got this from someone related to Blizzard, the photo was taken far away from the screen, sorry for the very low quality. Believe it or not.
Leaked wow 9.0 logo
Other urls found in this thread:
No one cares about WoW anymore.
I believe it
Not blurry enough for me to believe it
god that looks so photoshoped.
Ion's team is going to need to do a lot better than that if they expect anyone to come back to that shitshow. I looked up some guild member profiles and their item level is barely better than when I quit. Now that we know the next expansion will have yet another cursed item level squish, it's absolutely pointless to even pre-order.
>spines on the logo
>dragon themed expac
Is it set in the Dragon Isles?
Box Features:
New gimmick scenario!
AI party members!
Legendary boots!
But everyone knows that retail is shit.
>implying it won't be a legendary undershirt so it does not take a slot
Maybe Blizzard should awaken to the fact their game is dead
Looks boring
>Dragon themed expac is bad
>Cataclysm 2.0
factions are dying bros..........
If WoW's expansion patterns of good exp, bad exp, good exp are to be believed, then this should be a good expansion.
Better than Old Gods and faction conflicts that go nowhere. The best WoW content are the ones where the Horde and Alliance join forces.
WoW is going to die before 2021. cope
World of Warcraft can never be as good as it once was so long as Activision keeps interfering with the development and pacing of content releases.
Hopefully one day Blizzard will split with them and start fresh with a big revamp of their IPs, like what Bungie are doing with Destiny 2.
>WoW is going to die before 2021. cope
user.... it was on its deathbed in cata and died in wod. You know this to be true.
>legion was good
Still the biggest and most succesful MMO on the market. XIV is nowhere close to dethroning it as much as its fans think it is.
I quit wow to play ffxiv, wow has terrible content and a terrible community. Ffxiv is full of faggots and trannys but they are way less elitist and way less shitty meme spamming.
It was certainly a step in the right direction. The dungeons and raids were the best ones in years.
>its Activisions fault
Blizzard is shit, they would be shit without activision. Nobody left at blizzard had any talent.
FF14 can never beat wow so long as it has that ridiculous 2.5 second GCD.
hello darkness my old friend....
Activision please go
Who cares if it beats wow or not? I dont have to play wow anymore since all my buddies quit so that's all i care about. Wow can be the most successful mmo, it's just not something i want to play again.
they need to stop trying to resuscitate this rotting corpse and start from scratch with wow 2.
It literally is their fault. WoW is now just a subscription based transmog and paid mount circle jerk thanks to them
It's the truth, nobody at blizzard has any talent. Their games all suck and even when they dont suck blizzard will patch in some suck to make up for it.
>Giving Blizzard your money as of 2019.
I do not believe this, yet I still am certain that another expansion is in the works, be the game as bad as it may, and you just know that all the whales are gonna shill it, ""love"" it and play it 24/7 because of MOUNTSPETSCHEEVOS.
Life is unfair.
>WoW is now just a subscription based transmog and paid mount circle jerk thanks to them
And if Activision left it would still be that way
Every wow logo is photoshop, retard
The talent can't be given time to shine when game mechanics are forced to take a back seat over time gated content and microtransactions.
It is an Old God expansion. The Black Empire returns after the Void Lords realize the Burning Legion, their only natural predator on our side of the Twisting Nether, has been eliminated and go on the offensive sending their seeds (Old Gods) to infect Azeroth.
How many patches will BFA have? Its on 8.2 now
What talent?
Wow it's like Metzen never left
it's 2019 why do all "leaked" image still look the same quality-wise
>FF14 over a million active right now
>WoW active numbers falling for months, was at 1.2m 3 months ago, only 300k characters at cap right now in a game that encourages lots of alts
Maybe two or three more. The new expansion will be announced this year so BFA will begin it's final act around then before 9.0 launches around August next year.
Barely even hits 40k on Steam, where the majority of players are based.
you know what i mean bro
M8, I know you are trolling and I'm not the guy you're replying to but they have way more using t heir own client as well as a ton of people on PS4.
You're not very good at this, stick to Smash leaks.
Blizzard is gone. Let it go
actually they're animated retard.
Karazhan was cool
nublizz is so woke they even label their expansions with it
That's good, I just hit 120 but am having fun and don't want it to end quite yet before i can gear up and unlock some allied races.
I work at blizzard and patch 9.0 is actually going to be called "Tyrande does Darkshore"
>First things first, 8.3 won't be about old gods or the shadowlands. I will be all about what will be know as the great "battle for azeroth", a big conflict between both factions resulting in a completely ruined Azeroth. Both Orgrimmar and Stormwind will be heavily bombarded, few quite important characters will die and so on.
>The next expansion will take place 5 years after Bfa and will be about healing and building a new, peaceful Azeroth. The expansion will be called "World of Warcraft: Awakenings" (If Legion and bfa names weren't stupid enough) and it will be like a second Cataclysm but better. It is now the perfect opportunity for the story to introduce new characters and potential new villains. As for gameplay, Blizzard is willing to take some risks this time with a level squish and a very ambitious world reborn. As for other key features, there will be a new, and expected mail wearing class: "tinker" with 3 specs (tank, dps and a melee healer?) available for humans, dwarves, gnomes, goblins, belfs, orcs and a few allied races if I remember correctly.There will be some signficant class changes.
>Only two new zones will be added this expansion and both are being designed around flying: "Dragon Isles" (old god and dragon themed landmass) and a new and huge version of Caverns of time called "Edge of time" ( a huge, quite vertical and maze-like landmass composed of some rocks floating in space, something really different ). The rest of the work will be on the old world with mostly new or revamped questlines. The goal for this revamp is to make Azeroth fell relevant to both new and capped characters. This will be done in many ways ranging from Interesting treasures, world quests to AI encounters, new faction system and all sorts of events. They are also looking in making character progression relevant. Many of the past expansions assets will also help a lot in rebuilding the world. The first raid tier will be about the infinite dragonflight.
>Now, the level squish. All current characters levels will be squished to 60, with 70 being the definitive level cap. Heilrooms are being removed. From 1-70 you can level in the new Azeroth. At level 30,you will be sent to Edge of time if you decide to level in past expansions (At 30: tbc,wrath 40:cata, mop 50:wod, legion or bfa) and at level 65 you will chose to level in one of the 2 new zones. There will also be a Suramar-like experience somewhere deep in the past. Starter edition cap will be increased to 40 and Blizzard will advertise this as Wow becoming free to play, kinda.
>Another crazy feature that is being worked on is a Battle Royale experience, available at a very low level with its own progression system and it will be non-canon, meaning that it is open for all sorts of crazy stuff and ideas. It will use the full potential of island expedition tech combined with other popular battle royale game features.
>battle royale
>pic related
This proposed level squish is a huge mistake.
>Class identity returned to the forefront over spec idenity. You are your class, with all your class's abilities, and have a choice in how you want to specialise while also not drastically altering what your character is.
>Dungeons are now much longer in form and require a lot more coordination. Drop gear that is entry level for raiding, but without becoming significants dwarfed by it. Normals exist for leveling, with heroics for end-game gearing. Mythics and Mythic+s for players who want to push themselves, but still only rewards heroic ilvl loot (cosmetic insentives for higher mythic+ completion). LFD now lets you choose if you want to search cross realm or only on your realm. New dungeons added each patch that complements the new raid in theme and usefulness (from new loot to teaching specific raid mechanics)
>Raid loot is slightly better, if not on par, with heroic dungeon loot in terms of stats, with its main insentive being the return of sets and set bonuses. All gear (including tabards) except trinkets is part of a set (12 items). Set bonuses exist in sets of 2, up to a maximum of 8 for the best bonuses. Each new raid introduces gear of the same ilvl and stat weight as the previous tiers, but with a new set bonus. Each raid remains relevant, and players are insentiviesed to run "older tiers" in order to obtain the gear and set combinations that best suit their playstyle and desire "build" (6 sets of 2, 3 sets of 4, an 8 set and two 2 sets, etc.). Titantforging in all it's forms is gone.
>LFD has a "search my realm only" options. LFR remains but does not reward loot and only serves to show new plays the basics of the fight to prepare them for real raiding (or to let casual players experience the story of expac specific to the raids).
Would you resub with these changes?
sounds like fucking shit
Fake since Blizzard will never have the balls to move on from the post-Cataclysm limbo that the game is stuck in for new players. Although I'll happily take a new intro for Worgen.
yes indeed I would
It would destroy the balance and zone progression on a cataclysmic level
This post: wasn't a "leak" - just me spitballing stuff I think would fix the game that also doesn't seem too drastic
>Fake since Blizzard will never have the balls to move on from the post-Cataclysm limbo that the game is stuck in for new players
That's actually the most realistic part, Ion has already said next expansion is being made with new players in mind
>expansion leak threads starting again
how fun
If they couldn't be arsed to move Night Elf and Undead starting zones for BFA I doubt they'll rework it for everyone else.
Has there ever been any leaks that actually rang true of an expansion that came out?
After I heard they’re gonna do the bullshit light versus void faction shit and completely get rid of the Alliance versus Horde factions I completely fully jumped ship from everything Blizz. It’s obvious they don’t give a shit and I don’t expect anything they make in the future to be good
I will buy the WC3 remaster because its my fav RTS but after that i'm done.
And Wow died after MoP as far as I'm concerned.
>mythic plus rewards cosmetic rewards
ya, they called that "challenge mode", and it was a horrific failure. Until they renamed it "mythic plus" and added loot to get people to actually play it.
because if they have to move two, they have to move them all
I think Wrath was predicted back in the day. But I'll chuck that down to it just being an extremely obvious next step for the game at the time.
But Alliance v Horde elements have always been the weakest part of wow.
>ai party members
literally already in
In hindsight they would have profited from stalling WOTLK as much as possible. If it had come out somewhere around where cata or mop did, they'd probably be in a better place. Killing off arthas so quickly was the dumbest thing they ever did.
I just want a Night Elf wife. Why won't they give me what I want?
I kinda hope the merged faction bullshit ends up being true for this reason, the war storywise has become extremely hamfisted and basically only exists as an excuse to have PvP. Game would be better off without it right now.
In hindsight MoP would have been literally the perfect expansion had it not changed to Orc garbage halfway through.
>Launch stays the same
>Horde and Alliance armies fighting over this new land stays the same
>More Pandaria raids
>ToT and Lei Shen as the final tier
But of course they had to go and ruin it and Metzen literally spoiled at BlizzCon that Garrosh was the final boss. Fucking Blizzard.
The Tinker class would be such an anticlimax since people have begged for it for years, same as DH.
It's all but confirmed now since Mechagon is based around the whole aspect as a foreshadow, but they'll probably name it something gay like 'Mechnomancer' or something.
ITT: larpers
if you didnt stop playing wow after wrath or burning crusade youre a cuck
Still my favorite expansion. The art direction alone is still to be exceeded.
I still play for the ERP.
fake. just speculation. too good to be true honestly. Ion is determined to kill wow at this point.
Wrath basically all but confirmed when BT had Northrend be visible in the sky.
Also name me ONE fucking world of warcraft leak that was EVER. EVER. EVER FUCKING TRUE. Remember all that shit about the twilight what the fuck ever? The whole naga thing? "WoW is totally coming to consoles!" All these leaks are all horseshit anyways.
Yeah, as someone that enjoyed siege, I don't fully understand why garrosh had to be the one to go crazy, on top of that to add onto your point, why didn't mop lead right into an old gods expansion? Garrosh goes crazy because of their ysharrjs heart, that entire plot point just kinda gets dropped and somehow leads into WOD, which is irredeemable shit in every capacity.
Appropiate, I sleep.
You can really tell the people who worked on it had fun doing so. Especially Dave Kosak, judging by that video at BlizzCon with him pitching ideas while holding a bamboo staff.
ITT: Incels that haven't gotten over their "2nd life"
It's the only reasonable explanation. What else could a team of more than a hundred people be doing all this time.
bfa has hit it's content drought months ago and is riddled with bugs.
>related to blizzard
My dad is blizzard
Here’s next logo
It's gonna be another Lich King expansion. Why else would they bring back Bolvar and introduce his daughter into the plot?
That one from over a decade ago that basically outlined the general layout for every expansion planned. It's not 100% accurate but it's been damn close.
Im pretty sure they released that intentionally to like stockholders or some shit
>playing wow after wotlk
ulduar patch was the last time the game was any good
I only miss TBC/Wrath era WoW because of the friends I played it with who are long gone. There was nothing fun about grinding dungeons in TBC or sitting in Dalaran in Wrath because I didnt have 5.5k+ GS and groups wouldn't take me, but I still have fond memories of that time spent with friends.
If they still played I would probably still be playing too.
Mop genuinely felt like a farewell from the old team before WOD came and turned the game into even more of an abomination than it already was. I'm at peace with wow dying after how much fun I had with mop, it was a perfect ending point for me.
You're delusional if you dont think the next expansion is going to be about the Black Empire
This was already leaked in June btw
probably the samefag OP
Probably one of the most retarded reasons ever congrats
I don't remember for sure, it's been a while but that might've been the case.
They'd be shooting themselves in the foot since literally NOBODY likes the Old Gods.
Oh shit that means it's true god damn it
Shadowlands, Black Empire and Dragonshit are all being built up, it's likely that none of them is going to be the sole focus if there's so much buildup to multiple things
really? thats gay
FFXIV GCD is way less than 2.5, that meme is by a retard who shitposted from his lv10 character.
>Removing heirlooms
You mean I just spent all that gold on upgrading every armour set for nothing?
>all that larping
God damn I hate attention whores
The brown girl you work with in the Boralus storyline is his daughter and is probably going to marry Anduin barring any intervention.
Really weird that whenever I see a warcraft discussion, it's always about what will come and not what already exists.
Really makes me think about the motivations of the thread starters.
Nah it’s blizzard too sorry
why do people do one-word responses like this instead of explaining their opinion
With the amount of microtransactions in their store and the boosters they try to sell you on, they better hope the only Awakening in there is going F2P because hardly anyone cares anymore
What's that got to do with him being the lich King tho? Technically his family name is still honorable isn't it? Didn't he die a hero as far as everyone knows?
>baby's first mmo
welcome to the real world faggot
If they actually do hunker down for an ambitious and enormous revamp of the whole game instead of the tried and true new zone/level increase/gimmick attractions I would probably give wow another shot.
I don't know how public his current identity is, Player DKs know its him at least.
FF14 already has more subs than WoW
It already lost lol
sub numbers are below the one million mark, game is officially smaller than final fantasy.
Ion did a great work.
Because they're either shitposting or they're afraid people will make fun of them for having a shit opinion.
it's fake.
blizzard isn't going to spend too much money developing a huge expansion like this since the games already been killed by Ion's team.
If anything it talks about the state of the game. I don't play ff14, but I go in those threads because I'm curious about the game, and everyone is in there discussing lore and their favorite scenes and whatnot. Wow threads are the epitome of "remember when?" And that speaks volumes to how shit this game is now.
Give names
Honestly the only ambitious thing they could do is dump the current game and make a new MMO on an engine that isnt decades old that relies on invisible rabbits dying to trigger events.
If they're planning on such a revamp then why not just make WoW 2 instead? The engine is closing in on twenty years old and it gets harder to build upon that with each expansion.
>factions are dying bros..........
Good, removing the faction barrier would make the game far better and fix a huge number of issues.
Add to it
>Mythic raids now have a 10 man option
>Mythic+ timer removed, you're unable to repair your gear after the first pull. Gear caps at +5/+10, higher difficulties rewards mats/recipes/cosmetics/gold. The higher the difficulty, the higher the drop rate and amounts.
>World quest chain, one daily, only rewards gold/mats/consumables
>Weakauras having any use outside of basic self buff tracking are disabled.
>You're actually a character in the story, not the manifestation of the will of the leaders who vanishes when looked at.
>Titanforging not only gone, but buried under a tombstone that states that this was a mistake
>Having a system that allows users to play wrongly. Stop the fucking handholding and streamlining. Shitters will always be shitters.
These are my wishes.
There's no talent there bro just admit it
>Sylvanas is going to get Kerrigan'd, revealing that all she did was to make everyone unite in opposition of her so they would realize that the faction split and warring over petty things cannot continue if they are to survive
I'm all for a factionless WoW, but I don't want them to absolve that bitch of anything.
That shit is so up in the air, because in legion multiple classes go into ICC to get their weapons and he very clearly screams at you to get the fuck out, how nobody seems worried that the lich King is still very much alive, whether they know it's bolvar or not, makes no sense to me
The last one quite literally stated he was just chucking his wishes out there.
It's a basic 'Chekhov's gun' story mechanic. If Bolvar's daughter is suddenly introduced to the plot for seemingly no reason and Bolvar isn't reintroduced to the plot as a result, then what is the point of making Taelia Bolvar's daughter in the first place?
And make it far easier for Male Orcs to breed Night Elf women.
t. seething casual that never got his MoP mount or WoD class set because no one would boost him
This is literally false lol
if you play MNK, you can lower the GCD down to 1.75 seconds.
(and idk if anyone else can lower the GCD anymore)
you still have to weave attacks inbetween the GCD though, which go on a secondary "GCD" (oGCD) which is limited to 0.7s. (doesnt trigger the GCD< but can clip it, if u press it too late between GCDs)
>still no playable sethrak
do some research sweaty
Fucking hear hear. You could do so much with the story of this game by just removing the factions. Having whoever the leader is (Lorthemar would be a good choice) struggling to keep the illusion of harmony while purists are murdering each other on a daily basis. It'd be like a Kino version of London.
Because they like fucking with horde leadership and relevant plot points are put into books so you spend even more shekels on blizz
I'm not sweaty it's just summer
Remember when Cairne disappeared because of a book
Good times
But he's standing in the Great Seal, bro
>2.5 sec GCD
2013 wants its memes back. The APM and amount of spells is greater than that of WoW now.
Glass houses, mate.
MNK is a shit class that requires a long time (relative to other melee dps) to get going, relies on timed stacks to maintain peak efficiency and has several abilities that are hardly ever, if literally ever, used.
And to top off all of the above, an optimally played MNK will lose in damage output to just an above average SAM or DRG.
twist: it is all true
we know the office structure and team makeup made the mess that is bfa possible to begin with
however, you have to be clinically retarded to the point of not being able to breathe on your own to think wow could go on without a hard reset for both world and characters
so in some way this seems plausible because of it being the most occam solution
Behind a 6 month recurring subscription. Get your creditcard out and start MTXing you dirty scrub.
not even kidding
That W is the ugliest fucking thing. No way it's real.
>Character progression already on a crash course for another item level squish after they JUST got done doing one
Seriously how did they fuck this up so bad? I know that getting stronger in a MMO is a thing but it's like they're not even trying to regulate it.
imagine believing this is amount of players online at one time. Cope pleb, WoW is still more popular
cope pleb
Come Home White Man
I'd unironically pay like 10 bucks to unlock them wihtout having to waste weeks grinding the rep on a character I'm gonna drop anyway.
This isn't an ilvl squish, this is an actual level squish. 120 back down to 60.
the problem with this is that outside of cheevos, theres no real reason to run new raids
raid 1 gives a full set of ilevel whatever gear with x y and z set bonuses
raid 2 gives a full set of the same ilvel gear but with a b and c set bonuses
while it would allow for more build variety it would cause stagnation if the new tier sets werent objectively an upgrade from the previous ones
I have no faith in Blizzard being able to pull that off in WoW without fucking some stuff up massively.
>Blizzard has to copy heavensward now
yeh no thanks
They already have the scaling tech ready.
That just makes it more likely to be true.
What about Pantheon?
Why isn't he helping out in Nazjatar? Azshara clearly isn't a part of the AvH conflict he's abstaining from.
he was sick of the alliance and horde's faggotry after legion (durr go back to war XDDD)
You think anyone at nu-Blizzard is capable of doing that?
What are some of the cool things that NuWow has occasionally done?
Looking up and seeing Argus burning felt like something that could have happened in the game's prime. Also had some Majora's Mask vibes which was nice.
That Scaling tech already has issues though, mostly you never feel like you're getting stronger because mobs level up with you and their health and damage goes up based on your item level.
>recycling the same fucking logo you LARPed with last xpac
lmao nah, pleb
That's why until you hit certain points, leveling for the most part is meaningless, and it could more easily be squished. I'm expecting a lot of exploits though, like with everything else.
Mobs don't do more damage based on gear, only their health goes up. It's supposed to slow down power creep but after the next raid comes out, mobs look like they came out of the last expac.
is this your first exp?
removing things that costed you gold or acheivements is not new
Come.. ERP with me, user. Pay me my sub
They need to just go the ESO route and make subscriptions a benefits option and not mandatory to keep playing past level 20.
Nobody's willing to give you $15 a month for a glorified chat room.
Okay. Do you mind Alliance men?
They wouldn't need to be an upgrade, they'd just need to provide unique bonuses that are well designed and allow for combo potential with the existing sets.
You'd only not be insentivised to get every set for you class if one set was objectively bad. Otherwise, even if only the 2 set is what you're after, you'd still want to get it.
I guess an improvement could be that each item type (head, shoulders, neck, etc) in each set has something unique about that item specifically, so it's not just about the raw set bonuses but also what items you make it up with (could be just secondary stats, but could also be passive/actives and so on).
I think Legion might be one of those cases where the product isn't that great but it came at the right time.
ahh, they will milk Cthun
There recent treasure hunt stuff has been pretty interesting.
They could have made them really boring/uninvolved, but a lot of the secrets have been genuinly well though out. An example would be that part of the hivemind chain requires you to get a combination for a "lock", and the digits for it are determined by the exact amount of damage one of the party members takes from clicking on a specific item.
Wouldn't be suprised if the next one they introduce requires you to go into the games' own files for some sort of code.
Only "issue" with them is that they get solved pretty quickly by the discord set up specifically for them, and step-by-step guides let any retard reap the rewards (which is all nu-wow is about anyway)
It's Blizzard. Activision bought them out from Vivendi and gave them full creative freedom when instead they should have kept them on a tight leash like the French did. Blizzard was only ever good at polishing stolen ideas and never at creating things of their own.
It's because they managed to course correct. Prior to ToS, the launch systems of legendaries and artifacts had clearly failed and pretty much everyone was unhappy.
Then, patch 7.2 comes out, does away with those systems almost entirely, as well as providing one of the best raids in literal years and a new "mega dungeon" in the form of kara (I think this is when Mythic+s really took off too since they also fixed the shitty keystone system). Suddenly, everyone is actually enjoying themselves now they can play the game without having to deal with being forced to do garbage content daily to keep up with everyone else. Queue argus and antorus and the expac actually managed to end on a high note.
They've fucked up in the exact same way they did with legion in BFA, only this time the shit system they forced on everyone has been rejected by the players even worse because it's literally as if they took everything they learned in legion and set fire to it. Now it's 8.2, and yet again the main selling point is that it will "fix" the shit systems by basically doing away with them. Wether or not this can actually save the game is down to if the raid is any good and if the playerbase hasn't completely lost faith.
It's a safe bet at this point to assume that the main selling point of the next expac will be unrecognisable/gone completely come 9.2.
There's nothing to milk in the first place.
But I love Blood Elf women :(
yes it is
cthun was under the silithus that was pierced by the big ass sord
they WILL milk him at some point
true, we should give square our money, with all their masterpieces like FFXV
There's nothing to milk. He isn't a character. It's just vague stuff and shitty lore. The moment you focus on cosmic entities the story becomes bad no matter what.
There's a reason why Lovecraft doesn't explain shit.
>all that negativity in the dojo
lighten up guys, it's going to be great
faction system really does need a overhaul, it's so damn simple & the at war option is very underused
A bit late for that, seeing how they've already touched upon entities that are a tier above of the old gods.
blizzard had always been autonomous until activision. their owners have always owned them as a cash investment, not to take operational control. vivendi in the first place isn't a games company, they have no idea how to run a game business, they just have the money to buy them out. prior to vivendi, blizzard was owned by the same corporate holdings as avis, the rental car company. they were free to operate however they wanted.
activision was the death of blizzard because activision IS a games company, and actively meddled in blizzard's operations after they purchased their shares back from vivendi to become independent. in short, "activision blizzard" is a lie, because activision basically bought out the whole company in 2013, so in effect there is now only activision. "blizzard" is nothing more than a label at this point to keep the drones complacent
kill yourself.
Devs have literally been fired for saying as much before.
whats this shit about redbull and the world first race
>god that looks so photoshoped
So an improvement over BFA
it's at an angle. So that makes it legit.
So if both EK and Kalimdor are getting a revamp, what will happen to the current zones? Will everything permanently change for everybody aka cataclysm, or will we be able to choose to go back and forth between the new zones like we can in Silithus for example?
Letting us switch between each zone would be huge work and tons of new content on top of the existing stuff
And what about TBC zones and zones that already have two versions?
Funny how none of the leaks have addressed these questions
Funny how the game went to shit after wotlk, with subs steadily dropping, the same year (2008) that activision bought blizzard
get woke
go broke
>Will everything permanently change for everybody aka cataclysm
God i hope this whole layering hurr durr see the region as it was in the past along with cross server shit has turned the game into a single player game
I doubt that any of the expansion will be much affected though just the old world. I hope they stick with changes that wont be irrelevant by the end of the expansion like with cata
you wish
between classic release and wc3 remaster this will probably be their best financial year
you're gonna be the first to get the cut when the layoffs come shill
Retail is just shit in general, lore and dragons aren't going to save it.
lmao i am not a queer buying their shit but faggots are gonna shill out 15 bucks next month to play a buggy version of classic and theres nothing you can do about it
>got this from someone related to Blizzard
I'm calling bull.
>there was a time where this kind of thing would get me overly excited
>tfw don't even give a fuck about any games related to them anymore
Feels good, thanks blizz
One thing in here that is actually confirmed true is that the level cap is being lowered
I dont remember when that was confirmed though, might give it some legitimacy
Not like it matters though, the game will be dead after the BFA blunder of the century
Related to John Q Blizzard himself?
Read: It wasn't WoD. Pretty much all of BFA's problems are evolutions of Legion systems that players asked for in one way or another. Legion was shit that was carried entirely by setting and a few good decisions like the Mage Tower. Artifacts were shit. The class balance to make artifacts work has crippled the game. Mythic+ while in and of itself is neat, has 100% irreparably fucked item level progression. Arena was quite literally the worst it had ever been. BFA arena is bad but holy shit legion 3s was atrocious. In their attempt to unfuck what they did in WoD they gave people a small hit of endorphins but made everything cataclysmically worse.
Fuck legion and fuck the modern state of WoW.
Get cancer
Matches theories about Dragon Aspects focused expansion set on the Dragon Isles.
what even is the point of mob scaling?
If you end up doing the exact same amount of % damage per each attack then... what the fuck is the point of the glowing effect saying a number went up when everything stays the same?
Old Wow leveling:
>you stayed the exact same at first
>except you could equip new gear (reward moment)
>except you could buy new skills (reward moment)
>except you could invest in new talents for specialization (reward moment)
new wow:
>you stay the same
>you can (maybe) invest in new talent
>worse than you becoming better, the world suddenly is even worse (opposite of reward)
>off gcd
>class mechanics
The whole system is fucked and broken
getting weaker after leveling has been a thing for a long time, mob scaling just makes it twice as worse
When did it start, cata? You'd level up and healers would be fucked by increase mana costs