

Attached: 1562084014589.png (480x1481, 1.07M)

Other urls found in this thread:


I always wondered what anime girl this was but could never be bothered to actually go find out.

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Chizuru Hishiro

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She's from ReLife, go check it out it's a good read

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>Goes from happy to glum to fat/rockbottom and then is no longer fat but full on solemn


I was waiting for the update to this image.
It did not disappoint.

Sincerity will come back one day and I know it. Even if we have to fake it.

This place is fileld with people who can only get attention by being disgusting

I still unironically have a good time here.

Wasn't there one of these with clown pepes on the bottom and the girl just looking broken

Honest question. When did you start browsing here?

Look at the dilate cope chart.


nop only one way on this ride

I only feel annoyed, apathetic, or angry when I browse Yea Forums. And yet I always come back. Boredom and lack of anywhere good to discuss vidya is hell

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>been here for all those eras
>this is probably one of the worst ones so far
really waiting for a new golden age but I doubt it will ever happen

best timeline.

but how far can she fall?

>not sure if I'd rather top him, or have him top me

>it keeps getting updated
Oh boy, I wonder what the next stage is...

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Why not switch, fagiolini?

whats with the jew anime girl int he 2nd to last one, i dont get it

It's never gonna happen. Remember when trolling was just over the most dumb shit and not COPE TRANNY HAHA TWITTER MEME IRONIC HUMOR I WAS ONLY PRETENDING

2017. I'm a total newfag. I guess I can't appreciate if it was better before because I wasn't around.

You zoomer, me boomer. Zoomies will zoomie. Have sex and cope harder incel, SEETHE!


She's a girl who's a gun from a mobile gacha, Girls Frontline. Supposedly she's the best or one of the best units from the game

she embraces it for a bit but gets even older realizing it really isnt what she wants

Negev from girl's frontline.

what is the left parts meant to be and why is she looking normal adult?

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Does it just feel like a weird void to anyone? Like, you come on Yea Forums, and just look at all the thread and scroll through them, and there's this hollow droning buzz in your mind, like static? All the threads just start blending together.

rent free

discord tranny cult

That would be why, yeah.

We're in the tranny stage of Yea Forums. Everything is considered tranny if it's something you don't like, if you don't like how something looks it's tranny, if a character has a chin not anime enough it's tranny, and tranny is used as an insult. Yea Forums is tranny obsessed now. Next avatar should be Yea Forums-chan dressed as a dyke/butch.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 61K)

What's that discord pic?

>time passes
>jokes becomes stale over time
>new jokes emerge
Wooooooow, shit guys, what's going on?!

Imagine having a cute little sister who loved you and called you onii-chan and sat on your lap while you played video games.

notice how she no longer posts

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you're being demoralized by SJWs

Nothings going on. Yea Forums is just gradually burning out, becoming a parody of itself. Should've died with m00t or something.

When are we hitting rock bottom? Because it just keeps getting worse and worse.

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>tranny is used as an insult
How else it can possibly be used, tranny?


I wanna go back to 2005-2013 era. I just wanna go back. Was Yea Forums good? No, Yea Forums was never good. But at least it was fun. Everything just sort of feels... shitty. Everything's just shittier. It's not fun, but it's still my home, and I keep coming back like a battered housewife waiting for the good times to start again.

2011 was the last good year

the new jokes aren't funny
they also dont seem much like jokes either

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uh huh
see ya later grandpa
your Yea Forums is mine now :)

This too, dilate and tranny.

How many filters do I have to add before Yea Forums becomes usable?

>new jokes are real life massacres
I dunno, you tell me what're going on


90% of boards are unenjoyable now.

never enough

/r9k/ blackmail&feminization discord

Russia/china getting more into psy ops means you need to raise the barrier for making Yea Forums posts and moot is going "eh dont care".

Just saying, if it was me, I wouldn't even give trannies and dick slicers a fucking time of day in my thoughts, I wouldn't even be thinking about them. But because it's everywhere in this place you have to think what this place as become, tranny obsessed is more like it.

There is no bottom. Only the engulfing void. All that is left is to watch it spiral into the endless abyss.

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pretty amazing that the first mass loss of life joked about on this site wasn't until 2019

Newfags don't know how to blank post anymore.

I only come for loli or other porn threads.

What new jokes buddy? Wojak and Pepe for the 6 year in a row?

The text needs to be readable at least. Not like every 4channeler uses discord or knows about crap going outside of Yea Forums.


>/pol/ is Yea Forums as a whole
If you meant that aussie it was more 4+Yea Forums's doing

>"bro you cant use the word SEETHE"
>i miss old Yea Forums :((
>hahah guys LE EPIC TROLL FACE hahahah remember that?

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im trying

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I just want people to be sincere again.

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the old way doesn't work anymore

>waiting for the good times to start again.
we both know the good times will never start again, you should leave and so should I, but we are trapped her, because this is hell

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We never had fucking Breivik-chan hentai threads and shit

fuck you nigger, lurk more

Nothing else has surpassed it so I guess it's still funny to alot of people.

im from 2001 Yea Forums

You're the equivalent of Somalian niggers pushing Italians out of their own country. You're never welcome here

Phone posting was a mistake, the act of typing on a shitty phone keyboard encourages shorter and shorter shitposts of decreasing quality. Soon we'll be at the the point where each buzzword is represented by a single letter.

tfw I made that seethe rock paper scissors picture in the bottom. nice to see my oc being used.

Dude 9/11 is has been a joke here forever.

>and moot is going "eh dont care"
moot died a long time ago user

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Uhhhh, you can't stop me and my tranny discord from posting on Yea Forums.

Get a life sweetheart :P

I'm from '04

What's the Yea Forums replacement? Infinity is dead as fuck, the liveboards are circlejerks, and every other small board is either glacial or an inner circle akin to a discord group. I want a site to recreate an active user experience without the /pol/shit and newfag cancer.

Is this why Yea Forums is always such a shitshow


Cope seethe dilate cope dilate tranny cuck seethe sjw incel dilate have sex seethe cope tranny cuck seethe incel /pol/ dilate dilate tranny cope cuck incel sjw seethe tranny cope cuck dilate have sex seethe cope dilate cuck /pol/ dilate incel cuck tranny cope seethe tranny cuck sjw incel cope seethe have sex tranny cope seethe cuck /pol/ incel sjw seethe cope dilate incel cuck cope have sexhavesexhavesexcopetrannytrannycopecuckseetheincel/pol/havesexcopecopecopecopepleasehelpmecuckincelrrannyseethesjwincel/pol/copecuckpleasehelpmeincelcopesexhavesexincelcopesjwseethe/pol/incelmakeitstopCOPEINCELHAVEKEKSEXINCELTRANNYKEKHAVESEXDILATEHAVESEXDILATEHAVESEX

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Remember when "me gusta" and other cringe jokes of the past were completely dropped out of this place when they became popular and mainstream? Why can't we do this shit now with pepe and wojak? It only shows the degeneration and the new breed of desperate-to-fit-in faggots we have in this place.

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Since you're honest to god newfag, I've got a couple questions for you and all the other newfags in here.
ow did you hear about Yea Forums and why did you come here? It's a serious question and I'm not dissing anyone, I just want to know what makes newfags want to jump into the swamp.

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s(eethe) harder

Yea Forums will rise again.


already there with cunny posting.

I agree, they should get rid of phone posting or at least make it annoyingly hard

No, because “me gusta” was reddit bullshit that migrated here and promptly ignored by non-faggots.

cringe and yikes pilled

>inb4 seethe

omg rekt

>this whole thread

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>he doesn't remember the time when Bane posting collapsed into reality
Hell I actually miss baneposting.


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>ever browsing pol

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this is the only edit where the last panel isnt shit, saved

actually loli is one of the few chemos for newfags

Jidf infiltration here is in its postgame at this point

Stop posting "muh sekrit klub" bullshit, you sperg


There isn't one. And there can't be one. As soon as an alternative becomes known, people will flock to it and history will repeat itself

Or actual content creators found other outlets so they can monetize their ideas and we are left with unskilled unfunny faggots that only endlessly ape their environment.

>moot is going "eh dont care"
Can I have your time machine? Please?

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The last 2 really don't have enough pepe and wojak spam.

the 5th panel is wrong
for some reason she gets younger

I miss how fun Baneposting was.

At least cunnyposting is great cause it weeds out normalfags

Wojak and Pepe is the epitome of Reddit and Discord faggotery. Yea Forums has changed, not for the better.

Things can always get worse unfortunately.

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I feel sad.

>Have Sex
>soul vs. soulless
>AHEM! *ding ding ding!* Fuck jannies, trannies and niggers
>It's almost as if
>Redpill me on X
>Hello, we are the X games in X franchise
>The absolute state of X
>Imagine X
>Janny are you okay? Are you okay janny?
>*CRUNCH CRUNCH* Insert pretentious opinion *burp*
>What does Yea Forums think of X?
>Did you buy her game, X?
>*Shitty thing about game* What's her name Yea Forums?
>Xfags seething
>Xfags on suicide watch
>What went wrong?
>What went so right?
>Now that the dust has settled, what does Yea Forums think of X?
>poo poo pee pee doo doo
>X gets on the server
>Here's your X, bro
>He's in
>Roll a 7
>What is the video game version of *insert band or album*
>*Smacks lips*
>Cunny thread
>cute and funny
>I love X!
>Let's write a letter to X, one word for each post
>Is he right Yea Forums?
>What did he mean by this?
>Gachashit thread
>Apologize to him Yea Forums
>Explain yourselves
>Well? Who was in the wrong here?
>Defend this
>What's his name again?
>What the fuck was his problem?
>Coworkers start talking about video games
>Refute this
>Prove him wrong
>Perfect X doesn't exi-
>Protip: you can't
>Why does this trigger Yea Forums so much?
>Yea Forums BTFO
>Would you?
>Is he "our" guy?
>He did nothing wrong!
>He/She killed millions
>Will you buy his game?
>Buy his game
>Convince me to NOT buy this game
>Find a flaw
>For me, it's X
>It's up
>Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit?
>I'm glad we can all agree on this
>How did we go from this...to THIS?
>Hold me, Yea Forumsros
>How do we fix this?
>me on the X
>best ass/tits/feet in vidya thread
>20XX...I am...forgotten...
>Video game quote game thread
>brb smoke/last online 569 days ago

Attached: fuck.gif (500x288, 1.03M)

Oldfag baby cry time

I just joined Yea Forums an hour ago and I already know everything about this shitty little website. You're all just morons who have only stuck to one forum on the internet. Yea Forums belongs to whoever uses it. Stop crying please.

I hopped on in 2014. post-gamergate when it was in the popular internet consciousness more, I had always heard about it but never bothered. Guess I was part of the wave of cancer though imo the 2016 election cycle was a lot worse for the site.

Sad that /pol/ fags think they belong here.

4channers getting mad at the exact same culture they cultivated for so many years pushing them out is pretty funny too me

You've been on one board this whole hour?

Sad that resetgender trannies think they belong anywhere but a grave.

I’m not disagreeing, and you will never see me post them.


sushigirl is the best image board

I prefer this state of broken despair to the screeching chaos from a couple years ago, at least.
Obviously there's still room for improvement, of course.

How to fix Yea Forums: Get newfags to lurk more. Also some new word filters couldn't hurt


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i jump here for the sheer fact that everywhere else is shitter believer or not

Yea Forums belongs to Hiroshimoot.

Hello. I've just time traveled from 2003. Moot ended up creating a time machine all those years ago and sent me here. I'm here to tell you that

>why can't things stay the same as they always have waaaah

Our only hope is that Yea Forums dies for a year and then comes silently back. That way the few of us who still click on that bookmark out of habit can find it again.

Remember when moot left he said hiro wouldn't change anything, just take an ownership role?

>split the site into two for ad revenue
>removed yotsuba from the front page
>replaced her with PornHub ads on the 404 page
>replaced j-list ads with clickbait malware sites
>attracted more newfags with vtuber contest
>let the mods have free rein and completely destroy boards like Yea Forums on their crusades, probably sells mod positions to outside orgs for money

2ch tried to warn us

Attached: 1535279236932.png (611x625, 523K)

Literal immigrant nigger get out.

gamergate was like the 3rd wave of mega cancer that transformed the site
the celebrity nudes was the 2nd, and chanology was the first all the way back in 2008

Mods just need to filter have sex into play vidya and the likes. It worked for sm.h tb.h f.am in 2015.

I wish Notch bought the site instead honestly

>brb smoke/last online 569 days ago
That one's actually old as shit.
>For me, it's X
This one actually originates from the /ck/ mcchicken meme, but when it started getting posted elsewhere it lost all meaning and just became one of the usual low effort template phrases.

Cunnyposters get my respect for getting normalfags mad.

who cares about this stupid website lol
reddit literally has more to look at

>no steve posting/erdrick posting or gohan blancos

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>vtuber contest
has ANYTHING come out of that or was it too much work for him to bother with

Uh uh

I hit the DAB


Uh uh YAAAiiyeet

not him but I'm another 2017 newfag. I originally started lurking on /vp/ cuz I wanted Pokemon discussion and I couldn't stand Reddit or any other super fake forums. My attitude and beliefs had pretty much always aligned with Yea Forums's even when I barely knew about this place. Would read Encyclopedia Dramatica, laughed at windmill of friendship, FORD IT, etc etc. so in a way I sorta just finally made the plunge to start lurking and integrating because this is the only place you can get candid opinions, even in the sea of baiting and shitposting. People here are actually funny, as well.

Smartphones in general had an incredibly detrimental effect on the quality of the internet across the board.

Attached: You have entered the dark age.jpg (1477x1941, 429K)

based gubka bob poster

niggers tongue my anuse

DFW was the post-postmodern messiah we needed, but weren't ready for


Life is hard, it's toil and trouble
Keep your jawline free from stubble

dropped it at around chapter 40 when it was publishing
does it get better?

>vtuber contest
hasn't it been a year now, has ANYTHING happened with this?

Sorry I'm immune to redditor mock words.

I'm moot

Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road
I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more
I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road
I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more (Kio, Kio)
I got the horses in the back
Horse tack is attached
Hat is matte black
Got the boots that's black to match
Ridin' on a horse, ha
You can whip your Porsche
I been in the valley
You ain't been up off that porch, now
Can't nobody tell me nothin'
You can't tell me nothin'
Can't nobody tell me nothin'
You can't tell me nothin'
Ridin' on a tractor
Lean all in my bladder
Cheated on my baby
You can go and ask her
My life is a movie
Bull ridin' and boobies
Cowboy hat from Gucci
Wrangler on my booty
Can't nobody tell me nothin'
You can't tell me nothin'
Can't nobody tell me nothin'
You can't tell me nothin'
Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road
I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more
I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road
I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more
I got the

>click on that bookmark
>not typing it in by hand

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The ending is everything I wished for.

>how did you hear about Yea Forums
funnily enough I was on 1d4chan for the funny articles about 40k before I ever invaded this place

Literally the best and most timeless meme is sexy lolis. Calling them the c word is a new thing, but fundamentally the "sexy little girl" joke is the longest and funniest Yea Forums gag I can think of.

Leave Yea Forums to me

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It feels like everything these days is under a hundred layers of irony, far from just Yea Forums shitposters. It's draining just to exist now.

Do you think he shitposts or lurk here?

Elections were truly the thing that killed the site. Thanks to that /pol/ became the gateway board to Yea Forums and not Yea Forums which, in it's shittiness, was useful for filtering normalfags. Now that /pol/ is the mainboard everybody who's new thinks that Yea Forums as a whole is just like /pol/.

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Tumblr was cool at first though, it wasnt a melting pot of feminazis, just femNEETs also you could find every single porn artist in there

Reminder that Hiro killed Yea Forums by fucking kicking out wrestlingfags of Yea Forums to Yea Forums of all things. This garbage lingo every faggots use nowadays come from there, and the super-ironic meta-trolling as well since wrestling is all about "working people".

Wrestling killed this goddamn place.

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>What is Ebola-chan

probably, he shilled minecraft here way back when so he might still come here

Once upon a time when people wanted to meme, they had had to open up photoshop and draw it.

Now you just choose your favorite template phrase and a pepe you got from KnowYourMeme.

Keep larping cutie.

no matter how shit Yea Forums is, this is the only place on the internet you can still insult video games without being banned

Long story short he wanted people to do everything for him, he just wanted a share of the youtube donations if the project ever managed to start. It's a good thing that it failed though, imagine the cancer it would've brougth in here, the only sad part is those anons that kept believing the project would go anywhere.

I think the idea is you're just supposed to look at it and think "discord", which just in general is a problem here. There's all sorts of shitposters organized in discords now, it doesn't matter which one's in the image.

Fappening and GG happened both at the same time, it was uncanny. Lots of people called it out as a try to discredit Yea Forums. Those two combined also drove off moot and see what happened.

>he thinks the newfag jannies won't ban you for being mean

>gain height

Attached: 1.jpg (852x480, 24K)

Reminder the winner of the vtuber contest was a literal underage redditor, unironically and literally

>without being banned
yes you only have a militant defense force reminding you that your criticisms are null

>everybody who's new thinks that Yea Forums as a whole is just like /pol/.
It was before newfags like you showed up and started crying about "the mean wacist things people were saying"

This pic was only funny when it was the first 3, of course people feel the need to "update" them every year.
Also reminder that nothing was worse than 2009 Yea Forums, nothing. I'll take kekistani /pol/ kids, cope seethe dilate rock paper scissors and even >implying vs u mad quickdraws over that spambot filled hellhole.

>Tfw I can't even get angry at trolling or anything else anymore

I'm not much of a newfag. I came from the goth boi clique influx of users. Old 4channers said we suz tight tho so like we aren't considered newfags.

I miss old Yea Forums .

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explain 4 brainlet

I sometimes forget that discord tranny cults are an actual thing

>Sincerity will come back one day and I know it
Let's hope.

It's great. Like that another user said the ending was really good and gave us everything we wanted.

he definitely still lurks sometimes but you're forgetting that he ran crying from this site to reddit because not everyone was sucking his dick constantly

A chat relay service isnt apparently obvious why it belongs there.
Maybe its couple cern physicist talking about their favorite cup noodles

He should have, he needs a place besides twitter to shitpost and his antics on this site would have been great

I put the fappening before gg because gg lasted longer but you're right yeah
the trump election era was this website's final gasp before the discord trannies and literal 12 year olds took over

This, every other place sucks the devs cocks and if you say anything negative about them or their games you get shunned or straight up banned.



Anything liberal and left is tranny to 4chin. That's my observation.

These are coming out too fast.

We should get a new panel every 2 to 3 years. Furthermore the last panel doesn't jive with the rest aesthetically at all.

A friend of mine showed me 9gag in 2009 or so when I was in middle school and I learned about Yea Forums through it. By 2011 I visited Yea Forums only and daily and never left


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dilate retard faggot
tranny glow fags are just so obvious

The mods having no presence is the problem since they're all jaded as well

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ive been here since 2013 am i oldfag

The age of pepe and wojak posting never ended, it just got worse. Axe-wound clown tranny pepe and anal-vore wojak fucking where?

>abolish the police dude!

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And falseflagged by stormfags.

nice try rewriting history, faggot
people are annoyed that you election tourists go around smearing your politics everywhere like diarrhea
you have a containment board for that, fuck off

Ironic humor is lazy humor, it can point out the flaws in something, but never improve it. If everything is ironic jokes made about ironic jokes, everyone's just unhappy all the time, because irony will never make it better.

Wallace argued that if Television keeps making TV shows more and more ironic, it will destroy the American psyche, since we will have no reference for how to sincerely connect to other humans, only make ironic jokes about them.

He was wrong about television doing it - it was actually the Internet doing it.

>These are coming out too fast
Goes to show how quickly this website is going down the drain.

Wow, racist and sexist much?

Thats because everything is changing at a faster and faster pace as the years go on, as humanity becomes more of a collective ideas spread quicker so culture changes faster

>every other place sucks the devs cocks and if you say anything negative about them or their games you get shunned
So what happens with every Nintendo or Sony game? In fact, it happens with every exclusive game

What's so funny about racism?


You're a stupid fucking nigger newfag if you think I'm saying that because I hate /pol/. Nobody minds people saying nigger or calling out sandniggers being literal shits, but what irks everyone is how every time there's somebody who isn't a white guy the threads all turn into screaming about fucking niggers. It's like that book one user wrote where half the words were nigger. Before /pol/ newfags arrived nobody gave a fuck about niggers, both when used as a word or when one appeared in something.

It's too late now.

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keep on replying to show how not mad you are

no. and you haven't been here since then because you would've seen one of these dumbass charts posted over and over again.

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Low iq humor

you can't shun anonymous

>this meme where oldfags are from 2006

at some point this has to change you know

Thanks. That's actually pretty on point. Fuck me.

Shutup reddit fag get your boyfriend to pump your wife you insufferable bitch pussy

Funny how nobody shared this view a few years ago, you fucking parasite.

No, it's just people want to think they are one of the cool old kids and don't want to wait.

No it doesn't, oldfags are oldfags because of how the website was when they joined, not because of how long they've been here. Cancer will always be cancer because the website was cancer when they arrived

I'm surprised you could actually post this without it being considered spam

Just start posting XD at the end of your posts again till it's no longer ironic and turn the site back to how it was in 2003

/f/lashes truly were always the best thing about this site

I've always said if you came before chanology you were an oldfag

>let the mods have free rein and completely destroy boards like Yea Forums on their crusades, probably sells mod positions to outside orgs for money
moot was culprit of this too retard

It is if you LURK MOAR

Why did she go from being an office lady to a high school girl and then went back to being the office girl

Where’s gaiafag on that list? Oh you forgot about that, didn’t you?

I wonder how many people actually believe this shit.

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I can't even remember how long I've been here, probably 9-10 years

There never will be one with enough users to give you the real experience e.g. cross-board shitposting, discussions 24/7
When this place is gone, it's going to be gone for good

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I masturbated to a picture of my brother's girlfriend.

Attached: 1524542918921.jpg (228x221, 8K)

NOTHING. Absolutely nothing came out of it. Hiro couldn't plan for shit and dropped it silently

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What are you guys crying about just make a new website lol

>Got here in 2007-2008 timeframe
Forever a newfag. But at least I wasn't the cancer that killed the soul of this website.

/pol/ is literally Yea Forums, we own this fucking site, we have the post users, the most posts per minute, we have the most cultural influence, the freshest memes and we hang out in the hottest clubs. Yea Forums can stay seething because we are THADS and they are sub virgins

It doesn't get any better. It only gets worse. There's no endpoint. Just constant degeneration.

Sincerity is for incels. Dilate and have sex.

Sounds about right, but how can this be stopped?

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last pic doesn't reflect the dissension to madness enough.

>ill always be a newfag
nobody cares shut the fuck up

Trying to go along with the insanity, realizes its not who she is and goes into a depression

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Silence, leddit.

Did you reply to the wrong post?

Thanks for the update friend.

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By being cringy, thats what it means to be sincere now

Implying those threads aren't exclusively false flaggers arguing with each others' strawmen

kek I wonder what the next thing that "killed" Yea Forums will be in a few years

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I'm gonna make a new website called Oldchan. In its moderation team will be comprised of all 2003-2004 users.

Expect it in in a month.

Cultural and economic conservatism is extremely cucked.


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