I hope you didn't play the game on easy mode, user

I hope you didn't play the game on easy mode, user...

Attached: Sekiro_8.0.jpg (1200x800, 184K)

>got all the endings
>dont' have it in me to sit and grind skill points

Fuck the retard who fucking though this shit needed to cost so much.

>implying health back on deathblow wasn't vastly more trivializing than muh flashbang

easy mode is selecting items through the pause menu instead of actually equipping them to that wheel thing and then trying to juggle when you actually need a pacifying agent or something

>not smashing your hand with a ball peen hammer every 5 minutes to increase the difficulty.


Easy mode is using prosthetics at all or broken combat arts like double ichimonji. What even is the point of playing this game if you don't want to experience the boss/mini-boss's moveset and learn to counter it.

Why not use it if the game lets you?

Easy mode being what specifically? Keeping the charm and not ringing the bell? Using prosthetics? Not pouring hot sauce into your eyes before each session? Explain your stupid ass shitposting OP.

This seems boring as fuck, I prefer to use the prosthetics in creative ways, like how they're meant to be used.

>Keeping the charm and not ringing the bell? Using prosthetics? Not pouring hot sauce into your eyes before each session?
One of these is not like the others. Autists won't be able to tell though.

It isn't, it's much more fun this way and more satisfying to wipe the floor with the boss because you counter every move. They die fast and you feel like a god. Compare that to the cheese tactics that people try to find for literally every mini boss in the game by using certain prosthetics. It's like cheating to skip content, might as well play another game if you want to skip it.

I guess the more correct thing to say is that I don't like hard counter prosthetic/combat art use, not any use of them at all.

Two are casual choices for baby soulsfags and one is for people who want a challenge. Nice job outing yourself faggot. You cheated yourself nonsaucer.

Hey man, if it makes the game harder then it makes my dick harder.

Did both final bosses with bell demon, no charm. Did a no true death, shura ending with bell demon on. I got decent at the game. Great game.

The game just turns into a sequence of QTEs where no strategy is involved like Guitar Hero or Dance Dance Revolution, it's boring as fuck, that's why people try to find more uses out of their prosthetics and combat arts.

>challenge by incuring inflated numbers and artificial difficulty
People actually defend this

>telling someone how to play a fucking videogame

Just get a life faggots

>not doing a pacifist run

Yeah, but you can boil down any game to "reaction-based QTE", it's not really informative. Sekiro is indeed a rhythm game hiding behind samurais and shinobis. Prosthetics can help enhance that, but a lot of the time they can hinder that rhythmic dance by hard countering or just disrupting the fight and leading to an easy victory. Which is just skipping the reaction-based rhythmic gameplay that is required to beat the bosses. But that's the meat of the game, if you want something else then literally any other game in existence will be more appropriate than sekiro. I don't even particularly like this game but that's what it is and was designed for.

there is an Easy Mode?

I'm trying to think this through. Get through the game killing/attacking as few enemies as possible as a challenge run. Would make the unskippable mini-bosses harder as you wouldn't be allowed to damage the mooks. Though I think people good at the game already do this and speedrunners already skip almost all of these encounters anyway.

>Yeah, but you can boil down any game to "reaction-based QTE", it's not really informative
Not really, but it depends on the way the game is built. If you have to take risks in order to ensure victory when the game involves RNG or you slowly lose over time, then you can't just win by reacting to things, you have to be proactive. Imagine Monster Hunter where the timers to beat the monsters would be short. Dodging attacks and doing small attacks yourself wouldn't be enough.

Guitar Hero being a series of QTEs makes sense because the game is about replicating the music, not diverging from it. The problem with Sekiro is that it's supposed to be a combat game, but it's almost impossible to be proactive. That's why removing even more of the proactive elements like prosthetics and combat arts just makes it more boring.

NG+ Kuro's charm no demon bell. For non-NG+ just get the mask and grind attack to 14.

The memories, gourd seeds, and health upgrades do a lot to make the game easier, and you choose to put them on. Plus sneak attack all the minibosses to cut the fight in half.

I'm playing with demon bell for maximum satisfaction.

Attached: Screenshot_20190706-151843.png (1920x1080, 686K)

>but it's almost impossible to be proactive
I strongly disagree with that, the way I played the game involved getting into a boss's face and pressuring them as much as possible while deflecting every counter that came towards me and continuing the onslaught until their posture broke. I also think that's the most satisfying way to play, but it's just one person's opinion. In fact, I would say the game encourages you to be proactive by having the posture system. The posture system is there to throw you into the rhythmic gameplay and reward you with a fast kill if your reactions and counters are on point. Compared to souls where you can just dodge everything and chip at an enemy's health. You can do this in sekiro as well but it's much more tedious, there's a reason they made healthbars so big for bosses. The rhythmic posture-driven combat is where the developers have focused imo, and why these swordfights are the most fleshed out parts of the game. The prosthetics adding further proactivity as you put it isn't bad on its own, the problem is that some of them completely shut down opponents and give the player an easy deathblow without having to go through a boss's moveset. Again, I'm not talking about prosthetic/combat art use universally, just when it's hard counters that give the player a significant shortcut (think sabimaru against snake eyes or firecrackers against beast type enemies).

Let me know if I'm misunderstanding something you said.