How would you Konmari your Steam library?
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Guess my library’s empty, then.
stop advertising dude.
I wouldn't
How this would improve anything?
I deleted all the shit games and went from 200 games to 70
So I keep games i liked?
So all of my games?
>linking to pc gamer.
Favourites menu keeps the wheat from the chaff.
Active then further filters to only the games I am currently focusing on.
MP is a utility catalog of everything I can play with friends for if we ever aren't sure of what to do.
ALSO let's archive that pcgamer link OP, you're welcome:
>digitally rent game licenses
>now delete these
Nice try sholomo. I keep cracked copies of every game on a cold backup pc.
Steam allows deletion of licenses now, you actually can get rid of games if you want.
I have to remove at least two hundred garbage games that were given away
Since when? When I tried to delete I found out it was a glorified hide mechanic so I could always get them back if I wanted.
Based archiveposter
>Active then further filters to only the games I am currently focusing on.
Imagine having such a basket OCD case that you even do this.
Here's a much simpler way to do what you are doing: Uninstall games you are not playing regulary and then change the view to installed or recent. Works just fine for my +1000 library.
i don't remember. since few years ago i think. it's just somewhat hidden. don't see the point though when you can just hide the games if you want to.
I just move shit to a "games I'll never play" catagory. Why would I delete them?
gameboy means games i play on my GPD win 2
>sparked joy
What does that imply though? Little Nightmares wasn't joyful, but I enjoyed it for what it was
have to say i don't get the recent view. must be bugged or something. it always shows up almost the whole library. there's games that i haven't played or installed in over 10 years. not that it matters.
Fuck marie kendo and her jap nosense
you're based too user!
I've been considering a quality ranking system for organizing but I feel like I play and enjoy enough dogshit that it'd end up being more satisfying than functional
>uninstall games
I'm pretty sure I'm depressed in a medical sense; nothing sparks joy for me and hasn't in many, many years.
If I got rid of everything that does not spark joy I'd hang myself.
What is the fucking point if your steam library doesn't take up physical space? What a fucking joke. Fuck (((journalism)))
Disgusting and unorganized.
Everything bought during a sale goes into the default Games folder, anything I haven't finished by next sale is transferred into the Unplayed folder, anything I do play through gets sorted.
Joy? What's that?
>disgusting and unorganized
>creates more filler categories that only hold 6 titles
What's in the Buyers remorse folder user?
Only filler is Total War (with 6 titles), and this is because Rome: Total War breaks with all the other titles and triggers my OCD; they need to be excluded into their own folder.
I have played all of them for a decent amount of time or fully, before putting them in here.
Bloodstained, Tekken 7.
That's about it.
Whats wrong with Max payne, star wars, bully and witcher?
This, just stop buying bundles.
>more fucking sheep are falling for the shit this flat faced whore is spewing
Probably Civ 6 it's my comfort game
There's really no reason to ever "delete" your access to anything. Just dump shit you'll never play into a "not interested" category or something, and leave it hidden.
Why is downsizing your bloated life and reducing mindless consumerism disgusting to you?
Here's how I organize. When I finish more games I will make a favorites list. Only own like 90 games.
All of them, I treasure everything I have
>sparked joy
Why are people using this phrase now?
Only games I can truly disagree with being on that list is Bully and KOTOR if it's the sequel
otherwise that's some acceptable taste you got there
Max Payne is dull, the jumping slow-mo mechanic isn't enough to build a game around. Couldn't get immersed into the plot/comic-book aesthetic.
>star wars
Crashes non-stop, can't play them.
Boring game, dropped it after 10 hours.
Terrible combat.
You know who doesn't spark joy?
Bitches who be asking to throw MY shit out.
Ongoing process, went from almost 700 to about 320 now. Suprise: Only games I actively bought remained so far, 99.9% of stuff I got in bundles, I threw out.
The self organising shit is a scam
And self organising doctrine is not mindless how? It won't magically make you into a productive person. It may be a stepping stone since you've started doing something, and self organising may be a good start, but if people have no plans on improving their life after it and think this is the endgame by itself then it's about as useless and counterproductive as hoarding. I love my bloat, fuck off you jap freak.
Attachment is the root of suffering, my man. Learn to let go and you'll end up much happier. All the downsizing and organizing helps you practice a mindset of not being overly attached to dumb shit and can lend to much better behaviors in other areas of your life.
Everything I already got installed? I don't keep games I hate installed and I don't install something unless I plan on playing it immediately.
I'm attached to money, I don't want to get rid of it. What do?
That Marie Kondo Netflix show.
>Attachment is the root of suffering, my man.
And having no attachments makes you into a hollow sociopath, where you may not be depressed, but still feel apathetic towards everything, so?
>Max Payne 1 and 2
>Jet Set Radio
>buyer's remorse
I fucking loathe you m8.
>Resident Evil 4
Just the weebshit, purge the rest.
I have a category called "shit I dont play" and I put all the bad bundle games into that.
Just my backlog I guess, that way I dont get distracted by the games I already beat and keep replaying
>Dark Messiah of Might & Magic
Whatever you had planned for tonight, cancel that shit. You're going to play some kick ass game.
*blocks you are path*
I disagree. I think learning to let go can strengthen your appreciation for what you have. It's about focusing on what's really important and devoting more emotional energy to fewer things rather than stretching yourself thin trying to hold onto way more than you need.
i'd remove the 216 games i've platinumed and keep the rest
Stupid premise as uninstalled games take zero space and if you wanted to you could even hide them from your library while still owning them.
If future, when linking an article use an archive newfriend.
i have only three (more like two) games installed: puyo puyo tetris, puyo puyo champions and ftl
konmari my ass
I organize by game type and then a number between 1 - 5 that means how much I want to play it in the near future.
So 1 is for something I will play next and 5 is something I might play if I am bored and feel like passing the time but not want to pay that much attention.
Need to do this sometime. I can probably cut hundreds of bundle garbage I activated before wising up a little.
thanks but we don't get ad revenue that way
>what is adblocker
not a whole lot honestly. mostly games I played with friends(some of the sp ones included)
I like to use favourites to keep track of whatever I'm playing at the moment, since favourites is the most easily updated category
DX: Human Revolution is dogshit. Play DX and DX: Mankind Divided
Everything here sans Infested Planet
I've already deleted steam and only use the epic game store, as it has much better games than the porn store could ever offer
witcher 3, monster hunter world, terraria
good boy, now buy fo tactics and 1/2
love you Toddy
Hiding the game doesn't remove them from your games tab on your profile, but chances are most people still have it set to friends-only/private which is the default setting or you're jsut a faggot who doesn't wanna show which games or how many he owns despite the fact your badge will tell em.
That's such a loaded fucking title. Different things spark joy in me on different occasions. Sure there are games that I might favor above all the rest no matter what, but it is not so easily cut and dry black and white shit. This like/dislike culture that's pushed so heavily is fucking cancer and it ties directly into mob manipulation via outrage culture.
This was hard, unlike many other people I don't buy monthly bundles and only get the special bundles when I know I like all the games or could get a game I want for cheap within a bundle tier. Only trash I've gotten was the gacha shit from Fanatical for like .99 cents. Own like 92 games and packed my wishlist with only games and visual novels I know I will actually care about which is about 90. This is so I don't make poor choices and don't feel the need to have to delete games because I will never play them, because I research every purchase and I know my own taste and budget.
besides theres no reason to konmari a game library, especially not if its digital
Nothing, fuck PC gaming.
how's life under that rock user
>sparked joy
fuck off with this shit i wish all you freaks would just fucking die already anyone who listens to that cunt should be put in a shallow grave and shot fuck her and fuck you for falling for it
fucking god dammit stupid fucking people
Fable. Peter's greatest invention.
it literally doesn't take up any space you fucking NIGGERSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
>having more than five letter grades
Which version should I get? Want TLC but only reason I want the remaster is for controller support but everything looks ugly.
>How would you Konmari your Steam library?
>throwing things away that don't "spark joy"
What a fucking retarded trend, I'm surprised I got to hear it from Yea Forums in a game. Only absolute retards need whatever "methods" are available to them in order to organize their life. You should already be aware of what you're buying and if things themselves are potentially useful in the near future, which you should then keep, not follow some arbitrary rule like it needing to "spark joy".
>dude just give all you shit away and you'll be happy
This is the same as "just bee urself" but you fags eat it up because some 4 foot tall Nip slut is saying it.
Fuck off.
How do I add favorites and active menus to my Steam?
right click, add categories
Oh, it's manual.
When I saw the word "active" I assumed it was automatically generated based on what you're playing.
nothing individually sparks joy
what sparks joy is the illusion of choice and that I have the potential to play any of these games even though ultimately I'll just stare at my monitor regretting every decision in life hoping that this time when I go to sleep I won't wake up anymore
is team fortress 2 worth playing if I haven't touched it since before it went free to play?
A few things.
One, not everything needs to spark joy. In fact, some things shouldn't. Sometimes we need to do hard things or be persevere through trials to be stronger. Even in something silly like video games - don't play games you hate, of course, but if a game gets frustrating or really challenging, I'm sure it stops "sparking joy," but you should grow and challenge yourself.
Two, just make a category called "Doesn't Spark Joy" instead of deleting licenses. Why would you delete instead of just uninstall and hide? That's not very wise.
Three, you shouldn't ever link directly to PC gamer, because it gives them clicks and legitimacy.
Four, even if you removed things that don't spark joy, you'll find that your life won't improve at all and your shallow lifestyle will catch up with you eventually.
> Dragon age origins
> Subnautica
> Valkyria Chronicles
> Slay the spire
>caring about what other people will think
I remember being in high school.
>X-COM Ufo Defense
>X-COM Terror From the Deep
>Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive
>Opposing Force
end of list
Even though i own over 200 steam games, i would say 90%+ are games i am genuinely interested in, have enjoyed or will enjoy when i get to them.
I dont own much shit from bundles.
This "suggestion" of keeping only the good things only really applies to real life hoarders, not a virtual backlog of entertainment.
Whoever wrote that article is retarded.
Anyone here taking that seriously is retarded
>video games
This thread and that article are stupid.
Most games people own here are inheriting enjoyable.
This advice only applies to people pathologically invested into something they dont enjoy any longer. Like a wowfag who hates the game but still cant let go, or someone forcing himself to play a major blunder like Artifact or Anthem, or someone for some reason trying to beat Superman 64. Those people need to let go and go play something enjoyable.
For everyone else here, who actually likes video games, i would strongly argue 95% of their steam library is enjoyable in some way.
The only thing i learned from that article is that most journalists from PCgamer dont actually like gaming and only like 3 games were ever enjoyable for them (what a big surprise)
>100% orange juice
>stardew valley
>yakuza 0
Xcom and xcom 2
I have so many friends who buy games on a whim and never even install them and go on their lives, spending hundreds on steam sales over and over again, totalling thousands of games.
People with a disposable income are scary sometimes.