 200 hours to ever see them again!
Wish next order had less grind but It was superior to the generic shit that were the cyber sluts games
>Gym Simulator 2012
>Implying this isn't generic as fuck
Will they ever get rid of either Egg1 or Egg2? I get having one, but two useless stages is just weird to me.
they are open to [pporting older digimon games to wtich and PC if there's a demand, we just gotta know who to ask
>needing to grind at the gym past 1st gen
git gud
I don't think you know what generic means
I hate that shitty gym.
1 and 3 and their OVAs and movies. Ignore the rest.
>needing to grind at the gym in a game at all
Gït güd at picking what games you buy.
DW1 is a masterpiece that no game in the series, especially it's remakes, have come close to touching.
I remember Pokemon Dawn. Now there was a GAME!
Eh, I wouldnt consider the Tamers train movie particularly essential, cant think of any particularly cool scene from it
I like the part where Beelzemon jobs.