Game features artificial difficulty

>game features artificial difficulty

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What is artificial difficulty really?

real life has artificial difficulty
>grinding out the ass
>pay to win
>skill checks
>randomized starting stats

bring cure potions next time ya fuck

When I'm pounding your moms pussy and your father comes home early from work.

>she forgot the restore potions

Just burn him, lmao.

just play manlet elf race for resist deceases trait

trial and error style gameplay like i wanna be the guy/boshy where the game kills you while giving absolutely no warning or hint that it'll kill you

Anything I don't like

should have bought a restore strength potion, you filthy casual.

I've thought about this quite a bit actually and the measure is a challenge whose design was not based around challenging your technical skills or the base version of the design was but the numbers were simply turned up after the first revision. Basically when a boss, enemy, encounter or challenge is just being lazy and uses quantity or cheap tricks rather than quality to challenge the player.

I've basically come to see Artificial difficulty not as a player-side thing but rather as a developer thing. When I look at something and say its artificial difficulty I literally mean the developers were lazy and the encounters were not intelligently designed. The difficulty is artificial because they didn't actually have anything in mind when creating it other than "Creating difficulty for player" so Artificial Difficulty. Seems a lot more applicable to me.

just use a shrine nigger, there is a spell in the game that everyone can use with 100% effectiveness that teleports you to a place with a shrine

>get hit by damage strength
>not be a pure mage that travels light
Me and my custom fireballs on target will be over here laughing at you

Attached: A9D20623-D2EA-4E83-95EA-68F551FC5F00.jpg (1024x768, 85K)

>didn't just make a spell that restores all stats to 100 with enough fortify intellect potions to be able to cast unlimited spells.
>The quality that separates men from gods.
What a grand and intoxicating innocence.

Artificial difficulty is difficulty which is artificial.

all video games are artificially difficult by that logic.

Artificial Difficulty used to mean shit like a game being hard because the controls were shit and unresponsive or other problems like that.

the ONLY FUCKING REAL DEFINITION for artificial difficulty is when you increase the difficulty and it doesnt do anything besides give enemies more health. real difficulty should change how many and what kinds of enemies are present, or make their AI smarter

Hahaha if they could even hit me MAYBE. And I play a melee only redguard so you’re exceptionally bad

This. I would add bad camera as being the worst.

Keep your fucking trap shut, asshole!

>he didn't make restore attribute for 8 points for each attribute