Tfw too much anxiety to play multiplayer games

>tfw too much anxiety to play multiplayer games

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Used to be like you
Just mindlessly insult everyone if they make the slightest comment towards you, you'll toughen up over time

Are these threads procedurally generated by a bot?

>"Hey bro, you got a mic?"

Most """people""" you will encounter are barely even people so I wouldn't worry about it.

how is this a thing? my buddy was complaining about this shit the other day. its a fucking video game, just play the fucking thing

How do people like you even survive going outside for absolute necessities like going to work or shopping? How does one even grow to be so pathetic? Fucking faggot.

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I feel this way with new games.
...And then, I get good.
The anxiety vanishes.

I started playing tons of fighting games online, the anxiety is less but still there every match. I'm probably taking years off my life.

>tfw too much anxiety to ask a grl out even when i know that she likes me even more than i like her and thathe would say yes with a 100% chance
Worst feeling in the world, are love letters too cheesy?

Just do it via text. That way, you're not face to face.

>a girl likes you
Lucky bastard.

>gaming chat turns into a political discussion

I can't send her a text because i don't know her number, she's my neighbor and the cashier at a small store near our homes
I'm actually pretty good looking and i get a lot of female attention but the reason why i really want to land this girl is because she's very beautiful, goth and has blue eye with black hair and i love that type. I'll write her a small letter with my phone number and see if she calls me

Just do it in person you weirdo

Good idea, probably the best thing you can possibly do.
Grats on winning the gene lottery. I say that without a hint of sarcasm at all. I truly mean it. I'm happy for you, user.

>So about these fucking jews, eh?

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>Used to be incredibly social when I played vidya online in high school
>Now I just mute people who ask me if I have a mic
I don't know what happened.

I would muster up the little courage i have and endure the anxiety if she were alone bur she isn't, the store is always full of people and her boss is always on her ass, it would be very awkward to start sperging on her while there's three customers behind me and her boss (and a cop who protects the store) are behind her. I would have to loterally stalk her until she finished her shift to be alone with her and that would be even weirder
I'm no Adonis, i'm just like a shorter but manlier version of Jared Leto. And don't be so happy about me, it hurts horribly knowing that you could get women if you just spoke to them but you're a virgin because anxiety cripples you so much that you can't even talk to them


kill yourself pedo


I can't play team based shooters anymore because I hate working with other people.

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Reminder that most people on multiplayer games are probably as or more anxious than you

I find it especially bad when playing an MMO like FFXIV, where if you want to do certain content people get serious and will call you out if you underperform. You fuck up once and everyone blames you, and kicks you out of the group. I can’t handle that shit.

It doesn't really matter what you do because with your garbage personality it's pretty much guaranteed that it's not going to work.

Thats what you get for letting the media feminize your emotions

>guild requirements

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I pretty much always start my own guild in games these days - not because I'm adverse to microphones, but so many guilds turn it into a job application and demand you become a part of this discord, or that web group, or have so much activity on this channel. It's silly.

Yeah but how the FUCK do you find people to join, unless it's just with friends?

I know that but still i want to try, i would hate myself forever if i don't say anything. I don't want to let this condition destroy me without a fight

It's certainly one of those "leveling guilds" that people just join for the perks then leave immediately when they get level cap

Just pretend they're all NPCs. It's true 99% of the time.

Out of curiosity how do you know she likes you so much and doesn't already have a boyfriend if you only see her at the register? Asking for a friend.

Just ask her if she wants to go out retard

Don't do it, don't say anything.
Stay comfy inside your house.

>Not aggressively embarrassing yourself and making risky calls and decisions constantly because it's just a video game and completely disconnected from your real life.

good fuck multiplayer games, fuck mobas and fuck word filtering tranny devs!

This. If you want to partake in multiplayer cancer you need to be aggressive towards anyone who even hints at flaming you. If you act nice you will just get insulted and blamed more.
Alternatively mute chat every game.